
Guys are cutting hands off in Syria for minor infractions and beheading Christians, and in Hawaii the governor wants to Ban Motorcycles for loud pipes that save lives.

You know it’s fascinating in a very obscure way. Folks can always look at something from multiple directions. Loud pipes to a citizen could be annoying just like a siren from a speeding cop car, but if they recognize the sound as a safety measure and a salute to freedom, then suddenly the annoyance can become the sound of cool.

The news is whacked, so let’s hit it. This column is sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, and Iron Trader News.

JIMS MACHINE Tool of the Week 5-28-2015–
JIMS No. 785 Pinion Shaft Runout Gauge

You hear a lot about flywheels scissoring, shifting, or being out of tolerance, but how can you tell without taking the engine completely apart and measuring runout on a flywheel truing stand? JIMS No. 785 Pinion Shaft Runout Gauge is the best way to know without a complete engine teardown.

It works on all Twin Cam, Evolution, and 1970-1984 Shovelhead engines. This is the tool that will let you know if you can run gear drive cams on your Twin Cam or are better off with the hydraulic cam plate conversion due to excessive pinion shaft runout.

It can also be used to measure gear lash on Twin Cam engines running gear driven cams. For more info, contact JIMS at sales@jimsusa.com or call (805) 482-6913. You can also visit us on the web at www.jimsusa.com.

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I will renew for sure. Thank you for the reminder. Hope you are doing well. Planning on Sturgis this year at the Broken Spoke campground. Hope to see you there!

All the best to you and your family!
Adam Croft
Croft Leather
PO Box 835
Normal, IL 61761

After just ten years we have finally instituted a program to remind Bandit’s Cantina Members about their subscription status. Over 90 percent of Bikernet is free, but we have a special section full of complete books, stories, rare antiques, and topless girls. Plus, we have a private Sunday Post news report, just for Cantina members. And just recently we’ve expanded the Cantina to include Jack McIntyre’s BikerPics.org and Sam Dixon’s BikerBeauties.com.

Sam likes to say, “That will make Bikernet the Largest Custom Motorcycle Website in the World!” Let’s see what happens next?


WILLIE G. DAVIDSON EXHIBIT: Artist, Designer, Leader, Legend opens June 13–

The Harley-Davidson Museum’s summer exhibit honors the life, career and legacy of motorcycle icon Willie G. Davidson. Willie G. Davidson: Artist, Designer, Leader, Legend, celebrates the artistry, influence and impact of a man whose designs have defined American motorcycles for generations. The exhibit opens June 13 and runs through Sept. 7, 2015.

Willie pursued his love of art and design from an early age and proved himself as a professional designer before becoming the first design director of Harley-Davidson in 1963. Over the course of the next five decades, he created a string of iconic designs that defined Harley-Davidson “factory custom” motorcycles. Throughout his life he has embodied a close-to-the-customer relationship, by attending motorcycle rallies, rides and races, that helped play a significant role in building the company into a global phenomenon.

“I wanted to combine my interest in art and design with my love for vehicles,” said Willie. “I was born with gasoline in my veins and crayons in my hands.”

Housed in the Museum’s Garage space, the exhibit displays a wide variety of pieces that Willie and his wife Nancy have collected over the years. From family and motorcycle memorabilia to a collection of antiques, Native American artifacts and American folk art, the things Willie surrounds himself with at home provide unique insights into his inspiration as a designer and artist.

Willie is also a skilled watercolor artist, and his artwork serves as a connective thread throughout the exhibit, from early drawings to dozens of recent watercolors highlighting his post-retirement creativity.

“It’s amazing to see not only my dad’s contribution to motorcycles honored through this exhibit but also his incredible artistic ability,” said Bill Davidson, vice president of the Harley-Davidson Museum. “I hope visitors enjoy following his personal and creative journey as much as I have.”

The styling department Willie built continues to extend Harley-Davidson’s design leadership at the Willie G. Davidson Product Development Center in Wauwatosa, Wis.
Willie and Nancy still actively attend rallies and events in celebration of the brand and its customers.

Visit h-dmuseum.com for event and ticket information.

The difference between Oo and oO:

Two young guys appear in court after being arrested for smoking dope. The judge says, “You seem like nice young men, and I’d like to give you a second chance instead of jail time. I want you to go out this weekend and try to convince others of the evils of drug use. I’ll see you back in court Monday.”

On Monday, the judge asks the first guy, “How did you do over the weekend?” “Well, your honor, I persuaded 17 people to give up drugs forever.”

“Seventeen people? That’s wonderful. How did you do it?”

“I used a diagram, your honor. I drew two circles like this: Oo . Then I told them that the big circle is your brain before drugs and the small circle is your brain after drugs.”

“That’s admirable,” says the judge.

Then he turns to the second guy. “And how did you do?”

“Well, your honor, I persuaded 156 people to give up drugs forever.”

“Wow!” says the judge. “156 people! How did you manage to do that?”

“Well, I used a similar diagram,” the guy says. “I drew two circles like this:oO. Then I pointed to the little circle and said, ‘This is your asshole before prison………………”

–from Jerry and Rogue

1934 VL FOR SALE— This beast still starts right up and is ridden on a regular basis and garage stored.

–Dr. Hamster

FOR VETERANS ON MEMORIAL DAY– To my Brothers, and Friends, I wish you all a very good Memorial Day and hope that you get to spend it with those most important to you.

Take time for a moment of silence to remember Brother Mister, it is difficult to believe he has be gone from us for a year already. I hope he saves us a seat at the table in Valhalla with the rest of the Thunder Chapter.

–Iron Mike
Viet Nam Vets M/C
North Carolina

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

Motorcycle Armor Offers Protective Film Kit for Trikes

I need something to protect the rear fenders on my wife’s 2005 H-D Deluxe that has a Road Smith, trike, conversion kit on it.

–Les Cleary
Kingsland, GA

HOOTER’S BANS COLORS— Never a dull moment. Education is the key, not bans.

–Barry Green
Mansfield Tx

MEMORIAL DAY ON TACOMA WATERFRONT– This Veteran’s memorial on Tacoma’s waterfront was accomplished by a dozen citizen volunteers in a couple hours early Saturday morning, according to David Dittemore, Veterans for Peace, Tacoma Chapter 134 vice president.

There were 1500 headstone markers representing casualties from Iraq and Afghanistan wars. A quarter of the markers represented those stationed in Washington and those who called it home.

Each bore a handwritten bio of the veteran, some detailed, some short. It told when and how they were killed, their age, rank and military branch. Some markers had painful personal notes scrawled emotionally in felt pen by those who loved them. Even though almost illegible, the anguish of the survivor’s loss compelled me to take time to read them. They brought tears to many eyes.

Volunteers have been writing marker cards since 2004. The same markers are displayed and more are added, year after year. Many were done on-the-spot by loved ones who came upon the memorial by chance and left a marker to commemorate their personal loss. Taps was played every hour by a veteran and when another new marker was created.

I felt a deep sense of sorrow for so many young lives lost and great compassion for those left behind to grieve. Thank you isn’t enough for all they sacrificed. May we never forget them, and let’s take care of the wounded. We owe it to them.

Veterans for Peace, Tacoma website is vfptacoma.com

–Washington Wanderlust


It’s not always easy to see when your drinking has crossed the line from moderate or social use to problem drinking.

It takes courage to take the first step.
The first step is deciding if you have a problem. We have made list of information/centers that can help you make the right choice.

“I told myself I wouldn’t be hung-over today but I was. I need help knowing when enough is enough.”

Even if you only do one productive thing today, think of yourself first.


BAD BANKERS REPORT– Bankers from major institutions still haven’t been held responsible for financial crash.

Holder deadline for review of individual cases passes with no action.

Three months ago, then-Attorney General Eric Holder gave his prosecutors 90 days to determine whether they could charge individual Wall Street executives with crimes related to the 2008 financial crisis.

“I’ve asked the U.S. attorneys … over the next 90 days to look at their cases and to try to develop cases against individuals and to report back in at 90 days with regard to whether or not they think they’re going to be able to successfully bring criminal and or civil cases against those individuals,” Holder said in a Feb. 17 speech at the National Press Club.

Holder is gone now, and this week that deadline passed. The Justice Department, however, is dodging questions about the former attorney general’s pledge.

“It is our policy not to publicly discuss on-going investigations,” said Justice spokesman Patrick Rodenbush.

In the seven years since the financial crisis, none of the top executives at the giant Wall Street banks that fueled and profited from the housing bubble have been personally held to account. These bankers, who were the architects and major traders in mortgage-backed securities, have been largely immune to criminal charges and personal liability even as their institutions have admitted wrongdoing and paid billions in fines and restitution.

A review by the Center for Public Integrity of the enforcement actions and civil lawsuits filed by the Justice Department, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and Securities and Exchange Commission reveals that these agencies have been far more likely to charge or sue individuals who work at small and medium sized banks, and foreign financial firms, than those that work at domestic banking giants such as J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. or Citigroup.

Of the criminal cases tied to the financial crisis that the Justice Department lists on its web site, none are related to the five biggest U.S. banks. Two defendants who were unsuccessfully prosecuted ran a hedge fund for the now-defunct investment bank Bear Stearns. About a dozen others are from smaller banks or foreign institutions. Of the more than 100 bank executives named in lawsuits by the Securities and Exchange Commission, only four were from the top five banks, according to cases listed on the SEC web site.

“There’s no question that these banks have admitted that they’ve violated laws and regulations,” said Camden Fine, president and CEO of the Independent Community Banker of America, a trade group that represents more than 6,000 small- and medium-sized banks.

Fine says executives and directors of community banks have been routinely targeted by the FDIC and Justice. The FDIC has sued 1195 bank executives and directors to recoup money for bank failures since 2009. A handful are from major banks such as Washington Mutual. None come from the Wall Street giants, all of which were saved by a federal bailout. Dozens more have been targeted by the inspector general of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, the bailout watchdog.

“These guys on Wall Street get their checkbooks out and write a check,” he said. “This is an issue of unequal enforcement. It just drives me crazy.”

–By Alison Fitzgerald, from the Center for Public Integrity

A new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Obama regimes Department of Homeland Security (DHS) deliberately massacred at least 9 innocent motorcycle enthusiasts on 17 May over fears that one of the clubs participating in a yearly rally in Waco, Texas, could possibly be linked to the Night Wolves.

Described by some in the propaganda Western press as “Putin’s Hells Angels”, this report explains, the Night Wolves were, in fact, one of the first organized groups that battled against the Soviet communist regime in the 1980s leading to the fall of that brutal regime, and who have since taken an interest in the political and social life of Russia, engaging in youth social issues while forging close links to the Kremlin and establishing a friendship with Putin. They also aided the protection of Ukraine from the US installed Nazi government by patrolling the streets of Crimea with unmarked soldiers sent from Russia, fought for the rebels and are deeply involved with the Russian Orthodox Church.

Led by the deeply religious Alexander Zaldostanov [aka “The Surgeon” because of his medical skills], this report continues, the 5,000 member Night Wolves also have the dubious distinction of being the only motorcycle club in history to have been sanctioned by the US government forbidding them from traveling to or having/making business with anyone in America.

The Obama regimes fears regarding the Night Wolves leading to the 17 May Waco Massacre, this report says, centered around a small and mysterious motorcycle club known as the Cossacks that began in the early 1990s in the Caucasus Mountains region of the Federation and had just one World War II-era 1942 Harley-Davidson.

Since the 1990s, SVR intelligence analysts in this report note, little has been known or reported about the Cossacks Motorcycle Club in the Federation other than “certain members” known to have immigrated to the United States where they revived their organization.

Once these “certain members” of the Cossacks Motorcycle Club immigrated to the United States, this report says, there appears to be little information about them with even Wikipedia failing to note their presence/existence in either their Lists of Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs or List of Motorcycle Clubs.

SVR analysts in this report further note that the Cossacks Motorcycle Club has rarely been mentioned in the American press, with the exception being a 2011 notice advertising their “Annual Mingus Blowout”, in Mingus, Texas, open to everyone and described as a collage-like party with their open invitation stating, “As always, there are No Weapons and No Attitudes allowed assuring a relaxing, fun weekend for all.”

Particularly fearful about the Cossacks Motorcycle Club to the Obama regime, this report states, were “intercepted electronic communications” between them and the Night Wolves, leading some SVR analysts to conclude that the Americans were “terrified” of such an alliance forming as the Night Wolves long experience with operating within the confines of a police state regime would give the Cossacks, and any other motorcycle club they affiliated with, invaluable knowledge to battle their nations suppression by the oligarchs now controlling them.

As the internationally prestigious Princeton University had already declared last year that the United States was now an oligarchy, not a democracy, this report continues, the Obama regime had no choice (like all totalitarian regimes do) but to totally eliminate the Cossacks Motorcycle Club over their perceived fears…and which they began with the 17 May Waco Biker Massacre when military camouflaged DHS snipers embedded on the rooftop of the Twin Peaks restaurant began their deliberate killing spree.

Though the Obama regime propaganda media even now continues to spread their lies about this massacre, this SVR report concludes, the same cannot be said about many still free and independent American news outlets, including the Western Rifle Shooters Association (WRSA) which in giving their thoughts as to why this massacre took place simply stated:

“WACO PD have not been very friendly towards bikers and the FEDS TOTALLY despise Bikers! Why? Because we are not afraid of them or their agenda! We are a threat to them! Remember folks we were able to organize in 24 days 800,000 -1.2 million bikers to DC! We did it WITHOUT their permission or support! They even SHUT DOWN the traffic cams…had the news NOT flown over the scene there would have been NO proof that we rode! Yes, folks, like it or not even 1%’s rode with us! They set aside their territories and rode peacefully! JUST like they do at ALL COC meetings!

Bikers stand up to them, to their Christian hate, their muslim agenda and whatever else they want to throw at us! BIKERS ARE PRESENTLY THE BACKBONE of PATRIOT AMERICA! WHAT BETTER WAY TO BRING THEM DOWN THAN WITH BAD PRESS SUCH AS THIS!”
First they came for bikers…

–Posted by EU Times
–from Rogue



Here are a few shots of this massive impressive complex. It should be one of seven wonders of the world.


 From Wikipedia:
Angkor Wat ( “Capital Temple”) is a temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world. It was first a Hindu and later a Buddhist temple. It was built by the Khmer King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century in Yasodharapura (present-day Angkor), the capital of the Khmer Empire, as his state temple and eventual mausoleum.

Breaking from the Shaiva tradition of previous kings, Angkor Wat was instead dedicated to Vishnu. As the best-preserved temple at the site, it is the only one to have remained a significant religious center since its foundation. The temple is at the top of the high classical style of Khmer architecture. It has become a symbol of Cambodia, appearing on its national flag, and it is the country’s prime attraction for visitors.


–Art Hall
Bikernet International Editor and Emperor

SHRINKING EASYRIDERS– I just received the July issues in the mail shrink wrapped together. Only 74 pages each! Considerable shrinkage!

— Paul Aiken
Aeromach USA, LLC
Charlotte, NC 28269
800-990-9392 orders
704-599-1333 office

Highway Hawk is a product of Motolux

Memorial day proves Waco Sgt. Swanton wrong–

Published on May 25, 2015
Memorial day weekend run to the Southern Wall, Pensacola, Fl. Where is the national news media when Leo and “Bikers” cooperate to honor and respect those who died for FREEDOM and Liberty???

All photos other than that of Sgt. Swanton and the flag at the end by rc.



FROM THE BIKERNET CULTURAL MUSIC DEPARTMENT– These guys are bad ass… thinking about Bikernet yesterday! Class recognizes class.

Just something to enjoy… no jokes… no politics… take a one minute break, relax and enjoy!

US Choppers
8941 Atlanta Ave #266
Huntington Beach, CA 92646

[page break]

Obamacare exchanges help, but confused consumers are still spending too much
Commentary: Folks are happy with health coverage, but still confused by choices

Here’s the good news: 74 percent of people nationwide who enrolled in health insurance plans through the Obamacare exchanges rate their coverage as excellent or good. That’s according to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey released last Thursday.

Here’s the not so good news: There’s a better than even chance that many of those folks did not pick the plan that is best suited to their needs. As a consequence, they very likely will be paying more in premiums or out-of-pocket costs—or both—because their health-plan picking skills leave a lot to be desired. That’s according to a study published earlier this month by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

Unfortunately for those folks, they’ll keep paying more than they should. And they’ll not have a clue that they could be saving quite a bit of cash if they had the ability or took the time to become better insurance shoppers. That’s according to both organizations.

One of the goals of the Affordable Care Act was to make it easier for people to comparison shop for coverage. Prior to the availability of the exchanges created by the law, that was next to impossible for people who didn’t have access to employer-sponsored coverage.

There was no single place to go to shop, and there were no requirements that health plans provide information in understandable language and in a format that enabled customers to make apples-to-apples comparisons. And of course there was another problem: before Obamacare, insurers wouldn’t sell them any kind of policy at any price if they’d been really sick in the past.

It’s little wonder, then, that the vast majority of people who have enrolled in health plans through the exchanges feel good about their selections, especially when you consider the way the health insurance world used to be. The marketplace is considerably more consumer-friendly today.

That said, buying coverage post-Obamacare is no walk in the park. It’s useful to think of the American health insurance marketplace, even with the consumer protections in the law, as a big casino—but without the ambience and excitement. And it’s also useful to think of many American health insurance shoppers as first- timers in Las Vegas. They might get lucky, but the odds are with the house…

They concluded that their findings “raise doubts whether recent health reforms will deliver their promised benefits.”

Those doubts are justified. As long as we have to buy coverage in a casino, those promised benefits are not likely to materialize.

Wendell Potter is the author of Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans and Obamacare: What’s in It for Me? What Everyone Needs to Know About the Affordable Care Act.

–Center for Public Integrity

–Wendell Potter commentary


Dig it.

–Charles Plueddeman
“A Good Man to Have Along”
Oshkosh, Wis.

SLINGSLOT SPOTTED IN HOLLYWOOD– Polaris 3-wheeler on LaBrea today-

–Markus Cuff
Certified Bikernet Feature Photographer

The below listed bills are expected to be heard as early as this Thursday, May 28 in their respective state Assembly or Senate Committee on Appropriations.

Your help is needed!

Call and email the members of the state Assembly and Senate Committee on Appropriations TODAY and urge them to protect the Second Amendment for California’s law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen.

Bills to be heard in the Assembly Committee on Appropriations are listed below. Contact information for the Assembly Committee on Appropriations can be found here.

Anti-gun Assembly Bill 96 would prohibit a person from purchasing, selling, offering for sale, possessing with intent to sell, or importing with intent to sell ivory or rhinoceros horn, except as specified, and would make this prohibition enforceable by the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Pro-gun Assembly Bill 150 would make the theft of a firearm, grand theft in all cases and punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for 16 months, or 2 or 3 years.

Bills to be heard in the Senate Committee on Appropriations are listed below. Contact information for the Senate Committee on Appropriations can be found here.

Pro-gun Senate Bill 566 would add honorably discharged members of the United States Armed Forces, the National Guard, the Air National Guard, or the active reserve components of the United States to the list of individuals who are exempt from obtaining the Firearms Safety Certificate (FSC), which California law requires to purchase a handgun.

Anti-gun Senate Bill 707would prohibit CCW holders from possessing firearms on any properties that make up the grounds of a K-12 school or university, including many parking lots, common areas that may not be readily identifiable as school grounds, and student apartment buildings.

Anti-gun Senate Bill 347 would add to the list of misdemeanors convictions that would result in a 10-year prohibition on the possession of firearms.


There are a number of reasons to go to Sacramento this weekend.

You can ride the Mile and help injured racers at the same time. The AMA Pro Flat Track Rookie Class of 79′ and friends have arranged for you to have the opportunity to participate in a parade lap on your street bike as part of the opening ceremonies.

For $25.00 (tax deductible donation) fans can line up behind current and retired stars of Grand National Championship flat track racing for one lap around the track. The money will go to the injured riders fund to help riders and their family. Last year the 79′ and Friends assisted 25 amateur and professional riders, dispersing over $40,000. You can sign up in advance and pay via PayPal, credit card, check or money order.



Jim is probably best remembered for his crash into the outside fence at the Sacramento Mile, because it was captured on film and featured in the movie On Any Sunday. He was one of the most successful motorcycle racers in America in the late 1960’s and early 70s. During six years of professional racing he won 12 AMA Nationals on various sized tracks. Rice has been inducted into both the Trailblazers and AMA Hall of Fame. They picked a a very special guy to be Grand Marshal. Congratulations Jim!


Can he make it five? He will have some stiff competition. Kenny Coolbeth Jr and Jared Mees, current GN Champion, are just seven points apart with Kenny in the lead so the racing should be intense.


Remember the race last year between these legends? How could you forget. They are back and we expect fantastic racing in their rematch. They both have previously won the Sacramento Mile and are both multiple Grand National Champions. Who are you betting on?

Practice for the 50th Sacramento Mile begins on Saturday, May 30 at 2:00pm. Opening ceremonies kick off at 6:00pm http://www.sactomile.com
Advance tickets at https://secure.interactiveticketing.com/b/ae283e or 1-844-722-6453

Great racing on Friday night at Lodi. Cycle Bowl. This night before the Grand National Short Track draws some of the best racers on the GN circuit. Time trials at 5pm followed by racing at 6:30. 5801 E. Morse Road, just east of 99. lodicyclebowl.com

It is hard to cover the life and career of Carroll in a two page article, but Larry Lawrence did him justice. The story is in the Archives section of the May 19th issue.


Dusty Behrman emailed to let us know that Bill Huth, the owner of Willow Springs International Raceway, passed away on Monday, May 4th. Condolences to his family and friends.


Steve McQueen lived at the Boys Republic in Chino Hill as a teen. Every year The Friends of Steve McQueen put on a motorcycle and car show to raise money for the campus. Each year they focus on one of McQueen’s movies. This year it is On Any Sunday. They would like to contact anyone who was in the film. There is a dinner on Friday, June 5th and the Motorcycle and Car show on June 6th (909) 628 1215. Come out on Saturday and enjoy the show.


The season has started at Industry Hills Expo Center. The first race is Wednesday, May 27. It is the Connor Penhall Memorial Cup. 16200 Temple Ave. Industry, CA. www.industryracing.com
Don’t forget, every Wednesday night at 7:30pm on the 1/8 mile dirt track.


Catch the best of racing at Round 1 of the National Speedway Series on Saturday, May 30th at 7:30pm at the Orange County Fair Grounds in Costa Mesa.



Don’t forget to watch on ESPN3, ESPN Digital, WatchESpan and xgames.com on twitter, facebook and instagram. Not as good as being there, but it will have to do.Hope the weather doesn’t impact the event.

EPA PLAN TO BAN COAL HITS MAJOR ROADBLOCK– The EPA proposal to impose a de facto ban on new coal-fired power plants received more than two million comments from the public – but it looks like it was just one five-page comment from the Energy and Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) that sent EPA scrambling back to the drawing board.

The draft rule mandated the use of so-called carbon capture and storage, a technology that would inject carbon dioxide underground but which has so far proved to be little more than a white elephant experiment. To mandate this technology, the law required the EPA to prove it was “adequately demonstrated” and “commercially available.” Thanks to E&E Legal, they failed.

Dawn Reeves at Inside EPA broke the story that carbon capture and storage has apparently been dropped from the agency’s final rule regulating greenhouse gas emissions. She also, curiously, reports that the White House may not allow the EPA to back down, instead forcing the agency to defend the legally indefensible in court.

But whether they win now or not until the issue is litigated, E&E Legal has scored a huge victory for the rule of law and economic common sense.

E&E Legal obtained information proving that expert analysis from the Department of Energy actually concluded the opposite of what the EPA claimed when they asserted that carbon capture and storage had been “adequately demonstrated.”

“The truth is that the experts had persuasively argued the opposite, in effect, that carbon capture and storage has been demonstrated to be not viable,” Horner said. “Making this more egregious, the Department of Energy had paid a quarter of a billion taxpayer dollars to learn this information and lesson that EPA ignored and even misrepresented.”

The EPA was caught red-handed faking science and ignoring expert opinion, in effect requiring a technology that they knew did not practically exist. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that their actual intended purpose was indeed to impose a de facto ban on coal-fired power plants. And they might have gotten away with it if E&E Legal hadn’t busted them.

The stakes are enormous because the rule on new power plants is also the legal predicate for the EPA’s proposed rule regulating existing power plants. That rule establishes numerical emissions reduction targets for the states and coerces states to meet those targets by adopting cap-and-trade tax schemes and other policies that EPA cannot impose itself. All to achieve President Obama’s goal of fighting global warming by making electricity prices “necessarily skyrocket.”

If the EPA cannot, because of this now-exposed legal vulnerability, rely on carbon capture and storage, then the new source numerical targets will have to be revised up significantly, a major victory.

Unfortunately, the political activists who control the EPA see this as only a necessarily tactical retreat, with retooled rules still certain to impose steeply higher prices on consumers for emissions reductions that will have no impact on global carbon dioxide levels or global average temperatures.

–By Phil Kerpen
from American Commitment
Washington D.C.,

We’re looking for Custom Seats, Saddle Bags, Bike Luggage and Hardware to feature in our August Issue Buyer’s Guide. All you have to do is submit a high res photo and a short description including price and where to buy it to cyclesourcemain@comcast.net

This is a free media opportunity for manufacturers of Custom Seats, Saddle Bags, Bike Luggage & Hardware. The deadline is Monday, June 1st. Limit 5 Submissions per company.

BIKER BABE STARS COME TO BIKERNET– The stars of the motorcycle road trip film ‘Me & Will’ [1998?]. I believe I shot them for Easyriders in 1999.

Not long after these shots were taken, they got pissed at me for something I said, or just the way I looked at them. Threw me over a railing & tossed my cameras into the bushes. Barely escaped with my life.

–Markus Cuff
Bikernet’s intrepid correspondent


Six Pocket Buffalo Leather jacket (middle weight) — Features two chest pockets and two waist pockets, snap down collar and two inside gun pockets. Classical styling.

The IKE is Boot Tough & Rattlesnake Slick – http://crankandstroker.com/5-ball-racing/ike-jacket.html

I Like IKE!

ISLAND MOTORCYCLE BAN– It’s time to finally ban all motorcycles from Hawaii based on recent studies of noise pollution in our islands. Here’s the citizens’ point of view:

PLEASE SUPPORT AND SIGN OUR PETITION. We will deliver the petition once we receive enough votes to our Hawaii State representatives.

Noise from excessively loud vehicles is destroying the quality of life in residential Honolulu. The culprits are a growing number of extremely noisy mopeds and motorcycles, especially Harleys. They drive through our communities in the middle of the night, waking up thousands of working families.

If your state representative refuses to legislate on this, including David Ige, the Governor, it’s time to boot them from office in the next election.

The Honolulu Police also do absolutely NOTHING to control the noise. The police must be reprimanded for not doing their jobs. We need to file a class action lawsuit against the Honolulu Police for refusing to enforce Section 342F of the Hawaii Code on Noise Pollution.

A group of determined Hawaii citizens are also filing class-action lawsuits against Harley-Davidson, their vendors, and other moped and motorcycle companies on the island.


NOTE: All profanity-laced comments are automatically deleted.

Letter to

Hawaii State House

Hawaii State Senate

Hawaii Governor

–from Rogue

What are they going to do about Jets and massive crashing waves? What about rock and roll and sirens?


NEED A BIKE SHIPPER– Welcome to Marlog Car and Motorcycle Handling!

Marlog Car Handling specializes in transporting cars, motorbikes, classic/antique vehicles and boats to and from any place in the world for both the private enthusiast or collector and the professional dealer.

CAPTAIN KIDD’S 1698 SHIPWRECK DISCOVERED— They finally found some of the infamous pirate’s booty. Remains of Kidd’s ship, the Adventure Galley, were first discovered in shallow waters off Madagascar’s Ile Sainte-Marie in 2000. Now marine archaeologist uncovered a 121-pound bar of silver among the wreckage, a find they believe is just the tip of the iceberg.

–from the Week Magazine

Last Chance to be a Part of Kickstarter Campaign for New Film I AM STURGIS–With Less Than 48 hours, Film Makers Encourage Contributions

What started for filmmakers as a way to have riders involved in their next movie project has turned into a movement. Riders who want to be a part of the I AM STURGIS project have just 3 days left. I AM STURGIS is the follow up to the critically acclaimed motorcycle-culture documentary Why We Ride.

The impetus for making I AM STURGIS stems partly from this year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being the 75th Anniversary of that motorcycling institution. In recent years, the Sturgis rally has drawn half a million participants, but attendance estimates for this year’s anniversary rally exceed one million riders.

“Why We Ride resonated with people young and old, riders and non-riders alike,” says Bryan Carroll, Director of Why We Ride. “Sturgis is having their 75th anniversary, and we want to show the world the real Sturgis. As we told the real story of motorcyclists in Why We Ride we want to tell the world the real story of Sturgis in I AM STURGIS.

The kickstarter isn’t just about raising money–it’s about joining together in a common vision and I AM STURGIS being the culmination of that vision. If everyone who reads this pledges on kickstarter, it will allow us to tell the real story of Sturgis.”

When making Why We Ride, Sturgis was the first filming location, and it had an immediate emotional effect on the filmmakers. “We connected with the people, the land and the spirit of the Black Hills,” says James Walker producer. “There is an intense energy that emanates from the Black Hills.”

To launch the I AM STURGIS project, Why We Ride Films hopes to raise $350,000 of the production budget through their Kickstarter campaign. And while they’re on their way, there are only 48 hours left to achieve their goal.

Why We Ride Films urges those with a passion for motorcycling to join them in bringing I AM STURGIS to the big screen. This will be a collective endeavor, made by and for people with a fervor for riding. Anyone can pledge support and be a part of the movie. Those wanting to participate in crowdfunding this project can do so at www.IAmSturgis.com.

To learn more about Why We Ride, visit WhyWeRide.com.

–Ken Conte


PETERSEN MUSEUM UPGRADE UNDERWAY— the Petersen Museum, on the way to newness, on Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles.

–Markus Cuff

BOOK OF THE WEEK CLUB– The KING of Rock’n’Roll is born.

Find yourself up-close and personal with the King. Now available as a standard TASCHEN edition, this collection brings together over 300 photographs from the legendary portfolio of Alfred Wertheimer. Extraordinary in their intimacy and unparalleled in scope, these pictures immortalize a young man in the very process of making history.

“Some of the most remarkable and intimate photographs ever made of any major celebrity, in any era.” —Time magazine, New York

[page break]

SPEEDWAY to host 23rd annual Amerivespa event– Hundreds of scooterists around the world headed to Speedway

Speedway, Ind. – Race cars aren’t the only vehicles hitting the world-famous oval track at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway this year. For the first time, the Racing Capital of the World welcomes the 23rd annual national motor scooter rally, Amerivespa, from June 11-14.

Hundreds of scooter enthusiasts, or scooterists, from across the country and around the world will be racing to Speedway for a weekend of events sponsored by the Vespa Club of America (VCOA), The North American Racing Association (NASRA) and the Indy Scooter Club (Indy SC) to promote scooter culture here in Indianapolis.

The event kicks off at 9 a.m. Thursday morning with a scenic ride through the hills of southern Indiana. Participants will mingle at a meet-and-greet inside the Dallara IndyCar Factory at Lino’s Italian Café Thursday evening. Then, on Friday, the riders will take part in a Poker Run leading them to the IMS for a lap on the famous track and will conclude the evening with a party at Radio Radio & Revolucion.

On Saturday, the scooterists will make an appearance in the Indiana Pride Parade. While crossing the finish line on Main Street in Speedway, riders can compete in a gymkhana course to showcase their scooter skills.

“A ride around the Indy 500 Track is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” says Jac Carolan, president of VCOA. “Indy SC’s passion for riding and raising scooter awareness was also very evident in their proposal.”

In addition to riding on the track, activities will include organized tours of the city, a vendor marketplace, evening hangouts and a formal banquet.

For a full list of events and registration information, visit the Amerivespa event website, http://amerivespa.org/.

BIKERNET TRIKES New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

I think Mr. Shatner is going to re-revolutionize motorcycles. This model will take it into the future at time warp speed. I want one!

Charlotte, NC

NEW YORK MOTORCYCLE RALLIES, IF THEY ARE ALLOWED? Motorcycle Rallies & Festivals Planned for Northern New York Hot Spots This Summer.

This summer, the Adirondacks and 1000 Islands will echo with the roar of motorcyclists from around the country as they gather for events showcasing the unique attractions and scenic routes of Northern New York.

The Adirondacks and 1000 Islands offer some of the most scenic and immaculate roadways in the state, traveling along historic corridors while providing access to motorcycle rallies and events. Download free tank maps, find event details and tips for where to ride at www.GoTourNY.com, then head to the Lake George Area on May 30, for the week-long Warrensburg Bike Rally, held at the Warren County Fairgrounds in Warrensburg. Admission is free, and a variety of vendors will be selling merchandise ranging from leather jackets, trikes, and chicken wings to barbecue and Hog Wild brand goods.

Just down the road in Lake George, Americade, the world’s largest multi-brand motorcycle touring rally, opens June 1 with six action-packed days of activities and events. Motorcyclists can tour the Expo Tradeshow, the largest motorcycle expo in the U.S. with more than 200 vendors, join organized outings and guided rides, participate in scavenger hunts, ziplining and hot air balloon rides.

In the 1000 Islands Region, summer offers ample opportunity for motorcyclists to explore historic towns and attractions, and enjoy annual rallies, including the Thousand Islands River Run Motorcycle Rally, which kicks off June 19 in Alexandria Bay. Riders will enjoy a full weekend of festivities, including the “Ma & Pa” Custom Bike Show, Biker Games, Wind Down Poker Run, Miss Ti River Run contest and boat tours of Boldt Castel and Millionaire’s Row.

The season winds up with the Rollin’ Street Thunder Hogs & Rods Show, slated for September 11-12 in Alexandria Bay. The weekend includes a block party with live music, a classic car and bike show, contests and vendors.

Motorcyclists can share photos and videos of riding in the Adirondacks and 1000 Islands on Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #GoTourNY to automatically be entered to win a variety of prizes, including gas cards and a GoPro HERO 3 camera. Check out www.GoTourNY.com/contest for rules and regulations.

–Rebecca Steffan

BIKERNET Interview with Austin Andrella of Austin Martin Originals–

Pat Jansen of Progressive Insurance interviews Austin Andrella of Austin Martin Originals about his build at the 2015 edition of the J&P Cycles Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show in Cleveland, OH.

–Produced by Bikerpros.com

BIKERNET HOME TIP OF THE WEEK— Alternate uses for dryer sheets.

Silence Squeaky Shoes: Rub a sheet against the soles of your squeaky shoes. The residue from the fabric softener will minimize friction and noise.

Repel insects: Not all dryer sheets keep mosquitoes away, but Bounce sheets do because they contain linalool and beta citronellol. Tie a sheet to your belt loop or to an outdoor chair.

Calm Pets: Dog and cats hide from storms due to the noise and static electricity causing discomfort and anxiety. Rub them down with unscented dryer sheets.

Clean hairbrushes: Put a sheet in a bowl of warm water and soak the brushers for a half hour. Then presto, pull out the hair.

25 Years of ROXY or Kelia Moniz– Kelia ‘Sister’ Moniz is the epitome of effortless style and grace. Our favorite lady logger had mastered the art of hanging ten at an early age. At one stage, on the shores of Waikiki’s Queens Beach, she had more toes over the nose of her board than her age.

With equal parts happiness and humility, the multi-talented Hawaiian has become one of the most versatile surfers, notching up back to back 2012 and 2013 World Titles.

Kelia inherited her nickname “Sister” as she is the only girl in a family of four brothers. What’s made it stick is that it represents exactly what she has become to her fellow ROXY team riders and friends around the globe.

As she flawlessly cross-steps her way to the nose, (making it look all too easy) she does so with unfailing Hawaiian charm. A big smile, the spirit of Aloha and her relaxed style are what make her so incredible to watch in the water.

‘Watching Sister surf is like watching the most beautiful ballet you could ever see but she’s doing it on water. It’s something everyone should get to see’ Stephanie Gilmore.

BILLY WESTBROOK FXR IN THE HOUSE— The good Doctor Hamster brought his new/old FXR touched by Billy Westbrook to the headquarters for some George “The Wild Brush” pinstriping touches.

We’ve taken care of it. George was in and out in a flash.


The Latest Motorcycle, ATV, RV and Boat Pricing Added to NADAguides.com Mobile Site– NADAguides.com, the leading website for new and used vehicle pricing and car shopping information, today announced the launch of motorcycle, RV and boat pricing, specs and tools into their mobile site. With the addition of this vehicle information to the existing NADA guides mobile site, consumers now have unlimited access to suggested list price, low retail price, average retail price and pricing with options from their smartphones for the following vehicles:

· Motorcycles, ATVs, UTVs, side cars, snowmobiles (snowmobiles back to 1985) and trailers (1996 – 2016)

· Boats, sailboats, personal watercraft (PWC), outboard motors and boat trailers (1960 – 2015)

· Travel trailers/5th wheels, motorhomes, camping trailers, truck campers, park models, tow vehicles (1966 – 2016)

NADAguides.com has established itself as the leader with the breadth of useful information available on specialty vehicles. With the addition of this rich vehicle data to the existing easy-to-navigate mobile site, consumers now have quick, direct access to data on any vehicle for which they may be shopping.

–Tracy Segal Biolsi

TWIN CLUB MC CUSTOM BIKE SHOW, 6 June 2015– THE 41st annual Custom Bike Show, held by Twin Club MC at Norrtelje on the Swedish coast, will be staged on Saturday June 6th this year (always the first Saturday of June, coinciding with Sweden’s National Holiday weekend). The one-day/seven-hour show has seven classes and is a genuine ‘ride-in’.

It has a big reputation for some of the best
“authentic” real-world, well-ridden custom bikes and best examples of ‘Swedish Style’ choppers ever seen at any show, with visitors from all over Scandinavia and beyond – hence its status as the Scandinavian Championship of Custom Bike Building.

–from AMD


The Hollister Freedom Rally is just 2 months away and motorcycle enthusiasts from all
over are making their plans to attend the rally.

Thousands of bikers will ride to the town of Hollister, CA a town with a population of just over 34,900 and travel the streets on their favorite ride with friends. The roar of motorcycles will be heard up and down the main drag of San Benito Street. The connecting streets will be filled with vendors of all types from major parts and accessories manufacturers, leathers and helmets, jewelry, sunglasses, motorcycle attorneys, insurance companies, food vendors, beer gardens and more.

Throughout the day attendees will enjoy such activities as live music on 2 different stages, Custom Bike Show, Poker Walks, Tattoo Contest, Beauty Contest, Biker Games, Biker Bingo and more. The Touring Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall is being brought in during the rally and will be on display at Dunne Park from July 3rd – 6th. On July 4th there will be a huge Fireworks Show at nearby Marguerite Maze Middle School. On July 5th you can make the ride to the San Juan Bautista Mission where there will be a Bike Blessing at 11:00am.

On Saturday, July 4th a special Celebrity Appearance from Sons of Anarchy Stars Tommy Flanagan “Chibs” and Mark Boone Junior “Bobby” will take place in the Veteran’s Building.
VIPs will enjoy headline entertainment with the Fabulous Thunderbirds on Friday, July 3 and The Guess Who on Saturday, July 4. Both of these bands have a huge biker following and are sure to bring some “good ole rock n roll” to the rally.

This year a VIP Package is offered to the attendees who are looking for that “little something extra” out of the rally. Included in the VIP Package you receive Front Line Access to the Sons of Anarchy Meet & Greet, a ticket to the Fabulous Thunderbirds Concert on Friday, July 3 and a ticket to The Guess Who on Saturday, July 4th. Exclusive Rally T-shirt and Pin, a Custom Kickstand Plate, Lunch Coupon, Photo Tower Entry, Entry of Your Bike into our Custom Bike Show, 2 Poker Walks, Secure Bike Parking and 3 Bonus Raffle Tickets. A package value of $145 for ONLY $75. Price increases to $100 after June 5.

We’re very excited to welcome GEICO Motorcycle Insurance as the “Presenting Sponsor” and Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys as the “Exclusive Motorcycle Attorney Sponsor” of the Hollister Freedom Rally.

VENDORS and SPONSORS: Now is the time to get involved! Contact: Penny Osiecki, Event Sales Manager right away! Call her at (702) 216-5846 or email at pennyfxr@hollisterfreedomrally.com. For more information about the rally go to our website at www.hollisterfreedomrally.com

–Rick Raus
V-Twin Marketing

Outside the big city Cambodia gets pretty basic. A/C in restaurants seems non-existent. Half of the 250 miles of road is being developed and in a shambles. My friend is getting BMW road bike as his Harley gets so beat up it breaks a lot.

Typical open air restaurant.

Typical public facility still common. The red pan is floating in a cistern of water and is flushing device for squat pot

Siem Reap schoolhouse happened to be next to restaurant we enjoyed. No A/C

–Art Hall
Bikernet International Editor in Country

UNCLE MONKEY ON THE FIRST TIME– Firing up a motor for the first time. Many liken it to the birth of a child, an overwhelming sense of pride, of joy, of admiration. It is as much for a fresh build as it is for resurrecting a motor that hasn’t fired in decades.

Will it run? Will it grenade itself across the shop floor? Did you forget anything? Will it be what you hoped? I fired the motor on the XS1100 Cafe Racer for the first time in years. The bike had been raced and abused before being leaned against the outside wall of a garage where it probably would have rusted away into dust before I came along.

The previous owner didn’t know a whole lot about it. It was his buddy’s who had thrown a bunch of parts at it in the late ‘80s early ‘90s before it was parked. He remembered it being fast. But years of sitting alone for sometime made me want to fire it before stripping the bike down.

If the motor could be salvaged in its current state I would be that much further ahead. Fresh oil and filter, plugs and a jerry can jerry rigged to function as a gas tank I spun the engine over for the first time.

It was reluctant but it finally fired filling the garage with thick smoke. In fact I had to spend the next half hour in the alleyway assuring the neighbors that there really wasn’t a fire and everything was ok.

It took some time and a lot of smoke but it finally cleared its throat and roared like a wild beast. The bike fires right away now, exhaust is free and clear and you can tell the motor wants to get out and scream down the highway.

I’ve fired a few engines in my day giving birth to new machines. The anticipation of getting out on the road, the excitement of a strong motor is addicting. I will admit that Snow White’s 113-inch Ultima scared me. You can tell there is a lot more to that engine than the standard fair and the dyno sheets and the seats of the pants prove it. The XS11 engine has that intimidation factor. There is a lot more going on than a stock 1100 cc street bike.

Somewhere in its past the right combination of parts came together to equal something more than the individual parts. The road was calling its name. Sadly before that time I need to source a standard gas tank for a XS11 (unclemonkey@sohego.com).

Until then I am detailing the frame, lots of cleaning, manufacturing a custom wiring harness and figuring out a paint scheme just this side of an insane clown. Ultimately judging from the sound of the engine the 37-year-old brakes and suspension may need some serious upgrades to use all that power.

-bad Uncle Monkey


Come by and have a bowl of Bill Bartels’ famous chili, Sunday June 7, 2015
from 11:00 Am to 3:00 PM.
LOS ANGELES, CA – May 26, 2015 – Bartels’ Harley-Davidson is pleased to invite everyone to their 11th Annual Chili Cook Off taking place on Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 4141 Lincoln Blvd., Marina Del Rey, California. The event will start at 11:00 Am, food will be served at 12:00 Noon till 3:00 PM and free to the public. Come by and sample the best chili recipes in town and listen to great music.

A number of contestants will bring their best chili recipes to the contest! The day will include live music and a contest for the best tasting chili to be judged by Celebrity Judges. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will be announced at 2:45 PM.

All contestants that choose to participate will receive a free Bartels’ Chili Cook-Off Apron.

WHO: Bartels’ Harley-Davidson & 25 Contestants bring their best Chili recipes!

WHAT: 12th Annual Chili Cook-Off

WHEN: Sunday, June 7, 2014 from 11:00 AM till 3:00 PM.

WHERE: Bartels’ Harley-Davidson, 4141 Lincoln Blvd. Marina Del Rey, CA

For additional information please contact Debi Black via email at debi@Bartelsharley.com 310.823.1112 Ext 253


Debi Black, Bartels’ Harley-Davidson- (O) 310-823-1112

Sunday June 7, 2014
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Bartels’ Harley-Davidson
4141 Lincoln Ave., Marina Del Rey, CA

IRWINDALE DRAGSTRIP ACTION– From the stockest of stock to the hottest of hot … if it’s street legal and you’ve got a valid driver’s license and $20* …You can be drag racing at Irwindale Dragstrip this Thursday night!

Go up against the official NHRA starting line “Christmas Tree” for a fast time or run against a buddy’s car to see who really has the quickest ride … All in safety and with an official time slip to prove it. And there’ll be tons of excited fans cheering you on! (see below)

And Drag Racing Fans: Only $10 gets you into the event and parked right alongside the racers. Cheer them on from the stands, or hang out right on the rail … Either way, its great fun with friends, family, food, and (very) fast cars!

Gates open at 4pm and NHRA Street Legal racing runs from 5-10pm every Thursday!




If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.

~Jay Leno~

The problem with political jokes is they get elected.

~Henry Cate, VII~

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office


–from Sam Burns

One of the leaders in the billet wheel
Industry now has  3-D blanks for sale
so call us to get  price and inventory.

Sizes Available 

P# 562-7769594
F# 562-7769635

The “Bugnaughty” from Delahaye USA For Sale

Terry Cook of Delahaye USA has a long history of involvement with the automotive world. His career in automotive journalism began in 1962 at Drag News, and as Delahaye USA’s website tells us, he moved to the rank of Editor at Car Craft Magazine by the end of his tenure there in 1971.

From there he moved to Hot Rod Magazine, then to Vans & Trucks magazine before creating his own publication and then Appleton Productions. All the while, he’s had a passion for hot rodding, and in the early 1990s, he began creating and manufacturing his own designs through Delahaye USA.

One particular creation is a unique combination of classic designs and Delahaye USA construction: the Bugnaughty.

(See Also: Rare Bentley Continental GT3-R For Sale at Music City Motor Cars)

“Inspired by combining classic Auburn, Delahaye and Bugatti* styling, the Bugnaughty incorporates the timeless designs and features of the world’s most beautiful cars onto a single platform,” describes Delahaye USA’s website. The 1937 Bugatti Type 57S served as the inspiration for the steel grille and shell, as well s the reproduction “Flying Stork” hood ornament. It respectfully pays tribute to the Bugatti name while instilling its own sense of newness and beauty.

It seems like a unique car, and that’s because it truly is. But what makes it even more unique is the fact that it can join your collection. Check out the images of this rare creation below, then visit the listing page to see the listing and learn just how much a build like this will cost.

The Difference Between a New and Used Car
Promoted by Bank of America

Getting a new car can seem out of the question for some, while for others it’s the only acceptable option. However, there are many aspects t…

It seems like a unique car, and that’s because it truly is. But what makes it even more unique is the fact that it can join your collection. Check out the images of this rare creation, then visit the listing page to see the listing and learn just how much a build like this will cost.

–By Caitlin Duffy
Dupont Registry

HOLY SHIT— I swear, the World is on over-drive. We are spinning out of control.

Hang on as we put together our first Wheeler work stations using Pingel and Bike Guard chocks from Biker’s Choice.

Then a 1969 Sportster fell in my lap. That was my first Harley. I bought it new between trips to Vietnam.

Rock and Roll Custom Paint in Orange County stretched my rear Bonne Belle fender for a more aerodynamic flow. They will go to paint tomorrow.

And tomorrow I will post a massive tech/feature on this bad ass Shovelhead by Kent Weeks.

It’s a classic and basically shows how Shovels can be saved and made as reliable as Evos using components from S&S, BDL, JIMS Machine, and Paughco.

Tuesday Bill Hayes and his better half Jennifer from the Booze Fighters, and Jeff Krause blew into the headquarters. Jeff wanted to give each, including Ray C. Wheeler the Bikernet Performance Editor, Operation Gratitude flags for our commitment to veterans. It was a cool scene, and we will bring you the full report in the next couple of days. It’s a very beneficial veterans support group.

We are working on new 5-Ball Racing Leathers Hang Tags. You may see them in a dealer near you, soon.

Hang on. It’s never a dull moment around the Bikernet Interplanetary Headquarters.

Ride Free Forever,


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