Russ Brown Announces ROT Rally VIP Party

Make this year’s ROT Rally experience one to remember. We are happy to announce that Russ Brown will sponsor the 2015 VIP Party. ROT Rally VIPs are treated to special events and ROT extras.


A VIP ticket provides exclusive access to all three nights of the concerts, eligibility for band meet and greets each night and entrance to the Jack Daniels party at the Skyline Bar on Friday from 5-7pm and Saturday from 2-6pm.

The special VIP concert experience includes a private viewing area to watch the shows taking place on the main stage amphitheater, access to private air-conditioned restrooms. There is also the chance to mingle with invited celebrities and custom bike builders throughout the Rally.


The Russ Brown ROT Rally VIP party will feature free catered food, a cash bar and private air-conditioned restrooms. The Russ Brown ROT Rally VIP ticket gives you reserved prime positioning for the Friday night parade to downtown Austin next to ROT Rally sponsors and other celebrities – all while waiting in nice, cool air conditioning. And, once you arrive in downtown Austin with the parade, VIPs will have reserved parking. We are continuing to work to provide even more perks for the downtown VIP experience.

We will let you know about additional benefits as they are confirmed. Please check for more information.

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