I need to organize the photo shoot for next week. We have several new products that need to be featured on the web site.
New Male full sleeve Jack shirt
Details: New collar, collar snaps
5/8 Jak shirt details (just showing the new softer leather)
Women’s Hoodie Racy Jacket
Details: The hoodie, the pockets and external pockets
Woman’s Pit Crew Vest
Details: Basic details
Make brown trimmed Pit Crew Vest
Two Bandit’s bed rolls
Details: pockets, tool flaps.
One leather Bandit’s Dayroll
Speedway leather shirt sleeveless
I’m going to be busy with Markus Cuff, my grandson, Frankie, the lovely EM famous tattoo artist, Imogen, from the Great Frog Jewelry, and Maxine my granddaughter.
— Keith ‘Bandit’ Ball