
This is incredible. I picked up my Spitfire frames, front ends, forward controls, and a lot of Spyke and Compu-fire parts for our Mudflap FXR builds yesterday. And Saturday I’m outta here to New Orleans, jump a Victory Highball and haul ass to North Carolina for the Smoke Out. What a wild Adventure. I’m looking forward to Cajun food and Creole women.

But there’s a side of me that wants to dive into the shop and stay there until these bikes are clicking and ready for the Sturgis run. Let’s hit the news while I’m perplexed:

HOLLISTER NEWS–Wizard’s Cafe open for breakfast and lunch.
Alright, we’ve been scrambling to get confirmations from some of our industry buddies about setting up displays, but so far haven’t pinned down many details. So let’s just say that YES we will have some vendors, but we don’t know how many yet. We’ll also have some vintage bikes and stuff like that to check out while you’re here. More details when they’re available.

Poker Run Tophatters’ 64th Annual Poker Run. Sign in at Whiskey Creek 10:00am. Final stop Corbin’s Workshop of Wizards approx 3:00pm.

Sonny Barger The one, the only, the legend! Meet and Greet: Autographs, book signings in the Corbin showroom Saturday only.

Bill Hayes Best selling author of The Original Wild Ones. Book signing, meet & greet.

World’s Fastest Indian Burt Munro’s 1920 Indian Scout used to set the land speed record in 1962 and focus of the movie The World’s Fastest Indian will be on display all day at the Bike Show area. Rumor has it they may even fire it up so you can hear it run!
Bike Show Ride-In Bike Show on the grass in front of the Corbin building. Earn yourself a little braggin’ rights.

Live Music 10:00 am – 6:00 pm featuring Mario Valens and the Backyard Blues Band
Factory Tours

Take a self guided stroll around the workshop or join up with any of our guided tours througout the day. 10:00am – 6:00pm.

Wizard’s Cafe Corbin’s on-site `50s style diner will be open for breakfast and lunch all day for sit-down dining.

Food Court A lineup of food selections will begin serving around 11:00am through the afternoon.
Event Discount Take a 10% discount on all Corbin accessories ordered during the weekend! That’s right, just because we don’t have it in stock doesn’t mean you can’t get a discount.

Free Installation In addition to the Discount, all Corbin accessories are eligible for free installation. Get your new saddle and ride home on it!

SUPER VILLAIN OFFERS MORE CUSH FOR THE TUSH–Designed by Bob LePera Jr exclusively for 2008-2011 touring mounts, the sleek “Super Villain” takes open road comfort to a whole new level. Super Villain has all of the ground breaking style of the original “Villain” with added cush and support for the long hall.

The drivers area is 14 ½’ wide and 11” wide for the passenger! Get all the details at your local LePera dealer or catch them on line at

VICTORIAN CLUB BAN LOOMS–  The government in the highly populated Australian state of Victoria will move to introduce laws later this year that ban outlaw motorcycle groups after a series of raids at properties linked to the Hells Angels in Melbourne’s north during the week.

A government spokesman said, ”Years of inaction by the former government placed Victoria at risk of becoming the criminal bike gang capital of the country. The government was elected to take action against criminal bikie and similar gangs operating in Victoria and we’re now getting on with the job of delivering on our commitment.”

But Law Institute of Victoria spokesman James Dowsley said the laws undermined civil liberties. ”Making criminals out of a whole class of people is ill-conceived,” he said. ”If these laws are introduced then any contact with a banned group through email or the like could leave otherwise innocent people liable to a prison sentence. The existing laws are adequate.”

Detective Superintendent Doug Fryer said all four properties in the recent raids in Greensborough, Thomastown and Bundoora were linked to the Nomads chapter of the Hells Angels. The raids, which were conducted with the Australian Federal Police, included the group’s Thomastown headquarters.

A 42-year-old Greensborough man was charged with possessing and trafficking a drug of dependence and possessing the proceeds of crime. A 26-year-old Thomastown woman was interviewed by police regarding drug-related matters and released pending further inquiries.

Superintendent Fryer said the raids were linked to at least two serious assaults, firearms offences and drug trafficking allegations.
Hells Angels members would not comment on the assaults that are being investigated but said they were disappointed police had blasted open the gates of their headquarters to gain entry.

”If they rang us up obviously we would have opened them up for them. We’ve got nothing to hide. But that’s what happens,” one member told media.

Superintendent Fryer said the fortification of the clubhouse had not been an issue for police because explosives gave them easy access to the building.

LOS ANGELES ELIMINATED CAMERAS–The Los Angeles City Council was sold on camera monitoring of intersections, then spent millions installing the unsightly devices throughout the city. Vehicles were cited for no front license plates. I was nervous about my new hearse. Then the city discovered that the system didn’t work, and they pulled the plug on the whole damn thing. Life is nuts.


NEW BANKING SYSTEM DISCOVERED–In case you would like to change your bank, I would suggest this one!!!  I’m sure you’ll all understand when I say ‘Here is a sign I’d like to see on MY bank.’ Notice the sign on the front door?Chappell Hill is a small town between Houston and Brenham on Hwy 290. Any would–be robbers looking to walk into the bank here had best think twice. There is a new sign in town.


About a month ago, Chappell Hill Bank president Edward Smith looked at a sign on the front door prohibiting concealed weapons from his business and decided to make a policy change. Licensed to carry a handgun? Come on in, and bring your weapon.The sign, now prominently displayed on the bank’s front door, says: “Lawful concealed carry permitted on these premises. Management recognizes the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as an inalienable right of all citizens. We therefore support and encourage the carrying of licensed concealed weapons.”


Smith said he made the policy change to send a warning to potential robbers, and also to express support to Americans right to bear arms. “We had the sign on the window, the red circle with the pistol inside and a line through. I started thinking. We’ve got this no gun sign up and a robber can come in and do what he wants. But if you’ve got a policy allowing handguns, he won’t know how many people are going to be in here carrying a concealed weapon. There may be some little old lady who’s mad at the government, and she’d love to use it” he said.

The bank has been robbed twice in the last three years, including last March when a Western-attired man walked in, ordered bank employees to fill a canvas bag with money and then fled in a pickup truck. The man, who did not brandish a weapon, has not been caught.

The sign has made Chappell Hill Bank and Smith somewhat of an Internet sensation. A photo of the sign has made its way around the world, and Smith has even been interviewed for the National Rifle Association’s radio network He’s also been contacted by other media outlets wanting to do stories. “It’s kind of gotten a life of its own” he said. Expressions of support have far outnumbered criticism. Smith has been contacted by officials from larger banks considering taking similar action, and has received e-mails in support from across the United States and even from England, Canada, and Germany.

THE NHTSA PLOY– The following is part of a veiled attempt by the NHTSA to push for Mandatory Motorcycle Rider Training through out the country
The Motorcycle Safety Counsel is profiting heavily from this and saving the Government Money buy Eliminating Testing.
To make Motorcycle Rider Training Mandatory and not doing it for any other form of highway operator is prejudice.

Forcing people to pay large amounts of money to attend one of the schools has increased people Not Getting Licensed.
There is Money in every license and registration to pay for education. States regularly use this money for other things.
All States should have operator testing facilities and everyone should be given the opportunity to try and pass.

If a person can not pass the test they then can get training which should be free of charge to the student and be paid for from the money the state has already collected for education.
If this was really about Safety and Not About Making Money then it would already be happening.

Motorcyclist need to come out Very Strongly against this.
In case you are not aware of it there are discussions going on to Make It Mandatory for Motorcycle Riders To Go To School Every Five (5) Years OH YEAH and Pay.
Do Not Let It Get That Far STOP IT NOW!!!!!


By City News Service, on June 11th, 2011 Motorcyclists with a need for speed and a penchant for taking dangerous shortcuts will be on the Hemet Police Department’s radar next week.

The Hemet Police Department will conduct a specialized “Motorcycle Safety Enforcement Operation” on Tuesday in an effort to continue lowering deaths and injuries, said Hemet police Lt. Dean Evans.

Hemet police will be focusing on motorcycle safety next week. Credit: oregonDOT/ Commons “Extra officers will be on duty patrolling areas frequented by motorcyclists and where motorcycle crashes occur,” Evans said.

He cited speeding, unsafe turning and impairment due to alcohol and other drugs as leading factors in motorcycle crashes. Evans also cited inexperience as a major factor in motorcycle crashes.

“Between 2006 and 2008, 58 percent of motorcycle operators killed under age 25 were not properly licensed,” he said. “Riders, young and old, are encouraged to be properly licensed and to seek training and safety information.”

California Office of Traffic Safety data show that over the past three years, fatal motorcycle crashes have declined by 30 percent. However, California is still ranked in the top three states in the nation for motorcycle fatalities.

“Motorcyclists are much more vulnerable than others sharing the road,” said OTS Director Christopher Murphy. “Motorcyclists require special skills and abilities to reduce the risk of being involved in a crash.”

He said the California Motorcyclist Safety program provides extensive training to riders. More information is available at or (877) 743-3411.

Tuesday’s crackdown is being funded through a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration grant.


MAVERICK SMOOTH–LePera’s “Maverick” saddle has become the touring seat of choice for enthusiast worldwide. Perfectly sculptured for both form and function this serious rider’s seat never overwhelms the lines of the bike like so many touring seats on the market. You will find the Maverick’s clean lines and deep sculpted bucket create just the right amount of back support while retaining the classic lines.

Many riders have asked for a built in backrest; only to find the Maverick was all they needed! Another great feature for the driver is the tapered thigh area for stop and go comfort. The Maverick is now available in smooth (no stitch) or the standard Maverick stitch. Contact your local dealer or catch the full line up and details at

THE MYSTERY MOTORCYCLE/TRIKE HUNT– Do you have any idea where this thing might be? Call the Two Cycle it was built by Ron and Tico at California Cycle Works in the early 70’s. Not a Harley and I’m not into trikes but I could cruise this one.

Bob Clark

SNITCHES ARE A DYING BREED–Cops infiltrate clubs they call gangs and or send in an informant. In many cases they commit crimes to gain acceptance that are far more serious than the clubs do = “outrageous government conduct”
They should concentrate on cleaning up law enforcement first before the go after others.
The Biggest Gang In The Country IS LAW ENFORCEMENT.

Depew motorcycle club’s lawyers to press rare case against FBI

By Dan Herbeck


Defense attorneys for the Chosen Few motorcycle club will resume their attack this week on the FBI for its handling of an informant who went undercover against his biker associates.

A highly unusual hearing on accusations of “outrageous governmental conduct” in the Chosen Few case started last month and will resume Wednesday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Jeremiah J. McCarthy.

And defense lawyers plan to focus on an interoffice Buffalo FBI document that describes statements the informant, David Ignasiak, allegedly made.

The document, dated April 22, quotes Ignasiak as stating that FBI agents who were handling him had to be aware that he was planning to take part in an assault on someone from the rival Kingsmen motorcycle club in August 2008.

“The FBI knew that a bunch of [Chosen Few] guys were going out to look for [Kingsmen]. What did they think was going to happen?” agents quoted Ignasiak as saying. “Everyone knew that this was going to happen.”

Federal prosecutors said Ignasiak and several other Chosen Few bikers went out in cars on the night of Aug. 20, 2008, looking for Kingsmen to assault. They said Ignasiak was with a Chosen Few assault team that beat Eugene Siminski, a Kingsmen member, after dragging him off his Harley-Davidson motorcycle on Buffalo’s East Side.

Defense lawyers said that they believe Ignasiak took part in the beating and that the FBI knew about it. FBI agents deny that.

Attorney Paul J. Cambria, who represents jailed Chosen Few president Alex Koschtschuk, said he considers the FBI document “very significant” because it indicates that FBI agents knew about Ignasiak’s involvement in criminal activity. For months after the assault, Cambria said, the FBI still allowed Ignasiak to function as an informant.

Ignasiak testified in the hearing last month that, in fact, FBI agents had told him not to commit crimes while working as an informant for them. He also invoked the Fifth Amendment and repeatedly declined to answer questions about the Siminski assault.

Defense attorneys also claim that Ignasiak committed an act of vandalism in June 2008, sneaking into a park to hack up a Chosen Few tent at a blues festival. Ignasiak took the Fifth Amendment when asked whether he did that.

Ignasiak wanted to start a war of violence between the Chosen Few and the Kingsmen so he could report on what was happening and make himself a more valuable informant, alleged another defense attorney in the case, Angelo Musitano.

Another Chosen Few attorney, Joseph M. LaTona, claims FBI agents knowingly gave false information to U. S. District Judge William M. Skretny when they persuaded Skretny to sign an order authorizing the planting of listening devices in the Chosen Few clubhouse in Depew.

FBI agents and federal prosecutors insist there was no wrongdoing by agents who gathered information for racketeering charges filed against 20 Chosen Few members and associates in May 2009.

McCarthy’s hearing is believed to be the first conducted about alleged “outrageous government conduct” in at least 35 years. According to First Assistant U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy, only one case in the nation has been dismissed due to an outrageous conduct complaint since 1976.

“It’s not outrageous for the government to infiltrate an ongoing criminal enterprise,” Kennedy said in court last month.

Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK–JIMS Transmission Case Shifter Shaft Seal Installers No. 767 and No. 768
put you in control and make installing the shifter seal precise and
effortless. Designed in conjunction with Hiro Koiso, one of JIMS sponsored
Bonneville racers, these brand new installers align, center and place the
seal at the correct depth on all EVO, Twin Cam and Sportster models.

Transmission Case Shifter Shaft Seal Installers are machined from top
quality material right here in the USA. They have an MSRP of $35.00 and
like hundreds of JIMS tools are backed by a lifetime warranty against
manufacturers defect.

For more information connect with us at, find us on Facebook or call 805-482-6913.



There are lots going on with these bastards. They have now produced over 200 sets of STD ported and polished Panheads over the last four months. Their heads are capable of being built in stock replacement configuration or 3-bolt exhaust, or Evo exhaust. Any type of intake system is cool from early stock plumbing, to Evo compliance fittings. The heads can be built for stock to 4.25 bore cylinders.

You name it, STD is alive with a massive CNC engine department, capable of line-boring cases and making everything from Twin Cam dual carb heads to finned Twin cam gear covers and rocker boxes. They are also making old school finned primaries with the blessing of Milwaukee Iron.

Then Spyke makes a whole line of Starters, charging systems, and regulators. For over a decade I always use Compu-fire ignitions, coils, and sparkplug wires. They build vent systems, battery cables sets and starters for Shovelheads.

Downey, California, USA
Tel: 562 803 1700
Fax: 562 803 0378

BUCKSHOTS FIRST NOVEL–My first novel; SKINNER’S WAR will be available for download in several different venues by the end of the week, and I need a big favor! I need everybody with a Facebook page to click on the 2 links below and hit the LIKE button for both! That starts the ball rolling, and I can’t do it without ya! The other 2 books should be available soon after!
Thanks, everybody!!

HOT NEWS FROM A LOCAL BIKER BAND, ATTIKA7– If you missed ATTIKA7’s show, you missed history in the making!!!

On Friday June 10th 2011 LA based metal band ATTIKA7 played the Hed 2 Hed tour at The Key Club Hollywood. ATTIKA7 is no stranger to playing The Key Club but this time was different.

Upon finishing the set to a full house of people, ATTIKA7 was greeted to cheers and screams of encore. The crowd was’nt finished and was insisting on another song. ATTIKA7 got the thumbs up, played another song, and finished the night strong.

Much to our surprise we were greeted backstage by Key Club owner and were told ATTIKA7 was the only “opening” band in Key Club history to encore!!!!

Be sure to stay tuned, we have some surprises for you!!!

A BIG thanks to the people helping ATTIKA7 reach the next level; Kevin Zinger, Tom and Tracy at Affliction Clothing, Kurt Sutter & Team with Sons of Anarchy & Fox 11, Black Label Dave, John Reese and John Oakes, Dez Fafara of Devildriver, Fletcher Dragge of Pennywise, Dustin from Walls of Jericho, Steve Puente of Jagermeister, Mike Kelso and team at Rockstar Energy Drink, T-Rod at Illusion Motorsports, Cole Whitcher of This Is War Clothing Co, Arjay Management and Sean Michael Lenhoff

Saddlemen’s “Heels Down” Seat Inspires Confidence. After years of making some of the most comfortable and stylish seats in the motorcycleindustry, Saddlemen has developed another! The Renegade “Heels Down” Seat.

Saddlemen’s team of engineers came up with the “Heels Down” version of their popular
Renegade seat line to address the issue of rider confidence. “Riders love the confidence of
being able to put both feet comfortably on the ground and comfortably grasp the handlebars. Itis a great feature. ”, says Saddlemen’s R&D Director, Avery Innis.

The “Heels Dowfor better contrsecurely plant tSaddleGel tecalso available with a matching rider’s vackrest for superb lumbar support as well as matching pillion pads.

Available at your local Drag Specialties dealer. Visit or more information.
Since 1987, Saddlemen has been a leader in motorcycle accessories by offering comfort
solutions to motorcyclists. Sacombined with the features aare made in the U.S.A.


BIKERNET COPY EDITOR RETURNS FROM HIS RIDE–Rolled in about an hour ago after more than 3500 miles. Had a great time. Hotter than hell in west Texas and southern New Mexico yesterday – like about 104 – so frequent water and Gatorade stops were in order.

I left Covington, LA Sunday morning and rode all the way to Uvalde, TX. Yesterday was another long one. I got to Las Vegas, NM about 10 p.m. and grabbed a room. The home stretch to Colorado Springs took a little longer than normal due to Raton Pass being closed because of a wildfire, but the detour turned out to be a pretty nice scooter ride.

The bike gave me no problems, although I did have to replace a rear tire in Baton Rouge. Tomorrow, I’ll change the oil and wash the bugs off.

–Bruce Snyder
Official Bikernet Copy editor

Motorcycle Exhaust Decibel Testing–Maine has adopted a simple yet reliable testing procedure that allows motorcyclists to prove their bikes don’t violate Maine’s motor vehicle sound law, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) reports.

Under a new law that went into effect on May 26, motorcyclists ticketed for excessive sound emitting from their motorcycle exhausts can go to a certified inspection station for sound testing.

There, the exhaust system would be tested using the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J2825 stationary sound testing procedure – “Measurement of Exhaust Sound Pressure Levels of Stationary On-Highway Motorcycles” – which the SAE developed and adopted with support from the Motorcycle Industry Council in May 2009.

Under the SAE J2825 standard, which the AMA has endorsed, decibel limits range from 92 dBA at idle for all motorcycles, to 100 dBA at certain RPMs for various motorcycles, depending on the type of engine. If a motorcycle meets these limits during the certified testing, then it is evidence that t he motorcycle doesn’t violate the state’s sound law.

Imre Szauter (AMA Government Affairs Manager) says: “This new law is good news for responsible motorcyclists who ride in Maine because it provides an objective way to prove that a motorcycle doesn’t violate the state’s sound law, rather than relying on subjective judgments. We applaud the state of Maine — the first in the nation — for adopting the SAE J2825 standard.”

The AMA has long maintained a position of strong opposition to excessive motorcycle sound. The SAE J2825 standard is at the heart of model legislation developed by the AMA for use by jurisdictions seeking a simple, consistent a nd economical way to deal with sound complaints related to on-highway motorcycles within the larger context of excessive sound from all sources.

–from Rogue

TIBBY’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle shop in Springfield to close– Tibby’s Harley-Davidson, the Berkshire Avenue motorcycle shop that survived a roof collapse in a heavy snowstorm this winter, has announced that it will be closing its doors at the end of this month.

“It’s the end of an era,” the store says on its website. “We extend our deepest thanks to our loyal customers for the many years we have had. We welcome you to please visit within the next few weeks so that we may personally wish each other well.”

Owner’s Jason and Jean Thibodeau told Chicopee-based WWLP-TV, 22 News that the store opened in 1956 and sold its first bike in February, a 1956 Indian Fire Arrow that sold for $445 with $1.20 in sales tax.

“Three generations of the Thibodeau family have been employed at the dealership. Catherine Thibodeau told 22News Tibby’s has eleven employees.”

Veteran riders at Tibby’s, told cbs3springfield last month that people need to be more aware on the road and ride under control.
“It was new, it was exhilarating, but they need to slow down,” rider Barry Smith said when commenting about the number of motorcycle accidents in Western Massachusetts.

But bikers also warn four-wheel drivers to be aware of where bikes are on the road how vulnerable the riders are, the station reported.
The store is offering 25 percent off in-stock purchases of aftermarket parts, and 25% off
in-stock licensed clothing and gifts, until its last day on June 30, according to its website.
Related topics: news-links , springfield , tibby’s-harley-davidson

By Dwight Shepard, The Republican

SPECTRO OIL SERVICE @ SMOKE OUT– The Spectro Oil Service Station will be open and changing oil at the Smoke Out XII on Friday-Saturday June 24-25, 2011 in Rockingham, North Carolina. Overseeing the service work will be Eddie Ellis, Owner of Easy Eddies.

Easy Eddies will carry the full line of Spectro Oil products for stock bikes, cruisers, custom bikes and for all the varieties of choppers including Sportsters, metric engines, Shovelheads, Evos and everything else.

The Smoke Out is about choppers. It is about builders, from professional builders to those bloody-knuckled guys (and ladies) burning the midnight oil in an unheated shed to build a chopper they can call their own. Chops of all makes are featured, American, British, Japanese, everything.

–Jeff Najar

UNCLE MONKEY ON CHANGING TIMES–Our local Timmies coffee shop is the place to see and be seen when it comes to motorcycles. Well at least it used to be. As my wife and I made a few loops up and down the main strip I noticed the parking lot was particularly empty with only a couple of bikes with eager owners sitting and waiting.

The streets were busy with bike traffic almost to the point that one would think a rally was going on. I have been critical of the Timmies crowd for a couple of years. Not that I frown upon the comradery of getting together but because the vast majority of the people there were only riding their bikes to and from Timmies, dragging their feet most of the way. It was rare that I would encounter one away from the safe confines of the asphalt parking lot. It was so bad at one time I watched one couple, decked out in the latest Harley fashions (including chaps) posing and bragging before they hoped in their Harley Davidson truck. No they didn’t ride. Didn’t want to ride.

“Bikes are dangerous,” they explained to me but that didn’t seem to hinder them on being “bikers”. Time would seem is changing. Perhaps the Timmies crowd got enough miles under their belts riding the couple of blocks to Timmies that they feel comfortable to finally start riding on busy city streets. Some of them even pick their feet up before they get all the way across the intersection.

I love riding. It kills me every day as I listen to the multitude of bikes ride past my house that I don’t have a bike right now. I keep telling myself that it is for the better. I sold my bike last year to force myself to let my back heal. Every day it feels stronger, healthier. It was a decision that I didn’t come to lightly. Motorcycles are a huge part of my life but if I continued to ride last year it would have been my last year or I could give up riding for two years, heal and continue riding long into the future.

I take solace that the Timmies crowd are realizing that there is more to riding then standing in a parking lot. That it is the miles we put on riding with friends, taking in the countryside. Feeling the wind in our hair, the thunder in our chest. Ride on my friends, ride on and I will catch up down the road.

-bad Uncle Monkey


Only thing to note is that fitment to the Mr Luckys frame are 1970-1981XS-650 engines, not 1973 to 1984 as listed in the paragraph below:

So, we decided to give him a hand promoting the lowest buck streetablebobber a brother can build. The platform for this project is the exceedinglyreliable Yamaha XS650 built from 1973 to 1984. They look very much like theclassic 650 vertical twins from Triumph, BSA, and Royal Enfield, so theyfill the eye-candy side of the coin but on half the budget with late modeland easy-to-find parts. They are noted for being exceedingly reliable andfast, but we’ll see.

That’s it………love the article.

The ZIPPER’s ThunderMax staff will be traveling coast to coast this riding season.–Make sure to mark your calendars and join us for these upcoming events! You won’t want to miss us during your favorite rally or event! Zipper’s will have friendly and knowledgeable staff on-hand to answer all of your performance questions as well as to help you pick the right performance parts for your Harley®. You’ll receive installation and support backed by 30 years of experience. Feel the immediate benefits of the ThunderMax® EFI System!

Stop By and See Us!
Stop by the ThunderMax trailer and find out how the ThunderMax EFI system can improve your riding experience. Let the knowledgeable representatives from Zipper’s Performance answer your ThunderMax questions, while you’re there have your ThunderMax with AutoTune installed by factory technicians!

1. Laconia Bike Week: 06/11/2011 – 06/18/2011 Location: Laconia Harley-Davidson, NH
2. Gettysburg Bike Week: 07/07/2011 – 07/10/2011 Location: Harley-Davidson of Gettysburg, PA
3. Sturgis Motorcycle Rally: 08/08/2011 – 08/13/2011 Location: Black Hills Harley-Davidson, SD

NEW TRIUMPH BOOK FROM QUAYSIDE–I wanted to let share Quayside Distribution’s next featured book: Triumph Bonneville: Portrait of a Legend by James Mann & Mick Duckworth. This book celebrates nearly 60 years of the Bonneville model; from the 1954 Tiger 110 to the 2010 Bonneville Sixty. A true coffee-table book for Triumph fans and collectors, this book should be a hit with your readers!

The Triumph Bonneville has been one of motorcycling’s most enduring British icons. The name comes from the Utah salt flats where a streamlined twin-cylinder Triumph captured the World Motorcycle Speed Record in 1956. In 1959, the first Bonneville, the T120, appeared, and the Bonneville name would remain a revered badge of motorcycling honor for the following three decades. This elegant, picture-lavish book, featuring Bonnevilles specially photographed in a studio setting, pays tribute by showing all the classic models in exquisite photographic detail, accompanied by an expert commentary. A visual feast for all Bonneville enthusiasts.

–Kris Skellenger
Public Relations/Marketing Specialist
Motorbooks ? Quayside Distribution Services


Me, and Beatnik’s visit with Robert Williams, and his wife Suzanne yesterday at their home was just fucking incredible. I took photos I’m not allowed to publish, and was told stories that I can’t re-tell.

Here’s a couple of shots I took of his work at the Cal State Northridge showing earlier this year. I did get some good photos of the new roof Robert and Suzanne put on their house made from recycled drinking water bottles along with an anti-splatter shield Robert hand-sculpted from a galvanized cookie pan to deflect water from filling up in his trash cans. More copy with exclusive photos to follow in the morning.

–Krylon John

FOLLOW BANDIT ON THE LONG ROAD & SMOKE OUT–Bandit is picking up a Victory High Ball in New Orleans and rolling to Rockingham, NC for the Smoke Out. Starting this Sunday get all the details on the trip with Facebook updates.

The Smoke Out is about choppers. It is about builders, from professional builders to those bloody-knuckled guys… and we will be updating the action on Facebook. From midgets to Jap chops… we have you covered. Hit the link.

Las Vegas, NV June 13, 2011 With the Las Vegas BikeFest just four months away, organizers are excited about the increases in all aspects of the event.

Mindi Cherry, Event Manager elaborated, “We’re so excited because every day we’re seeing more and more participation in Las Vegas BikeFest. Increases in exhibit space, the additional activities during the event, and more entertainment than ever before are all reasons we are seeing an increase in attendance.”

Attendee registration is up 35% over 2010, with visitors coming from all over the world including Afghanistan, Australia and the United Kingdom.. Riders from Canada and the East Coast have already indicated that they will be coming in, both in groups and riding solo.

Las Vegas BikeFest has added Team Empire, Extreme Style Stunt Show featuring Nick Brocha and Ernie Vigil who will perform multiple times a day during the Event, builders and entertainment from Limpnickie Lot and twists to the traditional contests and events on the Cashman Center site. Since the event is one of few that has all it’s events on one campus, it guarantees vendors lots of face time with attendees.

In addition, Las Vegas is enjoying a resurgence in motorcycle sales, echoing the national increase of 7 percent in the first quarter of 2011 over the previous year. “There are still great vendor spaces available, both inside and outside”, commented Cherry. “We expect to sell out before the event, so vendors are encouraged to contact us immediately for space.”

More information regarding the 2011 Las Vegas BikeFest is now available on the event’s website, Las Vegas BikeFest 2011 will be held September 29 – October 2, 2011 at Cashman Center, 850 Las Vegas Blvd. North, Las Vegas, NV 89101, as well as returning its headquarters to the Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino on the world-famous and wildly popular Fremont Street Experience.

More information regarding vendor space can be found at , or by calling Rebecca Mitchell, Account Executive at 1-866–BIKEFEST (1-866-245-3337), ext. 236.

BANDITS BOOK FROM MOTORBOOKS COMING–Terry the Tramp : The Life and Dangerous Times of a One Percenter is coming to theaters (I mean book stores) nears you.
November 2011, Ship Date: October 1, 2011

$27.00/$30.00 Can./£20.00 UK

Some folks find their way to the bright white side of the tracks, but there’s a small percentage who run through the dark alleys of life. Even a smaller portion of those survive. Terry “the Tramp,” born in 1947 to a broken middle-class home in Alhambra, California, grew up with a violent chip on his shoulder. Terry became the international president of one of the most notorious one-percenter motorcycle clubs in southern California, the Vagos MC, and remained in office through upheaval, indictments, drugs, and gang wars for 26 years, until he …

Hardback / Cloth over boards
Transportation / Motorcycles

9.3in H | 6.3in W
236mm H | 160mm W
Ctn Qty:22
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Item #: 149893

FACTORY EXCLUSIVE– reports: Harley-Davidson Stock Manipulation Being Investigated

Lawyers have begun an investigation into the recent rumors that private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) was targeting Harley-Davidson for a stock takeover. Suspecting that Harley-Davidson executives breached their fiduciary responsibility to Harley-Davidson, Inc., investigators were tipped-off to potential breaches at the Milwaukee company after its stock rose by $2 (+5%) immediately after the rumors were first published in financial reports.

Suspecting that those with a financial interest and duty to Harley-Davidson leaked the rumors to the press, and intended to artificially inflate the price of Harley-Davidson’s stock, investigators are asking any current or past shareholders with information about the KKR rumors, or other takeover rumors, to bring that information to the the Shareholders Foundation. Additionally, the investigation is seeking to establish a fair market value for Harley-Davidson, in case its Board of Directors should decide to sell to another entity, to ensure that shareholders get their due.

–Published courtesy of Dealernews:

THE SHERIFF’S NEW TATTOO MAG–Hey theresome of my VLV-stuff in Nordic
Tattoo mag.


Custom Cycle Engineering of Oceanside Ca. manufactures many products for the V-TwinMarket place. One great one is the conversion that mounts a standard Narrow Glide Fender to a Deuce Wide Glide Front End. This is for the bike owner that likes the standard H-D look of the Narrow Glide fenderon the deuce front end.

Made from billet aluminum and with all hardware included.One of your buddies has a old sportster fender in his garage on the wall that you can mount on the Deuceof yours.

$99 Retail
–Lonny Spiva
Custom Cycle Engineering
Marketing – Product Development
Oceanside CA.

BIG BEAR CHOPPERS IS STILL ALIVE– This was the event I rode up the mountain for.

Warm clear day. Best weather.

-Art Hall
Master Motojournalist
Quick Throttle Magazine


A prayer.

Federigo, disappointed of the supper that he was to have had with her, and apprehending the words of the orison aright, hied him to the garden, and having found the two capons and the wine and the eggs at the foot of the peach-tree, took them home with him, and supped very comfortably.
— Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron

The orison that passed her rosy lips was for my present and eternal happiness; and so innocently but ardently was the petition offered up, that I knelt beside her and united my prayer to hers.
— William Hamilton Maxwell, The bivouac: Volume 2

Orison derives from the Late Latin oratio-, a conjugation of the Latin “plea, oration.”

Win pairs of tickets at the Ace to attend the exhibition “Customising Culture & Harley-Davidson”, showcased at the Manchester Museum of Science & Industry, that runs to September 2011, by means of a free prize draw raffle, on:

Thursday 30th June – Harley Night
Saturday 2nd July – Diamond Day (NCC Custom Bike Show)
Thursday 28th July – Harley Night
Thursday 25th August – Harley Night
Sunday 28th August – Harley & Buell Bash

Marvel at a magnificent display of historic Harley-Davidson motorcycles, including one from every decade of the last century, as well as spectacular world-class creations from leading international customisers.

FOLSOM ENFORCEMENT EFFORT AIMS TO REDUCE MOTORCYCLE FATALITIES– The Folsom Police Department will conduct a special motorcycle enforcement operation Thursday as part of an effort to continue reducing deaths and injuries.

Extra officers will be on duty, patrolling areas frequented by motorcyclists and where motorcycle crashes occur, according to a Police Department news release. Officers will be cracking down on traffic violations by motorcyclists and other vehicle drivers that can lead to motorcycle collisions, injuries and fatalities.

Motorcycle fatalities had been on the rise in California, increasing 175 percent in 11 years, from 204 deaths in 1998 to 560 death in 2008. That trend has stopped, with data showing a 30 percent decrease in motorcycle fatalities in 2009. Despite the improvement, officials said, California remains one of three states that lead the nation in motorcyclist deaths.

According to California collision data, the primary causes of motorcycle-involved crashes include speeding, unsafe turning, and impairment due to alcohol or drugs.

The Folsom Police Department also reminds other motorists to be alert and watch out for motorcycles, especially when turning and changing lanes.

Another factor in motorcycle-related crashes is inexperience. Between 2006 and 2008, 58 percent of motorcycle operators under the age of 25 who were killed were not properly licensed, according to the news release. Police urge motorcyclists of all ages to obtain the proper license, and to seek training and safety information.

Training is available through the California Motorcyclist Safety Program. For more information and training locations, see the website at, or call (877) 743-3411.

Funding for Folsom’s special enforcement program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Administration.

By Cathy Locke


Now available, the 2011 AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building t-shirt may be ordered online by visiting . Printed in Sturgis, South Dakota, the t-shirts are made of 100 percent cotton, preshrunk 6.1 ounce.

Available in Black only, in sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, 2x, and 3x. The back of the shirt identifies the Affiliate custom bike events leading up to the 9th Annual AMD World Championship in Sturgis 2012, including those in Austria, the Netherlands, South Africa, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Russia, Czech Republic, Sweden, France, and Portugal.

The World Championship t-shirts will also be available August 1-19, 2011, at Tom’s T’s retail store at 1117 Main Street in Sturgis. The family run Tom’s T’s has been printing t-shirts in Sturgis since 1976. Shirts are available in Black only, in sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, 2x, and 3x.

New England Biker Community Rides to Support Veterans and Families

June 13, 2011 – BOSTON – New England-area motorcycle enthusiasts are kick starting their bikes and riding in the first Ride for Our Heroes on Saturday September 24.
Ride for Our Heroes supports the Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Home Base Program’s services for veterans and families affected by combat stress and traumatic brain injury.

The Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Home Base Program provides clinical care and support services to service members and veterans of the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, throughout New England, who are affected by combat stress and traumatic brain injury (TBI) – the “invisible wounds of war.” Home Base also provides counseling for families; education for clinicians and community members; and research in the understanding and treatment of PTSD and TBI.

The Ride for Our Heroes will kick-off at six locations – one in each New England state – with special guest speakers, military leaders, celebrities and an opening ceremony. Riders will finish the trip with a celebratory “Rider Appreciation” party at the Manchester Harley-Davidson dealership in Manchester, New Hampshire which offers a 16-acre site for a complimentary BBQ, family entertainment, live music, and raffle.

“The biker community has a long history of riding to support veterans through its annual Rolling Thunder event which raises awareness of POWs and MIAs and supports veterans’ services. We hope the Ride for Our Heroes can become another great tradition to honor those who suffer from the “invisible wounds of war”—post traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury. We are honored to work with the biker community on this event,” said John Parrish, MD, Director of the Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Home Base Program.

As part of Ride for Our Heroes, the Home Base Program will be raffling off a custom-designed Home Base and baseball-themed Dirico Motorcycle that features an autograph by Aerosmith music legend and co-founder of Dirico Motorcycles, Steven Tyler.

“The Ride for Our Heroes has all the right elements for New England-area bikers; a tremendous cause of serving veterans and families, six starting locations so all bikers in New England can participate, food and fun activities for family members, and a bike raffle. We are delighted to be part of it,” said Steve Talarico, President of Manchester Harley-Davidson and Dirico Motorcycles.

Riding is not a requirement to support the event. Supporters who do not wish to ride may attend the post-ride BBQ by purchasing tickets on line. For those interested in showing their support for the Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Home Base Program, donations can be made online.

To pre-register for the ride, purchase motorcycle raffle tickets, purchase event BBQ tickets, make a donation or learn more, please visit

For veterans and family members who want more information about the Red Sox Foundation and Mass General Hospital Home Base Program, or to schedule a confidential appointment, please call 617-724-5202, email or visit

Please join the Pro Promotions crew(and 30,000 of their closest friends)for the BIGGEST one day event inDOWN TOWN COLORADO SPRINGS!

AND, Don’t miss the newest addition:
June 26th at Cowboy’s Night Club!

SAMSON INTRODUCES THE LEGEND SERIES– Brea, CA- Samson recently introduced the Legend Series (two individual pipes on one side) for baggers, dressers and most other Harley-Davidson models. The Legend Series offers a show quality finish with Samson’s exclusive Quad Chrome plating that provides ultimate adhesion and corrosion protection. (Sinister black ceramic finish available upon request) This high performance exhaust system has been designed and tuned to produce maximum horsepower, torque and awesome sound.

Every exhaust manufactured by Samson is dyno tested before going into mass production for the ultimate in performance. The removable heat shields are pre-installed and the system is ready to bolt on right out of the box.
Samson exhaust systems are manufactured with a true double wall construction to prevent bluing due to the heat that is generated in a motorcycle exhaust. Every one of these systems is not only made to look great, but to also perform perfectly for your bike.
Additional Features and Benefits:
• O2 sensor ports accept O.E.M. / Aftermarket sensors (2006 and earlier models require O2 sensor plugs, purchased separately)
• Available with massive 2 1/2″ one-piece full coverage removable heat shields
• Installer Friendly (Ready to Install Right Out of the Box)
• Mounting hardware included
• Improves gas mileage
• Two-Stepped High Performance Exhaust System
• Awesome Deep Tone
• Equipped with 1 3/4″ diameter x 10″ long removable baffles
• Available in luxurious chrome or “sinister” black (special request)
• Available for most Harley-Davidson models from ‘95-2008 and 2010-2011
• Limited 1 year warranty
• MSRP: $699.95
*$629.95 (*If ordering directly off of the internet)

He helps a lot of people. You will be happy to know that last weekend my wife and I went to LA where we were one of the sponsors of The Hollywood Celebrity Shoot. Among others, it raised money for the Wounded Warriors and widows and orphans of fallen heroes.

“The wait is finally over for the new look for Mowhawk’s Rolling Memorial,” said Mowhawk. “This undertaking was possible by the many who helped in one way or another. Work will start on it the week of June 20Th, and we hope to have it rolling on missions by July 1st. Again thank you to all who believe we should stand by and serve those who have and will serve this great nation.”

Attached is a picture of my wife with Joe Montegna, who received an award from TV host Jeff Engel and myself.

–M. Hupy
Attorney Michael F. Hupy
Hupy and Abraham, S.C.
111 E. KIlbourn Avenue, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Main: (414) 223-4800 Fax: (414) 271-3374

Fletcher from Pennywise presents a special, one-of-a-kind guitar to Rusty at
The Suburban Noize ‘HED to HED Tour’ party @ The Key Club in Hollywood last
weekend. Our SPECIAL THANKS to Kevin Zinger and his man IVORY for hosting a
great party. And our THANKS also to IAN, owner of the Key Club who always makes us feel right at home!


What the Hell is that arch made of ?

–Ray Russel

BEAT THE HEAT WITH BAKER–Reduce your engine oil temp by 10-30 degrees with the BAKER +1 Oil Pan. Available in both 1-piece cast and 2-piece billet designs, the +1 oil pan was designed with an extra one quart capacity which translates into a huge reduction in engine oil temperature.

The longer and hotter the ride, the greater the temperature differential vs. stock. We bought a new 2007 FL to use for 7-speed transmission development work. The first thing we noticed was how hot the damn thing ran. In traffic, we could see those little heat wave squiggle lines (maybe a flashback) coming off the motor.

The 4qt capacity, unchanged since 1993 (when the 80″ motor made 49hp), seemed inadequate. So, we designed a new pan in Solid Works with a 5 qt capacity by going wider not deeper, hence the +1 oil pan. Taking a closer look at the stock pan we discovered it has the oil pickup and return in the front of the pan within 2″ of each other. So we put the pickup in the rear of our +1 Oil Pan and the return in the front for better oil circulation.

After getting the speed wobbles on a high speed sweeper, we realized the need for this pan to work in conjunction with stabilizers on the market, so we tested it with both types – it really worked, no more speed wobbles thanks to Wil Phillips, the original designer! So we incorporated two bosses on the bottom to directly bolt the heim joint of both types of stabilizers to the oil pan.

Features – Cast oil pans are 1-piece design and made with A356-T6 aluminum.
– Billet oil pans are 2-piece design and made with 6061-T6 aluminum.
– Feed and return on the stock pan are within 2″ of each other. BAKER pans have a feed in the back and return in the front for better oil circulation.
– Reduces engine oil temperature by 10-30 degrees. The longer and hotter the ride, the bigger the temperature differential as compared to stock.
– Multiple integral baffles eliminate the stock spring loaded baffle.
– Integral bosses for Alloy Art TXR and True Track stabilizers structurally located on the bottom.
– True bolt on part, no modifications required.
– Compatible with factory oil temperature sensor.

RM Auctions is set continue its reputation for offering automobiles of exceptional quality when its annual Monterey, California sale gets underway August 19 – 20, featuring one of the most spectacular rosters of motor cars ever presented in auction history.

Among notable entries set to cross the auction podium during the two-day sale is the exquisite 1935 Bugatti Type 57 Grand Raid Roadster, chassis number 57260, one of only ten Bugatti Grand Raid roadsters built and one of just two examples bodied by Carrosserie Worblaufen in Switzerland.

Specially commissioned by flamboyant Swiss collector, Mr. Jules Aellen, 57260 was completed just in time for Aellen and his wife to show the car at the second Concours d’Elegance at Montreux on Lake Geneva in Spring 1935, where it won the Grand Prix d’Honneur. Following Aellen’s ownership the roadster remained in Switzerland – in and around Geneva – well into the 1950s.

From there it went to France before an American collector finally acquired the car in 2000 and commissioned its complete restoration over an 18-month period. With no expense spared, the Worblaufen archives were referenced to ensure absolute correctness, as was the existing Montfort sister car. In 2005, 57260 was invited to the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, where it secured 2nd in Class. It returns to the Monterey Peninsula in California, USA, August 19 – 20 for RM’s Monterey sale, where it is estimated to achieve between $1,000,000 – $1,200,000.

For further information, please visit or call +1 519 352 4575.

New tires, 16″ Apes, turn signals thrown away! A Classic bike at a GREAT price! CHECK OUT THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS, WHERE THE ADVENTURE IS JUST WAITING TO BEGIN!


Optional Equipment On Your Motorcycle: The most ignored coverage in the business.

Hey, we all love to add new parts and all kinds of stuff to our motorcycles. Some of us have spent thousands of dollars adding aftermarket equipment to our bikes. But, do you know whether or not your motorcycle insurance covers these parts?

We define “optional equipment” as any equipment or accessory that is not factory standard and part of the original bike at the time you bought the bike. “Factory equipment” means the standard equipment on the motorcycle, as defined by the manufacturer, and determined from the information provided by the bike’s VIN number.

Here is the information you should know when determining the value of your optional equipment.

1. Make a List of the Add-On Parts
It is very important that you identify and list the value of your optional add-ons and, notify your insurance agent at the time you are obtaining your quotes of these values.

2. Maximum Values Allowed
Be aware that many insurance companies have maximums that they will pay for optional equipment. For example, $20,000 per bike is common. Maximum of $40,000 per multiple bikes owned by a customer is also common.

3. Optional Equipment Must Be Disclosed
Some companies will offer $3,000 or $5,000 for FREE but only if the optional equipment is clearly listed and identified upfront during the buying process. You can purchase additional limits if you need to.

4. Determine the Correct Value of Optional Equipment
Use this quick and easy formula: Determine the original cost of the OEM part to be changed. For example, Harley-Davidson seat = $200. You decide to replace it with a new custom Corbin seat = $350. The difference of $150 is what you list as the “optional” equipment value.

The Bottom Line:
Make sure you are dealing with an insurance agency that knows motorcycles and understands the parts valuation process. Bikernet Insurance, working in collaboration with Dairyland Cycle Insurance, are recognized leaders in providing competitive rates and superior coverage for a wide variety of riders. Dairyland Cycle is one of only a handful of companies providing $5,000 of optional equipment coverage to bikers at no cost.

Discount Note:
Do you know that as a member of Bikernet’s Cantina, you qualify for a 10% discount on your motorcycle insurance? Yes, for spending only $12.00 to join the Cantina, you can save enough money on your motorcycle insurance to basically get your membership fee back. For example, pay $400 annually for your insurance and save $40.00 bucks. You are ahead $38.00. Only at America’s Bikernet.

Contact us anytime folks. You are not just a policy number with us. We Care About You.

The Crew at Bikernet Insurance

Toll Free: 888-467-8703
Email for fastest response:
. Agents serving 20 states. States added as required to serve customers.
Resident State: CA Agency 0G67810. Principal Agent 0D71028

FOLLOW BANDIT ON THE LONG ROAD & SMOKE OUT– Bandit is picking up a Victory High Ball in New Orleans and rolling to Rockingham, NC for the Smoke Out. Starting this Sunday get all the details on the trip with Facebook updates.The Smoke Out is about choppers. It is about builders, from professional builders to those bloody-knuckled guys… and we will be updating the action on Facebook. From midgets to Jap chops… we have you covered. Hit the link.

D&D Exhaust produces a soul satisfying tone that sounds good at cruising speed. No noise-related fatigue, just Harley sweet strokes. Their 2 into 1 Fat Cat and Boarzilla pipes are dialed in on the dyno to deliver the ponies where you need them most… off idle and in the passing zone. D&D produces smooth pipes… these made in Texas guns are without logos, just super clean chrome or midnight black hi-temp coating.Hit the link to see what D&D Exhaust has in store for your Bagger.

I’m supposed to write a stellar ending every goddamn week, some inspirational prose, freedom-loving words of open roads and wild women. I still believe motorcycles, especially custom motorcycles, represent the last free bastion in this over regulated society. Hell, we now are forced to pass laws to reduce regulation. Good god.

But don’t let the bullshit get you down. Bikernet will continue to fight for freedom, bring you stories of open roads, and wild motorcycle features forever, or die trying. Even next week while I blast on a Victory HighBall to the Smoke Out, the girls of Bikernet will post bike features from the Stealth, heady articles from Krylon John, and book reviews from Kevin Thomas. Ben will continue to slam the Bikernet Blog with new material, and we will bring you reports from the southeastern road.

Hang on.

Ride Forever,


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