Lane-splitting is no more dangerous for motorcyclists than motorcycling in general, says a UC Berkeley study

For years, there has been debate about whether the practice of motorcyclists beating slower traffic by driving between lanes is dangerous. A UC Berkeley study released this week provides some possible answers.

What is lane-splitting?

Lane-splitting is the practice of motorcyclists riding between marked lanes, typically to pass slow-moving or stalled traffic.

Is it legal?
California is the only state that allows lane-splitting by motorcyclists, though technically state law neither prohibits nor permits “motorcycles from passing other vehicles proceeding in the same direction within the same lane,” according to the California Highway Patrol.

Why do some drivers think its dangerous?

Many motorists say its difficult to spot lane-splitters who speed between cars, increasing the risk of accidents.
Sources: UC Berkeley, California Highway Patrol, California Office of Traffic Safety.
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