Continued From Page 4

TCB – THE COOLEST AUSTRALIAN MAG–Hi Guys, A buddy of mine, Matt Black has put together his 3rd issue of a cool and classy coffee table mag for bikers/ hot rodders. Sticking with the roots of ‘Old School’ with great shots of Bikes, Hot Rods and spunky gals. It’s great to see an independent guy have a go. Check out his website .

Organization : Smiley’s Tap
Date : March 2, 2007 – March 11, 2007
Description : World Famous $7 BBQ Buffet, music, outside beer garden, vendors, awesome food & nightly bon fires – 1161 N. US1, Ormond Beach
Organization : Riverfront Park
Date : March 2, 2007 – March 11, 2007
Time : 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
Description : Major manufacturers motorcycle display, food court, live entertainment, Official merchandise & Official Welcome Center – Across from Daytona Harley-Davidson
Organization : Abate of Florida, Inc. Organization : Arlen Ness Custom Motorcycles Organization : Broken Spoke Saloon Organization : Carl’s Speed Shop Organization : Iron Horse Saloon Organization : Bikers for First Amendment Rights Organization : Destination Daytona Organization : Harley-Davidson Organization : Billy Lane’s Breakfast Group Organization : Cabbage Patch Organization : Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum –from Rogue 2007 FAT BOY GRAND PRIZE for ?Wild Hogs? contest–With the release of the movie ?Wild Hogs? on March 2, Harley-Davidson, in conjunction with Disney and Touchstone Pictures, will be giving away a 2007 FLSTF Fat Boy through the Wild Hogs Text2Win Sweepstakes. The sweepstakes started February 19 and will end April 15. To enter the Wild Hogs Text2Win Sweepstakes via SMS Text Messaging, send the keyword, ?HOGS? to the SMS short code 49788. Additional means of entry and detailed rules are also available at HELMET HOG, HELMET BUNGEES– Ride Hard, Ride Free, Carry A Spare Helmet. Riding season is rapidly approaching and to get in gear, we are offering FREE SHIPPING on all of our Helmet-Bungees through April. Helmet-Hog?s are the best way to carry a spare half dome style helmet- whether you are picking someone up and need to carry a spare, or traveling the country and need a place to stash your helmet to ride IN THE WIND, Helmet-Hog Helmet-Bungees are the hot ticket. It?s like adding a ?pocket? to your bike to stash your gloves, jacket and about anything else. ?Works like a bungee, fits like a bra!? Available in 6 different colors and prints, also custom logos are available. AT LAST RELIGIOUS TRUTHS– In these serious times of this world, it is important for all of us of all faiths to recognize these Four Deep Religious Truths…………… 1. Muslims do not recognize Jews as God’s chosen people. 2. Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah. 3. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian World. 4. Baptists do not recognize each other at Hooters POLICE WON?T STOP BOOBS ON BIKES–New Zealand – Police in Christchurch say they won’t be taking any action against a planned parade of topless women on motorbikes because it is a moral issue, not a criminal one. The Boobs on Bikes parade is scheduled for the Christchurch city centre this Friday to publicise a sex industry expo. Police say they have received a number of calls from upset residents about the parade, but can’t intervene unless a crime is committed. Last year, Auckland City Council attempted to stop a similar parade going ahead there but were unable to cite a legal reason to justify a ban –from Rogue NEWEST VERSION OF KIL SWITCH–We are proud to introduce the newest version of our KIL Switch. This Black Wrinkle Powder Coat KIL Switch is in my opinion the coolest KIL Switch yet. Also we just donated a polished KIL Motor Mount to Kevin Baas and the kids at Kennedy High School. The KIL Motor Mount will be completely disassembled and I will be giving a “hands on” class on soldering and wiring. (Thanks teach) The kids will be wiring, soldering and testing the KIL Switch themselves. We hope to see you and your Biker Net readers at the Donnie Smith Bike Show at the end of March. –Art Dunnier SLEAZEROXX FEATURES JOHN COVINGTON BAND–I hope to see you at the show this Friday the 2nd at the LAST EXIT, in Tempe. New Pulverizing interview here: I hope to see you at the show this Friday the 2nd at the LAST EXIT, in Tempe. –John NEVADA RIDERS FIGHT FOR HELMET LAW FREEDOM–Thanks to the hard work of the allied ABATE and BOLT of Nevada troops on thethe ground, coupled with the email air support provided by concernedmotorcyclists like YOU nationwide, Nevada Senate Bill SB49……which “removes the requirement that drivers and passengers on certainmotorcycles wear protective headgear”, is still alive and in the hands ofthe Nevada Senate Transportation Committee: Dennis Nolan – Chair As BOLT’s Jackie Suthers notes below, “Washington, Lee and Amodei are withus, we just need one more…we are still working diligently to sway Carltonand or Woodhouse.” SO LET’S HELP THEM SWAY CARLTON AND WOODHOUSE! We are asking that you please take a few minutes to contact Senators Carltonand Woodhouse and urge them to support SB49. Here are their emailaddresses: And please be sure to copy (cc:) the rest of the committee: After you email them, please call and fax their offices as well. You willfind their telephone and fax numbers here: –Bruce Arnold HARLEY-DAVIDSON UPDATES GUIDANCE AS RESULT OF STRIKE– Milwaukee, Wis., February 27, 2007. Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE:HOG) announced today that it is updating guidance for motorcycle shipments for the first quarter of 2007 and financial guidance for the full year. Guidance is being revised to reflect the impact of a three week strike that concluded Thursday, February 22, 2007, at the Company?s manufacturing facility in York, Pa. Full production at the Pennsylvania and Wisconsin plants is expected to resume over the next week. In all, the strike will result in a loss of approximately one month?s production. ?While we are pleased to have reached an agreement with our unionized employees in York, a disruption of this magnitude has a significant impact on our business, as well as our suppliers, dealers, employees and our retail customers,? said Tom Bergmann, Chief Financial Officer. ?Although the recovery process has begun, the immediate impact will be a reduction in our first quarter Harley-Davidson motorcycle shipments from our previous guidance of 82,000 – 84,000 units, to revised guidance of 64,000 – 66,000 units. We expect to make up approximately 4,000 ? 5,000 of these motorcycles during the remainder of the year resulting in full year shipment plans for approximately 14,000 fewer motorcycles than we originally planned. This decision was made after carefully evaluating our production constraints, supply chain issues, cost implications, timing of shipments to dealers, and the delayed start of 2008 model year production caused by the strike,? said Bergmann. For the full year 2007, Harley-Davidson now expects moderate revenue growth, lower margins, and earnings per share (EPS) growth in the range of 4 ? 6 percent compared to 2006. The Company expects its EPS growth rate to return to 11 ? 17 percent in 2008 and 2009. REPORT FROM BANDIT?S CANTINA CASINO–A frantic guy runs out of a Bandit?s Cantina Casino and says to a stranger, “Buddy, please, can you loan me a hundred bucks? My wife had a terrible accident and I need to get her tothe hospital.” The stranger says, “If you so desperately need a hundred dollars, what are you doing in a casino”? The guy replies, “Oh, I’ve got my gambling money.” –from Rev CarlR TEK BATTERIES FROM MATT HOTCH–TekBattery now has the big bagger (2 wheeled motorhome) battery thatis FOUR TIMES as powerful as any other battery on the market. It fitsin the existing battery box too and has no acid or leaky fluids. Guaranteed to last at least five years even if you let it sit unusedfor a year at a time. Finally, you can play the stereo, CB, cellphone, ice chest, (and heater?) all at the same time without runningout of juice. For sticker shock, contact: or see thewebsite at for specs, measurements, and pics. RIDE OF YOUR LIFE SWEEPSTAKES? WINNER ANNOUNCED AT BIKE WEEK IN DAYTONA–Motorcycle enthusiast from Minnesota wins Big Dog Motorcycles custom chopper and trip to Daytona Bike Week from Allied WHAT: From June to December 2006, motorcycle owners who shipped their bikes via Allied Special Products were entered into Allied?s Ride of Your Life Sweepstakes, with the chance to win a Grand Prize Big Dog Motorcycles K-9 Custom Chopper and trip for two to Daytona Bike Week. The winning motorcycle enthusiast from Minnesota will be honored during Bike Week and presented his new custom chopper by executives of participating companies. WHO: John Ainlay, General Manager, Allied Special Products Jill Hungsberg, Marketing Manager, Allied Special Products Nick Messer, President, Big Dog MotorcyclesJackie Taylor, Federal Warehouse Companies (agent for Allied Van Lines, Inc.) Dale Monson, Grand Prize Winner WHERE: Northeast section of the Daytona Racetrack, at the Big Dog Motorcycles rig (just off Int?l Speedway Blvd.) WHEN: Thursday, March 8, 20072 P.M. Eastern QUICK THROTTLE EXPO SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM–Vendors – we’ll have a “roving mic” stopping by every booth, making announcements from each one about your cool products. And if you contribute prizes for the raffle drawings throughout both days, we’ll announce and award them from your booth! Sign up now for our 2nd Annual QT Expo, March 17th-18th at OC Fairgrounds. Click on the link for highlights of our first Expo: –Chris Dalgaard THE NEWS IS NEVER DONE–As fast as we complete one news segment, more news rolls in and that?s cool. Goddamnit, that?s what we?re here for. Let me see if I can?t give you a taste of what Bikernet Staff members are up to. Johnny in Texas is working hard to dial in his garage for a complete Sucker Punch Sally bike build for his Iraqi Veteran Brother. You?ll see it featured here and in HOT BIKE. He just sent me a Lucky Devil Road King Bike feature?perhaps the sharpest stock Road King transformation ever. I may post it tonight. He?s also working with Darryl Briggs on a GOB (Girl of Bikernet Feature) with one of the Texas National Bike show winners. Johnny is also working with Julie at Big Dog to bring you the latest Big Dog news. That?s just the tip of Johnny?s iceberg, if he ever sobers up. Wait, he also has a sharp Cyril Huze Bar Hopper feature to post. Okay, I?m waiting on shots from Paughco as they build our Assalt Weapan Frame. I?m anxious as hell. Tomorrow I plan to deliver an Evo engine to Fullerton H-D to be shipped to the factory for a reman process. Over 400 photos have been taken and we?ll bring you the works from start to finish. Markus Cuff and I just shot the Salt Shaker for a feature in HOT BIKE and the English bike mag Back Street Heroes. I?ll ship that out next week. I?m waiting on images from Lee Clemens of Departure Bike works on our Bonne Belle the 45 flathead with K-Model top end. Get this, Lee is sending me a Sportster transmission to use with this mill. My mission is to take this chunk of Sportster case with the guts in it and make it work on the stock 1940 45 chassis. Any ideas? Thanks to Chris Callen of Cycle Source magazine I have two, maybe three, highly refined articles to share with Bikernet readers. One article explains fender spinning. Another story takes a Harley Rider across the middle east. Incredible. I?m working with Doherty Machine on a couple of techs and MC Advantages on a seat pan making tech. That?s enough. I?m beginning to stress. Where?s the Jack? Have a helluva weekend, –Bandit
Date : March 2, 2007 – March 11, 2007
Web :
Description : Campground, includes RV sties, hot showers, beverage, food, vendors, 24 hour security, no hook-ups – Volusia County Fairgrounds
Date : March 2, 2007 – March 11, 2007
Description : Outside vendors, all motorcycle related products, t-shirts, trailer sales, sunglasses, custom bikes & choppers, custom wheels & much more – Destination Daytona, Ormond Beach
Date : March 2, 2007 – March 11, 2007
Description : Great drinks, beer specials daily, full liquor bar, contests, free bike parking & live music – 1151 N. US1, Ormond Beach
Date : March 2, 2007 – March 11, 2007
Description : Two Locations – Authorized local Big Dog dealer – Harley Performance Center – Computerized dyno jet 250i dynamometer installations of power commanders – Visit our showrooms & real performance shops – Hi-performance parts & accessories – Clothing & Apparel Center – 9AM-7PM – 390 N. Beach St., Daytona Beach & 1050 S. Nova Rd., Holly Hill
Date : March 2, 2007 – March 11, 2007
Description : Food, vendors, Wall of Death, burn out pit, live entertainment – 1068 N. US1, Ormond Beach
Date : March 2, 2007 – March 11, 2007
Time : 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Description : Live entertainment, Full Liquor Bar, BBQ, Bike Wash, Secure Motorcycle Parking – 144 Ridgewood Ave., Holly Hill (formerly Whiskey Pete’s)
Date : March 2, 2007 – March 11, 2007
Description : Live Music Daily – Vendors, food & drinks – US1, Ormond Beach
Date : March 3, 2007
Description : Traveling Museum Opening Ceremony 4:30PM, Ocean Center East Plaza – Ford Adventure Zone Simulator 10AM-5PM – B.O.S.S. Ball of Steel Stunt Show 10AM, 12:30PM, 2:15PM, 4PM – Festival Stage 3PM-8PM
Date : March 7, 2007
Time : 9:00 AM –
Description : Come have breakfast with the world’s most recognizable builders & be there for a great cause – Join Billy Lane, Arlen & Cory Ness, Kendall Johnson, Kim Suter, Donnie Smith, Dave Perewitz, Jesse Rooke, Russell Mitchell & more – $25 fee benefits Boggy Creek Camp for Kids – Destination Daytona, I-95 & US 1 –
Date : March 7, 2007
Description : Cabbage Patch Bar – Tomoka Farms Rd., Samsula
Date : March 9, 2007
Time : 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Description : Motorcycle Hall of Fame member Wllie G. Davidson will share his vision of Harley-Davidson’s iconic design heritage at the 19th Annual fundraising breakfast – Autograph session to follow -Admission $35 – Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
KIL Products
Joe Heck – Vice Chair
Maurice E. Washington
Mark Amodei
Maggie Carlton
John J. Lee
Joyce Woodhouse
Quick Throttle Magazine