July 29, 2004 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


CARIBBEAN REPORT FOR STURGIS–Here’s a taste of Jose’s bobber he built specifically for Michael Lichter’s Journey Museum display in Rapid City during the Black Hills Rally. It will also be featured at an up-coming Las Vegas Bike Show competition and featured in Easyriders.


Mike Lichter, famed Easyriders photographer, will exhibit his photography, sign his Motorbook Int. book dedicated to Sturgis photography and promote David Mann art in his exhibit devoted to old school bikes.


Jose built this bike just for Mike’s show. Mike specifically chose lesser known builders to give them the recognition they deserve, in addition to heavy hitters Billy Lane, Hank Young, Chica, the OCC pops. In a world gone wild with bike building celebrities it’s good to see a Bikernet Correspondent and owner of Caribbean Custom Cycles represented. Check out Jose’s bikes on his site below.

jose banner

For more information on the Journey Museum display, Mike’s prints or books click below.

mike lichter

BIKERNET VIAGRA CONNECTION–This man got his prescription for Viagra, and goes home to get ready for… when his wife gets home. He calls her on the phone, and says, “I’ll be home in an hour.”

“Perfect,” she replies.

The man thinks her agreement is because the Doctor told him to take his Viagra an hour before. He takes the Viagra and waits. Well, and hour goes by, the man is ready to go, but no wife?

She calls him on the phone and she says, “Traffic is terrible. I won’t be there for about an hour and a half.”

The man, frustrated, calls his Doctor for advice. “What should I do?” he asks.

The Doctor replied, “It would be a shame to waste it. Do you have a housekeeper around?”

“Yes” the man replied.

“Well, maybe you can occupy yourself with her instead?” said the Doctor.

The man then replied with dismay, “But I don’t need Viagra with the housekeeper…”

–from Rogue


Click banner for more info.

BIKERNET FINAL EXAM– The blonde reported for her university final examination that consistsof yes/no type questions.

She takes her seat in the! examination hall, stares at the questionpaper for five minutes and then, in a fit of inspiration, takes out herpurse, removes a coin and starts tossing the coin, marking the answersheet: Yes, for Heads, and No, for Tails.

Within half an hour she is all done, whereas the rest of the class isstill sweating it out.

During the last few minutes she is seen desperately throwing the coin,muttering and sweating.

The moderator, alarmed, approaches her and asks what is going on.

“I finished the exam in half an hour, but now I’m rechecking my answers.”

–from Rev CarlR


NEW JAQHAMA FICTION COMING–The master of the Swamp Story is beginning a new segment in a week or so. As soon as George Fleming completes his illustration, we’ll Rock.

HIT AND RUN LEAVES A BIKER BROTHER DEAD–The following report hit close to Bikernet home. The following involves Jim Murillo a custom painter who is working with Danny on a 5-Ball sign for the Bikernet Headquarters. It’s Jim’s Brother-In-Law. Read on. Our hearts go out to the family.–Bandit

A Las Vegas man was killed and another arrested Thursday night after ahit-and-run accident in the Silverado Ranch area.

The motorcycle rider, 39, died about 11 p.m. Thursday after his 1993Harley-Davidson motorcycle was broadsided at the intersection of Bermuda andPilot roads. Investigators say Michael Davis, the 26-year-old driver of the2000 Chevy pickup that struck the man, stopped for the stop sign but did notyield the right of way to the motorcycle.

Witnesses told police that Davis got out of the truck and walked towardthe victim before fleeing the scene. Metro Police officers, using a licenseplate number provided by a witness, went to Davis’ home but did not locatehim.

The man was transported to University Medical Center, where he later died.

Davis was arrested on suspicion of felony hit and run after he calledpolice about 3:30 this morning admitting he was the driver.

choppers only banner

BIKERNET CONSUMER ALERT, NEVADA FRAUD ATTEMPTS– > Nevada Power Co. has reported to Metro Police at least six incidences ofattempted fraud in Southern Nevada.

According to a spokesman for the company, people posing as power companyemployees threaten to cut off power to residents’ homes if the residents donot immediately make a credit card payment over the phone. The power company, however, would never ask for payment over the phone, aspokesman said. And customers who are at risk of having their power shut offare supposed to receive a letter in the mail 48 hours before their power isdisconnected.

Anyone who suspects they may have been a victim of fraud, should call theNevada Power Co. at 227-2359.

BIKERNET DAILY ADVICE– If you have a lot of tension and you get aheadache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle:

“Take two aspirin” and”Keep away from children”

–from Rev CarlR

AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION CONGRATULATES RUN FOR BREATH–I just wanted to send you and Mike a note of thanks for the terrific job that you did with the ride last weekend. Carmen told me about the great turnout and bikers coming all the way from Florida–wow!

You have really touched hearts and impacted lives with your support. You have helped us continue to offer these camps (six across NC: the two day-camps in Charlotte, residential camps on the coast, in the triangle, and in Asheville, and a day camp in Hickory) at a time that we would not have been able to without such generous and caring support, and children’s lives have been changed as a result.

I know that Justin would have been so proud of what you do in his honor. I cannot imagine a loss greater than that of losing your child; your work is a living tribute to the boy you loved so dearly, and to the person that he was. On behalf of our Board and staff, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Deborah C. Bryan, MAEd
President and CEO
American Lung Association of North Carolina
PO Box 27985
Raleigh, NC 27611
Office:919-832-8326 ext.12
FAX: 919-856-8530


BIG DOG MOTORCYCLES RIDER RACES INTO 10 SECOND CLUBTom Crow becomes the first member of exclusive club who raced a Big Dog Motorcycle, which is powered by an S&S 107-inch engine and Super G Carburetor

WICHITA, Kansas (July 27, 2004) ? Big Dog Motorcycles, the leader in the high performance, highly-styled cruiser niche and the second largest American V-twin motorcycle manufacturer, is proud to announce Tom Crow, an employee of the company?s service department, turned the quarter-mile in 10.6 seconds, achieving membership in S&S Cycle?s exclusive 10-Second Club. This is the first time a Big Dog motorcycle was used to achieve such status, and is the fastest S&S Club time recorded in Kansas history.

Crow completed the quarter-mile in an awe-inspiring 10.6 seconds, reaching a top speed of 124 miles per hour. With a reaction time of .40 seconds, he traveled 60 feet in 1.6 seconds and first eighth-mile in 6.7 seconds. The event took place at Wichita International Raceway on July 17, 2004.

?My reaction time could have been better, but I quickly made up for it,? Crow stated. ?The bike performed excellently,? he added.

Nick Messer, president, Big Dog Motorcycles, stated, ?We?re very proud of Tom; this is a truly impressive achievement. And we?re especially excited he achieved ten-second status on a nearly stock Big Dog Motorcycle he rides almost every day,? he added.

Powered by an S&S 107-inch engine and Super G Carburetor, his Pitbull was specifically tuned to gain enormous speed in such a short amount of time. ?It?s impressive to see our bikes can perform as well on the racetrack as they do on the streets. After the record-setting run, Tom road his bike fifty miles to dinner, though not quite as fast!? Messer exclaimed.

S&S Cycle supplies Big Dog Motorcycles with the engine components, then the engines are assembled to exacting specifications at the Big Dog Motorcycles? factory by its own employees. The 107-inch is the smaller of the two engines available on Big Dog motorcycles; the company also offers a 117-inch option. Regarding future engine development, Messer said, ?We have always focused on performance as a core design strategy. We have a great relationship with S&S, and are proud to run their engines.?

Crow, who now holds the Kansas record, has set his sights on Texas. ?I?m going after that record next,? he said with determination.

About S&S Cycle?s 10-Second Club:Continuing in the spirit of the 11-Second Club, the 10-Second Club is for registered and licensed street motorcycles with S&S carbs. Other rules include: no wheelie bars are permitted, and D.O.T. tires, full charging systems, and self-contained starters are permitted. Motorcycle must be street-ridden on a regular basis. To be a member, rider must submit proof that the motorcycle is equipped with an S&S carburetor and has turned a 10.999 or quicker quarter-mile.

big dog

BIKERNET TRIVIA–Did you know that the average person has 600 hours of sex between the ages of 20 and 70.

–from Rogue

Continued On Page 3

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