May 21, 2009 Part 1


Photo by Sam Dixon.


We’re running through another summer as if life is played out on the Bonneville Salt Flats at 200 mph. Before you know it, I’ll pack my Bandit’s Bedroll and cut a dusty trail for Sturgis and Bonneville and the summer will be toast.

I suggest we slow down, right now. Stop every goddamn thing and relax. Turn the cell phones off and party this weekend. I’m going to weld and drink whiskey all weekend. I bought some Captain Morgan’s Rum, but fuck it. I want Jack Daniels or Bulliet Whiskey.

Let’s ride, chase women and party for the next three days. Make it a Memorial Day to remember. Let’s hit the news:

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SMOKE-OUT EAST RIOTS, REPORTS AND WOMEN–A GRAND SUCCESS–I went to the SMOKE-OUT EAST yesterday and the attendance seemed down along with the vendors. I may be wrong but to me it just seemed a little off? I guess the economy screwed that just like everythying else?

It seems the old Iron Head Sporsters are making a BIG comeback among home builders. There were some great Iron Head Sportys there.

All in all it was a GREAT event. Nothing like hearing those open belt drives singing their tune and seeing Ape Hangers and Z-Bars everywhere! Edge always does a GREAT job with this event!


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BIKERNET UNIVERSITY POLITICAL QUOTE OF THE DAY–Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you! -Pericles (430 B.C.)

–from James Schnarr

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LETTER TO SUCKER PUNCH SALLY STAFF– I recently received an order of some shirts and was surprised to find a few extra nice items in with my package.

Amy took the time to put a little note on the back of a few stickers that were sent. It is rare that this kind of service is found these days. She wanted to thank me for my patience in waiting for my order. Being on my third combat tour with the Army, I have become accustomed to waiting a little extra time for mail. So this was certainly a very nice surprise.

I wanted to thank both her and the entire staff for the extra effort that was taken for something that is usually trivial for some companies. It certainly won over this very satisfied customer.

Enclosed is a picture of two of your shirts here in Iraq.

— SFC Michael Morgan
First Cavalry Division
Camp Taji, Iraq

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AUSTRALIAN CLUB ‘Recruitment’ laws passed in NSW — New laws which can imprison anyone caught recruiting members to a motorcycle club or declared organization, have been passed by the NSW Parliament, in the government’s latest moves against ‘outlaw’ groups. Under the laws, passed by parliament on Wednesday night, those caught recruiting members to a organization once it has been declared a criminal organization, could face up to five years jail.

The measure is part of a second raft of laws drafted after the media and politicians engaged in a frenzy of anti-biker hysteria, sparked by a spike in club/gang related violence.

Legislation was introduced last month allowing police to apply to the Supreme Court to have organizations (clubs/groups, etc) become declared criminal organizations. However, police have not yet made any such application. “The second round of legislation would make it difficult for bikie gangs to recruit new members”, NSW Attorney-General John Hatzistergos said, “Criminal organizations use feeder groups, which are usually made up of younger members, to replenish and renew their ranks,” Mr Hatzistergos said in a statement. “This new offence will make it more difficult for declared criminal organizations to recruit new members. “These new laws build on the legislation we have already passed and go further toward our aim of dismantling bikie gangs.” The laws passed by parliament on Wednesday will also allow police to make a public notice when placing a control order on an individual of a declared organization/group. This will be used when other means of serving the order have been unsuccessful, Mr Hatzistergos said.

–from Doc Robinson

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Bassani Exhaust and Bikernet are making 2009 the year of Freedom. We want to point out freedom issues and support freedom fights. If you are in a motorcycle rights group send us a banner (500 by 100 wide). We want to support freedom fighters on Bikernet. If you’re not a member of your local rights group, step up. Now is the time!

CALIFORNIA MOTORCYCLE SMOG LETTER, A concerned voter’s letter to the Chairman of the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee–

Dear Mr. Chairman,

You sure have a tough job Sir. We bikers do appreciate all you do for us. Thank you.

That said, please note the ridiculous bill being proposed by state senator, Fran Pavley (D-Santa Monica) – SB 435.

She is on a wrong tract regarding emissions from motorcycles. Let’s look at the facts sir:

1. Motorcycles represent only 1.5% of the total mobile source emissions in California.

2. Motorcycles constitute less than 3% of the total motor vehicles in California.

Motorcycles are not the emission creators the senator from Santa Monica believes they are.

And then there’s the costs of it all. Wow. Do we need any more abuse of tax-payer moneys?

A smog check program for motorcycles in California, the only one in the country by the way that I am aware of, would be very expensive to administer and a colossal waste of taxpayer’s money.

Do we need another expensive government program? I think not.

The cost to implement and conduct a motorcycle smog check program will cost California more than the value of the emissions its estimated to save.

Thank you Mr. Chairman for your vote of “No”. We will not forget this good gesture.

Marc Beaulieu
San Diego,CA

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LEGENDARY 1957 FERRARI 250 TESTA ROSSA SMASHES AUCTION WORLD RECORD AT MARANELLO SALE —An iconic, pontoon-fender 1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa (TR) sells for ?9,020,000 in Maranello, Italy to set a new auction world record as the most expensive motor car ever to be sold at auction.

MARANELLO, Italy (May 17, 2009) ? RM Auctions, in association with Sotheby?s, made history at the Ferrari factory in Maranello today as a 1957 Ferrari 250 TR, chassis no. 0714TR sold for ?9,020,000 at the third annual Ferrari Leggenda e Passione event to set a new world record for the most expensive motor car ever to be sold at auction.

Returning to its Maranello birthplace for its auction debut, the ?9,020,000 sale price for 0714TR represents ?1,980,000 more than the previous auction world record which was set at the same sale last year.

?The historical significance of this car attracted a bidding war as collectors from around the world – both in the room and on the telephone ? competed to secure one of the most alluring and iconic of all Ferrari racing cars,? said Max Girardo, Managing Director of RM Europe.

?The eyes of the world were watching today?s sale as cars of this quality are so rarely offered to the market. The quality and the provenance of the Testa Rossa speaks for itself and the price we achieved today is testament to that. We are delighted with the result the car achieved today,? he added.

The beautiful and immediately recognizable Scaglietti-designed ?pontoon-fender? 250 TR was produced from 1957 to 1958 during which only 22 examples were constructed. The Ferrari 250 TRs entered 19 international championship races from 1958 through 1961 emerging with 10 victories and earning them legendary status among discerning collectors, as well as the honor of being one of the most desirable and competitive racing Ferraris ever built. 0714TR was extensively campaigned in its day with significant finishes at the world?s most important racing events including the 1000 km Buenos Aires in January 1958.

Presented by RM Auctions in association with Sotheby’s, the Ferrari Leggenda e Passione is the only auction of its kind dedicated to the Ferrari marque, held at the Maranello factory grounds and endorsed by the Ferrari factory.

Further information on the sale, full results and hi-res photography will be posted online at

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Click the banner for Bikernet Advertising Rates and services.

BIKERNET CONTENT REVIEW AND COMPLAINT FROM READER–So far this is the best place on the net to get relevant information about motorcycle events and new products. Keep it coming. I have tried to get our shop listed in the shop listings for South Carolina and it has not been posted, does this take awhile or should it have been posted. I entered the info about a month ago.


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BIKERNET STAFF VISITS CENTURY MOTORS VINTAGE BRITISH SHOP–Thank you so much for taking the time to come by the shop and see us. We appreciate so much the work you do to promote motorcycling in general. I will find you one of those info books on Vincents so that we both can do some homework.

century motorcycles

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*** 26th ANNUAL ***A.B.A.T.E. SOCIAL HOUR Hosted by A.B.A.T.E. of South Dakota–Thursday Aug. 6th 12pm-5pm at the Whitewood City Park 7 miles west of Sturgis on I-90, take Exit 23, look for signs

INFORMAL MOTORCYCLIST?S RIGHTS WORLDWIDE GATHERING Unity of Motorcycle Rights Organizations for your FreedomHave a relaxing afternoon with A.B.A.T.E. of South Dakota hospitality and away from the crowds! 

Prices at the gate: ALL MRO & SMRO (ABATE, MRF, etc.) MEMBERS GET IN FREE! Must show current MRO card at the gate!

ALL OTHERS??…..?$10

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HOW TO SUPPORT THE MOTORCYCLE COMMUNITY, HELP OTHERS– Lately there has been press about motorists (4 & 2 wheels) being involved in accidents?several where a minor slap on the wrist has been all that has taken place. The most prominent story that comes to mind is the woman who was polishing her nails while driving her auto. This person rear-ended a motorcyclist who was STOPPED at a red light and killed her. Many of these type of accidents (including this one) result in minor tickets and fines. We as motorcyclists are and should be outraged. Let this serve as a call to work harder to change the penalties for such accidents.

To further complicate matters, accident reporting when a motorcycle is involved seems to be almost an afterthought and is many times incomplete or simply inadequate. I?ve been hearing horror stories of incomplete investigations and failure to fully collect information about accidents that result in permanent injury and scarring. Are we as a group joined by a common interest going to stand by and not raise a voice about this or attempt to improve this sad commentary?

Let me share with you just this one story. My friend who is a disabled cancer survivor with only one lung, had been hospitalized in the ICU in December, adding to this, his son passed away tragically in January shortly after my friend?s release from the hospital. He was hospitalized again after returning from making arrangements for his son for another respiratory related illness. His health deteriorated another notch as he came away from this now needing oxygen at times. This old school biker has struggled with knowing that a way of life for him is slowly being stolen by failing health. Realizing this, some of his dearest friends trailered his Electra Glide to Cherokee, NC. They wanted him to be able to enjoy another rally and some pleasant riding, especially as the heat that sometimes chokes his lung would be less of a factor and allow him to live the biking experience at least a little longer.

While out enjoying a pleasant afternoon ride in NC on US 19 in the Cherokee reservation–a pick-up truck pulled out of a driveway turning left into the motorcyclist. To quote the accident report ?Vehicle 1 [truck] failed to see before starting colliding into vehicle 2 [mc].? There was auto and motorcycle traffic all around at the time of the accident as one would expect with the Cherokee Survivor?s Rally and Thunder in the Smokies both going on.

The first person to reach my injured friend was a vacationing Fire Department Captain and trained EMT who was vacationing in Maggie Valley attending Thunder in the Smokies. How often is one fortunate enough to have trained medical help on their own motorcycle arrive at an accident scene so quickly! The Captain did not see the accident occur as he had just watched my friend go around the curve and came upon him immediately in the ditch where he had landed.

Despite being badly injured (his arm was crushed) this crusty old biker had the presence of mind to realize his injuries were not of a terminal nature. Through the pain he asked the off duty EMT to obtain information from witnesses. You see, my friend has worked many long hours over the years championing for rights of motorcyclists. He knows the inequities in the traffic courts and the laws when auto vs. motorcycle. He knew this would be important and would be difficult to obtain later.

After attending to my friends injuries and seeing that the arriving EMS had him ?packed up? and getting hospital info, the good Captain asked one of the two officers at the scene for a pen and paper to gather the witness information. The good Samaritan was told by the officer that he didn?t have time for this. The Captain had spoken to a man and woman who witnessed the accident, but did not have pen nor paper with him to take information. The couple was waiting in a nearby driveway for the EMS and police when the Captain left to contact the downed rider?s family. I?m told there were 15 ? 20 vehicles in the immediate vicinity of the accident (both autos and motorcycles).

The formal accident report contains absolutely no information on witnesses or notations that there even were witnesses. It becomes apparent that either: the officer(s) did not completely investigate the accident, the witnesses were asked to leave and clear the area, or that the witnesses decided this was not worth their time and left. If you were one of these witnesses you are sorely needed. Please come forward so this investigation can be completed!

This would be one time the persona of the biking group that crowds around the accident to look after their fallen brother would be a wonderful ?profile? to have! My appeal to you would be to become involved. So ? what can you do? There are specifically 2 things as a motorcycling community you can do? Voice your concerns to your elected officials, almost all of them have e-mail these days. Push for harsher penalties for these accidents caused by distraction or inattentiveness, not just for motorcycles, but bicycles & pedestrians. Distracted driving is unacceptable!!!!!

If you witness such an accident, take the time to be a witness. You may be the only factor that will help determine the true facts of the case. Be sure the victim(s) know how to contact you.

I would like to appeal to those of you who went to the Cherokee Rally or the Rally in the Valley or who live in the area to reach back into your recent memory, especially that couple that did initially wait. Did you witness an accident that took place on Friday, April 24, 2009 in Jackson County on US 19 (between Blue Wing & Washington Creek). At about 4:20 pm a Silver Chevy pick up truck and White Harley Davidson Electra Glide collided. If you were a witness or have heard someone talk about this accident, please have them come forward and help! The attorney for this case is Richard Donat (704) 602-3040. You may reference the motorcycle accident in Cherokee.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

–By Lynne Hendrix>

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S&S extends T?V approved Euro III lineS&S Cycle has announced approval of its carbureted V-Series engine to EURO III noise and exhaust emission standards as a part of its on-going program “to offer more Proven Performance products that meet today’s increasing emissions standards”–The addition to its current list of emissions certified engines is the S&S V113, a carbureted 113 cubic inch V-Series engine “that has been approved by the T?V to meet the current EURO III noise and exhaust emission standards. Approval of the V113 offers European custom bike builders the opportunity to build custom motorcycles containing a sought after V-Twin power plant while still being able to register their creations.”


Director of Business Development Michael Scaletta commented that “we are very pleased about achieving EURO III certification for our engines. Not only does it demonstrate the sophistication of our technology, but also highlights our commitment to protecting the environment by producing emissions-compliant, high performance products – something we have been doing since the first S&S 50-state legal engines appeared in our catalog in 1998.” S&S say the V113 will be offered in natural, wrinkle black powder coat and polished finishes, and that each engine will include an S&S IST ignition system, Super G carburetor, Teardrop air cleaner and the necessary T?V documentation for the engine.

In order to retain compliancy, the V113 is furnished complete and assembled by S&S engine builders before being shipped. Installation of these engines will require an exhaust system containing catalysts and secondary air injection. A notice is included with the engine with the details of where these components can be sourced.

In addition to the V113, S&S say it is currently working towards receiving approval on the carbureted V96 and V124 engines to meet EURO III noise and exhaust emissions standards. S&S is hoping to have these engines available by the end of this year.

La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
Tel: 608 627 1497
Fax: 608 627 1488

American Motorcycle Dealer

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West Virginia, A Motorcycle Destination.New Tourism Web Site Dedicated To Motorcycle Riders–West Virginia Department of Tourism officials have launched their state into the forefront of motorcycle friendly destinations with the addition of a new tourism web site dedicated to travelers on two wheels. The Division formed the Motorcycle Advisory Committee to present the riding public with information about all that West Virginia has to offer riders. The site, located at is a full service trip planner complete with travel guides, special routes divided up into each region of the state, camping locations, a list of state rallys and events and a rider?s journal for visitors to share their top rides with each other. Governor Joe Manchin III, a long time enthusiast, supports the new initiative and believes West Virginia to be some of the best riding in the entire country.

Oct. 19, 2005 – Gov. Joe Manchin participates in the official unveiling of the West Virginia Motorcycle, which was designed and built by Robert “Bear” Parsons, with Temple Street Choppers. The motorcycle highlights the capitol dome, state parks and various other items that truly illustrate the majestic beauty of the Mountain State.

The Motorcycle Advisory Committee including with the promoters of West Virginia Mountain- Fest in Morgantown, have posted an open invitation to members of the American Motorcycle press. This invitation will only be available to the first twelve members of nationally accredited publications and will be an all inclusive trip to explorer the beauty that is riding in West Virginia. The group believes that if the American Press Corps sees what their state has to offer riders, there will be no question that West Virginia is one of the country?s top motorcycle destination.

The special tour will start with the arrival of media members in Charleston WV on Wednesday July 22nd, where they will be provided with a reception dinner and a nights? accommodation at the Charleston Marriott hotel. Thursday morning each member will be assigned a new Harley- Davidson motorcycle and will be taken on a short ride to the Governor?s Mansion for breakfast with the Governor?s Chief of Staff Larry Puccio, also an enthusiast.

After breakfast the group will ride to the Hatfield McCoy Recreational Trails. There they will each be provided with their choice of a dirt bike or ATV and given a mini tour of the nation?s premier motorcycle and ATV trail system.

After they return from the trail ride, journalists will be lead on a ride to Songer Whitewater outfitters located in Fayetteville, near the New River Gorge, one of the state?s most significant land marks. Once at Songer, they will get premier cabin accommodations and dining that night. Friday morning there will be a guided two and a half hour whitewater rafting trip down the New River. At the end of the rafting trip, they will get back on the bikes and be guided to Snowshoe Ski Resort. This Swiss mountain village-style resort sits 5,000 feet atop Snowshoe Mountain. This is the region of the legendary Blackwater Falls 100 Cross Country Motorcycle Race and another location for incredible mountain twisties.

Saturday morning the group will get back on their bikes for a ride to Morgantown where the MountainFest Rally will be in full swing. VIP passes for the rally will be provide so journalists may explore all of Mountain Fest including one of the nation?s premier vintage bike displays, a vintage Grand Prix on Sunday, Custom Chopper Show on Saturday and a night?s stay at the Waterfront Place Hotel.

The only requirement to attend is a commitment to publish your opinions on what their state has to offer the riding public. So far, confirmed journalists attending include: Cycle World, Back Roads, Thunder Press, AMCA, Iron Works Magazine, and Cycle Source Magazine.

For more information please go to or
If you are interested in being one of the media members, please contact: Cliff Sutherland at (304) 276-6700 or

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CALL TO ACTION! ACT NOW! AMEND NEVADA’S HELMET LAW!– E-mail, Call and Write the Transportation Committee Members and ask then to support AB300. This bill eliminates the requirement of wearing protective headgear for drivers of motorcycles who: (1) are 21 years of age or older; (2) have possessed a valid motorcycle license for not less than 1 year; and (3) have completed an approved motorcycle safety course. This bill eliminates the requirement of wearing headgear for a passenger of a motorcycle who is 21 of age or older. You can see the bill on the Legislative web site:

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Continued On Page 2

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