
Here we go with another stellar news column. Yesterday we ran out to Big Bear Choppers and witnessed the final stages of 20 long bikes being prepped for shipment to Katar.

Ray Wheeler, the Bikernet Performance Editor tagged along and road tested Kevin’s Big Bear Chopper Titanium FXR. Kevin is the King of long Choppers and now the second manufacturer to embrace the FXR platform with a much improved performance model.

We like to say FXRs Forever around the Bikernet headquarters, and it’s cool to see, ride, and feature Kevin’s Titanium version. You will see the story next week right here. Behind the styling of Sons of Anarchy Dyna’s Kevin stepped even beyond the Dyna configuration to bring riders a tough as nails 110-inch S&S powered, Ohlins suspended hot rod capable of constant cross country runs. A recent customer considered buying a new Dyna and making SOA upgrades, but after he ran the numbers, he decided on a Titanium instead.

Let’s hit the news:

The Thursday News is sponsored in part by IronWorks and Cycle Source magazines, and

KIWI MIKE ON THE ROAD–Ed Kretz Jr passed away last Sun so I thought it was fitting to ride an Indian from the west coast to bring everyone’s sympathy along. Sort of a tribute ride.

Little did I know a storm was about hit and make it such a challenging adventurous ride with knocked out secondary roads I like to take and way outa the way detours like hours out of my way.

Oh well. I finally made it Castle Rock, Colo, which is just south of Denver only to be by the storms again. Ya just gotta laugh about this stuff.

Looking forwards to some sun lol.
And the real shitter is I had to stop at a Harley store in Durango to buy some heavy-duty rain gear and give those buggers $200.00 of my Indian money.

This shot was taken last Sun early in the morning. The bit of blue sky lasted only 15 mins. Then back to clouds and the usual Colorado storms. Pikes Peak, 14,110′. Awesome experience to be up this high in the clouds.

Got back home last night in time for wife good home cooking. Funeral went good. Sun left early to head up Pikes peak. Excellent ride to 14,110 feet. Some 2,600 miles, six days in the saddle, multiple rain storms, road closures, stabbing deaths in roadway and so on. All good mate.

I came across several groups of Harley riders. They asked where my back-up vehicle was and where’s my luggage. I’d say, “See that little bag on the back, if it doesn’t fit in there I don’t take it. My clothes are six pairs of undies, three T-shirts, four pairs of socks, one jeans, shaver, toilet bag and riding gear. That’s it!!!

–Mike Tomas
Kiwi Indian Motorcycle Co
“We Do Indians Right”

PS. Also add to my clothes list one each Minus 33 brand of long sleeve thermal undershirt and longs. This stuff isn’t synthetic and I learned from the around the world riders that it is super warm, doesn’t smell from extended wear as its special Marino wool.

My safety gear is Olympia Moto Sports. Love their gear and I will never ride with a leather jacket again.

It ain’t bad for a 1948 Chief and a 53-year-old rider who still hasn’t found his limits. I have a wonderful wife who allows me such adventures.
Turn every ride into and adventure, ride a Kiwi Indian.

MEETING OF THE MINDS LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE COMING –Meeting of the Minds is just a few days away. I have a couple of reminders for all who are planning to attend.

Please clean out your closets and bring your clean, gently used t-shirts to put on the “New to You” table. This is the table in the Products room where we sell gently used motorcycle related t-shirts. Bring yours in to help raise money for the MRF. And be sure to purchase a few for your wardrobe; again to raise money for the MRF.

For those who will be flying into Columbus, remember to take the hotel phone number with you. When your flight lands you will need to call the hotel for shuttle pick-up. They will check your name against the room reservation list and send the shuttle for registered guests at no charge. You cannot pre-schedule the shuttle. They will only take the information upon your arrival. The phone number is (614) 885-1885.

I just checked the long term weather forecast and it appears those who will be riding in should have nice weather. There is a slight chance of rain moving from the west coast to the east coast so all should be dry. I look forward to seeing you all soon.

FXRS FOREVER, New Bikernet Reader Comment!– First Million-Mile Harley-Davidson

Congratulations! I own a black 1984 FXRT also. These are great riding motorcycles. Mine has 48,000 miles on it. It runs great. This is my first Harley-Davidson and the first year for the Evo engine I believe. I am the second owner.

The first owner was flat tracking on pavement when he hit some gravel. He broke his ankle pretty bad. That ole girl needed a new home. He gave up riding. My bike now, she is a sexy old lady. I have test ridden newer bikes and liked them but my old sexy lady feels better. When riding to big gatherings sometimes I feel envious of all the new Harleys.

Just about every time some seasoned biker will walk up and give the old girl a compliment. That makes my day. One time on a run at the coast we pulled into a dealership (which was one of the poker run stops) all that chrome and polished bikes filling the parking lot.

Three mechanics were standing outside taking in the sights on break. They walked past all the other bikes to check out my ride. They pointed at things that I machined and custom built. Good feeling.

So when I look at the million mile Harley-Davidson I know what Zein is feeling. He has my utmost respect. I`ve got some riding to do to wear my old lady out. 🙂

Ride free

–Bob Fegles
Springfield, OR

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER RELEASES DR. WEIL FINDINGS–Two Reasons Not to Eat Before Bed– You may remember being warned not to eat just before you swim. But what about not eating just before bed?

If you have ever eaten a big meal late in the evening, chances are you have had trouble falling or staying asleep. Why?

1.It is more difficult to digest food when lying down. Our digestive tracts work best when we are upright – sitting, standing or even walking. When you lie down after a meal, gravity can disrupt proper digestion; this can lead to acid reflux, or heartburn, which can hinder sleep.
2.Digesting food requires the body to expend energy. This can interfere with the relaxed metabolic state required for sleep.

Instead of eating large meals later in the evening, eat them earlier in the day, when the body will best use the energy the food provides. And be sure to limit any late-evening eating to small, healthful snacks.

HISTORIC PHOTO OF THE WEEK– The smallest shop in London – a shoe salesman with a 1.2 square meter shoe store, 1900.

–from Vern

I WALKED TO THE MOUNTAIN—And sought higher learning. A brother reminded me of a couple of truths that hit home. If someone makes more money it benefits others. He hires more folks, buys my shit, etc. So if you restrict that individual, or stop him, he stops benefiting others. Simple.

On the other hand, you can’t add liberty or freedoms. We only have so much, and every time the government passes another restriction more liberty is gone, period. We can’t make more. Plus, it’s almost impossible to eliminate government entities once they are born. Scary

There is a coin. On one side is freedom and on the other is responsibility. You can’t have one without the other. So how can you take on more responsibilities– through education.

–Ming the Merciless

JOHNNY CHOP’S DOG–I was digging through looking for Eastwood related stuff to send you for the Thursday News, and found these two images of Johnny Chop. That’s his dog Louie as a puppy. I’d had email contact with his girlfriend some months after Johnny’s death, and she said was she living in Florida, and Louie was with her.

I guess it’s not hard to tell, dogs mean more to me than anything.

–John Gilbert

Are you sick and tired of the paid media bombarding you with negativity and bad vibes. Paid Media in India and rest of the world are paid by Corporations and Governments and Political Groups. The paid media spreads negativity and does fear-mongering so that you the audience run to the Corporations and Political Groups for soliciting their products and services.

Free yourself from the burden of negativity focused on you by daily news in TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazines.

Only Positive Vibes coming your way.

In Christian mythology, the term “Good News” means a message from a God-realised Soul. We promise to motivate you everyday with real world stories about real people who do good and ask no favours from man nor God for continuing to do good.

Best Wishes,
Ujjwal Dey

BAD JOKE LIBRARY NOW OPEN—Just Fred: An Arizona Highway Patrol officer stops a Harley for traveling faster than the posted speed limit, so he asks the biker his name.

‘Fred,’ he replies.

‘Fred what?’ the officer asks.

‘Just Fred,’ the man responds.

The officer is in a good mood, thinks he might just give the biker a break, and write him out a warning instead of a ticket. The officer then presses him for the last name.

The man tells him that he used to have a last name but lost it.

The officer thinks that he has a nut case on his hands but plays along with it. ‘Tell me, Fred, how did you lose your last name?’

The biker replies, ‘It’s a long story, so stay with me.’ I was born Fred Johnson. I studied hard and got good grades. When I got older, I realized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went through college, medical school, internship, residency, and finally got my degree, so I was Fred Johnson, MD. After a while I got bored being a doctor, so I decided to go back to school. Dentistry was my dream! Got all the way through School, got my degree, so then I was Fred Johnson, MD, DDS. Got bored doing dentistry, so I started fooling around with my assistant and she gave me VD, so now I was Fred Johnson, MD, DDS, with VD.

Well, the ADA found out about the VD, so they took away my DDS. Then I was Fred Johnson, MD, with VD. Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away my DDS because of the VD, so they took away my MD leaving me as Fred Johnson with VD. Then the VD took away my Johnson, so now I am Just Fred.’

The officer walked away in tears, laughing.

–from Rogue

UNCLE MONKEY MEETS A NEW H-D–Not just new to you but brand spanking new, fresh out of the crate, straight from the factory. A new bike on the street, on its first ride, not just another bike sitting in the showroom waiting. It is a rare sight, something that actually catches you off guard. Nothing added, nothing taken away exactly like the factory intended it to be. My friend picked up his new bike the other day, his first bike and as he fidgeting when we talked I knew he was anxious to be riding rather then talking to me.

Harley’s are made to be customized. Hell, they even gave him a “free” accessory catalog before sending him out the door. We all can’t wait to make the bike ours and ours alone. Different bars, seat, paint, chrome doodads for chrome doodads, an avalanche of parts to individualize the bike to our taste. But for right now Bob’s bike is as stock as a bike can be.

It is almost refreshing, a change up. Ride it the way the factory intended. The thought is a gut check that sends us Harley riders reeling as we try to grasp the concept. Yes there are lots of stock bikes but mostly metrics, blazing fast bikes bred for the track and not the street, BMW and GoldWings roaming the interstate but a stock Harley? It’s blasphemy.

It will only be a matter of time before Bob starts the bike down its inevitable path of modifications, changes. So as you begin to strip the countless layers of paint, grease and gaudy from that Shovelhead in the shed remember that at one time, one time when it was just a plain stocker.

-bad Uncle Monkey

At one time, long, long ago the factory intended bikes to be ridden as designed, but I doubt if that’s the case now. The factory and the dealers make larger margins off accessories and service work than they do on motorcycle sales. Now, they want you to come back for more, to personalize your ride, to increase the performance, etc.–Bandit


We got 9 inches of rain in 24 hours, more than twice the record set in 1914 and just under half of our annual 20 inches of precipitation,” said Michael Lichter.

We said we would bring you more on Michael’s effort in the Thursday News.

“My assistant found some things we needed in South Denver and throughout the day, roasting hot sand bags (a factory was loading them and trucking them in as fast as possible) became available in town. My studio was compromised with a skim coat of mud through it, but I lifted the computers and whatever equipment I could manage to get off the floor earlier, so it isn’t as bad as it would have been.

“We got 100 sandbags in place Thursday, dug channels around the house and finally went to bed at midnight that night after being up 28 hours straight. Friday was mostly dry, allowing us to start the cleanup, but warnings were still in place as the rivers and reservoirs were swollen and they were forcasting more storms.”

We wish Michael, his family, and all the residents of Boulder and affected Colorado communities the very best in these tough times.–Bandit

RICK FAIRLESS ON Mumbley Peg at Eight Years Old!–Ya know, I absolutely love the motorcycle industry! I mean, this is what I was born to do. It’s my livelihood and my passion, my entire life. But it wasn’t always that way. The first eight years of my life, I was lost and alone except for my Ma and Pa and my brother Randy and two mean sisters. I didn’t have a girlfriend or a motorcycle—dear God how did I survive? Surviving without a girlfriend wasn’t so bad, but no motorcycle? WTF! I wasted those first 8 years on comic books, spinning tops, skateboards, shooting marbles and our favorite pastime—playing Mumbley Peg! Then, when I was nine years old and my brother Randy, (now a big shot lawyer) was eight, our lives changed forever when our Great Uncle, Sarge, gave us a Bonanza mini bike.

I would submit to you that my life began at nine years old. When Ran and I got that mini bike, we were instantly obsessed and totally consumed with riding it and wrenching on it. We just had the one bike, so we took turns riding it at my Uncle’s ranch in east Texas. Since me and Ran wanted to race each other, we had to race using a stopwatch to see who was the fastest. We would time how long it took to ride from the main barn to the front gate and back, a good mile. We would also see who could jump the bike the farthest over a dried out pond. Whoever lost would say the other one cheated. I usually won and Ran always said I cheated…so what, sore loser!

When we each turned 15 our Dad said we ought to get a job so we could start saving up for our first car. Well, we told our Dad that we didn’t want a car, we both wanted motorcycles. He thought we were crazy, but he and my Ma were okay with it as long as we rode responsibly (yeah, like that was gonna happen.) So, we both went to work at the Skaggs-Albertsons grocery store as sack boys. We made $1.62 an hour. (Is it crazy that I still remember my starting wage?) I wanted to buy a Honda 100, $440 out the door, and Ran wanted a Yamaha 100. My Dad said to save up half the dough and we’d go get the bikes. Ran and I thought that was pretty good; we save up half the dough and Dad pays the other half. When I had my half, $220, Dad took us to the Honda shop to get the bike. He told me to pull out my half and when I did he pulled out a pen from his pocket and told the salesman that he would cosign for me to make payments on the other half. The same thing happened when we went to pick up Ran’s Yamaha 100. DANG IT! We thought we could quit our crummy sack boy jobs and just ride around acting cool and terrorizing the neighborhood chicks! (Well, we did that anyway.)

Within 6 months, we had those bikes completely stripped down and set up for racing! I had a Preston Petty plastic gas tank and fenders, motocross bars and a Bassani megaphone. We rode the bikes to school every day and on Friday after school, we would strip off all the lights and put on a number plate (3N by God!) so we could race all weekend at Rock Island and the Dallas International Motor Speedway! Then on Sunday night, while my Ma and Pa and squirrelly little sisters were watching Junior Samples and the gang from Hee Haw, me and Ran would get the bikes street legal again so we could ride them to school Monday morning. My God how we loved those little 100s!

Well, I’ll tell ya, the way I felt every time I rode or wrenched on my Honda 100, it’s the same dang feeling I still get every single day up here at Strokers Dallas. Little did I know as a nine year old kid that the little Bonanza mini bike was gonna shape the future for the rest of my life. Ya know, I wonder what would have happened if my Great Uncle Sarge had given me a guitar instead of a mini bike. Heck, I maybe could have been the fifth Beatle, or at least a dang Monkey!

I bet a lot of ya’ll reading this column are lifelong motorcycle junkies just like me. I know you have stories of how the motorcycle sickness struck you too! Please email me your story and maybe my sweetheart/editor Marilyn will print some of them in a future issue of IronWorks.

How do you like me now???


This was reprinted courtesy of IronWorks Magazine and Rick Fairless. Watch for his next column in the new issue of IronWorks. We get the old, stale ones.–Bandit

[page break]

PALMETTO CEMETERY OPENS ‘BIKER HEAVEN’–‘Biker Heaven’ in Palmetto a place to ride for eternity


Bikers aren’t afraid to let you know they’re bikers. You can usually tell by the clothes they wear and the bars where they hang out. And now, you can tell by their tombstones, too.

A Harley-Davidson emblem on your grave? No problem.

A gas tank urn for your cremated remains? Sure. A full-size motorcycle carving on top of your final resting place? Why not? Motorcycle-themed burials are all the rage, according to Tracey Beale-Hock, general manager at Skyway Memorial Gardens in Palmetto — so much so that the cemetery is launching a new “Biker Heaven” area specifically for dearly departed Harley enthusiasts.
“They’re very passionate,” said Beale-Hock. “We’re burying a lot of the baby boomers and a lot of them are bikers. … Now we’re customizing this kind of passion.”

It started when Skyway Memorial Gardens buried a couple who had the Harley logo put on their headstones.

They happened to be the parents of an editor of Florida Full Throttle, a biker magazine that subsequently did a feature story on the Palmetto cemetery and all the burial options available for bikers.

Now, Skyway Memorial Gardens is introducing its “Biker Heaven” section by holding a free kickoff event and bike run from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. today. There will be free hot dogs and refreshments, vendors, door prizes, a 50/50 drawing and a “best bike” contest with a first prize of $500.Full Throttle will be there, and so will a hearse pulling a Harley-Davidson-themed casket.

Beale-Hock is expecting a big crowd and a lot of interest in the afterlife options for bikers.
She said advances in laser technology have allowed manufacturers to carve just about anything into a headstone or memorial.
It’s not uncommon to see fish marking the graves at Skyway Memorial Gardens, for example, honoring a loved one’s favorite Florida pastime. Motorcycles are a natural fit.”

The cemetery industry has evolved to custom things,” Beale-Hock said. “It’s amazing what we can do now.”

Proceeds from the 50/50 at today’s event will go to Emma’s Little Helpers, a Palmetto-based nonprofit that benefits families with young children undergoing medical treatment. Skyway Memorial Gardens is at 5200 U.S. 19 N. in Palmetto.

–from Rogue

THE HEATED WATERPROOF JACKET FROM BIKER’S CHOICE–Available in men’s and women’s sizing.

Firstgear is proud to introduce its waterproof-breathable Heated Jacket. The jacket features Gen4 carbon heating elements that provide outstanding coverage and are light and flexible for superb comfort under your riding jacket.

Fully compatible with the proprietary and industry-leading Heat-Troller control system (available separately) and all other Firstgear heated gear, including liner pants, socks and gloves. Constructed with Gelanots waterproof-breathable membrane to provide optimal protection from inclement weather.

This a great jacket to wear under your top layer. After a long day of traveling you can throw your riding gear off, head out to eat, and leave this jacket on while you relax and remain protected from the elements. Subtle but highly reflective detailing ensures outstanding low-light visibility for hitting the town après-ride.

All Firstgear Heated Gear is made exclusively by Warm ‘N Safe, the finest electrically heated apparel in the world.

Features include:
• FirstGear integrated heat panels works with all FirstGear Heat-Trollers™
• Waterproof-breathable and seam taped
• Microfiber polyester shell exterior
• Illuminite® reflective panels at top and sides offering dimension and visibility
• Use with Heat-Troller™ (sold separately)
• Women’s jacket features a stow away hood in the neck.


Visit for more information or find us on Facebook at

FALL 2013 RACE TECH TECHNICAL EDGE SUSPENSION SEMINARS–Race Tech still has seats available for the Fall Technical Edge Suspension Seminars hosted by co-author of the Motorcycle Suspension Bible; Paul Thede. These seminars are perfect for anyone looking to learn more about suspension and tuning.

These seminars are great for:

– Dealers looking to increase profits of their service department, foot traffic through their doors, and improve customer satisfaction. Some RT installers are including suspension upgrades with over 75% of new model sales!

– Current Suspension Tuners commonly attend these seminars to stay up to date with the latest technology. The Technical Edge Seminars teach everything from vintage to the most modern suspension including PSF, SFF, and BPF technology. These seminars have been attended by many of the motorcycle industry’s most notable tuners, NASA engineers, and even OEM engineers.

– Race Team Technicians are always looking for an edge in a very competitive field. Many race teams have dedicated suspension tuners, and adding a specialized skill to your resume will certainly give you an advantage.Graduates from Race Tech’s Technical Edge Seminars can be found working for riders around the professional pits.

– Dads, Moms, Riders and Mechanics can gain an advantage by learning how suspension works, proper testing procedures, and how to setup a motorcycle for varying conditions. After only a couple of revalves on your own or your riders bikes and the school has paid for itself! The Technical Edge Seminars teach you what you need to know in terms the average person can understand.

Want to sign up or learn more? Don’t hesitate! Give our helpful sales staff a call at 951.279.6655 and we’d love to answer your questions and get you signed up for the Race Tech Seminars. You may also check out our website for more info.

Fall 2013 Technical Edge Seminars
Suspension TheoryNovember 2-3
Shop SkillsNovember 4-5
Trackside Testing and TuningNovember 6
AdvancedNovember 7-8

The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services has announced a voluntary recall of Joey’s Jerky Chicken Jerky treats due to possible contamination with Salmonella bacteria.

Joey’s Jerky Chicken Jerky Treats Recall

Please be sure to share the news of this alert with other pet owners.

–Mike Sagman, Editor
The Dog Food Advisor

BREAST CANCER FUND RAISING AUCTION COMING TO BIKERNET– The picks attached are of the Breast Cancer Awareness fund raiser seat. This seat fits 2008 up H-D Softails with narrow rear tires like Softail Deluxe and Heritage Softails. The seat targets people 5’8” and taller. This custom made Bitchin Seat is hand shaped and has a nitro gel pad in it and topped with a medium density foam built for the average size rider.

This particular seat shape is called The Wife Beater, My explanation for the lack of passenger comfort and mainly a driver’s seat only.

This seat retails at $2600.00 with custom painted Japanese Stingray inlays surrounded by Mercedes Benz leather. We are offering this seat for a good cause and all proceeds to go to Breast Cancer Research. I think an auction would definitely be the best for this fund raiser.

–Rich Everding
Bitchin Seat Company

We are working with Rich on a Bikernet Auction for this seat with all the proceeds headed to Breast Cancer Research. If you want to try to grab the seat first, contact Rich. He will forward your payment to the Breast Cancer Charity. If not, watch for the auction on Bikernet in the next couple of weeks.–Bandit

LONG BEACH SHOW COMING IN TWO WEEKS- – Bandit to judge the bike show portion under the strict MRF/BikerPros Criteria, since he is the first show judge to receive his judging certificate. The show will take place on the water on Sunday the 29th of September.

BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY OPEN– Empathy for a snowbird

I was in Scottsdale, AZ the other day. I saw a bumper sticker on a parked car that read: “I miss Chicago.” So I broke the window, stole the radio, shot out two of the tires, added an Obama bumper sticker and left a note that read, “Hope this helps.”

–from Rik Savenko


the engine is a 1969 FL the bike is 1968 engine — I do not know who built the bike– it has not been run at all – the man who owns it is now working on a fishing boat in Alaska–the bike can be had for $10,000.00
This chop has everything from the 21 inch spool front rim in a chromed springer frontend to the massive back tire in a rigid frame this bike has it all. 

I want $4500.00 for engine

–Lee Clemens

BIKERNET FACES A STERN PEER REVIEW–I like the new format of Bikernet, with the daily notices of new articles. Better still are the actual articles, which contain a wide and varied assortment of news, entertainment, biker rights info, new products and more. I admit that I don’t always read every article – I pick and choose like most readers. But I’m never disappointed by “teaser” tidbits that fail to deliver nor do I feel taken in by headlines that don’t provide real information once I click through.

And I applaud the overall tone and attitude of Bikernet; it’s authentic. Clicking in to read is like having a quick visit with a biking friend who’s totally tapped in to an industry that he’s invested in personally, with all the romance and traction that implies. Who doesn’t want a friend who’s connected?!

Read Bikernet and you’ve got one!

My hat’s off to your staff. Keep up the great reporting.

–Marilyn Stemp
IronWorks Magazine


Drug War
Mandatory Sentencing
EPA mandates against lawnmowers and motorcycles
War in Iraq
Federal deficits
Educational programs that eliminated trade opportunities
3-Strikes Law

What do you think? Have anything you would like to add? Makes you wonder, what the fuck? “Since mandatory sentencing began, America’s prison population has quadrupled, to 2.4 million. America now jails a higher percentage of its citizens than any other country, including China and Iran, at a staggering cost of $80 Billion a year.” The Week Magazine. They passed these laws to take to take the decisions away from prosecutors and judges, regardless of the circumstances of each case. And we call this a free country…


BACK TO THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY–A married Irishman went into the confessional and said to his priest, ‘I almost had an affair with another woman.

‘The priest said, ‘What do you mean, almost?’

The Irishman said, ‘Well, we got undressed and rubbed together, but then I stopped.’

The priest said, ‘Rubbing together is the same as putting it in. You’re not to see that woman again. For your penance, say five Hail Mary’s and put $50 in the poor box.’?

The Irishman left the confessional, said his prayers, and then walked over to the poor box. He paused for a moment and then started to leave.

The priest, who was watching, quickly ran over to him saying, ‘I saw that. You didn’t put any money in the poor box!’

The Irishman replied, ‘Yeah, but I rubbed the $50 on the box, and according to you, that’s the same as putting it in!’

–from Rogue


Adrenaline Junky List

****World Finals****October 1-4****Bonneville Salt Flats
****BUB Speed Trials***** In the books…
****October 10-14****Cooks Shoot Out****Bonneville Salt Flats
****Oct. 19-20**** Houston Mile

Good Morning from your Bikernet world headquarters in Wilmington, CA. Were sharing positive motorcycle news from around the globe 24 hours a day. Rock n Roll until the wheels fall off? Or ya might miss upcoming opportunities of a life time?

Monday started bright and early and hasn’t slowed a notch, just keeps on rollin’ down life’s smooth, level track at a record setting pace. Early Tuesday rolled to Marc Susman’s shop in Anaheim, CA where the 5-Ball Raycer sits perched on a very handy, Handy Lift for the next phase of our project. Marc and his stellar crew are designing and machining a completely new air plenum starting with a billet backing plate that will house adjustable/removable velocity stacks. We have a significantly shorter list today thanks to the many who are involved in bringing this build to reality. A dream becomes a world-class build? We’ll see.

Tuesday the 1st of October the World Finals are scheduled to commence on the Bonneville Salt Flats after canceling last weeks meet due to rain. Today the salt is covered with water 2 or 3 inches deep. Dedicated, salt addicted racers are rattling dry chicken bones and praying to the salt gods in hopes of a smooth, safe track.

The Cook’s Shoot Out rain date is one week later, starting on Thursday the 10th and ending Monday the 14th. Plans today are to attend the Cook’s Shoot Out where the fastest men on earth will hang out in an attempt to set a personal best land speed record. The numbers at the end of the week tell the tale. Nothing like sitting in Impound at sunrise after setting a record or two.

On tap after the upgrades on the 5-Ball Raycer at Marc Susman’s shop. We’ll load the hot rod for a trip across the good old USA, destination Confu, New York 2,575.46 miles later located close to the city of Buffalo. Dan Thayer is the tuner and genius behind specializing in Daytona Twin Tech for starters. Dan tuned the record setting, 100-inch R&R Cycle sponsored bike that Jody Perewitz skillfully piloted into the record books at the BUB Speed Trials at a mere 207 mph and change. Jody is one helluva rider with one helluva tune up.

Wednesday’s adventure included rollin’ to the Berdoo area in SoCal, meeting the Big Bear Crew and riding a Titanium FXR. BAD ASS hot rod.
Bikernet Journalist Gary Mraz and Bandit squeezed into the front of a newer compact gas saver for an hour and a half ride to the Big Bear San Bernadino facilities where the lovely Mona and The Big Bear Crew were waiting with the latest baddest hot rods in town.

After an around the block or two meet-the-Titanium session, I threw a leg over and felt right at home. The mirrors were set for a taller rider and needed a minor adjustment for a slight view of my Arai helmet from each side, perfect. The foot pegs are mid-mounted for a balanced predictable ride.

Handle bars and controls were located shoulder height, just right so far. The balance and suspension provided flawless handling from a slow roll out of the shops roll up door onto the awaiting black top. It took a minute or two to get used to the fixed full fairing, very easy to get used to once the road ahead was visable. Top secret speeds are forever etched in my mind, during my Titanium experience into the Big Bear mountains that may not have been recorded or witnessed by the local revenuers.

The back roads were a joy and the bike was smooth through all 6 gears housed in the Baker Transmission. A cross county trip would be an easy stroll in the park. On my way back to the barn turned the reserve on after a very refreshing adrenaline-fueled ride rollin’ uphill on Ca. 330 and back–one bad ass hot rod.

Thanks big Bear Chopper and Crew your building my kind of hot rod. Bonneville?

No bumps allowed, keep it simple.

Thanks again….With one helleva lot of help from my family and Industry friends….Thanks, Thanks, Thanks.

Toby The Welder, 2 out 3 Ex-Wives, My 3 Sons, Aerocharger, All Balls Racing, Kent Rich, Dutch and the Crew@Air Tech Streamlining, Arai Helmets, Keith Ball and the Crew@Bikernet, Bikers Choice, Brad Beach@Beach Racing, Dr. Willie Lanham, Long Beach, Ca., Cometic Gaskets, Dan Thayer@vtwinfuelinjection, Allen Alvarez@Daytona Twin Tech, ERC Race Gas, George The Wild Brush, ET Krankvents (Thanks Ted Shrode, Ph.D—- R. I. P.), Fisher Harmonic Damper, Dan Stern@House of Thunder H-D, Horsepower Inc., Luke and Crew, Fueling, Ron Williams, Jeff, Kevin@Hardtailz, Randy Torgeson, Michelle and the Crew@Hyperformance, Jim’s Machine USA, K&N Air Cleaner, Paul Kittrell@Lyndall Racing Brakes, Marc Susman@Colorado Custom Cycle Wheels, Juan, Colorado Custom Cycle Wheels, Ray Whitehead@Pegasus, Pingel, Walt, Pro Charger, Jim @Sharp Eye Transmission, Reggie and Crew@R&R Cycle, Ben Kudon@Rivera Primo, Matthew Wiley@Race Tech Suspension, Shorai Battery, Rick Tedder@ R/T Performance, Schnitz Racing, Mr. McCahill@Spyke, S&S Cycle, Matthew Negherbon@Thunder Motorcycles in San Jose, Guy Caputo@Tiger Racing, Steve The Turbo Doc, Tsubaki Chains, Vanderbeck Race Cars, Vanson Leathers, World Wide Bearings, Duncan Keller, Yankee Engineuity in San Jose, Ca..

Haul Ass!
Ride for your Life!
–Ray C Wheeler
Performance Editor

EVENTS HOT OFF THE PRESSES FROM PAUL GARSON–These two events… Irwindale El Camino and VVMC Rally… both hot off the presses… transpiring over this last weekend.
I will cover them for Bikernet for the deal of the century. Chance of a lifetime… 


Mistress Chris will launch his vintage VVMC Rally coverage tomorrow. Hang on.–Bandit

BIKERNET TECH QUESTION ANSWERED BY THE MASTER, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–Fairing for the V-Rod

It looks awesome! I’m wondering if it could fit one on my 2013 Nightrod Special.

kuala lumpur, kuala lumpur, Malaysia

Unfortunately, the Road Rod Fairing mount will not work in your 2013 Night Rod Special.

–Randy Aron
Cycle Visions

[page break]

BIKERNET PHILOSOPHER STEPS UP, Do You Want to be Right or do you Want to be Happy?–
Last night we had a wonderful family dinner with one of my daughters and her family. Everything went great until the end and I began talking business with my daughter.

I had kind of a tough day and I felt that she had to listen to me and was sure that I was right. The conversation quickly turned into shouting in front of my grandchildren and it all blew up.

I don’t think my grandchildren have ever heard us yell at each other like we had. I feel so sad for putting them through such turmoil. This beautiful evening ended up in a disaster because I had to be right.

As I have said many times before we should have paused and I didn’t. After she left I was still mad and felt that she should have listened to me because I am right. What a load of crap!

When I finally did pause I realized how terribly I behaved and how I upset my whole family. Had I only paused and shut my mouth, we could have discussed the issue at a later time and finished the night off with kisses and goodbyes.

All it would have taken was five seconds to pause and decide to deal with it later rather than trying to prove I am right. Last night was a lesson I never want to repeat, it is clear to me that I would rather be happy than be right. (Who knows if I was right?)

And So It Is

Today I pause and know how wrong I was, even if I was right.–YALE

Yale Custom Cycles
2003 11 ST SE
Calgary AB
T2G 3G6

PIT STAND OF THE WEEK–Two Brothers Racing S1-Pro Stand

Developed specially, the premium quality service stand is for the sport bike enthusiast and racer who demands that their bike sits solidly on a rear stand. The S1-Pro Stands are available in gold or green and while supplies last. This is one closeout deal that you don’t want to miss!

Original Price $249, NOW $199!!

1) All CNC machined Aluminum Frame Construction
2) Fits most spool type motorcycles
3) Lightweight and compactable for easy transport and storage
4) All stainless steel assembly hardware
5) Super Smooth rolling polyurethane 80mm wheels
6) Engineered with a precision fulcrum point when lifting and a solid stance while at rest
7) Made in the USA

MOTORCYCLE RIDERS FOUNDATION FUND RAISING EFFORT–My bike is tuned up and ready for the ride from Boston to Columbus… My kilt is pressed and ready, too…

Speaking of Kilts and Bibs, which side will you be rooting for?

This purely-for-fun fundraiser is now a proud MRF tradition and this year will be no different. Even if you or your friends can’t make it doesn’t mean you can’t join in the fun!

For example, ABATE of Northern Nevada will not be able to attend this year, but they’ve already pledged $100 to the event! Why not follow their great lead by pinging your friends, family, riding buddies, SMRO, to see what you can raise?

Contact me directly for more details!

— Doc

BIKERNET STAFFER OF THE WEEK—Each week we will introduce you to another staff member. It’s time we let the mugs out into the streets. Bikernet is no one man operation. We work weekly with writer’s, photographers, web folks, and tech heads from all over the world, so weekly we will introduce you to one of many who make Bikernet fly. The first is Paul Garson. Here’s his bio–Bandit

Paul Garson has worked on the editorial staffs of several motorsports publications including: Easyriders, Hot Bike, and Car Craft. As a freelancer his features, often with his own photography, have appeared in over 75 U.S. and overseas publications. In addition to teaching stints at USC and Cal State Fullerton, he has published four books concerning motorcycles and military history. Aboard a wide spectrum of motorcycles he has clocked over 250,000 miles and counting.


The Best Extreme Sports Camera In The World!
So you want to take some video while you’re riding your bike on your next trip.

You did some research, but you’re still not sure which camera to buy because there are still questions lingering in your mind such as ease of use, functionality, features, included accessories and of course expense. Well hold those horses brother, cause you need to SEE THIS CAMERA before making a desicion.


We started by looking at the competition. They all had serious learning curves to just start video taping. We thought, WHY? So we tailored our camera to be absolutely the simplest extreme sports camera you could buy. Simple one touch, single function buttons on our RF remote makes it a snap to start recording. Start the video, stop the video and take a still, that’s it. You just learned how to operate our camera!!


Extreme sports video taping is just that…EXTREME! So we built a camera that is durable, waterproof to 300 feet (in the included case), has a long battery life (up to 5 hours with the internal lithiun ion battery and the included external lithium ion battery), and holds alot of video and still pictures (takes up to a 64 Gigabyte Micro SD Card). We also include a LCD video monitor so that you can actually see what you are going to film before you film it (there is nothing more aggravating then downloading the video you just took of a trip you will never take again and seeing 500 miles of cloud formations)! We also include a RF remote rather than a power sucking wifi remote, so that the 2.5 hour battery, really is a 2.5 hr battery!!


Everyone loves gadgets, especailly easy to use gadgets. You already know the Primo HD Xtreme is easy to use, but what about all those neat gadgets we built in?? Like the targeting laser so that you can easily aim the camera mounted on your helmet while its on your head! The 180 degree rollover technology built into the camera so that no matter how you mount the camera, the video image is ALWAYS RIGHT SIDE UP! We also give you the ability to select from 3 different camera viewing angles; 170, 120 and 90 degree all done via the included LCD monitor and our easy tro use menu. And the list goes on and on and on….


Our competitors give you the basic necessities for filming; the camera, a non-extended waterproof housing, wifi remote and one camera mount. They charge around $330 bucks for that. If you bought all the accessories that we include with the Primo HD Xtreme from our competitor, their camera would end up costing you over $600. Our Primo HD Xtreme camera kit includes our award winning camera that films in full HD 1080/60 with 8 megapixel stills, an extended back waterproof housing, internal battery, external battery, LCD video monitor, RF remote, 3 camera mounts, AC charger, DC adapter & charging cable, download cable, audio/video cable, wrist lanyard, heavy duty nylon camera carrying bag & more!


After reading all of the above,, you are probably thinking that the Primo HD Xtreme video Camera Kit costs an arm and a leg. But it DON’T! You get all the stuff we described plus and industry leading 2 Year warranty (which is better by 1 year then our competitors) for only the low, low price of $349.95. So now that all those lingering doubts have been answered, GO OUT AND BUY IT!! PRIMO HD XTREME..EXTREME VIDEO FOR EXTREME BIKERS!!!!

RP Tronix is a division of Rivera Primo Inc. Rivera Primo is celebrating thier 40th anniversary this year.
12450 Whittier Blvd.~WHittier, CA 90602~562-907-2600 Voice~562-907-2606 fax

We started an Xtreme testing procedure yesterday on the Big Bear Titanium. It was easy to install on handlebars and make work. You’ll see an example of this video camera in action next week.—Ray, Performance Editor

humdinger HUHM-DING-er, noun:

a person, thing, action, or statement of remarkable excellence or effect.

A humdinger indeed. I had a whole list of agents, publishers, magazine editors who’d say I was right.

— P.F. Kluge, A Call From Jersey, 2010

The humdinger, though it contained one intriguing element, turned out to be a very ordinary murder; or so it struck me.

— Truman Capote, Music for Chameleons, 1980

Humdinger arose in the late 1800s in the United States. Its origin is unknown.

THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT FILED FRAUDULENT CODES INDICTMENT–The Justice Department today filed an indictment in Indiana against six individuals and three companies for selling fraudulent renewable
identification numbers, which are used to show compliance with EPA renewable fuels mandate.

The 88 counts in the indictment include allegations of wire fraud, false tax claims, false statements under the Clean Air Act, obstruction of justice, money laundering and securities fraud. All told, DOJ is alleging that the defendants cheated victims out of more than $100 million.

The defendants are charged with selling RINs representing more than 35 million gallons of biodiesel between July 2009 and May 2012 whose prices were inflated.

They allegedly cost their customers more than $55 million and collected about $35 million in federal tax breaks for biodiesel that wasn’t actually produced.

They could face up to 20 years in federal prison on some counts and significant fines.

–Jeff Hennie
Vice President Government Relations and Public Affairs
Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE
Suite 204
Washington, DC 20002

THIS JUST IN, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–
Lollapalooza – 3 Day Music Festival in Chicago

Great write up, reminded me of concerts past and all the short-shorted young ladies who’s gone up, and down, for rock and roll.

— Lloyd

Who are the B.A.D.?– Bikers Against Diabetes—is a Biker fundraising ride and family festival that unites the Biker Nation in the fight against diabetes. The B.A.D. Ride is a FULL day of GREAT riding, BIG entertainment, DELICIOUS food, LOTS of activities and a GOOD vibe!

Rip Rose, a biker photojournalist for Easyriders magazine, had a dream of the Biker Nation rallying to fight diabetes. Rip enlisted the support of the Davidson Family, motorcycle industry leaders and bikers touched by diabetes.

The Ride began in Southern California in 1997 with a mere three hundred riders converging into Glen Helen Pavilion from a few start sites in Southern California. Last year, more than 5,000 riders from eighteen different start sites converged into Oak Canyon Park, Irvine, California raising nearly half a million dollars to help fight diabetes.

Rip’s dream is now realized and the reality of the Ride going nationwide is here. Rip’s B.A.D. Ride is going across the country with rides now happening in three other states. Arizona, Kansas, and Iowa were added to the list of B.A.D. states across the US. The Ride is attended each year by celebrity riders such as Larry Hagman and has the support of Karen Davidson and Willie G. of Harley-Davidson Motorcycles.

Each ride has multiple start locations where riders meet in the morning, hang out and begin an escorted ride. Those who don’t feel like being a part of the pack can ride over directly to the festival site. The poker run starts at Lifestyle Cycles and will end at the new Rock n Roll Custom Paint Location. Look for Colorado Wheels and our own Performance Editor, Ray C. Wheeler.

Rip passed away in 2000. His legacy lives on each year as Rip’s B.A.D. Ride unites the biker community nationwide to continue the fight to prevent and cure diabetes and improve the lives of those affected by diabetes.

Haynes Publishing Group P.L.C. Acquires Clymer and Intertec Manuals–Newbury Park, CA (September 18, 2013) — Haynes Publishing Group P.L.C. (“Haynes”), the worldwide market leader in the production and sale of automotive and motorcycle repair manuals, is pleased to announce that it has acquired the assets of Clymer and Intertec Manuals (“Clymer”) from Penton Business Media Inc. (“Penton”) for $9.25 million to be satisfied by cash and debt. Clymer is located in Overland Park, Kansas in the United States.

Founded by Floyd Clymer (1895-1970), Motorcycle Hall of Fame’s ‘pioneer in the sport of motorcycling’ Clymer is the global market leader in sales of DIY repair manuals for Motorcycle owners. It also has a significant share of the DIY Marine (Inboard and Outboard) Manuals market; publishes a range of DIY manuals for personal watercraft and snowmobiles; and, under the Intertec name, publishes manuals for farm equipment including Tractors, publishing 432 manuals across thousands of models in digital and print. For the financial year ended 31 December 2012, Clymer had net assets of $2.8 million, unaudited revenue of $4.3 million and unaudited pre-tax profitability of $1.0 million.

Complementing its existing successful manuals business, this acquisition will further strengthen Haynes’ position in the Motorcycle Aftermarket making it the undisputed market leader around the world, adding additional content to the Haynes Group, while also bringing access into the new markets of marine, snowmobile and tractors.

The acquisition will be earnings enhancing and also release significant efficiencies in the areas of print cost, warehousing and distribution, and editorial/origination, with additional digital offerings representing further opportunities for growth.

Commenting on the acquisition, Eric Oakley, Group CEO of Haynes, said, “Clymer is a business that we have been interested in for some time and we are delighted that we are now bringing such an iconic name, particularly among motorcycle owners and DIYers, into the Haynes Group. We see many synergies between our two businesses, in terms of products and values, and we see real opportunities for revitalization and growth.”

Nicola Allais, Senior VP of Penton commented that “Selling Clymer to a more natural owner is another step in Penton’s evolution as the Company continues to exit non-core print assets and focus on its Strategic Plan in events, digital, data and marketing services in its priority sectors. We wish Haynes much success with the Clymer brand.”

With almost 60% of the funding for the acquisition coming from internal cash, the Group remains financially well placed to continue its pursuit of other new opportunities as they arise.

AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame offers free admission on Sept. 28–
PICKERINGTON, Ohio — The American Motorcyclist Association Motorcycle Hall
of Fame will open its doors free of charge on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013, as part of
Smithsonian magazine’s ninth annual Museum Day.

The nationwide event, “Museum Day
Live!,” offers free admission to visitors presenting a Museum Day Live! ticket at a Participating museum or cultural institution.

“Motorcycling’s rich heritage is something that all motorcyclists are proud of, and we are excited to share our nation’s two-wheeled story with all the
members of our community as well as Smithsonian magazine readers and visitors on Sept. 28,” said AMA Vice President of Operations Jeff Massey. “The
stories of the amazing men and women who have defined our sport, lifestyle and business are
exciting and inspiring. We’re looking forward to showcasing these stories for all-comers
during Museum Day Live!”

Inclusive by design, the event represents Smithsonian’s commitment to make learning and the spread of knowledge accessible to everyone, giving museums across all 50 states the opportunity to emulate the admission policy of the Smithsonian museums in Washington D.C. Last year’s event drew more than 400,000 participants
nationwide, and this year’s event expects record-high participation.

More information can be found at


 LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK—2011 48 Sporty only $9,995. Here’s a great Sportster 48! These things have some real killer style, blacked out, with a wide front tire. This particular bike is in great shape, and barely has any miles on it!

BIKERNET UNIVERSITY DEAN SAYS “AWESOME”– Just a glimpse of what is being developed in universities and schools! Just think what will be in development in 5 years or 10! WOW WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE THIS! Mind Over Mechanics?

Fall is almost here so that means its time for the annual York Open House and Bike Night. The Harley-Davidson York Vehicle Operations will host it’s annual Open House event the end of this week. The three-day event will be Thursday, September 19, through Saturday, September 21. The event will feature the 5 local Dealer tents, traditional self-guided tours, 2014 motorcycle demo rides, food vendors, a H.O.G. Pin Stop, live entertainment and more.

The famous York City Bike Night will be held Friday, September 20, 2013 (6-10pm). The Bike Night parade leaves from the York Expo Center at 6pm (staging begins 4:30pm). The Bike Night street party (parade, live entertainment on four stages, food vendors, information displays, and more) takes place in and around Continental Square in Downtown York City.

Enjoy entertainment by Smokin Gunnz, Dr. Slothclaw, Local Corn, Kayla Kroh and Pete Geist. New for this year visitors can come see the 811 BIKE on display at Continental Square. This year’s theme is VINTAGE BIKES. Scroll down below for an application if you would like to register to have your vintage motorcycle on display at Continental Square during Bike Night.

Source: Harley-Davidson/City of York
Posted by Sam Kanish
–from IronWorks Magazine

In today’smotorcycles, no longer are there only a small handful of wires to diagnose a problem.

Today’s harnesses and fairings are filled with hundreds of multiple gauge wires and connectors. This new kit has an assortment of needle sharp probes for precise and non-damaging diagnostic work. Probes can be used with standard 4mm banana plug connections common with most multimeters.

The selection includes: Straight, 45 °, and 90 ° probes (with 2 probe diameters) for hard to reach terminals as well as standard alligator clips.Similar kits on the market cost twice as much! All probes are fully insulated with 30v protection.

For more information contact us at, visit, or call 805-482-6913.

If you have any questions, please call us at (805) 482-6913. Your time in reviewing this product release is greatly appreciated, as well as any past or future coverage.

–Angie Chong

NEW FEATURE ON BIKERNET–Doug Coffey’s RetroMod Panhead Part 1
Rigid Panhead Concept and Frame.

Text and Photos by Doug Coffey

Over the years everything in Harley-Davidson aftermarket world has evolved. Today finds old timers like myself better skilled with better tools and far better parts to work with than we had back in the day.

Allow us to show you how this new bike evolved beginning with mods to the frame.

SO WHAT’S UP?—Las Vegas Bike Fest is just around the corner. I fixed the Mudflap girl and will ride tomorrow. Ray rode the Big Bear Titanium yesterday, and Gary is picking up a new Water Cooled H-D that’s right here in the shop and riding to Pismo Beach this weekend. He’s working on a travel book about the Piers of the West Coast.

You will see his report on the new model in Quick Throttle Magazine and on Bikernet in the very near future.

I’m working on a report of Rivera’s new turnsignal headlights, and planning my belly tank trike trip to Houston to see Kent Weeks at Lucky Devil Metalworks.

Every week is exciting at the Bikernet Headquarters. Never a dull moment. Reminds me of something that happened as a kid. My mom would drag my brother and I to something cultural every week. We attended plays, art exhibits, museums, you name it. Drove us crazy. We wanted to play in the gutter (as she would say).

One such occasion took us to the offices of Sunset Magazine. It was a beautiful place, surrounded by magnificent landscaping. To this day I remember the creative vibe I captured from the magazine offices. In a sense we have created a similar aura at the Bikernet Headquarters, and we are always working toward a two-wheeled creative nirvana.

What the hell, why not. Have a helluva weekend.

Ride Forever,


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