February 2006 V-Twin Expo

V-twin bike

Editor’s note: The following was well written by John Siebenthaler, who previously designed Bikernet billboards, ads and brochures. He’s a master designer, like Dave Perewitz is a master bike builder. Rogue, on the otherhand was sent first class to shoot all the latest V-Twin industry products, the player and bikes. Unfortunately he never left the bar except once to attend the V-Twin party. Hang on.

(CINCINNATI) Ahhh, to be in balmy Cincy in February. Picnickers line the banks as the Ohio River flows lazily downstream. Flocks of flamingos shuffle along the shore, effortlessly searching for brine shrimp and krill. Flawlessly tanned young women in t-backs seek out a not-to-secluded spot to toss down a towel on the sand, unhook their tops, and get serious about sunning. It’s… oh wait, that’s not THIS Cincinnati.

No, my plane left Tampa at 7:30 a.m., fresh into the second half of a day-long monster thunderstorm, and the roller coaster ride into the Ohio valley meant anyone who’d embraced that hearty Denny’s pre-dawn corned-beef-hash- and-eggs-over-easy-breakfast was that much lighter on landing.

Berry and gypsy
Berry Wardlaw and the first girl invited to compete in a Discovery Channel Biker Build-off, Gypsy.

All this talk about the weather is framed by the experience of having just attended the Performance Racing Industry (sorry, no photos allowed, but boy, you shoulda been there) show in Orlando last November. Over a million square feet of exhibits, five miles of aisles, and chamber of commerce blue skies and fair temps left the tens of thousands attending wishing for a few more days in the Orange County Convention Center.

I don’t care who built ‘em…

Nevertheless, the ride in from Covington, through intermittent rain tinged with sleet, was in many ways preferable to 04-degrees, way sub-zero temps-and-frozen- beer-and-bar-nuts-puke left in the drifts outside the hotels. It’s just what is, and the weather did little to dampen the larger-every-year herd of manufacturers elbowing their way onto and above the main floor of the Cinergy Center to exhibit the latest and greatest in V-twin merchandise and technology.

And yes, the fat lady’s sung her last note. This IS the show for American Other, a phrase first coined by IronWorks Dennis Stemp years ago that did then and still perfectly describes the offerings. That category has also been typified as anything billet, which in practical terms defaults to polished aluminum, from primaries to master cylinders.

Dave and Berry
There’s the show MC in the center, Dave Nichols, the editor of V-Twin and Easyriders.

Interestingly, though there’s never been a shortage of finishes, keeping the part in a chrome-like state of finish hasn’t been that easy. Enkay Polishing enters the fray with a consumer line of polishing kits for shop and garage that help make the chore of maintaining a factory fresh appearance a little easier.

Interesting also were the exhibitors who in the past shunned the lifestyle atmosphere of V-Twin, but who’ve since realized that if you want to sell American v-twin, you go where the buyers are. It was, in terms of variety and depth, a show that just keeps getting better. Every aisle was filled with acquaintances, and the rule of thumb was to walk ten feet, talk ten minutes, repeat, especially true for pals from my Easyriders days.

Others worth noting included Berry Wardlaw's Accurate Engineering over the top engine shop. Berry’s getting set up for in-house EPA certification, so anyone who’s ever imagined one of his trademark retro builds sitting in their frame in their driveway will have ample opportunity to indulge. And speaking of, there were several frame manufacturers noted whose quality construction was self-evident and in stark contrast to a lot of the just plain dangerous junk that’s floating around.

As to dealer attendance, that was hard to judge. Just about every booth, queried on the subject, said they’d run out or were running short on promo materials, so someone was picking up collateral. On the otherhand, marketing materials in general seemed to be less plentiful than in previous years. The floor, for the most part, was generally free of congestion, which meant a very easy time getting around.

Rogue and Bandit
Goddamnit Rogue leave the girls to me and take shots of new products.

The return ride to the airport was in the company of a couple of northeastern shop owners, both of whom gave a big thumbs up to the show, said they’d found a lot of merchandise they liked, but no, hadn’t bought. They were contemplating a few items of interest and might buy once they’d done the math.

So much for impulse in the new economy.

Billy and girls

Noted for a special shout out were the booth contents of Cadworks and SpieglerUSA. Their respective products feature sheet metal and hydraulics, but all things are not created equal. Cadworks is a Southern California engineering firm whose clients come mainly from the aerospace and aircraft industry, but whose technology is perfectly adaptable to the power sports industry.

Rogue and Gypsy
Goddamnit Rogue, that’s Berry’s girl.

Cadworks designs body parts (tanks and fenders) for production by deep drawn forming. They’re able to render in meticulous detail compound shapes (steel and aluminum) that are formed in a consistent, predictable manner, maintaining a uniform thickness and without introducing stress.

Berry and Billy
Berry Wardlaw, of Accurate Engineering, won Engine of The Year Award at the V-Twin Awards, but then the party began with Billy Lane.

You can learn more on their web site, but I was impressed with how economical the process is and how repeatable the parts are once the initial engineering and molds are finalized. Cost to manufacture is very low, without sacrificing quality. Oh, and the fact that it’s all done in the USA gets major snaps as well.

Crime inc.

Think all fittings are created equal? Guess again. Spiegler is one of those companies that revives your faith in mankind. Just when it seems as though the Chinese outsourcing stampede was complete, here sits a perfect example of European obsession with detail in a form following patented brake line function. And since the form is brake lines, the function part proves there’s always a better mousetrap.

If you’ve ever been ready to ditch the braided and bend your own steel lines because you couldn’t get the python-esque kinks out of the hose, here’s your answer:

Big Dog
Big Dog won Best Bike of The Year, and here’s Nick “the Knife”, the president chewing out his staff. I wanted a shot of the bike, but nooo.

A nifty little piece of plastic bar, and an even more cool two-piece clamp for a bench vise or vise-grip, and you can now set the angle of the banjo fitting quickly and easily, resulting in a straight line vinyl covered braided line that doesn’t look like a boa constrictor sucking down it’s last meal.

Berry was making friends with some strange cats.

Danny Gray’s booth got a big thumbs-up from everyone for Best Booth In Show. Billy Lane was there, posse in hand, for meet and greets that left his corner of the spectacle looking like I-75 through rush hour Atlanta. A couple of aisles over was Roger Goldammer's booth, more restrained, smaller, less glitz and glam, yet arguably setting a fresh new standard for innovation and execution when it comes down to rubber on the road.


Yet another symptom of change that’s becoming more and more prevalent: TV coverage. Specifically, were jammed in every other booth, doing a standup for later edit and broadcast on the growing number of outlets that are trying to win a v-twin market.

Billy and girl
Billy has a way with the girls.

Billy and girl2
And photographers.

Trade shows. Not always easy to attend, not always situated in the venues we might otherwise select as best for us, but still the best way to quickly come to terms with what’s new, who’s moved, how’s business, and in general what’s shakin'.

all winners
Rogue took this shot of all the industry winners because someone slipped him a fifth of Jack Daniels.

And that’s not counting all the great ways to get your hands on actual product, to pick up, turn over, sit on, kick, or otherwise get physical feedback about something you hadn’t realized had changed or something brand new on the scene.

Helluva party.

Come to think of it, it sure beats wallowing in a stuck in traffic crowd on Main Street that just cant wait to drop five bucks on a warm beer in a plastic cup.

Accurate Eng. Banner

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