Bikernet Testimonials

H-D factory staff
Bikernet staff about to take a tour of the H-Dfactory to write a feature. When we send a crew to handle afeature, we don’t mess around.


from Time to time we receive very positive letters regardingBikernet’s ability to assist in product marketing or eventpromotion. We finally decided to publish a few to giveprospective sponsors a taste of Bikernet’s clout in the industry.We’re here to help make your advertising dollars pay off.

Don’t hesitate to contact us, if we can assist with yourgrowth or reach in the market.

–K.R. Ball

From: Doc Robinson

Date: 10/2020

Subject: Bikernet Weekly News

Greetings Mr Ball,


Just read the weekly news: you always cover an impressively wide range of motorcycle related subjects.

Sometimes I wonder where you find it all.


Anyway I’m writing this to ask if you will please send me a copy of your book “Prize Possession” for reviewing in Heavy Duty.

Of course it will also give me a chance to plug






From: Emily Bartels
Date: 10/17 
Subject: Bikernet Blog Featured in New Article


Bikernet is an online magazine that keeps you up-to-date on everything related to motorcycles.

A variety of writers contribute to the blog section, so you get a good mixture of voices and opinions in one handy location. They touch on a little of everything and post regularly.

Lisa Jorgenson is a regular contributor, and she shares personal opinions and thoughts, which is a nice mix along with the regular motorcycle news. There are also plenty of interesting pieces written by Ujjwal Dey that cover motorcycle-related topics.

If you already follow a ton of personal blogs, add one like this to your list so you can stay updated on the latest happenings in the motorcycle world.

B.B. St. Roman and me

Jul 17, 2016

A LETTER FROM A BIKERNET CONTRIBUTOR– Under the pen name Scooter Tramp Scotty, I’ve been writing for several publications, both printed and online, for years. These true motorcycle drifter adventure stories offer a unique niche and have gained me a large following that continues to grow.Once a story has been published in print, I then pass it along to Bikernet, and eventually a few smaller publications as well.Although monthly now, I started in the mid ’90s by putting out only an occasional piece that generally saw print in Easyriders magazine—for there were no online mags back then. So later, when Keith asked me for material to be used in, I didn’t take this new-age computer crap too seriously. Real magazines, I figured, were something one could hold in his hand while seated on the john.

In time however, the computer age came to full swing and it was necessary that I become involved in social media. To my absolute surprise, I’ve found that social media response to my printed stories is minimal, yet once this same material hits Bikernet my damn computer blows up! I guess the world’s become full of computer freaks these days, and must also attribute this phenomena, at least in part, to the fact that online media is by its very nature world wide. This has made the publication of my work in far more important.—Scotty


A LETTER FROM A BIKERNET SPONSOR–I just got off the phone with the regional Tucker Rocky rep. He has scheduled a meeting with Kyle and me, here in Lawrence, to establish and finalize our dealer relationship with TR/BC. I explained to him that we applied to TR over a year ago and were turned down. He revealed to me that the order to move forward with a dealership for K and G Cycles came from the highest levels of the company. After some conversation, he told me that you had written a recommendation on our behalf and that started the ball rolling. Apparently, through your efforts, K and G Cycles is now on yet another radar screen in the motorcycle industry.

The purpose of this message is to offer our personal thanks for all you have done for us. We value your friendship and partnership and we are growing, in no small part, as a result of your efforts and support. It appears that, very soon, Ken will have yet another press release announcing the Tucker Rocky/K and G partnership.

In conversation, I discovered that your recommendation triggered many of their top people to look at the web site and prepare many of the materials they anticipate we would need. This represents a major paradigm shift in the motorcycle industry where a wholesaler is setting up formal support for an internet-only dealership. We are proud to be a part of this advancement and we are grateful for your efforts to get us there.

A rough estimate suggests that, without overlap, TR will add about 75K – 80K parts to our catalog making us that much closer to the goal of being the of motorcycle parts.

Once again, please accept our sincere appreciation for all you have done.

–Regards, George and Kyle
George M. Marakas


BIKERNET TESTIMONIAL–On another topic, can you answer me this? How many uniquevisitors per month you get. All my scans have you as the kingover any other site, and so on. There seems to be a traffic warbetween two. Whatever it is, you’re winning.

Brand Vandal | Director of Marketing, Creative and PR
BAKER Drivetrain

We average about 300,000 unique users a month, whovisit over 500,000 times, for one million impressions and 10million hits.


Streetwalker banner

BIKERNET TESTIMONIAL–I’ve had a number of people call and e-mail us on whata great feature article it was.We have a stat sheet that we get weekly from the host of ourStreetwalker site and I always look at it to make sure the trafficcounts are where we want them to be. One of the criteria theyevaluate by is referring sites and to qualify as counter somebodyhasto come onto your site from a link on another site.

Bikernetisalways in the top four sites for referring hits to our site. It isn’tuncommon to have between 75 to a 100 “referrals” a monthfromBikernet. It’s a terrific tool for exposure and never fails to drivetraffic.I’m starting to sound like a paid endorsement so I’m outa here.Takecare and thanks for all your efforts.

Street Walker Exhaust

Envy Banner

D & D Banner

From: Jeff Najar
President, Horsepower Marketing

On a side note, I’ve had the pleasure to work with D&D andprovide them with publicity services. They indicated that thework that I do increased their retail sales by 30% last year. Thecornerstone of my campaign was Bikernet. I work with thembecause they provide the biggest bang for the buck.

–Jeff Najar

W8less Banner

From: Raymond C Wheeler
Subject: Vegas Trade Show
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006


At least a dozen people mentioned they had seen rotorson Bikernet. Tons of interest from a lot of people, including a300 unit inquiry, among many others. The show director cameto our booth to find out what a w8less rotor was, said he hadheard of w8less rotor on Bikernet and no less than 6 times in ahalf hour at the show, had to see it for himself.

Our Benmaxx engineers were blown away, 12 young men,under 35 with phds. All are interested in attending theCincinnati show. For three days the Benmaxx guys hadmeetings, deciding how to meet upcoming manufacturingobligations, seems the doors are opening .

Once again, thanks a million.


BSA ad

From: Berry Wardlaw, president AccurateEngineering
Date: 12/06
Subject: Bikernet 5-Ball Racing Sponsorship

Out of all of the adds I have bought, shit that I have givenaway, Sturgis, Daytona, Discovery Channel, Speed Channel,donated crap, events, trade shows, free builds, magazines, etc.,NOTHING has paid off as far as publicity goes as the 5-BallPanhead. Man, this sucker is showing up everywhere and isactually bringing in a couple of sales, which I’m sure willincrease.

Damn, it is still true, “Win on Sunday, sell on Monday.” Ican’t wait for the new bike. Yes, we are progressing on it but Iam also looking for some more sponsorship. This is getting tobe a rich engine, but worth it.


Accurate banner


From: Rick Krost, president U.S. Choppers
Date: 8/06
Subject: Bikernet Banners and support


I just wanted to let you know; after paying for ads intraditional magazines, attending multiple tradeshows and eventsaround the country– no other source has yielded a betteraudience for our products and designs. We enjoy the Bikernetsubscribers’ enthusiasm for our sport and have yielded much interms of sales and new friendships as a result of ourparticipation on your website.

Thanks for all of your hard work and efforts in creating atruly unique website; we look forward to being with you on thatlong road ahead. Can’t wait for Bonneville 2007! It’s going tobe something special–no doubt. Just another reason for yourreaders to stay posted every week…………

–Rick Krost
U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please

US Chopper banner

Date: 2/07
Subject: Bikernet news

Thanks again for the help, I’ve already seen some increasedsales from the exposure you gave me. I hope that we can worktogether more in the future.

Darin Morris


From: Chet Burozski, Sales and Marketing Director
Date: 2/22/07
Subject: Bikernet

In a day in age when you believe half of what you hear andall of what you know, you can understand my skepticism when Imet Randall Ball from He told me he liked ourproduct and would see what he could do. As I walked away Ithought “Yeah just like everybody else.”

To my surprise I called Randall, after returning toIndianapolis, and he told what info he would need. Within acouple days he had our company listed on his site and the nextday the phones started ringing. Not only does Bikernet work, butyou couldn’t be dealing with better people than the onesassociated with Randall’s company. They say what they meanand they mean what they say.

Thanks Randall for not only helping “360 Brake” but for the fun Ihave personally had in dealing with you and yours in everyaspect of the industry.

Chet Burozski
Sales and Marketing Director
Baldwin Wilson Development Corp.
1531 E. Northfield Dr.
Brownsburg, IN 46112
W. (317)852-7867
C. (317)370-0920
F. (317)858-9287


BRASS BALLS HEADS TO DAYTONA–We have been extremely busy and promoting the business getsshoved aside, not intentionally of course.

We WILL be in Daytona. We will have our Semi and 8 bikesand possibly a few rollers at Carl’s Speed Shop. His new place inOrmond Beach.

We have several bikes in the works right now. Trying to getready for Daytona. I will not have any photos until then. Maybe Ican get a few out prior to us leaving on the 27th.

I can tell you a few new items. We are partnering withPlatinum Machine Concepts to offer a machined billet “Invader”wheel package as an option on our bikes, as well as apartnership with 360 Brake, to offer their brakes as an optionsas well. We have also partnered with Rich Phillips Leather to offercustom seats as an option for our customers as well. All theseitems will be featured on our site and made available at the”build your bike” section of our site. We will have verycompetitive pricing on these for our customers.

We will have these options displayed on some of the bikeswe are taking to Daytona.

We are also unvaling our 2007 (better late than never) BrassBalls Chopper, in Daytona.

Our V-Twin TV feature segment is on our web site now, onthe home page, for people to watch (11 minutes)

By the way, big thanks to you for your great site. After ourTV program, over half of the people that searched us on theweb, came from going to your site first.

Keep up the good work.
–Dar Holdswort

BBB Click through2

BIKERNET CLICK-THROUGHS FOR BRASS BALLS– This shows the number of folks who clicked over to BrassBalls from various locations. As you will see, almost half of thefolks who visited Brass Balls last month came from Bikernet.That’s incredible.

BIKER BUILD-OFF TONIGHT–Don’t miss it.The first two shows did very well, numbers wise, which provesthat works…. cause as you know the Network didamazingly little to promote BBO. So thanks, thanks, thanks.

The show this Thursday is a build-off between Chica ofChica Custom Cycles, Huntington Beach, CA and MichaelBarragan of Evil Spirit Engineering, Glendale, CA. Chica built ared and white homage to the sixties… laid back, long bars,banana seat, eight foot sissy bar… totally hand wrought. Hecalls his creation the “Mama-san Special” because it is built inhonor of his wife, Hitomi. On the ride she’s up behind him theentire length of the trip.

Barragan, an up and comer, is revered in Japan though justbecoming known in the U.S. He built a post industrial, futuristicghetto sled in his small but extremely intense shop behind hishouse. The two fabricators meet in Ft. Worth, Texas in thehistoric Stockyards casino where Hugh”Chopper” King dealsthem a hand which seals their fate and which sends them ontheir way to the 300,000 plus Lone Star Rally in Galveston.


H-D factory sign
From: Rod Woodruff
Date: 07/30/17
Subject: Moxie


Real briefly, those who’ve demonstrated the backbone, skills, determination and cajones to start a business, grow it and prosper amidst difficult economic challenges in an intensely competitive marketplace have earned respect and recognition.

The Buffalo Chip would like to give some love to those in the motorcycle industry who’ve achieved milestones. The Motorcycle Industry Reception held on the first Sunday of the Chip’s annual event seems like a suitable place to do that for those few who’ve started, met the challenges and continue to build businesses that have served the public and motorcycle industry well.

You, through, have now been doing that for twenty (20) years. With your permission, we’d like to present you and a few others with what we’ve named the 2017 Motorcycle Moxie Awards. No speech necessary. Just an announcement, acknowledgement of appreciation for service to the industry and congratulations.

A photo of Bikernet’s Moxie Award is attached. The award is scheduled for Sunday, August 6 at 5:25 p.m. We’d welcome the opportunity to present this to you. Please just let us know if this would be acceptable to you and whether you’d be present to accept it.

Sincerely – and with congratulations,

Rod Woodruff

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