
Every week changes. It’s amazing. It’s also amazing how hard folks work, and how many activities fill every week. Hell, just in our chromed cottage industry, the calendar is packed weekly. Just off the top of my head, Roland Sands is hosting a public open house at his new facility on Saturday.

Next week brothers all over the southland will ride toward Laughlin for the River Run. Hot Rods and bikes are currently headed to the Lone Star Roundup in Austin, Texas, and folks involved in support of freedom and motorcyclists’ rights are planning to attend the Motorcycle Riders Foundation Beast of the East informative gathering in Atlanta, Georgia.

I better jump into the news before I receive another announcement. I’ll discuss the Bikernet project list at the end.


LE PERA SEAT OF THE WEEK: Le Pera Inferno Inlay–
Let your imagination run wild with Le Pera’s killer custom seat inlays.  Take anyone of Le Pera’s legendary seats, from a touring to the barest of bone solo and create something completely original. Made the old school way (no computers, all by hand in the USA)!!

Le Pera offers a variety of inlay, exotics, colors, and stitch patterns for most of their seats.
Shown is the Inferno inlay with embossed Red Gator. This inlay pattern can be put on any of Le Pera’s seat styles.

145.00 (for inlay)

Contact your local dealer or


RECEIVE DAILY BIKERNET UPDATES FROM BIKERNET–This is a first for us. Just click and enter you e-mail address. You can turn it off anytime you like. You will receive one e-mail a day from Bikernet, with a list of new content.


NEW SHERIFF IN GALLUP–“Right now I’m in Gallup, heading toward Austin,” said the Sheriff from Sweden.

Throughout the news today, we will feature shots of a Rod run from Los Angeles to the Lone Star Roundup in Texas. The Hamster Sheriff is one of the drivers.

You’ll get a kick out of his shots of hot rods and vintage motorcycles.

–Wilburn Roach

BROTHER DOWN–  Your site is the only thing helping me keep my sanity. I had shoulder surgery last week and can’t ride until Late July and we’ve had unseasonably warm weather and early spring here at the tip of lake Superior.

Love your site, keep up the good work.

–Rich Tyler Jr
South Range, WI


At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down
Finally, the man’s side of the story.
(I must admit, it’s good.)
We always hear ‘the rules’
From the female side

Now here are the rules from the male side
These are our rules!
Please note.. these are all numbered #1 ON PURPOSE!

1. Men are NOT mind readers.

1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You’re a big girl. If it’s up, put it down.
We need it up, you need it down. You don’t hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one:
Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
Just say it!

1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1.. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That’s what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.
In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days.

1. If you think you’re fat, you probably are. Don’t ask us..

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one

1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both.

If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

We best stop before we’re in serious hot water. Read the rest in the Sunday Post, in the Cantina

–from Rogue


REQUEST FOR WOLFGANG BOOK ON HOW TO BUILD A BAGGER–Panhead: I think we have some of those left, sorry you missed the cutoff. I think we were offering them for $8.00 with free shipping to the lower 48.

Go ahead and contact us at, Go ahead and send a credit card # and a mailing address (and phone # so we can contact you if we need to). We will get a book out to you within 24 hours of the receipt of your information.

–Timothy Remus

Wolfgang Publications
PO Box 223
Stillwater, MN 55082
NEW office/order number:
Fax: 651-439-7052


A present; gratuity; tip.

Many had nothing to give, but the younger wives always brought a modest cumshaw—a gift—for whatever mysterious service Dr. Ransome provided.
— J.G. Ballard, Empire of the Sun

No one in the filthy streets (but for the blessed sea breezes San Francisco would enjoy cholera every season) interfered with my movements, though many asked for cumshaw.
— Rudyard Kipling, From Sea to Sea

You know, cumshaw is not really understood by Westerners. It is not a bribe in the Western sense. More accurately, it is like a tip that is given in advance.
— David Desauld, Twilight in Tientsin

Cumshaw stems from the Chinese word gân xiè meaning “grateful thanks.”



THE MUDFLAP GIRL RESPONSE–You know, seeing you on the bike and riding it made me understand it completely. It truly is made for you and looks perfect for yah!

I need to get my ass out and ride somewhere other than work!

–Buster Cates


MOTORCYCLE RIDERS FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES CREATION OF A NEW MEMBERSHIP LEVEL; THE MRF INDUSTRY COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP–  The leaders of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) believe that by engaging the leaders of the Motorcycle Aftermarket Industry we can work together to preserve the rights of the motorcycle riders and custom motorcycle builders in America, and thereby maintain the customer base for the aftermarket industry.

We can do this through our extensive network of grass roots lobbyists, representing the State Motorcyclist Rights Organizations across the country. We are the only national organization representing strictly street motorcyclists that can yearly put several hundred bikers in the halls of congress to lobby their legislators on motorcycle related issues.

Representatives of the MRF met with EPA officials during the writing of the latest set of motorcycle emissions regulations and were successful in having street motorcycles removed from the first round that included off road motorcycles and diesel power equipment. That allowed us more time to prepare for the final rules on street motorcycles where we were successful securing exemptions for custom motorcycle construction, the only group of vehicles that the EPA has allowed such exemptions for.

Two members of the MRF Board of Directors, Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, MRF President, and Dave Dwyer, chairman of the Aftermarket Committee attended the V-Twin industry show in Cincinnati for several years following the emissions rule was finalized to brief industry insiders on the implications of the new regulations. Dwyer also authored the MRF’s “EPA for the Layman” that was published in American Iron Magazine, along with a survey of the aftermarket shops also published in American Iron Magazine. Dwyer and Willard along with Jeff Hennie, MRF VP of Government Relations also met with the EPA motorcycle rule authors at EPA headquarters in Michigan about problems with the rules and the need for an engine certification program to allow builders to produce street legal motorcycles without having to undergo the expense and time needed to certify each model they built.

Current MRF Aftermarket Committee members are; Dave Dwyer, (Chair), Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, (MRF President), Keith Ball, Jeff Hennie, (MRF VP Government Relations) and John Pierce (MRF Membership Director).

BILLY LANE PRISON BUILD–  No text this time, only photos. Notice how the engine drops down after loosening the bottom cradle? I think five bolts hold it up to the frame.

One issue of the HORSE just hit the stands this week. The next to feature Billy’s build will be out the first week of May. In May we will wrap up the build and in June I will have the bike on the cover.

The Boss

The HORSE back street choppers

BIKERNET/CYCLE SOURCE SWEEPS BUILD STORIES–I’m working with Cycle Source Mag on a series of articles about building a one-off chopper for a Subscription Sweepstakes–Yes, you could win this bike. I’m currently writing the third episode, and had the honor to meet the crew from 3Guyz. They are building the springer. The article will pop onto Bikernet next week. Here’s the last one:

While scouring the 3Guyz web site for info, I discovered a handful of tech. So here’s a teaser:

How to Measure Transmission Sprocket Offset

You can measure the precise transmission sprocket offset you need, assuming you have a few things available:

1. Your rear wheel is in place, centered, and straight.

2. The engine and transmission are aligned to each other, and are aligned to the frame

(If these things are not done, please refer to the “Custom Drive Train Alignment Procedure” in our V-Twin Tech/FAQ’s Section)

3. You have a straightedge available that will reach from the rear axle to the transmission output shaft

4. You have a measuring device capable of measuring gaps to .001” (we recommend a dial or electronic caliper here)

Using the rear wheel as a guide, take a look from the rear of the motorcycle forward across the rear wheel hub to the transmission sprocket. Does the rear hub mounting flange extend out far enough for the chain width to clear the tire? If not, use spacer washers to move the drive sprocket away from the hub far enough to allow the chain to clear the tire by a safe margin (.150” Minimum).

Use a straight edge held to the outside face of the drive sprocket to project forward past the transmission output shaft.

Measure from the inside surface of the straight edge to the exposed surface of the output bearing spacer (The metal collar surrounding the transmission drive spline).

Make note of the dimension, and subtract 0.350” to account for the width of the teeth on the sprocket, and you have the required offset to fit your final drive, as well as any shimming dimension required for the rear sprocket to hub fitment.

Sometimes you’ll have to extend the rear sprocket further, and select a greater offset at the transmission to get things sorted out at the rear wheel. Sometimes the frame or swing arm can get in the way.

In the end, you must position the rear sprocket and transmission sprocket within .050” for proper chain operation, the closer to absolute, the better.


KENTUCKY RESPONDS TO INCREASED CRASH RATE– KSP reports that 2012 has already shown a spike in motorcycle-related crashes with a 69 percent increase from 2011 for the same time period. For this reason, KSP has decided to utilize their best asset for reaching the public – social media. With over 40,000 followers on Facebook, 2,900 followers on Twitter and an active YouTube, Flickr and Blogger account, the agency plans to blast out motorcycle safety messaging via these platforms.

KSP Spokesman Lt. David Jude called on his staff to get ‘proactive’ about motorcycle safety when he reviewed the weekly FARS report (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) showing the spike in motorcycle crashes.

“With the unseasonably warm weather we are having, more bikes are out on the road earlier than what motorists are used to seeing,” says Jude. “With a nearly 70 percent increase in motorcycle related crashes already this year, we need to get in front of this trend and stop the unnecessary injuries and deaths on our roadways.”

“Our principle concern is to increase driver recognition of motorcyclists in traffic, while at the same time encouraging cyclists to engage in the overall safe operation of their bikes,” adds Jude.

“Being fiscally conservative, our agency does not have the financial resources to purchase media packages. We believe that by tapping into social media, we can still have a voice in proactive messaging, but at minimal expense.”

Through April 4, 2012, there have been 249 motorcycle related crashes resulting in 167 injuries and 9 deaths. When compared to crashes in 2011 for the same time period that calculates into a 69 percent increase in crashes; 75 percent increase in injuries; and 44 percent increase in deaths.

Jude said the increase in motorcycle crashes and fatalities has stepped up the emphasis on the agency’s annual ‘Motorcycle Safety Day’ awareness program.

This will be the 5th year that the agency will host the event that includes safety exhibits, motorcycle vendors, a news conference and a police escorted ride through scenic Kentucky. This program is scheduled for Friday, June 22, 2012 at KSP Headquarters in Frankfort.

In addition to Safety Day, KSP will offer a free three-hour motorcycle safety seminar on May 17, 2012, taught by a certified Motorcycle Safety Foundation RiderCoach.

Jude said that a motorcyclist is much more vulnerable than a passenger vehicle occupant in the event of a crash. Research from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that motorcyclists are 34 times more likely to die in traffic crashes than passenger car occupants.

Jude offers tips for drivers to help keep motorcyclists safe on our roadways.
*Remember, a motorcycle is a vehicle with all of the rights and privileges of any other motor vehicle.
*Always allow a motorcyclist the full lane width—never try to share a lane.
*Perform a visual check for motorcycles by checking mirrors and blind spots before entering or exiting a lane of traffic, and at intersections.
*Always signal your intentions before changing lanes or merging with traffic.
*Don’t be fooled by a flashing turn signal on a motorcycle – motorcycle signals are often not self-canceling and riders sometimes forget to turn them off. Wait to be sure the motorcycle is going to turn before you proceed.
*Allow more following distance – three or four seconds – when behind a motorcycle so the motorcyclist has enough time to maneuver or stop in an emergency.
*Never tailgate. In dry conditions, motorcycles can stop more quickly than cars.
*Never drive while distracted.

The Kentucky Governor’s Commission on Motorcycle Education and Safety has a website with resources for riders including locations and dates for rider education classes.

For more information about the KSP ‘Motorcycle Safety Day’ program or the free motorcycle safety clinic please contact the Kentucky State Police at (502) 782-1780 or

SurfKY News
Information provided by Stu Recke

Ride-in bike show to showcase choppers, bobbers, Swedish Chops and Rock-a-Billy Chops at the June 23, 2012 Smoke Out 13.

On Saturday, June 23, 2012 the Smoke Out is host to the greatest ride in owner-garage-built-ride-in-bike-show in the world. This bike show has only one class: CHOPPER.

Choppers of all varieties are represented, bobbers, Swedish Chops, Rock-a-Billy Chops, etc. as well as various engine configurations such as Sportsters, metric engines, Shovelheads, Evos… everything.

The HORSE, BC staff picks TEN winners. There is no First, Second, Third etc. just TEN winners. All winners are featured in the pages of The HORSE Backstreet Choppers Magazine. These ten bikes usually represent a variety of styles and engine configurations, so every well-built chopper has a chance. One winner of 10 will receive a 3-Guyz Springer front end for their effort.

This is a ride-in show. The quickest way to discredit your chopper is to tow it in. Registration for the show will be during the Smoke Out at the Smoke House. The location and times for registration will be shown on the event schedules that are handed out at the event.

There is a small entrance fee for registration. Some contact information and pictures of your bike will be taken as part of the registration process. Your bike will need to stay in place Saturday afternoon so you might want to plan on having lunch on the grounds if your bike is your only source of transportation.

Good luck to all the Chopper Jockeys. The Smoke Out information is located at


SHARPFINGER FILMS ANNOUNCES SONNY BARGER FILM PROJECT– Sharpfinger Films announces that American legend Sonny Barger is producing an independent feature film adapted from his successful novel, Dead in 5 Heartbeats.

In the film, the Infidelz MC´s former President, Patch Kinkade, is dragged back into his prior life when the peace accord between the clubs is broken. The fictional motorcycle clubs will be portrayed by several authentic MC´s, including members from Arizona and California.

The movie will be shot on location in the Phoenix metropolitan area, using an innovative 3D shooting method to provide for all kinds of viewing entertainment.

The film will be directed by accomplished filmmaker, Jeff Santo (This Old Cub, Jake´s Corner, Off the Boulevard), and produced by Sonny Barger, Fritz Clapp and Santo. The film is slated for a fall release; casting and pre-production are underway.

Direct press inquiries to:


EUROPEAN SMART Road Restraint Systems Project Final Event —

April 23-25th – European Parliament – Rue Wiertz 60, 1040 Brussels

The SMART RRS Project Final Event will take place from Monday 23rd to Wednesday 25th of April, 2012 at the European Parliament in Brussels, hosted by MEPs Corien Wortmann-Kool (The Netherlands) and Ines Ayala-Sender (Spain).

Co-funded by the European Commission, the SMART RRS project has developed an innovative road restraint system taking the safety of vulnerable road users into account. The new intelligent barrier brings several substantial improvements to today’s EU standardized roadside barriers by proposing solutions addressing motorcyclists’ safety issues such as shock absorption, traffic information, and emergency response, three of Europe’s key road safety priorities 2011-2020.

At the occasion of the SMART RRS Final Event, MEPs Wortmann-Kool and Ayala-Sender will address the problem of roadside barriers and motorcycle safety.

You are therefore kindly invited to:

– Visit the Information Stand “Safe roadside barriers for motorcyclists, an urgent need in Europe

– How to effectively protect vulnerable road users improving the EU standard for roadside barriers”; which will showcase the SMART RRS prototype, a motorcycle friendly road restraint system using integrated sensors able to transmit data on road conditions and accidents;

– The Opening Reception of the Information Stand, will take place on April 24th at 6:00pm – ground floor ASP Area Galerie Cafeteria;

– A Lunch Debate at the Parliament’s Members Salon, on April 25th at 12:30pm, which will address the problems of motorcyclists are facing with regard to European standard roadside barriers and discuss possible solutions;

The exhibition will be open from April 23rd through April 25th.


SIC CHOPS ON BIKERNET–Just heard from the Sic Chops guys re the posted Nitemare/Nasty story.  They thought it was great.

By the way, they just told me about the new bike they’re finishing. They’ve upped the
bar big time, even over their preceding bikes. Now a film crew is following them around.

I believe I will have a story for you regarding it.



CUTTING EDGE PRINTS FOR SALE– I put prints up for sale. I’d never done it before and Uncle Monkey PM’d me and said to give you a shout and let ya know. I was super appreciative and of his helping me out and so here I am.

Here’s what I posted:

So I had an art show a few weeks back. I sold out of what I had, but I’ve got more from my show up for presale here: http://GSB.BIGCARTEL.COM

My URL on Chopcult is:

Thanks man, hope you dig the stuff!

–Garrett S. Bryant
Huntington, WV 25701

[page break]

NEW TWIN CAM HEAD COOLER FROM JIMS–  Introducing the new patent pending JIMS ForceFlow Cylinder Head Cooler. Whether you are running a big inch performance engine or rolling stock in traffic on a hot summer day, your air cooled engine will heat up. Excessive heat and operating temperature can be an engines worst enemy.

The patent pending JIMS ForceFlow literally forces the heat away from your engine by pushing high velocity air through the cylinder fin pack in a wide flow pattern, directed at the head gasket surface.

Powered by a cooling fan that was designed to cool brakes in NASCAR, the JIMS ForceFlow can lower head temperatures up to 100 degrees! The ForceFlow can either be activated by a thermostat (included), or wired for a manual on/off switch.

This unique design also relocates the horn inside the ForceFlow’s streamlined housing, and gives the horn mount or “left side” of the bike a much needed new look. The ForceFlow comes with all necessary hardware and wiring, and is available in Black or Silver for $420.00 MSRP, or Polished for $450.00 MSRP. For more information look us up at, connect with us on Facebook or call 805-482-6913.

–Chad Frank

AMA DEBUTS WOMENS’ SEMINAR LINEUP– for 2012 AMA International Women & Motorcycling Conference.

The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) is pleased to announce the first group of seminar offerings at the 2012 AMA International Women & Motorcycling Conference. The conference will take place July 26-29 in Carson City, Nev.

In keeping with the conference theme of “Ride Well,” the seminar lineup includes topics that promote safety, health, awareness and preparation.

“We are thrilled to announce the first part of our exciting seminar lineup,” said the AMA’s Tigra Tsujikawa, who is organizing the conference. “Seminars are always one of the most popular activities at the AMA International Woman & Motorcycling Conference, and the women conducting these seminars all have a true passion for sharing their expertise.”

The seminars include:

Get involved: How You Can Protect Your Rights To Ride And Race. Hosted by Jessica Irving, AMA grassroots coordinator, and 2011 AMA Motorcyclist of the Year Nancy Sabater.

Women In The Business Of Motorcycling. Hosted by Jenny Lefferts, president and founder of MAD Maps.

The Best of Motorcycling Tips, Tricks and Techniques. Hosted by Diane Ortiz, president of the Big Apple Motorcycle School.

The History of Women in Motorcycling, and Women of the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame. Hosted by author and Hall of Fame member Cris Sommer-Simmons.

How to Pack & Eat Healthy for the On-the-Road Motorcyclist. Hosted by health and fitness consultant Debbie Voss.

The Power of PINK: Aligning Power, Integrity, Negotiation & Knowledge. Hosted by personal growth and performance consultant Eldonna Fernandez.

In addition to the seminar lineup, the 2012 AMA International Women & Motorcycling Conference will also feature a health fair, where women can get a variety of health screenings such as mammograms and cholesterol and blood pressure checks. Conference participants will also have the opportunity to donate blood.

“Riding well means many things to women motorcyclists,” said Tsujikawa. “In a broader, more philosophical sense, it is also a call-to-action to be supportive members of our riding community.”

Through April 30, AMA members can rack up significant savings through AMA member-only pre-registration, which offers a discounted price of $125 to attend the conference. After April 30, the fee for AMA members increases to $175, and registration opens for non-AMA members. 

“In addition to the dozens of benefits we already enjoy as AMA members, the conference adds yet another,” Tsujikawa said. “With a non-member registration rate starting at $235, a $49 AMA membership not only pays for itself, but opens the door to anyone who wants to take advantage of the early registration discount.”

Included in the registration fee to the AMA International Women & Motorcycling Conference is entry to seminars, the marketplace and moto action center, the Saturday Women’s Health Fair, priority registration for manufacturer demo rides, the Friday night cookout and Saturday night Closing Celebration banquet, as well as a conference t-shirt and gift bag.

Full conference details, as well as info on how to become an AMA member, are available at > Events > Women & Motorcycling


UNCLE MONKEY ON THE MEANING OF LIFE– We all come into this world the same way with nothing but hope and innocence. As we get older and it is time to leave the nest we often step out into the real world in much the same way with only a pocket full of dreams.

Sure some of us are fortunate enough to struggle to get by living in the ocean front condo mom and dad bought for us getting shuttled to university in a car service but for many people heading out on your own is just that, your own.

My son’s friends Shawn and Calvin left home like many of us with nothing more then a suitcase full of clothes and our parents’ best wishes. Shawn and Calvin were lucky enough to each find their own apartments in a run down building in the downtown. It wasn’t much but it had all the trappings of a first home.

Where some would see mould and dirt they saw freedom and pride. It was a place to call their own from the meager paychecks that they managed. Like most kids starting out, to talk to them they would admit they had nothing. A handed-down thread-bare sofa, makeshift end and coffee tables, just enough to get by.

We have been there; some of us are still there. But Shawn and Calvin were making do. Calvin had saved up a few paychecks to buy a new flat panel TV, and an electric guitar and amp to play in my son’s band. Shawn put his spare change into building a moped out of my son’s bicycle to bob around town on. They didn’t have much but they had something and were having a good time.

Most would say the two young boys starting out had nothing, but after a fire destroyed their building having nothing takes on a whole new meaning. Their nothing was something. True it wasn’t much but it was something that they could call their own.

They were walking down that life’s path that we all walk, accumulating, gather. Simple and cheap, just to get by to someday be replaced with newer, better, to one day be replaced with new and best. Broken couches become discount store furniture, or becomes leather furniture. Threadbare towels, to terry cloth, become the good towels that never get used.

They are truly starting out with nothing, no clothes, no bed to sleep on, no roofs over their heads. Life goes on, and they will survive. Possessions can be replaced, motorcycles built again. They were fortunate enough to escape with their health, with their lives. For the meantime Shawn has moved back in with his dad, Calvin in with friends. A temporary fix until they can once again start out with “nothing.”

-bad Uncle Monkey

DON’T MISS THE BAKER CALENDAR GIRL PIECE–With an exclusive interview with Andy Friar, the bully primary designer.



A TRIBUTE TO VIETNAM VETERANS–  I think the Vietnam Memorial Wall is something this country got right. Read on……interesting stuff !  A little history most people will never know.

There are 58,267 names now listed on that polished black wall, including those added in 2010.

The names are arranged in the order in which they were taken from us by date and within each date the names are alphabetized. It is hard to believe it is 36 years since the last casualties.

The first known casualty was Richard B. Fitzgibbon, of North Weymouth, Mass. Listed by the U.S. Department of Defense as having been killed on June 8, 1956. His name is listed on the Wall with that of his son, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Richard B. Fitzgibbon III, who was killed on Sept. 7, 1965.

There are three sets of fathers and sons on the Wall.

39,996 on the Wall were just 22 or younger.

8,283 were just 19 years old.

The largest age group, 33,103 were 18 years old.

12 soldiers on the Wall were 17 years old.

5 soldiers on the Wall were 16 years old.

One soldier, PFC Dan Bullock was 15 years old.

997 soldiers were killed on their first day in Vietnam ..

1,448 soldiers were killed on their last day in Vietnam ..

31 sets of brothers are on the Wall.

31 sets of parents lost two of their sons.

54 soldiers attended Thomas Edison High School in Philadelphia . I wonder
why so many from one school.

8 Women are on the Wall. Nursing the wounded.

244 soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War; 153 of
them are on the Wall.

Beallsville , Ohio with a population of 475 lost 6 of her sons.

West Virginia had the highest casualty rate per capita in the nation. There
are 711 West Virginians on the Wall.

The Marines of Morenci – They led some of the scrappiest high school football and basketball teams that the little Arizona copper town of Morenci
(pop. 5,058) had ever known and cheered. They enjoyed roaring beer busts. In quieter moments, they rode horses along the Coronado Trail, stalked deer in the Apache National Forest . And in the patriotic camaraderie typical of Morenci’s mining families, the nine graduates of Morenci High enlisted as a group in the Marine Corps. Their service began on Independence Day, 1966.
Only 3 returned home.

The Buddies of Midvale – LeRoy Tafoya, Jimmy Martinez, Tom Gonzales were all boyhood friends and lived on three consecutive streets in Midvale, Utah on Fifth, Sixth and Seventh avenues. They lived only a few yards apart. They played ball at the adjacent sandlot ball field. And they all went to Vietnam.

In a span of 16 dark days in late 1967, all three would be killed. LeRoy was killed on Wednesday, Nov. 22, the fourth anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Jimmy died less than 24 hours later on Thanksgiving Day. Tom was shot dead assaulting the enemy on Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. 

The most casualty deaths for a single day was on January 31, 1968 ~ 245 deaths.

The most casualty deaths for a single month was May 1968 – 2,415 casualties were incurred.

For most Americans who read this they will only see the numbers that the Vietnam War created. To those of us who survived the war, and to the families of those who did not, we see the faces, we feel the pain that these numbers created. We are, until we too pass away, haunted with these numbers, because they were our friends, fathers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters.

There are no noble wars, just noble warriors.

–from Joe Teresi


THE HAMSTER SHERIFF ON THE MOVE–  After a day of wrecking yards and flat tires. Super 8 Austin now my HQ for 4 days.  USA still holds many treasures just go out and look!


LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK–2004 Special Construction Chopper, just $9,995.00.


This chopper is a real head turner! It’s got an 113 cubic inch motor, 5-speed transmission, an awesome custom orange and silver tribal design paint job, inverted front forks, Billet 21″ front wheel, Billet 18″ rear wheel, custom sissy bar, custom sting ray seat, 3″ open belt drive, braided stainless cables, chrome controls and more!

Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been thoroughly tested and inspected by a LifeStyle Cycles technician after undergoing a rigorous 38-point motorcycle inspection.


REVOLUTION MANUFACTURING UNVEILS NEW V-KNURL BILLET PARTS FOR VICTORYS– Revolution Manufacturing, the world leader in carbon fiber technology for the v-twin, has recently delved into the world of billet aluminum. And with the introduction of its new V-Knurl for Victory motorcycles, the first of many styles to come, shows their diversification in the marketplace.

The first parts in the line are aimed directly at the very hot Victory market with floorboards, footpegs, shift and brake pegs. Parts are available for all models up to and including the new 2012’s.

“We constructed a whole new, patented, design specifically for the Victory bikes that looks as good as the rest of the parts. And with our accent cuts on our new V-Knurl, which consists of an array of mini diamond knurling gloss black anodized, the visual effects are stunning as well as providing a firm grip while riding” states Michael Kamalian, CEO of Revolution Manufacturing.

Revolution Manufacturing is currently shipping the V-Knurl parts as well as looking for dealers/distributors.

Revolution Manufacturing stunned the v-twin market back in January 2005 with the release of the only carbon fiber frame for the v-twin followed by the highly successful carbon fiber wheels for v-twins in 2006. It has received many awards including Hot Bike’s most innovative product award and the first annual Teresi V-Twin award.

Revolution Manufacturing is located at 1435 Field Park Circle Bldg 100 Marietta Georgia 30066. Michael and his team can be contacted at 770-420-9191 or via the web at


SIGN UP TODAY – TIME IS RUNNING OUT!–  Online registration for the 1st Annual Vegas Poker Run closes in less than two weeks on April 24. Register today so you don’t miss out on the great prices ($10 more if you register the day of the ride) or the great ride!


Heading to Laughlin from Southern California? Start your weekend off right by joining us for the 1st Annual Vegas Poker Run, brought to you by the team at Las Vegas BikeFest.
We are giving away $2000 for the best hand and $500 for the worst hand! There will also be tons of raffle prizes along with gifts and swag included with your registration. Click here for all of the details.

Meet us at Harley-Davidson of Victorville at 9:00am and enjoy the stops we have lined up on the way to Vegas. Visit the Route 66 Museum in Barstow, the Mad Greek in Baker and the Pioneer Saloon in GoodSprings. Have your picture taken at the famous Welcome to Las Vegas sign and finish the ride with a welcome reception at the Riviera Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas strip.

Prices start at $65 per person including Hotel Room* so tell all your friends and register today at
Pre-Registration closes Tuesday, April 24. Questions? Call 866-245-3337, press 1.

*Based on double occupancy. $89 for one night at hotel and one poker run registration. Available Thursday, April 26 only.


MICHIGAN MAY REPEAL THEIR HELMET LAW, FREEDOM WILL RING–With the early warm weather, bikes are on the road in the upper Midwest. In Michigan, things are already hot. After decades of legislative work, Michigan is poised on finally repealing its mandatory helmet law.

A call to action came out from the MRF, requested by ABATE of Michigan, asking people to write the governor urging him to sign the repeal.
If you haven’t done so yet, please write the governor to help Michigan win the freedom of choice. Below is a letter Attorney Michael Hupy wrote.

Attorney Michael Hupy answers MRF Call to Action

RE: SB291 Promotes Individual Freedom

Dear Governor Synder:

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) asked me in an e-mail, dated March 30, 2012, to write you in support of SB291. The bill passed on a conference vote on March 28, 2012.

As someone who is always interested in maximizing individual freedom and as someone who grew up in Michigan, I urge you to sign this legislation into law.

As someone who has testified at the Wisconsin Legislature several times on behalf of bills to protect the rights and freedoms of motorcyclists, I have a deep understanding of the importance of this bill to the motorcycling community and urge you to sign SB291 into law.


Hupy & Abraham, S.C.

Michael F. Hupy
MRF President Kirk “Hardtail” Willard and ABATE of Michigan Director Vince Consiglio both wrote and thanked Attorney Hupy for writing to Governor Snyder.



My 2004 Dyna now has the top secret throttle body patiently sitting on the work table ready for installation. Seems like ya plan, gather parts, top notch advice and wait for the stars to line up. Then it comes together like a dream come true. The 96- inch Twin Cam build is close to needing a tank of fuel and some fire, and our Bonneville Raycer roller will hit the floor in a very few days.

The latest top secret throttle body incorporates a patented variable valve.

Details today are sketchy at best, top secret remember? Seems the ever busy Duncan Keller the brains behind Yankee Engineuity is a busy man these days. Just as soon has we can pin Duncan down for an interview we’ll share the inside scoop.

The unit in photos is a direct replacement for stock sized units, we understand installation is as simple as unplugging your stock unit then replacing with the new unit and your golden. No extra parts needed. Might need a gasket? We’ll find out.


Through out the years carburetor tuners have polished and modified butterflies in an attempt to tame and tune the mixed up air turbulence attempting to enter the heads by passing around and over a moving obstacle, the dastardly, dreaded butterfly.

Simple Solution…..Think outside of the box, eliminate the obstacle? It’s a done deal. No more in the way butterfly to fuck with while tuning to near, if not, perfection. Imagine that? We will ride, test and report on this new system, designed some years ago for dragsters.

Hey Ron, What do ya think? WICKED! was his immediate response. Ron has been involved in the over the road and Dyno testing of the throttle body the past few months during all of the critical development stages.

“The stars and planets are aligning for a perfect fit on our 96-inch Twin Cam build,” Ron said, as he aligned, adjusted and bolted the intake manifold for a perfect fit and seal. The intake is now connected to a set of Branch/O’Keefe heads that flow about 30% over and above stock units throughout the rpm range.

Eric at Bennett’s Performance installed a set of Crane Roller Rockers, Screamin’ Eagle cam support plate, Fueling Reaper series .574 lift exhaust and intake, chain drive cams, Fueling Race series lifters and pushrods. On the cone cover Ron will install a Jims Machine, black anodized heat sink for the finishing touches, cool.

A couple of heat cycles, flush the pure power oil filter and it’s off to the races one more time.

The crew at Hardtailz will handle the tuning as usual. The Hardtailz shop in San Jose is an easy days cruise North on the 405 out of Long Beach, roll on the 101 along the coast, or over the Pacheco Pass on the I-5. Either way you cruise past Hollister and Gilroy into San Jose. Fine day’s ride and good for your heart and soul listening to your 2-wheeled therapist sing a happy tune.

124 Bonneville Raycer

As of this morning at the crack of Dawn, Rick Tedder, drag racer, mechanic, fabricator, welder, dreamer, full-time adrenaline junkie out of Salem, Oregon is fulltime doin’-his thing on the 5-Ball team Bonneville frame project. Were anxiously waiting on photos and up-dates that we will share in following reports.

124-inch parts list

Randy Torgeson/Hyperformance, R&R Cycle,Aerocharger Series 66 Turbo, R&R Stage 5 heads, S&S Twin Cam Cases, S&S 4 5/8 Lower end, DTH Performance oil pump, 3-Stage, TP Pistons, S&S .640 gear drive cams, S&S cam support, Screamin Eagle lifters and pushrods, R&R Roller Rockers, R&R billet rocker shaft support, ET Performance Krank Vents, Pure Power Oil Filter, HPI Throttle body, Daytona Twin Tec closed loop computer, Sharp Eye Jim’s 5 speed, Fisher Harmonic Balancer, Rivera-Primo Pro clutch w/Lock up pressure plate, Tsubaki primaty chain and more.

Makin’ a list and checkin it twice as Bonneville 2012 inches closer by the second.

Haul Ass!
Ride for your Life!
–Ray c wheeler
Performance Editor
Cantina Security


[page break]

BIKERNET UNIVERSITY STUDENT TAPES DR WEIL’S CLASS–Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? Should you be worried about your cell phone causing cancer? We don’t really know yet. Results of formal studies on potential cell phone hazards have been contradictory – some find a link between cell phone use and brain tumors and some do not – but it seems prudent to me to take commonsense precautions.

Brain tumors can take 30 to 40 years to develop, so it could be a long time before we know for sure whether cell phone use is safe or, if not, how great the risks may be.

I recommend:

* Using earpieces, headsets or speakerphone mode.

* Saving long conversations for conventional phones.

* In your car, using a cell phone that has a Bluetooth connection. Many new dash-mounted GPS units have a Bluetooth mode, so that your phone works through the GPS unit’s microphone and speaker. This has the added advantage of keeping your hands free for safer driving.

* Limiting the time children spend on cell phones – they may be more vulnerable than adults to adverse effects.

* Finding out how much radiofrequency energy your cell phone emits. Called the SAR measurement (Specific Absorption Rate), 1.6 watts per kilogram is currently what is permitted in the United States. Visit the Federal Communications Commission website for more information (


26 YEARS OF BIKE FEST–  This year’s competition will take place inside Lignano’s famous Terrazza a Mare

The Italian Biker Fest is returning for the 26th year over the weekend of 10 – 13 May, 2012 at Lignano Sabbiadoro, Udine. The show will be hosting the Italian round of the World Championship of Custom Bike Building, with the builder of the Best in Show bike getting a prize of travel expenses to compete at the World Championship in Sturgis, and also acts as the final of the inaugural Italian Motorcycle Championship, a series of ten events in central and northern Italy.

Classes available at Biker Fest include Freestyle, Modified Harley-Davidson, Metric, Old Style, Streetfighter & Sport Bike, Café Racer and Bagger. Event sponsors include National Cycle, Rizoma, Givi and Shark Helmets.

Alongside the custom motorcycle show there will be airbrushing and pinstriping demonstrations, an American car display and the opportunity to win flights to go to Daytona Bike Week.

–from AMD


BOBCAT SPORTSTER PIPE FROM D&D PULLS 16 MORE HORSES– The D&D Bobcat Sportster pipes are built for 2004 – 2012 Harley-Davidson Sportsters and are dyno-tuned for performance, torque and soul-satisfying tone. The Harley forums are full of riders that have great experience in using the Bobcat; we pulled a few excerpts from the Harley forums

“D&D wasn’t lying when they said that this pipe performed. It feels like a completely different bike and all I did was change from the Short shots to the Bobcat.

The bike now sounds more like a V-Rod with a lot more throttle response. A really deep growl. Its absolutely insane and worth every penny. When guys say that a 2:1 is what you need to get for performance, it ain’t no lie. I couldn’t keep it under 60 all the way home. Highly recommended…”

– HD Forum

With the Bobcat you only need the pipe, hi-flow air cleaner and a tuner to make significant gains. An enthusiast increased his numbers by 16HP.

Dyno Pull Numbers with the Bob Cat

HP: 58
TQ: 67

NEW – D&D Bobcat (RSD Venturi)
HP: 74
TQ: 77
To get all the details logon to:

–Jeff Najar


Speed-Way Retractable, Waterproof and Locking Full Protection Shelter! — “Take Pride in Your Ride” –Speedway Motorsport Shelters provide affordable coverage for all motorcycles, ATVs, scooters; bicycles and riding lawn mowers… even firewood storage!

Speedway Motorsport Shelters offers a unique product that has the motorcycle community buzzing. After your ride, you pull into your driveway and into your bike’s own, personal shelter. The retractable waterproof cover is easy to use, keeps out weather, dust and debris, with the added feature of cross-ventilation to prevent any condensation from occurring inside.

Included is an LED Bright Light which mounts to hardware inside the shelter, for easy night access; and with the addition of a Diamond-Tough floor (available separately), worries about oil drips, condensation and dust on the driveway are over. Now your bike can be parked in the garage, along side the house, or in the driveway, fully covered and completely safe with the security of a padlock.

Features and Benefits:

Built-in locking hardware for added security (lock not included)

Retractable structure makes access simple and quick — no waiting for pipes to cool

Two Sizes Fits All: Standard/Sport and a Touring Shelter for full-dress touring bikes

Diamond Tough Floor (available) to prevent driveway drips and to keep out dust and moisture

Cross Ventilation with large window on each side of the shelter

Waterproof seams keep weather and condensation out
LED Bright Light (included) for night access

Carrying Case with Handles for portability

Wheel Chock available for perfect bike placement and stabilization

— Don Reeves
Speedway Motorsport Shelters
T: 831.477.9600
F: 831.477.9606

NEW FROM BIKERNET BAGGERS–  Scotty Kerekes, better known on his Electra Glide as Scooter Tramp Scotty weaves a tale many of us have either experienced or narrowly avoided. With a bit of ingenuity Scotty makes the best of a bad and potentially life threatening situation…check out Stuck! on Bikernet Baggers.



MAN FOUND IN CONTEMPT FOR SAGGY PANTS–An Alabama judge ordered a man to serve three days in jail for contempt of court for wearing so-called saggy pants. LaMarcus D. Ramsey, 20, was in Autauga Coun¬ty Circuit Court on Tues¬day to enter a plea on a charge of receiving stolen property.

Circuit Judge John Bush told Ramsey his blue jeans were too low and gave him the three-day stint. The judge told Ramsey to buy pants that fit or a belt when he gets out of jail.

“To me it’s not any different than if someone stood up in court and started cussing everybody out,” Bush said. “It’s disrespectful conduct and I think as judges we’re expected to at least have some degree of control and respect for the courtroom the people have given us charge of.”

— Associated Press

–from Rogue

HERE IS THE THURSDAY DEAL FROM THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS! A 1998 Softail Custom, 1340 EVO engine, Andrews cam, S & S E carb, White Bros. exhaust, comes with Badlander seat not shown, 17k on the counter, nice all around bike for $7000! GO CHECK OUT THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS, WHERE THE ADVENTURE IS JUST WAITING TO BEGIN! YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU WILL FIND!



LEGISLATIVE SEMINARS COMING TO ATLANTA– We currently have 163 people registered for BEAST of the East, and over 100 of those are from Georgia . . . all first-time attendees for an MRF conference! There is also one person registered from Alabama, again a first-time attendee!
We have a tremendous opportunity here to make some huge inroads in the Southeast, which is something we’ve talked about for a long time (I’d like to think Boz would be really proud).

My hope is that our “back to the basics” workshops will be geared toward first-time attendees . . .
Atlanta, here we come!

— Teri

This is a chance of a lifetime to learn how we can keep motorcycling free, from the experts who have devoted their lives to ride free.–Bandit

THE SHORTEST TRIKE TEASER IN THE WORLD–On Bikernet Trikes, Molly “Triker Chick” Kight gives 92-year-old, Dottie Slater a ride she’ll never forget.

Don’t miss it!

HARLEY-DAVIDSON BOOSTS PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT BY 30 PERCENT– Harley-Davidson says its R&D department is on the gas: There are 30 percent more projects in product development than there were two years ago, and the company is devoting 25 percent more engineering resources to innovation.

“Over the coming years, customers will see a remarkable stream of new products: motorcycles for our core market, our outreach markets and international markets,” states CEO Keith Wandell in the company’s 2011 Annual Report.

Check the Harley web site for a project list.

“We have come a long way from where we began just over two years ago, and our 2011 results reflect this progress,” Wandell says. “Income from continuing operations more than doubled to $548.1 million on a 9.3 percent increase in revenue, compared to 2010.”

In the fourth quarter, new Harley-Davidson motorcycle retail sales grew 10.9 percent globally year over year, including an 11.8 percent increase in the U.S. Harley’s share of the U.S. heavyweight market stood at a record 55.7 percent in 2011. Retail sales in the U.S. increased 5.8 percent in 2011 to 151,683 motorcycles, while overall U.S. heavyweight (651cc-and-larger) market registrations increased 4.3 percent.

All Touring, Softail and Tri Glide motorcycles are now built under one roof, on one assembly line in York, Pa. Harley says it will build more motorcycles in one building this year than it did in 41 buildings two years ago.

“Even more powerful than the bricks-and-mortar change,” Wandell argues, “is the change in the culture, where the employees on the line are creating and implementing operating improvements on a daily basis.”

James Love has been an operator in York for 23 years. “Lots of people have had good ideas over the years. In the past they weren’t heard,” he says. “Now management listens.”

Improvements that used to take months now happen in weeks, Harley claims.

“Beginning in early 2013, we expect to have surge capability at York, enabling us to more closely match production to changes in seasonal demand,” Wandell says. “We also expect to have significantly greater flexibility to adjust product mix based on retail demand.” Similar changes are underway in the operating structure at the factories in Kansas City, Milwaukee and Tomahawk, Wis.

In 2012, more than 100 Harley-Davidson executives will spend a week working at dealerships with the sole purpose of learning to support dealers better.

Later this year, Harley-Davidson will roll out “an entirely new, rich and distinctly Harley-Davidson online shopping experience.”

Harley-Davidson now has 3.2 million Facebook fans, of whom 40 percent are 18 to 34 years old. The company says it sells more new motorcycles to young adults today than it did to the baby boomers when they were young adults.

In 2011, Harley added 35 dealers in international markets, including Mexico, India, Thailand, Turkey, China and Brazil.

Posted by Arlo Redwine
Published courtesy of Dealernews:


Santa Monica Cops To Hold Motorcycle Safety Operation On April 15– The Santa Monica Police Department will allocate extra patrol officers to areas across the City where motorcyclists and where motorcycle crashes occur on April 15 as part of an enforcement operation.

The Motorcycle Safety Enforcement Operation is in an effort to continue lowering deaths and injuries.

SMPD Sgt. Richard Lewis said officers will be cracking down on traffic violations made by motorcyclist as well as other vehicle drivers that can lead to motorcycle collisions, injuries, and fatalities.

Motorcycle fatalities had been on the rise in California, increasing by 175 percent in 10 years, from 204 deaths in 1998 to 560 deaths in 2008. This trend has reversed and data now shows a 37 percent decrease, to 394 in 2009 and 352 in 2010, which is a positive trend we want to see continue.

California collision data reveals that primary causes of motorcycle-involved crashes include speeding, unsafe turning and impairment due to alcohol and other drugs. The Santa Monica Police Department is also reminding all motorists to always be alert and watch out for motorcycles, especially when turning and changing lanes.

Some of the reduction in riders killed can be attributed to fewer improperly licensed riders. In 2008, 62.7 percent of motorcycle operators killed under age 25 were not properly licensed. In 2009, that statistic fell to only 45.5 percent. Riders, young and old, are encouraged to be properly licensed and to seek training and safety information.

“The terrible trend of rising motorcyclist fatalities has been reversed, though there is more that everyone can do to save more lives. Riders and drivers need to respect each other and share the road,” said California Office of Traffic Safety Director, Christopher J. Murphy.

Riders can get training through the California Motorcyclist Safety Program. Information and training locations are available at or 1.877.RIDE.411 or 1.877.743.3411.

For more information please contact Sergeant Phillbo Rubish at the Santa Monica Police Department Traffic Division, 310.458.8950.

Funding for this operation is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


SLAVE LABOR AT PRISONS–  While I was working at American Quantum (Motorcycle Manufacturer) I sat in on a negotiation they had with Wackenhut who was running a Private Prison in South Florida.

Quantum was looking to farm out some of the jobs and Wackenhut was looking to supply the labor.
The money Quantum would save tremendously Wackenhut would make a bunch.

The inmate would work long hours, and though he would be paid $1.00 an hour, he would also have to purchase personal items from the prison commissary. By the time it was all over, it was like Slave Labor.

This is out of hand and helps explain why we have so many people in prison.



THE 12TH ANNUAL TECATE THUNDER THURSDAY ROARS INTO DOWNTOWN–  Daredevil Motorcycle Stunts, a Professional Pit Stop Competition, Driver Interviews and Celebrity Autographs Kicks-Off Grand Prix Weekend

Long Beach, CALIF. (April 3, 2012) – On Thursday, April 12, beginning at 6:30 p.m., Downtown Long Beach will hear the roar of race engines and feel the excitement of motorcycle stunts as the much-anticipated 12th Annual Tecate Thunder
Thursday kicks-off the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach.

“Over the last 12 years this free, family-friendly event has become a staple of Grand Prix weekend, offering race fans, visitors and residents the opportunity to preview some of the exciting activities that will be featured as part of the weekend’s line-up,” said Downtown Long Beach Associates President and CEO Kraig Kojian. “Tecate Thunder Thursday and the Grand Prix is an economic driver for Downtown and the City and these events are a great way to attract visitors to Long Beach and bring residents and businesses together as a community.”

Beginning at 6:30 p.m., Tecate Thunder Thursday’s will be fueled with gravity-defying motorcycle jumps, back flips and stunts, motocross performances, race and celebrity car displays, autograph opportunities, and DJ Abel spinning throughout the evening. The event will also feature a professional pit stop competition that will get the crowd going as two IZOD IndyCars go head-to-head, and the Tecate Miss Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Pageant where one lucky lady will ultimately be crowned winner.

The DLBA has once again partnered with the Grand Prix Association of Long Beach to sponsor and produce the 12th Annual Tecate Thunder Thursday.

In response to the growth, popularity and increased attendance at Tecate Thunder Thursday over the years, this year the DLBA has worked with the Long Beach Fire Department, Long Beach Police Department and the Grand Prix Association to design a new layout that will allow for additional space and optimal viewing opportunities for attendees.

Tecate Thunder Thursday will take place on Thursday, April 12, from 6:30 to 10 p.m. on Pine Avenue between 1st and 3rd streets, and on Broadway between Pacific and Pine avenues.

For more information on the DLBA, its events, programs and services, please call (562) 436-4259 or visit


SPENT THE DAY IN WASHINGTON D.C.– for the Motorcycle Safety Network Meeting which was hosted this time by the MSF.

Gathered a lot of information and will be going through it over the next several days. One of the things that I found most interesting is the Motorcycle Safety scan report had finally been completed and just released after about a year. By the TRB its report is dated September 11, however it has just hit the streets so to speak. Chapter 7 is the meet and potatoes of the report with the recommendations and implementation. The scan should have interest locally as Wisconsin was one of the few states surveyed for it.

Take a read through, from what I have seen so far there is much that can be learned from it and some great examples of good things going on in other areas to save lives.

–Steve Johnson
Road Guardians – Program Director


AVON MOTORCYCLE TYRES ANNOUNCES CONSUMER REBATE PROGRAM FOR THE COBRA AND VENOM APRIL 1 THROUGH MAY 15, 2012– Avon Motorcycle Tyres North America (Avon Tyres) is proud to announce a new consumer rebate program for Avon Cobra and Venom tires. Beginning April 1 through May 15, 2012, purchase two Cobra or Venom tires and receive a $40 rebate by mail. (Cobra is now available in select whitewall sizes.)

The program is simple. Purchase two Avon Cobra or Venom tires April 1 through May 15 and submit your invoice with a rebate form to Avon Tyres.

The invoice must show that the purchase was made in a single transaction within the specified date range to be eligible. Avon will then issue a rebate in the form of an Avon Tyres MasterCard® Gift Card for $40. The MasterCard® Gift Card can be used virtually anywhere MasterCard® debit cards are accepted.

This rebate program is valid only in the U.S. and Canada (excluding Quebec), and certain terms and conditions apply. For more information, visit


SHOP/TEST RIDING WEEKEND–I have a belt gearing tech for you from Tailgunner, who just survived surgery, then another Mudflap Girl Build story about my Saddlemen seat, and chapter 3 of the Bikernet/Cycle Source Sweeps build. I need to read some fiction, and write a Cantina soap opera episode.

Wait, it’s not all about the constant influx of content on Bikernet. We have heated projects in the shop. We figured out how to make the Bonne Belle shift, sorta Jockey style. I need to figure out why my Mudflap Girl Wire Plus Speedo isn’t working. I’ll check the wiring once more. Then I need to go for another test ride, probably to the RSD Grand Opening. Check for more info.

Speaking of Wire Plus, we are going to install one of their speedos on the Bonne Belle and the positioning is working out perfectly. So, it will be another non-stop weekend around the headquarters.

Ride forever,


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