June 12, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


BIKERNET ALERT–Note to self: ‘Cancel credit cards prior to death!– Be sure and cancel your credit cards before you die! This is so priceless and so easy to see happening – customer service, being what it is today!

A lady died this past January, and ANZ bank billed her for February and March for their annual service charges on her credit card, and Then added late fees and interest on the monthly charge The balance had been $0.00, now is somewhere around $60.00.

A family member placed a call to the ANZ Bank:

Family Member: ‘I am calling to tell you that she died in January.’

ANZ: ‘The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.’

Family Member: ‘Maybe, you should turn it over to collections.’

ANZ: ‘Since it is two months past due, it already has been.’

Family Member: So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?’

ANZ: ‘Either report her account to the frauds division or report her to the credit bureau, maybe both!’

Family Member: ‘Do you think God will be mad at her?’

ANZ: ‘Excuse me?’

Family Member: ‘Did you just get what I was telling you . . . The part about her being dead?’

ANZ: ‘Sir, you’ll have to speak to my supervisor.’

phone: Family Member: ‘I’m calling to tell you, she died in January.’

ANZ: ‘The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.’

Family Member: ‘You mean you want to collect from her estate?’

ANZ: (Stammer) ‘Are you her lawyer?’

Family Member: ‘No, I’m her great nephew.’ (Lawyer info given)

ANZ: ‘Could you fax us a certificate of death?’

Family Member: ‘Sure.’ ( fax number is given )

After they get the fax:

ANZ: ‘Our system just isn’t set up for death. I don’t know what more I can do to help.’

Family Member: ‘Well, if you figure it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her. I don’t think she will care.’

ANZ: ‘Well, the late fees and charges do still apply.’

Family Member: ‘Would you like her new billing address?’

ANZ: ‘That might help.’

Family Member: ‘ Rookwood Memorial Cemetery , 1249 Centenary Rd, Sydney Plot Number 1049.’

ANZ: ‘Sir, that’s a cemetery!’

Family Member: ‘Well, what the F**K do you do with dead people on your planet?’


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HISTORIC 1952 JAGUAR C-TYPE SPORTS RACER, DRIVEN TO VICTORY BY PHIL HILL, JOINS STARTING LINE-UP FOR RM?s MONTEREY SALE– BLENHEIM, Ontario (June 10, 2009) ? A historic 1952 Jaguar C-Type Sports Racing Car that was driven to victory in 1952 by the legendary Phil Hill to claim the Jaguar C-Type?s first North American racing victory has joined the starting line-up for RM Auctions Sports & Classics of Monterey event, to be held August 13th ? 15th in Monterey, California.

The rare C-Type, designated XKC-007, was one of just 53 examples built and one of the first Jaguar C-Types delivered to the United States. Shipped to New York in 1952, this example was immediately driven to Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, where it, along with XKC-009, made their competitive racing debuts as part of the company?s North American sales pitch for the model. It was at this meet that XKC-007 made Jaguar history when the eventual World Champion driver, Phil Hill ? then just 25 ? drove it to victory in The Sheldon Cup. Under the sponsorship of Charles Hornburg, the Western United States Jaguar distributor, and with Phil Hill back behind the wheel, XKC-007 went on to achieve further success at Torrey Pines that same year.

XKC-007 passed through the hands of numerous owners over the following years and was fully restored by noted Jaguar expert Terry Larson before making its way into the distinguished, private collection of Jerry and Kathy Nell in 1993 where it has remained ever since. Presented in period correct condition, it notably displays the signature of the great Phil Hill and retains its original, numbers matching engine.Throughout its racing career, XKC-007 was never crashed.


In addition to its rich race history, XKC-007 has enjoyed success on the show field, awarded a national championship in 1994 by the Jaguar Club of North America. In 2002 it was reunited with Phil Hill at Pebble Beach to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the C-Type, as well as at another commemorative event in 2006 in Elkhart Lake when the famed Wisconsin road track was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The rare 1952 Jaguar C-Type Sports Racing Car, chassis number XKC-007, will lead a magnificent line-up of investment-quality collector cars when RM Auctions highly anticipated Sports & Classics of Monterey auction event returns to the Portola Hotel and Spa, 2 Portola Plaza, Monterey, California, August 13th to 15th. The auction preview will commence August 12th from 12noon ? 6:00pm, followed by full-day previews on August 13th through 15th with auction action each evening. Admission to the three-day event is $40.00 USD per person. An official auction catalog is available for an additional $100 USD.

For further information and full event details, please visit www.rmauctions.com or call 800-211-4371 (within North America) or +1 519 352 4575.

RM Auctions

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NEW POCKET KNIFE LAWS COMING– The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency is proposing a new definition that could be used to eliminate 8 of 10 legal pocketknives in the United States right now, according to activists who are gearing up to fight the plan.

The federal bureaucracy is accepting comments ? written only ? that must be received by June 21 before its planned changes could become final, but Doug Ritter of KnifeRights.org, said the implications of the decision would be far-reaching, since many state and federal agencies depend on the agency’s definitions to determine what is legal in the United States.

For a long time, those switchblades that have long stiletto blades that are spring-ejected powerfully from the side or end of the handle have been illegal in the United States, but now a review by the agency of its own approval in 2008 of a particular type of knife for import is raising serious alarms.

Ritter said the effect of the proposed change would be that the new design in knives, many of which contain a tiny spring to help the user pull open the blade and lock it into position, would be classified alongside those true weapons where the user just presses a button and the blade is ejected.

“They are saying that any knife that you can open quickly or any knife that you can open with one hand is therefore a switchblade,” Ritter told WND.

Ritter suggested that up to 80 percent of the pocketknives sold in America today either are one-handed opening knives or so-called assisted opening knives ? and they all suddenly would be classified as illegal switchblades. He said the proposal, which puts pocketknives in the classification of switchblades ? described by a Senate committee as “almost exclusively the weapon of the thug and the delinquent” ? isn’t fair. “There are 40 million people in America walking around with pocketknives in their pocket,” he said.

Further, the majority of crimes committed with knives are done with the “lowly kitchen knife,” he said.

According to Ritter’s website, the proposed revocation of the approval for “assisted opening knives,” would impact “most other pocketknives, even simple old-fashioned slip-joints.”

By Bob Unruh

–from Rogue

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Click on the banner for the Kraftech deal.

The Pastor’s Ass —The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won..The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in therace again, and it won again.

The local paper read:PASTOR’S ASS OUT FRONT.

The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race.

The next day, the local paper headline read: BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR’S ASS.

This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the pastor to getrid of the donkey.The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent.

The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headlinethe next day:NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN.

The bishop fainted.He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for $10.

The next day the paper read:NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10..

This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild..

The next day the headlines read: NUN ANNOUNCES HER ASS IS WILD AND FREE.

The bishop was buried the next day.

The moral of the story is . .. . being concerned about public opinioncan bring you much grief and misery even shorten your life.So be yourself and enjoy life.

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DR. ROGUE RESPONDS TO AFTERMARKET COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR AGENDA ITEMS– Sorry about the delay in responding, I was ragged from riding back from covering the event in PA and crashed on the couch. The Motorcycle Metal and Mayhem event was great. So good we never made it to Ohio to cover the drags DUH. I will get you some thing on it as soon as I can.

In reference to SEMA I think one of the most important things they can do at this time is to help Stop Cops from Confiscating Motorcycles for bullshit reasons like the transmission, front ends, exhaust, etc. are not what came on the vehicle when it left the factory.

This is very similar to what they already accomplished with cars and hot rods where components were changed in years passed. For example it is Not Illegal to change a transmission on a motorcycle. Just say you decide you want a BAKER or Jims transmission because you feel they are superior to what you have. By doing so the new transmissions have their own serial numbers and are definitely not Harley. When the cops run the numbers from Harley and the transmission number is now different in some cases they want to confiscate the motorcycle.

They know in most cases the transmission is not stolen but still want to take the motorcycle in hopes that they can some how ending up keeping it.

Apply the same thing to front ends or other parts. I have written before about Connecticut Trooper John Kenny and the Motorcycle Task Force who have been doing this for years. This Has To Stop!

SEMA has stopped law enforcement from confiscating cars and trucks and should be able to educate the motorcycle industry how they did it. Manufactures of aftermarket parts would surly benefit from this as well as the consumer.

There are many other benefits and I will get into some more soon.In the mean time I have asked Mike Greenwald to respond to you as well.


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loner pic

BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT– Here is a photo I took at a bike night. I like the reflections in the fender.thought you might a like a photo for the news or some other area.

I would be thrilled see it up on Bikernet I’ve been hanging almost when you started in 1996 or so.Been a hell of ride.

–Don Kline
aka Loner

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For Sale – 1 Wife – Slightly Used – 1964 Model–Reply to: sale-pkwts-1204476414@craigslist.org

For Sale?One (1) Wife, slightly used, 1964 Model Needs muffler, as it is currently VERY LOUD. Intake valve is stuck in the open position. Rear end needs major overhaul. A crack there has grown monstrously large. Needs re-wiring?Many wires are currently crossed. Lots of little dings in the body, which have been covered up with too much paint in a failed effort at camouflaging them.

Needs re-upholstering?Carpet has turned a dingy gray. Needs front-end work–Headlights are too close to the ground, and fenders are too far apart. May not pass emissions test, as it currently produces foul clouds of malodorous gases on a regular basis, Heater works great. Hot air is never in short supply..

Asking $500 or trade for 2000 model.


DBW banner

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rollin seats

ROLLIN SIXES E-BAY SEAT ACCOUNT CONTACT– I was just wondering if there would be any way to post a link to our ebay store when you post our stuff up so folks can find us? If so i would be thankful. Our site is down again being worked on. When they click on our logo there is nothing there.

I love website guys so much i just want to pick them up and squeeeeezzze them real hard to show how much i really care LOL.

I have included some info and pictures of our seats for you to use along with a few new logo images. I am also including the link to our ebay store to make finding where to buy our stuff easier. Ebay link: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/Rollin-Sixes-Choppers/Rollin-Sixes-Choppers-n-Rods.html_

Rollin Sixes.

demon speed red 6564

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Numbers Go Public this month. REMINDER…. all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls.

…. YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222. It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You> must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number.

–from Dr. Hamster

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SIN WU QUESTIONED–Is that Sin Wu posing in this past Sunday’s post?


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Demon’s Cycle Partnership with Utima Produces New High Performance Motor–Demon’s Cycle Inc. and Ultima Motorcycle Products have teamed up to produce and make available to the Performance oriented motorcycle public a motor that has never before been available and which will become the new standard by which all V-twins are compared.

Miami, FL (PRWEB) June 5, 2009 — Demon’s Cycle Inc. and Ultima Motorcycle Products have teamed up to produce and make available to the Performance oriented motorcycle public a motor that has never before been available and which will become the new standard by which all V-twins are compared. As a competitor, it by far exceeds the capabilities of engine offered by Harley-Davidson. The new design configuration is built upon tried and proven engine configuration but is clearly superior in all respects and vastly outperforms the competition in many ways.Not just another quality engine. The designers of this high performance model built in too many features to list but the most distinguishable are noted below. Demon’s Cycle and Ultima are foremost in cutting edge performance related style and quality mechanical innovation. The new engine offered here clearly demonstrates that they have found the secret which others had previously sought after but have come up short until this time. Here are some of the differences and advantages of the new Demon’s 114 engine in comparison to the Ultima 113 ci engine:

The 113 has a 4 1/2 in stroke and a 4″ bore. The 113 is an under square motor (more stroke than bore) and has much higher piston speed (linear feet per second) than the Demon’s 114″ which has a 4″ stroke and 4 1/4 bore. They have managed to reduce piston speed in Demon’s 114″ Motor’s.
This reduction in piston speed results in less wear on the cylinder walls and piston skirts. So it’s the most reliable engine out there on today’s market. This is the future engine and they sell it for the same price as a 113″ Ultima engine with special air cleaner, better rocker boxes and thicker head gasket for more reliability and dependability.

Also, the increase in rod ratio (rod length divided by stroke) lessens the side load on the cylinder walls, reducing friction, heat, and allowing a much more free reving motor.

By utilizing the MWM 248 cam we were able to retain the great torque characteristics down low and with the increased cylinder fill provided by the increased rod ratio, the Demon’s 114 will still pull very hard on the top end.

“We have made the first reliable high performance engine ever created. We nailed the task. It will create many very happy customers,” says Artem Rodos, Demon’s Cycle VP.

Another advantage of the shorter stroke is that the Demon’s 114″ is smoother than the 113. Being based on the 4 1/4″ bore engine family, the Demon’s 114″ has the much stronger 3 piece crankshaft used in the 120/127/130/140 series of motors, along with the much stronger rods.
Billet rocker boxes with holes allow for much better cooling and breathing of the engine. Demon’s custom billet air intake system allows for much better air flow and unrestricted performance.

‘We should mention that the Demon’s 114 is .125 shorter than a 120/127 for those early Softail frames that are very difficult to fit a 120/127 in. And, a lot more exhaust systems will fit with less hassle than on a 120/127 engines.’

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CASTING CALL FOR DISCOVERY CHANNEL SHOW–We’re helping cast for a new Discovery Channel Show and we’re looking for Auto Experts to appear in upcoming episodes. Here are all the details:


All submissions are going through GotCast, so if you know anyone please encourage them to submit!

–Justin Moodley
Director of Operations
614.484.5025 (office)
614.487.3704 (fax)
1.866.459.3381 (toll free)
Columbus, OH I Los Angeles, CA

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Craig Betz Arlen Ness bike reduced

Family donates Arlen Ness bike to raise funds for kids with special needs– Craig Betz of California was a longtime motorcyclist and a new member of the international motorcycle group Hamsters, USA. Last fall, shortly after being inducted into the group at the 2008 Sturgis Rally, Betz lost his battle with cancer. His most beloved possession was arguably his custom Arlen Ness Speed Liner motorcycle, built by world-famous bike builder Arlen Ness.

As part of Craig?s legacy, his sister Cecily Betz donated his motorcycle as a fundraiser for the non-profit organization Children?s Care Hospital & School, which serves children with special healthcare and educational needs. Rapid City is located in the foothills of the Black Hills, just 30 miles from Sturgis.

Raffle tickets are available now for $25 at www.biketickets.com The drawing will be held at the Hamsters, USA annual banquet during the Sturgis Rally on August 3, 2009. The winner will be notified by phone, and the bike will be signed for the winner by Arlen Ness and his sons, Cory and Zack, also builders. The 2006 Arlen Ness Speed Liner has a 124? S&S motor and Baker 6- speed transmission.

Hamsters, USA spokesman Grady Pfeiffer says the group is known for their big hearts when it comes to children. ?We are really pleased that Craig and Cecily chose to remember special kids through the Hamsters, USA organization and Children?s Care. This is a really nice testament to who Craig was.?

Children?s Care of Rapid City, served over 1200 children last year. It is affiliated with Children?s Care Hospital & School, based in Sioux Falls, SD . Children?s Care is a private, independent, non-profit organization with a mission to help children with special needs reach their best-possible potential. Funds raised through the raffle will provide physical, occupational, and speech therapies, plus special educational and psychological services. The organization as a whole served over 2600 children last year.

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Cycle Rider Killed inSoutheast HoustonHOUSTON, Texas – Police say a motorcycle rider was killed after colliding with a driver who was attempting to back out of a freeway entrance ramp.

Around 8:30 p.m. Saturday, police say a driver of an SUV was traveling in reverse down entrance ramp to the Gulf Freeway from the feeder road near the South Sam Houston Parkway.

As the SUV continued in reverse down the entrance ramp, police say two motorcycles attempted to enter the freeway.

One of the motorcyclists hit the back corner of the SUV and lost control, say officials.

The rider was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police say the rider was not wearing a helmet.

It’s unclear if the driver of the SUV will face any charges.

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chris t right

OFFICIAL JESSE JAMES WEST COAST CHOPPER FOR SALE, $31,000–It’s fresh,West Coast Chopper CFL. Started the build in 2005 and completed 2008. Excellent condition less than 500 miles, CFL Web gussett frame, 4 up 2 out 250 rear tire, 96″ S & S Shovel head motor, 6 speed transmission, WCC FU Pipes, Springer front end, BDL open primary, right hand drive, internal throttle exile front rotor & rear brake, performance machine contour hydra clutch, performance machine contours foot controls, performance machine grips.

The air cleaner was given to me by Jessie James himself, you cannot buy this air cleaner that has this particular wording engraved on it. This is a West Coast Chopper Title not special Construction Title, bike has always been kept in house with cover on it. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY!!! NO-TRADES. You can e-mail me with any other questions or additional pictures at expd@hawaii.rr.com.

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Ending shot

BIKERNET NEWS THIS WEEK IS HOSTED BY MODEL DANIELLE OF BALTIMORE– Shots were taken at Vinnie and Cody’s V-Force Customs Shop in New York, by Sam Dixon, the publisher of Biker Beauties Magazine.

Let’s see, what do I have for you next week. Maybe event reports from Rogue and Ray Wheeler. I’m working on another 5-Ball Racer Factory Racer project tech. I will launch a feature from Johnny White, on a Texas based shop tomorrow. We have a couple of Girls of Bikernet holding in a flight pattern over the headquarters.

My next major priority, while the Factory Racer parts are being powder coated, is the first Chance Hogan book. Need to lay it out and ship it to a printer next week. Quit fuckin’ around and get it done! Sturgis is flying at us fast and we’re beginning to work out the run plans. They should be nailed down next week.

Ride Forever,



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