June 25, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


BIKERNET CALENDAR GIRLS IN STURGIS–Each week leading up to Sturgis we’ll announce 2-3 models selected to appear in the 2010 Girls of Bikernet Calendar. The calendar will make its debut at the 69th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. More details will follow in the coming weeks on the locations we’ll have the calendars available and the locations of each girl shown in the Calendar.

All week during Sturgis, Bikernet Calendar Covergirl Donna Lalino will be in the Vicious Cycles Booth on Lazalle St. Details are being worked out now for an Official Bikernet Booth in the same area where Shelly will be signing calendars and doing photos.

Donna and Shelly are featured in this weeks released photos…. Donna is shown sitting on the Vegas Fuel Energy Drink Bike built by Vicious Cycles of Leymone, PA. Shelly is seen with the Black Widow Theme Bike built by CTM Customs of Easton, MD.

The photos attached to this email of Donna and Shelly are not necessarily the photos selected for the calendar. Those will not be shown until the week before Sturgis. Only 5,000 calendars are being produced and will be sold for $14.95…. We’ll be taking orders before Sturgis on Bikernet for anyone who can’t make it to the Rally and wants to be sure to get one of these hot calendars before we sell them out in the Black Hills! The calendar is a 16 month calendar beginning in September 2009 featuring 13 Hot Bikerbabes from across the country.

Next week we show 2 more girls from the 2010 Calendar but don’t wait til then….. this Sunday Bandit will have some of the topless photos from Shelly’s Biker Beauties Magazine that are just too revealing for the calendar or the magazine! Check them out in the Cantina on Sunday!!


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swine decontamination

AUSTRALIAN Swine flu decontamination unit–This just in from down-under. We’ll bring you more as it becomes available.

–from Nicole

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From cheese-stuffed sandwiches to the samples on toothpicks in the grocery store, cheese seems to be everywhere. While it is a good source of calcium, its high fat (and often high sodium) content means it should be enjoyed in moderation. This is not as hard as it may seem when you consider how flavorful cheese can be – try the following when the cheese plate comes your way:

Choose a small piece of a cheese you really enjoy and savor it.

Fill up on low-calorie vegetables and fruits, and add a piece of cheese on the side.
Try not to eat more than one to two ounces every few days.
Opt for low-fat versions when you can.

If you’re pregnant, avoid soft cheeses (such as feta, goat, blue and brie) as they may harbor Listeria, a bacterium that can harm a growing baby. Instead, choose hard cheeses like Parmesan, Gruyere and hard Swiss cheese when you’re eating for two.

–for more info contact DrWeil.com

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bulldog bash

BULLDOG BASH FIGHTS POLICE EXTORTION, CONFIDENT LICENSE WILL BE UPHELD– The organisers of the Bulldog Bash are amazed and baffled that ACC Bill Holland is applying for yet another review to the license; using a re hashed version of the same grounds which have already been rejected by Stratford Council. The organizers commented ?We fully understand that under British law the review must be heard by the licensing authority; however we are confident that when the review is heard the police?s unjustified application will again be rejected as it has been before.?

Responding to police statements to the press, organizers say they are ?deeply disappointed? by unfounded allegations and claims made by Warwickshire?s assistant chief constable Bill Holland, who failed to cancel the show last year and has also had a bid for a review of the event license this year rejected by Stratford council.

A spokesman for the bash continued: ?There has been no material change in the circumstances from the license hearing, and the examples given are simply rehashed from then – we fail to understand why the police continue to raise these matters, when the issues were fully discussed and resolved with a three day hearing at the conclusion of which a 10-year license was granted.

Police forces local to other similar shows have publicly stated their intention to work with those organisers to avoid a repeat of last year?s problems ? we are mystified as to why this does not apply to the Bulldog Bash.

The Bash is a well run, well regulated and tightly controlled commercial event – involving many people from different backgrounds and walks of life, unconnected to the organizers. They work co-operatively with us to stage a show with an excellent safety record and low crime rate, going back many years. Any profits made are re-invested in making the event bigger and better. This can be seen at Bulldog 23 with rock legends Motorhead, headlining on Saturday, and personalities from the motorcycling world such as Russell Mitchell of Exile Cycles attending; improved drastrip entertainment including jet cars and rocket bikes and an expanded custom show including special prizes for women custom builders.?

The Bulldog Bash has been for many years widely recognised as a very safe festival. In 22 years, there has never been a serious incident at the site on the Long Marston airfield ? events off site are beyond the control of the organisers as accepted by Stratford council last year when they granted us a ten year licence.?

The spokesman gave the example of violence miles from a football stadium after a game in which a fan is injured or killed- the stadium isn?t shut down or future matches banned.

There is absolutely no evidence of any threat of ?serious harm? to the public – in the past the police and the local council have actually praised the safety and organisation of the event. This is plainly scaremongering.

The Police are clearly desperately clutching at straws in an unjustified effort to try to stop the show.

Tickets are available from The Bulldog Bash, PO Box 5026, East Reading, RG6 1QZ ? Please send a cheque or postal order for ?50 per person, plus a first class postage paid SEA, to arrive no later than 30th of June. After this date the gate price of ?55 applies.

Keep an eye on the Bulldog Bash website and forum at www.bulldogbash.com .

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Unbareable Apparel and Paul Yaffe Join Forces–ex-pres-sion – noun: the quality or power of expressing an attitude or emotion.

Unbareable Apparel and bike building legend Paul Yaffe have joined forces to create a custom apparel line. These two creative powerhouses have collaborated on a series of Signature Shirts distinctly different from the norm and completely unique in the world of biker wear. Unbareable Apparel creators of high quality, fashion apparel will work side by side with Yaffe in producing a line of shirts that will not only look great but allow the wearer to express their passion.

Yaffe joins a stable of other distinguished artists currently on board with Unbareable, each for whom a Signature Line is in place. Unbareable’s mission, much like Paul’s mind blowing designs, is to create something that inspires and motivates the wearer. The Yaffe Signature Series shirts will tell Paul’s story and showcase the passion that has inspired him to produce his legendary and timeless custom motorcycles. Paul say’s, “I’m totally excited to be part of Unbareable’s design team and honored to have my journey expressed through thier clothing line. I’ve never seen anything like the clothing that Unbareable is creating. It’s truly amazing!”.

These incredible shirts can be seen on Paul’s site http://baggernation.com/showroom.htm www.paulyaffeoriginals.com and Unbareable’s site www.unbareable.com . Unbareable is thrilled to have one of the best custom motorcycle builders of our time on board.

Paul Yaffe Originals

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roar 1

ROAR, motorcycles for women–Chatting casually, there’s not a hint of irony in Kathy Tolleson’s voice. In a matter-of-fact tone that’s so steady she might just as easily be ordering dinner, she throws off the line like it’s barely worth mentioning, ?I’ve been riding [motorcycles] ever since I was a young kid.?

At only five feet tall, Tolleson doesn’t look like she has much hope of muscling anything more than a moped around the parking lot. But looks can be deceiving. Kathy Tolleson is not the demure, petite, retiring woman her stature might suggest. She’s a lioness on the prowl – and she’s got her sights set on some very big game.

What separates this grandmother from the stereotypical AARP member’s profile is the fact that not only has she been an avid motorcyclist for much of her life, she has gone beyond the limitations of being a mere rider and has thrown herself headlong into the mission of changing the face of motorcycling forever.

Kathy is the CEO of a different kind of motorcycle company. Watch for the name, ROAR, motorcycles for women; they just may be on to something here.

While most of the motorcycle industry is aimed at the 18 ? 49 year old male, Kathy and her crew have focused their attention on the most under-served portion of the market. Their client?le has the potential for explosive growth. They’ve rarely been the focus of an advertising campaign; hardly ever had a bike designed just for them, and are often ignored if they work up the courage to actually walk into a bike shop. They’re women, and ROAR was launched specifically to cater to the female motorcycle enthusiast. Including women who may not even be aware they have a desire to ride.

?I was really concerned about mainstream women,? admitted Kathy. In describing the mission of her fledgling shop and manufacturing company she explained her goal of extending, ?an invitation to women who never felt like they had an invitation to the ball.?

Consider your invitation sent ladies. Kathy’s got your back in a big way.

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ROAR customizes existing motorcycles to fit the woman who wants to ride them. By lowering the bike, Kathy’s crew is able to lower the center-of-gravity. With the seat customized for fit and sitting lower to the ground, even a five footer like the company’s CEO can stand flat footed at a stop light. But that’s not the extent of the ROAR full bike makeover. By taking into account the complete range of ergonomics that affect a rider’s safety and comfort, ROAR is bringing to the street a string of hot machines that are more than just high end eye candy. These are fully functional street machines that will turn heads anywhere they roll.

?Women are into color,? says the boss in cool tones that belie the intensity of her mission. She makes her point with flair, explaining that men predominantly shop for shoes in black or brown. Women on the other hand want a rainbow of options. ROAR makes those options available on their bikes, too.

?You do not have to be a grease monkey anymore,? she says of the riding experience. Electric start, leak free engines, and the availability of belt or shaft drive have erased forever the image of the oil soaked rider struggling to replace a thrown chain, then huffing and puffing while jumping up and down on the kick starter in an effort to get the beast breathing again.

Perhaps most important to the issue of attracting women to the saddle is the fact that the Motorcycle Safety Foundation has developed a safe program where women can learn to ride. No longer do women have to shudder at the thought of learning the ropes on a bike that’s much too large and heavy ? while sweating bullets in fear that they’ll drop such a monstrosity in a turn and feel the wrath of its angry owner. Couple that relatively new development with the fact that ROAR can put a woman on a bike that fits them and Kathy is confident that motorcycling may be poised for a change.

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Beyond customization is where the real story is, and ROAR’s latest offering is the WildKaT ? a purpose built women’s motorcycle that sports all the fit and flash a frame can contain, with a 1200cc Harley-Davidson motor tucked into its belly.

The proprietary frame and swing arm allow the ROAR builders to do something truly remarkable with tubular steel. And the inclusion of one of the most highly respected power-trains in the business is brilliant. Any WildKaT owner will be able to find parts and skilled mechanical expertise in any corner of North America.

These folks are thinking ahead, and thinking creatively in a way that has seldom been seen in the world of motorcycling.

Something tells me we’re all about to be hearing a whole lot more about ROAR, the WildKaT, and women bikers tooling through town looking way better than their boyfriends and husbands ever dreamed was possible.

–Jamie Beckett

Click for more information

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german car 1

GERMANY DOES IT AGAIN– If you could go to Shanghai for a vacation, buy two or more of these cars, one for your wife and one for yourself, and one for each of your kids, have them shipped to Canada and still spend less money than if you bought a car in Canada. Getting the car(s) into USA still an ordeal.

This is not a toy, not a concept car. It is a newly developed single seat car in highly aerodynamic tear-shape road-proven real car. It is ready to be launched as a single-seater for sale in Shanghai in 2010 for a mere RMB 4,000 (US$600)!

german car 2

Interested? Wait till you learn that it will cruise at 100-120 Km/Hr with an unbelievable 0.99litre/100Km (258 miles/gallon) !!

The Most Economic Car in the World will be on sale next year.Better than Electric Car – 258 miles/gallon: IPO 2010 in Shanghai

german car 3

This is a single seated car From conception to production: 3 years and the company is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany . Will be selling for 4000 yuan, equivalent to US$600..

Gas tank capacity = 1.7 gallons
Speed = 62 – 74.6 Miles/hour
Fuel efficiency = 258 miles/gallon
Travel distance with a full tank = 404 miles

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Oops, this report is about half bullshit. Check the Sunday Post this weekend for the scoop.–Snake, the Bikernet Snopes Editor

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Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows To Host TAPING OF Video Messages of Thanks For Troops Overseas At Red Bull U.S. GRAND PRIX July 3-5–Motorcyclists Invited To Visit Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows MotoGP Pit Stop On Way To Track. Irvine, Calif. (June 23, 2009) ? The Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows will offer those in attendance at the Red Bull U.S. Grand Prix, Friday, July 3 through Sunday, July 5, the chance to say thank you to our men and women of the armed forces. Race fans are invited to film a short video message to send to a friend or relative in the armed forces or a general thank you message to U.S. Troops stationed at home and abroad.

Video recordings can be made at the International Motorcycle Show?s booth in the Yamaha Marketplace at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca throughout the weekend.?The Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows wants to show their appreciation to the men and women who defend our country and we know a lot of people out there want to as well,? said Show Director Jeff D?Entremont. ?These brave men and women oversees greatly appreciate such messages of thanks and we hope that thousands of race fans stop by our booth to take part.?The videos will be edited and published on Motorcycleshows.com and Sportbikeclub.com.

For more information, log on to www.motorcycleshows.com/motogp .

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LOVE THY CHOPPER THIS WEEKEND IN DENVER–I thought and your readers would want to know about the Love thy Chopper Art and Chopper Show being held this weekend. It is going to be a weekend of Hot Rods, Choppers, Art, Punk Rock adn skateboarding.

The art opening will be on Saturday the 27th from 7-9 pm and the Chopper Show will be on Sunday the 28th from 2-11p.m. all being held at La Rumba on 9th and Acoma.

There is a $10 cover charge and the proceeds will to benefit the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. You can see more about the show at www.myspace.com/lovethychopper.


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Genuine, KYMCO USA Partner with Progressive–Genuine Scooter Co. and KYMCO USA have teamed with insurance provider Progressive to market insurance opportunities to consumers through the OEM dealer networks.

Customers can now get insurance quotes on their scooters while at Genuine and KYMCO dealerships, either by calling a toll free number or by visiting Progressive online. The deal doesn?t make dealers actual insurance agents, since no coverage will actually be sold by the vehicle retailers.

“Progressive currently works with a variety of different OEMs, but this initiative with Genuine and KYMCO USA is a little different,” Progressive Special Lines Director of Distribution Matt Jevack told Dealernews. “The goal is to help dealerships sell more scooters by providing an instant and timely insurance solution to their customers at the point of sale.”

Genuine logo

“This has been in the works for a long time,” said Philip McCaleb, CEO of Genuine Scooter Co. “This arrangement with Progressive will make it faster and easier for our customers to get insurance right away. Instead of hesitating and wondering whether they’ll be able to insure their scooter, they’ll be able to ride right out of the dealership knowing they’re covered.”

“This partnership with Progressive is a win-win for both dealers and people purchasing our products,” said Steve Lazoff, director of sales, KYMCO USA. “We’re going to make getting insurance quicker and easier, especially for buyers who come in on evenings or weekends.”

To support the effort, Progressive is providing Genuine dealers a welcome packet that includes FAQs; a point-of-purchase life-size cut-out of “Flo,” the popular character in Progressive’s superstore commercials; and a specially dedicated Web site, www.progressive.com/genuine. KYMCO dealers will receive a similar Progressive welcome packet, including vehicle and insurance FAQs, a sample annual premium for KYMCO models and a dedicated site, www.progressive.com/KYMCO.

?Submitted by Guido Ebert

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LESSON FROM BIKERNET UNIVERSITY NEGOTIATING CLASS–Mike was attending his 4X4 club’s monthly meeting and had just told themhe couldn’t make the upcoming camping trip because his wife wouldn’t lethim go.

After listening to the jeers and other derisive remarks from his fellow4X4 friends Mike left to go back home to his wife.

When Mike’s friends started arriving to set up camp the following weekwho should be there but Mike sitting up in front of his truck, tent up,fishing rod in hand, camp oven roast stewing away in a hot bed of coals.

“How did ya talk your wife into letting you go Mike?”

“I didn’t have to,” Mike’s replied.

“When I left the meeting I went home and slumped down in my chair with abeer to drown my sorrows. Then my wife snuck up behind me and coveredmy eyes and said, “surprise!!”

When I peeled her hands back she was standing there in a beautiful seethrough negligee and she said, “Carry me into the bedroom, tie me to thebed and you can do whatever you want.”

So Here I am!!

–from CarlR

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TERRIFYING NEWS, Honda Launches Cycle Technology Site–Honda has launched a new Motorcycle Technology “Picturebook” website to serve as an easy-to-understand guide to the OEM’s advanced motorcycle technologies.

The first technology to be featured is Honda’s Human-Friendly Transmission (HFT), the continuously variable, belt-free automatic transmission compact enough to be installed on a sport bike and currently in use on the DN-01.

Reps at Honda say the site will be updated regularly. Check it out at Honda.com.

Submitted by Guido Ebert

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Trailer flat

DROP-TAIL TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES FROM BIKERS CHOICE–Our unique ?Fold-It Up, Stand-It Up? design makes garage storage easy and convenient.

Cruiser/Sport Bike PowerSport Trailer Model Looking for a trailer that will cut it on those long trips where you have to trailer your bike, or yours and someone else?s? Check out the features on this one, you are sure to find everything you need on it.

Tailgate/ramp converts to a storage table in the stand up configuration Integrated spare tire mount location for easy accessibility Tailgate/ramp is able to pin at 45? and 90? angles HD polyurethane non-marking caster wheels with flip lock operation IHDTS incorporates a convenient hydraulic hand pump operation with lowering valve Built-in coupler handle Uniquely patent pending design allows you to tow the trailer unloaded in either the ?fold up? or ?flat? configurations.

Trailer with bikes

Standard features include 2ea PROMAX Cycle Shocks, HD Torsion Axle, Integrated Hydraulic Drop-Tail System, Stone-guard, 13? Custom Wheels with Radial Tires, LED Lights, Tailgate/Ramp, Built-in Coupler Handle and Powder Coated Finish.

For more specifications, dimensions and weights, visit www.Bikerschoice.com or visit your local Biker?s Choice? Dealer.

Happy Riding!!


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NRA Tool Bar Banner

GUN ISSUE – Only takes 5 seconds to vote– Remind the Government of the 2nd Amendment: Due to the current presidential stand on Gun Laws, USA Today is running a Quick Question on-line. IT simply asks, Does the 2nd Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms? It is frustrating to me that “we the people” are even asked to reiterate a known right that has been around for over 200 years!

This quick questionnaire gives you the right to make your opinion heard. It takes 5 seconds. It is still a live link. Our new Attorney General has already said this is one of his major issues.

This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a few seconds of your time. Then pass the link on to all the pro gun folks you know. Hopefully these results will be published later this month.

First – vote on this one. Second – launch it to other folks and have THEM vote – then we will see if the results get published. Vote in the USA Today poll – click on the link below. The Question is: Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms? Click Here For Their Website

–from Kent

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Dealer Direct

D&D DEALER DIRECT SYSTEM GROWING–Here are the new dealers from last week

1) Thundering Eagle Motorsports 5848 50th ST Lubbock, TX 79424 806-796-3613
2) Cycle Shine 52 Kitchell Lake Dr West Milford, NJ 07480 973-476-0558
3) B & P Cycles 915 Ft Worth Hwy Weatherford, TX 76086 817-613-0400
4) Washtenaw Community College 4800 E Huron River Dr Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-973-3577
5) Motorcycle Fabricators 601 E Main St Havelock, NC 28532 252-444-6341
6) BaDa Bing Auto 11615 S Austin Ave Alsip, IL 60803 708-385-4200
7) Precizzion Krome Motorsports 1358 Hooper Ave # 185 Toms River, NJ 08753 877-576-6341
8) Steve Hunt 1101 N Ave Norwalk, IA 50211 515-981-0642


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VINTAGE KLASS EVENT SCHEDULE–Hi everyone. Hope you are having a great summer so far. Here is where we will be in July.

7/10 – 7/11 Bo Huff Rockabilly Car Show – Sunnyside, Utahwww.bohuffshop.com
7/18 – 7/19 LA Calender Show – Long Beach, CAwww.fastdates.com
7/26 Long Beach Cycle Swap – Long Beach, CAwww.toppingevents.com

–Joel and Mary, Vintage Klass
Vintage Helmets and Leathers
949 355 8098

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BIKERNET FREE CONTEST WINNER–Today I chose PHILLIP HANKINS of HOMER, LA as our contest winner, and who is also in the running for the Scorpion Jacket. Phillip gets some t-shirts and oil for taking the time to fill out the following information:



Congratulations Phillip!

On July 2nd, I will be choosing the winner of the Scorpion Jacket. Click here for the road test Bandit did. We want to know why you should win that jacket. I?ve been saving the entries and when the time comes, I will put each entry in a hat and have Bandit choose the winner. You better get to entering; you have one more week then we start the giveaway on the Scorpion helmet.



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AH, I SURVIVED ANOTHER THURSDAY–Tomorrow I pick up my 5-Ball Factory Racer powder coating and get to work. Sturgis is just 5 weeks away. Watch for my build report next week. It’s going to be a monster and include intalling the new Baker kicker system.

I’m asking George, The Wild Brush, to give me a hand with pinstriping and graphics this weekend. I need to have the tank and fender cleared, or maybe not. It’s going to be a scramble. Every year I build a bike, I think it will be the one. This year I built this bike to fit and be comfortable, yet different as hell. We’ll see, as I roll out toward the Badlands.

I finished my final Chance Hogan book edit, and it will head to the layout artist this weekend. I should have copies delivered in July. Dr. Nuttboy is working on the cover art. He has a phd in art and teaches at the local college. Here’s the glitch, the title. We can’t seem to nail it down. Chance Hogan I, Docks and Dames. Or how about Chance Hogan I, Riding A Web of Deceit. It’s all about sex, romance and murder.

Here’s the deal for Bikernet content next week: We have a German blonde Girl of Bikernet feature lined up, and a historic Cleveland motorcycle restoration for the Cantina. Sucker Punch Sally’s was involved in a charity build and we’ll bring you the report and the motorcycle. I’m hoping to find the Big Dog Skil K-9 on tour in Los Angeles and deliver a feature. There’s more content flying at us daily. We’ll try to keep up.

Ride Forever,


Envy Banner

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