Back in 1972 Easyriders Magazine was forming an organization named A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments (ABATE). Meetings were held in Florida and California and open to the various motorcycle rights groups and induvial from around the country.

The National Abate did not happen, But ended up with each state having their own organization and having Easyriders Magazine share information of what was going on where, what was working and what was not

Two of the people involved were Keith “Bandit” Ball and Rev. John “Rogue” Herlihy who were part of the Easyriders team.

 Due to the fact it was 50 Years ago, Paul Cote with Check Twice-Bikers Helping Bikers https://checktwice-savealife.com decided to Honor Rogue, Bandit and Easyriders for their involvement during an event held at the Looney Bin Bar and Grill during Laconia Motorcycle Week 2022.


I am pleased I was able to attend and accept the awards. I would like to Thank the many others who attended as well, including Charlie St.Clair and Betsy Lister Sturgis Hall of Fame Members.


Also honored were Billy Gannon, Bob Dorion who worked with the Modified Motorcycle Association and Big Al Hogan a member of the Hells Angels. All people I knew and worked with over the years.

 Being one of the people originally involved in starting ABATE and seeing what it has grown to and also inspired other Motorcycle Rights Organizations like Bikers Of Lesser Tolerance (BOLT), Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), Modified Motorcycle Association and others has been a real proud feeling to me to be able to work with so many great people and see what has been accomplished and continues to be.

 I sincerely hope if you are reading this you belong to some kind of motorcycle rights organization as the battle still goes on.

There are many issues that motorcycle riders deal with everyday like profiling and even though you personally may not have had it happen to you it does affect us all.

There are taxes on motorcycle that are supposed to be used for education and are not, or used on other things.

Everyone one is having a hardship with the current cost of living today and gas prices are off the charts.

If you want things to get better support your Motorcycle Organizations and BE SURE TO VOTE in Up-Coming Elections

STOP and Think How Many Motorcyclist We Are. If We Got Together To Change The Things That Affect Us It Would Happen.


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