February 14, 2002 Part 1

Da? Thirsty Nooz
Attention Bikernet readers: let me say at the get-go, it ain?t my fault. I ain?t no journalist. Some days I have trouble writing my name on a check. I had to walk to Bikernet headquarters ?cause my primary belt exploded. So I walk in lookin? for some tools and a bottle of beer; I find that SinWu, that foxy bitch, has vanished. She and her cohorts are probably off on some wild sex romp up in the San Fernando Valley somewheres?. They drank up all the beer too. Didn?t leave me one. And here it is Thursday and nobody?s poundin? out the news. That bastard Bandit better get back soon to slap some order into the troops. Damn, I?m thirsty. I guess I?ve got to scrawl something out about the happin?s around here. Hmmm, well here?s a bit of interesting info.

Yesterday I was tryin? to dial up my bail bondsman and accidentally punched in the numbers for the O. C. Assholes. A rumbling roar came screaming outta the ear piece, ?Yeah, what the fuck ya want?? Ron Stewart and his gang of merry pranksters have the right attitude. Ron is the president of the Orange County Assholes. He says that it?s a kind of ?shit & giggle club? and their official goal is to party to the max.

Well, we all aspire to some kind of greatness. We try to make our mark in the world. There are those who say it loud, say it proud. This group of Orange County, Calif., Bikers make their declaration loud and clear. Their club decal says it all. The Orange County Assholes is a raucous, good-natured group of motorcycle aficionados with an arm-long line of hash marks of experience.

oc assholes

The O.C. Assholes have been partying as a club for 8 years. The membership consists of a bunch of bikers from the ?old school,? yet they aren?t a bunch of tight-assed purists like some old established clubs are. If you want to have a good time, you are worthy of their credo. Some of the membership includes a goodly number of female riders.Of course, it ain?t all beer and skittles, fun and games, partyin? and ridin?. They sponsor some charitable events sponsor too, such as their support of the Fred Jordan Ministry.

Now let?s not get the wrong idea, these bike- ridin? men and women are always thinking of some kind of goof they can pull off for a laugh. Their most infamous romp is the Annual Mooning of Amtrak. Every Saturday after the 4th of July at Mug?s Away Saloon in Mission Viejo, the slap happy crew sidle up to the chain link fence next to the Amtrak rail line and present their joyous assholes (or tits) to the surprised train passengers.

Word has it that the normal 80 mph rail speed is slowed to a snail?s pace of 30 mph in appreciation of the event. The train crew supposedly puts in special requests for this shift. They warn the passengers who might be offended to enjoy the landscape on the other side of the train.

Like I said, Ron Stewart and the Orange County Assholes are a fun group of men and women who enjoy their beer and ridin?. If you happen to see one of these characters and their club stickers, give ?em the finger and wave a happy howdy.

Crap, here comes Sin. Probably wanting me to work or some shit. Whew, skated. She wants to type a few words to ya?ll.

A Few Words From Sin
In case you didn?t know, the Cantina has been around for one year now. We?ve been putting our heads together to try and come up with something new and exciting for the second year. Well, what we decided to give you was sex?? Yeah baby! Sex is coming to the Cantina. T&A, sex toys, no holds barred. Over the next few days we?ll be working under cover to present a ?New And Improved? Cantina so stayed tuned!

Your Tattoos On Bikernet

Keep sending them! Once a week I?ll post a tat of the week for you. Be sure to include your address when you send your images and I?ll send you some Bikernet.com stickers.

Snake’s wife , Debra, in Calhoun, Ga. No, not our Snake. This guy probably has some class. There?s a fine line between class and our Snake, but we love him.

We also have a contest where you can win a Dragonfly shirt so come on people, send us some pictures of what you feel is a true discovery for ?Digital?s Discovery.? A few images and the story behind your treasure is all we ask for. If yours is chosen, I?ll send you a Dragonfly shirt of your choice.
Submissions go to sinwu@bikernet.com – Have a great Valentines Day! Sorry for the photo of a dude, just couldn’t resist.



Study supports ‘use it or lose it’ notion about brain

TUESDAY, Feb. 12 — Seniors who read, go to museums and play mentally stimulating games are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who don’t give their mind a regular workout.

That’s the finding of a new study, which supports the increasingly popular notion among brain researchers that keeping the mind healthy means keeping it active. Neurons, like muscles, need regular exercise to maintain or add healthy connections.

However, experts say it’s hard to know whether those with Alzheimer’s develop the disorder because they don’t jog their memory, or whether early symptoms of the disease keep them from fully enjoying their mind.

“Frequent activities seem to ward off cognitive decline,” says Elisabeth Koss, an Alzheimer’s expert at the National Institute on Aging. “Statistically, it seems like a good thing to do.”

Earlier work, including research by Koss and her colleagues, has shown that those who have Alzheimer’s are less likely than those who don’t to have remained mentally vigorous before the dementia appeared.

The latest study, which appears in tomorrow’s issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, adds an important dimension to those findings by following seemingly healthy people over time and looking for differences between those who stayed that way and those who became ill.

The study, by scientists at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago, tracked 801 Catholic nuns, priests and other clergy over 65 who were free of dementia when they enrolled in the research project. Over the next 4.5 years, on average, the clergy were tested annually in more than 20 areas of cognitive vitality, such as memory, attention span, spatial ability and language.

They were also asked about their participation in routine activities that are considered mentally stimulating: reading, watching television, playing word games, doing jigsaw puzzles, playing strategy games like chess and checkers and going to museums. How often they did some or all of these translated into a score on a five-point scale.

“This is a crude measure of how intellectually people are spending their time,” says Robert S. Wilson, a Rush Alzheimer’s expert and lead author of the paper.

Over the course of the study, 111 of the clergy developed Alzheimer’s, the researchers say.

But for each increase of a point on the five-point scale, the risk of the disease fell substantially. Those who performed mental exercises least frequently were almost 50 percent more likely to develop dementia than those who reported doing them most often. A one-point increase in the overall activity score markedly reduced losses in cognition, memory and perception.

Education has been shown to guard against Alzheimer’s, and 85 percent of the clergy in the study had a college degree. Yet, those with more mental pursuits later in life had an added measure of protection, letting researchers sort the effects of education from intellectual activity.

Unlike previous work, however, the researchers found no link between physical activity and protection from Alzheimer’s.

The new study considers television viewing as stimulating as reading and other activities. But an earlier effort found that Alzheimer’s patients tended to watch much more television in middle age than their peers without dementia.

“Doing something like TV viewing is not as stimulating as doing something like reading,” says Heather Lindstrom, an anthropologist at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland who helped on the earlier research. “In terms of mental stimulation, I would argue that there’s a difference.”

Still, Lindstrom calls the Chicago findings “another strong piece of evidence that, in fact, cognitive stimulation is protective” against Alzheimer’s.

What To Do

Are you keeping your mind in shape? Although determining what’s adequate stimulation is difficult, here’s a good rule of thumb: If you’re bored, you’re probably not getting enough, Lindstrom says.

An estimated 4 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, which is thought to be caused by the buildup of protein plaques in the brain. The number of patients could hit 14 million by 2050 unless scientists find a cure for the illness, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.

Come to Bikernet once a day to read. Use your brain!

Top Ten Rejected Valentine’s Day Cards

10. I admire your strength, I admire your spunkBut the thing I like best, is getting you drunk.

9. Our love will never become cold and hollowUnless, one day, you refuse to swallow.

8. I bought this Valentine’s card at the storeIn hopes that, later, you’d be my whore.

7. This feels so good, it feels so rightI just wish it wasn’t $250 a night.

6. You’re a woman of style, you’re a woman of classEspecially when I’m spanking your big-round-fat ass.

5. Before I met you, my heart was so famishedBut now I’m fulfilled. . . SO MAKE ME A SAMICH!!!

4. Through all the things that came to passOur love has grown. . . but so’s your ass.

3. You’re a honey. . . and you’re a cutieI just wished you had J. Lo’s “booty”.

2. I don’t wanna be sappy or silly or cornySo, right to the point, let’s do it, I’m horny!

1. If you think that hickey looks like a blisterYou should check out the one that I gave to your sister!

Continued On Page 2

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