WHAT’S Next? Thursday News for September 4, 2014



There’s so much on our goddamn plates these days, but what the hell. We can’t ever stop. I am going to initiate a mantra for 2015—More Fun, Less Work.

No books next year. I’m going to finish my screenplay this year, hopefully, and publish the next Chance book. It’s a good one.

Next year I would like to try my hand at a bronze sculpture, and I hope to focus on Sturgis and Bonneville. I will be writing about my new Indian with Rich at American Biker, who will modify it. But I don’t plan on building any bikes next year. On the other hand, we will be working closely with Lucky Devil in Houston on our Bonneville Trike project, which will be amazing.

Let’s hit the news. If I keep thinking about next year, the list keeps expanding and I’ll freak.

The Thursday News is sponsored in part by Cycle Source magazine, and Las Vegas Bike Fest.


A TRIBUTE TO OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN–When a soldier comes home, he finds it hard……to listen to his son whine about being bored.

….to keep a straight face when people complain about potholes.

To be tolerant of people who complain about the hassle of getting ready for work.

…to be understanding when a co-worker complains about a bad
night’s sleep.

..to be silent when people pray to God for a new car.

….to control his panic when his wife tells him he needs to drive slower.

..to be compassionate when a businessman expresses a fear of flying.

….to keep from laughing when anxious parents say they’re afraid to send their kids off to summer camp.

….to keep from ridiculing someone who complains about hot weather.

….to control his frustration when a colleague gripes about his coffee being cold.

….to remain calm when his daughter complains about having to
walk the dog.

…..to be civil to people who complain about their jobs.

…..to just walk away when someone says they only get two weeks
of vacation a year.

….to be forgiving when someone says how hard it is to have a new
baby in the house.

The only thing harder than being a Soldier…

Is loving one.

No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the U.S. Military for 20 years, risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get 40% of their pay on retirement AFTER 20 YEARS OF SERVICE.

Politicians hold their political positions, in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive full-pay retirement after serving one term. It just does not make
any sense.

–from Rogue

WILMINGTON WATERFRONT FORWARD—I’m involved in an effort to create a waterfront for the people of my small town. We are the only coastal city on the west coast without access to the waterfront—the Port of Los Angeles took it away from us and we are fighting to get a small portion back. Here’s a recent report from the Chairman of Wilmington Waterfront Forward.

A lot to report on. Thanks to Priscilla we had 4 presentations at the Senior Center and got signatures opposed to the street closures. Also thanks to Gary and Maria for helping us get this done. Thanks to Lorie I was able to give two presentations at the VFW and one at Wil-Hal and got a lot of signatures. Thanks to Steve, we attended a meeting with WIN and UWYF.

I can only focus on Moving the approved 2009 Wilmington Waterfront Plan Forward. I believe that only our Port has the capabilities to greatly improve Wilmington by building a promised Waterfront and improvements down Avalon. Since April we have attended every Harbor Commission Meeting. I also met with two of Mayor Garcetti’s staff. At the last Commission meeting Jacob (CD15) talked to us but still no letter.

The Harbor Commission will meet at Banning’s Landing Thursday Sept.18, 2014 at 6:00p.m. We need to show up and speak. Also get the word out for a strong turnout. Thanks to Steve he is going to set up at two upcoming Community events and needs help. Sept.6 and Sept.13.

Take Care and God Bless
–Ken Melendez Chair Wilmington Waterfront Forward


Polaris Donates $10,000 to ALS After Dealers Complete Ice Bucket ChallengePolaris Industries Inc. (NYSE:PII) today donated $10,000 to ALS after more than 100 dealers accepted an invitation from Scott Wine, Polaris chairman and CEO, to join him in taking the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness and funds for the disease.

On Aug. 22, Polaris shared a video of Wine completing the Ice Bucket Challenge and in turn nominating Polaris’ network of dealers to do the same, noting that if 100 dealers accepted the challenge Polaris would donate an additional $10,000 towards ALS research. Within 7-days more than 100 dealers completed the challenge and in addition to submitting videos, many went above and beyond and also made personal donations.

“We are extremely proud of the strong response we received from Polaris dealers across the country and happy to provide this additional donation to support ALS research,” said Wine. “Polaris dealers are a strong part of our team and share the value our company places on giving back.”

Polaris has a long history of supporting ALS, having been involved with the Black Woods Blizzard Tour, a snowmobile ride to fight ALS, since its inception 15 years ago. Since then, Polaris employees have raised more than $900,000 for the cause and are hoping to hit the $1 million mark in 2015.

Watch Wine’s Ice Bucket Challenge:

Visit www.alsa.org to learn more about ALS and the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Information about the complete line of Polaris products, apparel and vehicle accessories are available from authorized Polaris dealers or anytime at www.polaris.com.


WINNER ANNOUNCED–Today is the day, after months of collecting submissions and pouring through tons of entries, we finally have our winner!
We are happy to announce Chris Gibbany as the 2014 Ultimate Biker Makeover Winner.

Thank you to our awesome sponsors for hooking Chris up with all her amazing prizes. Please check out her story, and see why we chose Chris as the Winner of the 2014 Garage-Girls Ultimate Biker Makeover.

Chris’s Entry

“My brother and I were given the option of a candy bar a day or the equivalent in money, I ALWAYS took the money, he took the candy. I took care of all of my clothes and toys and then resold them at yard sales to recoup some of my money. I picked up aluminum cans and scrap metal while growing up to have more cash. I never got my ears pierced as I knew it would make me buy “unnecessary things”. I graduated high school with honors and my graduation gift was a $10 denim purse. I went to college on full scholarships and I worked two jobs.

While everyone else was eating out everyday, I was the only person in college who brought lunch in a reusable sack. I continued to learn that if I wanted things, it was possible but I had to have my priorities straight and be confident enough to take “ribbing” from other people due to my different choices and not “going along with the crowd.”

My first year in college I bought a super nice black 1978 Camaro, that I owned 15 years. My second year I bought a 1978 Z-28 Camaro, a car I owned 22 years and just sold three weeks ago! I went to buy a third Camaro while in college but instead fell in love with MOTORCYCLES! I had these things while making minimum wage. While married to my first husband, I was forced to sell my motorcycle to buy him an expensive birthday gift. I got another motorcycle and one day while still at work, he sold it. Needless to say that after a few events like this, I filed for divorce, typed up my own papers and got divorced for only $50. Another lesson in frugality! He was also trying to force me to have kids and I instead went and got my tubes tied, also free of charge!

I decided that I was not going to live a life that didn’t suit me and my love of the machine.  I now am married to my soulmate, a man who doesn’t limit the amount of cars or motorcycles I can have. A man who lets me design and helps me build my dream bikes. The only thing lacking is MONEY! I give 110% of my life to my passions, which are obviously motorcycles and cars. With that being said, and probably because of the way I grew up, I live a VERY frugal life.

We choose to live without television (one of the best decisions we have ever made), telephone, microwave, clothesdryer, dishwasher, etc. I go shopping for food once a month (just like my parents did) for what I don’t kill, catch or raise in the gardens. I only shop in thrift stores and I only own one pair of boots, which I got by trading JCPenney’s gift cards (that I got for free) for a gift card to a local boot store. With that being said, even though I ride all the time, I don’t even own a riding jacket or a pair of gloves! Just this year I broke down and bought a helmet, and because I am so cheap, it is already cracked!

I live my life to the fullest, always promoting women, motorcycles and related events. If I win, I will not only be a GREAT ambassador to Garage Girls and women in general, but for any prizes I cannot use, I would like to donate to a runner-up. But I really need a set of Avon tires!”

–Sara Liberte

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!


Went to the rally this year (2014) and it sucked. The only vendors were clothes and food. Two beer trucks – no other alcohol was available. Charged $15 per person per day to enter the rally and it was not worth it.

We stayed for about 20 minutes and left. Had a much better time in Durango. I would not go back to the rally again.

Breckenridge, CO


By Ann Doss Helms The Charlotte Observer-


Don Tilley died Friday in a wreck on the Blue Ridge Parkway. His wife, Robinette, is still in the hospital.

A memorial for Don Tilley will be held at 6:30 p.m. Sunday at Statesville High School, 474 N. Center Street. Bikers will leave from Tilley’s Salisbury shop at 4 p.m., joining others who will leave the Statesville shop at 5 p.m. Details about that and a smaller service being held Monday are at www.tilleyhd.com.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorials be made to Victory Junction Gang Camp, 4500 Adam’s Way, Randleman, NC 27317, www.victoryjunction.org.

Hundreds of Harley riders will converge on Statesville Sunday to celebrate the life of Don Tilley, who died as he lived most of his 78 years: Riding a motorcycle with his wife.

Tilley was a legend in racing and Harley-Davidson circles, having led all 20 of Kyle Petty’s “Charity Ride Across America” treks to raise money for seriously ill children. He died when he lost control of his motorcycle on the Blue Ridge Parkway south of Asheville Friday evening.

Robinette Tilley, his wife of 53 years, was riding with him. She remains hospitalized in Asheville with serious injuries, said Vickie Kress, a staffer at Tilley Harley-Davidson in Statesville.

Tributes and concern poured in as word spread over the Labor Day weekend.

“Don taught me how to ride long distance, love Harleys and most importantly how to be a friend,” NASCAR driver Petty tweeted.

Winston Kelley, executive director of the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte, called Tilley “the Superman of motorcycles.”

“He rode more miles per year than anybody I personally know,” Kelley, a motorcycle enthusiast, said Monday.

Don Tilley was also known for wearing a helmet, even in states where they weren’t required. His reputation as a careful rider is one of the reasons his wreck came as such a shock, Kelley said.

Sunday’s memorial service will be held in Statesville High School’s stadium to accommodate the crowds expected to turn out – many of them riding motorcycles from the Tilley dealerships in Salisbury and Statesville, thundering in with a police escort.

“You’re going to see probably one of the biggest rides you’ve ever seen in your life,” said Kress, who was acting as a family spokesperson.

Don Tilley got his start as a motorcycle and stock car racer in the late 1950s, when he worked for Kyle Petty’s father, racing star Richard Petty, according to a history on his website. He also worked for a Statesville Harley-Davidson dealer before opening his own shop in 1972. The business and his name in racing circles grew in the ensuing decades.

Tilley organized and supported many charity events over the years, but the biggest is the Petty trek to benefit Victory Junction, a camp south of Greensboro for children with serious medical conditions. As a longtime family friend, Tilley helped launch the charity ride in 1995, after a handful of friends rode their motorcycles from North Carolina to a NASCAR race in Phoenix. Riders have donated a total of $15 million to Victory Junction and other children’s charities, according to the website.

The 20th ride took place this May, with riders going from California to Florida. Longtime NASCAR writer Mike Hembree, chronicling that trip, called Tilley “the Yoda of the Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America.”

“Tilley has ridden motorcycles on seemingly every interstate and back road in the United States. He is the ride’s unofficial road atlas,” Hembree wrote. “Better to ride through downtown Houston or take the interstate loop around the city? Tilley knows. Best scenic roads in the West? Tilley knows.

“Tilley is one of only 10 riders who have participated in all 20 rides,” Hembree added. “Tough as beef jerky, he shows no signs of letting go.”

Robinette Tilley has always been at her husband’s side, whether working at the dealerships or accompanying him on rides, Kress said. At 74, Robinette Tilley is a competitive jazz and tap dancer.

Don Tilley has also been a stalwart supporter of Alcoholics Anonymous, which helped him stay sober for 44 years, Kress said. And in 1986 he founded Statesville’s Harley Owners Group, which his website describes as North Carolina’s first.

That group had a Tail of the Dragon ride scheduled for the Labor Day weekend, along a twisty mountain road at the N.C./Tennessee state line. Friday evening, Don and Robinette Tilley were riding along the Blue Ridge Parkway. He was driving and she was in back, Kress said.

The wreck happened around 7:50 p.m., near the French Broad River overlook at the intersection of the parkway and Brevard Road, south of Asheville. The U.S. Park Service is investigating and has not released details.

Kress said Robinette Tilley has already had three operations, with another scheduled later this week.  Don Tilley’s last tweet marked their 53rd anniversary, on July 23. “It has been great,” he wrote. “Met her by taking a ride on my Harley.”

–from Rogue


NEW STEAM PUNK ART FROM ALLAN GORMAN–First, I just got back from a month’s residency at The Vermont Studio Center where I was able to complete a new large scale painting I’m especially proud of.

“SteamPunk” is a portrait of the Holly Steam Engine built in 1915. Five of these
monsters reside in the Colonel Ward Pumping Station in Buffalo, NY. The largest steam-pumpers ever built, they were used to move water from the Buffalo River through the city.  They no longer work, but are open to the public for tours one day a year.

I’m happy to be showing three paintings at this years’ ArtPrize

Grand Rapids MI
Sept 24 – Oct 12, 2014

This 3-week, giant art extravaganza drew over 400,000 visitors last year, and this year promises to be even better with 1573 works of art at 173 venues. My entries will be at: 

The B.O.B.
20 Monroe Avenue, NW
9 am – 11 pm Daily

If you’re going to ArtPrize and want to vote for me, download the app, 
and use vote code: 56120

Winners of the juried prize and the public prize get $200K each! (Sure would be nice!)

To learn more about this wonderful event, visit: http://www.artprize.org/about. Watch some of the videos.

A NICE DAY FOR A RIDE will be featured at The HVAA Show
HVAA 82nd Annual National Exhibition

September 20th -26th 2014 at the Salmagundi Club Gallery, 47 5th Ave, NYC
Please join me at the reception and awards ceremony – Sept 26th, 6 pm


BIKERNET OFFICIAL PHILOSOPHER ON RESPONDING–Today I set my intention to respond rather than react to each and every situation. I stay calm and peaceful throughout my day. I let go of the clutter that fills my mind.

Peace is my consciousness, Love is my expression and calm is my word. I am consistent and persistent on this path not allowing outside sources to take me off my path. Removing all obstacles my day is filled with accomplishment.

I Know when I review my day I will smile and have this wonderful feeling of good.

I Know that I have a choice and I choose good to unfold in my day. I raise my level of acceptance of good throughout my day and enjoy the results. Today is good and getting better.

And So It Is

Yale Custom Cycles
2003 11 ST SE
Calgary AB
T2G 3G6

INTERMOT Cologne 2014: Come. Wonder.
World premieres, world champion and a world-class event program, offers the INTERMOT Cologne from 2 to 5 October 2014 for the general public: This may again look forward to Freestyle MX and stunt shows, test and special shows around the themes motorcycle, scooter, motor sports and touring.

With the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building and the team show-trial, there are some premiere highlights this year. At INTERMOT Cologne it says however not just come and be amazed, but also drive yourself! The test course offering visitors the opportunity to test the new models of the manufacturer and to experience the “fascination motorcycle” live.

The event program of the INTERMOT Cologne 2014 at one glance:

Event Action Area – Outdoor
Stunts and shows await the visitors at around 70.000 square meter of event-action surface. The stars of the Freestyle-MX scene show with breathtaking motocross jumps, backflips and Whips what’s in them. For the first time the motto wear legend stunt team from Moscow with Marat Kankadze (Husgvarna SM511R), Yury Verkhovnikov (Kawasaki ZX6R) and Valery Kulesha (Suzuki LT450R) enters on at INTERMOT. Even more stars offer the stunt shows: Besides Dirk Manderbach (BMW), Oliver Ronzheimer and Chris Rid (both Kawasaki), Horst Hoffmann and Dominik Csauth (both Suzuki) also the internationally as “Stunter13” known Rafal Pasierbek (Yamaha) shows of before large audience to which possible and impossible tricks he is capable on his motorcycle.

And whom speed more impresses than height should not miss the dragster racing. Herman Jolink demonstrates on his Ducati, what it means to cover the quarter mile in 8.45 seconds back. Marko Simeonov, Pawerl Trzaska and Alex Ramien with his son Luke are also hitting the gas properly in the Globe of Speed. In a metal ball with six feet in diameter they drive fast-paced with their motorcycles in a circle and put the law of gravity down, so that the visitors gasp. Quiet however not less skilfully it goes on the other hand in the team-trial show which, in cooperation with the German association of manufacturers and Importers of motorcycles with sidecars eV (BVHK), is shown. The multiple German, Dutch, French and European champion Hans Werner Bauss shows with support from his wife Christiane, how a spectacular motorcycle with a sidecar can be moved in difficult terrain.

Action to be amazed and participate
On a large activity area, the Institute for Motorcycle Safety eV (ifz) constitute the subject of safety in spectacular fashion. Motorcycle stunts, where the driving laws of physics no longer apply, and car-motorcycle-driving demonstrations in comparison inspire and allow visitors to simultaneously think about their driving behaviour.

Driving fun live – the test parcours
Loyal visitors of the INTERMOT know and love them: The test parcours. Here’s to every motorcycle fan something, from small to big, from the speed junky to the newcomer.

At an almost 1 km track including slope of the LEV / Electrical course, skeptic can be convinced by the electric mobility and friends of alternative drives can test the latest models. Classic motorized machines are being offered at the big test parcours.

Holders of a valid driving license can test the current one to six-cylinder bikes and maybe practice before the ADAC biker Cup. Here dexterity and sensitivity is required for the machine when it comes to overcoming the obstacle course without error. The main winner will get a Ducati Monster 696 and among all participants are other attractive prizes awarded.

Lively driving fun on four wheels offers of the Quad track on which interested parties can also try out without a valid motorcycle license. Even without a license, however only on two wheels, the test track for beginners and those returning can be tested. Here scooters, choppers and street bikes of 50 and 125 cc are available.

Those who are drawn into the distance, will feel at the travel enduro track their first taste of adventure. In the discerning on- and offroad-parcours the big travel machines with knobby tires can be tested. Besides to the big ones also the little ones come into play of course at the INTERMOT: In the Kids-Mini-course the young visitors on mini-bikes, mini-quads and children’s bicycles can test their sporting ambitions under supervision.

Indoor activity areas in Hall 5
In the indoor section the kids can show of in the young action area which driver talent is in them. The road patrol support the road safety education of the young visitors again with a parcours- and exercise park. Away from the parcours the INTERMOT nursery offer 2014 also a playing, painting and a rave around service while their parents attend the fair. Right next to the INTERMOT nursery, the, motorcycle worlds’ impressively presented on photo motifs. The call to participate with their pictures on this subject in the photo contest, amateur and professional photographers from all over Europe are followed again. The Hall 5.2 stands with the INTERMOT e-motion totally in view of the electric mobility. At the e-bike wheel club stage professional supporting programme highlights the subject from A like propulsion engines to Z as future prospects. The experts of the partner BVA publishing house will answer all questions on the subject of e-bike.

Special shows and theme areas in Hall 10
2014 is a big year for the INTERMOT Köln. Under the motto ’50 years motorcycle fair in Cologne’ it celebrates a golden anniversary with an exciting story. Even before the fair, the organiser have called up to be part of this story.with their own stories, photos and videos about the passion of motorcycling. 50 of these contributions have been selected and are presented at the INTERMOT to the public in a special exhibition.

At the special show area sports, conducted by the journal ‘PS’, visitors can expect a sports motorcycle exhibition with motorcycles from the tuning and racing scene. DT Bike Promotion presents an active area to the motor racing theme and a supporting programme with currently active Cup drivers who will report on their experiences.

A bit of adventure and a hint of faraway lands blows on the other hand on the special show area touring with discussions and presentations of motorcycle travellers. The big tourers will be exhibited here and can be admired by globetrotters and those who want to be one.

Central show stage
The central stage will on all days light up all segments of the wide two-wheeled world. The moderator who leads 2014 the program for the second time will be Ilka Groenewold. The East Frisian represented successfully in the past the sport of running, but is with a motorcycle license and the heart a true biker.

The mega event of the customizing scene, the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building, present itself for the first time in 2014 on the INTERMOT Köln. The world title is traditionally awarded in the FreeStyle Class – all modifications are accepted here, next to this the customizing specialists show in the four other classes Retro / Modified, Modified Harley-Davidson, Performance and Cafe Racer, what’s in their machines.

Customizing live is also offered at the Ace Cafe London. Here, among other, are motorcycles rebuilt and individualized daily on a glass bench in front of an audience according to the wishes of their owners.

From 50 years of motorcycle history the readers of the magazine ‘MOTORRAD’ could choose their favourites. The ten winning machines of the selection are presented in the MOTORRAD dream bike exhibition in Hall 8 at the stand of MOTORRAD. Besides interesting programme points are offered on a stage. Holger Aue, the man behind the MOTORRAD Comics will give signing sessions.

The INTERMOT Köln is open from 1 to 5 October 2014 daily from 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. and on 3 October from 09:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m. On 1 October, for the first time a trade visitor day is held. This is “reserved” for trade visitors and importers. Private visitors will receive at this day with a special ticket special admission conditions. The ticket quota for this is limited. On the trade visitor day no active outdoor program takes place.

INTERMOT Cologne – October 1 to 5, 2014

For further information visit www.intermot-cologne.com.




1. of or pertaining to bells or bell ringing.

Mr. Squills was about to reply, when ring—a-ting—ring— ting! there came such a brisk, impatient, make-one’s-self-at-home kind of tintinnabular alarum at the great gate, that we all started up and looked at each other in surprise.

— Edward Bulwer-Lytton, The Caxtons: A Family Picture, 1849

Tintinnabular comes from the Latin tintinnabulum meaning “bell.”

[page break]
5-BALL RACING ™ Special Ops Jacket – Boot Tough & Rattlesnake Slick

Heading into the fall season you need medium weight leather that’s boot tough and rattlesnake slick. Allows you to layer your hoodie and t-shirt. The Special Ops vest is ideal.

Just unzip the sleeves and you can regulate your temperature. Check’m out at J&P Cycles – http://www.jpcycles.com/5-ball

–Jeffrey Najar, Partner
Biker Pros
c. 919-450-5060


Philly Police Officer Suing Philly Police Department for Brutality–Sgt. Brandon Ruff, an eight-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police force, filed a police brutality lawsuit against his own Department on Monday. Ruff says that he was assaulted by seven officers when he attempted to anonymously turn three handguns in to the 35th district department. Ruff works in the 16th district, so many of the officers in the building did not recognize him at the time.

In his lawsuit, Ruff said that the acts of violence “were committed willfully, wantonly, maliciously, intentionally, outrageously, deliberately and/or by conduct so egregious as to shock the conscience.”

Ruff said that he was turning the guns in to the police department because a neighbor asked him to and he felt that taking care of things like this was a part of his job.

When he was off duty he made sure that the guns were unloaded and took them a local police department. When he arrived he turned the guns in and said that he was delivering them to the precinct under a “no-questions-asked” policy and said that he wished to speak with a supervisor. After waiting for an extended period of time for a supervisor to appear, Ruff told someone in the office that he would be stepping outside to make a phone call.

Just as he was stepping outside, someone shouted “there he is,” and at that moment a group of officers surrounded him. One of the officers came up behind Ruff and twisted his right hand behind his back, while two others held Tasers to his chest and rib cage and threatened to activate them.

When he was able to react, Ruff used a code number to identify himself as a police officer and said that his ID was in his pocket, the lawsuit states. Ruff was then arrested and held for 6 hours until he was finally released. After he was released, the Philadelphia police department opened up an internal investigation on him and reassigned him to desk duty.

Ruff also alleges rampant corruption in his lawsuit and states that the police department as a whole encourages and tolerates officers who “misrepresent facts in order to establish probable cause, and allows officers to have persons falsely arrested or maliciously prosecuted.”


–By John Vibes on August 28, 2014

–from Rogue


Old Bruce Brown film, but brings back lots of great memories, riding with friends in our beautiful desert. I miss it! It appears to be about 1974 when you see the Husky’s they ride.  It’s a long one so view when you have a long break………..Mo


We call it Competing Studies Syndrome. One study says red-light cameras significantly reduce accidents. Another says they have no effect, and still another says they actually increase accidents.

Why so much conflicting information? An analysis published last month in The Journal of Evaluation and the Health Professions sheds some light on the issue. Researchers from the University of South Florida reviewed six leading red-light camera studies. They found that studies employing more rigorous methodologies and analysis concluded that accidents increased with the use of red-light cameras, while studies using substandard techniques claimed that red-light cameras led to fewer accidents.

Anti-camera activists have known about the flawed nature of the pro-camera studies for years. In fact, the academic community has roundly criticized the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a leading camera proponent, for its shoddy research methods.

Fraudsters exist all up and down the camera revenue pipeline, and some of them don’t hide their subterfuge behind densely worded research reports and impenetrable statistical analyses. They simply rig the data and hope nobody notices. Here are a couple examples.

Earlier this year the Tampa Police Department (TPD) claimed that red-light cameras had reduced crash rates by 29 percent, but a closer look at the data showed that TPD only counted accidents that occurred within 25 feet of the intersection. According to WTSP, neighboring communities use a much wider radius around intersections for accident reporting. A WTSP news investigation determined that accidents occurring between 25 feet and 50 feet from the intersection (the sweet spot for rear-enders) actually jumped 68 percent after the cameras went up.

WTSP also turned up information showing that accidents were down only 12 percent and 7 percent at 50 feet and 100 feet away from intersection, respectively. However, TPD chose not to share this data and initially denied the ability to track accidents at all based on specific distances from the intersection. Nor is there any mention of comparison data from non-camera intersections, which may have indicated a downward trend in intersections accidents overall.

Another example of camera trickery comes from Murrieta, California, where anti-camera activists had successfully shut down the community’s red-light cameras. Throughout the legal battle that finally ended the program, the cameras continued recording alleged violations but not issuing citations.

To convince public officials to reinstate the program, camera operator ATS issued a press release claiming the cameras had recorded nearly twice the number of “red light running events” after the violations were halted. Without the threat of a violation, the company asserted, drivers returned to their pre-camera scofflaw behavior. “This data shows (sic) just how much of a red-light running deterrent they were for drivers in Murrieta,” said ATS spokesman Charles Territo.

Not so fast, Charlie. It turns out the violation numbers ATS used for the post-camera period were for “violations recorded,” which are the raw number of potential violations captured by the camera sensors. None of these had been reviewed by ATS personnel or police to see if they warranted an actual citation. The comparison data ATS used while the cameras were actually operational included only violations that had been reviewed and for which citations had been issued. As a result, the post-camera “violation” rates were artificially inflated in a cynical attempt to show a safety benefit that didn’t exist.

That the pro-camera side must resort to such tactics is indicative of the moral climate of the entire industry. If red-light cameras truly made roads safer, their supporters would not have to resort to obfuscation and numerical sleight-of-hand to justify their existence. If red-light cameras truly benefited entire communities as their supporters claim, the camera companies would not have to resort to bribery to secure contracts.

As staunch red-light camera foe, New Jersey Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon, recently put it:

If cameras actually increased safety no one would have to bribe anyone for business—we’d all be lining up! How any public entity can continue to do business with Redflex in particular, but really any of these companies pitching these ineffective, thieving cameras is beyond me. Is the lure of fast cash so strong we have decided that morality doesn’t matter?

–National Motorist Association (NMA)

–from Rogue

AMAZING FISH SCALE GRIPS— Engineered By Mother Nature

Fish scale patterns have been used in custom paint on hot rods and choppers for half a century or more, but have now been realized in multiple dimensions and brought to these motorcycle grips by Lowbrow Customs in injection molded Krayton rubber.

Available for both 1 and 7/8-inch handlebars, in four colors (Black, Midnight Blue, Orange and White), and priced well at $18.95 per pair.

Available world-wide, 24/7 via www.lowbrowcustoms.com or call toll free 1-855-4LOWBROW.


The Aisle, The Altar, The Hymn

Through the ages, men have been trying to unlock this mystery: Why do their wives, who accept them just as they are before they get married, begin the quest to change their behavior and life-style once their vows are exchanged?

Finally, the riddle is solved.

A social-scientist has arrived at this simple and logical explanation. When the bride, accompanied by her father, starts to walk slowly down the long aisle, she sees the altar at the end and hears the choir singing a hymn. Walking down the aisle, the conditioning process starts where the brain absorbs these three stimuli: Aisle, altar, and hymn.

She becomes mesmerized as she continually reinforces these perceptions: Aisle, altar, hymn… Aisle, altar, hymn… Aisle, altar, hymn.

And finally, as she stops beside the groom, the conditioning process is complete. She looks up at him smiling sweetly and keeps saying to herself:

“I’ll alter him!”


–from Jerry and Rogue

CONCORD, N.H. — New Hampshire police say a motorcyclist clocked at 127 mph bragged after being arrested that he had reached 185 mph during the chase.

State police say 31-year-old David J. Fries, of Manchester, was spotted by a trooper on Interstate 93 in Bow at about 2:45 a.m. Saturday.

The first trooper eventually ended the chase, but another trooper saw Fries crash into a guardrail after he exited Interstate 393.

Police say Fries then led officers on an hour-long foot chase in Concord. He was subdued with help from a police dog.

Fries was treated for injuries from the crash and from the dog.

He faces a variety of charges and is being held on $30,000 bail.

It’s unclear if he has a lawyer.

–from Rogue


1. deeply engrossed or absorbed: a rapt listener.

2. transported with emotion; enraptured: rapt with joy.

He was an excellent orator and thrived before his rapt and amused audiences.

— Joelle Herr, Mark Twain: The Essential Works in One Sitting, 2013

Rapt can be traced to the Latin verb rapere meaning “to seize.” The term entered English in the late 1300s.




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Must be registered for an Ultimate or a Party Pass.  Use promo code LVBF12 to SAVE $5 off the Ultimate or Party Pass

AUSTRALIA’S Gangster Queensland government ‘cheeky’ to assume other states support VLAD laws
The involvement of other states in the Queensland government’s High Court defense of its draconian Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment (VLAD) laws introduced last year, did not mean they supported the tough anti-biker legislation.

That’s the view of Queensland Civil Liberties Council spokesman Terry O’Gorman who said the participation of Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia, NSW and the Northern Territory was a matter of course to allow them to argue points of law relevant to their jurisdictions.

He said such involvement was common and allowed the states to make constitutional points about decisions that could affect existing and future laws they may wish to make.

“The huge mandatory minimum sentences have to be opposed,” Mr. O’Gorman said.

“If you or I was caught with a joint we would get a $300 fine and a drug diversion order. If you are one of the 26 declared outlaw gangs you would get a $300 fine and a minimum 15 years, or 25 if you were an officer of a club.”

He said that while the High Court had recently upheld mandatory minimum sentences of three to five years for people smugglers, those were nowhere near the 15 years minimums that apply to bikers.

Hells Angel member Stefan Kuczborski, backed by the United Motorcycle Council, has mounted the challenge to be heard from September 1 by the full bench of the High Court.

Mr. O’Gorman described it as “cheeky” of the Queensland Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie to suggest that the presence of the other states was a sign of support for the legislation.

However academic Mark Lauchs of QUT’s law faculty said there was a strong feeling in sections of the legal community that Queensland’s legislation would survive the challenge and then be quickly rolled out in other states.

Dr. Lauchs said he expected the legislation to stay “pretty much” intact.

“Legislation is ready to go (in other states),” he said.

“If you’re the state that doesn’t ban them that’s where they will go.”

The state government has announced the backing of all mainland states except the ACT in its defense of Mr. Kuczborski’s challenge.

Jurists say the previous Labor Government’s Criminal Organizations Act 2009 was similar to VLAD laws but required evidence of criminality to be argued through proper process before a judge.

The latest wave of legislation introduced by the LNP meant that whatever the Attorney General declared became fact without proof.

Dr. Lauchs said at the very minimum, ability should exist for people to go to court to test the minister’s decision.

He said the legislation as it stood meant there was no right of appeal and no need for a reason to be argued.

Dr. Lauchs said it would be hard to prove that every chapter of every club was a threat.

“The legislation scares a lot of people. It’s not fair or representative of the level of crime being committed.

“If this is upheld it will be a bad day to be a biker.”


BANDIT JOINS THE DAVThe Disabled Veterans association. It’s also known as the most used program for appealing for veteran’s benefits.

I was introduced to the DAV by John Gilbert, the editor of several car and truck magazines.

We will bring you info about DAV activities, which are many supporting veterans at colleges and in hospitals. Here’s a note from the DAV:

When you join the DAV, you’re standing up with your fellow veterans. You’re giving the needs of all disabled veterans a stronger voice. As young men and women return from Iraq and Afghanistan with a lifetime of disability and sacrifice ahead of them, we will need a DAV to ensure all veterans receive the benefits and opportunities we have fought to secure for generations.


Sometime after the 1st of the year Ray Wheeler called and asked if I’d like to run Bonneville with the 5-Ball racing team. I have been racing at the salt flats for several years now and was happy to run with them.

The conditions this year, compliments of mother nature, were less than ideal. However, they were much improved since the cancellation of Speed Week. It still looked like a lake at the entrance when I arrived and in some places more than 10 inches deep. The pits and tracks were dry though and we all went to work setting up our pit, getting the bikes ready for tech inspection and Sundays first runs.

Previously at Bonneville I ran a CBR1000 in mostly stock trim with some gearing changes and went over 190mph. I had high hopes this year of breaking that elusive 200mph mark with my now nitrous powered Honda.

My first run on the international long course on Sunday was incredible, and I mean that in the most concerning way. Everything seemed normal up to about 130mph. Then conditions changed. The description of running through mashed potatoes is accurate. If you can imagine the old clips of Chubby Checker doing “The Twist” from the ‘60s you will get a good feeling of what it was like on the motorcycle all the way up to 180mph, which was as fast as I could go with the throttle pinned and the nitrous pouring into the chambers; traction certainly was the issue.

Word got out pretty quickly that the mountain course was much better. The line was short on the international course, so I continued runs while I familiarized myself with the nitrous. I never went much over 184mph due to track conditions.

The next couple days were basically cancelled, first for excessive wind and then for overnight rain. I was the first rider on course when racing resumed on the 28th. After two days delay the course felt great; right up until the timed mile when I resumed the dance. My speed was a tenth slower than before. After refilling my nitrous I headed for one last run and lined up at pre-stage for the mountain course. It was to be a 6 and a half hour wait to run. At 2:30pm on the last day I launched for my only run on the mountain course. I went more than 193mph (9mph faster than the international track) which did not accomplish my goal, but did increase my personal best speed at Bonneville.

Considering the weather conditions, I think things went about as good as can be expected and I have to thank all of the people involved for their hard work. We’ll get ‘em next year.

–Dale Branson
128 MPS AF


PROBLEMS WITH CRAZY HORSE ENGINES?—Do you have a Crazy Horse Bottlecap engine. I know of two facing issues with tuning or intake. The engines are some of the best looking, Evo-based engines on the planet, but we just want to go for a ride.

Let us know if you have experienced similar issues and how you remedied them?



BIKERNET STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER PUBLISHES ULTIMATE TATTOO PHOTO BOOK–Torso– a coffee table black & white hard cover book of large scale torso tattoos by some of the top tattoo artists in the world.

Due late Oct. in bookstores,boutiques,etc.
–Markus Cuff


UNCLE MONKEY ON TRENDS–I had decided to spend the day intentionally zigzagging my way across the big city checking prices on building supplies. With no real intent on buying anything it was a chance to see the city I had called home for a little over a decade. I seem to make it there more on my motorcycle then anything. A little over a half hour away it is just far enough to clear the mind. Sometimes I see old friends, sometimes it is just to get away. As I puttered around I waved to my fellow riders until it was time to head back home to my small town. I caught a glimpse of two bikes approaching, the first biker scowled at me like I had defecated all over his beautiful bike. It was when the second bike past that I think I figured out his disdain for me. There, on a Sportster, was a frantically waving wife, the bike freshly painted pure white, a Mini-Me of Snow White.

When I was first deciding how to paint my softail I wanted to be different. Call it being cocky, arrogant, vain but I like my bikes to stand out in a crowd. It means picking colors that are not the normal, building bikes that buck the norm. When people were building Softails, I was building rigid Sportsters, when everyone was running drag bars I was rocking the ape hangers, when everyone followed suit I switched to drag bars. Snow White has low bars, something that I see Harley is installing on their new bikes this year. White was an unusual color for a Harley, pretty much anything that wasn’t black or red is a bit unusual but white was really out there.

Today white bikes are coming out of the wood work. It might be a coincidence that the young lady just happened to have an all white Sportster but her frantic waving seems to suggest she was inspired by Snow White.

We draw inspiration from all around us. For some it is following a trend, catching the wave as it starts. For others its about swimming against the current, the water washing over us creating that new wave, being the first to do something. The thing is whether you are the first to do something or the last one to join the revolution we are all part of the same wave.

–bad Uncle Monkey


We need to include the daily newsletter banner $220 monthly for a spot on the newsletter. Over 100,000 impressions a month.

Ben Lamboeuf
Freelance Journalism
Translation Services French/English
Mobile: 818-268-3789

NEW PROJECT AT STRICTLY HAWGS—The Los Angeles brothers at Strictly Hawgs never stop. They run a shop devoted to touring Harleys. They also build a growing line of Bagger components.


SUPPORTIVE SWAP MEET COMING–Need to clear out some space to put your bike back in the garage for the winter? Or, are you looking for more parts and gear to add to your collection?

Do a little of both from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm at the Fall Swap Meet on September 14th at Motorcyclepedia Museum!

Vendor space is still available – click to reserve your space before it’s too late!

September 14th is right around the corner!
$11.00 per person includes vendor space and museum admission.

$5 for children under 12! Children under 3 are FREE!

Motorcyclepedia Museum
250 Lake Street Newburgh NY 12550
(845) 569-9065


CHANCE OF A LIFETIME--Get Your Jay Leno’s Garage Tour

So a tour of Jay Leno’s Garage is on your bucket list? Well, we got you covered. Just enter your bike into the Peter Fonda Love Ride Bike Show presented by Customization in America (CIA) and “win” your class and you are a winner.

The show is kicking off on Saturday October 25, 2014 in front of thousands and all proceeds goes to the MDA. Details at http://custombikeshows.com/loveride/

–Jeffrey Najar, Partner
Biker Pros
c. 919-450-5060

At the airport now waiting for flight to Bkk. Got in at 5 a.m. – matriculated and got bus to downtown hotel to meet tour to DMZ at 8 a.m.

Tour $75 – Bus out $15 – Stored carry on $7 – Bus back $15. I had a full 13-hour layover which worked out just right for the tour.

One photo of me at the end of the table is me in BOTH North and South Korea – standing on the line inside the building they hold talks.

This is the most famous photo of all – including outside showing both buildings with North Korean building in the background.

The hotel where the tour met seems high class – a coffee in the lounge is $15 – I found one outside for $1.)

It’s 5:15 now the plane leaves at 6:30 and arrives Bkk at 10:40pm. Just in time for some nighttime activity.

WIFI is free here at the airport – as it was at LAX – They all have charging stations now for gadgets. Convenience of connectivity.

I have the same layover on my return flight October 15 and will take advantage to do a city tour of some sort.

Flight was on Asiana – the agent claimed they had the distinction of being the best a/l in the world now – 5 star.

They did have the best food I have had in coach – which they call “travel class” – as good as business class food I have had.

Nice seats – fairly comfortable yet not very roomy – Boing 777-200. Seemed to have older TV controls – not interactive by touch.

Got a little bumpy in places but nothing too bad. My new noise canceling headphones are so much better than standard issue.

So – a couple of movies – a couple of meals – a little sleep and wa-la it is 12.5 hrs later in the Asian sunrise.

That’s about it for the first TR.

–Art Hall
Supreme Commander of Bikernet International New Bureau

[page break]

BIKERNET 5-Ball RACING WHEELER REPORT—But first the adrenaline junky list:

****Mojave Mile****In The Books****April 12-13****12,000 foot runway, one mile shutdown….
****N H R A**** Leaders, T/F, Doug Kalitta, F/C, Robert Hight, M/C, Andrew Hines****
****E C T A Ohio Mile****5/3-4 (In The Books)****6/7-8 ****6/10 Valerie Thompson kicks ass, 208.71, BMW S 1000 RR) ****7/12-13****9/27-28****
****El Mirage****6-22****John Noonan, ****250.7**** (NEW RECORD) on a 250.69 record****, Next Up 7-13, 9-14, 10-19, 11/8-9****
RAINED Out****S C T A Speed Week****August 9-15, 2014****
****Bonneville Speed Trials****August 23-28****
****In the Books****
****World Finals****Sept. 30—-October 3, 2014****
****Will the course dry????****

Here’s a quick account of the Bonneville Speed Trials 2014 event.

Thank You Delvene Manning and your multitude of Dedicated VOLUNTEERS……

One more time and your Bikernet.com, 5-Ball Racing Team rolled home safe and sound.

The Fastest in a field of 270 motorcycles entered was piloted by a lovely lady. The Bike is an electric side car/streamline,  241 MPH.  Blazin down the track, Congratulations…

Fastest normally aspirated was Andy Sills on his S1000 BMW, Modified partial streamliner at 224 MPH.  Thursday afternoon in the final hours with a 4 mph crosswind on an extremely deteriorating track.

Four pilots were tied at 221 mph late in the day. Hiro on his blown JIMS machine V-Twin, Mike Garcia on a Hayabusa, Cary Alter on a Hayabusa and Andy Sills on his BMW, S1000.


Arrived early Friday morning to discover lots of water at Lands End, the entry point onto the salt. In spite of the wet view, Racers from around the globe were lined up since first light.

We made our way onto the salt, destination the Pits. Spent the day with Doc (Washington Racer) and Gypsy from Gnarly Cut setting up our home away from home.

Doc out of Washington was camped next to us on his hot rod Sportster.


Tech lines were huge, so we dialed our mobile garage in for a week on the challenging week on the salt.

[photo 4782]

Dale arrived from Salt Lake with his slippin’ and slidin’ Honda Hot Rod. On the track it was the Twist and Slide show on his 193 MPH Street Bike

Late afternoon the S&S Cycle Team bikes lined up on a clean patch of salt for group photos. Thank You S&S Cycle. Thanks also to Scooter and Horst.


Amazing start of the day, less than six bikes in the Tech Line. Kyle and Gypsy helped loaded our gear; helmet, gloves, boots and one fine Vanson Tuxedo. We rolled to Tech. Actually Kyle and Gypsy pushed while huffing and puffing along.

After a very short list including, safety wire the primary oil plug, axel cotter key, fire cover for all fuel lines. We had a two-inch area exposed. Discovered after Tech, our fuel line without the wrap is rated at 3,000 degrees and NHRA approved. Better wrapped than not…


[photo 4610]

Ran into Kiwi Mike and Carolyn. Mike was kind enough to share a sticker for the 5-Ball Racing Team Raycer.

Although bikes were making passes, I made the decision to wait patiently for a dry, safe track with traction.

Seems the horsepower bikes had limited traction at best.


[photo 4605]

The afternoon started looking better by the mile. Slid into my Tuxedo and headed for the staging lanes. The International course seemed to be holding the power and torque.

My first ride, THANKS to a major Team effort covering the last 2-½ years of hard work, over and over in many cases seeking the happy spots.

After initial staging, groups of 10 Racers are sent to the second staging area where the Avons will meet the salt for a timed ride.

The ride out was spectacular, the Raycer handled like a Busa, imagine that? The power at hand, all 263 HP coupled to 248 foot pounds of Torque, Dan Thayer tuned and ready, was the track?

I was 4th in line when the wind kicks into high gear, shut down until Thursday at the crack of dawn, the last day of a challenging meet.

The ride in was also perfect, but it rained that night


Track closed, prepped all night in hopes of a dry safe track on Thursday. ….last chance?


From our campsite the sound from the International Course indicated limited traction at best. With every pass the track and traction went away.

My choice was to pass, not much sense in risking life and limb while spinning my wheels. Seems like I’ve been spinning my wheels forever.

Next up we’ll install the Oregon plate for late night rides on the So Cal freeways until the Mile Events appear on the calendar.

The Raycer was heat-cycled everyday on the salt for much needed information for the Twin Tech closed loop computer. Every time we fired the hot rod it sounded stronger and stronger.

Look out asphalt, here we come.

Ride Safe, Ride Fast and Ride Forever!

Haul Ass!
Ride for Your Life!
Ray C Wheeler
Performance Editor


JOIN OUR DAILY E-MAIL BLAST AND WIN—Would you like to have one of the rare actual 5-Ball Racing team T-shirts for 2014? Plus we will throw in a signed book on Bonneville racing by the master, Keith R. Ball.

Doesn’t cost a dime, just sign up for our e-mail blasts. Daily you will receive a notice about what’s new on Bikernet.


FLAT TRACK FEATURE COMING TO BIKERNET–This is a mock up of the bike

“Attached is a picture of our flat track bagger mocked up. It is in finally assembly this week and I should be able to supply more detailed pictures soon.

The project is interesting to us, as this is where our racing began in the late the ‘70s dirt tracking. We moved onto drag racing in the mid ‘80s as we realized most of our customers more closely identified with this kind of racing. In the early ‘90s we added road racing to the mix.”

–from Kick Topel

–Jeffrey Najar, Partner
Biker Pros
c. 919-450-5060




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400 Union Ave. Brooklyn, NY
(718)609-9184 IndianLarry.com













BAD OFFICIAL REPORT, Leesburg commissioner won’t be charged in fatal motorcycle crash–Leesburg City Commissioner Jay Hurley won’t face criminal charges in an accident that killed a motorcyclist during Bikefest in April, the State Attorney’s Office announced today.

Steve Tuttle, 46, of Leesburg died when Hurley made a sharp right turn from the center lane of U.S. Highway 441 in front the biker, who slammed into the side of Hurley’s pickup.

A statement by the State Attorney’s Office said there was no proof Hurley committed a crime — “the evidence fails to demonstrate a reckless and wanton driving pattern required to prove a charge of vehicular homicide.”

However, Hurley violated state driving laws pertaining to “overtaking, passing, changing lanes and changing course,” along with improper window tint. The case was sent back to Leesburg police, who could elect to charge the commissioner with any of those infractions.

Tuttle’s mother, Jeannie Lawrence of Leesburg, said she and her family were “beyond sad” when they learned last week that Hurley wouldn’t be charged in the death of her son, a “late bloomer” with a “creative mind that was always one step ahead.”

“We trusted the system that we were raised in and raised to respect,” she said. “We’re just disappointed and discouraged.”

Reached at his men’s clothing business, Hurley said he hadn’t heard from prosecutors about the decision not to file charges, but “I felt that was probably going to happen based on the way the crash went.”

He said not a day has gone by that he hasn’t thought about the crash.

“At the end of the day it was a tragic accident, and I have over and over thought about the pain and the sorrow his [Tuttle’s] family has felt and how hard it has been for them,” Hurley said. “Every day they’re in my thoughts and prayers.”

The state attorney’s analysis of the case was critical of Hurley’s initial story of how the April 27 accident happened on the final day of the 18th annual biker bash. He gave police an account that physically couldn’t have happened, and Leesburg police recreated the accident to prove it, the statement said.

Hurley also told police that he knew of a witness who saw Tuttle popping “wheelies” and driving wildly on his motorcycle before the crash, but officers who interviewed witnesses and reviewed videotape from a gas station said that wasn’t so.
Hurley also acknowledged taking a powerful sleeping medication the night before and took an extra step in a walk-and-turn exercise that was a part of a field-sobriety test. He refused to have blood drawn to test for alcohol or drugs, and a deputy sheriff who conducted the test said he believed Hurley was not under the influence.
None of that was enough to charge Hurley, according to the state.

Tuttle’s mother said she didn’t know where her son was headed that Sunday morning. She later learned that he’d used his debit card at the Leesburg Wal-Mart at 9:03 a.m. to buy some food. He stopped by the home they shared on Perkins Street and left the items he’d purchased in a bag. The accident near the Gator Harley store on U.S. 441 happened at 9:35 a.m., she said.

Tuttle, who was in a coma for a couple of weeks after the accident, didn’t regain consciousness after suffering, among other injuries, multiple skull and facial fractures. He died following strokes caused by the head injuries.

Lawrence said her son had worked the dinner shift at Red Lobster, where he was a server, on Friday and Saturday nights. He was scheduled to work the evening of the accident, but his mother said that he often took his motorcycle out on trails before going to work. She speculated that he was heading out for such a ride because he had only his drivers license and his debit card in his pocket.

Tuttle was a quiet, intensely private man, who ate and drank only organic food, Lawrence said.  She said her son would have been “totally embarrassed” by the publicity surrounding the accident.

“He was the quietest, most reserved individual and so careful about his person — it’s 100 ways from wrong,” Lawrence said.

She criticized the way Leesburg police handled the matter and said she will believe to her “dying day” that she’d have been trying to raise bail money for Steve if he’d been the one who admitted taking the sleeping medication Ambien before pulling in front of Hurley.

“I just hate to think that the reason he wasn’t charged is what people say — that public officials protect public officials,” Lawrence said. “I don’t want to think that. I just can’t.”

This week, Lawrence has been packing up her son’s belongings and clearing his room — a task she hasn’t been able to face since his death in May. No mother should have to go through her grown son’s belongings, packing away his writing, his music, his memories, she said.

“We are both very much doves — live and let live,” she said. “It is so hard for me to absorb that this has happened to us.”

–Sentinel staff report
–from Rogue

Round ‘Em Up Cowgirl!
Round Up of Articles from the Bikernet Family of websites.

El Serape, Long Beach XS 650

This shop project began as a basket.

Gaylord Street rests on the west side of Long Beach, California, a bunched industrial community of little stucco shops, cinder-block buildings, even a small home or two, and oil refineries next to the Port of Long Beach. It’s the low rent district.

There’s an unmarked shop next to a blacked-out iron gate very close to the end of Long Beach proper, the largest city in Los Angeles. McQuiston’s Custom Cycles is definitely on the outskirts of the city, but it’s packed with projects. Ryan McQuiston loves choppers. “But everyone wants to build bobbers these days,” he says.

CLICK to read!

What the hell is CSAL?

Continuing the awareness campaign that hopefully will save lives of motorcyclists on the Tennessee roads.

Rogue and I just got back from a mostly back roads trip to Tennessee, where we attended the West Tennessee Valley Rally. It’s a 4 day motorcycle event, in the western TN town of Morris Chapel. Shiloh Battlegrounds, Buford Pusser’s Home, Pickwick Lake/Dam, Tennessee River, Natchez Trace Parkway, and the Rattlesnake Saloon are all within a reasonable riding distance from the rally location, and give you a lot of options of things to do when you are out in BFE!

While we were there – we met up with Jim “Rebel” Henderson, a Florida transplant to TN. Rebel has been up to some good (this time!!!), and hooked up with MAFT-Motorcycle Awareness Foundation of Tennessee, about 3 years ago. He has been presenting their CSAL course to local high schools, colleges, technical schools, and just about anyone that will listen to the presentation they call – Campaign Save a Life, and invited Rogue and I to tag along to a presentation later that week.

CLICK to read

The American Dream Project

New Docu-series To Chronicle Two Young Riders In Search Of What Makes America Great

“The American Dream Project” – A new docu-series from Happy Marshall Productions is searching for the ‘great’ in America and what the American dream means today. If the American dream exists and where, this 5,000 mile cross- country journey will reveal a hidden and new vision of America.

CLICK to read!

2014 Sturgis Buffalo Chip

NO Report on Sturgis would be complete without mentioning the World Famous Buffalo Chip.

Sturgis is over and everyone who went should be back home by now. I have finished most of my articles and they are posted here on Bikernet including the ones that started somewhere else and ended up at the CHIP.

NO Report on Sturgis would be complete without mentioning the World Famous Sturgis Buffalo Chip®. It is and has been a Big Part of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally for 33 Years and is now the Largest Music Festival in Motorcycling.

CLICK to read!

And from BAGGERS we have the following:

Victory Magnum

Victory’s boldest bike to ever roll off the line!

Baggers are hot! Anyone following the motorcycle scene can’t have missed this fact. HEAVY DUTY magazine has been running tours to Sturgis for our readers since 1997 and in that time we have seen a lot of changes in the industry. Choppers dominated for a number of years but have now almost vanished from the scene. It’s baggers, baggers and more baggers.

It seems as if ground up custom bike building has shrunk to a mere shadow of its former prominence and the hot thing is for people to buy stock bikes and customize them, especially baggers.

Well Victory Motorcycles have seen this trend growing and have thrown their hat into the ring with the new Magnum, describing it as our boldest bike to ever roll off the line.

CLICK here to read!

Momma said that Good girls go to heaven. Of course, bad girls get to go everywhere else!” -Maxine

– Chris “Mistress” Kranzler
Women’s Editor


INDIAN MOTORCYCLE ROARS ONTO FIELDCANDY CANVASFieldCandy is proud to announce a new collaboration with Indian Motorcycle, America’s First Motorcycle Company. Founded in 1901, Indian is one of the most legendary and iconic motorcycle brands worldwide, well known for bikes that inspire freedom and adventure.

Indian Motorcycle’s distinctive engineering prowess and speed is firmly rooted in American history from its domination on the race tracks, its support of allied forces in WW1 and WW2 to Burt Munro who set a land speed record with the ‘world’s fastest Indian’ in 1967. Today Indian Motorcycle® continues to produce class leading motorcycles from the Indian Chief Classic to Indian Scout.

Excitingly, FieldCandy’s Original Explorer two person tent fits neatly into a compact carry case, perfect for ‘on the back of a bike’ trips. The new rustic design has been created to reflect Indian Motorcycle’s rich American heritage and one that can withstand the extreme conditions the open road can bring.

Find the Indian Motorcycle® tent in worldwide Indian Dealers or online at www.fieldcandy.com or indianmotorcycle.com for $695.99 USD ($779.99 Canada). Accessory Part # 2863891


THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY IS NOW OPEN–“The human brain appears to work slower in old age,” said Dr. Michael Ramscar, “but only because so much information has been stored over time. Older people simply know more, so selecting a correct choice from the trove of stored data may take a bit longer.” So there now

News Flash: Key West Florida: The U.S.. Navy intercepted three boatloads of people off the coast of Florida today. This placed the Navy in an awkward position, as the boats were not heading to, but away from Florida toward Cuba. Another surprise finding was that they were loaded with Americans who were all seniors on pensions trying to get to Cuba so as to be able to return to the US as ‘illegal immigrants’ and therefore be entitled to far more benefits than they were receiving as legitimate US pensioners. The Navy, it is believed, gave them food, water, fuel, and assisted them on their journey. We are now booking the next boat out; let me know if you want to come along.
–from Jerry and Rogue 


BIKERNET GUN NUT ALERT–Fight to Stop SB 53, the Ammunition Sales Purchase Permits and Registration bill, Heats Up in Sacramento

Your calls, e-mails and faxes are working! Senate Bill 53 has been stalled on the Assembly floor for days awaiting a vote. State legislators have admitted receiving tens of thousands of e-mails OPPOSING SB 53.

The war over SB 53 is heating up in Sacramento and now anti-gun advocates are attempting to split gun owners by trying to buy the support of hunters. The newest amended version of SB 53 will continue to BAN the mail and internet sales of ammunition to firearms owners in California, unless you have a hunting license. Supporters of SB 53 think that they can pretend to be “pro- hunting” while they are still violating the rights of firearms owners statewide.

Because of your efforts to OPPOSE SB 53, the supporters of SB 53 are desperately trying to SAVE AND PASS SB 53 by watering it down to benefit of select group of gun owners. You can be sure that if SB 53 is enacted this year, they will be back in 2015 to pass the full agenda of restricting ammunition sales to the rest of the law-abiding firearms owners in California.

Call AND e-mail the state Assembly NOW and tell them that hunters ARE firearms owners AND we stand UNITED in OPPOSING SB 53. 


DAMN—I’m hauling ass on a several fronts. Need to meet with the gang at McQuiston’s for their shop feature in Cycle Source.

I need to work on Pat Patterson’s bike feature. His bike was featured in the July issue of Cycle Source and on the cover, but we are still allowing him a full feature on Bikernet. We just work that way. Besides the bike deserves the extra bling.

I’m working with JIMS machine on a feature around their 135-inch Twin Cam monster motor. We should have that feature in your face next week.

Lee Clemens may need my old fountain motor. For a rebuild project he’s working on. Shit, and I need to ship that Cushman to Don Wills. Holy shit. Gotta go.

Ride Free Forever,

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