Birthplace of 1st Indian Motorcycle Found On Wesleyan Property

From the Middletown Press.


As the 10th annual Motorcycle Mania approaches for Middletown, a local man is spearheading the effort to erect a monument to mark the true birthplace of the first Indian motorcycle.

Solving a mystery that has eluded even the experts, Chris Hinze of Middletown discovered that the factory where the Indian Motorcycle prototype was made was on a now-closed section of Hamlin Street on property belonging to Wesleyan University.

“This town has history. We really need to take it and embrace it,” Hinze said.

It was originally believed that the factory was located at 56 Hamlin St. in the building that used to house Wesleyan’s physical plant. However, as Hinze started looking into maps, photos and records at Russell Library and City Hall, he discovered that address was incorrect.

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