
What’s it all about today? Las Vegas Bike fest is coming right up. It rained slightly for the first time in Los Angeles. I’m sort of excited in a tempered way. Next week I may purchase an old pickup and on the weekend Rick Krost, of US Choppers and I are headed to see Ron Paugh at Paughco.

I introduced Rick to Ron a while back, and Ron builds Rick’s frames and Rick is selling some of Ron’s older bikes. Plus, we will pick up the 5-Ball Racing Salt Torpedo and haul ass back to Los Angeles, where the fun will begin.

Let’s hit the news before something else happens.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, BorntoRide.com and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.

The fight for our right to repair the stuff we own has suffered a huge setback.

As anyone who repairs electronics knows, keeping a device in working order often means fixing both its hardware and software. But a big California farmers’ lobbying group just blithely signed away farmers’ right to access or modify the source code of any farm equipment software.

As an organization representing 2.5 million California agriculture jobs, the California Farm Bureau gave up the right to purchase repair parts without going through a dealer. Farmers can’t change engine settings, can’t retrofit old equipment with new features, and can’t modify their tractors to meet new environmental standards on their own. Worse, the lobbyists are calling it a victory.

The ability to maintain their own equipment is a big deal to farmers. When it’s harvest time and the combine goes kaput, they can’t wait several days for John Deere to send out a repair technician. Plus, farmers are a pretty handy bunch. They’ve been fixing their own equipment forever. Why spend thousands of dollars on an easy fix?

But as agricultural equipment gets more and more sophisticated and electronic, the tools needed to repair equipment are increasingly out of reach of the people who rely on it most. That’s amplified by the fact that John Deere (and the other equipment companies represented by the Far West Equipment Dealers Association) have been exploiting copyright laws to lock farmers out of their own stuff.

Repair is a huge business. And repair monopolies are profitable. Just ask Apple, which has lobbied over and over against making repair parts and information available to third-party repair shops. That’s why Big Ag has been so reluctant to make any concessions to the growing right-to-repair movement.

At first blush, last week’s deal between the Farm Bureau and the equipment dealers might look like a win for farmers. The press release describes how equipment dealers have agreed to provide “access to service manuals, product guides, on-board diagnostics and other information that would help a farmer or rancher to identify or repair problems with the machinery.” Fair enough. These are all things fixers need.

But without access to parts and diagnostic software, it’s not enough to enable farmers to fix their own equipment. “I will gladly welcome more ways to fix the equipment on my farm. Let’s be clear, though, this is not right-to-repair,” explained San Luis Obispo rancher Jeff Buckingham. “At the end of the day, I bought this equipment, and I want everything I need to keep it running without relying on the manufacturer or dealer.”

There’s also nothing new in the agreement. John Deere and friends had already made every single “concession” earlier this year, and service manuals had already been available to purchase. They must have read the writing on the wall when California’s Electronics Right to Repair Act was introduced in March. Right-to-repair bills have proved overwhelmingly popular with voters—Massachusetts passed its automobile right-to-repair bill in 2012 with 86 percent voter support.

Just after the California bill was introduced, the farm equipment manufacturers started circulating a flyer titled “Manufacturers and Dealers Support Commonsense Repair Solutions.” In that document, they promised to provide manuals, guides, and other information by model year 2021. But the flyer insisted upon a distinction between a right to repair a vehicle and a right to modify software, a distinction that gets murky when software controls all of a tractor’s operations.

As Jason Koebler of Motherboard reported, that flyer is strikingly similar—in some cases, identical word-for-word—to the agreement the Farm Bureau just brokered. The flyer and the agreement list the same four restrictions:

No resetting immobilizer systems.
No reprogramming electronic control units or engine control modules.
No changing equipment or engine settings that might negatively affect emissions or safety.
No downloading or accessing the source code of any proprietary embedded software.

These restrictions are enormous. If car mechanics couldn’t reprogram car computers, a good portion of modern repairs just wouldn’t be possible. When you hire a mechanic to fix the air-conditioning in a Civic, they may have to reprogram the electronic control unit. When electronics control the basic functions of all major farm equipment, a single malfunctioning sensor can bring a machine to its knees. Modifying software is a routine part of modern repair.

Prohibiting modifications to systems that might affect emissions also means that farmers can’t upgrade tractors to meet new requirements. This could force farmers to buy new equipment when emissions standards change—an insidious move toward planned obsolescence.

This deal is no right-to-repair victory. Don’t let John Deere—or the California Farm Bureau—call it one. Real progress isn’t going to come until a state passes real Right to Repair legislation. And momentum is building. Twenty states, including Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska, considered bills this year. Although none have passed yet, John Deere is clearly feeling the heat.

–By Kyle Wiens

Kyle Wiens is the cofounder and CEO of iFixit, an online repair community and parts retailer internationally renowned for its open source repair manuals and product teardowns. Elizabeth Chamberlain is a writer for iFixit and a professor of technical writing and rhetoric at Arkansas State University.

Editor’s Note: Unfortunately the California Governor wants ultimate control, zero emissions, enforced anti-tampering, abolished performance products and only electric motorcycles. Great guy. Can’t wait for the elections.–Bandit

S&S WINTER POWER PACKAGE RETURNS–Big Power, Big Savings, Limited Time!

Complete Big Bore and Cam Chest in One Kit!

The S&S Winter Power Package is the ideal combination of performance and savings, designed to transform your M8 or Twin Cam HD without breaking the bank.

For the latest generation H-Ds, S&S is packaging their brand new 124-inch bolt in big bore kit with a 550 cam, cam plate and high flow oil pump as well as valve springs, lifters and pushrods, the Twin Cam kits get a similar combination of performance parts with a 585 cam and a bump to 100 for the early and 110 cubic inches for the late TC models.

All kits are available with gear or chain drive cams and are designed to make big, reliable power with equally big savings.

Winter only pricing starting at $2499, saves over $400! Ideal combo for a winter storage project. Good from October 1st through January 31st, 2019, get yours and schedule that winter install.

Check out the details, parts list and dyno charts at https://www.sscycle.com/feature/winter-power-package/

This is huge, not only are our Winter Power Packages back (limited time, big savings, etc), but this one includes a 124-inch package for the new M8. All straight bolt in!

NEW HIGH-TECH OF THE WEEK–AI camera can spot guns and alert law enforcement. The company says it’s accurate 99 percent of the time.

Athena Security has developed a camera system that uses artificial intelligence and cloud technology to spot guns and alert authorities. The company says that because the system can recognize weapons and notify police quickly, casualties may be prevented in places where the system is implemented, such as schools or businesses. It has already been installed in Archbishop Wood High School in Warminster, Pennsylvania.

Once the system spots a gun in the vicinity, it uses the cloud to send that information to those that need it, whether that be a business owner or law enforcement. It can also stream footage of the event in question through an app, giving police a real-time look at what’s going on and where. Users also have the option of connecting the camera to other third-party security systems, allowing it lock doors or stop elevators.

False positives can be a problem for computer vision systems, and that would be particularly troublesome for a security camera that has the ability to alert police directly. But the company claims its system’s gun detection is 99 percent accurate. “We’ve basically perfected that,” co-founder Lisa Falzone told Fortune, “and so we’re already starting to work on fights, knives and other crimes. We expect fights to be done in the next couple months, at least the first version of it.”

Athena offers multiple systems at a range of prices, but the one that includes gun detection, lock and elevator integration and real-time access costs $100 per camera per month.

–Mallory Locklear

HALLOWEEN ALERT, MAYBE–Each Halloween, despite little evidence, a huge number of parents worry that their children’s treats may have been tampered with or poisoned. However, studies suggest that should be the least of their worries.

Over the years, accident statistics have repeatedly shown that twice as many children are killed, and four times as many are injured, in pedestrian/vehicle incidents on Halloween compared to other days throughout the year.

What Parents Should Know

With most Halloween-related activities occurring at night, and the visually obstructive nature of many costumes, it is no surprise that pedestrian accidents increase during the holiday. As children and teens take to the streets to attend parties, to visit haunted houses or to go trick-or-treating, it is incredibly important for parents to remind their kids to be attentive when walking or behind the wheel.

Driver distraction or intoxication is the most common cause of preventable automobile accidents.

The pedestrian death rate among teens is twice that of younger children.
Each Halloween, there is a 23 percent increase in drunken driving incidents.
More than 12 percent parents report that their child, ages 5 years or younger, is permitted to trick or treat without adult supervision.

Please take the time to talk to your family about safety this Halloween, and reduce the number of child pedestrian accidents.

Five Important Safety Tips from Safe Kids Worldwide:

Always trick or treat and cross streets only when an adult is present.
Walk on sidewalks or paths. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible.

Cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks. Parents should remind children to watch for cars that are turning or backing up.

Look left, right, and then left again, when crossing, and keep looking as you cross, streets. Walk, never run, across the street.

Costumes should include a bright or reflective element to help increase visibility of the wearer and never restrict their movement or vision.

Unfortunately, the accidents that occur on Halloween often result in significant physical injuries that require extensive and expensive medical treatment. If you or your loved one has been injured due to a negligent driver, or other preventable accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

Contact Hupy and Abraham with any questions or for a free consultation at 800-800-5678 or chat with us live, 24/7 at hupy.com.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS FROM 100% BIKER—ITALY, In a number of places, including Rome and Florence you’ll need a permit to ride in what are known as Limited Traffic Zones, implemented to reduce congestion in high traffic areas.

THAILAND, Whilst local police don’t enforce this one, it is written law that motorcyclists are not allowed to use bridges and tunnels.

Esteemed Editor
100% Biker


a person who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others.
a person who intrudes into a region, field, or trade without a proper license.


Caruso is a veteran narrator who has voiced audiobooks for the works of Joan Didion, Louisa May Alcott, and Jonathan Safran Foer—but to me, in the moment, she was instead an interloper. What was she doing here? Who was she to intrude on my literary shiva?

— Arielle Pardes, “Listening Isn’t Reading, but Audiobooks Still Resonate,” Wired, August 1, 2018


Interloper originally meant “unauthorized trader who trades on his own account and violates the rights or privileges of a trade monopoly.” It also has a tricky etymology. Inter-, its first element, is obviously the Latin preposition and prefix meaning “between, among.”
The problem lies mostly with the second element -loper. Some authorities say that -loper is the same as in landloper “wanderer, vagrant,” an English borrowing from Dutch landlooper dating from about 1570. English interloper dates from the end of the 16th century, but a Dutch dictionary (1767) stated that the Dutch word enterlooper, phonetically equivalent to English interloper, is a borrowing from English.
It is also difficult to reconcile an English word composed of the Latin prefix with the Dutch noun looper “runner.” It is more likely that -lope (and -loper) is a Middle English dialect variant of leap, ultimately from Old Norse hlaupa “to leap, spring, climb.” Interloper entered English on the late 16th century; the sense of “meddler” dates from the mid-17th century.

THE REAL POLICE OVERTIME SCANDALS REVEALED–Much has been written about the Massachusetts State Police Overtime Scandal. A number of officers have been arrested for federal counts of embezzlement for allegedly cutting hours or outright skipping overtime (OT) traffic enforcement shifts on the MA turnpike while getting paid in full.

Forty-two members of Troop E have been implicated and the troop itself has now been eliminated by state police.

At least four Louisiana state troopers have been charged for falsifying times on traffic tickets written supposedly during overtime shifts. Officers were charged following a statewide investigation of the Local Area Compensated Enforcement, a somewhat controversial traffic-ticket program intended to raise money for district attorneys, public defenders and other law enforcement agencies.

For the taxpayers’ sake, let’s hope these isolated violations of police overtime are outliers. But these two instances of police misconduct don’t even touch the real scandals of police overtime. The bigger issue that few people know: More and more agencies have to force overtime upon their officers because they just simply do not have enough manpower and police working overtime means more stress and perhaps even worse, bad policing.

For example, an audit at the San Jose, California Police Department found OT had doubled since 2008 because the department could not find enough qualified personnel to fill vacancies. In a city of just over a million people, the force needs 800 officers at any given time. In March 2018, a city spokesman said that the department already had 50 less officers than the previous year when it was already well below the 800 threshold.
At some point, police shortages become a public safety issue.

Large cities and small towns are affected because of retirements and decreasing number of recruits. Law enforcement has become a less desirable career choice due to pay and the high risk to personal safety. The hours are terrible too.

Another factor—when the economy is good, police recruitment suffers too. Major Cities Chiefs Association Executive Director Darrel Stephens explained in a recent interview, “A blossoming job market means more career choices. Police departments can’t always keep up with perks other professions in the private sector may offer. Salary and benefits have declined in many departments.”

New enforcement programs can also create OT such as a city council deciding to start or continue a red-light camera program. Denton, Texas PD recently did an audit on their ticket camera program and found that at least three supervisors were paid tens of thousands of dollars in OT to view video of supposed red-light camera violations.

Austin, Texas is now justifying more red-light cameras after an audit showed the city simply does not have enough officers for traffic enforcement. This specious argument has often been used by the camera companies as a selling point of their systems. How often have cities had the luxury of a large enough police force — other than perhaps small speed trap towns like Damascus, Arkansas — to place officers at many of its signalized intersections for the purposes of traffic enforcement?

Research shows that officers, just like the rest of us, have fatigue from long hours that can affect the public’s safety. Many officers work a second job exacerbating the fatigue further. Couple this with overnight shifts and you get the picture.

According to the most recent federal Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics survey, only a third of law enforcement agencies limit how many overtime hours sworn personnel may work while a little over half have a ceiling on off-duty hours. OT restrictions that do exist often are lenient. Many enforcement agencies don’t monitor or audit OT at all (which is one of the issues in the MA State Police Scandal noted earlier). Some departments allow 18 work hours over a 24-hour period.

Washington State University sleep deprivation researcher Lois James found that inadequate sleep may heighten pre-existing implicit biases. She also said, “From an officer safety perspective, there are serious consequences of fatigue.” Routine tasks can be affected such as driving a patrol car as well as exercising overall judgement.
A study published in Police Quarterly on the Phoenix Police Department compared officers working 10-hour shifts with those working 13-hour shifts. The biggest difference between the two groups: Officers in the 13-hour shift group had a significantly higher number of citizen complaints than the 10-hour group.

Currently, there are no state or federal mandates on police work hours and many times, union contracts determine OT. Unions generally oppose restrictions on hours worked.

As police departments rely on lucrative quota-based traffic enforcement federal grants funneled through states, more OT pay is expected. Cops like the extra cash but will they be ready to do their jobs adequately if they just pulled a 16-hour shift, especially if they have to do it over and over again since there are less cops to protect and serve?

ROYAL ENFIELD brings bigger twin motorcycles to U.S. as Harley-Davidson goes smaller overseas–Royal Enfield will expand its motorcycle lineup in North America next year with the introduction of its first twin cylinder bikes to be produced since 1970.

Royal Enfield, the Indian motorcycle manufacturer with its North American headquarters in Milwaukee, will roll out the Interceptor INT 650 and the Continental GT 650 in North America next spring. The motorcycles join Royal Enfield’s lineup of middleweight motorcycles but feature the more powerful single overhead cam, eight-valve, air and oil cooled twin parallel engine.

The 648-cubic centimeter engine driving the new models makes the twins the most powerful in the Royal Enfield North America lineup and move Royal Enfield North America, which has its headquarters and flagship dealership at 226 N. Water St. in Milwaukee’s 3rd Ward, into market space that iconic Milwaukee-based motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson Inc. is seeking to carve out with its 500cc Street line.

The new models will be available at North American dealers in spring 2019 and will start at manufacturers suggested retail price of $5,799 for the Interceptor INT 650 and $5,999 for the Continental GT 650. Custom and Chrome models will add to the price. The models will include ABS and a 3-year warranty with roadside assistance.

The Continental GT 650 is a sporty cafe racer, while the Interceptor INT 650 is what Royal Enfield describes as a stylish roadster. The two have links in former twins of Royal Enfield’s past but are entirely new motorcycles developed jointly by Royal Enfield’s development teams in India and at its state-of-the-art technical center at Bruntingthorpe in the United Kingdom.

The models were first unveiled at the EICMA Motorcycle Show in Milan in November and were subsequently introduced in European and Asian markets. At the unveiling, Royal Enfield CEO Siddhartha Lal said the company hoped to lead and expand the middleweight motorcycle segment (250cc-750cc) worldwide.

“In international markets the twins will play a strategic role not just for us but for the industry to expand the mid-weight segment and invite new users into the category,” Rudratej Singh, president of Royal Enfield, said in a press release last week. “We expect the Interceptor INT 650 and the Continental GT 650 to represent the perfect opportunity to upgrade commuters in South East Asia and Latin America, as well as expand the motorcycling segment in USA and Europe.”

While Royal Enfield’s engine sizes grow in North America, Harley-Davidson — the U.S. market leader in heavyweight motorcycles by a wide margin — plans to introduce smaller bikes into international markets like Royal Enfield’s home country.

Harley-Davidson’s new strategic strategy to grow internationally includes the launching of a “more accessible” smaller displacement bike for its emerging markets in Asia, with specific focus on India. Harley also intends to expand in the middleweight motorcycle space, adding its first adventure touring motorcycle, the Pan America, in 2020 and a Streetfighter model targeted for 2020.


–from Rogue

LATEST FROM IRON AND RESIN–The original waxed canvas Rambler Jacket was one of the first pieces of clothing we designed when we started this brand almost eight years ago, and to this day, it is still one of our most popular outerwear pieces.

The Rambler Jacket is an unfailing piece of gear that was designed for a lifestyle of continuous use and abuse. This thing was specifically made to fit our lifestyle and built to last a lifetime.

The more time spent in it, the more it will take on the personality of its owner over a lifetime of adventures. In fact, don’t be afraid to put the Rambler Jacket to the test, that’s what it’s made for.

Don’t be fooled by poorly made imitations. Look closely at the construction details & fabric weight. If our Rambler Jacket ever fails you, we’ll repair it and get you back on the road in no time.

If you’re going to invest in a piece of gear that you really want to live in like we do – we mean really live in – then buy the best and forget the rest.

The Rambler Line Up: Handmade in the USA
Handmade in the USA with 100% Cotton 10oz Martexin™ Waxed Canvas, this jacket will reflect every bit of adventure thrown at it.

“Z900RS – The legend is back!” —The T-shirt for the riders and fans of the new Kawasaki retro bike.

No doubt, the Kawasaki Z1 is one of the motorcycles that made history. The Japanese big bike from 1972 is one of the most sought-after classics today and in top condition goes for many times what it cost new. On the Z900RS, Kawasaki employed numerous styling elements of the epochal motorbike and created a new global bestseller.

The Z900.us online shop usually specializes in exclusive accessories for the riders of the classic Z models.

In response to frequent customer requests, there is now also an extravagant T-shirt for the new generation: “Z900RS – THE LEGEND IS BACK!“ is the motto of the extra-large white print on the front, complemented by a stylized illustration of the new model.

By the way, the illustration is not based on an everyday bike, but on the “Classic” version of French Z-specialist Didier Kaluza, which fitted with a four-in-four exhaust and wire wheels approximates the original from the 1970s even more closely.

The high-quality black shirt comes in sizes M to 3XL. It sells exclusively online at www.Z900.us for 23 euro per shirt.

QUICK, OPEN THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY– A Marine boarded a train on his way home from deployment. The train was quite crowded, and the Marine walked the entire length looking for a seat. There seemed to be one next to a well-dressed middle-aged French woman, but when he got there he saw it was taken by the woman’s poodle.
The war-weary Marine asked, “Ma’am, may I have that seat?”

The French woman sniffed and said to no one in particular, “Americans are so rude. My little Fifi is using that seat.”

The Marine walked the entire train again, but the only seat available was under that dog. “Please, Ma’am. May I sit down? I’m very tired,” he asked again.

She snorted, “Not only are you Americans rude, you are also arrogant!”

This time the Marine didn’t say a word; he just picked up the little dog, tossed it out the train window and sat down. The woman shrieked, “Someone must defend my honor! Put this American in his place!”

An English gentleman sitting nearby spoke up. “Sir, you Americans seem to have a penchant for doing the wrong thing. You hold the fork in the wrong hand. You drive your autos on the wrong side of the road. And now, sir, you seem to have thrown the wrong bitch out the window.”

–from Sidehack Jerry

When thick clouds of savory hickory smoke hover over Lynchburg, it’s a safe bet that our annual barbecue is in full swing. We hope you’ll join us for the 30th Annual Jack
Daniel’s World Championship Invitational Barbecue in Wiseman Park on Saturday,
October 27.

Jack Daniel Distillery tours are available from 9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. And Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. you’ll be able to stop and sit a spell in the Squire Tent where you’ll be able to enjoy great conversations with other Squires, live music, and snacks provided by the folks who bring you Jack Daniel’s barbeque meats.

You’ll find our Squire Tent in the grassy area between the Jack Daniel Distillery parking lot and the Squire Home again this year. Just remember to bring your Squire card – since the Squire Tent is for Squires and their guests only.

To pre-register for yourself and your guests, please visit: http://bit.ly/TNSquireBBQ. You’ll receive a confirmation you can show the folks at the door.

Barbecue hours on Saturday are 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. (when awards are presented). If you want to know a bit more about events, just drop by the Squire website. We hope we can count on seeing you this year – and if you have any questions, just drop us a line.

–Your friends at Jack Daniel’s

[page break]

HUPY HOME ALERTS–According to the American Psychological Association (APA), most Americans never achieve their New Year’s resolutions and many of us can’t even make it to the end of January. The APA suggests this is largely because we have a tendency to set unrealistic goals for ourselves, essentially setting ourselves up for failure.

But, resolutions don’t have to be complex to have a positive impact on our lives. Considering more than 18,000 Americans die every year from injuries that take place in the home, one simple resolution may be to take some time in the New Year to make your home safer. To help, here are five simple ways to do just that in 2017!


Five Simple Ways to Make Your Home Safer:

Install a functional carbon monoxide detector in your home. For only about $40, you can protect your family from carbon monoxide.

Secure your home from burglary. One simple, low-cost way to do this is to put a wooden dowel or metal bar in front of sliding doors and windows so they cannot be pried open.

Put light timers around your garage, walkways and steps. Falls are the number one cause of injuries in the home. By lighting up areas around your home at dusk and nighttime you can help protect your friends and family from slips and trips.

Prevent fires by placing a reminder on your fridge or phone to vacuum out your dryer’s lint trap monthly. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, clogged lint traps account for more than 15,000 building fires a year.

Keep medicines and household chemicals in their original, child-resistant containers, because poisoning is the second leading cause of home injury or death. If you mix your own cleaners, make sure they are clearly labeled and kept out of reach of children.
There’s no reason to start the New Year with a goal you won’t keep. So, make a list of your resolutions, put them in a place you’ll see daily and set up a reasonable schedule to complete them.

All of us at Hupy and Abraham hope you have a safe and happy 2017. But in the event that you or a loved one are injured due to the negligent actions of another, the attorneys at Hupy and Abraham are here to help. Call 800-800-5678 or start a live chat 24/7 at Hupy.com.

It’s CLIMATE HYSTERICS who are in denial, not skeptics, October 2, 2018–Some fascinating news on the climate change front today reveals just how in denial climate hysterics are about reality. Andrew Bolt, the entertaining Aussie conservative, quotes a 30-year-old pronouncement from the government saying that the Maldives, an island chain in the Indian Ocean, would be underwater by now.

Herald Sun:

They’ve flogged this scare for so long that the truth has caught up.

The Canberra Times 30 years ago:

MALE, Maldives: A gradual rise in average sea level is threatening to completely cover this Indian Ocean nation of 1196 small islands within the next 30 years, according to authorities.

The Environmental Affairs Director, Mr Hussein Shihab, said an estimated rise of 20 to 30 centimetres in the next 20 to 40 years could be “catastrophic” for most of the islands, which were no more than a metre above sea level.

The United Nations Environment Project was planning a study of the problem.

But the end of the Maldives and its 200,000 people could come sooner if drinking water supplies dry up by 1992, as predicted. …

Last week:

Malé International Airport carried out an overall airport expansion at the end of August[.] …

The Maldives is considered one of the most beautiful island countries, attracting more than one million visitors every year.

(Thanks to reader Travis T.)

That’s 0-2 for the hysterics. Should they stretch their luck?

Peter Hannam, paid warming alarmist for the Sydney Morning Herald:

Australia has notched its driest September on record, with less than a third of the usual rainfall for the month.

Scary evidence of global warming, but for this:

[It] trailed only April 1902 as the driest for any month.

It was drier 116 years ago?

If the alarmists’ predictions were a batting average, they’d be sent back to the minors.


And then there’s this from The Deplorable Climate Science Blog (via Climate Depot):

No Trend In Arctic Sea Ice For Twelve Years

Of course, there have been many predictions about “disappearing” Arctic Sea ice.

It should be getting obvious even to some of the reality-denying climate hysterics that, at the very least, their theories should be reexamined.

(Hat tip: John McMahon)

–By Rick Moran
American Thinker

“Goddess of Democracy,” First Track from Billy Ray Cyrus’ Forthcoming Album, The SnakeDoctor Circus, Available to Stream and Download Everywhere!

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Amid the tense political climate and the assault on freedom of speech and the press, Billy Ray Cyrus’ global hit, “Goddess of Democracy,” continues to strike a nerve with fans and listeners everywhere. Today, Cyrus is releasing the track on all digital music platforms after overwhelming demand on YouTube.

Reviewers across the country are hailing the prolific lyrics:

“Cyrus’ thought-provoking ballad washes fluidly over current events of the day, allowing listeners to formulate their own questions, fears, and misgivings about the state of our great nation. No matter your affiliation, the lyrics and interspersed allusions to religious icons are bound to bring images to mind, most likely different ones for every single person.

That’s just the nature of the song. No doubt as you listen to this you’ll have a list of events of your own that come forward. That’s the power Billy Ray Cyrus unleashes.”

-Country Rebel

“The song’s earnest growl, driving piano-based arrangement and on-topic lyrics bring home the song’s timely message.”
-Laura Whitmore, Parade

The songwriter/superstar recently wrapped a whirlwind media tour in New York, where he debuted an acoustic version of “Goddess of Democracy” on Good Day New York and opened up about the grassroots foundation behind the song on LifeMinute.TV, MSN, Spotify and Yahoo and many more.

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–


That’s a fine looking ol’ school scoot.

central square

AUSTRALIAN CLUB NEWS–Anti-biker consorting laws pass in Aussie state of Tasmania

Anti-consorting laws, sold to the public as a way to combat outlaw motorcycle clubs in Tasmania, have passed through the Tasmanian state parliament.

The quick passage of this bill, which was only tabled in Parliament 10 days ago, follows legislation passed at the end of August to outlaw motorcycle club members from wearing colors.

The Government says it “hopes” the anti-consorting bill will disrupt organized crime groups such as outlaw motorcycle clubs by making it illegal for a convicted offender to consort with another convicted offender within five years of being given an official warning notice.

Five amendments to the bill made by the Legislative Council were accepted by the House of Assembly on Thursday, including one that would allow a court to issue a stay on a warning notice if it was being appealed by the recipient.

Police Minister Michael Ferguson described the amendment as unnecessary and unwarranted and said he was “not happy” about it, but reluctantly agreed to ensure the bill would pass.

Debate in the Legislative Council inched forward late into Wednesday night, with individual words in the legislation being singled out and objected to by Labor and independent members alike amid widespread concerns about civil rights, unintended consequences and the powers of law enforcement authorities in relation to a number of clauses and sub-clauses.

Leader of Government Business Leonie Hiscutt told opponents the Government was “very disappointed” by their stonewalling, repeatedly defending the legislation as having “the most safeguards of all the state and territories in the country”.

“Police have done an enormous amount of work on this … there’s still misunderstandings of the bill,” she said.

Message: good afternoon I write to you from Panama, on your page I found a sidecar champions legends for an Indian chieftain of 2014. I would like to know how I can get one to buy the sidecar complete with all the accessories, in red.

My email is mcxtrazpanama@gmail.com please wait for your answer thank you

–Euclides de leon

Let me know if anyone can help him. Maybe he just needs a hook-up with Champion Trikes–Bandit

AMA REPORTS–National and Regional News

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Transportation Safety Board issued a report on Sept. 11 that calls for all new on-road motorcycles sold in the United States to be equipped with antilock braking systems and recommends the federal government publish performance standards for electronic stability control on motorcycles sold here.

At the same time, the board recommended that the American Motorcyclist Association, the Motorcycle Industry Council and the Motorcycle Safety Foundation tout the benefits of ABS and stability control-along with other findings in the report-to the motorcycling community.

The report also recommended that motorcycles be fully incorporated in the development and implementation of technology for on-board crash prevention systems and vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure technology.

The recommendations were among 10 included in the report titled “Select Risk Factors Associated with Causes of Motorcycle Crashes” that the board adopted unanimously.

More information is available at tinyurl.com/ybt43hvc.

Their focus on motorcycling is misguided if compared to injuries to pedestrians and in homes, 18,000 deaths a year compared to 5,000 motorcyclists.–Bandit

WASHINGTON, D.C. – More than 20 members of the U.S. House sent a letter in September to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, urging the agency to approve year-round E15 sales.

President Donald Trump has promised farm groups that the EPA would lift restrictions on the summer sale of E15 (fuel with as much as 15 percent ethanol by volume). The EPA currently forbids E15 sales during the summer in most of the country.

The AMA opposes additional E15 sales for two reasons. First, none of the estimated 22 million motorcycles and ATVs currently in use in this country is certified by the EPA to operate on fuels containing more than 10 percent ethanol. Making E15 more readily available increases the risk of misfueling by riders.

Second, proliferation of E15 could reduce the availability of the E10 and E0 (fuel with no ethanol) fuels needed by motorcyclists and ATV riders. E10 already has created a market in which E0 is difficult to find. The pro-E15 letter was signed by U.S. Reps. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.), Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) Dave Loebsack (D-Iowa), Rodney Davis (R-Ill.), Steve King, (R-Iowa) Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.) Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) Rod Blum (R-Iowa), Jeff Fortenberry (R-Neb) Adrian Smith (R-Neb.), Darin LaHood (R-Ill.), Sam Graves (R-Mo.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Tim Walz (D-Minn.), Ron Estes (R-Kan.), Don Bacon (R-Neb.), Richard M. Nolan (D-Minn.), Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), Mike Bost (R-Ill.), David Young (R-Iowa), Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.), Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Andre Carson (D-Ind.) and Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.).

State News

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The California Highway Patrol has released its long-awaited tips for motorcyclists who split lanes in traffic. The recommendations were authorized under A.B. 51, signed by Gov. Jerry Brown (D) in 2016. The law is the first legislative recognition of lane splitting, in which motorcyclists ride between lanes of stopped or slowed traffic. The CHP tips include information for motorcyclists and drivers of other vehicles. Safety tips for motorcyclists include:

Consider the total environment when you are lane splitting. This includes the width of lanes, the size of surrounding vehicles and current roadway, weather and lighting conditions.

Danger increases at higher speed differentials (the difference between the speed of the motorcyclist and that of nearby vehicles).

Danger increases as overall speed increases.
It is typically safer to split between the far left lanes than between other lanes of traffic.
Avoid lane splitting next to large vehicles (big rigs, buses, motorhomes, etc.).

Riding on the shoulder is illegal and is not considered lane splitting.

Be visible. Avoid remaining in the blind spots of other vehicles or lingering between vehicles.

Help drivers see you by wearing brightly colored/reflective protective gear and using high beams during daylight.

Messages for other vehicle drivers include:

Lane splitting by motorcyclists is legal in California.

Intentionally blocking or impeding a motorcyclist is illegal.

Opening a vehicle door to impede a motorcyclist is illegal.

Drivers in the far left lane should move to the left of their lane to give motorcyclists ample room to pass.

CHP safety tips for all motorists include:

Check mirrors and blind spots, especially before changing lanes or turning.

Signal your intentions before changing lanes or merging with traffic.

Be alert and anticipate possible movements by other motorists.

Never ride or drive while impaired by drugs, alcohol or fatigue.

Be courteous and share the road.

The CHP warns that splitting lanes can be dangerous and should not be performed by inexperienced riders. The AMA position statement on lane splitting can be found at www.americanmotorcyclist.com/About-The-AMA/lane-splitting-1.

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. – Officials with the San Bernardino National Forest are asking for the public’s help in identifying a suspect or suspects involved in starting the Creek Fire this summer. The 33-acre fire was first reported at 12:12 p.m.

June 30 in the San Bernardino Mountains, between the communities of Highland and Running Springs. It started off U.S. Forest Service Road 1N09 a few miles east of Highway 330. Forest Service law enforcement officers are seeking witnesses to the fire. “While we spoke to a number of people recreating in the area, we’re still seeking more information,” said Sonny St.

John, patrol captain for the San Bernardino National Forest. “If someone has heard anyone talking about the fire or know of individuals that frequent 1N09, we would like to speak to them.” Anyone with information can leave a message at (909) 382-2737.

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio departments of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection have scheduled a joint meeting Oct. 2 to discuss the application submitted by Oxford Mining Co. LLC to mine coal and reclaim the portion of Perry State Forest that includes its all-purpose vehicle trails and scrambles area. Among the issues concerning local residents and forest users are:

Replacing trail miles lost to mining will not fully address the loss of open scrambles area that is especially attractive to the off-highway vehicle community.

The financial health of Oxford Mining is in question and may jeopardize the company’s ability to complete the mining in an environmentally safe manner or affect the post-mining reclamation.

Oxford Mining’s claims that there will be no social or economic impact to the area as a result of the mining have been widely disputed through public comments.

Oxford has supplied no baseline, pre-mining water quality tests to the state, prompting local residents to support independent tests to properly document the forests’ actual water quality.

Mining may affect water quality on neighboring properties, particularly farms that rely on healthy soil and water.
The meeting is 6-8 p.m. at the New Lexington High School cafeteria, 2459 Panther Drive, New Lexington, Ohio. To submit comments without attending, send them to the Ohio EPA by email at epa.dswcomments@epa.ohio.gov.

Industry News

LONG BEACH, Calif. – Fly Free is the most recent electric motorcycle company to announce its entry into the U.S. market, with the introduction of its Smart Desert model. The motorcycle was inspired by the scramblers of the 1950s and 1960s. It comes in two trims: an entry-level with a top speed of 40 mph and a 50-mile range, and the higher performance option with a top speed of 50 mph and a 100-mile range. No pricing has been announced, but the company plans to begin pre-orders near the end of the year.

MUNICH – BMW Motorrad’s first autonomous motorcycle was presented in September at the BMW Motorrad Techday 2018. A BMW R 1200 GS made its first rounds in front of assembled journalists at the BMW Group testing ground in Miramas, southern France.

Developed by graduate engineer Stefan Hans and his team, the vehicle independently drives off, accelerates, circles a winding test track and independently slows down to a stop. BMW said the “underlying technology should serve as a platform for development of future systems and functions to make motorcycling even safer, more comfortable and increase the riding pleasure.

The aim of the prototype is to gather additional knowledge with regards driving dynamics in order to detect dangerous situations early on and thus support the driver with appropriate safety systems while turning at intersections or when braking suddenly, for example.”

International News

TAIPEI, Taiwan – Taiwan’s Gogoro Inc. and Japan’s Yamaha Motor Co. have announced they are considering a partnership to manufacture Yamaha-branded electric scooters inspired by Gogoro designs. Yamaha said the potential partnership would lead to Yamaha-branded scooters being made and jointly developed by Gogoro, as well as Yamaha sharing Gogoro’s Taiwan battery-swapping network. The new Yamaha electric scooter is planned for the summer of 2019.

AMA News

PICKERINGTON, Ohio – AMA Life Member Ken Gerard drove cross country to donate two mini-enduros to the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame. The Folsom, Calif., resident drove with his wife and dog from his home to the American Motorcyclist Association campus in Pickerington, Ohio to deliver the motorcycles.

Both motorcycles are Yamaha JT1 mini enduro models. Gerard said he and his wife bought them on their way to a vintage racing event in 1994. It took more than a year to restore each bike.

One of the motorcycles, a red 1971 model, required more than $2,000 in parts to complete the restoration. The second motorcycle, a yellow 1972 model, required $1,200 in parts.

Gerard said he worked at a motorcycle dealership in Sacramento, Calif., when the JT1 model debuted in the U.S. market in 1970. He bought both motorcycles for a combined $495 dollars. Gerard said they sold new in 1970 for $299. The motorcycles feature a 60cc, rotary valve, two-stroke engine mated to a four-speed transmission.

THREESOME REPORT COMING– Riding on three-wheels as a one glorious ambition of life

Tracy Getty, a World War 2 historian shares the chair, lighting up sparks of love with a Ural sidecar motorcycle. Tracy and her ride named “Wildcat” bring joy to people who never knew what three-wheels and a smile could do.

We bring you a basic background on the craziness of Autocycles and how it is affecting motorcycle industry, riders, insurance and legislation. While there are companies that want a motorcycle classification to avoid car crash testing expenses, there are others who want true innovation and a new understanding of where Autocycles stand in State and Federal law – and it is all really unsteady despite having more than two-wheels.

Harley-Davidson Freewheeler has a 2019 model that rocks. You can own a Ural or a Slinghsot for incredible deals on 2018 models. If you are an actual Trike lover with custom trike business or a custom trike, you would want to know what the financial and legal implications (pronounced as complications) are going to be.

Watch for the whole tamale Bikernet Trike News on Bikernet Trikes tomorrow.

–Ujjwal Dey
BikernetTrike News Editor

NEWS FROM THE WHITEHOUSE–President Trump Has Just Revolutionized Global Trade by Replacing NAFTA with USMCA

“Trump administration negotiators reached a major agreement with Canada on trade over the weekend. The breakthrough, which came on the heels of an earlier deal with Mexico, vindicates President Trump’s tough approach to reforming trade and will mark a fundamental turning point for American jobs and global power,” Christian Whiton, Senior Fellow at the Center for the National Interest, writes for Fox News.

By reinvigorating American car manufacturing and aiding our farmers, “the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which replaces the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), is much more than just a new name.”

“Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, or an independent, you should welcome President Trump’s announcement of the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, on Monday,” Tom Rogan writes in the Washington Examiner. “A replacement for NAFTA, the USMCA will increase U.S. access to Canadian markets and ensure greater centering of the car industry in North America.”

In The Associated Press, Darlene Superville reports that First Lady Melania Trump made the first stop of her Africa trip this week at an infant clinic in Ghana. She also met with Ghana’s first lady, Rebecca Akufo-Addo. “Mrs. Trump is on a five-day tour with planned stops in Malawi, Kenya and Egypt,” in addition to Ghana, Superville writes.

“Conferring the Medal of Honor on a former Army medic, President Donald Trump praised recipient Ronald Shurer II on Monday as an inspiration who saved lives in Afghanistan, served as a special agent in the Secret Service, and is now battling cancer,” David Jackson and Tom Vanden Brook report for USA Today. “He’s been fighting it every single day,” President Trump said during a ceremony at the White House yesterday. “He’s a warrior.”


Earlier this year, DAV partnered with TrueCar for the DrivenToDrive program, which benefits veterans and active duty service members by helping them get back behind the wheel with a new vehicle. In May, Sgt.

Mike Goodrich, who is a lifetime DAV member, was awarded a new Honda Ridgeline, which he now uses to help other veterans explore art as a form of therapy. We’re excited to announce that we’ll be partnering with TrueCar again this October for their latest giveaway contest. If you or someone you know could benefit from a new vehicle in order to reach a personal goal or to help others in your community, please click below to enter or learn more about the program.

CHOW HALL OF THE WEEK–Tempesta Market has laid claim to “The World’s Greatest Chocolate Chip Cookie”!!


It is MIND BLOWING and I am still thinking about it!! They make the best Turkey sandwich I have had so far in my life, it is called The B Franklin. Also order The Southside Johnny Sandwich and their Muffuletta Sandwich ( one slice can easily feed two humans).

They make all of their own meats, sauces, meatballs, sausages and they are a full Italian Deli!!

They are located at Grand and Noble in Chicago, IL. Get here and get that COOKIE!

Subscribe to my You Tube Channel here,youtube.com/c/ABikerDude

LIQUI MOLY now also available at Cycle Gear–Oils and additives specially for motorbikes

The motorbike products of the German oil and additive specialist LIQUI MOLY are now available in the Cycle Gear webshop. “Anyone who wants uncompromising made in Germany quality can now get it more easily,” says Sebastian Zelger, who is responsible for the USA business at LIQUI MOLY.

“The cooperation with Cycle Gear is an important step for us in the improvement of our distribution,” says Sebastian Zelger. LIQUI MOLY not only offers motor oils and additives, but also gearbox and fork oils, brake fluids and service products such as chain spray – a complete chemistry range, specially developed for motorbikes. In total, there are more than three dozen products for each area of use: For everyday use as well as for the race track or off-road.

An important pillar for LIQUI MOLY is the automotive aftermarket. But the motorbike product line is growing rapidly. “Here we are able to demonstrate our more than 60 years experience with combustion engines,” says Sebastian Zelger. That’s why we don’t just have one or two motor oils, but 18. “And our additives are useful chemical tools that should be in every toolbox,” says Sebastian Zelger.

The paths of Cycle Gear and LIQUI MOLY have crossed in the past at MotoAmerica. Both companies are sponsors of the racing series.

–Peter Szarafinski


AVON TYRES launches new Cobra Chrome tyre range–Custom design, improved performance and tread life

British tyre manufacturer Avon Tyres has launched its new Cobra Chrome cruising tourer tyre range, now with improved longevity and more fitment options than ever.

It is a replacement for the popular Cobra range which has a well-established reputation in the custom and cruiser segments.

With an advanced construction design, the Cobra Chrome delivers improved stability and durability in all conditions for precise feel and tyre feedback. Avon’s latest pattern produces over a 5 percent larger footprint to maximise grip and uses the latest compound technology to improve tread life by 10 percent compared with its predecessor. The use of enhanced compounds means that the Cobra Chrome offers excellent wet braking and handling properties.

With rears up to 23 inches in diameter and widths of up 330mm, the new range comes in a wide variety of specifications and sizes to cover cruisers, tourers and custom bikes. The white sidewall option Cobra Chrome is the ultimate statement of individuality, and with 14 options available, more riders will be able to enjoy the look of Cobra Chrome whitewall tyres. All variants feature a stylish Cobra-themed design with a snakeskin appearance and embossed Cobra head logo on the tread edge for enhanced aesthetics.

Global Head of Motorcycle Sales, Doug Ross, said, “Established in 1885, Avon is renowned for producing top quality motorcycle tyres in the UK developed with the rider in mind. Our popular Avon Venom and Avon Cobra tyres have a well established reputation in the custom and cruiser segments. The next chapter in our long and rich brand history is the introduction of the Avon Cobra Chrome; the tyre of choice for the cruiser rider in search of safety, the joy of riding and individuality.”

For further information on Avon Tyres, visit www.avon-tyres.co.uk.

[page break]

GREETINGS from Southern Biker Magazine! —Happy Fall Y’all! We are excited about the cooler temperatures and the leaves changing colors; this is our favorite time of the year! Hope you can get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful scenery on your two or three wheeler.

You’ll find lots of information / ads / articles about upcoming motorcycle rallies and events that you won’t want to miss. If you have an event you would like to see printed in our magazine, feel free to submit that to www.SouthernBikerMagazine.com and we will add it.

As always, we are happy to bring you the best motorcycle related news, event coverage, upcoming events, bike nights and articles covering local, regional and national topics. We look forward to bringing you the best of the motorcycle world to you each month. We have awesome advertisers in this issue.

Don’t forget, if you are looking to buy a house/land/commercial property in East Tennessee, please give me a call, text or email and I’ll be happy to help find your next property. If you are looking in other areas outside of East Tennessee, I have a network of reputable agents who can help you find property. You can find me at Tellico Mountain Realty and my office number is 423-253-6145 and my cell is 865-405-6989.

Enjoy this issue and please share it with your friends and family!

INDIAN MOTORCYCLE’S SCOUT FTR750 SWEEPS Top five AT Minnesota Mile–Indian Motorcycle Wrecking Crew Rider Bryan Smith Takes First, Privateers Henry Wiles and Robert Pearson Finish 2-3

Indian Motorcycle Racing and the FTR750 swept the top five positions at the Minnesota Mile. Wrecking Crew rider Bryan Smith earned his second win of the season, while Indian privateers Henry Wiles and Robert Pearson rounded out the podium aboard their FTR750s placing second and third, respectively.

The main event kicked off with a heated battle for first between Wrecking Crew rider and 2018 Grand National Champion Jared Mees and Indian privateer Briar Bauman, who eventually got away from Mees in the first half of the race. Mees, who continued to trail Bauman for several more laps experienced a mechanical issue which took him out of the running, leaving Bauman to lead the pack with a comfortable gap. With a little over a lap to go, Bauman ran out of fuel, leaving the first-place position wide open for Bryan Smith who ultimately clinched the win.

Mees has already secured the 2018 Grand National Title and now has 346 points. He has the possibility of recording the highest single-season win percentage in American Flat Track history if he wins the final race of the season this weekend. Indian Motorcycle privateer Henry Wiles currently ranks second with 259 points, while Brian Bauman ranks third with 201 points. Jeffrey Carver Jr. and Chad Cose are fourth and fifth with 194 and 168 points, respectively.

The final race of the season takes place on October 6 at the Meadowlands Mile in New Jersey. For more information on Indian Motorcycle Racing, backed by Allstate Insurance, the Indian Wrecking Crew and Scout FTR750, visit IndianMotorcycle.com and follow along on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. For information on purchasing a Scout FTR750, please contact Racing@IndianMotorcycle.com.

To learn more, please visit www.indianmotorcycle.com.

–Jeff Millard

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–THE BABE SUNDAY POST for September 30, 2018 in Bandit’s Cantina


Hmmm… Let’s see more about those new vests?

— Pauly D.
Chicago, IL

We will bring you shots of new 5-Ball Racing vests just as soon as they arrive.—Bandit

Almost got that truck motor top end together after blowing the head gasket . Now if the city will leave me alone long enough to finish, I will be good.

I was up in the upper states a couple of weeks ago. In the state of Illinois, they have a no helmet law. That make a brother think a little.

You have to pay because all ways are toll ways. There is no freeway in the state, I don’t think. I saw a guy flying down the road on a bobber, sun glasses and black ballcap on backwards, and I say to myself that could be me.

Hats off to you guys and gals in the state of Illinois on your hard earned freedom. We have to continue the fight for our freedom though and never give up.



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This week in Arizona Oct 2nd – 6th, we are hitting some pavement with Adam Sandoval @Scootin’America. This will be the first year Hot Bike Tour is in Arizona, so don’t miss out. Check out the link to get more info on each day of the rides, and don’t miss out on your favorite builder at the 2018 invitational bike build off.

Law Tigers Is Giving Away 2X $50 Gas Gift Cards To Two Lucky Winners In The Spirit Of The Hot Bike Tour!

As we count the days for Hot Bike Tour, Law Tigers is giving away 2X $50 gas cards

Time is running out. Due to the November elections, Congress has less than 6 weeks of legislative calendar days to take up legislation on motorcycle profiling. We’ve gained momentum in recent weeks, don’t let this opportunity slip away.

We are mobilizing our grassroots to tell Speaker Paul Ryan, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Chairman Bob Goodlatte to consider H.Res.318 before its too late. This is a NEW Call to Action, specifically calling on leadership to push this resolution over the finish line before the end of the year.

What will it take to gain national attention on this matter? YOUR VOICE.

You can send a predrafted email to Congressional Leadership by clicking on the link below:


Time is running out. Due to the November elections, Congress has less than 6 weeks of legislative calendar days to take up legislation on motorcycle profiling. We’ve gained momentum in recent weeks, don’t let this opportunity slip away.

We are mobilizing our grassroots to tell Speaker Paul Ryan, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Chairman Bob Goodlatte to consider H.Res.318 before its too late. This is a NEW Call to Action, specifically calling on leadership to push this resolution over the finish line before the end of the year.

What will it take to gain national attention on this matter? YOUR VOICE.



(Friends, Relatives, Neighbors, Casual Acquaintances, etc.)

-The Motorcycle Riders Foundation

How a diesel Tractor and Jeep manufacturer is reviving old Motorcycle Legends–After BSA, Jawa, the diesel vehicle maker Mahindra & Mahindra to revive Peugeot Motorcycles, 70 years after it was discontinued..

Mahindra & Mahindra which owns 51% stake in French two wheeler major Peugeot Scooters has restructured operations at the maker of Django and Metropolis Scooters with a mid-term plan termed ‘Performance 2020’, which has motorcycles as key part of its growth strategy.

Paris: After announcing plans to revive heritage brands BSA and Jawa, the $20 billion Mahindra & Mahindra Group on Wednesday has unveiled plans to revive yet another heritage brand – Peugeot Motorcycle at the ongoing Paris Motor Show, 70 years after it was discontinued.

Mahindra & Mahindra which owns 51% stake in French two-wheeler major Peugeot Scooters has been on a restructuring mode in an effort to revive the maker of Django and Metropolis Scooters. The plan termed ‘Performance 2020’, has motorcycles as a key part of its growth strategy.

To be sure, while the name of the company is Peugeot Motorcycles, its core offering over the last few decades have been scooters. The revival of the French motorcycle brand an important milestone for a company which came into operation 120 years ago with its motorcycles at the very same venue at the 1st Paris Motor Show.

The company will be premiering two high-performance motorcycles with engine displacement of 125 cc and 300 cc, apart from bringing in a range of electric scooters. Peugeot plans to launch one electric two-wheeler every year for the next three years – which too were part of the display at the motor show.

The entry into the motorcycle segment is part of a larger plan that is looking at a complete overhaul in product portfolio, operational footprint, and higher margin products.

The company will be expanding on three pillars of premium scooters, electric scooters and premium motorcycles, told Costantino Sambuy, CEO at PEUGEOT MOTORCYCLES to Economic Times.

“We are trying to reconnect with its heritage, what is Peugeot today and what it has been in the past, we are trying to connect the past and present. Motorcycles half of the total sales in Europe, we expect them to play a critical role in the future,” he added.

Peugeot Scooters will be launching seven new models across premium scooters, electric scooters, and motorcycles. The plan is to invest close to Rs 400 crore to fund this new plan and arrive at a breakeven by 2020.

Prakash Wakankar, CEO of 2 Wheeler business at Mahindra & Mahindra who overseas the Peugeot’s two-wheeler division added, there are plans to achieve break even by end of 2019 and in the following three years the company will start generating returns.

“At a broader Mahindra Group, sustainability is being driven very seriously. We believe that within the five-year plan, we start making EBIDTA positive numbers and justify making the investment,” he added.

Wakankar says Mahindra Group is uniquely positioned for the future with its motorcycle piece.

“We will see three very distinct heritage, with interpretation from Britain (BSA), a combine of Europe and India (Jawa) and a French interpretation with Peugeot Motorcycles,” he added.

Peugeot which generates more than half of its business from Europe, expects the South East Asian markets to be a key driving force in the future.

Costantino feels the current portfolio is ideal for the growing South East Markets and Peugeot will be launching them in these markets without any major changes.

The company is also exploring the possibility of setting up an assembly plant in Thailand in a partnership of a local company to serve the South East Asian markets more effectively.

Mahindra and Mahindra Limited (M&M) is an Indian multinational car manufacturing corporation headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is one of the largest vehicle manufacturers by production in India and the largest manufacturer of tractors in the world. It is a part of the Mahindra Group, an Indian conglomerate.

Founded in 1945, just before India’s independence in 1947, they started vehicle business by assembly under licence of the Willys Jeep in India. They entered two-wheeler industry with purchase of Kinetic Motors India and was a very early investor in electric cars with controlling stake in REVA Electric Car India.

Mahindra Group acquired South Korea’s SsangYong Motor Company in 2011. They acquired a 51% controlling stake in Peugeot Motocycles in 2014. Renault tied up with Mahindra to introduce their sedan cars in Indian market.

Mahindra “Bolero” has the World Record of being the SUV brand with the largest number of units sold.

Mahindra Automotive North America (MANA), the company’s U.S. subsidiary, opened a car manufacturing plant in Detroit, Michigan on 20 November 2017. The plant employs 250 people, and is the first automotive production facility to open in Detroit in 25 years.

Maintaining its ancient World Market Leadership in Tractors its Farm Equipment division received the Deming Prize in 2003 and the Japan Quality Medal in 2007. Since its inception, the company has sold over 2.1 million tractors with annual sales of 200,000 tractors.

Mahindra & Mahindra SUVs are widely used by Police in many States of India and also continues to sell SUVs to Indian Armed Forces for military personnel use.

–Ujjwal Dey
Senior Cycling Reporter
Bikernet™ News Desk India


Wife’s Diary:
Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment on it.

Conversation wasn’t flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn’t say much. I asked him what was wrong; He said, “nothing.”

I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn’t upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry about it.

On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He smiled slightly, and kept driving. I can’t explain his behavior. I don’t know why he didn’t say, I love you, too.

When we got home, I felt as if I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there quietly, and watched TV. He continued to seem distant and absent. Finally, with silence all around us, I decided to go to bed.

About 15 minutes later, he came to bed.But I still felt that he was distracted, and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep; I cried.I don’t know what to do. I’m almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.

Husband’s Diary:
A one-foot putt.. Who the hell misses a one-foot putt?

–from Sidehack Jerry

Big HOT ROD Show at Galpin FORD This Weekend–

From rods and customs to antiques and exotics, Galpin Motors is the place to be this Sunday. Here’s a small sampling of the traditional hot rods that rolled onto Roscoe Boulevard for last year’s show.

On Sunday, October 7th, Roscoe Boulevard in Van Nuys is going to be filled with all types of wild, weird and interesting machines for the biggest Gaplin Car Show to date. Now in its seventh year, the daylong event showcases more than 1,200 cars ranging from traditional hot rods and classic lowriders to muscle cars and high-end antiques.

Hosted by Galpin Motors, the show is actually six shows in one—each focusing on a different corner of the motorsports world. Although there’s a whole lot to look forward to, we’re especially excited for the hot rod display.

In addition to the usual cast of unusual show cars—including a smattering of Roth and Von Dutch creations—Galpin will have the “Gypsy Rose” ’64 Impala lowrider, Tom McMullen’s flamed A100 pickup and Rick Dore’s scratchbuilt “Black Pearl” on hand. There will also be live music, tasty food, GAS merchandise and more; it’s an event you won’t want to miss!

No shortage of Ed Roth creations in the Galpin Showroom. The lineup includes Dave Shuten’s “Mysterion” clone, Roth’s “Tweedy Pie,” “Orbitron” and F-100 shop truck (as featured in TRJ #75). The rear fender of “Rotar” and “Big Daddy’s” daily driven Honda are visible at left.

Earlier this year, we made the trip down to the Galpin headquarters to catch up with Dave Shuten and photograph his panel painted ’32 Ford sedan for our “Dueling Deuces” feature in TRJ #79. While we were there, we also toured their freshly finished Galpin Speed Shop, which houses one of the most impressive collections of NOS speed equipment we’ve ever seen. For a closer look, check out the new issue here.

If you’re in So Cal this weekend, make sure to swing by Galpin for some high-horsepower fun. To learn more about the event, click here. Can’t make it to Van Nuys this Sunday? You can follow along on Instagram and Facebook for exclusive coverage all day long.

–Your Friends at The Rodder’s Journal

Ducati Champions American Flat Track Racing as Presenting Partner of 2018 Meadowlands Mile–Ducati is proud to support the fastest-growing motorcycle racing series in the United States as it heads into the final competition of the American Flat Track 2018 season on Saturday, October 6.

The Meadowlands Mile Presented by Ducati will take place in East Rutherford, New Jersey at the world-renowned Meadowlands sports complex. It will be the first American Flat Track motorcycle race ever to take place in the New York metropolitan area, bringing the exhilarating sport to new audiences in one of the most densely populated and culturally influential areas of the world.

For attendees of the Meadowlands’ event, Ducati will be bringing its Ducati Island experience to the racetrack, where Ducati owners, fans and motorcyclists alike will have a chance to see Ducati’s latest models in person and experience the Ducati lifestyle.

The Bologna-based brand’s 2019 model lineup, ranging from the racetrack-inspired Panigale V4 to the iconic Monster model that is the basis of the Lloyd Brothers Racing Ducati team racing this weekend at Meadowlands, will be on-site.

In addition, a new color for the SuperSport S – a stunning Titanium – will be on display, debuting at the race and available in dealerships. Ducati’s most popular lineup of the Scrambler will also on display, with a Ducati VIP Area, owners club activations, and free VIP parking for all Ducati riders and much more.

Tickets are available for purchase at https://www.showclix.com/event/meadowlands-mile.

–Scott Shaffstall

THE FACEBOOK CONTROVERSY EXPANDS–Facebook just admitted that it’s been using phone numbers people shared with them as part of a security ask — to target them with ads.

This is a huge breach of trust by Facebook (again!). This isn’t just bad for Facebook — it undermines trust in a key security feature, two factor authentication, that is used across the internet to help keep sensitive information safer. That’s not okay.

Facebook has responded to public pressure to change their practices before. That’s why we’re asking you to add your name to a petition demanding that Facebook immediately stop using phone numbers it received for two factor authentication to target advertising

This is yet another example of Facebook breaching the trust of people who rely on its service to maintain connections with their friends and family. Enough is enough!


Sorry I let the Maverick Arts website get out of date, but now it’s been optimized for tablet and cell phone use, and over 200 images have been added!

There are now over 100 pieces of new and old art for sale from comics, games, movies and more, and nearly 50 sculptures available with the 2015 new arrivals!

I’ve also added new pages for Sketch Book cover gallery, and constantly adding new products like games and playmats to the Products Store as well!

Over time I’ll endeavor to keep it up to date, and plan on adding CGC Graded Comics, more games, sketches, comic book cover art and oh so much MOORE!


In 1962, he set a 883 cc class record of 288 km/h (178.95 mph) with his engine bored out to 850 cc.

In 1966, he set a 1000 cc class record of 270.476 km/h (168.07 mph) with his engine punched out to 920 cc.

In 1967, his engine was bored out to 950 cc and he set an under 1000 cc class record of 295.453 km/h (183.59 mph). To qualify he made a one-way run of 305.89 km/h (190.07 mph), the fastest-ever officially-recorded speed on an Indian. The unofficial speed record (officially timed) is 331 km/h (205.67 mph) for a flying mile.

In 2006, he was inducted into the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame.

In 2014, 36 years after his death, he was retroactively awarded a 1967 record of 296.2593 km/h (184.087 mph) after his son John noticed a calculation error by AMA at that time.

We are building our file on info, historic shots and interviews with guys who knew him.–Bandit 

The Twist Off is not just a racing event; but a full weekend of music, camping, and moto-frivolity. Challenge your friends and strangers alike on your choice of dirt or street drag in a spirited and democratic format of sprinting.

In additon to Sprint Racing on the dirt and on the track, there’s Mini-Bike Barrel Racing, camping, live music, food trucks, free drinks, and plenty of fun to be had!
Buy your tickets now at special pre-order price (for a limited time).

Fri, Nov 2, 2018, 4:00 PM – Sun, Nov 4, 2018, 12:00 PM CDT

Californians Will Finally Get Access to Records About Police Misconduct
Gov. Jerry Brown signs bills dramatically increasing transparency about law enforcement behavior.

For decades, California has kept police misconduct records exempt from public records requests, denying citizens (and even prosecutors and defense attorneys in court cases) easy access to information about law enforcement behavior.

Now that secrecy is coming to an end. This afternoon Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law S.B. 1421, sponsored by state Sen. Nancy Skinner (D–Berkeley). S.B. 1421 changes the rules to call for the release of police conduct (and misconduct) records in certain situations: if the officer discharged his or her gun in an incident; if the officer was involved in an incident that led to death or great bodily injury; if the officer had been found to have engaged in sexual assault with a member of the public (this includes any sexual act while on duty); and if the officer had been found to have engaged in dishonest practices, such as committing perjury, falsifying reports, or destroying or concealing evidence.

Today was the last day for Brown to sign or veto bills passed during the 2018 legislative season. He had been keeping mum about whether he’d sign on to this reform. He was responsible for signing the original bill back in 1978 that exempted police conduct reports from public view. What spooled out from that initial bill was an environment where citizens simply were not able to find out if an officer involved in a violent or otherwise controversial confrontation had a history of disciplinary problems.

Even prosecutors and defense attorneys had to beg judges for information from the conduct records of officers put on the stand as witnesses.

This legislation represents a huge shift in the relationship between law enforcement agencies and the public in California. Police unions have fought for years to keep officers’ bad conduct out of the public eye. They’ve been succeeding for a long time.

This change will bolster pushes for transparency in other states (such as New York) that similarly conceal bad cop behavior from the public.

But there’s more! Brown also signed A.B. 748, which will establish that police body camera footage is a public record under state law. As body cameras began to be implemented across the state, there wasn’t an official state policy determining to what extent the public would be allowed to see the footage. So law enforcement agencies were making their own rules, and as you might expect, they typically decided to conceal what they had.

A.B. 748 will allow police to withhold body camera footage for 45 days if there’s an ongoing investigation, and it puts a process into place to keep footage sealed longer if there is a good reason. It also puts guidelines into place to redact or edit footage that could violate the privacy of witnesses or victims. But the assumption now is going to be that all police body camera footage will eventually become public records.

Peter Bibring, director of police practices for the ACLU of California, shot out a celebratory statement this evening:
Together, SB 1421 and AB 748 will shine a much-needed light on police violence and abuse. Specifically, SB 1421 restores the public’s right to know how departments investigate and hold accountable those officers who abuse their power to frame, sexually assault, or kill members of the public. AB 748 will ensure law enforcement agencies throughout the state release police recordings of serious uses of force, including body camera footage, which are valuable tools for civilian oversight at a time of growing concern with police violence.


–from Rogue

CEO Levatich says Harley-Davidson brand about freedom, less about ‘made in America’–Harley-Davidson Inc. president and CEO Matt Levatich uses the word “freedom” in nearly every public comment he makes.

For Levatich, who was appointed CEO of the iconic Milwaukee-based motorcycle manufacturer in 2015, freedom is one of the brand’s core values, along with things like strength, independence, self-expression and individual identity.

In a conversation hosted by Scale Up Milwaukee Thursday morning, Levatich emphasized the importance of Harley-Davidson’s purpose and identity being “liberating, not constraining.”

A key to a company’s success, in Levatich’s mind, is a “clear” understanding of what a company stands for.

“What I like about Harley is we never have to have that conversation,” he said. “We’ve been about the same thing since the very beginning.”

Levatich went on to say the company’s core values are liberating, as opposed to “we’re made in the USA,” which he implied was constraining. Harley-Davidson has made international growth a key priority in its 10-year strategy, but has also been criticized, most notably by President Donald Trump, for planning to move production of motorcycles overseas to avoid tariffs.

In expanding on his philosophy, Levatich invoked New Glarus Brewing Co.’s Spotted Cow, which is famous for its “Only in Wisconsin” branding.

“That’s a really awesome example of a differentiated point of view, but it’s a constraint to growth,” he said. “I admire, on the one hand, their willingness to say that, but then I think to myself, is that going to work 10 years from now?”

The need to be open and broad in Harley-Davidson’s brand identity played a frequent role throughout Levatich’s remarks Thursday. While discussing Harley-Davidson as a “legacy company,” he shared his enthusiasm for adapting and evolving to create new riders, having in his mind shored up manufacturing and product development.

“The plan has a very exciting component of modernizing, if you will, not what we stand for, but how we show up and put products in front of our customers,” he said. “This to me is the third piece of re-tooling the company and preparing it for the next century.

That plan, the aforementioned 10-year strategy, was announced in early 2017, but got an accelerated update in July, less than 18 months after it was first announced. Levatich said he could envision announcing similar updates to the overall strategy somewhat annually in the future.

“The world is dynamic and our capabilities are growing,” he said. “We felt this summer, it was very important. I think there were a lot of people that were wondering, what’s going on at Harley? Our U.S. numbers are not growing. Our industry, of which we are a significant portion, is not growing.”

Appropriately, Levatich also mentioned Harley-Davidson’s launch of its “All for Freedom, Freedom for All” brand platform under his watch in 2017. That slogan is “inherently more positive, more inviting and aspirational” than something more commonly associated with motorcycling such as “stick it to The Man,” but also reiterates Levatich’s commitment to a more liberating, less constraining brand identity.

“This is all part of a conscious effort to be more inclusive, more inviting, more interesting to more people by being who we are, differently,” he said.


–from Rogue

THERE’S MORE—But to hell with it. I’m taking a break. I’m working on a list of concerns and fixes for the MRF as they move into 2019, just suggestions.

Everything is so nuts. We don’t need more laws. We need more education, options and freedoms. We need people to stop expecting their governments to kill everyone who lights a cigarette. Just step away. Let them smoke.

Just like our loud bikes. If someone doesn’t like it, they don’t need to run to their city council and demand a law. They need to understand how much we need the noise for our protection.

Of course we also need to play it down in some circumstances to avoid pissing off everyone.

We have so much to celebrate. We need to party, not pass more laws.

Remember, ride free forever or die trying.


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