
It’s the 4th of July and I’m working on the news. Ah, but it’s Thursday. And we are celebrating the Declaration of Independence that we are all equal and deserve happiness.

I watched a four-part documentary series called “Why Are We Here.” It was presented by a physicist and his documentary producing partner. They interviewed scientists all over the globe about science, atoms, god and morals. It was fascinating.

At the end of the day, it’s up to man to set and enforce morals. We have the capabilities to do everything right. As a brother said as we snorted lines and drank whiskey, “Time will tell and shit will smell.”

In the meantime, we’ve started final assembly on the Salt Torpedo. And tomorrow I’ll pick up the body from Aircraft Windshield shop, where the windshield is being built.

George the Wild Brush is going to help us cut and hinge the canopy and ultimately install the windshield. Then we go to paint. Hang on!

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, BorntoRide.com and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.

LOWBROW’S 4th of July sale is happening right now!–So get that freedom machine of yours dialed in and hit the road. Simply copy and paste the discount code happy4th in the shopping cart and save 20% off of every single item* in the handlebars, fenders and gas tanks categories.

Shop now and get what you need before it sells out! Sale ends Sunday, July 8th at midnight.

BIKERNET BOOK OF THE WEEK CLUB–The Big Books of Bonneville

These books are the most comprehensive history of Bonneville that we have ever seen. They’re filled with 20 vintage Speed Week programs exactly as they were originally printed, plus additional history. At $59.95, you’re paying $3 a program. You can’t find that deal anywhere else!
As a hot rodder, Bonneville is the ultimate destination.

For the past seven decades, it’s been known to push man and machine to their limit. Legends are born out on the salt, and now the golden years of Bonneville racing have been compiled into an unbelievable two-book set. S.C.T.A. Bonneville National Speed Trials – 1949-1968 captures the excitement like never before, and it’s available in our Rodder’s Journal Library.

It’s no secret that early S.C.T.A. Bonneville programs are hard to find, but thanks to Ron Main and David Fetherston, they’re all reprinted in their entirety in this hardcover, two-book set. The first volume focuses on the founding of the S.C.T.A. and programs from 1949-1958, while the second zeroes in on 1959-1968. From photos with detailed captions to official race results, these books offer invaluable insight into our favorite period of land speed racing history.

Flipping through the 680+ pages, you’ll find never-before-seen photos of early racing action mixed in with snapshots of hot rodding pioneers. From roadsters and competition coupes to belly tankers and streamliners, this set showcases the diversity of racecars that gunned for the record books. It’s amazing to see how Speed Week grew from its humble beginnings in ’49 to something much larger than anyone could have imagined. At the end of the day, you’d be hard pressed to find a purer test of hot rod ingenuity.

Limited quantities of these books are available, and they cannot be sold individually. To place an order, click the box above or give us a call at (800) 750-9550 in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean or (804) 496-6906 internationally.

Happy Fourth of July!
Your Friends at The Rodder’s Journal

P.S. Our Rodder’s Journal Swap meet is in full swing. We still have a number of rare issues—like #13—up for grabs. Click here to get them while supplies last!

BIKERNET READER COMMENT–Comment on Facebook regarding Weekly News 27 June –

I started riding in ‘66. Been a road dog since ‘72. Coast to coast and border to border many times. Still out there trippin’ as much as my health allows.

Not much room on a hardtail to pack creature comforts.

–Howard Ruppel

THE HAL ROBINSON UPDATE—The master of the fine line ink pen made Seal Beach come to life.

Hal at home in Seal Beach, CA with his famous Avalon pen and ink caricature hanging on the wall in the background; late 1970s.

Many people loved Hal and would stop by his place for a visit and admire his drawings when he wasn’t busy at work on an assignment for Easyriders Magazine.

–Ann Robinson

We helped Ann create three Hal Robinson T-shirts and limited edition prints. Check them out.—Bandit

POWER PLANT AT BORN FREE THIS YEAR—Yaniv took 2nd place in the San Diego Customs FXR show this year at Born Free and rode home with his trophy—no issues. That’s success.

He was also chosen to go to the Mooneyes show in Japan this year. “Thanks to all who helped with this build,” said Yaniv Evan, the master behind Power Plant.

‘Patriot Tour’ Makes a Stop at San Diego Harley-Davidson to Support Veterans—
It was a day of patriotism Saturday at the San Diego Harley-Davidson in support of veterans across the country.

Over 60 motorcycle riders made their way into San Diego carrying the American flag as part of its cross-country journey.

Nation of Patriots, a nonprofit organization, launched its 10th annual “Patriot Tour” where they take one American flag on a 110-day journey where it travels 1,400 miles across 48 continental states carried by motorcycle riders.

The goal of this journey is to help raise funds to support disabled veterans and their families.

On Saturday, they held a passing of the flag ceremony at Harley Davidson.

Nathan Wilder, a veteran, and Director of San Diego Hog received the flag.

“It fills me with pride that so many of my brothers and sisters took to the road today to bring this flag down here,” said Wilder.

The tour started in Wisconsin on Armed Forces Day in May, and its last stop will be in Illinois in August.

“It will be a greater honor tomorrow to take it to Riverside and let it travel throughout the United States,” said Wilder.

100 percent of the funds raised on this tour goes directly to veterans and their families. Nation of Patriots also works with Department of Veterans Affairs facilities and other veteran organizations to help distribute the funds, according to Bill Sherer, founder and executive director of the Nation of Patriots.

“For all those veterans out there and disabled, we are here for you, if you need help let us know and we’ll do what we can,” said Wilder.

–By Brooke Landau
Channel 7 News

LATEST FROM THE MOTORCYCLE PROFILING PROJECT–San Antonio Police Say Wearing MC Colors In Public Is A Crime

Motorcycle profiling is an epidemic in Texas demanding judicial and legislative relief. It appears that the level of unconstitutional absurdity has reached new heights.

As captured on video, members of a motorcycle club were cited by officers in San Antonio for Disturbing the Peace for displaying their motorcycle club insignia in public, which the officers considered a public display of gang colors.

The officer’s actions are outrageous and blatantly unconstitutional under both the 1st and 4th Amendments to the US Constitution. All officers in San Antonio, and throughout Texas, should immediately cease and desist from any further illegal seizures and citations based on the fact that a person is riding a motorcycle or wearing motorcycle club-related insignia.

Motorcycle profiling an epidemic in Texas

This incident in San Antonio is only one of the most recent incidents documented and reported across the state. According to the 2018 National Motorcycle Profiling Survey (NMPS) Executive Summary, Texas is among the worst states for reported incidents of profiling in America.

The 2018 NMPS confirms the wide-held belief among motorcyclists in Texas that incidents of profiling have dramatically proliferated since the Twin Peaks tragedy that occurred on May 17, 2015. The 2018 NMPS shows a 100% increase in the percentage of survey participants reporting incidents of profiling in Texas since 2013.

Impact on civil liberties

Being stopped and cited for wearing motorcycle club colors under the guise of disturbing the peace would be laughable if it weren’t actually happening. Wearing motorcycle club colors in public has been recognized by federal courts as expressive conduct protected by the 1st Amendment.

Moreover, wearing motorcycle club colors is not reasonable suspicion of a traffic
infraction or criminal activity, the minimal threshold for a seizure under the 4th Amendment.

Independent of this obvious misapplication of statute, profiling incidents take many forms and impact a wide array of civil liberties. Motorcycle club members with a legal License to Carry have been arrested for possession of legal firearms simply for being a member of a motorcycle

Club members have been stopped and threatened with jail if they didn’t submit to having every tattoo on their bodies photographed against their consent. Unfortunately, the fact that
these attacks on civil liberties impact well established rights and fly in the face of well
established judicial precedent has not been a deterrent to law enforcement.

Video is critical to fighting back

The video captured in San Antonio could be a critical piece of evidence demonstrating the essential facts required to successfully defend against the infraction and maybe file for an injunction against the practice of stopping and/or citing a person for wearing motorcycle club colors.

The facts are all contained in a short video. The individuals in the video are being cited
for Disturbing the Peace because wearing motorcycle club colors is displaying gang colors in public. This video makes these facts irrefutable.

Independent of judicial applications, this video and incident also help establish a tangible pattern of profiling necessary for legislative relief. Seeing is believing and nothing has worked better than video in the MPP’s opinion.

The post San Antonio Police Say Wearing MC Colors In Public Is A Crime appeared first on Motorcycle Profiling Project.
National Council of Clubs of the United States
United We Stand. Protecting Patchholders Rights, through Unity.

–By David “Double D” Devereaux

We would like to take a minute and wish you a HAPPY JULY 4th! We are celebrating July 4th with a 10% discount to thank you for being a loyal MyDailyChoice/HempWorx Customer! Get 10% off ANY purchase all day Thursday July 4th, 2019.

*Discount applicable on all HempWorx and MDC Products. Valid until Midnight PST. Previous autoships and orders do not count towards this sale, only orders placed on the day of the sale.

Thank you for being a loyal Customer and we look forward to an incredible 2019!

Thank You For Your Business,

MDC Home Office

[page break]

Anti-Gun Politicians Have a Fairy Tale to Tell the Public

By Roger Katz

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo hates guns, all kinds of guns…with a passion. His vehement disdain for these inanimate objects rests on the ground that, as he perceives it, they serve no legitimate or useful purpose.

Guns do kill, of course. That fact can’t be denied. But, there is a huge difference between guns in the hands of criminals and lunatics, on the one hand, and guns in the hands of law-abiding, trained individuals, on the other. That’s a world of difference that anti-gun zealots don’t seem to recognize or appreciate; or, if they do, then it is something they simply refuse to acknowledge.

Criminals and lunatics use guns to threaten and destroy innocent life. Law-abiding, rational citizens use guns to thwart threats by criminals and lunatics, in order to protect their lives and those of other innocents.

The mainstream media and anti-gun zealots invariably conflate the two or otherwise skirt this critical difference. Why? Because drawing attention to a clear and obvious difference between misuse of guns by criminals and lunatics on the one hand, and the proper, lawful use of guns for self-defense by the law-abiding citizen, on the other hand, doesn’t fit the false and shameless narrative they wish to convey: that no concrete difference exists between proper lawful use and improper illegal use of firearms.

Thus, Cuomo and other radical leftists refuse even so much as to acknowledge the benefits a firearm affords the average law-abiding citizen. After all, they have a fairy tale to tell the public — that a citizen who is armed with a gun is somehow less safe when they’re confronted by an assailant.

Removing firearms from the hands of the average, honest, rational, law-abiding American citizen is their raison d’etre. So Cuomo and the leftist elements that comprise anti-gun groups continue their call for ever more restrictive gun laws, weaving a fable. A fable that’s consistent with both the tenets of collectivism and with their own warped political, social, and ethical views of society and of the role and place of the citizen in it.

The Second Amendment is an anathema to them. Thus, they seek its destruction. It is the American citizenry itself that anti-gun zealots like Cuomo seek to disarm, not the criminal element.

The plain fact of the matter is that Cuomo and other so-called progressives don’t truly consider the Bill of Rights to be a salient component of the Constitution. Yet the first ten amendments must be taken together, as the Framers intended, as one unified whole, and an integral and critical component of the Constitution.

Cuomo and those who agree with is political and social philosophy play with the Bill of Rights, pretending that they are, in their inception, nothing more than man-made constructions, not unlike any Congressional statute. But this is the tacit assumption and fiction that informs all the policy decisions and aims of Governor Cuomo and other radical leftists who hold to, and place their faith in the tenets of collectivism.

Cuomo and others who express his sentiments reject the Second Amendment out-of-hand. But the right to keep and bear arms is a critical component of the Constitution, one without which a free republic would not long exist. Yet Cuomo and others of his political persuasion couldn’t care less about the Constitution, even as they exclaim, disingenuously and hypocritically, that they do.

New Yorkers and Americans must not forget that Cuomo’s obsession with civilian gun ownership isn’t something he concocted out of the blue. It didn’t happen yesterday. Having been able to use his state as a test-bed for his radical anti-gun policies to play out, Cuomo’s assaults on on the Second Amendment date back to his first term in office.

As reported by the Observer . . .

“One of the most hotly anticipated elements of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s annual State of the State address today [to the New York Legislature, delivered on Jan 9, 2013] was his plan to enact ‘sweeping’ gun control reforms in New York. In his speech, the governor outlined a seven-point gun control plan focused on “high-capacity assault rifles” that he promised would be one of the ‘toughest’ in the nation and lead similar laws to spread beyond New York.

The governor outlined the items on his seven-point gun plan.

‘Number one: Enact the toughest assault weapon ban in the nation, period!’ he shouted, before ticking off his other new gun control proposals. ‘Number two, close the private sale loophole by requiring federal background checks. Number three, ban high-capacity magazines. Number four, enact tougher penalties for illegal gun use, guns in school grounds and violent gangs. Number five, keep guns from people who are mentally ill. Number six, ban direct internet sales of ammunition in New York. Number seven, create a state [National Instant Criminal Background Check System] check on all ammunition purchases.’

To this seven-point list, we can now add an eighth:

On Monday, February 25, 2019, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Red Flag Bill into law at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He was joined by many of his colleagues in New York State government, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to celebrate this new legislation, the first in the nation of its kind. . . .

Mr. Cuomo predicted the rest of the country will follow New York’s lead and adopt stiffer gun laws. Cuomo never intended his anti-gun agenda to be confined to the Empire State. His agenda was always much more ambitious.

On October 30, 2015, The New York Times declared, in an article titled, “Cuomo Planning Role in National Gun Control Campaign,” that Cuomo anticipated national attention.

‘The political climate is right again for action,’ said Mr. Cuomo, who has endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton for president. He added, ‘The appetite is there, I think, in the presidential election, especially in the Democratic primary but also in the general election.’

Well, that didn’t come to pass and Cuomo obviously never forgave Donald Trump for having had the audacity to win the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, thereby dashing his hope of implementation of a national SAFE Act.

As we’ve already seen, the incessant, vicious, virulent attacks on the Second Amendment are a significant factor in the upcoming 2020 presidential election. And Cuomo will, no doubt, be cheering the candidates on, all the way.

–Truth About Guns.com

Have a look at this. We went to the brass Monkey Rally here at the
beginning of this June. It was like this last year when I rode solo with
Keegan to this rally.


40th Brass Monkey may be last
By Adam Burns

Organizers of the Brass Monkey Rally event have said next year’s 40th edition may be the last.

Lack of ”new blood” coming through the ranks has been identified as a factor by Brass Monkey Rally committee member John Willems.

”There’s a few of us grey-haired old buggers still there.

”We’ve got a really good team but some of us are getting a little bit tired.”

About 950 patrons attended the Central Otago rally over the weekend compared to previous year attendances of 1500-2000 people.

Mr Willems said the turnout this year was ”disappointing”.

”We’ll be lucky to break even this year.”

An option of an event manager had been considered previously for organisers but was deemed not financially viable, Mr Willems said.

The introduction of additional vendors and a fireworks display was one of the features organizers were considering for the 40th rally in 2020.

A handful of patrons on social media were also critical of police for stopping riders from travelling over the Dunstan Trail.

Mr. Willems said organizers continued to have a great relationship with police and it was the actions of a handful of people which had ruined it for the majority.

In 2017, three unwarranted and unregistered riders were involved in separate accidents on the Dunstan Trail.

”It was a privilege. And you know what happens with privileges when you go too fast, you get them taken away from you.”

The escort along the Dunstan Trail from Poolburn to Idaburn Dam had been stopped as a result.

Police had a checkpoint at the entrance to the Dunstan Trail, near Middlemarch and Moa Creek over the weekend.

Acting Road Policing Manager Snr Sgt Jared Kirk said police were happy with the compliance levels of most riders.

Nobody tested positive for alcohol and one rider was stopped and forbidden to continue due to an expired license.

The weekend ended in tragedy when Christchurch man Michael Rowe was killed in a four-vehicle accident after the Brass Monkey event on Sunday.

–Otago Daily Times

BANDIT’S CANTINA REALLY BAD JOKE LIBRARY IS WIDE OPEN–One morning the husband returns after several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat out. She motors out a short distance, anchors, and reads her book.
Along comes a Game Warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside the woman and says, “Good morning, Ma’am. What are you doing?”

“Reading a book,” she replies, (thinking, “Isn’t that obvious?”)

“You’re in a Restricted Fishing Area,” he informs her.

“I’m sorry, officer, but I’m not fishing. I’m reading.”

“Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I’ll have to take you in and write you up.”

“If you do that, I’ll have to charge you with sexual assault,” says the woman.

“But I haven’t even touched you,” says the game warden.

“That’s true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment.”

“Have a nice day ma’am,” and he left.

–from El Waggs

CHOPPER OF THE WEEK—This bike was spotted by my grandson. Amazing classic, and a couple of years ago fold said, “Choppers are dead.”

Fat chance.




NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Just days after The Hollywood Walk of Fame announced Tanya Tucker will be one of their newest stars, the country legend premieres the video for “Hard Luck,” the first official single from her new album, While I’m Livin’ (out August 23, 2019 via Fantasy Records.)

A 1978 chestnut from country rockers Josefus, “Hard Luck” was chosen for the new album by Jennings and personalized lyrically by Tucker. “This tune is really fun,” says Carlile. “If you know Tanya Tucker you know this is her song.” The clip, directed by noted photographer Chris Phelps (Willie Nelson, Sam Outlaw) stars Tucker, Carlile and Jennings. Listen/buy “Hard Luck” here, watch/share the video here.

Tucker made a resounding return at the recent CMT Awards with her performance of “Delta Dawn,” where she was joined on stage by Brandi Carlile and six of country’s top female vocalists including Trisha Yearwood and Martina McBride. Rolling Stone noted, “Upon hearing Tucker’s still strong, gritty voice, the crowd cheered with excitement.” She was met with equal enthusiasm for her performance at CMA Fest.

Tucker’s first album of all new material in 17 years, While I’m Livin’ is her first release for Fantasy Records and her first new material since 2002’s Tanya. Watch/share the video for the album’s debut song “The Wheels of Laredo,” directed by Myriam Santos, here and pre-order While I’m Livin’ here.

While I’m Livin’ is largely comprised of songs written by Carlile, the twins Tim and Phil Hanseroth and Tucker. “It’s a musical biography of sorts,” explains Carlile, “about Tanya’s real life and the places she’s seen, and it’s narrated by the greatest country and western singer this side of Johnny Cash.”

“The Day My Heart Goes Still” is a reflection of Tucker’s enduring love for her late father, while “Mustang Ridge” recalls her hardscrabble childhood in central Texas. While I’m Livin’ also contains some well-chosen covers including “High Ridin’ Heroes,” a 1987 song Jennings selected that featured David Lynn Jones and his dad, Waylon Jennings, “The House That Built Me,” a track made famous by Miranda Lambert, and the aforementioned “Hard Luck” by country-rockers Josefus.

In many ways, the album’s cornerstone is “Bring My Flowers Now,” the only tune that was co-written by Tucker, Carlile and the twins. The album closer, told through Carlile’s solo piano and Tucker’s plaintive vocal, speaks to the importance of showing appreciation to those we love before it’s too late.

1. Mustang Ridge
(written by Brandi Carlile, Tim Hanseroth and Phil Hanseroth)

2. The Wheels Of Laredo
(written by Brandi Carlile, Tim Hanseroth and Phil Hanseroth)

3. I Don’t Owe You Anything
(written by Brandi Carlile, Tim Hanseroth and Phil Hanseroth)

4. The Day My Heart Goes Still
(written by Brandi Carlile, Tim Hanseroth and Phil Hanseroth)

5. High Ridin’ Heroes
(written by David Lynn Jones)

6. The House That Built Me
(written by Tom Douglas and Allen Shamblin)

7. Hard Luck
(written by John C. “Pete” Bailey, David Lee Mitchell, Raymond L. Turner and Jerry Ontiberoz)

8. Rich
(written by Brandi Carlile, Tim Hanseroth and Phil Hanseroth)

9. Seminole Wind Calling
(written by Brandi Carlile, Tim Hanseroth and Phil Hanseroth)

10. Bring My Flowers Now
(written by Tanya Tucker, Brandi Carlile, Tim Hanseroth and Phil Hanseroth)

To keep up with Tanya, visit TanyaTucker.com

SIU Motorcycle Training program marks 50-year anniversary–
CARBONDALE, Ill. – A pioneering Southern Illinois University motorcycle training program that almost seems like it’s been around longer than the motorcycle is celebrating an anniversary.

The (Carbondale) Southern Illinoisan reports that SIU’s Motorcycle Rider Program that’s trained tens of thousands of motorcyclists how to safely navigate the roadways is turning 50 years old.

Program coordinator Jared Borrenpohl says that the Motorcycle Rider Program was one of the first of its kind in the country.

According to the school, the program started as a master’s degree project by a student and motorcyclist named Larry Lindauer. After earning an undergraduate degree in physical education with a minor in traffic safety education developed a cycle safety seminar for traffic safety educators that led to a program for beginning riders.

–associated press

BIKER LIVES MATTER UPDATE—This new group was recently faced with the Horrors in New Hampshire, where seven brothers were killed. I asked the BLM Founder about this incident. “It is some thing I am working on But will do it through BOLT of Florida as they are a Motorcycle Rights Organization.
Biker Lives Matter is a Safety Organization and under how we registered with the State of Florida have limited thing.
I do have it covered though,” said Rogue.

“We are going to be involved in education, public awareness and getting people educated on how to get involved to make changes.

“Everyone is saying someone should do something about this and that and we are saying okay, But we need you.
We tell them, The politician in your area does not care what I think because I can not vote for or against him or her. BUT they do care what you have to say, so lets help educate you and when you do things we will let people know. That way others will see your involved and want to get involved as well.

“A large majority of the people who are working with us all over the country like this.

“None of us care about getting credit for what we do because we cannot do it without all the people who actually get out there and do all the hard work.

We want to let others know who is helping and setting a example for others to follow.
We want them to say hey if he or she can do it so can I and some of them will even say better.

“2020 is going to be very important and the time is perfect for everyone to get involved.

“There is a lot of networking going on and I am convinced we are going to make changes for the better.


[page break]

NEWS FROM THE CLIMATE DEPOT— U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked (published June 30, 1989)

UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.

Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ?eco- refugees,’ ‘ threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.

He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.

As the warming melts polar icecaps, ocean levels will rise by up to three feet, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations, Brown told The Associated Press in an interview on Wednesday.

Coastal regions will be inundated; one-sixth of Bangladesh could be flooded, displacing a fourth of its 90 million people. A fifth of Egypt’s arable land in the Nile Delta would be flooded, cutting off its food supply, according to a joint UNEP and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency study.

?Ecological refugees will become a major concern, and what’s worse is you may find that people can move to drier ground, but the soils and the natural resources may not support life. Africa doesn’t have to worry about land, but would you want to live in the Sahara?? he said.

Read more: https://www.apnews.com/bd45c372caf118ec99964ea547880cd0


BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–


For those wire harnesses that go through the Salt Torpedo firewall, why not use regular fire wall gromets like they use in the auto industry?

— Gearhead
Torrance, Calif.

We will, thanks.–Bandit


Years ago, a young Navy Pilot was injured while ejecting from his A-4 Skyhawk due to engine failure during a catapult shot from the carrier. Due to the heroics of rescue helicopter crew and the ship’s hospital staff, the only permanent injury was the loss of one ear.

He remained on flight status and eventually became an Admiral. However, during his career he was always sensitive about his appearance.

One day the Admiral was interviewing two Navy Master Chiefs and a Marine Sergeant Major for his personal staff. The first Master Chief was a Surface Navy type and it was a great interview. At the end of the interview the Admiral asked him, “Do you notice anything different about me?”

The Master Chief answered, “Why, yes, Admiral. I couldn’t help but notice that you are missing your starboard ear, so I don’t know whether this impacts your hearing on that side.”

The Admiral got very angry at this lack of tact and threw him out of his office.
The next candidate, an Aviation Master Chief, when asked this same question, answered, “Well yes, Sir, you seem to be short one ear.”

The Admiral threw him out as well.

The third interview was with the Marine Sergeant Major. He was articulate, extremely sharp, and seemed to know more than the two Navy Master Chiefs put together.
The Admiral wanted this guy but went ahead with the same question. “Do you notice anything different about me?”

To his surprise, the Sergeant Major said, “Yes Sir. You wear contact lenses.”
The Admiral, impressed thought to himself, what an incredibly tactful Marine. “And how would you know that?” the Admiral asked.

The Sergeant Major replied: “Well, sir, it’s pretty hard to wear glasses with only one fuckin’ ear. “

–from Andy


Indian Wrecking Crew Rider Jared Mees Wins Third Race of Season Aboard FTR750;
Indian Privateers Jeffrey Carver Jr. & Henry Wiles Finish Second & Third

LIMA, OH. (JUNE 29, 2019) – Indian Motorcycle Racing, presented by Progressive Motorcycle Insurance, and its championship-winning FTR750 earned its seventh win of the 2019 season at the Lima Half-Mile in Lima, Ohio. Indian Wrecking Crew Rider and defending champion, Jared Mees, secured his third win of the season, while Indian Privateers Jeffrey Carver Jr. and Henry Wiles finished in second and third, respectfully, to complete the FTR750 podium sweep.

The 2019 Lima Half-Mile will be best remembered for a red flag restart that occurred six laps into the Twins Main. Following the restart, Mees was able to maintain the lead, while Carver strategically slid past a pack of riders and battled Mees for first.

Mees was able to maintain first place and move back into second in the season standings – now only trailing fellow Wrecking Crew Rider and points leader Briar Bauman by 13 points.

“This was an impressive bounce-back race for Jared. He showcased determination, grit and reminded us all why he’s the back-to-back reigning AFT Twins champion,” said Gary Gray, Vice President – Racing, Technology & Service for Indian Motorcycle. “It was some of the best racing we’ve seen this season, and we’re extremely proud of our factory race team and privateers for battling it out and earning the top six finishes.”

Fellow Indian riders Brandon Price, Bronson Bauman and Rob Pearson, finished in fourth, fifth and sixth place, respectfully. After starting in the back of the pack, Wrecking Crew Rider Bronson Bauman showcased immense determination as he fought his way up to fifth.

Through nine races, Briar Bauman remains the series points leader with 145 points. Mees is second with 132 and Bronson Bauman is fourth with 101.

The season continues on July 13 with the New York Short Track at the Weedsport Speedway in Weedsport, NY. For more information on Indian Motorcycle Racing, visit IndianMotorcycle.com and follow along on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

For more information Indian Motorcycle Racing’s sponsors, visit their websites: Progressive Motorcycle Insurance, S&S Cycle, Indian Motorcycle Oil, Parts Unlimited, Drag Specialties, Alpinestars, Bell Helmets and J&P Cycles.

DATES HAVE BEEN CHANGED FOR STURGIS 2020–Help us get the word out. The dates have been changed to August 7-16.

— Michael F. Hupy

LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK–2014 Harley-Davidson FLHTK – Electra Glide Ultra Limited

ONLY $17,995.00
$2,000.000 off! 
See It here: https://www.lifestylecycles.com/default.asp?page=xPreOwnedInventoryDetail&id=6692919
Long distance riding has never been better. Take this bike on that long trip you always dreamed. H-D Boom Audio stereo system with music, GPS and Bluetooth accessibility.

This one has been upgraded to the Twin Cam 110 and is mated to a smooth-shifting 6 speed cruise drive transmission for lower rpm at highway speeds.

The Ultra Limited has more room and touring comfort for the passenger and a redesigned iconic batwing fairing to reduce head buffeting. Reflex Linked Brakes with ABS Anti-lock Braking System. This one has LED a headlamp, All four LED blinkers, brighter tour-pak lighting, and a new steering head with stiffer front forks. Contrast cut aluminum cast wheels.?

?ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT:??This is a blacked out beauty that cannot be surpassed in rider comfort. Vivid Black paint with silver pin-striping and raised tank logos will make you ecstatic and full of pride.

Tinted windshield with chrome accent. Vivid Black inner fairing, bars, mirrors, levers, and H-D GetaGrip grips. Charcoal mesh tank strap and carbon fiber gauge panel. LED headlamp and all blinkers.

Vivid Black forks from top to bottom with polished stainless hardware and lowered 1″. 5 twin spoke enforcer cast rims and polished rotors.

No one will leave you behind in this 110 upgraded motor with Andrews 57H cams, Big Boyz head work, SE Black Ventilator air cleaner, SE clutch pack, Jackpot stainless header, CVO mufflers with FullSac baffles and black contrast cut tips. ABS braking system.

Vivid Black horn, trans, primary and 110 cam and derby covers. Quick detachable tourpak with a 12 volt connection. A 2 up Tail Boy seat and extended floorboards. One touch compartment in your dash with USB connection, rear speakers and so much more…?

?All this and only 14,086 miles!! ??This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 100 point safety and mechanical inspection. Whether your looking to commute to work, ride the coast or take that dream vacation, this bike is ready to go!!!??EZ FINANCING-SHIPPING AVAILABLE!!!??Fill out an online application and ride today!!!

SALT TORPEDO UPDATE-– Atomic Bob has been looking at the pictures of the salt flat racer and started drawing it.

The rough sketch may need adjustments, check it out and let me know your plan. Bob left room for the Hamster as well.

The build is impressive, Bob and I are excited to see it unveiled!!

Sara McElroy

‘Atomic’ Bob McElroy


The public is invited to join a host of stuntmen and women, celebrities & avid golfers.

LOS ANGELES, CA – JULY 3, 2019- Stuntmen’s Association of Motion Pictures
have announced the Motorcycle Poker Ride, September 20th, followed by the 57th Annual Stuntmen’s Association Troy Melton Charity Golf Event to be held September 21&22, 2019 at Pechanga’s Temecula Creek Inn, Temecula, CA. The public is invited to join them.

On Friday, September 20th, the Stuntmen’s Association Motorcycle Poker Ride, a procession of bikes and classic cars will leave the Stuntmen’s Association offices at 5200 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, CA at 10:00AM. The caravan will travel coastal towards Dana Point with a few stops along the way for “poker cards”. Eventually the procession will transition down the beautiful canyon of Hwy74, through Lake Elsinore to our final destination in to Old Town Temecula. The Wine and Beer Garden will welcome us with a live band, food and fun!

The 57th Annual Stuntmen’s Association Troy Melton Golf Tournament event will be at Pechanga’s, Temecula Creek Inn Golf Course. For all golfers, Saturday Sept. 21st will be a “scramble” and Sunday the 22nd, “play your own ball”. A cocktail mixer will take place Saturday evening at Pechanga’s “Eagles View” room overlooking the city. Music will be provided by American Patriot Band. The awards banquet, raffle and silent auction will follow Sunday’s golf. There will be a raffle winner for a beautiful 2019 Grom Motorcycle announced at the awards banquet.

This charity event benefits the Taurus Foundation. The Taurus World Stunt Awards Foundation was established by an endowment from Red Bull Energy Drink CEO, Dietrich Mateschitz. The Foundation provides support for the international stunt community and financial assistance to members of the Taurus World Stunt Awards Academy, who experience a debilitating stunt-related injury. Financial grants are considered on merit in the event of a stunt related temporary, partial, or permanent disability.

The Golf Tournament’s namesake, Stuntman, actor and avid golfer, Troy Melton was a founding member of the Stuntmen’s Association of Motion Pictures. Following World War II, Melton found work as an actor before his career as a stuntman took off in the late 1940’s. Melton’s career as an actor and stuntman spanned a little over forty years.

Early bird special: $280/player, After August 13th: $304/player.No refunds issued after Sept.14th.

Hotel: Pechanga Resort & Casino, 45000 Pechanga Parkway, Temecula, CA 92592
OR: Temecula Creek Inn, 44501 Rainbow Canyon Rd, Temecula, CA 92592.

Stuntmen’s Association Golf Event
Early registration for our 57th Annual Stuntmen’s Association Troy Melton Charity Golf Tournament is open! Price increases August 13! Stuntmen’s Association office: 818.766.4334,
Facebook: Stuntmen’s Association Golf Tournament and Motorcycle Poker Run Fundraiser

Register online: https://www.stuntmen.com/event/57th-annual-troy-melton-memorial-golf-tournament-2/

FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL THE OFFICE @ 818-766-4334 or the Tournament Coordinator @213-479-4765

HAVE A TERRIFIC 4TH—And make all your bros sign up to vote this year.

I found this bar of brass, I believe in a pile of metal I bought. I polished it and stamped it 14K. It’s about a foot long and too cool.

Micah came by today and we continued final assembly. Tomorrow I go after the body. For the rest of the weekend, I’ll be working on final assembly. Micah may be back on Saturday. We’re cooking now.

In the meantime, ride fast and free forever!


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