Oppose tariffs on EU motorcycles parts, and accessories

AN AMA ALERT: Sign the petition today!


The Office of United States Trade Representative, as part of a dispute over aircraft subsidies, has proposed 100 percent tariffs on motorcycles imported from countries in the European Union with an engine size between 500cc and 700cc, along with parts and accessories.

The American Motorcyclist Association is joining others in the motorcycling community to oppose the USTR’s latest ill-conceived proposal. Motorcyclists should not be penalized with exorbitant tariffs because of an unrelated trade dispute. Any trade sanctions imposed as a result of this dispute should come from more closely related industries or products.

To oppose this tariff, the AMA is asking our members to sign this petition. The petition will be presented to the USTR to demonstrate the motorcycling public’s opposition to the proposal. Please take a moment and complete the form below to protect the future of motorcycling.

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Motorcyclists who depend on parts from Europe to keep their motorcycles in safe, working order will face increased cost and decreased availability under this proposal. This will result in motorcyclists putting off critical maintenance and will keep their vehicles off the road, negatively affecting the countless small businesses that depend on motorcycle-based tourism. Additionally, this proposed tariff will cause serious, and potentially irreversible, harm to American small- and medium-sized business owners selling the motorcycles, parts and accessories.

Should the availability of products be hindered through unjustified trade sanctions on European-produced motorcycles, dealerships may close, leaving countless Americans without jobs. The negative effects of the proposed trade sanctions will not only harm the motorcycle sales industry, but will spread through the aftermarket equipment sector, recreation equipment sales, the sports entertainment industry and further down the line.

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