
Last night I experienced a Chinese New Year Celebration for the second time. I believe I experienced it in China about 2001 on a trip around the world. You can still read about this 4.5 month trip on Bikernet.

Last night I attended the Buddhist Temple gathering in Chinatown, Los Angeles. The temple was jammed, but not how you would expect the Chinese New Year to be celebrated in LA. Chinatown was mostly closed up, except for a couple of restaurants and we jammed into the Plum Tree Inn, a spacious comfortable restaurant for a late dinner with babes, the Triking Viking and Hugh King and his wife Karen.

We didn’t know what the hell we were getting into, the timing, nothing. We played it by ear and it went down perfectly. The dinner was magnificent, the celebration in front of the temple with steel drums, Fu Dogs, and fire crackers jacked up the night.

Let’s hit the news, I’m way behind with phone servicemen, a late night and the headquarters are rocking today.

The News is sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine and Iron Trader News, plus we always support the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.


According to the Knight-Ridder News Service, the inscription on the metal bands used by the U.S. Department of the Interior to tag migratory birds has been changed. The bands used to bear the address of the Washington Biological Survey, abbreviated:

Wash. Biol. Surv.

Until the agency received the following letter from an Arkansas camper:

“Dear Sirs:
While camping last week I shot one of your birds. I think it was a crow. I followed the cooking instructions on the leg tag and I want to tell you it was horrible.”

The bands are now marked Fish and Wildlife Service.


HELP IS ON THE WAY— I think a little JB Weld will fix her! Just an 80-inch S&S lower end, but the heads are already S&S. It will be a slow process, but at least I’m finally started!

Going from 2 bikes for the last 15 years to no bikes is not good for your health!


GUN NUT ALERT— Anti-gun U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and U.S. Representative Elizabeth Esty (D-Conn.), have introduced their Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act (S. 407 and H.R. 752, respectively), in yet another attempt to ban magazines that accept more than 10 rounds. Similar legislation has been introduced in previous Congresses, and has repeatedly failed since the expiration of the Clinton “large” magazine ban in 2004.

Take Action:
Please contact your U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representative and ask them to OPPOSE S. 407 and H.R. 752.

Firearms designed to use magazines that hold more than ten rounds have been around for more than a hundred years. Today they constitute a majority of all new firearms manufactured, imported and sold in the United States, for what the Supreme Court, in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), called the central purpose of the Second Amendment: self-defense.While gun control supporters claim that the magazines are unnecessary for self-defense, millions of Americans disagree, and the Supreme Court has ruled in Heller that laws are unconstitutional if they prohibit firearms that are in common use for defensive purposes.

Moreover, studies have shown that magazine bans don’t reduce crime. The congressionally-mandated study of the 1994-2004 federal “large” magazine “ban” concluded that its10-round limit on new magazines wasn’t a factor in multiple-victim or multiple-wound crimes. A follow-up study concluded that “relatively few attacks involve more than 10 shots fired,” and “the ban’s effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement.”2 And a majority of law enforcement in the United States acknowledges that banning standard-capacity magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds will not increase public safety.

A person attacked in a parking lot, or at home in the middle of the night, will probably have only the magazine within the firearm. No one should be arbitrarily limited in the number of rounds he or she can have for self-defense.

The NRA opposes this legislation and will continue to fight attempts in Congress to limit magazine capacity.

HB 370, our red light bill is to be heard in the Transportation Committee hearing on Feb 17th at 2:00pm in the Capitol Annexx Room 149. See the members below.

2:00pm, Annex Room 149

Agenda: pending
Members: Rep. Hubert Collins (Chair), Rep. Leslie Combs, Rep. Russ A. Meyer, Rep. Charles Miller, Rep. Marie Rader, Rep. Diane St. Onge, Rep. Denver Butler, Rep. Tim Couch, Rep. Will Coursey, Rep. David Floyd, Rep. Donna Mayfield, Rep. Tom McKee, Rep. Jerry T. Miller, Rep. Terry Mills, Rep. Rick G. Nelson, Rep. Tanya Pullin, Rep. Steve Riggs, Rep. Sal Santoro, Rep. John Short, Rep. Arnold Simpson, Rep. Fitz Steele, Rep. Jim Stewart, Rep. Tommy Turner, Rep. David Watkins, Rep. Addia Wuchner

If you can make it to the capitol please be there. If you cannot be there in person then please call 800-372-7181 and leave a message for the committee members and your State Rep to “Please support and cosponsor HB 370.

We need your calls NOW. Have your friends, family and coworkers call as well. Help us get this much-needed piece of legislation through the process.

If anyone wants to meet me at the capitol that day please call the 800-68-CYCLE or you can text to it and find out where I am. I will get there about 10:00am and start talking to committee members before the hearing. If nothing else please meet in Room 149 at 2:00pm. See you there.

–Jay Huber
State President, Kentucky Motorcycle Association

HB 370 (BR 1477) – J. Bell, W. Stone, M. Meredith, S. Santoro

AN ACT relating to traffic regulations.
Amend KRS 189.338 to establish an affirmative defense for an operator of a motorcycle for a violation of entering or crossing an intersection controlled by a traffic signal against a steady red light; establish criteria for an affirmative defense; provide that the affirmative defense shall not constitute a defense to any other civil or criminal action.

Feb 9-introduced in House
Feb 10-to Transportation (H)
Feb 12-posted in committee

Be sure to sign up or renew today. We have strength in numbers.


BRASS BALLS CYCLES SUPPORTS VETS— When our servicemen and women return home, they are faced with many emotional challenges that no one should have to burden. Many need more than the VA can help them with.

They need engagement in something to keep their minds focussed on something positive.

We know that riding motorcycles is therapeutic, but we also feel strongly that giving a returning soldier or vet a bike kit to build would be a very engaging project and also provide therapy. Plus, they deserve it.

We’d like to help but we need support to accomplish this goal.

We are looking for sponsors and people who would be willing to support our goal to give away a bike kit to a soldier or vet.

Please email if you’d like to contribute or have suggestions as to how funds can be raised.



This week saw a couple of firsts. The first hearing on the highway bill and the first SMRO lobby visit.

The House held its first hearing on the highway bill. It was, as you would expect, pointless. But I suppose that’s a reasonable place to start since the highway bill is a blind beast that doesn’t even know what to do with itself.

The hearing had DOT Secretary Foxx testifying on behalf of President Obama and his blueprint transportation bill, the GROW AMERICA act. or as you may know it the Generating Renewal, Opportunity, and Work with Accelerated Mobility, Efficiency, and Rebuilding of Infrastructure and Communities throughout America. Worst bill name ever.

The draft legislation is widely regarded as DOA by most in Congress, from both sides of the aisle. There will likely be many more hearing on this before anything substantive exists. Another long term extension is likely as current funding expires in May.

ABATE of Wisconsin came to D.C. for a quick lobby trip to meet their new members of congress and keep up relations with some the key players. We met with Mr. Sensenbrenner and he told us about his plan to release a “dear colleague” letter in reference to his stop motorcycle checkpoint bill that he intends to introduce some time this spring. The legislation will be identical to the legislation of last congress right down to the bill number! Mr Sensenbrenners staff has reserved H.R. 1861, the same number as last congress, again this congress. So remembering the bill number should not be a problem. Please ask your organizations to contact your members of congress and cosponsor S. 127 and H.R. 1861.

I received a phone call this week from a longtime member of the MRF. He requested that I ask you (the SMRO leaders) if anyone has any information about awareness messaging. Do any of your states keep data on how many lives are saved with messaging? For instance “share the road” or “look twice save a live” etc.

So often our government uses studies against us or to defend there position. This particular state government is telling ABATE that the messaging doesn’t work because there is no data to back it up. Shoot me an email if can add any information to the mix.

–Jeff Hennie
Chief Motorcycle Lobbyist, Motorcycle Riders Foundation


LUCAS HITS THE ROAD–The Lucas MC division purchased a new trailer, however it is mostly not visible in this picture. It is 18 feet by 8 feet with air and electric in it, so it can be used as a camper to sleep in also. We joined Forrest and Morgan to discuss some MC items and discuss with them items in progress. Also took the opportunity for this photo on an Indiana winter morning.

The trailer is a V nose unit and all aluminum with desk and cabinets in the front for supplies, we had a 2/3 awing installed with product also on the top of the awning so presentation at both inside and outside shows provides and impressive look. The front of the trailer features old school racing bikes on board track and in motion. the u nit has already been to Texas, and in various shows. Headed to Columbus, Ohio this weekend and then to Georgia for a 4-wheel park weekend event and on the way from there to Daytona Bike Week for ten days.

The unit is outstanding.

–Michael Farabaugh
Lucas Motorcycle Oils


—And you could win this book for just signing up, no charge.

From the most trusted brand in outdoor sports, Field & Stream, popular F&S bloggers and the hosts of the popular Gun Nuts show on the Outdoor Channel (sponsored by Smith & Wesson share insider hints, amazing stories, and hands-on guidance for the first-time gun owner and the seasoned veteran alike.

The Ultimate Gun Guide – 335 Essential Shooting Tips and Techniques

Choose the Right Gun The complete guide to figuring out what you really need, and then picking the right shotgun, rifle, handgun, and ammo for whatever sport you want.

Shoot Better Increase your rifle accuracy, boost your shotgun scores, and come home with game instead of excuses.

Hunt Smarter Field-tested tips on how to make tough shots on big game, get more ducks, fool a gobbler, and much, much more.

Stay Safe The plain facts about the best hardware for home defense, and how to use it safely to protect your family, as well as solid advice on shooting safety in the field.

Publisher: Weldon Owen, Incorporated
Publish Date: Sep 18, 2012
ISBN-13: 9781616284329
ISBN-10: 1616284323
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 256
Written in: ENG
Shipping Weight (in pounds): 2.32
Product in Inches (L x W x H): 9.8 x 7.8 x 1.0

Join the Bikernet E-mail family for Updates and get a chance to win a Bikernet package of bling!!

We have a cool package of bling to give away – one a week for the next 5 weeks. Yes, that’s right – 5 chances to win!!

Winning Packages Can Include:

A copy of ‘Dumb and Dumber To’ on Blu-ray Combo Pack
(Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels reprise their signature roles as Lloyd and Harry in the sequel to the smash hit that took the physical comedy and kicked it in the nuts. Own DUMB AND DUMBER TO on Digital HD, Blu-ray & DVD now. From Universal Studios Home Entertainment.)
Plus some Bling from the Bikernet Shipping Surprise Shelf – whatever is sitting around at the time!!


VINCENT SHOW COMING TO LOS ANGELES—Hang on for more news about this classic show developed around Historic Vincent Motorcycles.

INSPIRATION FOR THE DAY—Sand can cultivate seedlings of grain.

Mud can grow pure lotus.

Whether outside circumstances are good or bad is unimportant.

What is important are useful seeds.

Venerable Master Hsing Yun


I’m running my ask-me-no-questions off! KOTA TV is using so many of my videos that that they made a BUCK LOVELL banner graphic that displays whenever they show on of my news or weather related clips on TV!

Buck of the Nucking Forth Cold Feet Association!



Howie, this is Dianne, I’m holding another surprise party for my honey Sonny and need your help the phone said. It’s his 70th and I want to rock his socks off. You think we can pull that off again I answered. This will make the third time you’ve done that surprise thing. Sure, sure, no problem she assured me. Dianne was of course referring to the two previous surprise parties she had thrown for Sonny’s 60th and 65th birthday. They were both legendary.

A plan was hatched, the party would be held at Sonny’s normal Thursday night hangout, the Viva Cantina Mexican restaurant in Burbank Ca. I’ll get the owner Cody Bryant to send him a phony invitation for a special party Dianne explained. Sonny and I go there all the time to drink and dance and do that cowboy thing time so he won’t be suspicious of the invitation.

The deed was done. Booking, food, drinks, appetizers, posters, balloons, party favorites, a cake, invitations and a band all came together. It was Sunday January 25th and Sonny Nutter’s 70th birthday party became a reality.

Private party signs instructed all who were invited into the restaurants back banquet room. It was filled to the brim, a full house of Nutter family, friends, competitors, sponsors, promoters, VIP’s and admirers.

He’s pulling into the parking lot the report came. Lights were dimmed and bodies scrambled so they would not to be seen when the former #19 entered the room.

Surprise, surprise everyone yelled as pull poppers and confetti filled the air. Don’t know who was more shocked, Sonny for being surprised or us for pulling it off without him finding out.

The night shifted into “high’. Margaritas flowed and stories were told as yesterday, today and tomorrow all blended together in a sea of smiles.

Presents, presents Dianne yelled as she dragged Sonny onto the stage. There she presented him with a boat cruise ticket on the Independence of the Sea. They would fly to Ft Lauderdale Florida and then spend eight day cursing the Caribbean.

A speech followed as a truly humbled Sonny relayed his feelings that so many were there for him. “I’m honored that I have so many friends. You are like a family to me. It blows my mind. I will never forget this evening”.

The traditional blowing out the candles on the cake as everyone sang Happy Birthday followed. More drinks, more talk. It continued till early morning.

So there it is. A party for the record book. Nutter, your a wild man. Dianne, you put on one hell of a party. What, what’s that you say. Do it again for his 75th. For sure girl. I’m there.

‘Hardhat” Howie Zechner

–Judy Whitson

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Round ‘Em Up Cowgirl!
Round Up of Articles from the Bikernet Family of websites.

A Dark Horse Cometh

Indian Motorcycle Takes The Chief To A Very Dark Place; Do You Like What
You See?  By Ben Lamboeuf.

Two summers ago, a bold attempt was made to bring a new balance of power to the world of American motorcycles. The venue was Sturgis, South Dakota, and the event was the official return to market for iconic and storied American manufacturer Indian Motorcycle. Releasing its first three new models featuring clean-sheet design but instantly recognizable lines, Indian Motorcycle was indeed back with a massive bang.

READ more….


Snooping Eyes of the DEA Now Prowling Gun Shows, By Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo.

It’s not surprising to learn that there is yet another program uncovered dealing with government surveillance of individuals participating in legal activities. We’ve known for some time that ALPR (automated license plate readers) have been used by law enforcement agencies to locate criminals or “persons of interest” on the so-called BOLO lists (Be On the Look Out).

It’s also widely known that certain agencies have used ALPR devices to identify who was attending certain rallies or political functions. The Department of Justice (DOJ) gathers this information and makes it available to law enforcement agencies across the country.

READ more…



Please Cosponsor HB 370, By Jay Huber, Kentucky Motorcycle Association.

Well folks, it is time to start calling again. The number is 800-372-7181. Please call and leave a message for your State Representative and members of the House Transportation Committee. You can do it with just one phone call. The message is simple:

“Please Cosponsor HB 370”

READ more…

Further Adventures of the Borderland Biker -Chapter 18

Nice Color, but can it go four miles in less than two and a half minutes? By Derrel Whitemeyer

Larry looked at me then towards Kate, “Pretend for a moment we do agree to take you. Out of curiosity, how were you planning on the three of us traveling four miles in less than two and a half minutes? That’s assuming there’s another motorcycle we can use and that we can get the Raider past the metal door at the same time we’re dealing with our large unfriendly friend? That’s a lot of assuming.”

“…and that’s,” I added, “assuming there are no obstacles on the four mile stretch of road.”

READ more…

Project Hammerhead By Klock Werks

This full custom bagger sporting Klock Werks’ best accessories is also for sale. Is it your lucky day?   By Ben Lamboeuf

The minute the 2015 Harley Davidson Road Glide was released, the folks at Klock Werks knew they just had to get their hands on one so they could get to work to adapt the company’s patented Flare windshields to fit the new fairing design. They promptly ordered a brand-new Road Glide that soon ended in the hands of their good pal Doyle Thompson. Why? Because Klock Werks decided years back to no longer build customer

As a matter of fact, the only way for someone to get their hands on a Klock Werks Kustom these days, is to purchase one of the tour/show bikes at the end of the season. Klock Werks’ focus as a company now, is to create awesome parts for you to customize your very own ride! Doyle knows it well, but he also knew that Klock Werks needed to get this 2015 Road Glide to test fitments and do a makeover to debut at Biketoberfest
in October, 2014. Why not have some input on the design? He bought the 2015, brought it to the KW shop, and creative juices began flowing right away.

READ more…

J&P Cycles Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show – Chicago, Illinois

Carl Pusser is Walking Tall with his J&P Cycle Ultimate Builder National Championship

By Jeffrey Najar with Images copyright and courtesy of the Progressive® International Motorcycle Show®. Photos by Manny Pandya.

Winter Storm Neptune brought a swath of snow, high winds and dangerously cold temperatures from the Midwest to the Northeast on Valentine’s weekend. Along with the snow, 60 sizzling hot motorcycles lined up at the Progressive International Motorcycle Show and competed at the J&P Cycles Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show.

Record crowds braved the cold and icy conditions and descended on the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center outside of Chicago O’Hare International Airport to view the custom bikes and the latest motorcycle releases from the major motorcycle manufacturers.

READ more…

From BAGGERS we bring you:

Time To Fender Up With Klock Werks

Clean lines and great fender designs from the bagger experts, Edited By Ben Lamboeuf.

Known for having the best fenders in the industry, Klock Werks brings you their ONE-PIECE front Fender for your 23″ and 26″ front wheels.

Following true Klock Werks style, these fenders were designed to add a clean yet dramatic flow to your custom motorcycle. Great style with ultra clean lines, rivetless smooth sides, stretched rear section and a slammed stance; this fender is a perfect match for your big wheel and any rear fender combination, says Klock Werks.

READ more…

From TRIKES we bring you:

SIT STAY RIDE in a Champion Sidecar

The movie, the dog, the sidecar, Triking Viking

I just watched Sit Stay Ride: The Story of Americas Sidecar Dogs. A Documentary film directed by Eric Ristau with photographer brother Damon Ristau. The same duo that recently released another fun motorcycle movie, Best Bar in America. Sit Stay Ride is a fun, heartwarming film about motorcyclists, their dogs and their sidecars. We’ve all seen that biker on a sidecar cruising by with some wildly ecstatic pooch, snout in the wind, big slobbering grin wearing Doggles. It’s an entertaining look inside the lives of this unique breed of motorcyclists and reminded me just how cool sidecars are. All the benefits of a trike plus space for your best friend, luggage and even a human if need be.

READ more…

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – Francis of Assisi

Mistress Chris
Women’s Editor & Internet Content Coordinator

This is an overview for new attendees and those that may have forgotten the drill.

Banquet held at:
Carson Civic Center 3
Civic Plaza Drive,
Carson, Ca 90745
(310) 835 0212

2:00 – 3:00 pm Check in for bike show and set up
3:00 – 6:00 pm Bike Show, Banquet Check-In and Reception
6:00 pm Banquet Room Doors Open

YOUR PREPAID TICKETS WILL BE AT THE DOOR. If you paid for guests and have not provided their name(s), all their tickets will be in your envelope and you will need to pass them out as they show up. NO TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOOR. No Ticket, no entry.

TOM CATES MEMORIAL BIKE SHOW AND RECEPTION starts at 3PM. This is your chance to kick tires and catch up with old friends, meet new ones and enjoy the company of your heroes. And please, get all your talking done before the program begins.

You will need to pick up your ticket before entering, Allow time to pick up ticket, check in with Tom White, and set up your display. Bring a chain and lock (there will also be security) and card or small poster with information on the bike, in large letters if possible,

WAITING LIST As you may know, we sold out, but as the banquet date approaches, seats open up for various reasons. If you are on the waiting list, you have a good chance of getting a seat, if you are not on the list, you have none. Contact Judy or Mr. Bill
Judy Whitson (909) 226 6038 or (951) 780 198
Bill Cooper (818) 896 2200

No idea what the weather will be like. The reception is in an enclosed patio area. It may get chilly. Wear comfortable shoes, even though there are lots of chairs, you will probably be on your feet a lot while you catch up on the latest.

HOTEL The Double Tree shares a parking lot with the Carson Center. We reserved standard rooms at $125.00 per night. Group rate valid until March 11, 2015. Our Group Code is TBB. Reserve online at Enter dates of stay and click on “Add special rate codes”. Phone (800) 222-8733

Your DUES are included with your banquet ticket, but if you are not attending the banquet, and want to be a member, send $10.00 to:
c/o MIC Inc.
2 Jenner Ste 150
Irvine, CA 92618-3313


The stolen bike is a 1960’s Honda Superhawk Bonneville salt flats racer. It is a very rare Honda CB77 305 with a Webco 350cc top end. It was hand built and owned by sidecar legend, Bob Bakker. It has a rare engine number, CB72E-827 and 1962 stamped above the engine number. The tachometer has a 14K rev limit and it has CB450 carbs with velocity stacks. A friend of Bob’s, Shannon Sweeney is offering a reward.

No questions asked for the bikes safe return. If you have purchased anything from this bike, I will pay you your cost plus more $$ to make it worth your inconvenience,.I will pay for information if you know where it is. I only want this bike returned to a dear friend,.I don’t care where or how your found it, I will pay for it.

All this information is on Craigs List. $$ REWARD $$$ STOLEN MOTORCYCLE NO QUESTIONS ASKED
Contact Bob Bakker (760) 954 9316 or

“Dad, can I get a motorcycle when I grow up?”
“Son, you can’t do both”.


DOGS WHO RIDE SIDECARS, a coming documentary
Read more…

Whatever it is, I want one
Read more…





We’re back at the Broken Spoke For 2015!

Man it was a heart breaker last year to roll past the Broken Spoke on Route 1 during Bike Week and see an empty lot with no lights and no action. That’s why it is with great enthusiasm that we are pleased to announce that the Broken Spoke is open again, and not just Daytona!

This year Cycle Source Magazine will be holding all of their Daytona events at the World Famous Broken Spoke Saloon, in the same location but now under new management. The details of that transaction are not yet available but we have learned enough to know that the care and feeling of this age-old facility is going into the right hands, so we’re in!

From the beginning to the end the Newly Energized Broken Spoke will have incredible events featuring The Editor’s Choice Show. Several National magazine editors will be hand to pick winners to be featured in their publication. The Cycle Source Ride and Custom Bike Show both of which are a growing part of Daytona traditions are both confirmed. A special Truck and Jeep show, separate Hot Rod and Chopper Show plus World Class entertainment from our favorite act at the rally; Hairball.

There will be a Burnout contest in the Broken Spoke’s newly constructed burnout pit, Willie’s Tropical Tattoo official After Party and much more that will be released, as we get closer to the event.

Stay tuned for more info and make your plans now to spend some time with us at The Broken Spoke during Bike Week 2015. Watch for more info!


Spectro Performance Oils
Sponsors Gas Gas–Spectro Supports The Sport–

SPECTRO PERFORMANCE OILS is excited to announce our partnership with GAS GAS MOTOS NORTH AMERICA. Beginning this season, Spectro is the official lubricant of GGMNA. In addition, we are now the proud sponsor of their Off-Road and Enduro Cross teams for the 2015 season and beyond!

When asked about the partnership, GGMNA Operations Manager Mark Berg said, “We are very excited about our relationship with a company so dedicated to producing quality products, made right here in the U.S.A. In the past, our riders have used Spectro products with great success. Considering our expanded efforts in National Enduro, Hare Scramble, and Enduro X championships for 2015, having Spectro partner with Gas Gas Motos NA is a “win-win” situation for our race team and our dealers who will be stocking Spectro Oils”.

President of Spectro Oils of America, Alex Josefson echoed the same excitement. “This partnership is indicative of what we base our entire philosophy on; formulating products that give our consumers the competitive edge they are looking for. The legacy of Spectro is not only one of excellence and performance in racing, but also in our commitment to develop only the best lubricants available to the power sports industry. Partnering with a company as established and innovative as Gas Gas, is a perfect fit for both companies.” Josefson added, “This comes at a very exciting time for our company, as 2016 marks our 50th anniversary. A joint-effort like this is the perfect way to kick off the next 50 years.”

For more information about the complete line of quality Spectro products, click HERE


BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!
U.S. Chopper Board Track Panhead

I saw an article of yours that mentioned you were making the gas tanks for the Paughco framed boardtracker that US Choppers made? Indian Giver was the build, I think. Link referring to this is here:

Are you guys making these tanks? Could you build one to just be for fuel? Can I buy a few of them?

Sarasota, FL

Rick Krost reached out to Alex, and yes, Paughco is making tanks, like the tanks on my bike above.–Bandit


One of the latest proposals by some Texas lawmakers to help alleviate traffic congestion is to legalize lane splitting. Lane splitting (or lane sharing, or “filtering”) allows motorcyclists to pass vehicles by riding in-between lanes of traffic.

State Senator Kirk Watson and State Representative Sergio Muñoz Jr. have both filed bills to legalize the practice.

According to House Bill 813, introduced by Rep. Muñoz (D-Palmview), motorcycle riders would be allowed to ride between lanes of traffic moving in the same direction, if traffic is traveling 20 mph or slower, and if the motorcyclist is not traveling more than 5 mph faster than other traffic. Lane splitting would be prohibited in school zones and in areas where the posted speed limit is 20 mph or less. However, HB 813 would also require that riders and passengers must wear helmets.

Senate Bill 442, introduced by Sen. Watson (D-Austin), does not include the helmet provision, but lane splitting would be restricted to controlled-access highways.

“Filtering” is common in Europe and Asia to alleviate congestion in urban areas, but in the U.S., only California allows the maneuver.

S&S Builds the Baddest Engine Ever 
You’ve Got To Be Strong….To Go Fast

As the performance of an engine is increased, eventually a weak link is found and something fails. One such weak link is the stock flywheel assembly in 1999-to present Harley-Davidson big twins. If you really put the hammer down, the stock wheels tend to shift out of true.

These assemblies are all new, with integral sprocket and pinion shafts, an all new connecting rod and crankpin, and superior materials for added strength. They are a vast improvement over stock, and are even superior to S&S flywheels to date.

1999-’13 Harley-Davidson big twins – Balanced and unbalanced models
S&S T-Series Engine and Hot Set Up Kit® replacement flywheels

320-0459.jpgHeat-treated 4140 material is harder and 114% stronger than stock
Harder material, eliminates thrust washer
Larger 1.671” diameter crankpin
Designed with increased cross-sectional area for increased crank-pin clamping force – No welding required!
Integral mainshafts – Eliminates two potential points of weakness
Consistent balance and precision machining – Truer flywheels and less vibration
Reduced mainshaft deflection at high rpm – less vibration, reduced piston and rod side thrusting, prevents oil pump damage, fully compatible with gear drive cams
Capable of higher rpm – More available power!
Trued to with in .0005” TIR
Rod Bearings have 20 rollers vs 18 stock


BIKERNET PHYSICAL FITTNESS RECOMMENDATION FOR THE WEEK–Wouldn’t it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes; come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller!

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TALLAHASSEE — A police officer in northern Florida is being suspended without pay for one month for firing his stun gun in the back of a 61-year-old woman. A video taken last fall showed Tallahassee Officer Terry Mahan firing his stun gun at Viola Young as she walked away from him. She fell face first to the ground.  Tallahassee Police Chief Michael DeLeo announced Monday that police had concluded an internal investigation into the incident. DeLeo said Mahan’s actions were legal but they did not meet department expectations.

Young was charged in September with resisting and obstructing an officer without violence. Prosecutors soon dropped the charges. Charges were also dropped against three of Young’s relatives arrested at the same time.The officer who made the initial arrests was suspended for two days.
Thieves steal $7,500 in lingerie from Victoria’s Secret ST. PETERSBURG — Call them the lingerie looters: St. Petersburg police are searching for thieves who made off with thousands of dollars’ worth of lingerie from Victoria’s Secret. 

Thieves hit the St. Petersburg store three times in January. Surveillance cameras have recorded the heist.

Some of the thieves act as lookouts and provide a distraction while another person makes the grab.

St. Petersburg police believe they’ve stolen at least $7,500 worth of women’s undergarments.  Investigators believe the ring may be connected to a larger group targeting stores and malls around the Sunshine State.
Ex-state senator released from jail on drug violation MIAMI — Former state Sen. Mandy Dawson has been released from jail after serving about a month for a probation violation involving cocaine use.

U.S. District Judge Robert Scola decided Friday to release Dawson rather than keep her locked up for two more months as prosecutors wanted. Dawson has had previous probation violations for drug use, but the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported she promised Friday to continue treatment for addiction.

Dawson has been on probation for a 2012 tax evasion conviction involving secret payments from lobbyists. A Democrat, Dawson in 1992 became the first black woman elected to the state Legislature from Broward County and served for 16 years in both the House and Senate until term limits forced her out in 2008.
‘Drunken Dumpster diving’  To the couple who got so inebriated, they wound up outside a Wawa store near Tampa in a Dumpster — which was emptied into a garbage truck early Wednesday morning. Police first thought Donald L. Jordan, 37, and Lisa Sirbella, 49, were homeless. Turned out, the two had too much to drink at an area casino Tuesday night. Luckily, they climbed into the Dumpster instead of behind the wheel of a car.

There’s partying. There’s hard partying. And then there’s being so blotto that you don’t wake up until you’re in a garbage truck, pounding on the sides and yelling for help. Now that’s trashed.

–from Rogue

HERE’S A SNEAK PEEK— from the Austin Texas shoot: Steve McQueen’s 1935 Indian Chief. An unpublished antique bike feature lookin’ for a home… owner: Tim LaQuay, Port Lavaca,Tx.



WIPER BLADES ON BIKERNET–Wiper blades are put through the ringer during the year and can end up being a mess to deal with. Do you know when you change each blade?

Why is it streaking? Why doesn’t it seem to help my visibility on the road? These are important questions drivers ask every day without a proper solution. There are a ton of options in your auto parts store but one that stands out is the Rain-X Quantum Wiper Blade.

This new type of wiper blade has breakthrough technology that applies water-repelling coating as you wipe your windshield and has a unique blade change indicator to remind you when to change your blades.

Additionally the OE Design is found on many new cars today along with the easy connector systems which can fit on up to 87% of vehicles on the road without changing the adaptor.

There is more than one way to skin a cat. The problem all too often is that we were only taught one way. We accept it as gospel – the right way, the only way. But there are other ways. Some are clearly better than others, some are labor intensive, some are costly, some are cheap now, but the true cost comes out in the end.

All too often we are afraid to ask how someone does something, why they do it that way? Maybe it is pride, maybe it is stubbornness because we don’t want to learn another way, don’t want to find out that our way isn’t the best way. Maybe is takes a special tool or additional machinery.

As time marches forward we forget that there can be something learned from the grey beards. Companies often fall into that trap. Out with the old, in with the cheaper newer, disposable employee and while that new person is more than capable to doing 80% of the work, it is the other additional 20% making the older, experienced person really valuable.

Sadly companies are willing to take that loss, rather re-engineer, rather dispose of something rather than repair, and rather than retain. Now don’t get me wrong, technology marches on. Print material has been replaced with digital but that doesn’t mean an old dog can’t learn new tricks, can’t bring tried and true experience to the forefront.

The key to success is to be willing to learn, willing to adapt, willing to choose the best method whether it is new or old, willing to innovate. It is said that if you want to learn something new read an old book.

Right now technology is stagnant. Now I know you think your iPhone is the greatest single invention in the world but that is it – it’s not an invention, it is only an improvement. People took what they knew and improved on it.

True new inventions – the airplane, the television, satellites – keep coming. So shake yourself up. Learn a new trick; teach something to someone else because to not improve, to not better yourself and your situation could stagnate. It could mean vocational death.

-bad Uncle Monkey


QUICK OPEN THE BLONDE JOKE LIBRARY— A blonde drops off her black dress at the cleaners. On the way out the door, the lady behind the counter says “come again”.

The blonde say’s “no it’s toothpaste this time you nosy bitch.

–from Rogue and Jerry


5-BALL RACING™ NEWS–Is it time for your Cut?

5-Ball Racing™Leathers’ Sleeveless Cuts have just arrived. Made from boot-tough milled Buffalo leather and comes with two gun pockets.

They are longer than a standard vest and deliver a smooth look on and off the bike. Check out out Sleeveless Jack Shirt aka Sleeveless Cut.

INDIAN OF AUBURN, CALIFORNIA CHECKING IN--Everything and everyone are Wonderful!  Had our Sweetheart Run 35th (Sun) was a success.

Indian’s are selling well, we are waiting for the Newest the “Dark horse” should be a good seller with the “no frills” group.

I am riding a Scout, and I did not have to remove the shocks. I have suspension for the first time in my life, and I can touch the ground. Hot damn!

I received my 5-BALL RACING™ MOTEL Key Fob in Dec., clue me in. I have it placed on my desk.

Hope all is going your way.

C&E Auburn Indian Motorcycle
AUBURN, CA 95602


BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY–Bob was sitting on the plane waiting to fly to Detroit, when a guy took the seat beside him. The guy was an emotional wreck, pale, hands shaking, moaning in fear.

“What’s the matter?” Bob asked.

“I’ve been transferred to Detroit – I’ve heard the people are crazy there. They’ve got lots of shootings, gangs, race riots, drugs, poor public schools, and the highest crime rate in the nation.”

Bob replied, “I’ve lived in Detroit all my life. It’s not as bad as the media says. Find a nice home, go to work, mind your own business, and enroll your kids in a nice private school. It’s as safe a place as anywhere in the world.”

The guy relaxed and stopped shaking and said, “Oh, thank you. I’ve been worried to death. But if you live there and say it’s OK, I’ll take your word for it. What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a tail gunner on a Budweiser truck.”

–from Rogue and Jerry

HUPY/ABRAHAM REPORT–Police Pursuits of Motorcycles a Deadly Proposition, 
By Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo

Running from the police on a motorcycle often ends up in tragedy. In 2012, Cedar Rapids, Iowa had nine police pursuits of motorcycles; six ended in crashes and two of those were fatal.

In Richmond County, Georgia, a motorcyclist was fatally injured in a crash after running from police because his license plate was invalid.

A motorcyclist in Scott County, Missouri died after crashing head-on into a car during a police chase. It is unknown why this cyclist ran from police.

The top reasons motorcyclists run from police are:
•Drunk driving
•Drugs, either in the system or on the person
•Suspended or invalid license

None of these reasons is worth crashing or dying for, yet motorcyclists continue to think they can outrun police. In many instances, the chase was called off, unbeknown to the cyclist, who continued to run until ending in a crash. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) surveyed 150 jailed suspects involved in chases and discovered some interesting facts. Nearly 53 percent of the suspects were willing to run at all costs, while 64 percent believed they would not be caught.

Motorcycle chases are handled differently from other pursuits in most states. For instance, tire deflation devices like spike strips are not used. Vehicle contact techniques like the PIT maneuver (pursuit immobilization tactic) are commonly used to end car chases, but are not viable in motorcycle pursuits because of the inherent danger to the cyclist.

Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo is the senior investigator at Hupy and Abraham, S.C.
Visit for other articles of interest to bikers.

Read the whole story on Bikernet in Special Reports.–Bandit

LOVE JUGS EXPANDS–Adds More Inventory, New Packaging, Dealer Program and Retail Outlets

Hammerhead Engineering, inventor of Love Jugs, the World’s Most Powerful Cooling System for Harley-Davidson motorcycle engines announces big expansion plans for 2015.

The company has stepped up production of all of the popular Love-Jugs products, including the Original Love Jugs Slots and Bullets models and the new Cool-Master, now available in three finishes along with the improved frame mount system and the all new Vibration-Master that puts the finishing touch on all new Love Jugs cooling systems. All items are now in stock and available for immediate delivery.

Love Jugs has also put together an extensive retail dealer sales promotion. It was carefully introduced in their booth # 580 at the V-Twin Expo dealer show in Cincinnati, Ohio just a few weeks ago. The company has introduced all new full color product packaging that assures each new Love-Jugs cooling system arrives safe and secure and the full color box design is full of product features and benefits that will help consumers understand why they need Love Jugs.

The new dealer sales effort and recent addition of J&P Cycles as a worldwide retailer for the Love Jugs products all support the 2015 Love-Jugs rally and event sales program where the Love-Jugs team will be exhibiting and installing all Love-Jugs products at major rallies and events across the country, including Bike Week in Daytona Beach, Florida. Watch for the complete 20 plus event schedule, coming right up.

Steve West, President of Hammerhead Engineering, said, “When we developed Love Jugs, we knew we had a winner – there is nothing else like it on the market, but we knew we had to prove it in the marketplace. Now after numerous product reviews, tests and reports, including a recent article in Heavy Duty Magazine (Australia) that replicated and validated our heat reduction claims, we had to set ourselves up for increased demand. Our production hike, new packaging, and aggressive dealer sales program, added to our extensive rally presence, set us up to deliver on our promise to improve the riding experience of all Harley-Davidson owners by cooling their excessive engine heat. Come and see at the shows!”

All love Jugs products are made of the finest materials, come with a 100% money back Guarantee, are backed by warranty and are protected by US Design Patent.

All Love-Products are available at Love Jugs Authorized Dealers and on the company website. For more information, please contact: Hammerhead Engineering CEO Steve West at or visit the web site:
Dealers and Distributors are invited to sign up now!

–Skip Johnson
V-Twin Marketing-Digital POWER Media


THE MASTER’S GLIDE FOR SALE: 2004 Electric Glide ridden only 36,890 miles. It’s super clean with quick bag release, tape player, and no visible scratches – just $9,000.00. I will trade for an equivalent Harley 3-wheeler.

–Richard 1 (310) 429-2233

Richard is a martial arts master, who trained with Bruce Lee, Mark Lonsdale, and taught Bandit all he knows about martial arts.




1. shining forth brilliantly; radiant.

Warmest climes but nurse the cruellest fangs: the tiger of Bengal crouches in spiced groves of ceaseless verdure. Skies the most effulgent but basket the deadliest thunders: gorgeous Cuba knows tornadoes that never swept tame northern lands.

— Herman Melville, Moby-Dick, 1851

Effulgent is a back formation from the noun effulgence. It derives from the Latin verb fulgere meaning “to shine.” Effulgent entered English in the mid-1700s.


NEW CLASSIC CAST PART IS HEADED YOUR WAY–Every time I come up with a new part , your my first choice to publish it.
So later today or in the morning I’m going to shoot you the first images of my new casting. This will be the first the public has seen of it .

I’ve started casting a Looptail frame axleplate with double axle adjusters . Frame guys haven’t had this option before in a steel casting .

 Just waiting on axle adjusters to get here. Most shops use our 1948 style axle plates already. Now there’s another option for frame guys.  I’ll send more images and prices for your Sunday Post, in the Cantina.

— John
Hardtail Choppers, Inc.

JESSICA FIFE FIRST ART EXHIBIT IN LONG BEACH—Jessica just finished off the Bikernet Barracks door art. Then she peeled to finish a bunch of her personal works for this upcoming art exhibit.

She was a kick to work with and listened very carefully for additional notions and suggestions.


SILVER CITY RALLY COMING–I work with the Mimbres Region Arts Council here in Silver City, New Mexico. We are celebrating our 20th anniversary of the Blues Festival this year with an added day dedicated to the motorcycle community.

This is a grass roots party will celebrate the blues & motorcycles. The dates are May 22,23,24, 2015 in downtown Silver City. We have a few 10ft wide by 15 ft deep booth spaces available for custom bike builders, services and biker related vendors to show and sell there work as well as parts. We are asking $175.00 per booth.

Please contact me or go to our website for an application. Here is an outline of just some of the great events going on all weekend.

Taj Mahal is headlining Saturday Night, The Campbell Brothers Sunday as well as music all weekend long. – The American Motor Drome Wall Of Death Thrill Show will be performing all weekend – Friday will be the Peoples Choice Bike Show. Two categories 1984 and earlier – 1985 and later. 1st place is $500.00 in both categories, Hand made trophies by local artists. Open to all makes & models.

West Coast Smudge doing Pin Striping all weekend. – Friday evening Dance in the park with Arizona Band the Noodles. Playing music of the Grateful Dead. – Raffle with loads of prizes going on all day – 50 plus motorcycle related vendors, Bike Parts, services, custom bike builders – Benefit Bike run around the Gila Wilderness loop Saturday morning. 85 miles around the beautiful Gila Wilderness. –

Barnetts Las Cruces Harley Davidson & Russ Brown major sponsors. – We have advertised in Thunder Press & Easyriders Magazine. Easyriders will have someone covering our event. – Posted our event on over 22 online biker event calendars.

We are still in the early stages of planning so there will be much more going on by May! In addition to the Blues Festival & bike show events there will be a food court and of course the beer garden. There will also be special biker parking close to the park. If you know anyone who might want a booth or if you have any questions you can contact me at 575 313 5709.You can also go to Hope to see you in May. It’s going to be a great weekend!

Ginny Wolf
575 313 5709


NEWS FLASH, Holder starts 90-day clock on potential prosecution of bankers–
Finance executives who caused 2008 meltdown put on notice.

Attorney General Eric Holder said the Justice Department will determine within the next 90 days whether to charge individual Wall Street executives with crimes related to the 2008 financial crisis.

Holder said he’s asked the prosecutors who have been investigating the major banks and their executives to make recommendations whether to bring charges or close the probes.

“I’ve asked the U.S. attorneys … over the next 90 days to look at their cases and to try to develop cases against individuals and to report back in at 90 days with regard to whether or not they think they’re going to be able to successfully bring criminal and or civil cases against those individuals,” Holder said in a speech at the National Press Club Tuesday.

The announcement comes as the attorney general prepares to leave his post after more than six years on the job. President Barack Obama has appointed Loretta Lynch, the U.S. attorney for Brooklyn, to succeed him.

Holder has been criticized for failing to bring any individuals to justice for misdeeds that led to the collapse of the mortgage market and the subsequent financial crisis that resulted in the worst recession since the Great Depression

The Justice Department has brought cases against all of the major Wall Street banks that have resulted in multibillion-dollar settlements against many. JP Morgan Chase & Co. settled its case in 2013 for $13 billion. Its CEO, Jamie Dimon, was rewarded with a 74 percent pay raise that year.

Last year Bank of America agreed to pay $16.65 billion in the largest civil settlement in history with a single entity, while Lynch led the investigation into Citigroup which resulted in a $7 billion settlement in July.

“We have exacted or extracted record penalties from banks who we have found to have engaged in inappropriate practices,” Holder said. “To the extent that individuals have not been prosecuted, people should understand that it is not for lack of trying.”

–By Alison Fitzgerald
Center for Public Integrity


BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRAY OPEN TO CLEAN JOKES— Wife texts husband on a cold winter’s morning: “Windows frozen, won’t open.” Husband texts back:
“Gently pour some lukewarm water over it and gently tap edges with hammer.”

Wife texts back 5 minutes later: “Computer really messed up now.”

–from Rogue and Jerry


HOLY SHIT BUCKWHEAT—You think the government waited long enough to give the bankers plenty of time to collect bonuses into their legal fund to avoid persecution, or to destroy evidence.

Life is so nuts, you just need to smile and keep the faith. The Buddhist continue to point out about life changing constantly. It certainly does. So, we learn to smile and keep going for the betterment of all of those folks around us.

Take for instance today. I scramble all day long with the news, looking for new material, trying to help out anyone who reaches out to Bikernet. Trying to pay the bills, keep the lights on, you name it. So, during this frazzled exercise each Thursday I step over my dogs, sacked out in my office patiently waiting to be fed.

I scramble into the Bikernet barracks only to be approached by the house cat, Sandy, who wants to bitch at me then lay in the Sun all day long. Hell, while scrambling around the shop I wander outside where the our African McCaw lounges in its cage waiting for its treats, fresh water, or for me to clean its shitty cage.

I don’t get it. We are supposed to be the intelligent ones, and they relax all day, everyday, while we scramble like drowning rats. WTF?

There’s a lot to be learned from our pets and the Buddhist philosophy. Relax, smile, sell everything and go for a ride. The El Diablo Run is calling.

Ride Free Forever,

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