Motorcycle Cannonball Stage 7 – Friday, September 16, 2016

By Spitfire

A cloud of blue smoke arose from the parking lot outside of the University Plaza Hotel in Springfield, MO. Rumors were that we were going to see more rain today. I climbed up on a rock wall to watch the riders as they gathered for their scheduled departure time. Crew members and family hung near their competitors & press wandered throughout the bikes. Cameras and videos were everywhere. Our route out of town took us past historic sites on Route 66. Riders were frequently pulled along side of the road but no one seemed to be having major issues. Just “loose nuts”. I contemplated the precious bikes who have been through so much. Many of the bikes have names and personalities. I thought about the precious souls who ride them. Did the driver of that car that just passed #80, Shinya Kimura from California, in such a hurry know what a beautiful thing they just witnessed? Maybe they should slow down a bit to take time to look and smile. The world would be a better place.

At Mile Marker 20 there was a historic gas station that made for good pictures and some of the locals stopped to look at the bikes as the riders posed and put rain gear on. It looked like we were going to get wet and we were right!!!! The next 100 miles was mostly rain. And it was hard to take pictures while rolling. At about mile marker 35 on Hwy 39 I came upon a crash. One of our support crew was directing traffic and a bike was on the side of the road, upright with no damage. I asked if I was needed as I rolled past the pick up and Bruce. He said “Oh ya”! I could then see a car buried into the back of the pick up and parts laying all over the road. I got pulled over and asked “Where is the bike”? To my relief Bruce said, “There is no bike”. I went to work assessing the people and injuries, assigning tasks to bystanders and talked to the EMS letting them know we had 4 injured but nothing that appeared life threatening. I went back to my bike to get more tools like my finger oximeter. I was relieved to see that Darlene Jones, a recently retired ER nurse who is riding in the support truck had arrived and was helping the people in the truck while I continued with the people in the car. After the ambulance transported we were thanked by the nice Sheriff and we continued on while Harry Verkull, #57 from Scotland who witness the crash stayed to give a statement. He mentioned to me that if the car driver had veered to avoid the crash she would have taken out some riders. Again, I thanked God for sparing those precious souls…..

Everyone was drenched and cold when we got to Parson’s, KS for a hosted lunch by the town. Riders were happy to get inside where it was heated and there was food and coffee. An announcement was made, “Call your support team to come and get you. For this point on all points will be assessed. Dinner was be delayed and museum hours extended. Most took advantage of the opportunity since we still have 110 mile to go to get to dinner and another 15 to the hotel. Some, like Doug Wothke, Shinya Kimura and Scott Byrd continued on. I stayed with Scott as the weather cleared up and we had a nice ride to Augusta for the much-anticipated visit of the “Twisted Oz” Motorcycle museum owned by Kelly Modlin, #24. We all decided that he wins for hand down hosting the best dinner ever on the Cannonball. Porterhouse Steaks and Tilapia with Corn on the cob, Baked potatoes, cookies and ice cream. Gift bags were handed out to each rider with local goodies. Whatever conditions we had just endured melted away as we laughed and ate, enjoyed the museum and chatted with the locals. The museum is a wonderful mix of old and cultural. They are expanding to accommodate more motorcycles. If you ever get to Augusta, Turn by the Walmart at Lulu St and look left. Buy a shirt and leave a donation since the museum is free! The 15 miles back to the hotel was a pleasure, heading toward the sunset. Vinnie Grasser from Florida and Chris Knoop from Australia joined me. They looked like little boys on their toys with smiles from ear to ear. Thanks guys for making my day….. For more information about the Cannonball including race standings go to:

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