Happy New Beginnings and Business As Usual
WOW, LIFE IS NUTS—But we need to be Zen like in our struggles throughout the new year. I know everyone, especially everyone who is involved in business, has lots on their plates. In 2014 those plates could be overflowing, so learn to step back once in a while. Take a breath and let the stress out. Let it flow like old burnt oil down the drain of life, so you can relax and re-focus once more. How’s that? Yale would be proud of me.
Government Tax Game, The Easyriders 2014 Bike Show Tour is rolling into Sacramento, CA on January 11 & 12, 14 GOVERNORS: Prepare State Militia Defenses, To Be Ready Against Obama’s Rogue Federal Forces, MAVTV Live Racing Events Signs New Host, Bad Joke Library, Uncle Monkey on Shop Tools, CAN-AM Set to Run Custom Car Wheels, Metzler/Dirico Black Hawk Down, Girls, Girls and more Girls, and much more.