
As you read this Ray Wheeler, the new V.P. at Bikernet, and I will be cutting a dusty trail toward the Badlands to catch the Hamsters, who ride every year to Sturgis from the West Coast.

Here’s the big news of this week: Tonight Show host, Jay Leno, will lead thousands of bikers to Castaic Lake for the 28th annual Love Ride on October 23, 2011. As the largest and perhaps most eagerly-anticipated motorcycle ride-for-charity in the country, Love Ride is a mega-event that draws thousands of generous motorcycle enthusiasts, concert-goers, and a number of celebrities each year to partake in the pleasures of helping others while enjoying music from top American artists.

This year the award-winning country duo of Montgomery Gentry brings their special sound and personality to the main stage. Beloved by fans for their story-telling music style and personal values, Eddie Montgomery and Troy Gentry also ride Harleys – a combination that promises to make Love Ride 2011 an unforgettable biker experience.

“The Love Ride is truly unique because it’s not just entertainment for charity,” notes event founder Oliver Shokouh. “It’s a full-immersion experience that lets people participate in a way that raises the spirit of giving to high levels, mainly because it feels so good.”

We’re packed and ready to rock toward Sturgis. We will try to blow out of here early on Wednesday and cut a dusty trail towards Aspen and the Hamsters. Let’s hit the news before she changes her mind.

TORT REFORM IN THE THURSDAY NEWS– My wife, Reggie, was diagnosed in ’07 with a “Syrinx”, or fluid pocket next to her spinal cord that caused her some pain in her arms. She was referred to a “neurosurgeon” who assured her that she’d be good as new after an operation to drain it.

Making a long story short, he missed it by 1/2 of an inch, butchered her spinal cord, and sewed a drain shunt into the severed nerves. A second surgery was necessary to try to undo as much damage as possible, but the damage was permanent, leaving her paralyzed from above the waist down on her left side, clear to the middle, and in excruciating nerve pain that’s had her on Morphine since the operation.

He was told to resign the day of her surgery. The chief of neurosurgery, who performed the second surgery came into the waiting room nearly in tears, and confessed in front of our pastor to how bad the quack had fucked up, and apologized profusely.

I’m not going to relate all the details of The Quack calling her on his cell phone after he was suspended, lying to her, and trying to hide her from competent doctors, or any of the other atrocities he committed, and there were many!
The State Licensing Board detective told us about seven “peer review” cases filed against the quack in the previous year, including one for operating on the WRONG side of a woman’s brain, and another for butchering the spinal cord of a MOTORCYCLE accident victim!

He had finished NO formal training as a neurosurgeon, and only had a four year M.D. certificate from a college in India. The medical lobby in California owns the legislature wallet and soul, and the quacks hide behind the competent doctors and kill and maim with impunity.

California already passed tort reform several years ago, limiting “pain and suffering” damages to $250,000, which isn’t SHIT for a lifetime of chronic pain, disability, and the loss of living like a human being! Between the two careers we lost, we would have made that much in two years.

When we went to trial, we could not introduce ANY “peer review” information to the jury, and his attorneys LITERALLY laughed in our face. The Chief of neurosurgery lost his memory on the stand, and all his statements made in front of witnesses were barred from the jury as “hearsay.”

They made the incompetent bastard out as the victim, although he stole from us everything that makes life worth living, including our careers and our dreams for the future. She had a six figure salary, rode her own Heritage, was a black diamond rated skier, a dancer, and a little ball of fire.

Now she’s stuck in a wheelchair, in constant pain for the rest of her life, and we’re stretching it to buy dinner out now and then. We had to cash in our 401-Ks and all our savings to pay for “expert” witnesses, and in the end, we lost, because we were forbidden by LAW from giving the jury the information they needed to make an informed decision. (Look up “1157; Peer Review” law on Google.) The quack’s attorneys now have a lien on our property as well.

Even though the Licensing Board has filed charges with the State Attorney General’s office in an effort to pull his license, until they make a decision the quack is still butchering unsuspecting patients down in Antelope Valley!

Whoever wrote that piece in the Thursday News is either misinformed about how protected doctors are, or has never had someone he loves destroyed both mentally and physically by an unfeeling, untrained piece of sub-human shit who should be back gutting fish in Mumbai.

We need more freedom of information about doctors so we can make informed choices about who cuts us open, and how many other lives they’ve shattered! It’s US, who need more protection, especially in a state that allows a four year M.D. with no completed training to work as a neurosurgeon without supervision.

Tort reform my ASS! Am I pissed? Yeah, you bet yer ass I am, and remember before you call your bought and paid for Congressman: it could have been YOU under that fucker’s knife instead of her!!
Ride safe, especially near Antelope Valley!



NEW CANTINA PROGRAM MEMBERS GET 15%–  We sold our second Cantina Member motorcycle policy yesterday to one, Bryan L. Victor out of Bentleyville, PA.

He saved $70.23 on his motorcycle insurance as a direct result of  being a Cantina member. His base annual premium was $772.57. The 10% Dairyland Cycle discount decreased his premium to $702.34.

Dairyland Cycle requires the Bikernet Insurance Agency to provide proof within 5 working days that Mr. Victor is in fact a member in good standing of Bikernet’s Cantina.


AHDRA Race at the Rally in Sturgis, SD— It’s Sturgis time, Verl “Smitty” Smith is joining thousands upon thousands of motorcyclists heading to South Dakota to celebrate the
71st Sturgis RALLY. After a smoking 5.7 ET @ 125.23 mph in the 1/8 mile and 8.95 ET in the 1/4 mile @148.99 mph during a recent test session, Smitty is more than excited to be in transit to the AHDRA Sturgis Drag Race to compete in the Right Quick Street Pro division at the AHDRA drag race, August 9-11.

Be sure to join Verl “Smitty” Smith and VSR4VETS Crew Chief Junior Hendey, & Crew Lori Post and Matt & Karen Spencer of DILLIGAF Racing Sponsored by Harley-Davidson of SALT LAKE& CNC Machine at the Black Hills Health Care Facility on August 8th from 9-noon for the 11th Annual VSR4VETS and the Griz Robinson Veterans Memorial Bike Show during the Sturgis Rally

The 11th Annual VSR4VETS and the Griz Robinson Veterans Memorial Bike Show is held to honor the veterans at the Black Hills Health Care Facility. So take a few hours of your time and show off your ride whether it’s a race bike or a street bike with the men and women who helped keep our country free.

VSR4VETS will be at the following during Sturgis:

August 6-7 BIKER’S CHOICE , 6th & Lazelle
August 8 0900-1200 hrs VSR4VETS and the Griz Robinson Veterans Memorial Bike Show at the Black Hills Health Care Facility, August 9th Broken Spoke Saloon-Lazelle St. Burn outs in the bar- early evening. August 9-11 AHDRA Races @ The Rally ” Sturgis Dragway, Sturgis, SD

And after Sturgis the fun continues in the great Northwest: August 24 VSR4VETS BIKE SHOW 0900-1200 Vancouver, WA August 24 1600-2100 Beaches AHDRA Promo Party at Portland > International Raceway August 25 AHDRA Kickstart Party TBA August 26-28 AHDRA Northwest Nationals

If it wasn’t for our veterans we couldn’t do what we do!

VSR4VETS would like to thank their sponsors for their ongoing support: Avon Tyres , Biker’ Choice, Black Widow Cams, Blue Lightning Frozen Spark Plugs , Bitchin Seat Co.Burnside Towing , Chris Rivas V-Twin, Davey Rocket, Evolution Ind. , E/T Performance ,Hanson’s Auto Body , Mickey Thompson Tires, Milwaukie Tire, Motor Whiskey, Movers & Shakers, Oak Grove Choppers, Pacific Auto Trim ,PBI Sprockets , R/T Performance , Spyke Inc., Tek Batttery , Tsubaki

— Contact -Smitty at 503-477-0097

BORN TO RIDE MOVIE RELEASED–The Born to Ride DVD movie was released on July 26, 2011 at Walmart, Blockbusters etc., the USA and Canada. It did very well in Europe when released in February.

Mike Anthony Jones – CEO ( is a very talented biker, screenwriter, producer-actor, songwriter and musician (one of our own for over 20 years).

Born to Ride depicts Bikers as heroes. They help and follow through a promise to a homeless Marine who served two tours in the ‘Nam and earned the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Oh, there are also crooked, self-centered and evil politicians and gangsters.

Bikers just want to “Ride free and bath in the Wind“.

Born to Ride evolves after a 10 year struggle by Mike Anthony Jones to get it to the screen.

Later in the film, much focus is upon me as the Million Mile Motorcycle Man and my Harley. Several scenes zero in on my Lawmakers M.C. Colors & flags. During the joyous concert scene, the lead singer/Mike Jones himself – calls out my name, “Brother Dave Zien!”

The film is good, but could have been outstanding. The Film Company took out the whole third act. Other parts were eliminated or rearranged, which hurt the continuity.

Mike Jones has another four films in the works. The most exciting is one, which takes the World’s eight major religions and reviews their similarities, ironies and idiosyncrasies. In this movie, Mike asks me to look, act and be like Moses. Yep, I got to keep practicing and allow my whiskers to grow.

It is a great honor for me to be working with Mike on these films. By the way, we may be needing extras. Feel free to keep in touch. As ever, constructive feedback is appreciated.

–Dave Zien


BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS–How is it working? Do you use classifieds? Have you used Bikernet Classifieds. Let us know what is working for you and. What we could do to make it better.


VICTORY IN THE AMERICAN MARKET– Polaris took a gamble 13 years ago stepping into the American V-twin market by launching Victory motorcycles. It was unheard of at the time as Harley-Davidsons ruled the market. With a firm hold on the market most of Harley’s competition came from “itself” in the form of clones and modified choppers. (For all the uniqueness of Gilmore Indians they were really nothing more then knock off Softails with S&S motors). But Victory decided to climb into the ring with the heavy weight champ.

The first Victory’s were simple and problematic but the company and customers stood behind them. In the years since the company has blossomed to prove that it is ready and willing to go toe to toe with the champ.

Most people that tempt fate by swinging their leg over the “other” American motorcycle are usually presently surprised. I have friends who have ridden Victory’s from the beginning and they will never go back. It is not to say Victory hasn’t stumbled along the way. The controversial Vision motorcycle is years ahead of its time and it still struggles to find it place though I hear Sonny Barger rides one.

Going forward Victory has settled into its place as an American built motorcycle with great new styles and models and the backing of the first family of custom motorcycles Arlen, Cory, and Zach Ness. Innovative and forward thinking the company isn’t relying on tradition and outdated technology to go forward.

Harley has a 95-year head start on Victory establishing an iconic look and feel but perhaps that may be the kink in their armour. Harley has been reluctant to change and adapt and with the world changing the MoCo may find it harder and harder to keep pace with Victory with tighter emissions and regulations.

Is it a Harley? No… and that should be the point. Many critics demands a different American made motorcycle yet are quick to point that it is not a Harley. With recent closing of Big Dog, American Iron Horse, Indian* and others the American buying public has spoken that they do not want to buy another brand of Harley. Perhaps it is time those riders took their blinders off and looked at the “other” American motorcycle.

*Polaris, Victory’s parent company recently purchased Indian motorcycle planning to move that company forward as well. Indian is to remain unique from Victory with Polaris pouring millions of dollars into Engineering and Development. I would tend to believe the next generation of Indians will be a distinct step away from being a Harley clone or simply be a dressed up Victory.

-bad Uncle Monkey


BIKER’S CHOICE IN STURGIS– Biker’s Choice will be at the 71st Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota, starting August 8-14, 2011. If this is like last year, there were thousands of people there riding and enjoying all that Sturgis has to offer.

We will be at J&P Cycles, 1650 Lazelle Street in Sturgis as we have been for many years. Stop by and see our new rig, and check out our new products. Talk to our knowledgeable sales staff and pick up a catalog on disc and a cooldana to help keep you cool. Come be part of history once again!!

Happy Riding!



Here are the key benefits of a premium classifieds account ($49.95 value):
•5 ad postings (free basic accounts limited to 2)
•$65 worth of free ad upgrades with our membership reward dollars we call Value Points
•25 Photos per Ad (free basic accounts limited to 1)
•Free Video Gallery to make your ad more attractive to the buyer (free basic accounts cannot post video)
•Club Member label attached to all of your ads (makes ads stand out)
•Higher ad placement for your ads

CALL TO ACTION– Motorcycle Helmet Law Modification in Michigan– This release is being sent to you at the request of ABATE of Michigan. Please direct any questions or comments to ABATE of Michigan

From: Vince Consiglio, President, ABATE of Michigan

ABATE of Michigan would like the help of all motorcyclists in their fight for freedom. Senate Bill 291 passed the Michigan Senate in late June. We are asking all rights activists to send a post card to Michigan’s Governor, Rick Snyder, urging him to support motorcycle helmet choice for adults. A postcard from a “FREE” state may help him realize that Michigan loses motorcycle money every day of the summer with a mandatory helmet law. Governor Snyder prides himself on being all about business and helping business. Please urge Governor Snyder to support adult choice.

MAIL to: Governor Rick Snyder

State Capital
P.O. Box 30013
Lansing, Michigan 48909
517 373-3400

Thanks for helping us in our efforts. Hope to see you in September riding FREE in Michigan.

–Vince Consiglio

Editor’s Note: Here’s a letter I wrote recently, just to give you some ideas. I will send this letter to the Michigan Governor:

Dear Governor,

We live is such interesting times. Freedom seems to be a lost spirit, replaced by more and more stringent regulations. Too often these regulatory bodies become administered by control freaks, then they become corrupt.
In this rare case you have the opportunity to say once more, “Freedom is important.” Sometimes I wonder if we are sending troops abroad to fight for freedom, or are we bringing the largest regulatory body in the world to other lands. Who wants that?
We can study, analyze, and complicate life, but at the end of the day we are human beings who need to feel we have a choice in life. I could list numerous negative effects of motorcycle helmets and how they cause accidents, neck injuries, and over-confident maneuvers. You could line up safety experts who will support helmet use to the death. And they will be followed by the bean counters who pound the desk with their public burden theory. Yet, Florida repealed their mandatory helmet law four years ago, and witnessed steady declines in accident and death rates.
I’m not asking for helmets to disappear. I’m asking for the freedom to make a choice whether to wear a helmet or not, and whether to wear a full-face helmet, or a small light one. I just want this government to recognize freedom once more.

All the best,

K. Randall Ball
200 Broad Ave.
Wilmington, CA 90744
(310) 830-0630

BIKERNET BLACK MARKET BOOK OF THE WEEK DEAL–It’s almost Sturgis week, and whether you’re going or not, you need the Sturgis 70th Anniversay book compiled during the 2010 event. Sturgis 70th Anniversary starts with history. The history of the hills, and the history of the earliest inhabitants. Next comes the history of the event itself – how a camp out in the back yard of the local Indian Motorcycle dealer grew into an event that attracts upwards of half a million motorcycle riders each year.

More than just a biker party, Sturgis includes hundreds of events within the event. This photo-intensive section includes images from the numerous bike shows and concerts.

The heart of Sturgis is Main Street. Another photo intensive section, these images highlight the best tattoos, the sexiest bar tenders and the energy that makes Main Street a must-see.

But what makes Sturgis the ideal place for a biker bash isn’t the parties, it’s the riding – the two lane highways that twist and turn through the Black Hills and across the rolling prairie. Maps, photos and first-person stories, give both old and new riders someplace to go.

Right now the place to go is the check out page, because these Sturgis 70th Anniversary books are available this week for $17.95 from Bikernet, with free shipping to all continental US addresses.

STURGIS CALENDAR OF EVENTS– Unless otherwise noted all functions are taking place at the Buffalo Chip

Friday August 5th
Charlie Brechtel and Dan Lawson (8:30 pm – 10:00 pm)
Edgar Winter (10:30 pm – midnight)

Saturday August 6th
Pop Evil (8:30 pm – 10:00 pm)
Alice Cooper (10:30 pm – midnight)

Sunday August 7th
8 a.m.- 8 p.m. American Veterans Traveling Tribute and Traveling Wall
3 p.m.- 8 p.m. South Dakota Mud Racers
6-8 p.m. Kids and Chrome Benefit Buffalo Chip Garden Event Center
Williams and Ree
Bachman-Turner (8:30 pm – 10:00 pm)
Styx (10:30 pm – Midnight)
7 p.m. Maverick Publishing Party in Spearfish exit 8 south of i-90
7:30 p.m. AMD Industry Party 3rd and Lazalle

Monday August 8th
9 a.m. – 3 p.m. The Horse Backstreet Choppers Show Full Throttle
11 a.m. -2:30 p.m. Legends Ride Check in Silverado-Franklin Deadwood
3 p.m Legends Ride begins through the Blackhills Deadwood
5 p.m. Legends Ride Reception
Sweet Cyanide
Buckcherry (8:30 pm – 10:00 pm)
Def Leppard (10:30 pm – midnight)

Tuesday August 9th
3 p.m.- 8 p.m. South Dakota Mud Racers
4 p.m. – 8 p.m. Retile Gardens at the Chip
4 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. Buffalo Chip Fanfest
5 p.m. Media Tour of the Lichter Exhibition Hall Buffalo Chip
6 p.m.- 8 p.m. Lichter Exhibition Industry Reception
Williams and Ree
Poison (8:30 pm – 10:00 pm)
Toby Keith (10:30 pm – midnight)

Wednesday August 10th
9 a.m. Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame Breakfast Rushmore Plaza Civic Center Rapid City
11 a.m. Biker Belles
3 p.m. AMD awards
5 p.m. – 10 p.m. Fuller party at Lincoln Electric Booth Civic Center in Sturgis
6 p.m.- 10 p.m. North American Hillclimbers Association
HOG Reception at the Buffalo Chip Gardens
6 p.m. BIC 4 Good Barbershop Visit from Paul Teutul Sr.
6 p.m. – 10 p.m. LED Bike Show Buffalo Chip Cove
Lucas Nelson and Promise of the Real
Gregg Allman (8:30 pm – 10:00 pm)
Lynyrd Skynyrd (10:30 pm – midnight)

Thursday August 11th
Buffalo Chip Freedom Celebration all Day
10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show
11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Bryan Fuller Book Signing Hot Leathers Store Mainstreet
1 p.m. Victory Rider Association Ride and Reception Lodge at Deadwood
1:30 pm Lehman Trike Ride Starting at Lehman in Spearfish and ending at the Chip
6 p.m.- 10 p.m. North American Hillclimbers Association
John Fogerty
Stevie Nicks
Jeff Bridges and Friends (10:30 pm – Midnight)

Friday August 12th
Saving Abel
Puddle of Mudd
Tesla (8:30 pm – 10:00 pm)
10 p.m. Buffalo Chip Burnout Drags Presented by Maverick Publishing
10:15 p.m. 30 Years Strong Buffalo Chip Bike Giveaway

Saturday August 13th
George Thorogood & The Destroyers (10:30 pm – midnight)

Sunday August 14th
10:30 a.m. Survivors Club Brunch at the Chip Gardens

Additional Ongoing Items Going on at The Buffalo Chip
Guns of Freedom
August 5th – August 13th
10 am to 7 pm daily

Yes! You get to shoot machine guns at the Chip! This display of exotic firearms gives adrenaline junkies the chance to feel the fire. Over 65 models are live and ready for you to pull the trigger. Enjoy the rush of this hands-on experience every day throughout Sturgis Bike Week. The machine gun range is located on the Buffalo Chip Sports Complex just north of the east box office entrance. The shoot shakes and Guns of Freedom welcome you to be a part of the action with live rounds and automatic weapons dating back to WWI.

Buffalo Chip Burnouts in the Sky – Warrior Division presented by SHOGUN (Feed Your Warrior Within)
Friday, August 5th through Saturday, August 13th
10 pm – 10:30 pm
This Drag Competition is a thrilling showcase that will take place in the Burnout Pit in the Sky during set changes between co-headline acts. There will be 30 Shogun Warriorettes helping us all to feed our warriors within.

The World Pickle Lickin’ Federation’s World Championship Pickle Lickin’ Contest
August 5th through August 13th, 4:15 pm to 5 pm daily
This is the grand daddy of all Pickle Lickin’s contests and is guaranteed to move the facial muscles of fans and participants alike.

Top Shelf Lounge
August 5th through August 13th
7pm to 1:45 am daily
Step on Up to the Top Shelf Lounge for the best concert viewing to be had anywhere. The Top Shelf Lounge is about 90 feet out from center front of the main stage. You are on the penthouse level where the sound and view is incredible. You can view from the decks or from the covered area. There is a cash bar to quench your thirst. Occupancy is limited.

Miss Buffalo Chip Pageant
August 5th through August 13th
6pm, 8:15 pm, 10:15 pm and Midnight
All the girls we love modeling biker attire at 8:15 pm, lingerie at 10:15 pm and swim suits at midnight. The Miss Buffalo Chip Pageant, gained international attention when John McCain, then Republican candidate for the office of the U S Presidency, joked from the Legendary Buffalo Chip stage that he encouraged his wife, Cindy, to enter so she could be the only woman to be both the First Lady and Miss Buffalo Chip!

Jagermeister Jagerettes
Friday, August 5th through Saturday, August 13th
These beauties will be headquartered at the Party Deck every day, offering up shots of Jager and giving out prizes.

Midget Bowling
Friday, August 5th through Saturday, August 13th
2 pm to 4 pm and 6 pm to 8 pm

Sons of Light
August 6th through August 13th
7am to 11 am daily
Starting at 7:00 a.m. every morning through the end of the Buffalo Chip Campground festivities, the Church of the Chip tent is where you’ll find plenty of huge, stomach-filling pancakes, lots of fresh brewed coffee, and plenty of other bikers in search of conversation and inspiration
Al Gliniecki (5th – 13th)
Ladies Beware, the World’s Fastest Tongue will be here. 4 time Guinness Book Record Holder Al Glineicki, the man the myth the Legend, will be attempting yet another world breaking record in 2011 at the Legendary Buffalo Chip Campground during the Sturgis motorcycle rally. In 2011, trying something nobody in Sturgis, SD has ever seen before, Al will be attempting to tie 14 or more cherry stems in one minute and 1 cherry stem in less than 2 seconds at the Buffalo Chip Comedy Club every night at 7 O’clock. Al will be at the Chip’s Comedy Club every night from 5 – 8 o’clock PM to take on any challengers who would like to give their tongue endurance a real try by attempting to beat him at a chance for their own world record.

Blind Lion (5th – 13th)
Blind Lion, a young band with old souls, are bringing a time-tested sound back into the foreground of music. Playing original material with classic rock flavor, a style they call “vintage rock,” Blind Lion has resurrected the guitar driven, blues-laden, lyrical sound of the 60’s and 70’s greatest names. Although prior to 2009, all four members had been playing music prior to coming together, they found a real band in each other. Originally calling the group The Relief, they soon changed the name to Blind Lion, agreeing that it was more fitting for their overall presentation.

Charlie Brechtel (5th – 13th)
Charlie Brechtel, also known as “Good Time Charlie,” will stir up the
Sturgis motorcycle rally with his unique biker blues. Charlie aspires to be the greatest biker band to exist; he lives, breathes and excretes the biker history, legacy and brotherhood that makes up his biker soul.

ColdSweat has been performing an original blend of hard rock/alternative music since forming in the fall of 2001. Making the trip to Sturgis, SD in 2011, ColdSweat will be bringing its diverse mixture of melodic vocals and powerful guitar riffs to the Legendary Buffalo Chip campground. Emerging from several small towns that shape the Midwest, ColdSweat formed with a desire and passion for music. The Nebraska based band consists of Keith Schroetlin (Vocals/Rhythm Guitar), Jeff Peterson (Bass), Brett Hitz (Lead Guitar), and Travis Christiansen (Drums).

Dan Lawson Band (5th – 13th)
Dan Lawson’s reputation as one of America’s premier guitar players speaks for itself. Dan’s style is a charismatic blues-rock tone that is inspired by guitar masters like Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn and Jeff Beck! In addition to playing the Legendary Buffalo Chip during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, Dan performs at major blues festivals, motorcycle events, various concert halls, casinos, touring with other national artists. His ability to connect with live concert audiences is transformational!

Dog Leg Preacher (5th – 13th)
For those who like scorching lead guitars, thunderous bass, pounding drums, and over the top vocals, Dog Leg Preacher will deliver to Legendary Buffalo Chip audiences during the Sturgis motorcycle rally in 2011.

Dwight York (5th – 13th)
Dwight’s comedy will shock you with one-liners that sucker punch. Dwight’s adult humor is…. smart, funny and to the point, but not exactly the point you might be expecting. Expect only to laugh.

Hula Girls (5th – 13th)
Hula Girls, are the Astral Rhythm Dancers, brought to you by Boomtown Hoops. They have prepared a high energy fire and light performance, complete with fire hoops, fire poi, fingers and fans, various glowing props, and fire eating all cleverly choreographed to an awesome mix of blues, rock, and country music. This sexy and creative group of ladies each brings something special to the stage. They have The Phoenix who is fiery, fearless and funky, putting her heart into every performance. They have Mesmerize who is the princess of the group. She puts beauty and grace into her dance. Dreamer is their love child that spins the hoop like a tornado.

Iron Cowgirl Missy (5th – 13th)
Iron Cowgirl is a full band touring from Jackson, MI. They play originals with a sweet southern rock style and covers that are ideal for biker events. Iron Cowgirl is, no doubt about it, a biker. She plays and lives from the heart, a “Heart of Steel.” Riding her horse with two wheels, a sleeping bag and a guitar strapped to the side of her bike, she rode the coast of Michigan, down to Florida, and then headed west “Riding away from the one that,” she “loved, trying to find some help from above.” She camped along the way and played her guitar at night, finally ending up at the Buffalo Chip during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally where she made friends and memories that she “wouldn’t trade.” They’ve all been defined by the music she’s made, songs like: Heart of Steel, What You Deserve, and Iron Cowgirl.

Karoake Happy Hour
August 6th through August 14th
3 pm to 5 pm
The stage is all yours during the Karaoke Happy Hour! It’s something of a backwards American Idol and a spot-on Gong Show, we’re looking for the campers that have the biggest balls and least amount of inhibition to perform the number ones of the last 4 decades. We don’t care if you chose Britney Spears or Elvis, just get up there and sing your heart out. *Please bring your own air guitar

Mad Dog and the Smokin J’s
Mad Dog and the Smokin’ Js American Rockabilly are Mike ”MadDog” Minnick, Johnny Kongo, and smokin Jeffro Frazier. After 3 tours and 150+ shows in 2010, Mad Dog is gearing up for 2011 with Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly weekend and a european tour in May 2011and for the first time ever during the Sturgis motorcycle rally that takes place in Sturgis, SD, Mad Dog and the Smokin J’s will play live at ”The Legendary Buffalo Chip Campground”. MDSJ have recently released their third album, ‘Live at Lead’, on 15¢/Hi Five! Records. In addition to the Sturgis Buffalo Chip motorcycle festival, MDSJ have appeared at festivals such as Vail Octoberfest, B.A.T., and Snowdaze.

Startz and Endz
You’ve never seen a father-son duo that will rock the 2011 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally as hard as Jim Startz (lead guitar) and his son Bubba (lead vocals, rhythm guitar). Bubba, the road tested, crowd approved, front man leads the band through an eclectic mix of his own originals and a vast repertoire of cover songs, from Led Zepplin and Lynyrd Skynyrd to the Black Crowes and Pearl Jam. Based out of Deadwood, South Dakota, Startz n Endz make their home only ten minutes from the Legendary Buffalo Chip Campground in Sturgis, SD

The Dynamix Duo Feat. Ian Richards (5th – 13th)
6 pm to 8 pm and Midnight to 1:45 am
Making and keeping the party going at the Legendary Buffalo Chip’s very own Club Micro Brew and Shogun Energy Bar, The Dynamix Duo, local Rapid City, South Dakota DJ’s renowned for raising the standard of a good party at the Chip will be doing just that in Sturgis, 2011.

Tumbleweed Junction (5th – 13th)
Outlaw Country with a kick, this band carries the energy of southern rock merged with country culture and it only gets better when you see Tumbleweed Junction live at the Buffalo Chip.


We are just a couple of weeks away from the MOST PATRIOTIC EVENT OF 2011!– Join your friends and Tens of Thousands of American Veterans and Patriots from across the U.S. in CRIPPLE CREEK, COLORADO!

** Please check out the on-line version of this years Rally Program HERE:

** Please also check out the updated Rally Website HERE:

** Watch the official RALLY VIDEO HERE:

Motorcycle Bagger magazine to increase frequency to nine issues in 2012– TAM Communications, publisher of American Iron Magazine, RoadBike and Motorcycle Bagger, is proud to announce that due to the overwhelming demand from our readers and advertisers, Motorcycle Bagger magazine will be increasing frequency from six issues in 2011 to nine total issues in 2012.

“After announcing the launch of Motorcycle Bagger in 2010, many readers of our flagship publication, American Iron Magazine, wanted to subscribe to the upcoming Motorcycle Bagger. We were blown away by the number of readers asking.” says Terry O’Brien, VP of Sales for TAM Communications. “When we finally offered subscriptions, we got over 5,000 orders in the first few months.”

Launched on the newsstand in 2010 as a test title, Motorcycle Bagger outsold all other motorcycle magazines in single copy newsstand sales except American Iron Magazine. In 2011, Motorcycle Bagger has been consistently outselling all the other bagger magazines on the newsstand for single copy sales combined! Subscriptions to Motorcycle Bagger have been climbing steadily since the launch, and we never do deep discount limited time offers or giveaway subscriptions, so you can be sure that every reader who buys a copy wants to read what’s inside.

In the last few years the motorcycle industry has enjoyed significant popularity and growth in the bagger category, with hot customization ideas, new bagger specific products and all new OEM models for consumers to purchase. This trend shows no signs of slowing down, and will most likely continue to lead the aftermarket in dollars spent on parts and accessories. Motorcycle Bagger offers the American motorcycle enthusiast the best package of editorial, feature bikes, tours and reviews, tech pieces and how-to articles for those riders who enjoy the benefits of loaded bikes with saddlebags.

If you have products or services that you want to get in front of our large readership, in one of the fastest growing motorcycle magazines and the leader in the bagger field in newsstand sales, you can contact TAM Communications directly at 203-425-8777 and ask for VP of Sales Terry O’Brien at extension 112, or speak with Ad Sales Representative Joe Russo at extension 108. Or e-mail Terry O’Brien at


HERE IS THE DEAL OF THE WEEK FROM THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS! A 1987 FXR! Bike features 82 CI Evo engine with 535 lift, 280 duration Red Shift cam, Heads shaved .030″, CNC ported and polished, S&S Carb, New exhaust, Fresh paint, Custom seat, comes with Memphis Shades detachable windshield and saddlebags. A steal at $6300!



HONDA SALES DOWN–Honda cites end of India JV, slow North American sales for sluggish performance– Honda Motor Co., Ltd. says the end of its Hero Honda joint venture in India and slow North American sales knocked 4.7 percent off of its global motorcycle unit sales in the quarter ended June 30, when compared to the same period last year.

Motorcycle unit sales totaled 2.75 million, down 4.7 percent from the same period last year. The company cites the dissolution of its Hero Honda joint venture in India; a late shipment; and decreased sales in North America for the drop, despite increased unit sales in other regions, including South America.

Unit sales (excluding the shipment of parts for overseas production) increased by about 200,000, Honda reports.

Global operating income totaled $557 million, an increase of 43.5 percent from the same period last year, due primarily to increased revenue despite increased PG&A expenses and unfavorable exchange rates.

The company is projecting sales for the full year to be up slightly in the segment, forecasting sales of 12.7 million units globally. The forecasts are based on the assumption that the average exchange rates for the Japanese yen to the U.S. dollar and the Euro will be JPY 80 and JPY 112, respectively, for the fiscal full year ending March 31, 2012.

Overall, consolidated net income attributable to Honda Motor Co. Ltd. for the fiscal first quarter was $394 million, down 88.3 percent from the same period last year due to the earthquake and tsunami that rocked the northeast sector of Japan in March.

Posted by Holly Wagner
Published courtesy of Dealernews:


TIPS FROM SPECTRO–Any motorcycle with a chain master link: the open end of the master link must face the opposite direction of rotation of the chain when the motorcycle is moving forward. This is to ensure branches and brush do not accidentally hit master link and pop off clip. *Note open end of clip facing opposite direction of rotation.

What’s Your Question? This is a question and answer section suggested by readers. Each month we will have a new question on tech, tips, tricks and more, all answered by one of our staff. If you have a question, email us at

Q: My owner’s manual says to only use DOT 3 brake fluid, but I see Spectro Oils only has Supreme DOT 4 and DOT 5. Can I use one of these products?
The above is my disclaimer. If you are uncertain what type of fluid your brake system needs, it should state on the cap of the master cylinder. Our Supreme DOT 4 is compatible with DOT 3 or 4. It is actually a DOT 5.1 rated fluid, which is compatible with 3 and 4.

IT IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH DOT 5! So in answer to your question you can use Supreme DOT 4 in your application. Be sure to change your brake fluid every couple of years, as it has a tendency to absorb moisture.

BIKERNET INSURANCE WEEKLY MEMO, MOTORCYCLE APPRAISALS: Available from Bikernet Insurance. A $175.00 value “free” when you insure your special construction custom with Bikernet Insurance.

You know how difficult it can be to insure a special construction motorcycle. Why waste anytime running around trying to find someone to appraise your bike when you already have a friend in the insurance business that provides high-quality custom bike appraisals. Yes, the insurance companies love us because we get appraisals done right and fast. No hassles, no double-checks. Fair market valuations every time.

Here’s what you get when you obtain a Comprehensive Motorcycle Appraisal from Bikernet Insurance.

1. 360 degree description of your bike, including color photos showing both sides, front and back views.

2. Evaluation of all key parts and their fair market values at the time of the appraisal, including engine, frame, transmission, forks, wheels, gas tanks, bars, electricals and, any special or optional features on the bike will be evaluated.

3. Comparable review of the available like, kind and quality customs in the marketplace at the time of the appraisal.

4. We provide you and the insurance companies with a reliable Fair Market Value Appraisal of your custom-made motorcycle. The dollar amount we arrive at, is the dollar amount we insure your custom motorcycle for.

7. You receive a completed , 7-page appraisal report to show off to your friends and family.

The Bottom Line:
Custom motorcycle valuations are based on many factors, including the appraiser’s personal market knowledge, mechanical experience and professional certifications. Actual cash value appraisals are based on the best judgement of the evaluators involved and given the facts available at the time of the appraisal. We follow the generally accepted principals as outlined by the United Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP). You get a fair, honest representation of the “Fair Market Value” of your custom motorcycle when you obtain your appraisal from us. And, because our insurance company partners trust our appraisals, we can insure your bike with ease and at the most competitive rate available.

The best news here! The appraisal is “free” to you when you insure your custom motorcycle with one of our insurance company partners.

Remember folks, you are not just a policy number with us. We care about you. Ride safe out there.

The Crew at Bikernet Insurance

Call anytime: 888-467-8703
Fax: 858-693-8703
Email for fastest response:

CA Licenses 0G67810 & 0D71028 – Serving 20 states with enthusiasm. States added as needed to serve bikers.

FOUR Healthy Snacks– Snacking during the day can be a healthy habit, as it can help to keep blood sugar and energy levels steady. However, what you choose for midday edibles is important – use the four suggestions below for some healthy snack ideas.

1. Berries. They are sweet, easy to pop into your mouth, and a much healthier choice than a candy bar. Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and blackberries are all anti-inflammatory, rich in flavonoids and carotenoids, and offer immune-boosting antioxidant activity. Choose organic when possible.

2. Crudités. The fiber in veggies will help fill you up, and they provide a nice, satisfying crunch. Choose a wide range of colors (broccoli, cauliflower and carrots are good choices) and serve with hummus or organic, unsweetened yogurt – add some fresh herbs and seasonings for flavor.

3. Nuts. When eaten sparingly, raw or lightly roasted nuts are a terrific snack. Walnuts are one of my favorites, as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds and roasted soy nuts are also good choices. Nuts can be high in calories and fat (even if it’s the healthy monounsaturated kind), so don’t overindulge.

4. Dark chocolate. An ounce of dark chocolate now and then will satisfy a sweet tooth while providing antioxidant polyphenols. Choose high-quality dark chocolate with at least 70 percent pure cocoa, and enjoy the rich flavor.

THE HUNT FOR BIOFUELS–Editor’s Note: I’m going to slice the article to grab the healthy points. This shit is happening fast, and will ultimately rock the world in many positive ways. Hang on–Bandit

Oozing Biofuel: Algae Could Solve World’s Fuel Crisis– Genetically modified blue and green algae could be the answer to the world’s fuel problems. Bioengineers have already developed algae that produce ethanol, oil and even diesel — and the only things the organisms need are sunlight, CO2 and seawater.

Biochemist Dan Robertson’s living gas stations have the dark-green shimmer of oak leaves and are as tiny as E. coli bacteria. Their genetic material has been fine-tuned by human hands. When light passes through their outer layer, they excrete droplets of fuel.

“We had to fool the organism into doing what I wanted it to do,” says Robertson, the head of research at the US biotech firm Joule Unlimited. He proudly waves a test tube filled with a green liquid. The businesslike biochemist works in a plain, functional building on Life Sciences Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Investors like the Rockefeller family and Microsoft founder Bill Gates are betting millions on the power of the green soup. “Commercial production of crude oil from algae is the most obvious and most economical possible way to substitute petroleum,” says Jason Pyle of the California-based firm Sapphire Energy, which is already using algae to produce crude oil.

The established oil industry is also getting into the business. “Oils from algae hold significant potential as economically viable, low-emission transportation fuels and could become a critical new energy source,” says Emil Jacobs, vice president of research and development at Exxon Mobil. The oil company is investing $600 million (€420 million) in genetic entrepreneur Craig Venter’s firm Synthetic Genomics.

The technology holds considerable promise. Indeed, whoever manages to be the first to sell ecologically sustainable and climate-neutral biofuel at competitive prices will not only rake in billions, but will also write history.

Do-it-yourself diesel barons launched the biofuel industry decades ago when they used old French-fry grease to fuel modest agricultural machines. Today, hundreds of thousands of cars run on ethanol derived from grain. In the United States, for example, more than 40 percent of gasoline contains ethanol additive. The fuel is produced in huge fermenters the size of blimps, by fermenting a mash of corn or rye with yeast.

But ethanol as a biofuel has a bad reputation. One hectare (2.47 acres) of corn produces less than 4,000 liters of ethanol a year, and 8,000 liters of water are required to produce a liter of ethanol. Besides, crops grown for ethanol take away valuable farmland for food production. The last growing season marked the first time US farmers harvested more corn for ethanol production than for use as animal feed. One of the adverse consequences of the biofuel boom is that it is driving up food prices.

Astonishingly Productive

For this reason, many environmentalists now believe that growing energy plants is the wrong approach. Algae, on the other hand, do not require any farmland. Sun, saltwater, a little fertilizer and carbon dioxide are all the undemanding little organisms need to thrive. And because they consume about as much CO2 during photosynthesis as is later released when the oil they produce is burned, algae-based fuels are also climate neutral.

Algae are also astonishingly productive. A hectare of sunny desert covered with algae vats can yield almost eight times as much biofuel per unit of biomass in a year than corn grown for energy purposes.

Sapphire expects one barrel of its green petroleum to cost between $70 and $100 in the future, which is significantly cheaper than petroleum.

‘We Simply Have to Build It’

But the Sapphire algae can only be a beginning, because they merely enrich the oil internally. To obtain the oil, the algae must be harvested and the oil extracted in a costly and complex process.

To overcome this obstacle, other scientists are developing algae that don’t even have to be harvested. Instead, they essentially ooze the fuel of the future. Evolution has not yielded anything that produces biofuel from CO2 on a large scale, explains biologist Venter, “which is why we simply have to build it.”

‘You Could Put Our Product in Your Car’

“There is certainly enough non-arable land with enough solar radiation and enough CO2 and water sourcing in the world,” says Robertson. Another important advantage, he adds, is that algae-based fuel could easily be pumped into the oil industry’s existing pipelines and refineries, and that cars and aircraft would not have to be modified to accommodate the biofuel.


The New American Dream is not that we can afford that new home appliance, but rather that we be open to every question that comes to mind, that we face our fears, our fake history, and recover the goodwill, the good intention, the good acts — to become the good people and the good nation that we always thought we were and that we never have been. While there is life, there is hope, there is still a chance at redemption.

*We will have to dream big. Really, Really Big.

–Mike Palecek

RFA Fuels the 30th Annual Party at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip  with Ethanol Pride
(July 29, 2011) Washington – Thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts from across the country will ride through the rolling Black Hills of South Dakota next week and once again be greeted at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip by the Renewable Fuels Association’s (RFA) “Fueled with Pride” sponsorship of the largest music in motorcycling. This all-American tradition will take place August 5-13th in Sturgis, South Dakota at the epicenter of the most famed motorcycle rally known today.

The RFA continues their partnership with the Sturgis Buffalo Chip by promoting the use of ethanol fuel to motorcycle enthusiasts from across the country as well as volunteers and staff. RFA has produced promotional materials, banners and merchandise (such as the t-shirt featured right) exclusively for this event. This year, an E85 flex-fuel motorcycle will be displayed in a photo booth providing attendees the opportunity to have their picture professionally taken with the Buffalo Chip logo in the background. These images will be available to download at

The Sturgis Rally offers an opportunity for attendees to be educated on ethanol-blended fuel as it is often mischaracterized as a problem fuel for engines found in motorcycles. The Legendary Buffalo Chip staff and vehicles will show their support by sporting “Ethanol: Fueled with Pride” decals as they travel throughout the grounds.

“This event provides an opportunity to reach out to such a large group of consumers at one time and let them know about the benefits of ethanol fuel that is produced right here in the U.S. This year, we will be able to show them too with our E85 motorcycle display,” said Buffalo Chip Campground Sponsorship Director, Lon Nordbye. “The Chip is excited to continue its partnership with the RFA and show our rally attendees that they can have a choice in fuel, no matter what their engine type is.”

On August 8th, over 500 riders including celebrities and world-class bike builders, will join together in the Fourth Annual Legends Ride, and endeavor upon a 50-mile ride from historic Deadwood, SD to the Legendary Buffalo Chip. Sponsored by the RFA, The Legends Ride is a charitable event with all proceeds benefiting two local Black Hills charities, the Black Hills Special Olympics and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame. In just three years, this event has raised over $150,000 for these two local charities.

As the center of arts, entertainment and socializing, The Legendary Buffalo Chip will be home to Michael Lichter’s Eleventh Annual Motorcycles as Art Exhibition . This year, the exhibit “Slant Artist-An Eccentric View on Motorcycles and Art” will focus on avant-garde artist, Jeff Decker. RFA is a proud sponsor of this event that will feature Decker’s 10 new bronze sculptures, various motorcycle displays and wall art from his other collections. Decker will also be working in the gallery on a new sculpture, providing attendees an opportunity to watch and visit with the artist.

“We are happy to be partnering again with the Buffalo Chip to show riders that ethanol-blended fuels are a safe and effective alternative to petroleum that can used in motorcycle engines, along with every other vehicle riders have at home,” said RFA Director of Market Development Robert White. “Increasing the use of domestic, clean-burning fuels allows us to become a more energy secure country, reducing our dependence on foreign oil and creating more jobs.”

To learn more about ethanol, visit our consumer-oriented website, . This website provides a wealth of information on what ethanol is, how it is made, ethanol-blended fuels and engines of all types and sizes, easy apps for locating E85 and facts about ethanol’s proven ability to help lower gas prices, reduce greenhouse gasses, and reduce America’s dependency on foreign oil. For continuous updates directly from the Sturgis Rally, follow RFA’s Robert White at

–Ken Conte

BRIT DOCTORS AGAINST MANDATORY HELMETS FOR BICYCLISTS– Helmets should not be mandatory for bicyclists according to a majority of British doctors

Mayor Boris Johnson takes former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger (right) for a ride in London Photo: PA

In a suprising study just released by the British Medical Journal. In a report in the Telegraph more than two thirds of the respected journal’s readers said they opposed compulsory helmets for adults. One respondent in the poll of 1,427 people said: “It gives out the message that cycling is dangerous, which it is not. The evidence that cycling helmets work to reduce injury is not conclusive. Motorcycle rights groups are using this study as further evidence that just like bicyclists, motorcycle riders should be given the personal freedom to decide if wearing a helmet is in their best interest.

By Raf Sanchez

If people are forced to wear helmets they may give up cycling altogether and lose the health benefits of regular exercise, they warned.

More than two thirds of the respected journal’s readers said they opposed compulsory helmets for adults.

One respondent in the poll of 1,427 people said: “It gives out the message that cycling is dangerous, which it is not. The evidence that cycling helmets work to reduce injury is not conclusive.

“What has, however, been shown is that laws that make wearing helmets compulsory decrease cycling activity. Cycling is a healthy activity and cyclists live longer on average than non-cyclists.”

Another added: “Since nowhere with a helmet law can show any reduction in risk to cyclists, only a reduction in cyclists, why would anyone want to bring in a law for something which is clearly not effective at reducing the risk to cyclists?”

Australia made it illegal to not wear a helmet in 1991 but Sydney University researchers have called for the law to be repealed, arguing that the fall in head injuries was down to road safety improvements, rather than the new law.

They also cited figures from Western Australia which suggested that the legislation led to a 30 per cent drop in cycling rates.

Chris Rissell, one of the researchers, said: “I’d recommend a trial repeal in one city for two years to allow researchers to make observations and see if there’s an increase in head injuries, and on the basis of that you could come to some informed policy decision.”

–from the Telegraph and U.S. Rider News

QUOTE OF THE DAY–  I just had to pass on this quote from Peter Schmuck, a Baltimore sports writer, concerning the indictment of Roger Clemens: 

“Isn’t it great to live in a society where the penalty for lying to a congressman can be up to 30 years in jail, but the penalty for a congressman lying to you is another two years in office.”

–from Buckshot

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER FINDINGS REGARDING BURNS–  A young man sprinkling his lawn and bushes with pesticides wanted to check the contents of the barrel to see how much pesticide remained in it. He raised the cover and lit his lighter; the vapors inflamed and engulfed him. He jumped from his truck, screaming. His neighbor came out of her house with a dozen eggs, yelling: “bring me some eggs!” She broke them, separating the whites from the yolks. The neighbor woman helped her to apply the whites on the young man’s face. When the ambulance arrived and when the EMTs saw the young man, they asked who had done this. Everyone pointed to the lady in charge. They congratulated her and said: “You have saved his face.” By the end of the summer, the young man brought the lady a bouquet of roses to thank her. His face was like a baby’s skin.

Healing Miracle for burns:

Keep in mind this treatment of burns which is included in teaching beginner fireman this method. First aid consists to spraying cold water on the affected area until the heat is reduced and stops burning the layers of skin. Then, spread egg whites on the affected are.
One woman burned a large part of her hand with boiling water. In spite of the pain, she ran cold faucet water on her hand, separated 2 egg white from the yolks, beat them slightly and dipped her hand in the solution. The whites then dried and formed a protective layer.

She later learned that the egg white is a natural collagen and continued during at least one hour to apply layer upon layer of beaten egg white. By afternoon she no longer felt any pain and the next day there was hardly a trace of the burn. 10 days later, no trace was left at all and her skin had regained its normal color. The burned area was totally regenerated thanks to the collagen in the egg whites, a placenta full of vitamins.

This information could be helpful to everyone: Please pass it on

–from CarlR


BOSSCAT PIPES ROLL ON HARLEY BAGGERS–Iron Aces Speed Shop is locatedin Charlotte, NC and provides accessories for Harley-Davidson enthusiasts. Theyhave an eye for design and performance and use the midnight black BOSS CatD&D Exhaust on their company Bagger. It is a super smooth pipe that looksgood, performs off idle and in the passing zone.
So if you want to lookgood, check out D & D pipes at
BIKERNET STUDIO PODCAST:Neil Blaber Talks Promotions @ AMD World ChampionshipNeilBlaber talks about the 2011 the AMD World Championship and how businesses,builders and dealers use the Championship to further their business goals andobjectives. Listento Neil in Bikernet Studio.
NEW BILL TO MODIFY THE CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY IMPROVEMENT OF 2008–  Jay, at long last something is happening on this “just in case kids eat youth ATVs bill”. See highlighted portion. Will pass the House today, like Senate as well.

H.R. 2715, a Bill to Modify the Consumer Product Safety Improvement of 2008
Modification of Lead Limit

The lead limits established in the CPSIA were “retroactive,” meaning no product may be sold or distributed after a date-certain when a product turns from a safe and legal product to a “banned hazardous substance.” H.R. ____ makes the 0.01% limit prospective, permitting the sell-through of products manufactured prior to August 14 and in compliance with the 0.03% limit

Functional Purpose Exception

The CPSIA created an exception process that has since proved to be useless; not one exception has been granted under that process. The functional purpose exception will provide at least limited relief from the CPSIA’s onerous lead limits by authorizing the CPSC to establish higher lead limits for children’s products or component parts that cannot meet the applicable limit if the lead content serves a purpose.
Exceptions for ATVs, Snowmobiles, and Used Children’s Products

Creates a statutory exemption for ATVs, snowmobiles, and used children’s products from the lead limits of CPSIA. CPSIA resulted in a de facto ban on the resale of used children’s products including clothes, shoes, toys, furniture, and other items, as well as children’s ATVs and snowmobiles.
Third Party Testing Cost Reduction

The CPSIA required costly third party testing to prove compliance with a multitude of standards, despite the fact that most manufacturers already test to ensure compliance. The bill requires the CPSC to seek public comment on ways to reduce testing costs.

Third Party Testing Exemption for Books

Books, magazines, and even children’s birthday cards are examples of more products unintentionally ensnared by the CPSIA. As a children’s product, they must also meet the onerous lead limits and be tested by a third party under the law. However, books are a unique item – most are printed on-demand rather than in a batch. Under current law, each book would then have to be tested, and such testing is destructive. The legislation exempts ordinary paper books for children under age 12 from the testing requirement s, but does not extend to books for children under age three which will still need to be tested.

Third Party Testing Exemption for Bicycles

Like most products containing parts made with metal, bicycles have had difficulty consistently meeting the lowest lead limit of 0.01%, chiefly due to the variability of lead content within metal parts that can produce inconsistent results. Bicycles can consistently meet the current lead limit of 0.03% and the Commission issued a stay of enforcement for bicycles through December 31. H.R. ___ will keep the lead limit for metal parts for bicycles at 0.03% after December 31 and will eliminate mandatory third party testing for continued compliance.

Small Business Relief

Small batch manufacturers have been hit the hardest with the requirements of CPSIA, particularly with the cost of third party testing. The bill directs the CPSC to find alternative, less costly testing methods for these small businesses, or exempt them from third party testing altogether.

Crib Standard Retroactivity Made Prospective

Similar to the lead limits, CPSIA made each new mandatory crib standard retroactive. This has caused problems for a number of retailers stuck with perfectly safe cribs (i.e., cribs that the CPSC has not recalled) they cannot sell. To avoid future problems, any future revision to the crib standard will only apply prospectively.


The CPSIA applies limits to children’s toys or child care articles containing certain phthalates. Phthalates are only used in plastic parts of such articles. H.R. __ clarifies that the limits will apply to the plastic parts so that non-plastic parts need not be tested for phthalates. Additionally, it exempts parts that are inaccessible from the limits, similar to the existing inaccessible part provisions for lead.

Tracking Labels

CPSIA requires a permanent mark or label on children’s products for identification purposes in the case of a recall. While the law states this requirement is “to the extent practicable,” it does not give the CPSC authority to exempt products or require labeling alternatives. The bill grants the CPSC authority to exclude a product or class of products from the requirement.

Public Database

The public data base allows consumers and others to file reports of potential product defects or injuries with the Commission. Manufacturers have an opportunity to review the complaint and respond or allege material inaccuracy – such as the product is not identified or is incorrectly identified. The legislation provides for an additional five days for the Commission to resolve such claims of material inaccuracy.

RIVERA PRIMO DISTRIBUTES DEKA BATTERIES–  East Penn Mfg makes the DEKA battery. East Penn is also the manufacturer of the batteries that Harley Davidson Motor Company uses on thier bikes. So whats the difference between the two batteries? Just one thing is all; the color. Yep, you got it. The HD battery is black and the DEKA battery is white, other then that they are identical, the same, twins, duplicates. So when you buy a DEKA battery, you can be sure you are getting a top rated product made for the machine you are riding. And guess what..Rivera Primo is now a distributor for DEKA Batteries.

So, if you are finding it hard to turn over your scoot and its not because you lost your ignition key, then its probably time for a new battery. CALL Rivera Primo!!

And while your on the phone, ask us about our new line of smart battery chargers to keep that new battery goin’ strong for the long haul!!

–The Evil Ben Kudon

Congress Exempts Youth Motorcycles, ATVs and Snowmobiles from Lead Ban–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has learned that earlier this week, both the US House and US Senate passed a measure to clean up the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). HR 2715, sponsored by Mary Bono-Mack (R-CA), takes aim at reforming the issue of banning youth products due to lead content percentages. Also known as the Consumer Product Safety Commission Improvement Act (CPSCIA), this bill addresses a number of issues; but first and foremost is the language to fix the lead law.

HR 2715 specifically addresses the issue of youth motorcycles, other off road vehicles, and snowmobiles, effectively exempting them from the lead certification rules. The measure sailed through both the Senate and House by unanimous consent in both chambers. The MRF applauds Congress for addressing this import issue.

The legislation will need the President’s signature before becoming law. The MRF encourages you to contact the President and ask him to sign HR 2715 into law.

Comments: 202-456-1111

Switchboard: 202-456-1414

I’M BUSHED–Ya just gotta work twice as hard in preparation of taking a couple of days off. But I promised John Green to encourage our readers to vote for the Purrfect Angelz.

I’ve packed a handful of books, so if you spot me in Sturgis or on the road with the Hearse and need a signed book, don’t hesitate to buy me a redhead, and Jack on the rocks, or an ice-cold Corona with a slice of lime. Who needs to eat.

We’re gonna have a blast, if we can just peel the fuck outta here. Be careful out there and have a helluva good time.

Ride Forever,


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