Holy shit,

Sometimes the week rolls along sorta smooth. It’s as if I get a vibe for the industry weekly by watching the file for the Thursday news grow. It snuck up on me today. I was leaning toward a laid-back Bike Show weekend, then it hit me like a goddamn fireworks explosion today.

The Grand National Roadster Show Rocks Pomona this weekend, and more bikers are set up than ever before. The Sons of Anarchy cast will be on hand. There’s another Easyriders show somewhere, and another Ultimate Builder Competition at the next Progressive Show in Cleveland, Ohio.

Shit seems to be popping everywhere. I keep writing politicians and pounding the desk about freedom. Get this from the Week Magazine. Obama orders a regulatory review. President Obama issued an executive order this week directing federal departments “to root out regulations that confiict, are not worth the cost, or are just plain dumb.” He said in the Wall Street Journal, he wants to, “strengthen our country without unduly interfering” with the economy. This review will focus on health and environmental regulation. Good luck trying to pry powers from the control freaks, but it sounds good. Keep your fingers crossed. Let’s hit the news:

Chesterfield County Fairgrounds
10300 Courthouse Road Chesterfield, VA 23832

Sunday, March 6, 2011 9:00-5:00

GUN NUT REPORT–Registration For SCI’s Fourth Annual Continuing Legal Education Course Is Now Open! Join Safari Club International for “Current Issues in Domestic and International Wildlife and Hunting Law” on Friday, January 28, 2011, from 2:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia Street, Reno, Nevada.

The registration fee of $139.00 (same price as last year) includes seminar (3.0 hours of CLE credit – no Ethics), written materials, and single, same-day admission to the SCI Convention.

The CLE Course is open to SCI members and non-members.

To register, use the State Bar of Nevada’s on-line registration, at:

I took my wife to an opticians this morning. Even they couldn’t see why I married her.

I woke up this morning at 8 and I just knew something was wrong. Got downstairs and the wife was face down on the kitchen floor, not breathing. I panicked, didn’t know what to do…then I remembered McDonald’s serves breakfast until 10:30.

Was asked to go and see my ex-girlfriend today. One thing led to another and we ended up having sex. Police weren’t too pleased. I was only meant to be identifying the body.

–Doc, Heavy Duty Magazine, Australia

WHAT WAS THIS GUY SMOKING IN THE SUNDAY POST– My Sun Tsu line of attack is not to rail against motorcycle helmets, but jump on the bandwagon. If stopping vehicle head injuries is a ‘true’ ( Not!!) effort; have the guy picking up his new Crown Vic buy 4 helmets at the parts department before he drives away while wearing one. 🙂 :)) You know that would fly like the old lead balloon. The hypocrisy of it all is exposed and the politicos go on the ropes for, at least, not helping to cut down on the tremedous medical costs.

This is a Very Bad Move. We are saying we want freedom of choice and the way I read this he is saying he wants to make it mandatory in cars as well.

What if some politician thinks it is a good idea and goes ahead with it. Be Careful What You Ask For You May Get It!

Instead of getting rid of the mandatory helmet law you could also end up wearing one in your other vehicles.

One of the arguments we hear all the time from people who are Forced to wear seat belts is that if they have to use them then motorcyclist should have to wear helmets.

Sturgis Freedom Fighters

I read the teaser about helmets.

I don’t know this George DiLlucca
Nobody, that I have met, knows him or of him. Who vouches for him? Richard Lester or his crew?
His proposition to helmet everybody is a scam to draw out people that would go along with mandatory helmet wear.
He smells like a rat.
You and your site have more credibility than to put crap like this on your site.

–Mike Greenwald

katzenjammer KAT-suhn-jam-er, noun:

1. The discomfort and illness experienced as the aftereffects of excessive drinking; hangover.
2. Uneasiness; anguish; distress.
3. Uproar; clamor.

So the asceticism and self-denial of the ancient anchorite and saint was merely a form of katzenjammer?
— Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Thoughts Out Of Season

Ninety to a hundred days at sea, with dysentery, beri-beri, crabs, lice, rabies, yellow jaundice, malaria, katzenjammer and other oceangoing delights.
— Henry Miller, Nexus

Katzenjammer stems from American English, a combination of the German Katze, “cat,” and jammer, “distress.” The word was popularized by the early comic “The Katzenjammer Kids.”


INFLIGHT MOVIE REVIEWS BETWEEN LA AND BANGKOK– Got to LAX early enough to use the VIP room for lunch – LA Times and some e-mail.  They didn’t have the ball game on their system so I went out to the terminal bar.  AS I was sitting at the bar a guy ordered two draft beers. Should have seen his reaction.  When she said that will be $15.45 please. He was shocked.

The pilot couldn’t get any info on the Jet’s game so I had to wait until I got to Taiwan.

So I guess it’s Green Bay verses the Steelers

Arrived at Bkk about 1:15 am.

Flight was good. Got bumped up to business on the second leg. Nicer seating for sure.  I haven’t got bumped on the long leg yet – THAT would be nice. 13 hrs instead of 3.5.  Food was not much better than economy – in fact I liked my econ fish dinner better.  Slept about 2 hrs after the meal. Seat is definately better for sleeping.

BUT the cost is about $3000 USD more than economy. Hard to justify.  I guess the two Baily’s after dinner and a sherry before make up the difference. !!

Watched about 5 movies –

Facebook – The Social Network – pretty good story, if it is all true. I guess the only part that really counts is that Mark is the youngest billionare ever.

Wall Street – Micheal Douglas – fair story about inside trading etc. Was it kinda about Bernie Madoff?

The American – George Clooney was a hit man in Europe – kinda slow. Finally finds love but finally gets shot.

Ben Afleck bank robber movie – lots of improbable shootem up stuff.  Plus improbable getaway –

Easy A – sort of entertaining funny high shool story –

Had two full meals – sandwich snack in between. A few beers.  Walked around a few times – did some minimal exercises for circulation – time goes by.

Anyways- got thru immegration and customs quickly. BUT the wait for my second bag was 20 minutes.

Because I was in Bus. Class I got off plane way before economy and got to baggage before anybody else.
My first priority checked bag came out right away as it was supposed to. Ahh – quick exit – Nope
It took so long for my second bag to show up I thought it may be lost. Anyways to hotel by 3am.
Nobody in line for taxi – about 250 bht meter plus tip = $10 – Bht is 30.85 at Vasu 29.5 at A/P

Dropped bags as usual and headed through Nana Disco 3:00 – pretty busy – smokey.
Stopped at Bangkok Beat 3:15 on soi 7/1 as Stickman has been touting it – not busy.
Went out and over to soi 11 – Climax – not too busy at 3:25 am. – Hung there for a 200 bht beer.
Over to Insomnia at 5 am but it had closed. Back to hotel and met a new friend on the way.
Got an early check in (Superior room was only available) 1500 bht.

–Quick Throttle Art

HARLEY CONSIDERS $47 MILLION LOSS ‘STRONG PROGRESS’– MILWAUKEE (AP) — Harley-Davidson Inc. cut its fourth-quarter loss, getting a ride from a restructuring and a strong performance from its financial services unit even as motorcycle sales slumped.

The Milwaukee company on Tuesday reported a net loss of $46.8 million, or 20 cents per share, a vast improvement over the $218.7 million, or 94 cents per share, that it lost in the same period a year ago.

The company would have made money for the quarter without an $85 million charge from buying back senior notes.

Harley said it lost $42.1 million, or 18 cents per share, from continuing operations.

Revenue for the quarter rose nearly 20 percent to $917 million, thanks to the financial services unit. Harley-Davidson Financial Services contributed $43.5 million in operating income.

The performance beat Wall Street estimates. Analysts polled by FactSet expected a loss of 24 cents per share on revenue of $853.8 million.

But motorcycle sales for the quarter were down 1 percent worldwide and 0.2 percent in the U.S.

Shares of Harley-Davidson were up one cent to $36.50 in pre-market trading. For the full year, Harley reported net income of $146.5 million, to 62 cents per share, versus a loss of $55.1 million, or 24 cents per share, in 2009.

Harley said it expects to ship 221,000 to 228,000 motorcycles this year, an increase of 5 to 8 percent as it continues to refill its dealerships. Harley also expects its gross profit margin to run between 34 and 35 percent, and full-year capital expenditures of $210 million to $230 million.

The company also cut $10 million to $25 million from its estimate for restructuring that began in 2009. It now expects total one-time charges of $495 million to $510 million into 2012, including $85 million to $95 million worth of charges in 2011.

Restructuring should bring annual savings of $290 million to $310 million starting in 2013, the company said. Last year, the company had restructuring charges of $164 million and savings of $172 million, Harley said in its statement.

Harley-Davidson also said it will begin talks this week on a new labor agreement at its Kansas City, Mo., factory operations, even though the contract doesn’t expire until July of 2012. Harley said it has told unions that Kansas City has to become more competitive and flexible “if those operations are to remain viable.”


PINSTRIPERS’ REUNION WILL BENEFIT TWO WORTHY CHARITIES–Over 30 painters from every corner of the country will gather at the 62nd Annual Grand National Roadster Show for the Pinstriper’s Reunion. This reuniting of talented artists will be for more than a showcase, the proceeds from their work will benefit two of our worthy medical research partners, The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation and The Progeria Research Foundation. Bring your phone, laptop, or any other item to get pinstriped and help make a difference for the millions of affected families. Get in the action at the auction, Saturday, January 29 at 2:30 in Building 4.Help us meet our goal of $25,000! This much talent under one roof is a must see, and you can do some good
at the same time.

Striper Schedule

Friday 12- 8
Saturday 10 – 8
Auction: Saturday 2:30

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER EYE APPOINTMENT–5 Simple Tips for Healthy Eyes. The eye is a highly complex and sensitive organ that requires a careful combination of nutrients, protection, exercise and rest for optimal function. In addition to an antioxidant-rich diet and prudent supplementation, consider the following healthy habits to help maintain visual health:

1. Don’t smoke, and avoid exposure to secondhand smoke. Smoking can decrease blood supply to the eyes by causing blood vessels to narrow and blood to thicken.
2. Protect the eyes from the elements. Sunlight can damage the cells of the macula, which provides visual acuity. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses that protect against at least 99 percent of ultraviolet (UV) rays.
3. Use safety eyewear when working around potential hazards to help protect against eye injuries.
4. Stay active. Regular exercise promotes eye health by improving circulation and lowering the risk of diabetes.
5. Keep blood pressure in check. High blood pressure increases the risk of glaucoma. Consider medication if lifestyle changes can’t bring pressures into the normal range.


GOODSEN AIR CLEANER FOR MUDFLAP FXR–  Besides the the taillight and the chrome figure, do you have or plan on using more Mudflap Girl items?  I thought you had more stuff with the theme from Wheelers?

Also, what kind of air cleaner do you plan on using?  It might be a spot to use the theme.

Lastly, thought you should see this.  I don’t know where he got it, but the shift linkage below was on the bike owned by Jerry Blanks.  He’s the guy I did the concept art and later the photo shoot/story of the finish bike.


DOC ROBINSON SAFETY TIP OF THE WEEK–  Please, take care of yourself. A recent government sponsored study found that 23% of traffic accidents are alcohol related. This means that the remaining 77% are caused by arseholes who just drink coffee, sodas, juices and shit like that. Therefore, beware of those who do not drink alcohol. They cause three times as many accidents.

Heavy Duty Magazine

BIKERNET FEATURE PHOTOG BEGGING FOR WORK– I photographed this guy’s ’58 Chevy trk, and he told me about this bike he built. Can I shoot it for you? –Peter

Well folks, whatta ya tink?–Bandit

AUSTRALIAN ANIMALS RESCUED FROM FLOODS–Some amazing animal pics from the flooded areas in Qld.
Most are so exhausted and scared that they allow humans to be in physical contact – most unusual! I only hope someone rescued the monitor lizard from the fence post. And the snake. The Wallaby on the hay bale might have been harder to coax into a boat!

Of all the startling images to have come out from the Queensland floods, this has to be the most unusual — a green frog hitching a ride on the back of a brown snake.

Computer technician Armin Gerlach was visiting friends in the flood-hit town of Dalby, located in the state’s south-east, last week when he spotted the unlikely pair.

“I felt amazement, I just couldn’t believe it,” Mr Gerlach told ninemsn.

Mr Gelach said a friend who had been affected by many floods told him animals often helped each other out during disasters.

“It’s quite common when you have animals in floods or fires or disasters, they actually get together and don’t do anything,” he said.

“My friend has seen foxes and rabbits forget their hunting instincts during natural disasters,” he said.

Mr Gelach said he and his friends were inspecting flood damage on the property, where waters had risen to about 47cm.

–Ray Russell

HARDBAGGER TOP SHELF SADDLEBAG ORGANIZER FROM BIKERS’ CHOICE–Check out this very functional piece of equipment for your saddlebags.
This high impact, custom molded plastic tray is just 3’ deep. The high density foam (sold separately) is pre-perforated every ½” to custom fit your valuables, such as cell phones, iPod’s, sunglasses, keys and whatever else you can’t live without in the top rear section of your hard bag for quick and easy access. Removes or installs in 20 seconds using the factory rear bail head stud lock pin. Kits include tray, grip rubber floor mat, mounting spacers and tether screws for 93-03 models and will fit 93-11

Touring models with factory Harley-Davidson hard saddlebags. Also included is a 1-year Manufacturer’s warranty.

Optional accessories are sold separately and are as follows:

12V all weather outlet and harness kit with spring loaded cover and fused battery connect wire harness.  Replacement rubber grip mat

This WILL NOT FIT CVO Hard Bags with wireless remote lock module option or Harley-Davidson optional rigid fabric wall liners.

For more information such as application and availability, visit or visit your local dealer.

Happy Riding!!


‘LIVING LEGENDS’ Feb 20th, 2011 at the Key Club in Hollywood– A day of cultural unity, ‘Living Legends’ comes to the world famous Key Club in Hollywood, California. An amazing first time ever cross-cultural event — Featuring Jim Brown of pro football fame and Sonny Barger, Hells Angels icon.

These Living Legends will be signing limited edition lithograph posters and books all day from 12noon unitl 6pm. Proceeds from this event will benefit Amer-I-can Foundation.

Entertainment on the main stage: Attika7 (rock/metal), Mike P the Big Homie (rap) & The Mike Reilly Band (blues/rock).

Vendors: J8 Jewels – Elegant Rocker Couture. Big Red Machine merchandise, and Illusion Motorsports will be displaying exotic chopper creations.

Illusion Cycles

WHEELER RACING WEEKLY ROAD REPORT–Nearly 60 hours in the saddle this month with my 2 wheeled therapist, the hot rod is singin’ a happy tune. Rolled to Monterey yesterday to keep the blood flowin’ in the right direction and a bite to eat.

Bikernet headquarters bound when your ready to put the Cantina Membership in gear, just say the word…need the miles to keep up with my 100 miles a day average for 2011 mantra.

VP of the New Cantina Club

P.S. Look real close and RUSSIA can be spotted on the horizon…… taken just outside of Marina. ca., about 5 minutes North of Monterey.

Hang on as we put this club effort together with special discounts on parts, classifieds, and events. –Wilburn Roach


BIKERNET BLACK MARKET BOOK DEAL OF THE WEEK– How to Build a Bonneville Salt Flats Motorcycle documents the construction of “The Worlds Fastest Panhead,” conceived and assembled by Keith Ball, former editor or Easyriders magazine and current owner of, the most popular biker stop on the internet.

Keith walks the reader through all the steps involved in the creation of a true Bonneville Salt Flats motorcycle. From choosing a class to picking an frame, from finding an engine builder to minimizing the aerodynamic drag at 200 miles per hour, Keith explains the how and why of building a Salt Flats motorcycle.

How to Build a Bonneville Salt Flats Motorcycle documents the construction of “The Worlds Fastest Panhead,” conceived and assembled by Keith Ball, former editor or Easyriders magazine and current owner of, the most popular biker stop on the internet.

Keith walks the reader through all the steps involved in the creation of a true Bonneville Salt Flats motorcycle. From choosing a class to picking an frame, from finding an engine builder to minimizing the aerodynamic drag at 200 miles per hour, Keith explains the how and why of building a Salt Flats motorcycle.

A project of this size is bound to suffer setbacks. Keith Ball uses a personal, narrative style to take the readers on a wild ride, through the ups and downs of building The Worlds Fastest Panhead. Building a Bonneville Salt Flats winner presents a whole series of hurdles. Keith describes each hurdle, and how it was overcome, from determining the best frame dimensions to making the un-streamlined machine as aerodynamic as possible.

ORANGE COUNTY CHOPPERS IN FORECLOSURE?–At the end of the popular Discover tv show American Choppers; Senior vs. Junior (Season 1, episode 14 – Lee Returns) a preview for episode 15 is shown. On this episode it shows news coverage of Orange County Choppers as led by Paul Teutul Sr. being forced into foreclosure. The preview has created a new trend in search and social media with everyone asking the question; Is Orange County Choppers & Paul Teutul Sr going bankrupt and are they in foreclosure?

After researching the topic we have discovered that the tease for American Choppers season 1, episode 15 is not as it appears and was blown out of proportion by the media who first covered this story. July, 2010 OCC did not make the mortgage payment on their new building but has paid the mortgage everY month since. This missed payment was an effort by Orange County Choppers to get the mortgage payment of the building lowered.
From what I can tell this missed payment has made Orange County Choppers eligible for foreclosure, and once the media discovered the potential foreclosure they created a stir with locals, OCC employees, and Paul Jr. Designs.


* Orange County Choppers (OCC) did not pay the mortgage payment in July of 2010
* The building that Orange County Choppers (OCC) built and has made there Head Quarters was appraised at an estimated 12-13 million dollars in 2007.
* The Orange County Choppers (OCC) building currently has an estimated value of 7-8 million dollars.
* The building dropping in value is due to the economic decline.

My Opinion:

Like with any business Orange County Choppers has competition. But in this case Orange County Choppers owned by Paul Teutul Sr. is going head to head with Paul Jr Designs, this is an interesting twist that shows a father and son feuding. As a fan of the show I am disheartened to see a father put so much effort into destroying his sons life. And to add to the story Unfortunately Paul Teutul Sr. has managed to become distant with every one of his sons including the upbeat, extremely talented, and very creative Mikey Teutul (by the way Mikey if your reading this I would love to own one of your paintings).

By Sterling Marketing firm

–from Rogue

FRONT PAGE HEADLINE IN AUSTRALIA, BIKERS AIN’T BAD–This made the front page of our leading daily. Like what? The top cop tells the premier that bikies aren’t so bad?
Yep! Premier ain’t happy. More Nazi shit to probably come down.

Bikers aren’t so bad, says SA Police Commissioner

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Bikers have cultivated an image that portrays them as committing more crime than they actually do, the SA Police Commissioner Mal Hyde says In a new book, Mal Hyde says “there is a great deal of public concern that may not necessarily match the serious crime that they are committing”.

His views are in stark contrast to those of Premier Mike Rann, who said in 2007 that bikers were as bad as “terrorists”.

Mr Rann had said national laws were needed to stop them organising their activities.

“I have also indicated that in addition, the national counter-terrorism laws that have been appropriately modified and adopted could provide a nationally consistent approach to ban and control outlaw bikie gangs,” he said of the now-stalled laws.

Mr Hyde said bikers presented two problems – the “serious” and “organised type” crime they committed, but also a “public face which most organised criminals don’t have” which portrayed them as “above the law”. He made the comments in an interview with Monash University criminology professor David Baker, who devoted a chapter to Mr Hyde in his book Trends in Policing: Interviews with Police Leaders across the Globe, because of his reformist agenda and longevity as commissioner since 1997.

A spokesman for Mr Hyde told The Advertiser newspaper yesterday that he had been quoted correctly and he stood by the comments but denied they were a change in his position that outlaw motorcycle clubs were a “serious problem”.

In the book, Mr Hyde says: “The challenge around the bikies is really two-fold. The first is that they commit serious crime and much of it is organised type crime, so you have to deal with that.

“There are other organised crime groups as well, but the bikies have a public face which most organised criminals don’t have and which is about their persona: how they use violence, how they dress and how they behave and how they like to be above the law.

“The fact that there is serious concern about their behaviour is an issue in itself.”

His views appeared to contradict the repeated comments of the Rann State Government, which had devoted far more attention to “terrorist” bikers than any other crime group and passed laws banning them from associating with each other.

Parts of the legislation have been deemed unconstitutional in the High Court.

Critics of the laws have accused the Rann State Government of exaggerating the biker crime problem to promote its law and order credentials. Mr Hyde also says in the book South Australia is “under-represented” on bikie crime compared with other states.

“In terms of bikies we actually don’t have a major problem here in the sense that it exceeds the problem in other states and territories,” he says.

“When you count the number of bikies, South Australia only has about 6 per cent of the national figure and we have 8 per cent of the population of Australia, so we are actually under-represented in bikies.”

Commissioner for the Victims of Crime Michael O’Connell was critical of the “rhetoric” used by some in the anti-bikie debate and said comments against bikies in the media did not match public concern.

“There is a perception that people are worried about bikies and the crime they are committing but when you ask people what they are worried about, bikies don’t feature,” he said.

“Surveys on fear of crime do not reveal broad public concern about organised crime. Some of the very public and violent incidents involving members of bikie gangs and others have fuelled fear of these people and drawn attention to their activities.

“That fear, however, might be a consequence of the general worry fostered by signs of disorder and social incivilities.”

UnitingCare Wesley spokesman Mark Henley said he was encouraged by the tone of Mr Hyde’s comments, which also included a statement that the growing divide between rich and poor was an increasing cause of crime.

“I think I agree with most of what the Commissioner has said (in the book chapter) and find it encouraging that he is saying some of these things, particularly the comments about the growing divide between rich and poor; stuff we’ve been saying for a while, but if the Commissioner says so, it’s right,” he said.

–from Doc Robinson, Heavy Duty Magazine

BIKERNET WEEKLY SEX TIP–A man and a woman were sitting beside each other in the first class section of an aeroplane.

The woman sneezed, took out a tissue, gently wiped her nose, and then visibly shuddered for ten to fifteen seconds.

The man went back to his reading. A few minutes later, the woman sneezed again, took a tissue, wiped her nose, and then shuddered violently once more.

Assuming that the woman might have a cold, the man was still curious about the shuddering. A few more minutes passed when the woman sneezed yet again.

As before, she took a tissue, wiped her nose, her body shaking ever more than before.

Unable to restrain his curiosity, the man turned to the woman and said, “I couldn’t help but notice that you’ve sneezed three times, wipe your nose and then shudder violently. Are you ok?”

“I am sorry if I disturbed you, I have a very rare medical condition; whenever I sneeze I have an orgasm.”

The man, more than a bit embarrassed, was still curious. ” I have never heard of that condition before” he said. “Are you taking anything for it?”

The woman nodded, “Pepper.”

–River Rat

LIFESTYLE CYCLES PREPPING FOR THE LAUGHLIN RIVER RUN– COMING UP IN A FEW SHORT MONTHS!– Hard to believe that the 2011 Laughlin River Run is right around the corner. What? You say you need to get some stuff done to your bike before taking off to Nevada? Not a problem, LifeStyle Cycles will be offering a bunch of great Service specials to help get your ride in tip-top shape. But like anything really good, these specials will not last long, so get into LifeStyle Cycles today and let’s see what we can do to make your bike road ready!

Call us today at 714-490-0155!

LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK AND THEY HAVE PLENTY. WHAT A DEAL!! ONLY $3,995.00!–1999 SPORTSTER, VL883–Check this one out! This 1999 Sportster XL 883 is the perfect starter bike, or to have as a backup! It features a powerful factory 883cc motor, 5-speed transmission, forward controls, screamin eagle exhaust, black lower legs, wire wheels, custom handlebars, passenger pegs, low profile seat and much more!

Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been thoroughly tested and inspected by a LifeStyle Cycles technician after undergoing a rigorous 38-point motorcycle inspection.


S&S CYCLE WELCOMES SCOTT SEAMAN– VIOLA, Wisconsin (January 26, 2011) S&S® Cycle, Inc. would like to welcome Scott Seaman to the S&S team as their Warranty Rebuild and Remanufacturing Service Manager in La Crosse, WI.

A familiar face in the V-twin industry for over 20 years, Scott is a lifelong motorcycle enthusiast, and has been riding and working on motorcycles since the age of seven. He worked for Andrews Products, Inc. for twelve years in Chicago, IL before relocating to Omaha, NE to work for GMA Engineering in 2002. With the boom of the V-twin industry fading, GMA closed its doors in the fall of 2007, forcing Scott into an involuntary absence from the industry.

While working for Andrews, Scott built and raced a Pro Dragster Nitro Harley for 6 years. During his time with GMA, he built and raced a street legal FXR with an S&S V124 engine. Though Scott no longer races, he is an avid motorcyclist and continues to ride several thousand miles every year.

Scott has this to say about the move to S&S. “We were running a little behind because we had just moved to a new facility, so our team’s first order of business was to bring our orders up-to-date. After that was achieved, we set about completing the setup of our new remanufacturing shop area, while also taking on and completing jobs as they come in. Finishing the final touches, and organization of the work area is going to allow us to work more efficiently. This will give us the ability to turn jobs around quicker and produce high quality work. We have definitely improved our turn-around time, and will continue to improve each process as we grow. At this time we are able to turn complete engine rebuilds around in 3-4 weeks. Most small jobs are being turned around within a week.”

S&S remanufacturing services are available through S&S dealers around the world. Remanufacturing an S&S engine or component returns it to original factory specifications at a fraction of the cost of new! Click here for more details.

370 NATURAL DISASTERS IN 2010, TOUGHEST YEAR IN 20 YEARS–According to a United Nations report, the earthquake in Haitiand heat waves in Russiamade 2010 one of the deadliest years in at least two decades. The report issued by the Belgium-based Center for Research on the Epidemiologyof Disasters finds nearly 300,000 people lost their lives in more than 370 natural disasters last year.

The report notes most of the deaths last year resulted from the devastating earthquake in Haiti, which killed nearly one-quarter of a million people. The second deadliest disaster occurred in Russiawhere a heat wave in the summer of 2010 caused about 56,000 fatalities in the capital, Moscow.

The report says natural disasters, which affected more than 200 million people resulted in economic losses of nearly $110 billion. Most of these losses occurred in wealthy countries where expensive buildings and infrastructure were destroyed and damaged.

“The largest share of the pie is from the Americas, north and south America. Essentially again this is due to Haiti, but it is also due to Chile,” said Guha-Sapir. “The Americasgenerally do not top the list of people dying from natural disasters, but here in this year they do … Europeremains second in the share of the pie, largely because of heat waves. Heat waves has been one of the most important contributor to deaths in Europe, keeping it always at a very high rank.”

The Report says Asiaexperienced fewer disaster deaths than the Americasand Europein 2010. Nevertheless it remains the highest affected continent, with nearly 90 percent of all people affected by disasters living in Asia.

Among the list of top 10 disasters with the highest death counts, five occurred in Asia. The report notes an earthquake, landslides and floods hit China, massive floods devastated Pakistan, and Indonesiawas struck by a powerful earthquake.

Guha-Sapir says the largest economic losses often do not correspond with the largest loss of lives. She notes Haiti, where an earthquake last January killed more than 220,000, suffered losses of about $8 billion.

In comparison, she says the costliest event in 2010 was the Chilean earthquake, which killed 562 people and caused $30 billionin disaster damage.

“And, that is because of the fact that lives are not insured. That is where most of the economic losses data comes from insurance. So, lives are not insured, property is not insured and 225,000 people dead in Haitiessentially counts for nothing,” stated Guha-Sapir. “We do not take into account the fact that mothers have died, people who earn the living of the family have died, that does not enter the economic loss estimates.”

The warning from U.N. “countries must take preventive measures now. Otherwise, more disasters due to unplanned urbanization and environmental degradation will occur in the future. The officials say weather-related disasters are sure to rise in the future, due to factors that include climate change.”

Always buy good insurance folks. You just never know.

The Team At Bikernet Insurance

Ride Safe Out There. We Care About You.
CA 0G67810 – Not all products available in all jurisdictions. Not intended to solicit insurance in jurisdictions not licensed. Always read you insurance policy

CALEB OWENS BIKE SOON TO BE FEATURED IN AMERICAN IRON–This is his last bike as far as I know. American Iron is publishing this feature. –Peter

EASYRIDERS HITS CHARLOTTE– Last weekend the Easyriders show hit Charlotte. The show is always a welcomed break from winter here in Charlotte. The crowd was larger than the previous year along with the number of bikes in the show.

Vendor participation was also up form the previous year. There were some GREAT bikes on display. My favorite bike of the show was a black shovelhead in a Softail frame that featured the velocity stacks sitting in the middle of the gas tank, it also ran dual magnetos, it was bad ass!

All in all, it was great show and us here in Charlotte look forward to its return next year!


INTERVIEW FROM NEW YORK ULTIMATE BUILDER SHOW–George Stinsman of Chaos Cycle rumbled into the NY edition of the Ultimate Builder with Donkey Punch. It’s a 2009 Chaos Cycle build with paint by Chris Maure with an 88ci Panhead providing the performance.

Don’t miss the next show in Cleveland this weekend.

–Jeff Najar

BIKERNET BIKER, BRIDGE, AND BROAD WARNING–A group of bikers were riding when they saw a girl about to jump off a bridge so they stop.

The leader gets off his bike and says, “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to commit a suicide,” she says.

While he did not want to appear insensitive, he didn’t want to miss an opportunity he asked “Well, before you jump, why don’t you give me a Kiss?”

So, she does and it was a long, deep lingering kiss.

After she’s finished, the biker says, “Wow! That was the best Kiss I have ever had. That’s a real talent you are wasting. You could be famous.  Why are you committing suicide?”

“My parents don’t like me dressing up like a girl……”

–from CarlR

WEEKLY PEEL-BACK PARTS PRICES FROM K AND G CYCLES– Here we go again with another great week of super savings at K and G Cycles. You won’t want to miss these deals.

Let’s start with Starters. If you’re on a budget, but need a reliable starter, we’ve got just what you need.

· High Torque

· Fully tested starters manufactured from all new parts and include a printed performance test curve sheet that meets or exceeds the advertised kilowatt rating

· ISO 9001 certified manufacturer

· 1989/2006 models include 10-32 starter shaft bolt for 1994/2006 applications (use OE 1/4-20 bolt for 1989/1993 applications)

· Grey Cast Finish, 1.4 kilowatt, 6 1/4″ length, Fits Big Twin 1994/2006 (except 2006 Dyna).

This is a great deal at 15% off of retail. This week’s price is $122.11 Or, if you want the cool black finish, the price is just $141.45. Still 15% off!!

If you’re in the market for a new cam, we’ve got you covered.

· Time tested and track proven Andrew’s cams have computer enhanced design features that provide a superior combination of performance gains and reliability without sacrificing component longevity

· Installation instructions included. Timing and Duration measured at .053″ cam lift.

· Bolt-in street cam with fast open and close ramps. Similar timing to EV3 but designed to produce a very broad torque band. Pulls 1500 to 6000 rpm and uses stock springs.

· EFI or Carb. Timing 20/36 44/16. Valve Lift .495″ .495″. Duration 236 240. Grind EV27.

This is 20% off retail, so save some money. Only $151.60!!

We’ve got lots of deals like this in our Peel-Back Pricing section. Come on by  and give us a look.
Check us out on Facebook at . We work to earn your business every time you shop!

ACE CAFÉ LONDON MARKETING STUDY– Ace Cafe London have been approached by market research company “People4U”. Their target audience is men between the ages of 18 – 70 years of age, who own (bought from new in the last 3 years) the bikes listed below.

DUCATI – Sports models such as Monster Series and Super Sports Series

KAWASAKI – Sports models such as ER-6n, ER-6f, Z750, Z1000SX, ZX-6R, ZX-10R, ZZR1400, Ninja 250

Those who fit the criteria will be invited to attend a focus group (informal discussion group) in London EC2 on either 2nd or 3rd February, 6pm – 9pm and be paid £125.

Please contact: Leigh Yates – email with the following details:

1) Your Name

2) Contact Number

3) Postcode

4) Which make and model

5) If purchased from new

6) How old the bike is

NEW YORK ULTIMATE BUILDER WINNERS’ LIST–Here are the results of the Ultimate Builder from our New York round.

1. George Stinsman, Chaos Cycle – 2011 Chaos Cycle Lot Lizard
2. Joe Cooper, Cooper Smithing Co – 1999 Harley-Davidson
3. George Stinsman, Chaos Cycle – 2010 Chaos Cycle Coco
4. Roman Levin, FOH Custom Raptor
5. Eric Schroeder, Tribal Iron Choppers – 2005 TIC

1. John Loughlin built by FOH Cycle Fab -2001 Triumph
2. Shwan Page, Coleman Powersport – 2007 Suzuki Hayabusa
3. Edgar Rumph – 2006 Suzuki Hayabusa
4. Mark Klein, DAM Motorcycles – 2007 DAM Tech Twin
5. George Fanelli MPS Racing – 2007 Honda CRF450

1. Jason Bochniak, 2006 Harley-Davidson (2nd Win / Won DC SHOW)
2. Gary Edwards, 2007 Harley-Davidson Fatboy built by Tribal Iron Choppers 3. Jesse Ramose, 1994 Harley-Davidson built by Tribal Iron Choppers
At each round of the Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show we shoot video, photography and post to social media.

Listed below are the locations of the media. Utilize the video and photography to promote yourself and the event on your website, newsletter and social media.

– Facebook
– Gallery of Pictures
– AMD World Championship Blog
– Youtube
– Bikernet Studio
– Download Ultimate Builder Logo

New York Round

The winner of the Freestyle and Modified Harley class win $3,000 and the winner of the Performance Custom takes home $1,000.

The Ultimate Builder is an affiliate of the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building. We have a place for you to compete locally, nationally and internationally.

To register for the event point your mouse here.

–Jeff Najar
World Championship North American Bureau

REBECCA MITCHELL JOINS LAS VEGAS BIKEFEST TEAM–Las Vegas, Nevada, January 25, 2011: Las Vegas BikeFest is pleased to announce that Rebecca Mitchell, a powersports industry veteran, has joined the LVBF sales and marketing team.

“Las Vegas BikeFest is in expansion gear”, states Mindi Cherry, Vice President, “Rebecca brings her passion for powersports, sales, marketing and event management skills to the table. We’re adding more vendors with loads of different products for our attendees. We’re planning more features and attractions to all segments of the motorcycling community that you just don’t see at other motorcycle rallies, events and shows.”

Rebecca’s resume includes past publisher of Hot Rod Bikes magazine; Sales, Marketing and Event Director for several powersports after-market companies. Most recently she was the Sales Account Manager (Big Twin Segment) for Dealernews magazine, Dealer Expo, Big Twin Dealer magazine, the Big Twin West show and the International Motorcycle Shows. In addition, she’s a long-time enthusiast who rides and is a frequent attendee at rallies throughout the country.

Las Vegas BikeFest 2011 will be held September 29, 2011 – October 2, 2011 at the Cashman Center, 850 Las Vegas Blvd. North, Las Vegas, NV 89101, as well as returning to have its headquarters on the world-famous and wildly popular Fremont Street in nearby downtown Las Vegas. More information regarding vendor sales or event registration can be found at, or by calling 1-866 –BIKEFEST(1-866-245-3337).

Hogmanay hog-muh-NEY, noun:

1. a gift given on New Year’s Eve.

proper noun:
1. New Year’s Eve in Scotland.

Farther on, Gib Dempster’s dame, Kate, is at her door, with the bottle in her hand, to give another menagerie of maskers their “hogmanay,” in the form of a dram; and Gib is at her back, eyeing her with a squint, to count how many interlusive applications of the cordial she will make to her own throat before she renounce her opportunity.
— Alexander Leighton, Wilson’s Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume 17

The children who went about on December 31 asking for their “hogmanay” were really asking for a Scottized French word for a cake.
— “A changed meaning,” The Glasgow Herald, 1947

Hogmanay is the name for Scottish New Year’s Eve. It probably comes from the Old French aguillanneuf, “last day of the year.”

B.C. TRUCKER DOWNSCALES TO OPEN FULL OUT CYCLES– A laid-off truck driver in Langley, British Columbia, traded 18 wheels for two to open a new business.

Mechanically inclined Chris Roenitz got certified at a technical college and opened Full Out Cycles and Power Sports.

“I’ve worked on motorbikes since I was 14,” Roenitz told the Langley Advance. “Then I drove a truck for quite a few years, and it was starting to take a toll on me so I decided if I was going to get laid off again, I was going to do what I really liked doing.”

Initially he planned to get a job as a mechanic for someone else, but jobs were scarce so he struck out on his own.

Full Out Cycles specializes in full custom builds and powersports vehicle repairs, with an emphasis on older bikes, ATVs, Harley-Davidson and dirt bikes.

Posted by Holly Wagner
Published courtesy of Dealernews:

If you can’t afford a doctor, go to an airport . . .
– you’ll get a free x-ray and a pat down, and . . .
if you mention Al Queda, you get a colonoscopy.

–from Rogue

MOTORCYCLISTS ASK MISSOURI SENATORS TO SCRAP HELMET LAW– A group of motorcyclists asked some state senators to repeal Missouri’s helmet law, saying they believe helmets may actually increase the dangers riders face by muffling the sounds of traffic.
Nearly two dozen riders testified to the Senate Transportation Committee in favor of a bill would repeal a law requiring all motorcycle riders to wear helmets. The bill would limit that requirement only to riders under the age of 21.

Terry McNutt, a member of the motorcycle-rights group Freedom of Road Riders, told the committee that he has nearly collided with emergency vehicles on the highway because he was unable to hear the approaching sirens due to his helmet.

“Helmets can cause all kinds of damage to a rider,” he told The Associated Press after he testified. “Most helmets are full-face helmets, meaning they cover most of your face and your ears. When they do that, it makes it really hard to hear.”

He said full-face helmets contain padding under their plastic shell that can make riders so warm in the summertime that they have trouble controlling their motorcycle.

“Some of the helmets are so hot that they can even make you puke,” he said.

McNutt said even helmets that cover only the top of the head and ears – called “shorties” – can pull a rider’s head back when he or she is riding at a high speed, causing pain.

Gov. Jay Nixon vetoed a similar helmet-law repeal in 2009, saying it would make riders less safe and would increase the state’s medical care costs.
In September, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that motorcycle fatalities were down 16 percent in 2009 from an all-time high of 5,312 the previous year. Missouri saw a roughly 21 percent decline, according to the Missouri Department of Transportation.

Katherine Cashell, a legislative coordinator for Freedom of Road Riders, said her group feels that training programs that teach techniques such as defensive riding are much more effective in preventing accident deaths than mandatory helmet laws.
“What we need to be focused on are the preventive measures, such as awareness and education,” she said. “Helmets do not save lives.”

Sponsoring Sen. Bill Stouffer, R-Napton, told the senators that repealing the law could positively affect the state’s tourism prospects. He said the current law discourages out-of-state groups from coming to Missouri, because seven of the eight states surrounding Missouri do not require helmets for all riders.

“If you have a group that wants to go on a ride, they’re going to avoid Missouri,” he said. “Those folks do spend a lot of tourism dollars.”
–By Wes Duplantier, AP

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER COLD REMEDY–A New Way to Prevent Colds, in addition to washing your hands, avoiding people who are sick and eating a diet rich in antioxidants, you may want to add a new strategy to your preventing-a-winter-cold list: getting exercise five days per week.

Bikernet Researchers found that individuals who reported performing regular physical activity at least five days a week spent 43 percent fewer days suffering with a cold than those who exercised no more than once a week. An added benefit, when they did catch a cold, was reduced severity and symptoms among those who exercised most.

Most likely these reductions in colds and symptoms are linked to the increased immune system activity that occurs during aerobic exercise.

Make it a point to walk (indoors, if necessary) for 30-45 minutes per day, or if you don’t already have a gym membership, buy one and use the aerobic equipment such as stationary bicycles, treadmills or elliptical trainers.

For more info from the good doctor, go to:

THIS WEEKEND: The Grand Nationals Roadsters Show This Weekend at Fairplex in Pomona California!– This will be my first time attending this event, which has always been
highly recommended to me. You can see the best cars and the best bikes from around the world there at this show. This show takes up seven buildings!

Some 700 of the best show cars in the world are there, some worth up to 1 million dollars! Many showbikes are also on display at this three-day event. For the Kids: Celebrity Courtney Hansen from iCarly. More celebrites are also scheduled.

I will be at this event mainly on Saturday but more than likely Friday, too. There is so much to tell about this great show that it’s best to log on their website below:

Show Info for admission prices, parking, location,

See u there!! and thank you for all your support. Let’s make this a great 2011!!

–Pete Alva
Director-Forworld Pictures
(310) 921-8116
Independent Media Photographer
Editor-Publisher :
Hear Pete Alva’s Music at:

I have been working on the D&D exhaust mods to clear the Baker reverse system, and do have it temporally installed on my 2009 FLHT.

There is plenty of clearance between exhaust and cover as well as around the solenoid. I have a little tweaking to do yet and things like modifying the bracket off the transmission and floor board clearance.

It is going to Work! Basically what I did was put a wedge in between the two pipes and open them up. If this is done before welding the pipes would work for the BAKER Reverse without any pressure on them. A small amount by the collector made a huge difference at the port.

I did switched the gasket to the early style as well which allowed the pipe to fit in the port slightly more. Here are a few shots to give you a idea. The cardboard between the exhaust and cover is double thickness. It works as a feeler gauge and also protects the chrome on the cover during fitment.

Once I finalize I will give measurements.  I have been discussing with Aaron Whitney at D&D and I think it is going to be a easy adjustment for them to make to their exhaust so it will fit for bikes with the BAKER Reverse.

I will call him today and once I have a e-mail address I will send him some photos as well. I have also been in touch with Buzz Dyer at Cycle Shack and he is working on modifying a set of his PHD-120 head pipes which has the rear pipe going out the left side to work with this set up. This should give BAKER two sets of exhaust to work on the 2009 and up FLHTs

Once I have final fitment I will be able to finish the tech article. I will keep you informed.

Bikernet Tech Specialists


BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS DEAL OF THE WEEK–Here is the deal of the week from the BIKERNET classified section. A 1988 FXRS, white bros. exhaust, hypercharger, very clean and garage kept.

Over 500 bikes listed this week! Parts and Accessory ads also! Take a few minutes and check out the BIKERNET classifieds, you will be glad you did. There is a bike there to fit everyone! BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS, the place to but and sell bikes!


1988 FXRS Lowrider
Ad #2109225 Posted:2011-01-24 18:21:50
This ad expires in 52 days.

good condition, 3-D flamed footpegs and mirrors, runs great, 2 1/4″ White Bros pipes, drag bar handle bars, stingray skin seat with matching sissy bar been in garage for two and half years dont ride any more since daughter was born

Seller Phone Number: (386) 937-1304

THE 2011 OFFICIAL BIKE WEEK BRASS BALLS MOTORCYCLE–  The Daytona Bike Week drawing occurs on March 12th, 2011. No matter how many are sold, we pull a winner. So the ODDS of winning can be EVEN greater than one in 4500. Enter today and win this fabulous prize!

Get all the details of the Brass Balls Bike Week Motorcycle here.

SUPER BOWL PARTY & POTLUCK 2pm till ?? SUNDAY February 6th 2011
San Fernando Valley Hells Angels host Super Bowl and celebrate Big Pete’s 10 year Club Anniversary.
SFV support merchandise available.
No host bar, free admission. Please bring a potluck item.

March 5th Saturday — KEEP JESS FREE – PACK RIDE & PARTY

SHOWTIME: 10:30am — DEPART: 11:00am
Please be on time, be gas’d up & ready to roll.

***BERDOO***Angel’s Roadhouse, 32464 Dunlap Blvd. Yucaipa
***ORANGE Co.*** Illusion Cycles, 14726 Goldenwest St. Westminster
***VENTURA*** TnT/Mobil, 779 S. Seward Ave. Ventura

SHOWTIME: 10:30am ~~ DEPART: 11:00am
Destination: SFV Clubhouse — 12noon
9323 Franklin St. Chatsworth

SFV Clubhouse is open @ 11:30am for those who wish to drive/ride in.
Support Merchandise will be available.

AND DON’T FORGET — March 13th Sunday —
Berdoo Hells Angels celebrate RED & WHITE DAY
Party will be at: Angels Roadhouse in Yucaipa

The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame would like to welcome our newest MAJOR

In it 15th year, is one of the premier on-line magazines serving the V-Twin
community offering extensive bike features, tech articles, and event coverage daily. As a new
monthly feature, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum will be featured. Either one of our exhibits,
our events, or our travels will be the focus of these articles. Check it out!

ANOTHER HOT SHOW WEEKEND–Hopefully, we’ll have a shot at test tuning the 5-Ball factory racer. We are also working on this massive porthole cover. I’m prepping it for shipment to Heather New, of New-Line Engraving. She’s going to engrave the notorious 5-Ball racing logo into the bronze hatch cover. She will also engrave a mudflap girl into the Goodsen aircleaner displayed above.

It’s never a dull moment around the headquarters. This 1%er book is nearly completed. The official Bikernet copy editor, Bruce Snyder, is on the hunt for errors. If I wrote it, it’s packed with mistakes, but I keep learning. So far the reviews are strong. I’m down to four days before my deadline with Motorbooks. Hang on.

Ride Forever,


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