
We’re back from having our asseshanded to us on the salt. What a strange and foreboding year this has been, andit’s not over. The Assalt Weapan didn’t make it to the salt, the parts neverarrived from Accurate Engineering. I have a thing about communication. The moreyou communicate, the more you learn and can respond. If you shut downcommunication, you lose. We lost!





      ThePeashooter became a last minute effort, which became the most popular classicon the salt, but we didn’t have enough time at the headquarters to test andmake sure it followed all the AMA rules. We had our work cut out on the salt,then problems with the engine. Even Ray C. Wheeler, with his hot rod Dyna, raninto a problem.


You’ll see the epic report onBikernet in the next couple of weeks. Although, we had problems, and setbacks,it was all for the good of the team. We lived through the ordeal, and returnedwith deeper knowledge, terrific contacts, and a plan for the future.



      Iarrive home to 1300 e-mails, and Sin Wu escaped to San Francisco with anAustralian Tattoo artist, Nicole Brosing, so this news is going to kick my ass.Hang on.






ROCKY’S OPEN IN LAS VEGAS–A longtime dedicated rider and gambling boss recently opened Rocky’s in Las Vegas,just as his wife of 23 years decided to hit the road. Rocky’s is an all night,comfortable, rustic, sports bar like affair. Due to the 24/7 Vegas lifestyle,bars like Rocky’s are also open 24/7 and serve breakfast all day.

      Hehad 7000 square feet of dining, the saloon, gambling, and pool tables, and in the future you willsee High tech bikes Joe built featured on Bikernet, and the bar will graduallybe detailed in Zanelli fashion, and I’ll bet we ultimately see some fineantique Indians and Harleys on the walls. This is a stone comfortable joint to party at–anytime. It’s just off the 15 at Silverado, exit 31.

     8540 S. Maryland Pkwy
     Las Vegas, NV 89123





IT’S UP TO ARNOLD AS California Cracks Down On Loud Bikes–It’s now up to Arnold — motorcycle owning Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger,that is. The state senate in California yesterday voted 21-16 in favor of abill designed to reduce the roar of loud exhaust pipes on motorcycles. UnderSB435, it will be a crime to operate a motorcycle made after Jan. 1, 2013 thatfails to meet federal noise-emission standards. Bikers whose rides failed tohave pipes with the proper Environmental Protection Agency sticker could befined $100 for a first-time offense. “The Sacramento Bee” has the full story from The Associated Press. Thebill now goes to the governor.

Calif. lawmakers pass bill to quiet motorcycles


SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California, birthplace of Hells Angels and home tolegions of weekend motorcycle warriors, has taken its latest step to subdue thestate’s boisterous two-wheeled culture.


The state Senate on Monday voted 21-16, the bare majority needed, topass a bill aimed at quieting the earsplitting roar from modified motorcycles.


SB435 would modify the California Vehicle Code to make it a crime tooperate a motorcycle manufactured after Jan. 1, 2013, that fails to meetfederal noise-emission control standards.


Motorcyclists whose vehicles lack the proper U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency label would be subject to a fine of up to $100 for first-timeoffenders.


California is home to more than 10 percent of the country’s registeredmotorcycles, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


Supporters of the bill say many motorcycle owners modify their bikes tomake them much louder, which in turn creates a public nuisance. Thosemodifications also allow the motorcycle to produce more harmful emissions.


“Basic common sense and decency dictates that when a motorcycledrives by and sets off every car alarm on the street, that is too loud,”said the bill’s author, Sen. Fran Pavley, D-Agoura Hills.


“This is just an extra layer of bureaucracy,” said WayneHarter, an owner of a Harley-Davidson dealership in San Jose. “Our scarcepolice resources could be better utilized.”


Harter, who has been riding for more than 40 years, said adequate lawsalready are in place to deal with motorcycle noise and illegal mufflers.


Pavley said enforcement of existing federal noise regulations is laxbecause there is no uniform statute that gives state and local law enforcementofficers the ability to write citations. That’s what her bill aims to change.


The measure now goes to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who owns multiplemotorcycles. Matt Connelly, a spokesman in the governor’s press office, saidSchwarzenegger has not taken a position on Pavley’s bill.


The legislation isn’t the first motorcycle-related bill to draw firefrom California’s biker community. A helmet law took effect in 1992 after extensivedebate and publicity.

By Bud Wilkinson of

Associated Press Writer

    Published Monday, Aug. 30, 2010

–from Kip Woodring





On August 30, 2010, the CaliforniaSenate passed SB 435 by a vote of 21-16 and is on Governor ArnoldSchwarzenegger’s desk. Despite state Senator Fran Pavley’s (D-CA-23)claims, the bill will do little to address excessive sound or reduce emissions,and is still unfairly targeting motorcycle owners.


In a letter, dated August 5,2010, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) sent a letter to GovernorSchwarzenegger urging him to veto SB 435. To view the governor’s reply, clickhere. In response to the Senate’s passage of SB 435, the AMA sent afollow-up letter, dated August 31, 2010, to the governor, continuing tourge a veto.


As written, SB 435 is not practicalin a real world traffic stop situation due to the inconsistent location of thefederal label, making it difficult for law enforcement to locate. These labelscan be positioned on different locations depending on the type of exhaust and/orstyle of the motorcycle. This will result in improper and unwarrantedcitations.


Furthermore, after-market exhaustsystems are not always louder than stock systems and can be installed for avariety of legitimate reasons. Stock exhaust can wear out over time, bedamaged, unavailable or prohibitively expensive. If signed into law,motorcyclists, and motorcyclists alone, will be forced to purchase OriginalEquipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts, while automobile drivers will continue tobe allowed to install exhaust components from non-OEM sources.


This bill is discriminatory andpunitive. It will serve only to drive up the cost of ownership for every riderwhile doing little or nothing to actually address the issue of excessivemotorcycle sound. Please contact the Governor’s office today and request a vetoof this unfair legislation.


The fastest way to reach theGovernor is to call, (916) 445-2841. You can also send a pre-written messageimmediately by following the “Take Action” option and entering your information.The AMA encourages riders to personalize their message.



For those who want to do more,please utilize AMA tips and tools available at on our website at > Rights > Get Involved, or for direct access, clickhere. If you are on Facebook, become a fan of the AMA at


Please write or call the governortoday and urge him to veto SB 435. Thank you for your active participation andefforts to encourage your friends and family to do the same.

–from Rogue


WHEELS THROUGH TIME HOLDS VETERAN’SSALUTE THIS LABOR DAY– Join us at Wheels Through Time for the museum’s thirdVeterans Salute of the season this Labor Day Weekend.


From Thursday-Monday, September 2-6,Wheels Through Time will be paying tribute to veterans and both active andretired service members by offering complimentary museum admission and anhonorary two-year museum memberships to those who have served our country.  The museum will also be giving away 500free American flags throughout the weekend..


The museum’s first two”Veterans Salutes” were an outstanding success, as the museum hostedover 600 veterans and active service members over Memorial Day and July 4thWeekends.


Wheels Through Time, which housesover 320 All-American machines, each in running and operating condition, willbe holding demonstrations and exhibitions of many of America’s rarest two- andfour-wheeled vehicles throughout the weekend. Many rare and historic Americanmilitary machines will be featured, including motorcycles used by Americantroops dating all the way back to 1917.


“We were honored and proud toopen our doors to those who have fought, and continue to fight for Americanfreedom and extend our deepest gratitude for the sacrifices they’ve made,”said museum curator, Dale Walksler. “It is our way of saying ‘thank you’for serving our great country.”


Dale’s 1915 Harley-DavidsonCannonball Bike — 3300 miles on a 95 year old motorcycle!Also on display atWheels Through Time this weekend will be the museum’s two 1915 Harley-Davidson”Motorcycle Cannonball Run” entries. The first ever coast-to-coastendurance race for motorcycles made prior to 1916, the Motorcycle Cannonballwill head from Kitty Hawk, NC to Santa Monica, CA beginning September 10th.Curator Dale Walksler has specially rebuilt two 1915 Harley-Davidson’s for the3300-mile ride, each of which will be fired up regularly for visitors thisweekend.


On September 12, over 65 MotorcycleCannonball entrants, including Walksler and teammate Wayne Stanfield will headto Wheels Through Time as the Cannonball Run descends into Maggie Valley for anovernight stop. Riders are expected to begin arriving at approximately 4p.m.,and each of the 1915 and earlier machines in the race will be on display forvisitors to enjoy.


For more information on thisweekend’s Veteran’s Salute at Wheels Through Time and the Motorcycle CannonballEndurance Run, visit their website, located at, orcall (8280 926-6266.




NEW PRODUCT, Iron Horse MotorcycleFairing–

We have been in fabrication for 33years, and now we are offering new breakout products for your 1972 and laterFLH (Street Glide style) models. Soon to come, matching 6″ extended saddlebags. Saddle bags will use original Harley Davidson’s lids and latches. Ourproducts are easily exchanged with original equipment with simple hand tools inan afternoon. All products available constructed in high impact fiberglass,made with pride in the USA.




Our final goal is a complete bodykit which will include front and rear fender, fairing, saddle bags, and sidecovers to complete the teardrop art deco style and design from front to back.

 The teardrop headlight is from the late 1930’s ford motorcompany. The tail lights will also be from the late 1930’s Ford Motor Company(Lincoln division). Side cover vents will be Buick Park Avenue vents. Exhaustbezels will be teardrop stainless steel to complete the teardrop art deco design.



POWER SPORTS GROUPS JOIN COALITIONTO FORCE EPA HEARING– A group of 39 diverse organizationsincluding powersports industry groups is seeking congressional hearings on apending Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) action that could sharplyincrease the amount of ethanol permitted in gasoline.


Among the powersports groupsopposing the rule are the BRC, MIC, International Snowmobile ManufacturersAssociation and Personal Watercraft Industry Association. But the coalitionalso includes the Natural Resources Defense Council and a broad range ofindustry groups.


In letters to the chairmen andranking members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the SenateEnvironment and Public Works Committee, the groups are asking for hearings nextmonth to question top EPA and Department of Energy officials regarding thesafety of a proposal to increase the amount of ethanol in gasoline from thecurrent 10 percent (E10) to 15 percent (E15). EPA has indicated it will make adecision about the fuel by the end of September.


The 39 groups frequently oppose eachother on a broad range of policy issues, but have launched a joint campaigncalling on Congress to require thorough and objective scientific testing beforeallowing an increase in the amount of ethanol in gasoline.


The industry groups fear thathotter-burning ethanol-spiked fuels could corrodes soft metal, plastic andrubber components of their products and fleets. Environmental groups fearharmful environmental effects of ethanol.



The other groups seeking thehearings are: Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers; American Meat Institute;American Petroleum Institute; American Sportfishing Association; Association ofInternational Automobile Manufacturers; Association of Marina Industries; BassAnglers Sportsmen Society/ESPN Outdoors; Boat Owners Association of the UnitedStates (BoatU.S.); Center for Coastal Conservation; Coastal ConservationCenter; Engine Manufacturers Association; Environmental Working Group; ForestResources Association; Friends of the Earth; Grocery Manufacturers Association;International Liquid Terminals Association;; Marine Retailers Association ofAmerica; National Boating Federation; National Chicken Council; National MarineDistributors Association; National Marine Manufacturers Association; NationalMeat Association; National Petrochemical & Refiners Association; NationalTurkey Federation; NATSO – National Association of Truck Stop Operators;Outdoor Power Equipment and Engine Service Association; Outdoor Power EquipmentInstitute; Petroleum Marketers Association of America; Sail America; ServiceStation Dealers of America & Allied Trades; Small Business &Entrepreneurship Council; Southern Environmental Law Center; SpecialtyEquipment Market Association; and Specialty Vehicle Institute of America.


–Posted by Holly Wagner, DEALERNEWS


KLOCKWERKS BONNEVILLE REPORT FROMTHE Great White Dyno–Word from late yesterday was ChrisDegen went over 131 mph, Karlee was over 150 mph, and Erika and Michelle wereboth close to 140 mph!  Way to goTeam Klock Werks!


The Klock Werks Race team isextremely busy and focused as they battle the“Great White Dyno”today.  Making passes and gettingright back in line for return passes. 




No big updates on records fortoday…YET!  But several photos -so I thought that I would share some ofthose to give you an idea of what a magnificent place the BonnevilleSalt Flats is.  The first twopictures are from early this morning when BUBinvited all the racers to be on grounds an hour early with vehicles to helppack the courses.  First time ever!


saw a man from Stockholm who makes a oil pump for side valve engines ” g -rotor ” type.Go to the blog and check it out
Will you put on your site that we will celebrate our 38th year Oct 9th at theshop
5216 Hull st
Richmond Va
lots of door prizes. food . music. maby some fun
— Lee



ACE CAFE REUNION WEEKEND–Independentlyacclaimed as the world’s coolest motorcycle event! Three Days,Three Rides, One Reunion!

Friday 10th Septemberfrom 6pm – The Continental Run Ride-In

Saturday 11th September- Cafe Racer & Rockers Ride-Out
Depart: 10.30am
Destination: Battersea Park (Central London)

Sunday 12th September –Brighton Burn-Up & Ride With The Rockers
Depart: 10.30am
Route: A406 – A40 – M25 – M23 – A23 to Madeira Drive, Brighton Seafront
Taking place over three days of the second weekend in September and first heldin 1994, the 17th annual Ace Cafe Reunion
Weekend & Ride With The Rockers celebrates theunique history, culture and style of Ace Cafe London and what it represents.The event acts as a focus in the motorcycling calendar for all those who arenot only interested in the Ace Cafe, Ton Up and Rocker heritage, but also formany others who enjoy a weekend full of rock n’ roll and fun!

Over the years, AceCafe London has forged lasting and strong links to the global motorcycling androckin’ community, which is reflected by the many visitors from overseas, oneof the largest contingents being The Continental Run, which starts with a partyat Cafe Hubraum in Solingen, Germany, before departing the next morning, ledthis year by the new limited edition Ace 904S Thruxton Special, to cross Holland, Belgium andFrance, gathering numbers en route to the ferry, arriving at the cafe lateafternoon, and culminating in an evening of rock ‘n’ roll!

The Brighton Burn Up& Ride With The Rockers, has been an integral part of Ace Cafe Reunionssince 1996, and is a free, grand day out at the seaside on Brighton’s famousseafront road, Madeira Drive. With trade and club stands, stunt displays, livemusic and special guests, it’s an experience not to be missed!

On Saturday 11thSeptember, a Cafe Racer & Rockers Ride-Out to London’s historicBattersea Park willdepart from the cafe at 10.30am, returning for the 2nd annual Cafe RacerReview, with prizes for the “Best Ridden Cafe Racer”.  

This year we will alsobe celebrating some very special landmarks : the 60th anniversary of theTriumph Thunderbird and the 20th anniversary of Hinckley built Triumphs; the60th anniversary of the Wideline and 50th anniversary of the Slimline frame,with commensurate competitions for the “Best Triumph”; “BestTriumph Thunderbird”; “Best Norton Featherbeds”.

Also, for the firsttime this year there will be prizes for the “Best Scooter” and”Best Dressed Rider”

Sponsors for thecompetitions include; Triumph, T-Bird Records, Lucky 13, Lewis Leathers,Salon Moto Legende, Baracuta, Dainese, and more with awards and prizes beingpresented by Sophia St. Villier, crowned Ace Cafe Hostess of the Year at the cafe’s recentinaugural Streetfighter & Stunt Festival, Wembley.

 For updates:

Tel: ++44 (0)20 89611000
Fax: ++44 (0)20 8965 0161




DAVID UHL TO CREATE CANNONBALLMOTORCYCLE RALLY PRIZE–Sturgis, SD, August 30, 2010 –Renown painter David Uhl and famous motorcycle photographer Michael Lichterhave a big surprise for the winners of Class 2 and Class 3 of the MotorcycleCannonball, a cross country endurance ride for more than 50 pre-1916motorcycles that will leave Kitty Hawk, NC on September 10 headed for SantaMonica, CA 16 days later.


David and Michael will be scanning the entire eventin Kitty Hawk for a photographic aspect that depicts the excitement and spiritsurrounding the start of the rally. Once the photographs are complete, theywill split up. Lichter will travel the entire ride shooting from the back of a1953 rigid Harley-Davidson Panhead (facing backwards) and David returns to hisGolden, CO studio to commence his own personal race against time. He will bepainting an original oil on canvas based on Lichter’s photographs, finish thepainting before the end of the ride, and then fly to California to present thepainting to the winner of Class 2. For the winner of class 3 (the multicylinder/multi speed class), David has already completed a historicallyrelevant work featuring the ride’s namesake, E.G. Baker aka Cannonball Baker.Uhl will also present this original painting.



Uhl is highly respected for hisunique style and vintage motorcycle paintings. With illustrator Daniel James,he founded a fine art gallery located in Golden, CO. His artwork is displayedworldwide. Collectors and celebrities alike also seek it, including Jay Leno,Steven Tyler, and U2. CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood referred to Davidas, “The Norman Rockwell of Harley-Davidson artists.” Uhl’s work has longcommemorated large motorcycle events, such as The Black Hills Rally in Sturgis,SD.


Michael Lichter’s work has focused on motorcycles andthe biker lifestyle for over 30 years. His work has illustrated over 1,000 articles,10 coffee table books, annual reports, advertising, billboards, and more. Hisphotographs have been exhibited in galleries and museums and are collectedinternationally. His commercial clients include Harley-Davidson, AllstateInsurance, Nikon, Metzeler Tires, Indian Motorcycles, S&S, and many othernames from the motorcycle industry. Often traveling to capture his subjects,Michael continues to operate out of the studio he has maintained for 28-yearsin Boulder, Colorado.




Additional information: Speciallimited edition prints of these two original David Uhl fine art paintings willbe available for purchase through Uhl Studios. There are plans to do a thirdpost-event piece based on the many photographs Michael will take during the MotorcycleCannonball. For information on David Uhl’s artwork, go to Samples of Michael Lichter’s work are




NEW FROM SADDLEMEN: The “Todd’sCycle” Signature Seat
Low Profile Touring Saddle–Part # 0801-0579 – MSRP $399.95
The inaugural seatin Saddlemen’sSignature Seat line, the Slammed Pro Tour™ seat features a slim, yet supportivebucket seat for the rider and a tidy contoured passenger section that brings anew level of style to comfortable seats.Custom bike builder , founder of of Huntington Beach, Californiaapplied his unique styling sense to create the ultimate low-profile, baggerseat that’s acceptable for touring. Keeping Saddlemen technology and quality atthe center of this new saddle, Todd sculpted the seat to drop down into thebike for a low riding position that also helps the rider touch the ground withconfidence at stops.

As with the standard Pro Tour, this comfortable seat is made with Saddlemen’sfamous combination of progressive density foam and SaddleGel™ in the seatingareas, easing tailbone pressure and improving circulation for a smooth,comfortable ride.
Made in the USA; each seat is easy-to-install with all necessary mountinghardware and instructions included.
Available for the latest Touring models (ideal fitment to Street Glide models).
Todd SilicatoTodd’s CyclesTo purchase, contact your local Drag Specialties-affiliated dealer, orSaddlemen direct.

Saddlemen •  17801 S. SusanaRoad  •  Rancho Dominguez, California 90221

(800) 397-7709   • <>





SLOPPY SECONDS–A man walks out to thestreet and catches a taxi just going by. He gets into the taxi, and the cabbiesays, ‘Perfect timing. You’re just like Frank.


Passenger: ‘Who?’


Cabbie: ‘Frank Feldman.He’s a guy who did everything right all the time like my coming along when youneeded a cab, things happened like that to Frank Feldman every single time.’


Passenger: ‘There arealways a few clouds over everybody.’


Cabbie: ‘Not FrankFeldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand-Slam at tennis.He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera baritone and danced like aBroadway star and you should have heard him play the piano. He was an amazingguy.’


Passenger: Sounds likehe was something really special.


Cabbie: ‘There’s more.He had a memory like a computer. He remembered everybody’s birthday. He knewall about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He couldfix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out.But Frank Feldman, could do everything right.


Passenger: ‘Wow, someguy then.’


Cabbie: ‘He always knewthe quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams. Not like me, I alwaysseem to get stuck in them. But Frank, he never made a mistake, and he reallyknew how to treat a woman and make her feel good. He would never answer herback even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate,shoes highly polished too – He was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. Noone could ever measure up to Frank Feldman.’


Passenger: ‘An amazingfellow. How did you meet him?’


Cabbie: “Well, Inever actually met Frank. He died and I married his fuckin’ wife.

 Drunk driving charges dropped against Indianapolis police officerwho crashed into motorcyclists


An Indianapolis police officer whowas allegedly drunk on the job when he plowed into a group of motorcyclistswith his patrol car — killing one and critically injuring two others — hasbeen charged with one count of reckless homicide and two counts of criminalrecklessness.


The officer, David Bisard, 36, wasinitially charged with seven felony counts of drunk driving and recklesshomicide. But prosecutors chose to drop the drunk driving charges after it wasrevealed that investigators at the scene did not follow proper procedures forconducting a blood draw for a sobriety test.


So even though the test resultsrevealed that Bisard had a blood-alcohol level of 0.19 — or more than twicethe 0.08 limit to be considered legally drunk in Indiana — those results can’tbe used in court.


Dropping the drunk driving chargesleft the original reckless homicide charge, which is a Class C felony thatcarries a penalty of two to eight years in prison. Prosecutors then added thetwo new criminal recklessness charges, which are Class D felonies and carrymaximum penalties of three years in prison.


The charges stem from an Aug. 6crash in Indianapolis in which Bisard crashed his patrol car into the back oftwo stopped motorcycles and narrowly missed a third, killing motorcyclist EricWells, 30, and critically injuring Kurt Weekly, 44, and his passenger, MaryMills, 47.


Bisard, a canine officer, reportedlywas responding to a request for help from other officers on a felony warrantwhen the 11:20 a.m. crash occurred. Officials said he had his emergency lightson and siren blaring at the time.


The motorcyclists were stopped intraffic at the intersection of 56th Street and Brendon Way South Drive when thecrash occurred. Investigators believe Bisard was traveling at least 65 mph whenhe slammed on his brakes to try to avoid hitting the motorcyclists.


The incident has created an uproarin Indianapolis, prompting Bisard’s lawyer to ask the court for a change ofvenue so that the trial can be held elsewhere, believing his client can’t get afair trial in Indianapolis.


Meanwhile, a high-ranking policeofficer has been demoted for his role in the crash investigation and the FBIhas been brought in to look at how police handled the case. IndianapolisMetropolitan Police Department Lt. George Crooks was demoted from his positionas commander of the department’s hit-and-run unit and as coordinator of theFatal Alcohol Crash Team.


According to the Indianapolis Star,Bisard, a nine-year veteran of the Indianapolis police force, has a history ofaggressive driving while on the job. He reportedly had five minor on-the-jobcrashes on his record before this fatal crash.


–from the AMA


SHEET METAL FOR SALE– We are goingto go with Worco Powder Coatings, seemed like good guys and they also spokehighly of you.




I have attached the pics of the oldtank and fenders, if you know anyone who might be interested in this paintscheme please let me know, asking $750.00 for all. New color will be black.



BALLS FEATURE OF THE WEEK— I shot afew years back, you want it?  Shot a bike today where the owner worked with your kid for awhile in a

Florida tattoo parlor.–Balls

     We look forward to featuring this flathead hot rod.–Wrench




THIS WEEK’S PEEL BACK PRICES FROM KAND G–Once again it’s time for our “Peel back” Specials here at K and GCycles!!!!!.

We’re all over theplace this week.

We have a Rigid Framefor Wide tire Big Twin
    *250 mm Tire with Rear Chain
    *1″ O.D. Rear Axle with flush mounted cover plates
    *Welded-in Transmission Mounting Plate
    *Rubber Mounted Oil Tank with center fill oil cap hole
    *Fork Stop Plate with two different mounting positions for your choice ofturning radiuses (requires flat type lower Fork Bracket)
    *1 1/4″ O.D. curved Downtubes, Engine Cradle and Tail Section
    *1 3/4″ O.D. Backbone
    *1″ wide primary to engine spacer
    *TIG welded construction
    *Includes weld-on type Brake Stop Tab for 1987/1999 Softail (if desired)
    *Designed for use with an alternator type Shovelhead or Big Twin Evolutionengine
    *Includes Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin
Required Components

    *Left side drive Softail type transmission
    *8 1/2″ wide Rear Wheel designed for a 1″ O.D. Axle
    *Custom Rear Brake designed for a 1″ O.D. Axle
    *Custom flat type Lower Fork Bracket suitable to mount the fork stop plate to
    *1986/1999 Softail style Forward Controls
    *Custom Fabricated Seat, Gas Tank Mount and Exhaust
    *Primary Drive with 1″ offset Engine Sprocket/Pulley
    *3/4″ offset Transmission Sprocket
All yours for $1406.33,Folks, this is a whopping 40% Savings!


Our next item is anEarly Fat Bob Style Gas Tank for Big Twin
These solid mount FatBob style gas tanks are available with the early bayonet style gas cap openingor the late screw-in style opening. All stock and aftermarket products sold forFat Bob Gas Tanks will fit, and these tanks have one 13/16″ externalthread fuel valve connection. Gas tanks are unpainted.
Note: These tanks mustbe pressure tested, sealed and pre-mounted on frame to verify compatibility ofall related parts before painting. Gas caps are not included with any of thesegas tanks.
Raw Steel 5 GallonBayonet cap style gas tank set (Approximate width 8 “, use Bayonet cap& 13/16” fuel valve), Fits Big Twin 4 speed frames 1936/1984 (exceptSoftail), Replaces HD# 61213-83 & 61229-83
Yours today for only$109.20 Save 20%


Next is a Sparto StyleTaillight for Custom Use
Provides the bobberlook of years gone by, See below for availability of bulbs/lights intaillights, Made from cast aluminum, Includes rubber mounting gasket andhardware.




Note: These taillights are not DOTapproved and should be used accordingly.  Chrome Plated Taillight Assemblywith standard automotive #1157 incandescent bulb and ring style lens.
Yours for $28.71 Yousave 20%


Now for some Cylinders
Top quality cast ironalloy replacement cylinders painted black and finished to 3 7/16″ 74cistandard size. Designed for inside or outside top end oiling. Not recommendedfor high performance applications. Fits Panhead all years.
Engine Cylinders, 74ci,Front, Replaces HD# 16483-48 Our price $124.92
Top quality cast ironalloy replacement cylinders painted black and finished to 3 7/16″ 74cistandard size. Designed for inside or outside top end oiling. Not recommendedfor high performance applications. Fits Panhead all years.
Engine Cylinders, 74ci,Rear, Replaces HD# 16492-48 Our price $124.92
Big Bore (3.625″)cast iron replacement cylinders, Painted black to match stock.
Front 3 5/8″standard length cylinder, Fits Shovelhead 1966/1984 Our price $127.87
Big Bore (3.625″)cast iron replacement cylinders,  Painted black to match stock
Rear 3 5/8″standard length cylinder, Fits Shovelhead 1966/1984 Our price $127.87
These are only just aselect few of the items we have on sale this week at K and G Cycles.  Comeon down and check us out. K&G Cycles. We always have more to offer thanwhat’s listed here so don’t miss out and give us a visit at K&G Cycles .





NEW YORK – Harley-Davidson Inc.’smain ad agency for more than three decades has dropped the strugglingmotorcycle maker in favor of new business.


Ad agency Carmichael Lynch, a unitof Interpublic Group, said many factors went into the decision, including thefact that the Milwaukee-based motorcycle maker has slashed its marketingspending in recent years amid slumping sales.


Carmichael Lynch President DougSpong said Harley-Davidson was also never a big spender on traditionaladvertising.


According to Kantar Media,Harley-Davidson spent about $11 million on television ads and other measuredmedia last year, half its spending from 2007.


“It got to the point where weno longer felt we could take that brand forward,” Spong said.


Although Harley-Davidson isn’t a bigspender on traditional media, the brand is one of the best known in the worldwith a loyal legion of fans who don the company’s black-and-orange logo.


The company’s fans may be ferventbut its sales are not as people focus on necessities in the economic downturn.Harley-Davidson has been restructuring for more than a year. Last month it saidsales of its motorcycles continued to fall in the second quarter, though thepace of declines eased. Worldwide retail sales fell 5.5 percent, a less-steepdrop than the 18 percent first-quarter decline.


Harley-Davidson began itsrelationship with Minneapolis-based Carmichael Lynch in 1979 and had been thefirm’s second-oldest client.


The company said in a statement ithas a big roster of ad agencies, and Chief Marketing Officer Mark-Hans Richersaid the company feels good about its creative direction. It is making progressreaching new consumers including women and younger people. And it is shiftingits marketing to more agencies as it goes after new riders in new ways,including online and through social networks.


“We haven’t tried to be allthings to all people,” Richer said. “We tried to be what we are tomore people and we’re making progress on that front.”


Carmichael Lynch, which has Subaruas a client, gave Harley its 90-day notice last Friday. That means the tieswill be severed in late November.


Harley-Davidson said it will notconduct an agency review process or look to replace Carmichael Lynch.


Spong said none of the firm’s 250employees would be cut because their work would be shifted to new accounts,which he declined to name.

     By EMILY FREDRIX, AP MarketingWriter Emily Fredrix, Ap             


–from Kip Woodring



SOUTHERN INDEPENDENT RIDERS ANNUALTOYKER RUN–With our Southern Independent Riders annual Toyker Run (toy/poker)wrapped up for another year and the calendar flipping over to September the toyseason is upon us once again. For new readers out there a Toy Run is whenmotorcycle enthusiasts purchase new unwrapped toys to be donate to charity sothat kids less fortunate can have a present to open on Christmas morn. Toy runsare usually the highlight of the riding season. It is a chance for us to getout and show the rest of the world that the stereotypes that the media,government and police have drill into their heads are wrong. The truth isbehind the biggest, baddest, ugliest biker is a glimmer of gold. It’s notsurprising. Once people get over the initial shock and awe they are pleasantlysurprised to find how great bikers are. Bikers are the friendliest, honest,down to earth people you will ever meet.

Sadly in recent years the Toy Runhas come under a lot of fire. Police refuse to shut down streets and offercrowd control, city councils are hesitant to issue parade permits. As thisseason starts, with all of the recent publicity local governments have garneredregarding noisy exhaust the red tape bureaucracy will be thicker then ever.

We’ve all been there, inching alongtossing candy to the kids that line the streets to see the bikes go by. Wecrack the throttle, we keep the revs up hoping the inertia displaced by theflywheels and clutches will help keep the bike upright and mobile. I just asguilty as the next if not more so when it comes too loud exhaust on toy runs.Maybe this year we leave to noise at home. Granted anytime you line up severalhundred motor vehicles in a slow progression there is going to be noise. Notthat the local governments would ever admit to that. No instead this year,let’s click up a gear, drop the RPMs down, keep the right wrist loose. A noisymotorcycle is just as much the rider as it is the exhaust on a motorcycle. Sothis year why don’t we show the public and the politicians that we can ride ourbikes quietly?

A novel concept, and one that reallywouldn’t be that difficult to get everyone on board for. We can only hope thatthe ones with authority problems can follow suit.


–bad Uncle Monkey




GenuineMotor Accessories Items Sure to Please Motorcycle Owners


MILWAUKEE (September 1, 2010) Justin time for holiday special sections, Harley-Davidson® Genuine MotorAccessories offers these affordable, easy-to-buy gift ideas for anyone with aHarley-Davidson owner on his or her shopping list.





When extended to its full length,the strong cord of the Retractable Tour-Pak® Lid Tether

(P/N 54171-11, $ 29.95) holds thelid open at least 10 degrees past vertical for improved stability and easypacking. Then the device automatically coils the tether cord inside the housingto eliminate pinched cords when closing the lid. The attractive housing withBar & Shield logo attaches to the existing mounting points and replaces theoriginal-equipment cord on models equipped with a King, Ultra, Chopped orRazor-Pak Tour-Pak luggage.





The convenient folding SaddlebagStorage Stand (P/N94778-10, $99.95) holds Harley-Davidson Touring hard saddlebags to minimizehandling while they are removed from the bike for washing or service. The standutilizes the bag’s quarter-turn, quick-disconnect fasteners to securely lockthem in place. The strong, lightweight rack features four adjustable feet tolevel the stand and keep the bags off the ground, and accommodates bothstandard and extended hard saddlebags.





The Harley-Davidson Detailing Kit (P/N 94702-09, $49.95) is acollection of essential products for polishing and protecting the finish of anymotorcycle. The kit includes: H-D Polish & Sealant spray with UV protection resiststhe fading and oxidizing effects of acid rain and harsh airborne pollutants. HarleyGloss is anon-abrasive spray that produces a high-gloss finish with UV protection. BrightMetal Polish isformulated with micro-abrasives to refurbish and refinish metal motorcycleparts that have lost their luster. Bright Chrome Cleaner is non-abrasive and formulated toenhance the shine of chrome-plated surfaces. Swirl & Scratch Treatment spray removes fine scratches in onestep. Spray Cleaner & Polish aerosol waterless cleaner/detailer floats dirt and dust offthe surface for a quick & easy cleanup. Softcloth disposable towels are designed toprotect painted surfaces with minimal residual lint while waxing.




Dry any motorcycle in minutes withthe Harley-Davidson HOG® Blaster Motorcycle Dryer (P/N 94651-09, $119.95). This powerful device produces astream of warm, dry, filtered air at 18,000 feet/minute to cut drying time byup to 75 percent. The HOG Dryer reduces annoying drips, runs and water spotswhen a freshly-washed bike is moved because water can’t hide in hard-to-reachplaces. An ergonomically friendly design makes it comfortable to handle, and theHog Blaster features a durable, all-steel outer shell.





The Screamin’ Eagle® LightedPick-Up Tool Kit(P/N 94148-10, $39.95) features both claw and magnetic pickup tools mated tobright-and-durable LED illuminated tips for working in low-light areas. Thelighted Claw Tool is tipped with a gripping claw that can hold objects up tofive pounds. The tip-mounted LED lamp automatically switches on when theplunger is pressed to open the jaw. The Magnetic Flashlight features a flexibletelescopic arm tipped with a powerful magnet that can retrieve objects weighingup to three pounds. A powerful LED flashlight illuminates the magnetic tip. Thetool and light can be manipulated with one hand.


The Rider Cup Holder (P/N 50700001, $49.95) is shaped toblend with the contours of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle without cluttering thehandlebar. The attractive chrome mount securely attaches to the frame downtube,and sweeps rearward to support the cup holder. The soft-touch insulated holderflexes to grip the beverage, and features a perforated bottom to drain awayrain water. The kit includes a model-specific clamp, support rod, cup holderand all required mounting hardware for many Touring, Dyna® and Softail® models.


Harley-Davidson Motor Companyproduces heavyweight custom, cruiser and touring motorcycles and offers acomplete line of Harley-Davidson motorcycle parts, accessories, riding gear andapparel, and general merchandise. For more information, visit Harley-Davidson’sWeb site at




10th Annual

CUSTOM TRUCK & ROD SHOWOFF–  FUN! FUN! FUN!FUN!! We always have a great rafflerize giveaways!  All day long we announce winners to keep the show going.(yes, I will paint some ice chests to raffle off too- those things are in crazydemand)  then we have a new entertainment section with food, drinks, ofall kinds, kids section with bounces, and a ton of vendors too! Vendors, it’snot too late if you still want a booth!  Just call Sara @ (909)599-2228  or


L&G Enterprises

882 W. Cienega Ave.

San Dimas, CA 91773

(909) 599-2203





THE KRYLON JOHN REPORT– If the bikebuilding shows on television like American Chopper taught us anything it was aguy really needs a 100,000 square-foot building packed with a crapper full ofhigh-tech CNC machines before he can even consider building himself a propermotorcycle.


Another thing the cake decoratingschool of bike building demonstrated was you don’t have to grind the welds offand spend two-weeks molding your frame before you can move onto custom paint —In fact you don’t even need custom paint on your frame. It’s a better “idear”to throw your untouched bare frame in the back of a brand-new Lincoln pickupand haul it to your local powder-coater.


Another misconception us choppertypes adhered to back in the early days was insisting on building our motorsfrom scratch. Of course it wasn’t by choice, but rather what I could affordthat I usually started out with a set of empty cases with a good pink, and thenhad to figure out what to stuff in them. For example upgrading to Timken mainbearings instead of the early type roller bearings was one the things an earlyPan would need. Another popular trend at the time was to toss the over-boredand worn out Panhead top end, and drop on a set of Shovelheads and barrels.Stuff in a Sifton cam with solids, and an S&S, or SU carb, and you were allset. For the ones that had an old lady with a decent paying job, or were amember of the lucky sperm club a trip to Laidlaw’s Harley-Davidson in Rosemead,California solved the motor problem by buying one of the new Cone motorsusually sitting on the showroom floor.


I was thinking about how we all usedto build our own motors, and learned the inner workings firsthand that got meto pondering about motor oil. These days with complete crate motors the normmost of us don’t get the chance to see what the insides of a Harley motor lookslike when it needs rebuilding. While I was riding “Clean” Dean’s Road Glide toSturgis earlier this month I noticed how much quieter the motor sounded thanwhen I owned the bike. I asked Dean what oil he was running in the Twin Cam, andhe told me it was 50-weight Lucas synthetic with a little jug of their oilstabilizer.


I don’t know if I really agree withrunning straight weight oil as opposed to a multi-vis because there’s as muchdamage done to an engine with cold oil that doesn’t flow at start up as thinoil when very hot. When I owned a Road Glide I used Screamin Eagle Syn3, itwould interesting to see a wear scar comparison between the two brands of oilto find out which works best. That’s not going happen this week though becausesome hippy chick just wandered into my office smoking a joint, and I think theexposure to secondhand smoke is getting me screwed-up. I’ll attempt to writefurther… but there’s nothing cuter in the world than a baby hippo.


Trying to make healthy eatingchoices while out on the road can be a real bitch. “Clean” Dean, Beatnik, and Ilearned that while we were eating ice-cream cones on the road to Sturgis.According to noted philosopher Charles Manson, burning human fat can be used toincrease how many miles-per-gallon a vehicle can get. The subject of whichbrand of motor oil, and what viscosity to use has always been at the center ofcontroversy… I think this poor little hippy girl has a medical condition thatrequires an exam. I must go now, but I’ll be back next week.


— “Krylon” John







BIKERNET  UNIVERSITY ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, Word of the Day: anacoluthia an-uh-kuh-LOO-thee-uh, noun: Lack of grammatical sequence orcoherence, esp. in a sentence.


At one time or another, we have allsuffered through those unappealable debates in which a lady, with copiousinterjections and anacoluthia, swears that the word “luna” is more (or less)expressive than the word “moon.”

— Jorge Luis Borges, Emir RodrguezMonegal, Alastair Reid, Borges, a reader: a selection from the writings ofJorge Luis Borges


Anacoluthia, parataxis – there is no grammar orlogic by which the room in which I sit can be precisely re-created in words.If, in fact, I were to try to convey it to a stranger, I’d be inclined to showphotos and draw a floor map.

— Ronald Silliman, The age ofhuts (compleat)


While anacoluthia generally describes a grammaticallygarbled sentence, an anacoluthon is a technical term in rhetoric that describes “aconstruction involving a break in grammatical sequence, as in ‘It makes me so-Ijust get angry.'”




MILWAUKEE RALLY, Big Border Rallyand Women Riders Night at The Iron Horse–CharlieBrechtel arrives from the west coast to join Doctor Snake Oil for a concert ofbiker original songs that describe our lifestyle, our legends and our heroes.They perform on Sunday, September 5th, at the Harley-Davidson Museum from1:30 p.m.- 5 p.m  This is the last day of the Milwaukee Rally and theMuseum will feature the 2011 models and demo rides, Pinstripe Legends and acustom bike show. This is the perfect place to cap off what looks to be a greatMilwaukee Rally for 2010.  This is also the last weekend to see the

TrueEvel: The Amazing Story of Evel Knievel exhibit at the museum, 400 W. Canal Street, Milwaukee.Charlie and Doctor Snake Oil will also be appearing at Suburban MotorsHarley-Davidson in Thiensville on Friday, September 3rd, from 4-8 p.m.

Rally Updates
The Milwaukee Rally isready to rock the city. The four Metro Milwaukee Dealers have vendors, food,entertainment and more to enhance your rally experience. Check out theirschedules here.  Don’t forget the giant Water Street Party on Saturday and the demo rides,new models and Bud Pavilion at State Fair Park.  
 The Big Border Rally is coming up right after the Milwaukee Rally onSeptember 10-12, 2010, at Shadow Hills Ranch, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin. CharlieBrechtel and Doctor Snake Oil will be headlining this event with a specialguest appearance that you won’t want to miss. There will also be a specialtribute in memory of 911 at Big Border Rally. This is a beautiful place for arally and hopefully the site of the Dave Mann Tribute Bike Show in 2011. Checkit out.

Women Riders Night at the Iron Horse
September 16, 2010 isWomen Riders Night at the Iron Horse Hotel . Women motorcyclists from all walks of life will gather in The Yard, the IronHorse’s famous outdoor patio, for a night of celebrating women riders. Diamond Posse members Vicki Sanfelipo, Diva Amy Skaling and Cat Hammeswill be on hand to meet guests and sign autographs. Contributions can be madeto the Fallen Heroe’s Fund through the Diamond Posse and you can  Readabout their mission here .   

Come out and enjoy one of the last Bike Nights for 2010 at The Iron Horse andmeet some exceptional women riders.  Bike Night at the Horse is everyThursday throughout the riding season, from 5 p.m. until whenever the partybreaks up. You never know who you’ll meet at the Iron Horse.  Excellentfood, handcrafted beers from local breweries and a top notch socialenvironment.    


I’ll be working at the Hupy andAbraham, S.C. booth at Hal’s Harley-Davidson on Friday, September 3rd. Stop byand say hello.  Attorney Pete Naylor of our Illinois office will be doingan insurance presentation at Hal’s on Saturday, so if you have questions aboutthe new insurance laws, stop by and listen to what he has to say. He’ll stickaround to answer your questions also.  I hope to see you all at theMilwaukee Rally, Big Border Rally and Women Riders Bike Night at the Horse. Iwouldn’t miss any of these.

–Tony”Pan” Sanfelipo
Hupy and AbrahamS.C.  


FATBOB KNUCKLE OF THE WEEK–Check this out. Going  to Davenport wed. Will send pics, Billywants some too, I’ve been writing him ever since you sent me the address. He isthe real deal, manned up and took his medicine, not like the sniveling abusedchild. 


ps taking my pension doing sleds full time and coming to Cal take you upon the guest room.


NRA-ILA GRASSROOTS ALERT: EPA Denies Ammo Ban Petition—  Responding to agrassroots outcry from gun owners, the Environmental Protection Agency todayannounced that it has denied a petition by the Center for Biological Diversityand other radical groups that had sought to ban the use of lead in ammunition.

Agreeing with theposition of the NRA   and thefirearms industry, the agency explained in a news release that it “doesnot have the legal authority to regulate this type of product under the ToxicSubstances Control Act (TSCA).”  Further crushing the hopes ofanti-gun and anti-hunting activists, the release added: “nor is the agencyseeking such authority.”

NRA-Backed MeasureSigned By President:   Last week, the NRA-backed”Firearms Excise Tax Improvement Act of 2010″ (H.R. 5552) was signedinto law.  

Federal LegislativeRoundup: <> Both houses of Congress haveadjourned for their “Summer District Work Period,” and there are twoissues pending in Congress that require your immediate action to lobby yourSenators and Congressman while back in their homestate for the next month.

Be sure to contact yourU.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121 and your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121,and urge them to cosponsor and support these measures, if they are not alreadydoing so.  Additional contact information can be found using the”Write Your Representatives” feature at <> .  Also, if you are able toattend town hall meetings and/or arrange a personal visit with your lawmakers,these issues should be raised.  To learn more about visiting with youelected officials, please click here <> .



 I think you couldmake this yourself. Use a AV&V compression release. Then use your lathe andnewly acquired Heli-Arc skills or Silver Braze the stuff together. It’s alljust time, got some??



K&G Enjoys Sizzling Face to Face Interaction at Sturgis Rally Week–Lawrence, Kansas (August 25, 2010) – K&G Cycles, the virtualmotorcycle parts and accessories superstore, made quite an impression at thisyear’s Sturgis Rally Week festivities at the Legendary Buffalo Chip. The sitethat boasts over 100,000 motorcycle parts available online was ecstatic to takea break from their computer monitors in exchange for some face to faceinteraction with their customers during this year’s celebration. Lucky forrally-goers this involved getting in some face time with the sizzling K&GCycles Girls.

Making themselves available to their customers in the flesh werenewly-appointed K&G Cycles Girls, Dani and Denice. Out and about throughoutthe week, K&G’s promotional models gave away nearly 5,000 rally rags,promotional items and lots of smiles.

“The girls did a great job this year,” says George Marakas,owner of K&G Cycles. “Not only did they manage to keep their coolduring the intense heat but they also had a wonderful time getting to know ourcustomers- everyone was so friendly. We’ll definitely be out again nextyear.”

Providing superior customer support is a priority for K&G Cycles andthe main motivation behind their decision to make the trek to Sturgis. Sinceits inception, K&G Cycles’ one-of-a-kind online community has pioneered theindustry’s most exciting new concept in motorcycle parts retailing. However, inaddition to creating a revolutionary approach to online merchandising, theyhave managed to not only maintain their passion for the industry but also theirpersonal touch.

“We really wanted to get out to our customers and interact withthem more than just over the internet, besides it gave us a reason to come outto Sturgis,” explains Marakas.

With over 1,200 categories of parts from over 250 manufacturers and 6major motorcycle parts wholesalers, K&G Cycles guarantees that you willfind exactly what you need for your project. With new lines being added daily,K&G’s goal is to provide their customers with the widest possible selectionof American and foreign-made motorcycles parts as well as clothing, apparel andgear at prices you simply will not believe. Driven by their love ofmotorcycling and the idea of creating a new kind of shopping experience withinthis marketplace, K&G Cycles have streamlined the buying process whilestill offering competitive pricing and great customer service. For moreinformation about K & G Cycles, please call 888-50K-ANDG (5-2634) or visitthem on the Web at


ROLLIN SIXES NEW WEBSITE–Hold your breath no longer! Rollin Sixes ishappy to announce we have finally launched our website, and have added a fewnew products to our line up one with the primary purpose of funding ourT-shirts for Troops campaign!


  After a few different website developers and their antics and differingpoints of view we decided to take the task upon ourselves! I am no websitedeveloper but have plenty of computer skills so I figured this would be areasonably accomplished task. After a few ill fated attempts on my own Iquickly realized that I needed to learn a few more things if I was going tomake something work. I am excited to announce that I have finally created asite that I feel represents us in a simple yet functional and economicalmanner. This is only the beginning and we look forward to our site to becontinually evolving as myself and the rest of us at Rollin Sixes learn new andcreative ways to further develop our site to best serve our customers. Check itout and feel free to let us know what you think! Rollin Sixes




  We are also pleased to announce that our Grips and Foot pegs are nowavailable powdercoated with nearly hundreds of colors to choose from! Currentlywe have polished copper and green metal flake grips on display on our site. Anyof our rips or pegs can be powdercoated in your choice of color just contact usfor more information. I would like to take the time to also inform everyonethat our seats have seen a minor upgrade using a better more comfortable seat pan!


     Anyone who followed the T-Shirt Drive last year knowsour family was hit real hard by sudden illnesses and on March 20, 2010 we lostone of our own. Velma Harden was a mom, grandma, sister, friend and one hell ofa mother-in-law. We are dedicating this year’s effort for the T-Shirt drive toher. She loved the BIKERNET T-Shirt Drive For The Troops and thought it was socool that it was started by her family and that it was a grass roots effort.She loved how it has grown and that we have sent out over 7,000 Christmas giftsto the Troops overseas.




She had a blast helping wrap the stuff. She was astraight-up lady that loved to joke around and if you teased her enough she hadno problem throwing you the bird, and if that wasn’t good enough you got thedouble bird. When it was my turn to catch the bird, which for some reasonwas quite a lot,  I would tell her, “You know, when I take you to thedoctor he is going to tell you that your finger isn’t suppose to be there.” Shewould just laugh and laugh. There are not many mother-in-laws out there thatyou can joke around with like that. Grandma grew up on a tobacco farmwith lots of brothers and sisters: Homer, Herman, Gene, Sam, Ray, Doug,Laura, Judy, Sandy, Wade, and Clarence. Five brothers along with Judy’s husbandRoy and Sandy’s husband Lloyd, who we just lost, fought and served theircountry proudly.




We should never forget that we owe folks like this alot. Her family knew what hard work was and from the stories she would tell Iam pretty sure none of them would have traded their childhood for anything.She had some good stories, like the stories about sheep dip. What Iget from the stories is that if you had a cut they would put sheep dip on itand it would heal in a few minutes. If you cut off a toe put sheep dip on itand you would grow a new one by morning, maybe even two LOL. They also had somegreat times along with the hard times and I think that is why they are so closeto each other. She raised two fine daughters, Pam and Carol, with hersweetheart Bill and was a big part of her grandchildren’s lives (if they likedit or not LOL) they say time heals all wounds but I don’t think that’strue. I just think that somehow you just learn to live with the hurt andloss. We will all miss her a lot. God Bless Grandma, save a good spot forus.


 RollinSixes Choppers is bringing you another high quality product for which we areknown for. This is the only product that we carry that we do not makeourselves. We decided to carry this quality line of sheet sets to help financeour T-Shirt for Troops charity (Rollin Sixes No Apologies Kindness is a state registeredcharity) thatwe do every Christmas. For the past four years we have been collecting donatedT-Shirts, CD’s, hats, bandanas, patches, stickers, etc… for the troops forChristmas. Each T-Shirt and gift gets individually wrapped with a card. Yeah ittakes a lot of time but we want every soldier to have a present to open onChristmas. So far, we have sent out over 7,000 gifts.


As you can imagine the cost of cards, wrapping paper,and shipping overseas is quite expensive. Most of the expense has been coveredby us. With the charity growing we can no longer afford all the out of pocketexpense. A good portion of the sale of the sheets will go to the charity tohelp cover wrapping paper, cards, and shipping expenses. So you will be gettinga great set of sheets at a great price and also helping the troops atChristmas. What more can you ask for. We tested these sheets ourselves forover three months and found them to be very comfortable and a great value,especially these days. 


Please don’t expect $300 Egyptian sheets for $29.99.If you email us and tell us we have only eight machine hit stitches per squareinch when there should be nine (It has happened), please move along. But if youare looking for really great sheets at a really great price, these are thedeal. We have sold over 140 sheets sets to friends and family and everyone justloves them, and we think you will too. Thanks.


   JS Sanders Collection SheetSets have the look, feel, and comfort of 100% Egyptian CottonLuxury Sheets without the high price. Enjoy a cool and comfortable night’ssleep with exceptionally breathable sheets that have a silky soft feel andlustrous finish.  Colors stay vibrant no matter how many times you washthem. They are made of high strength microfiber yarns that will stay softand wrinkle free for years to come. Easy to Care for and No ironing required. Get yoursnow on EBAY


   Remember that the Velma Harden MemorialT-shirt drive for our Troops is a great way to get rid of your old show shirts,posters, cd’s, etc…




FLAT RAT RACING REPORT– Dean was entered Fridaynite…man, I don’t even remember who he ran against, but he had trannytrouble….I wound up following him home stuck in 2nd gear. Wound up dinging ashift drum. Berts reverse burnout was a hoot!
Alsop, from Big Bear,pulled a Bandit and hit a deer.

It was excellent to seeScotty Parker, that guy is just bad-ass!


I’ll have a Sturgisreport for ya, when I can get some pictures from our group. Right now, tryingto get a race motor together for a race in Florida. Lichter exhibit wasawesome. Hung out at the AMD deal. I saw Betsy and was gonna get a pic for ya,but she vanished. Partied with the Shimke and the TPJ boys, I really likeSayta, his dad and his Shovel. Shimke is a hoot, I like that guy!


Fuller graciouslyloaned me a bike….I rode my FXR from ATL, and arrived with my exhaust in piecesheld together with exh wrap…720 miles that day…..found some swap meet pipes!
It appears Dean haswrapped up at least six Regional titles for FlatRat…..the National may still becontested.
Sorry for thedistraction…get those bikes on the salt holmes!!!!!


–Charles Young





RSENAL RACING POKER TOURNAMENT–Asyou know I own a desert off road racing team here in Colorado. Some of you havebeen follwing us closly and thanks! Rsenal Racing Inc. has a poker tournamentand silent auction to be held Sept. 18th 2010, from 6:00pm to 12:00. Please seethe flier attached and if you want a seat please reserve your spot right away!Its already filling up. And if any of you would like to contribute a nice itemfor the auction please feel free to contact me with the information. We lookforward to seeing you out there on the 18th!


–Chuck Shortt

Rsenal Racing Inc.





ZIPPER’S NEW 103-INCH MUSCLE TWINCAM KIT– Smooth, linear power is extractedfrom the Twin Cam® with the installation of Zipper’s Muscle 103″ enginekit. This complete performance package includes precision cylinder boring,forged big bore pistons, Zipper’s CNC ported heads with oversize valves, RedShift cams, adjustable pushrods, and all gaskets. Includes the ThunderMax ECMwith AutoTune, ThunderMax 54mm throttle body, high flow injectors and high flowair cleaner assembly.

Everything you need allin a single part number – we’ve done all the engineering for you!
These kits areavailable from any Zipper’s Performance Products dealer, or you can send yourcarefully packed heads and cylinders directly to Zipper’s. We keep exchangeheads and cylinders in stock already modified for super quick turnaround. Partsmust be in nearly perfect cosmetic condition; expect the same from us.Previously modified heads are not eligible for exchange. Need a Dealer? Need anInstaller? Contact Us – We’ll be glad to help!

To place an order, contact Zipper’s Performance Products. Zipper’s is openMonday through Friday, from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. E.S.T., with knowledgeable salesstaff to help you pick the right parts for your Harley®.

P: (410) 579-2828 F: (410) 579-2835
6655 Amberton Dr.,Elkridge, MD – 21075



ADVANSTAR DROPS CYCLE WORLD FOR PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE AS TITLESPONSOR–Did you see that Progressive Insurance is the new title sponsor of AdvanstarCommunicationsInternationalMotorcycle Show (IMS) series?


Yup, it appears publisher Hachette Filipacchi didn’t offer Cycle World the financial resources tomake the cut after serving as title sponsor of the IMS series for the past 17years.


“This partnership will help Advanstar Communications re-invent the 30year old (sic)event series from the ground up, offering a completely new visual design andshow environment, more entertainment and learning opportunities, gifts andprizes custom-built for each unique lifestyle enthusiast, and more ways tointeract with and buy product – including the all new Progressive Lounge –than ever before,” Advanstar announced in a prepared statement.


“IMS and Progressive are committed to service, integrity, and (sic) value,” Tracy Harris, VP &GM of Advanstar’s Powersports Group, said in the same prepared statement.”These common values have made for a powerful partnership overProgressive’s many years with the shows, and will now (sic) allow us to deliver on those valuesto our mutual customers in a much more impactful way.”

The 2010-2011 IMS series kicks off in Dallas, Nov. 12-14, and rollsaround the country through March of next year.




THAT’S A ROLLER–What a strange year. It’s all good, and we are glad wecaught problems with the Peashooter before we blew it all over the salt. I’llget to work on a report.

      Ineed to shift to my Motorbooks book project. The subject of this secretendeavor is now out of prison. He was the boss of a 1%er organization for overtwo decades. I now need to set a goal to rough out a chapter each week. I’llrun sizzling teaser segments on Bikernet over the next couple of months, maybein the news.



      Inthe meantime we may ship the Peashooter to Deacon’s Speed Devils’ shop inHawaii for some rebuilding. We will put the Assalt Weapan back together atBennett’s Peformance and get ready for the next opportunity at the Mojave Mile.Jeremiah Soto, the president of Soto Construction, has been assigned the5-Ball Racing AMA/Bub rule monitor. If you slip over to the Bub BonnevilleSpeed Trials web site, you can sign up for rule changes and updates. You’llreceive them directly into your e-mail. You can’t miss.



      Havea terrific holiday weekend. Don’t drink and ride. You can drink and chase women all you want, just don’t ride while drinking. Next week we have a fantastic line-up of features coming yourway, plus Bikernet Betsy’s Sturgis saga. Hang on, goddamnit.


Ride Forever,






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