SELL-OUT Thursday News


I’m catching a lot of heat for voting for Junior’s bike over Jesse’s in the American Chopper Build off. I was generally disappointed. This was supposed to be the Build-off of Build-offs. Senior built a snowmobile; Jesse couldn’t finish his build, after pounding his chest about doing the whole thing by himself. He had to call in a bunch of guys from the Austin Speed Shop–Car guys. Even then, his bike wasn’t up to snuff. I’ve walked into WCC many times and have seen much better WCC customer bikes. WTF.

That left Junior’s art object masterpiece. He was the only one who stepped up. Okay, it’s not a chopper, so I was disappointed. On one side, his bike was over the top for us traditionalists, on the other side, it was magnificently built. To be honest with you, I wish it was raked out some more, the tank was more shapely, and I wish those magnificent wheels were just 21s, not so monstrous, and narrow the bars some, so it’s tight and beautiful–sexy and racy looking, not gangly and monstrous.

So, what the hell was I supposed to do? In some respects, I was disappointed in all three, but one stood out, and that was Paul Juniors. So, let’s see what happens next. Another thing bothered me about this program. The producers tried to make this out to be a competition between the best builders on the planet. If they had said, “The best TV show builders, okay,” but they didn’t. These are not the best builders on the planet; at least this TV show didn’t afford a true competition for the best builder on the planet. Don’t get me wrong, these guys could be contenders, but so could a lot of very talented builders. So, let’s see a real competition.

HELMET LAW IN MEXICO?–Guess Mexico has a helmet law, cost me 200 pesos get my license back, plus had to wear them the remaining 200 feet to return the rental…but had 325 km freedom before then (saw a dozen federales that didn’t care either)

–The connection

IMCO vote on Type Approval Legislation–The European Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) voted in Brussels today on its report on the proposal for a regulation on the approval and market surveillance of two- and three wheelers and quadricycles.

In the view of IMCO, as from 2016 motorcycles will have to become cleaner and manufacturers must apply ABS, even for light motorcycles. And as from 2014, measures to prevent powertrain modifications (which are still to be developed) must be applied and users shall present their bikes for inspection when carrying out “substantial” modifications.

Today’s vote can be seen as a reference and recommendation for the final vote of the European Parliament, which is expected to be held by the beginning of 2012. Before the vote was carried – about 35 IMCO members voted around 100 times on compromises, single amendments and blocs of amendments – IMCO chairman Malcolm Harbour referred to an impact assessment, dealing with timelines, emission limits, ABS and anti-tampering measures, which has just started and whose outcome is expected to influence Parliament’s final vote.

With regard to powertrain modifications [Article 18] IMCO adopted a compromise in line with the European Commission’s logic, with delegated acts laying down measures for manufacturers to prevent subsequent modifications by the user that may have adverse effects on safety or the environment. Additionally IMCO added a new article 18a which requires that users seek inspection and approval “by the competent authorities” in case of substantial powertrain modifications. “A modification is deemed to be substantial when it renders the original type approval obsolete” or when it harms safety or the environment.

Aline Delhaye, General Secretary of FEMA says: “This regulation contains many good parts FEMA is in line with, like durability requirements and improved access to repair and maintenance information for the user. But if the current text of article 18 is finally adopted, it will mean that all the usual changes motorcyclists make for riding comfort, fuel efficiency, or simply to suit their riding style, will be illegal or will have to be checked and approved, even this has not been a problem so far and there is no reason why it should become a problem tomorrow. FEMA will certainly keep on working on this regulation.”

A detailed report on the IMCO vote will soon be available on

Hugo Roebroeck – Public Affairs Officer
Tel +32 2 7369047 –

FEMA – Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations
Rue des Champs 62
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel +32 2 7369047
Fax +32 2 7369401

I’m always amazed when I hear of legislation against motorcyclists. Most if not all have little to do with benefiting riders but more to punish us for others inadequacies. The most recent being European lawmakers making it required to wear the highly visible clothing. I always have to shake my head at ridiculous laws such as this. The general idea being if I’m brightly colored I will be in fewer accidents. From a personal stand point I’m not sure the color of the clothes I’m wearing will make me a safe rider and to take less risks (Though studies have shown riders without helmets are less likely to perform risking maneuvers)
As for the other drivers well…

I grew up in the ’70s, in a time before there were daytime running lights or even side marker lights on vehicles; seatbelts were still a relatively new idea and mainstream ABS/AirBag/Collision avoidance would still be decades away. It meant as a driver we had to watch the road and everything around it. It meant I had to watch, if a tree had been blown down across the road (sorry no reflectors on plants), watch for wild life crossing (they don’t have lights) or anything else that might be on the road. In a world where 99% of the things that could obstruct the road are not brightly covered why am I being singled out?

If lawmakers want to make the road safer for us bikers then it should be done with stiffer penalties for drivers who are at fault in motorcycle accidents. Punish them for turning in front of us. Punish them for cutting us off. Punish them for endangering us. Sadly, we are turning into a nanny state where all the corners have been rounded off. It breeds complacency. How long will we stand by and let our governments whittle away our basic rights?

–bad Uncle Monkey

VENUE and date change for the IMBBA International Cup Competition–Originally set to take place in Quebec April 2012 has been changed to Sturgis, S.D.during the 72nd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

“The show will now be part of the most famous and largest motorcycle rally in the world. With a competition of this magnitude and bikes of this quality, it is fitting that we hold the show at a venue where hundreds of thousands of people can potentially see these world class bikes for the first time anywhere!” said Jeff Starke.

Moving forward, IMBBA International has entered in to a partnership with the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building held in Sturgis during the rally in August. The IMBBA International Cup will now be known as the IMBBA International Qualifier Class. This will yield the IMBBA International Champion and will be qualified under the same rules of being a bike never seen before and the builders representing their country.

As an added bonus to the IMBBA International Builders, the IMBBA will pay for the entry fee so that these bikes can simultaneously compete for the undisputed World Championship under AMD rules and classifications.

Move in date for the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building is August 4, 2012 and the show is opened August 5 – 8, 2012.

Starke added, “We sincerely apologize to anyone feeling slighted in Canada by this decision. That was certainly not our intention in making this move. However, it is the best move for the builders who spent their time and resources to compete as well as the promoter of the show and IMBBA International.”

All IMBBA Sponsors are welcomed to contact Joe Distefano at for further details, comments, or questions.

IMBBA International Cup Builders should contact Jeff Starke at for further details on the revised competition.

We will see you in Sturgis.


Now is your chance to own an awesome Big Dog Chopper at a fraction of the retial price! This bike is in great condition and has less than 2,000 miles on it! It features a powerful 107 cubic inch motor, 6-speed transmission, Kerker exhaust, custom wheels and brake discs, PM brake calipers, LED turn signals, Super clean Black Cherry paint, and much much more!

Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been thoroughly tested and inspected by a LifeStyle Cycles technician after undergoing a rigorous 38-point motorcycle inspection.

Title: Terry the Tramp: The Life and Dangerous Times of a One Percenter
Author: K. Randall Ball
Trim: 6.2 x 9.2
Page Count: 288
Images: 40 color photos, 20 black/white photos
Format: Hardcover
MSRP: $27.00 US/£20.00/$30.00 CAN
ISBN-13: 978-0-7603-4005-9

Terry the Tramp has been appearing in many online biker venues this week:
• (5,200 visits / mo):
• (4,000 visits / mo):
• (70,000 visits / mo):
• (4,000 visits / mo):
•Cycle News online magazine (60,000 visits / mo):
• (23,000 visit / mo):
• (20,000 visits / mo):

JAY BOLAN PLAYS FOR AMERICAN CHOPPER–“It was a great show to be a part of! If you ever need the band or know of any biker events that do please call me 818 399 1349 –Jay

See if your guy att CCI can confirm that if today CCI let go all their outside road reps?
–unanimous contributor
We will bring you more on Custom Chrome’s efforts to balance their books in the very near future.–Renegade

NHTSA Proposes Motorcycle Study–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has requested comments on a proposed motorcycle safety study.

The study they are proposing copycats one that the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) is currently conducting, known as the “naturalistic study.” The MSF study has instrumented a hundred motorcycles with computers, cameras and all sorts of meters. Those specially-equipped one hundred motorcycles are being ridden by volunteers across the country as their personal bikes. After one year, the instruments are taken off and the analysis begins. NHTSA is proposing the exact same study, only with 160 motorcycles.

This proposal does come as a bit of a shock, considering the feds have been struggling to conduct another motorcycle study that tracks actual crashes. That “crash causation study” has been languishing since 2006 and has yet to complete data collection, analysis and final reporting.

“I do like the idea of the study,” said Jeff Hennie, MRF Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs. “Tracking volunteer riders and collecting some best practices for countermeasures is a great idea, but as with every study there will be some technical and logistical bugs to work out over the course of the study. It seems to me that it would be wise to wait on the MSF results and use them to craft a better, sturdier study.”

NHTSA is already predicting that out of the 160 participants in their proposed new naturalistic study, 20 will have a crash and sustain injuries so severe that they must be reported. So far there has been no mention of the cost for the new study.

The feds are asking for comments on the proposal. The comment period runs through January 17, 2011. Read the proposal and learn how to submit comments here:

Do not hesitate to contact the MRF with any questions or concerns.

The MRF Online Store Has Reopened!

Don’t forget that you can do all of your holiday shopping in one spot – the MRF Online Store! We have new shirts, hats and hoodies in addition to all of the familiar things you are used to seeing. If you order soon, items can still arrive in time for the holidays! Check it out and make you favorite biker the envy of the pack with MRF gear. Visit the MRF Store today!

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER HEART MEMO– did not know that you should not lie down while waiting for the EMT, if you are having a heart attack?

ASPIRIN/ Serious stuff, no joke!!

Just a reminder to all: purchase a box, keep one in your car, pocketbook, wallet, bedside, etc.


Bayer is making crystal aspirin to dissolve under the tongue. They work much faster than the tablets.
Why keep aspirin by your bedside?
There are other symptoms of an heart attack besides the pain on the left arm.
One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as nausea and lots of sweating, however these symptoms may also occur less frequently.
Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack

The majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep, did not wake up.

However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep.
If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water.
Afterwards: CALL 911
– say “heart attack!”
– say that you have taken 2 aspirins..
– phone a neighbor or a family member who lives very close by
– take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and…DO NOT lie down
–from Don Nowell

I’LL BET YOU DIDN’T KNOW BIKERNET OWNS A RAILROAD, NEITHER DID WE–A nun is sitting on the Bikernet Express train opposite a Muslim male who is eating a bag of Shrimp.

Every time he eats one he spits the head at her and she throws it out the window.

Eventually the nun gets pissed off and pulls the emergency cord.

The Muslim looks at her and says “You’ll get fined $50 for doing that you stupid slut.”

She laughs back and says, “When I cry out rape and they smell your fingers you’ll get 10 years you towel headed prick!

–Irving Marsh

DAVID MANN CHOPPERFEST– is this coming Sunday, December 11, 2011 at the Ventura fairgrounds. There couldn’t be a better venue for the event to take place, it’s where Dave and Jacquie got married, not to mention, it’s where we always used to go to see the Grateful Dead.

On a personal level I’m looking forward to this weekend, it will be the first time my abstract art will shown in public. I’ll have seven paintings on exhibit in the annual David Mann art show featuring Dave’s work held in the building right behind the stage, and next to the beer vendors.

Anyways gotta go, hope to see you folks there.

— “Krylon” John Gilbert

ONLY THE SHADOW KNOWS–I think I will have to wait till next summer to try it again since the sun has moved. This was the day the wildfires began outside Houston you can see the smoke in the corner, when I started the ride the fire had just started. We had fires here and outside Austin this past summer. People look at you funny when you are riding a motorcycle & taking pictures at the same time.

We saw Bandit on TV the other night– Hollywood! The other shot is from Tuesday playing in the fire and drinking Shiners from 11 till 5 and one from the Coffin Case Fashion show last weekend of my friend Sheri. I need to see if she would like to shoot on a bike for Girls of Bikernet?


HERE IS THE THURSDAY DEAL FROM THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS! A 1999 Softail FXSTC ! Screamin’ Eagle mufflers, Drag bars, New tires, Saddlebags, Sissy bar with pad, Luggage rack, mileage not listed. A solid all around bike for $7800!



THE BIKERNET 5-BALL RACING WHEELER WEPORT–High and dry with a plan in sunny southern california while standing on one foot waiting for the UPS driver to rattle the gate and deliver the final pieces for the 2004 Dyna, from Fueling for the Bennett’s Performance, 96-inch Twin cam build.
We’re hanging by a thread, hoping to be riding by new years. All the parts are waiting at Bennett’s, the heads are done at Branch, and we just need the Fueling Cams.

124-inch Turbo Raycer
Bonneville 2012!

Slippery? Hell Ya!

This is not a chopper build-off bike, but you are invited to the fastest party on the planet.
This Bonneville dedicated 124-inch turbo hot rod will be ridden in May and June on the air strip at the Mojave Mile in preparation for Bonneville Salt Flats in August 2012!

Lee Clemens shipped the Air Tech bodywork last week from Virginia and it arrived in Salem, OR this afternoon.

All of the Twin Cam 124-inch motor parts are in line waiting for a spot on the operating table in Randy Torgeson’s, Hyperformance shop in Iowa.

The motor will ship early January headed for a one off Bartlett-Tedder isolator-frame with a Race Tech mono shock connected to a Busa swingarm. We’re mounting the engine and transmission on top of a steel bed, that was handcrafted by Jim Bartlett in Beaverton, OR, mounted on six rubber isolators that will be bolted to the frames cross members.

Stay tuned, the build will be documented on Bikernet.

Sturgis 2012!

The staff is diligently working on our 2012 Bikernet/Cycle Source lot in Sturgis.
Chris “Wild Man” Callen has a few surprises up his sleeves for the 72nd Sturgis ralley. The lot will be wall to wall with your favorite no-bullshit-vendors that deliver the goods. Bert Baker and his crew will be on hand installing transmissions, next to Jim’s Machine.

The lot is located across the street from the new Easyriders Saloon in the middle of the block on Lazelle Street. Come on by.

Haul Ass!
Ride for your Life!
–Ray c wheeler
Performance Editor
VP of Cantina Business Development
Commander of Bikernet/Cycle Source Sturgis Lot Security

I was glad to see you were one of the judges on the build off show. I also feel you made the right call on the bikes. If you are lucky enough to have an opportunity like that, you have to pull out all the stops.

BIKER GOLF TOURNAMENT?– Started a foundation for my son. I got Donald Trump to host two golf tours for bikers with a concert afterwords. We have one set for Sept 21, 2012 and another one scheduled for back east in New York at one of his other golf courses.

There is nothing out there for bikers and a lot play golf. Sports guys, Celebrities all of them have golf tournaments, but not Bikers. If it gets big enough we can get it on TV. Please help us. It’s for a great cause to help young adults.

My son has a life threatening disease and two mystery diseases that Stanford has no code for . My number is: (209) 845-9784 We meet to sign everything Jan 27. Our web page:


Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

How about putting my two prize possessions on your Cantina Girls…. My beautiful wife Liz, and my Brass Balls Bobber (seen in “American Iron” rag page 66)

–CW4(R) Jeff H.
US Army Special Forces

 “De Oppresso Libre”

EUROPEAN FEATURE BIKE–I now have a report published in the GKM Magazine   England Journal of cult Bikers Roland Old 47a Photograph by Sami tent

–Ulf Forsberg

You may know Diva Dawn from a Rally, seen her on TV or in a biker magazine.
“Diva Dawn” Santucci, actress, model and old school biker is going to PLUNGE into the frozen waves off Coney Island at noon on New Year’s Day 2012 to raise donations for 7-year-old Aidan Jack Seeger!

Aidan’s wonderful parents are Bobby and Elisa Seeger of Indian Larry Motorcycles, Brooklyn, NY.
Aidan is a beautiful 7-year-old boy, with huge blue eyes and a smile that is contagious.
He is full of personality and laughter and currently in Duke University Children’s Hospital.
June 2011, Aidan was diagnosed with a rare brain disease called Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD).
ALD is a rare, inherited disorder that untreated leads to progressive brain damage, failure of the adrenal glands and eventually death.

You can read about Aidan’s Story here:

To donate to Diva Dawn’s “PLUNGE 4 AIDAN” go to:

With your donations of $1, $5, $10, $50 & UP!
We can make a difference for Aidan and his family!

On any given New Years Day off of Coney Island, the Atlantic Ocean’s temperatures average 25-35 degrees, adding Diva Dawn’s aversion to being frigid ANY time-of-year, this should be quite the event!


$300 raised gets DIVA to plunge in a thermal DRY SUIT.

$500 raised gets DIVA to plunge in a FULL PIECE Bathing Suit.

$1,000 raised gets DIVA to plunge in a sexy (barely there) Tarzan/Jane COSTUME.

$5,000 raised gets DIVA to plunge in TASSELS and a THONG!

(minus the 3.5% fee that takes to maintain this website)

NOTE: The Official Coney Island Polar Bear Club New Year’s Day Plunge raises money for Camp Sunshine, which helps ill children and their families. “Indian Larry” Desmedt (1949-2004) was an active member of the Coney Island Polar Bear Club!!!

THIS “PLUNGE-RAISER” has been created for AIDAN and his FAMILY and is in addition to the donations we hope everyone also makes to Camp Sunshine.

TO FOLLOW THIS EVENT – Diva Dawn’s Facebook page:

CRAZYHORSE ENGINE TAKES CENTER STAGE ON AMERICAN CHOPPER–Show me the bike that took first place. Also, the cat is slightly out of the bag as of last nights show. Our copper engine was the centerpiece in Paul Jr.’s award winning art piece on the American Chopper Build-off show between Paul Jr., Paul Sr., and Jesse. Paul took to the battle and brought home the trophy.

–John White
CrazyHorse Engines

Five Horses Is Her Name.
This is mythical and deep.
Truly beautiful…

A man asked an American Indian what was his wife’s name.
He replied, “She is called Five Horses”.

The man said, “That’s an unusual name for your wife. What does it mean?”

The Old Indian answered,
“It old Indian Name. It mean…


–from Dr. Willie

TOP EXPERTS EXPLORE MARKET TRENDS AND PREDICTIONS AT EXCLUSIVE AUCTIONS AMERICA BY RM MOTORCYCLE SEMINAR AUBURN, Indiana (Dec. 6, 2011) – A group of the world’s leading experts in collectible motorcycles, including two members of the American Motorcycle Association (AMA) Hall of Fame, will share their wisdom at an exclusive market seminar presented by Auctions America by RM its debut Las Vegas Premier Motorcycle event, Jan. 12 – 14, 2012.

Hosted by well-known motorcycle guru and SPEED commentator Dave Despain (pictured), the one-hour seminar will be held in the main auction arena at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino on Saturday, Jan. 14, at 9 a.m. PDT. A continuing part of Auctions America’s educational series, the panel discussion will focus on the passion that drives the motorcycle hobby, including the continuing popularity of motorcycles as collectibles, as well as explore market trends and predictions for the 2012 auction season. The session will conclude with an interactive Q&A with the audience.

“We’re thrilled to be welcoming Dave Despain and our special guest panelists to Vegas as we work to provide an unforgettable event experience for motorcycle enthusiasts,” says Donnie Gould, president of Auctions America by RM. “Despain and each of our four panelists are among the best in their fields. The seminar promises an interesting and lively discussion, while providing a wealth of information about the collector motorcycle hobby. It’s a perfect way to launch our first Las Vegas motorcycle sale.”

The panel includes:

· Dave Despain, a 40-year broadcaster; Despain has been called the best-known TV personality in the history of motorcycling and is a member of the AMA Hall of Fame;

· Mark Hoyer, lifelong motorcycle enthusiast and editor-in-chief of Cycle World magazine;

· Doug Mitchel, noted motorcycle photographer and author; Mitchel published his first book in 1994 and has since created more than 30 titles;

· Buzz Walneck, founder of Walneck’s Classic Cycle Trader and AMA Hall of Fame member; and

· Joe Bortz, prominent classic car and vintage motorcycle collector; Bortz’s motorcycles have been featured in multiple magazines.

“The collector motorcycle hobby continues to evolve,” adds Despain. “Auctions America’s panel discussion will allow us to share personal anecdotes and stories about motorcycles that have touched or changed our lives. It’s

a wonderful opportunity for both serious and amateur enthusiasts to learn more about the current state and future outlook for the hobby. I hope everyone rides away with a new understanding and appreciation for collectible motorcycles.”

Attendees will be treated to a complimentary hot breakfast at 8:30 a.m. prior to the start of the seminar, while an autograph signing session will follow the event, providing an opportunity for guests to meet each of the panelists in person.

The seminar acts as a prelude to Saturday’s auction program, featuring the sale of the historic 1894 Roper Steam Motorcycle. The second of just two steam-powered motorcycles built by Sylvester Roper of Roxbury, Massachusetts, the 117-year-old motorcycle is expected to establish a new world record for a motorcycle sold at auction. In total, some 400 collectible motorcycles are expected to be offered during the multi-day event.

Entry to the seminar is included as part of general admission. Enthusiasts can attend the three-day auction by purchasing a full-event pass for $50 or a single-day pass for $20. Children under 12 years of age receive free admission when accompanied by an adult.

For complete event, consignment, and bidding information about the Las Vegas Premier Motorcycle Auction, visit or call toll free 877-906-2437 (or +1 260-927-9797 outside North America).

THE HEAT IS ON AT SADDLEMEN– After years of making some of the most comfortable and stylish seats in the motorcycle industry, Saddlemen has added heat to its most popular touring seats.

Saddlemen’s team of engineers has developed an innovative seat line designed to keep riders warm during cold weather. Just like in a luxury vehicle, Saddlemen’s heated seats are adjustable by using a five level heating controller. This technology allows the rider and passenger to independently select their personal level of warmth.

The adjustable Saddlemen heat controllers are designed to be placed wherever the rider and passenger wants for maximum ease of use. The easy to install seat and wiring work just
like any other installed accessory.

Saddlemen heated seats are available for Harley and Metric touring models.Saddlemen has been perfecting rider comfort for 25 years. In addition to gel iand hand sewn covers, heat is the next step in the development of state of the Saddlemen seats are available at your local Drag Specialties or Parts Unlimited.

DON’T FORGET LIL’ JOES FOR CHRISTMAS–The original Sons of Anarchy leathers can be yours for Xmas, but you better order soon.

All American made product line deserves our support.

AMERICAN CHOPPER BUILD-OFF ON DISCOVERY–Why was I not surprised when you were one of the panel of experts on the Discovery channel biker build off between Jesse James and the Teutuls? Though I’m not a builder and my opinion may be somewhat less than considered, when you picked Jr’s entry, I felt a sense of vindication. I wouldn’t necessarily care to ride it very far but then again Jesse’s offering looked like it would severely compromise my back muscles as well as my bony glutes.

Sr’s entry gave me the creeps.

Hope your season waxes merry.


OUR FIRST XMAS CARD FROM HAWAII– Just wanted to wish you and your family a, “Mele Kalikimaka” an “hau’oli makahiki hou “
-Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!!

— From the Crew at Kustomfab….

P.S : Here a quick glimpse of “Cha Ching “ , finally completed. The article of its details and it’s Mad journey is coming soon…Darren

BIKERNET FISHING BARGE–A guy is 72 years old and loves to fish.

He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say, ‘Pick me up.’

He looked around and couldn’t see anyone.

He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say again, ‘Pick me up.’

He looked in the water and there, floating on the top, was a frog.

The man said, ‘Are you talking to me?’

The frog said, ‘Yes, I’m talking to you.’ Pick me up then, kiss me and I’ll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen.
I’ll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous because I will be your bride!’

The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his front pocket.

The frog said, ‘What, are you crazy? Didn’t you hear what I said? I said kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride.’

He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said,

‘Nah, at my age I’d rather have a talking frog.’

With age comes wisdom.

–Rick Raus

FXR DEAL OF THE WEEK–I’m selling a project for a friend. It’s a complete custom FXR. It has a brand new S&S 96-inch Super Stock motor with a 5-speed trans, both fully polished. The frame is a new Indian Scout unit bought from Indian.

It has a new wide glide with billet trees and chrome sliders, CMC billet brakes front and rear, new 16-inch wheels, stainless rotors, forward controls, and a bunch more new parts. He’s asking $6,000.

The engines alone sell for that on e-bay. If you know anyone interested, they can call me at 559-779-7974.


INTERMOT 2012 – the world’s leading and most international trade fair for the two-wheeler industry – will open its doors.

At INTERMOT Cologne the entire world of two-wheelers will be united. Motorcycles, scooters and bicycles will be merged into a unique mega-event featuring both a business platform and a fully action-packed program.

With 1,106 exhibitors from 40 countries and approx. 195,000 visitors from 110 countries, INTERMOT 2010 was a huge success.
Full throttle ahead! Join us at INTERMOT 2012 and expand your international business!

October 3-7, 2012
Cologne, Germany

Local Show Contact:
Silke Eidam
Sales and Project Manager

Koelnmesse, Inc.
P: 773-326-9929
F: 773-714-0063

STATION CASINOS MEET BIKERNET–Station Casinos have become the lodging connection for Bikernet staff guys in Nevada. Natch, a biker and an Indian restoration nut works there.

Please add to your address book.

BIKER RETRO ARTIST CHRISTMAS GIFT NOTION–The One Gift he won’t want to return!
…Order by Dec.15th and you’ll have it in time for Christmas!

email for more info and to order:

HEATED RIDER FROM BIKER’S CHOICE–In keeping with the “Warm Riding” theme from last week, add some gloves to the jacket and pants and you’re set! These gloves are DC heated and produce 15 watts of heat at 12.8 volts per glove and should be used with a Firstgear Heat-Troller for optimum safety.

They are made of Grade-A, top-grain, waterproof membrane, with a Thinsulate layer. The pre-curved fingers feature a finger-mounted, rubber face shield wiper. Features an elastic wrist and adjustable hook and loop gauntlet closure.

Sizes for Men; Small to Large, and Women’s sizes Small to Large, and retail for $129.95 with a 2- Year limited warranty.

Ladies, ever wished your hands could stay as warm as your driver’s do?Check out the Heated Passenger gloves, heated in the palms as well as the fingers, thumb and back of hand. Made of Grade-A, top-grain, drum-dyed cowhide construction, Porelle breathable, waterproof membrane and Thinsulate layer. As with the men’s, the fingers pre-curved, with an elastic wrist and adjustable hook-and-loop gauntlet closure.
Retail priceis $119.95 and they also have a 2-year limited warranty. Sizes for Women; Small to Large.

For more information visit, visit your local dealer or call Toll-Free 866-302-5676.

Happy Riding!


You already know ahead of time that your not going to get what you’ve asked for, so we are helping make that decision a little easier. All custom wheels(16″, 18″ and 21″) in stock are 15% off.

Maybe Santa already shopped for someone else and we don’t have it, then we will take 10% off any order you place. Have you been naughty or nice???


A Word From The Garage – Respect-– Mostly inspired by all the flack Keith was getting…
Well said, Sara 

BUB BUILT California Emissions Compliant Exhaust Systems– Approved for 2002-2011 (2012 approval coming soon) BUB Enterprises has received CARB Executive Order k-002 and K-002-8 allowing for the sale in California of catalytic converter equipped exhaust for 2002-2011 Harley Davidson motorcycles. 2012 approval coming soon!

This allows replacement of OEM exhaust with BUB True Duals, BUB TDX headers and BUB catalyst equipped mufflers. Also offered are BUB Slip-on Mufflers (Catalyst Equipped) for Stock Header Fitments.

These exhaust carry up to the full Five-Year Emissions Warranty when installed on new or qualifying mileage motorcycles.

This is a milestone in the aftermarket as the executive order process for motorcycle critical emission components was approved in October 2009 and BUB Enterprises is the first aftermarket motorcycle exhaust company to produce compliant exhaust for catalyst equipped on highway motorcycles.

The BUB Cat mufflers are available with 2” inlets that can be paired with the BUB 2” True Dual Stepped Headers or TDX Headers for a complete system. They are also available as Slip-ons with 1 ¾-inch inlets for Stock OEM headers. End caps are offered in Chrome or Black Teflon finishes. This gives customers an enormous amount of combinations of systems to choose from for their specific motorcycle.

As with the BUB 7 Stealth system, performance does not need to suffer with these new catalytic systems. These new mufflers have high flow catalytic converters that give not only an increase in power, but also the deep rumble that you would expect from a Milwaukee V-Twin.

180 Springhill Dr
Grass Valley, CA 95945

ph: 530-477-7490 fax: 530-477-6386

THERE YOU HAVE IT–You know I would rather vote for a Chopper, any day of the week. Choppers are in my blood. I can’t buy a car without chopping it. Hell, I chop my houses.

But now we can get back to real life again, away from the unreal world of TV and back to planning for 2012, runs, bike builds and the ride to Sturgis this year. Then our Bonneville Builds. Hell, I received my license plate today, so I can legally ride my Mudflap girl bike back from Saddlemen’s, and start racking up the miles.

We received the final reversed distributor gear from S&S and should be able to put the Salt Shaker together and have that FXR configured puppy running. Then I can shift back to Frank’s bike, and it should be running in a couple of weeks. The plan is to have the two Mudflap Girl bikes running and off the lifts before the end of the year.

With the Salt Shaker down, the XS can roll back onto the corner lift for final assembly. I need to modify a completely quirky electrical box for that puppy, then see if we can make it run.

Two observations: This has been the most action-packed December I can remember, and 2012 is gonna be completely nuts. So hang on.

Ride Forever,


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