I survived Bonneville and Milwaukee, and I’m still standing.
Next clean the Bikernet shop thoroughly and plan for Las Vegas Bikefest later this month. I’m currently working on the 5-Ball Racing Bonneville story. It’s an odyssey of learning and success, without a record. But I’ll dig in over the weekend, and you’ll see the results right here on Bikernet next week.

Chris Callen and the gang at Cycle Source shot a feature of our Bonne Belle on the Salt. We plan to ship the Bonne Belle, after a few modifications are made, to Departure Bike Works for tuning and dyno pulls. Then back to the salt in 2014 for serious record attempts in the 750 class.

We have several features headed your way, in the very near future, tech articles, book chapters, and girls. Hang on.

MARYLAND WARNING FROM ZIPPERS–  Our Governor O’malley wants to be the next president…’s what’s in store!

I don’t usually pass on political e-mails, but the oh-by-the-way nature of this pisses me off.

Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2012 11:17 AM?Subject: State of Maryland – Changes in Income Tax Law

Dear Colleague:
This spring, Maryland enacted legislation that increases the 2012 income tax rates and reduces personal exemptions for individuals earning more than $100,000 and joint filers earning more than $150,000. Although these new rates are retroactive to January 1, 2012, the withholding tax calculations used by employers to withhold state income tax were issued recently and do not include any retroactive adjustment for these increased income tax rates. Thus, as a Maryland taxpayer, your state income tax may be under-withheld for the 2012 year.

In order to comply with the updated withholding calculations, XXXXs payroll system will begin using the new Maryland withholding rates effective 9/1/12. For this year only, there is a safe harbor providing relief from underpayment of estimated tax and penalties for taxpayers who are underpaid as a result of the rate changes. Nonetheless, if you think that you may be under-withheld for the year and would like to update your Maryland tax withholding, please complete, sign and submit a new MW507 to the Payroll department. The form is available by clicking this link: Additional information about Maryland’s tax rates and withholding calculations can be found at this link under 2012 Special Session Tax Changes:

Feel free to contact the Payroll office if you have any questions or would like additional information.

Payroll Manager


UNCLE MONKEY ON BONNEVILLE–  Hey bro, Sounds like the salts were a bust for you this year. Keep your chin up and kick it’s ass next year.

–Uncle Monkey

We didn’t set a record, but it was far from a bust.

Watch for the report.



SECOND ANNUAL DON THE BEACHCOMBER BIKE SHOW– A car/bike show in Huntingon Beach.

A fair mix of rat rods and motorcycles.
There were more outside than inside though.
This would be a good place for the “Born Free” guys.

The restaurant is a long time fixture in HB, some 80 years !!

Sam’s Seafood is a Huntington Beach institution, and contains several dining rooms. While Sam’s has been in the same location since the ’20s, up until its Polynesian remodel in the ’60s it was just a seaside seafood joint. The brightly lit main dining room has a large wall mural on one side and a dramatic tiki & waterfall display at the back. A pair of smaller side dining rooms are also bright and more aviation themed.

Of more interest to the tiki-phile is the Hidden Village banquet room area in the back available for event rentals, which is large and moodily lit, with glass floats, waterfall displays, A-frame covered seating areas, and a small bar. On Friday nights from April to November, Sam’s Seafood has a Polynesian Dinner Show in the Hidden Village.

Last but certainly not least is the excellent main bar at Sam’s. It is dark and full of excellent carvings, pufferfish and float lamps, and thatch.
A small bar with some tiki carvings inside, Turc’s, can be found just down the street.

At the end of May 2006, Sam’s Seafood was sold to developers who aim to build retail spaces & condominiums on the site. Red tape appears to be holding off any development on the site for possibly years. Sam’s closed for several months until June 2007, when the property owners allowed a new group to come in and keep the restaurant running in a somewhat modified form until the development can move forward.

–Art Hall
Senior Magnificent Bikernet International Editor
Extreme Quick Throttle Photographer

SEALS REVEAL TRUTH ABOUT BIN LADEN RAID–Osama Bin Laden was killed within 90 seconds of the US Navy Seals landing in his compound and not after a protracted gun battle, according to the first account by the men who carried out the raid. The operation was so clinical that only 12 bullets were fired.

The Seals have spoken out because they were angered at the version given by politicians, which they see as portraying them as cold-blooded murderers on a kill mission. They were also shocked that President Barack 0bama announced Bin Laden’s death on television the same evening, rendering useless much of the intelligence they had seized.

Chuck Pfarrer, a former commander of Seal Team 6, which conducted the operation, has interviewed many of those who took part for a book, Seal Target Geronimo, to be published in the US this week.

The Seals own accounts differ from the White House version, which gave the impression that Bin Laden was killed at the end of the operation rather than in its opening seconds. Pfarrer insists Bin Laden would have been captured had he surrendered.

There isn’t a politician in the world who could resist trying to take credit for getting Bin Laden but it devalued the intelligence and gave time for every other Al-Qaeda leader to scurry to another bolthole, said Pfarrer.

The men who did this and their valorous act deserve better. It’s a pretty shabby way to treat these guys. The first hint of the mission came in January last year when the team’s commanding officer was called to a meeting at the headquarters of joint special operations command. The meeting was held in a soundproof bunker three stories below ground with his boss, Admiral William McRaven, and a CIA officer.

They told him a walled compound in Pakistan had been under surveillance for a couple of weeks. They were certain a high-value individual was inside and needed a plan to present to the president. It had to be someone important. So is this Bert or Ernie? He asked. The Seals nicknames for Bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri are a reference to two Muppets in Sesame Street, one tall and thin and the other short and fat.

We have a voice print, said the CIA officer, and were 60% or 70% certain it’s our guy. McRaven added that a reconnaissance satellite had measured the targets shadow. Over 6ft tall.
When McRaven added they would use Ghost Hawk helicopters, the team leader had no doubt. These are the most classified, sophisticated stealth helicopters ever developed, said Pfarrer.

They are kept in locked hangars and fly so quiet we call it whisper mode. Over the next couple of months a plan was hatched. A mock-up of the compound was built at Tall Pines, an army facility in a national forest somewhere in the eastern US.

Four reconnaissance satellites were placed in orbit over the compound, sending back video and communications intercepts. A tall figure seen walking up and down was named the Pacer. Obama gave the go-ahead and Seal Team 6, known as the Jedi, was deployed to Afghanistan.

The White House cancelled plans to provide air cover using jet fighters, fearing this might endanger relations with Pakistan. Sending in the Ghost Hawks without air cover was considered too risky so the Seals had to use older Stealth Hawks. A Prowler electronic warfare aircraft from the carrier USS Carl Vinson was used to jam Pakistan ‘s radar and create decoy targets.

Operation Neptune ‘s Spear was initially planned for April 30 but bad weather delayed it until May 1, a moonless night. The commandos flew on two Stealth Hawks, code-named Razor 1 and 2, followed by two Chinooks five minutes behind, known as Command Bird and the gun platform.

On board, each Seal was clad in body amour and night vision goggles and equipped with laser targets, radios and sawed-off M4 rifles. They were expecting up to 30 people in the main house, including Bin Laden and three of his wives, two sons, Khalid and Hamza, his courier, Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, four bodyguards and a number of children.

At 56 minutes past midnight the compound came into sight and the code Palm Beach signaled three minutes to landing. Razor 1 hovered above the main house, a three-story building where Bin Laden lived on the top floor. Twelve Seals roped the 5ft-6ft down onto the roof and then jumped to a third-floor patio, where they kicked in the windows and entered.

The first person the Seals encountered was a terrified woman, Bin Laden’s third wife, Khaira, who ran into the hall. Blinded by a searing white strobe light they shone at her, she stumbled back. A Seal grabbed her by the arm and threw her to the floor. Bin Laden’s bedroom was along a short hall. The door opened; he popped out and then slammed the door shut.

“Geronimo, Geronimo, Geronimo,” radioed one Seal, meaning eyes on target. At the same time lights came on from the floor below and Bin Laden’s son Khalid came running up the stairs towards the Seals. He was shot dead.

Two Seals kicked in Bin Laden’s door. The room, they later recalled, smelt like old clothing, like a guest bedroom in a grandmother’s house. Inside was the Al-Qaeda leader and his youngest wife, Amal, who was screaming as he pushed her in front of him. No, no, don’t do this! she shouted as her husband reached across the king-size bed for his AK-47 assault rifle. The Seals reacted instantly, firing in the same second. One round thudded into the mattress. The other, aimed at Bin Laden’s head, grazed Amal in the calf. As his hand reached for the gun, they each fired again: one shot hit his breastbone, the other his skull, killing him instantly and blowing out the back of his head.

Meanwhile Razor 2 was heading for the guesthouse, a low, shoebox-like building, where Bin Laden’s courier, Kuwaiti, and his brother lived. As the helicopter neared, a door opened and two figures appeared, one waving an AK-47. This was Kuwaiti. In the moonless night he could see nothing and lifted his rifle, spraying bullets wildly. He did not see the Stealth Hawk. On board someone shouted, “Bust him!” and a sniper fired two shots. Kuwaiti was killed, as was the person behind him, who turned out to be his wife.

Also on board were a CIA agent, a Pakistani-American who would act as interpreter, and a sniffer dog called Karo, wearing dog body armor and goggles.

Within two minutes the Seals from Razor 2 had cleared the guesthouse and removed the women and children. They then ran to the main house and entered from the ground floor, checking the rooms. One of Bin Laden’s bodyguards was waiting with his AK-47. The Seals shot him twice and he toppled over. Five minutes into the operation the command Chinook landed outside the compound, disgorging the commanding officer and more men. They blasted through the compound wall and rushed in.

The commander made his way to the third floor, where Bin Laden’s body lay on the floor face up. Photographs were taken, and the commander called on his satellite phone to headquarters with the words: Geronimo Echo KIA Bin Laden enemy killed in action. This was the first time the White House knew he was dead and it was probably 20 minutes into the raid, said Pfarrer. A sample of Bin Laden’s DNA was taken and the body was bagged.

They kept his rifle. It is now mounted on the wall of their team room at their headquarters in Virginia Beach , Virginia , alongside photographs of a dozen colleagues killed in action in the past 20 years.

At this point things started to go wrong. Razor 1 took off but the top secret green unit that controls the electronics failed. The aircraft went into a spin and crashed tail-first into the compound… The Seals were alarmed, thinking it had been shot down, and several rushed to the wreckage. The crew climbed out, shaken but unharmed. The commanding officer ordered them to destroy Razor 2, to remove the green unit, and to smash the avionics. They then laid explosive charges.
They loaded Bin Laden’s body onto the Chinook along with the cache of intelligence in plastic bin bags and headed toward the USS Carl Vinson. As they flew off they blew up Razor 2. The whole operation had taken 38 minutes.

The following morning White House officials announced that the helicopter had crashed as it arrived, forcing the Seals to abandon plans to enter from the roof. A photograph of the situation room showed a shocked Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, with her hand to her mouth. Why did they get it so wrong? What they were watching was live video but it was shot from 20,000 feet by a drone circling overhead and relayed in real time to the White House and Leon Panetta, the CIA director, in Langley.

The Seals were not wearing helmet cameras, and those watching in Washington had no idea what was happening inside the buildings. They don’t understand our terminology, so when someone said the insertion helicopter has crashed, they assumed it meant on entry, said Pfarrer.

What infuriated the Seals, according to Pfarrer, was the description of the raid as a kill mission. I’ve been a Seal for 30 years and I never heard the words kill mission, he said. It’s a Beltway [Washington insiders] fantasy world. If it was a kill mission you don’t need Seal Team 6; you need a box of grenades. Hooyah!


BIKERNET OFFICIAL WARNING– A serial female thief was arrested for drugging a doctor and stealing his car in Chiang Mai.

News reports said she applied knockout drugs to her breasts, which were transmitted to a victim’s mouth through oral contact, causing him to pass out.

Bikernet undercover investigations imperial Editor

TECH QUESTION REGARDING STARTER PROBLEMS–  A while back you put me in touch with a friend of yours at BDL. I’m wondering if I can ask you both a question regarding my BDL belt drive. I’ve been riding trouble free for three years now, but last week ran into a problem.

I went to the bank and when I came out and tried to start my bike, it was dead. I would press the start button and nothing would happen. When I released it, a click came from the starter cover. I had it trailered to the dealer and they first checked my battery, it was fine. Then, they loosened the two bolts on the starter (pictured) and it fired right up. Then they tightened them up. Bike kept running no problem. They made a gasket to bring the starter out a bit and it seemed to work fine. Until I picked it up; same thing happened. So, I got an Allen wrench and loosened it up, started it, tightened back up the bolts and rode home.

Have you run across this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ride safe,

–Jim Braniecki

Disconnect your battery. Take that external cover off and take a photo of the starter gear and the clutch ring gear and send it to me. Or I will try to explain. There should be a coating of grease inside the cover you removed around the brass bushing. The critical element is the distance between the small starter gear and the giant ring gear around the clutch basket. Check it out. It should be about a 1/4-inch.

Make sure the long bolt in the center of that starter shaft isn’t loose. If it is, back it out, put a drop of blue loctite on it, after you clean it, and replace it. Call me, if you have any problems.


Bob forwarded the e-mail to me about your friend’s starter issues. This is what I would be checking: The starter motor itself could be bad, the starter relay could be bad, the starter clutch could be bad, it could even be a bad ground, but it should have other problems if ground is bad.

If this is the same starter he has had for the last 3 years and he has not disassembled anything related to the starter or the primary drive there is only a few things related to these issues, by loosening the starter this could / would relax the starter clutch, also could / would move the solenoid wire that is connected to the starter relay, also could / would affect the grounding of the starter to the rest of the bike, Just some helpful tech considerations.

BDL Tech Support

Visit our WebSite

HARLEY-DAVIDSON FANS AROUND THE WORLD EMBARK ON YEAR-LONG, EPIC CELEBRATION OF MOTOR COMPANY’S 110TH ANNIVERSARY–MILWAUKEE (Sept. 6, 2012) – Today, Harley-Davidson announced the official calendar of 110th Anniversary Celebration events for the coming year. The events will connect millions of Harley-Davidson fans across the globe, united by a common bond and shared passion for freedom, self-expression and epic adventure.

Included in the official calendar are 12 anniversary experiences that Harley-Davidson will bring to existing motorcycle events in global regional markets through September 2013. The events span 11 countries on six continents including North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. The festivities began last week with a 110th Anniversary Celebration kickoff party at the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, the Motor Company’s birthplace.

“The 110th Anniversary will be the biggest in our history, celebrated by fans at events on almost every continent on the planet over the course of an entire year,” said Mark-Hans Richer, Harley-Davidson Chief Marketing Officer. “This is more than an Anniversary event – it’s an epic celebration of the freedom that unites us all, and we invite everyone around the world to join in.”

Capping the regional experiences will be two main anniversary celebration events in Rome, Italy and Milwaukee. The Rome event in June 2013 will include a party in the Touristic Port of Ostia, two headlining concerts at the Stadio Olimpico, and a special bike blessing inside St. Peter’s Square, Vatican City, the heart of Rome, by Pope Benedict XVI. The event in Milwaukee over Labor Day weekend in 2013 will be an expanded celebration including rides to Milwaukee organized by fans, a celebration at the world-renowned Henry Maier Festival Park (Summerfest grounds), a massive parade through downtown Milwaukee, activities at the Harley-Davidson Museum and three headlining concerts.

Official 110th Anniversary Celebration Calendar of Events
Official 110th Anniversary Celebration experiences in regional markets between August 2012 and September 2013 include:

§ Faaker See, Austria (Sept. 4-9, 2012): 110th Anniversary Kickoff Party at European Bike Week
§ Goa, India (Feb. 2013): 110th Anniversary Experience at the 1st National H.O.G. Rally
§ Auckland, New Zealand (Feb. 14-17, 2013): 110th Anniversary Experience at the National H.O.G. Rally
§ Daytona Beach, Fla. (March 9-16, 2013): 110th Anniversary Experience at Daytona Bike Week
§ Melbourne, Australia (April 13-14, 2013) 110th Anniversary Experience
§ Margate, South Africa (April 26-28, 2013): 110th Anniversary Experience at Africa Bike Week
§ Qiandao Lake, Zhe Jiang Province, China (April 30-May 2, 2013): 110th Anniversary Experience
§ Mexico City, Mexico (Spring/Summer 2013): 110th Anniversary Experience
· Sao Paulo, Brazil (Spring/Summer 2013): 110th Anniversary Experience
§ Rome (June 13-16, 2013): 110th Anniversary Celebration
§ Sturgis, S.D. (Aug. 3-10, 2013): 110th Anniversary Experience at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
§ Milwaukee (Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 2013): 110th Anniversary Celebration and H.O.G. 30th Anniversary Party
§ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Sept. 14-19, 2013): 110th Anniversary Experience at Asia Harley Days

Join the Celebration Online

Harley-Davidson fans are invited to join the celebration events online where they can share videos, images and experiences on Facebook, Twitter, and at The website, which will remain live through 2013, will feature details about all of the Motor Company’s 110th Anniversary events, as well as content posted from fans around the world.

Information regarding ticketing and registration for the official 110th Anniversary Celebration events, which will vary according to event and region, will be made available on the website later this year.

For more information, visit Harley-Davidson’s website at

AUSTRALIAN Biker anger over gun seizures–  The sergeant-at-arms of a chapter of The Finks motorcycle club has been granted bail after his father, an Order of Australia recipient, nearly collapsed in court.

Frank David Dieni, 44, is facing 10 charges including threatening to inflict serious injury to members of the Echo Taskforce and assaulting police.

Senior Detective Raj Tillekeratne, of the Echo Taskforce, told Melbourne Magistrates’ Court Mr Dieni threatened detectives who inspected legally owned firearms at his home before trying to seize them because of his ties to the Finks MC.

“The sergeant of arms is the enforcer within the club and keeps order at all club meetings and outings,” Sen-Det Tillekeratne alleged.
The court heard Mr Dieni called the police “fucking dogs cunts” and threatened to smash and shoot them if they took his guns. Mr Dieni also allegedly said: “I’m the sergeant of arms and I fucking hold the boys back but I also control them.”

Defence lawyer Alan Swanwick told the court Mr Dieni had held a gun license since the age of 18 and had no prior criminal convictions. After being told police did not require a warrant, Mr Dieni handed his lawfully owned guns and ammunition over, the court heard.

Mr Swanwick described Mr Dieni’s threats as “incandescent anger” in the context of being told his guns were going to be seized. Mr Dieni’s father, a drug rehabilitation expert, described the threats as “hot air” before later falling ill in the courtroom.

Police opposed bail on the grounds Mr Dieni was an unacceptable risk to the community due to his affiliation with the Finks MC, adding that the alleged threats were not insignificant.

Magistrate Donna Bakos said while Mr Dieni, who had no history of violence, had over reacted there were insufficient grounds to refuse bail. Mr Dieni will re-appear in court next month.

BIKERNET INTERNATIONAL EDITOR REPORT–  A new fuel tanker arrives on site in Qatar. The newly-appointed American manager tells the Indian supervisor to ensure that the tanker is clearly labeled:

“Diesel Fuel” in Arabic and “No Smoking” in Arabic.

This is what he got…

–from Robin Hartfiel


NEW INTERVIEWS ON BIKERNET STUDIOS—If you get tired of reading, slip into the Studio and check out the interviews. 

–Prince Najar

AUSSIE NEW BUSINESS–Only an “Aussie tradie” called Bob could think of a name like this…

–from Jim Waggaman

Kool site check it out…..

Malcolm Smith’s 1969 ISDT Husqvarna

The Mechanic Charles Bronson 1971 Husqvarna Sportsman
1968 MF Husqvarna 420cc 1 of only 2 made

–from Jim Waggaman


ACE CAFE REUNION WEEKEND–Independently acclaimed as the world’s coolest motorcycle event! Three Days, Three Rides, One Reunion!

Friday 7th September from 6pm – The Continental Run Ride-In  Saturday 8th September – Cafe Racer & Rockers Ride-Out  Depart: 10.30am Destination: Battersea Park (Central London) Sunday 9th September – Brighton Burn-Up & Ride With The Rockers  Depart: 10.30am Route: A406 – A40 – M25 – M23 – A23 to Madeira Drive, Brighton Seafront

Taking place over three days of the second weekend in September and first held in 1994, the 19th annual Ace Cafe Reunion Weekend & Ride With The Rockers celebrates the unique history, culture and style of Ace Cafe London and what it represents.

The event acts as a focus in the motorcycling calendar for all those who are not only interested in the Ace Cafe, Ton Up and Rocker heritage, but also for many others who enjoy a weekend full of rock n’ roll and fun! Over the years, Ace Cafe London has forged lasting and strong links to the global motorcycling and rockin’ community, which is reflected by the many visitors from overseas, one of the largest contingents being The Continental Run, which starts with a party on Thursday 6th September at Cafe Hubraum in Solingen, Germany, before departing the next morning to cross Holland, Belgium and France, gathering numbers en route to the ferry, arriving at the Ace late Friday afternoon, and culminating in an evening of rock ‘n’ roll! 

NOTICE: As guests of Brighton, and this free to enter event we thank you in advance for your understanding and co-operation in ensuring that the event is accessible and safe for all who attend We ask that you do not park any vehicle on the pavements or block the footways and emergency routes, and adhere to the directions and requests of Reunion Staff & Marshals.

The Harley-Davidson Museum Starts their Custom Bike Adventure–Harley-Davidson kicked off their Labor Day Custom Bike Show event as a tune up to their 2013 110th anniversary. The Harley-Davidson Museum hosted 2 bike shows, the AMD Affiliate ProBuilder show on Friday and Saturday and the ride in show on Sunday during the Milwaukee Rally.

The FreeStyle class was rocked with a Jack Daniels theme bike. Jon Shipley of Hoosier Daddy Choppers brought Whiskey Bent, a custom sled that features a 1977 Ironhead 1000cc mil, Pro Street rigid frame by Dirty South Choppers with a 45 degree rake, and a 6 inch stretch, and Delisle Springer. Unique theme features include a bar stool seat, a whiskey barrel that houses the battery and pours JD. The shot glass on suicide shifter is removable to get a shot from the barrel.

For the win, Jon Shipley came away with a check for $2,000 and a Team USA bid that provides him with an all expense trip paid to Germany to compete in the AMD World Championship.

Harley-Davidson royalty, Willie G, Nancy Davidson and Bill Davidson, stopped in to check out the show. You can almost see Willie G’s gears turning as he inspected the bikes and talked to the builders. Bandit cut out time with Bill Davidson, conducted an engaging video interview about the history of the Motor Company and got the 411 on his latest sled for a bike feature.

After Steve Iacona rolled up to the ProBuilder Show for the Custom Bike Show Weekend with his award winning bike, Challenger, you could see the concern on the MOD Harley competitor’s collective faces. The bike has a visually satisfying design and an outstanding fit and finish.

The 1996 XL custom bike sports a front and rear Invader wheels, Metzeler rubber and ISR caliper brake system. A chopped springer delivers a slammed look. The hand-formed components include fuel tank, rear fender tail section, oil tank, exhaust pipes, handle bars and mounts, rearsets, headlight number plate, seat suspension, tail light, battery box, steering damper mounts and motor mount.

Iacona left Milwaukee with a check or $3,000 and a Harley-Davidson 120 Inch Screamin’ Eagle R engine.

This is the first World Championship event that the firm has hosted in Milwaukee. The plan is to build the event into a North American must-attend event.

The Milwaukee Rally is a city-wide event that encompasses four dealers and the Harley-Davidson Museum with five days of fun covering six venues with free entertainment at each dealer’s location plus three Miller Lite Bike Nights.

The Retro Mod and Performance Custom classes were won by Gio of Blacksmith Motoring and Boyd Dingman respectively.


1st – John Shipley, Hossier Daddy Choppers – Whiskey Bent
2nd – Iler Brothers, Hammer In Hand Custom – Venus
3rd – Matt Drew – Cook Customs – Norton 3

1st – Steve Iacona, Iacona Custom Cycles – Challenger
2nd – Paul Richards, Native Custom Baggers – Blue
3rd – Kurt Peterson, Sumo-X – First One

1st – GIO, Blacksmith Motoring – El Vaquero
2nd – Tonypan Sanfelipp – Pan

1st – Boyd Dingman, Dingman Collision – Streaker
2nd – Mitch Hansen, HMC Racing – RC8

On Sunday the annual Harley-Davidson Ride-In Custom Bike Show rolled into the Museum with over 140 bikes from in and around the Milwaukee area. Dave Dupor of DD Customs rolled into the venue from Chicago with over 12 custom Baggers. The unique aspect of a corporate-sponsored event is the number of movers and shakers from the Motor Co. that are participating. Ray Drea , Vice President and Director of Styling, Bill Davidson and Steve Earnshaw, Director of Marketing for P&A are working the show and available to discuss motorcycles.

The Museum facility is a perfect venue to hold an event. It has an industrial feel with buildings that have a 1940’s feel. The campus includes the museum, a restaurant, bar, gift shop and archives.


[page break]


BANDIT’S GRANDSON BUYS 1974 TRIUMPH TRIPLE—The 18 year old called me in Milwaukee to announce his potential deal for a running 1974 Triumph triple. We discussed the value of the bike, which I confirmed with Earl in San Pedro, a long time Triumph builder and expert. He was scrambling, since he had to depart for a summer excursion, while his likeness was printed on American Eagle billboards all over the country.

I called Moore’s Classic Cycles and he recommended two shops: Charlie’s Triples 562- 221-2584, and Classic Cycles, Andy Dunn and his dad, at 714- 974-1438. I would like to get the bike cleaned up and running for Frankie’s return.


ataraxia at-uh-RAK-see-uh, noun:
A state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquility.
The former breathes only peace and liberty; he desires only to live and be free from labor; even the ataraxia of the Stoic falls far short of his profound indifference to every other object.
–Jean-Jacques Rousseau, A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality and a Discourse on Political Economy

Thus, hedonism ends in ataraxia, which confirms the paradoxical relation between sadism and stoicism.
–Marquis de Sade, 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings

Ataraxia stems from the Greek word of the same spelling that meant “impassiveness.”


FREEDOM AND THE FOLKS WHO KEEP US FREE– The election is quickly moving upon us and it is now time to make sure we keep the Motorcycle Freedom that we have gained by working through the Kentucky Motorcycle Association!

As most of you know, we fight for, gain and retain our freedom from working with the people who support us and our idea of freedom as it pertains to motorcyclists. There are 2 great opportunities happening in the Louisville area next Saturday, September the 8th:

Come join the Perry Clark re-election campaign on September 8th and 9th for a mass literature drop! We’ll be meeting at the Teamsters Union Hall on Taylor Blvd. On Saturday, the 8th, we’ll be tagging doors from 8:00am to 12:00pm. On Sunday, the 9th, from 2:00pm – 6:00pm — with a cook out to follow.

Please call (502)298-9673 or email

Make it out for these two days to make sure we leave a lasting impression on South Louisville that we intend to do everything needed to keep Senator Perry Clark, this November! If walking isn’t your strong suit, that’s okay! We have other tasks we need help with those days and would appreciate your help!


You are invited to a free Picnic!
Date: September 8, 2012
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Address:1107 Holly Avenue
Fairdale, KY 40118

Glenda Hobbic
District 1 Secretary
Kentucky Motorcycle Association

It’s that time again!

Kentucky Motorcycle Association

State Party at Lake Cumberland State Park

September 14th- 16th, 2012

Ride Leaving Kentucky Kustom on
Saturday the 15th @ 10:AM

flyer at !!

NON-BAD OR DIRTY JOKE FILE–Two Trees and a Woodpecker.

It is hard to find a joke today without a dirty word or two in it, but here is one:
Two tall trees, a birch and a beech, are growing in the woods. A small tree begins to grow between them, and the beech says to the birch, ‘Is that a son of a beech or a son of a birch?’ The birch says he cannot tell, but just then a woodpecker lands on the sapling.

The birch says, ‘Woodpecker, you are a tree expert. Can you tell if that is a son of a beech or a son of a birch?’

The woodpecker takes a taste of the small tree and replies, ‘It is neither a son of a beech nor a son of a birch. It is, however, the best piece of ash I have ever poked my pecker into.

–from Dr. Willie


LAURA KLOCK STURGIS PORTRAIT BY DAVID UHL–This is one of the oil paintings I completed for the Sturgis Rally this year, It’s depicts Laura Klock mixing the two forms of transportation.
Cool stuff.

–David Uhl
Join us on facebook!

ONLY THREE WEEKS TO GO UNTIL LAS VEGAS BIKEFEST ROCKS THE COUNTRY– Have you registered? Booked your hotel room? Started making plans to meet up with friends? If you answered no to any of these questions, you better get on it, time is running out!

The 12th Annual Las Vegas BikeFest is just around the corner. We will kick off the party on Thursday in the Vendor Village which opens up at 12:00noon. Be sure to pick up your registration package at the Golden Nugget Hotel and head over with your coupons for free drinks and snacks at the Welcome Party, 4:30pm-6:30pm in the Vendor Village at Cashman Center! And don’t miss the entertainment – Franky Perez & The Truth will rock the house during the Welcome Party!

Registration prices will increase on site so be sure to register today to save money and be a part of the 12th Annual Event!

1st Annual Charity Strip Ride

Join Grand Marshalls Corey Harrison from the huge hit reality series Pawn Stars and Steph MacKenzie from 97.1 The Point morning show for a cruise down the famous Las Vegas Strip to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project.

The ride will depart from the Upper Lot A at Cashman Center on Thursday at 7:15pm! A $10 donation gets you a ride pin as well as admission to the After Party at the Hard Rock Cafe on Paradise where you will get 2 for 1 Bud products, discounts on appetizers and souvenirs as well as free entertainment from the Sin City Sinners.

Registration: 5:00pm – 7:00pm – Cashman Center – Middle of the Road
Bikes depart from Lot A at Cashman Center
at 7:15pm sharp!


THREE Reasons to Eat Bell Peppers–Available in appetizing colors including green, yellow, orange, red and black, eating bell peppers is an easy, refreshing way to add nutrients to your meals. Bell peppers are:
•A low-calorie vegetable
•An excellent source of vitamins A and C
•A good source of dietary fiber, folic acid and vitamin B6
Plus, if you choose red bell peppers, you will be getting lycopene, an important carotenoid that may help protect against prostate and other cancers.

Adaptable plants that are part of the nightshade family, bell peppers are fairly hardy and can be grown in a variety of climates. Because of their geographic versatility, bell peppers are found in many types of traditional cuisines, from Mexican and European to Chinese and Creole dishes. Extraordinarily versatile, bell peppers can be eaten raw as crudités or in a salad; stuffed and baked; sautéed or stir-fried. Purchase bell peppers that are free of blemishes, and always seek out organically grown varieties.

–Dr. Weil


5-BALL RACING T’S POPULAR ON THE SALT—These are our official heavy-weight T-shirts with buttons in the front and a pocket. One color, heavy gray. Now available in our new shop.

BIKERNET MILWAUKEE LAW OFFICE MEMO–Please watch for my friend Marshall Teague’s new movie-endorsed by Chuck Norris- Last Ounce of Courage. M. Hupy

Subject: “Last Ounce of Courage” Norris article for publication

A movie and PSA every American must watch

By Chuck Norris

“One by one, we have lost the freedoms that our forefathers, our brothers in arms, and my son died for,” says the main character in a movie my wife, Gena, and I have been waiting anxiously to see in theaters. (It opens nationwide on Friday, Sept. 14, coinciding with the 9/11 commemoration of Patriot Day).

We are very excited to announce that Last Ounce of Courage’ has been named first theatrical motion picture to be awarded with my “Chuck Norris Seal of Approval,” in promotion of this independent film.


AUSTRALIAN police seize hundreds of guns in multi MC club raid–   Police in the Australian state of Victoria raided dozens of properties today, seizing guns.
The seizures are likely be challenged by bikies, who were stripped of 120 registered guns, including rifles and pistols, in searches of 39 properties today.

Gang members whose houses were searched included patched bikies from the Hells Angels, Bandidos, Rebels, Comancheros, Bros, Gypsy Jokers, Finks, Tramps and Coffin Cheaters.
A small number of illegal firearms were also seized, including a pen pistol and other unregistered firearms, such as starter guns. Officers from the anti-bikie Echo taskforce also found a police shirt during the raids in metropolitan and regional Victoria.

Police said action would be taken against the bikie who made threats, which were believed to be serious. All firearms breaches will be dealt with by summons.

Assistant Commissioner Stephen Fontana said police had the power to suspend the licence of a registered gun owner if they believed they were an “unfit or improper” person under the Firearms Act.
He said the bikies saw themselves as being “outside the law” and police made no apology for taking their guns from them. He did, however, expect the bikies – who regard themselves as the 1 per cent of motorcycle riders who are not law-abiding citizens – to make legal challenges.
“This is part of our effort to target organised crime by these groups,” he said. “We make no apology for coming down hard on these groups. They do describe themselves as one percenters.

“There is an appeal process that they are entitled to like any other person … and I have no doubt some of those (seizures) may be challenged. We don’t believe it right that a club, for instance the Hells Angels, can get ready access to 38 registered firearms.”

Mr Fontana said the weapons seized had potentially been used in crimes and he argued outlaw motorcycle gangs had “traded on the representation of violence”.

Other groups the force found to be involved in serious criminal activity would also be subject to the Firearms Act, he said. Police sought legal advice before conducting the raids and making the seizures. Mr Fontana conceded the action could drive legal bikie gun owners underground.

TEAM KENNY LYON UPDATE–Christine Creel, one of my lady motorcycle riders, and I just finished recording a show today for Motorcyclist Radio, hosted by Steve Natt. The Show will air this Saturday September 1, at 5 to 6 pm, PST.  
We talked about Bonneville SpeedWeek, the MSF courses, and the Ride for Kids. Today at 5 pm PST, go to the web link, then click on “listen Live” on the top left side of the page. Will not play until 5 pm.

At the radio web site you can down load the PodCast 4 days after the show airs.

–Kenny Lyon




–Johnny Gut.


CAT, THE ONE LEGGED BLOND–  I believe Cat is entering her bike in the show in Milwaukee.
Check it out!


She also was interviewed by Bandit and the next day got married. Busy girl.


NO BIBLES IN HOSPITAL FOR OUR WOUNDED SOLDIERS!–The soldiers who wake up in Walter Reed Medical Center are in Maryland , not communist China . But, under the Navy’s new rules, they may not know the difference!

In a memo obtained by FRC, Navy officials have announced that “no religious items (including Bibles, reading material, and/or artifacts) are allowed to be given away or used during a visit.” The new orders are buried in a four-page document about patient care, which an Army officer forwarded to us in disbelief!

Effective immediately, families, friends, and even pastors will have to check their beliefs at the door to visit one of the largest military hospitals in the United States Last night, after we circulated the memo to leaders on the Hill, an outraged Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) took to the House floor and blasted the policy!

“Mr. Speaker, these military men and women who are recovering at Walter Reed and Bethesda have given their all for America! They’ve defended and taken an oath to the Constitution, and here they are. The people who come to visit them can’t bring a religious artifact? They can’t bring a Bible? … A priest can’t walk in with the Eucharist and offer communion to a patient who might be on their deathbed because it’s prohibited in this memo from the Department of the Navy?”

Even liberal Snopes says it’s true:

–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005


BIKERNET NEW MODEL DEPARTMENT– Poo-Powered Motorcycle Puts You In The Toilet Seat.
I’m not so sure many of us would want to be seen riding this contraption!

Also, I wonder how bad it smells! LOL~

–Beth Buczynski

Excrement, whether human or animal, is a beautiful thing. Not literally of course, but in its potential to create something useful out of waste. Instead of being flushed or composted, organic waste has the ability to become a source of energy. As cheap and efficient as poo power can be, however, it has a bit of an image problem. We’re so used to hiding from this renewable resource that the idea of using it as fuel confuses and embarrasses us.

Toto Ltd., a Japanese toilet company, is determined to change that negative image. After three years of design and prototyping, the company recently unveiled the ”Toilet Bike Neo,” a highly efficient motorcycle that runs on, you guessed it, poop.

Image via TOTO Yes, that’s a toilet where the normal riding saddle should be. I know what you’re thinking so I won’t leave you in suspense: no, the toilet bowl seat is not functional. As this review points out, the toilet-derived seat is just a rather blatant advertising device, but the Toilet Bike Neo is no farce. It really does run on excrement, but thankfully, not the rider’s. Rather the three-wheeled motorcycle’s 250cc engine is powered by fertilized, purified and compressed livestock waste and household wastewater from Shika-oi Town in Hokkaido and Kobe city. The organic material is transformed into biogas, which then powers the bike.

In 2011, the poo-powered Toilet Bike Neo completed an 870-mile journey across Japan (no word about what kind of mpg it got). While this prototype is certainly a show stopper, you’re not likely to see it cruising down the highway any time soon. Although the company says this vehicle could very well spawn a production model (probably without the toilet seat) they say this poo-powered motorcycle is merely a promotional piece.

“We hope to raise awareness among customers about our green campaign through development of environmentally-friendly products such as water-saving showerheads and water-saving toilets,” said Kevin Fujita, a TOTO spokesman.

–from Rogue

SIGN UP FOR FREE BIKERNET BLOG REMINDERS, QUICK—IT’S FREE. This is a simple way to find out what’s new in the industry and new on Bikernet, Bikernet Trikes, or Bikernet Baggers. Plus, if you don’t like it, quit.
Give Ben a shot, sign up and enjoy the blog reminders.

–Bandit, and Ben Lambeouf


Thanks again for bringing me to Bonneville , I loved it !!!

Please put my 40th Anniversary open house on your site–
Oct 6th at the shop– food, bikes, music, in house specials, sales and whatever else happens at this event

–Lee Clemens


KJAZZ BLUES FESTIVAL–KJazz 88.1 presents A Special Blues Weekend Show at The Promenade at Howard Hughes Center FREE ADMISSION! This Saturday, Sept. 1 at 6:00 pm

THE PHIL UPCHURCH QUARTET and sitting in, his little brother, WAH WAH WATSON. The legendary funk, jazz and blues master is joined by Motown’s wizard of the wah wah plus RAY GOREN AND THE GENERATION BLUES EXPERIENCE You have got to see this 11 year old blues guitar genius to believe it! Dance lessons at 5:30 The Promenade at Howard Hughes Center 6081 Center Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.641.8073

I know, this is a local gig, but you can listen to KJazz anywhere by going to their website. It’s sorta commercial free.—Wilburn Roach

My name is Peter, I’m from Sweden
Hope you like my wife’s trike. .

–Peter / Sweden


REGISTRATIONS TO THE MEETING OF THE MINDS LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE BALLOON– I just received the registration list from North Carolina for the MOTM this month in North Carolina. They have 136 folks signed up to attend. Of that number, 94 have paid for a banquet meal. What a great turnout from a hosting state!

RETURN OF THE CAFÉ RACERS–“BLACK BLACK– is an illusive post apocalyptic gang from Denver Colorado. It was founded in the fall of 2008. No one knows who really started this gang as they are so secretive. You will know them not by a head light sticker but rather a headlight animal. As they keep a skull mounted the front of their mopeds “to ward off …” he mumbles.

Another interesting fact is the name black black comes from B B or BE BRUTAL. Just a small window as to how secretive they are.

The rules of the BLACK BLACK gang/code:
3. NO DRAMA and if there is drama END IT bye any means necessary


LOVE RIDE FOUNDATION WEEKLY UPDATE—New apparel line now available.
Love Ride Foundation
3717 San Fernando Road
Glendale, CA 91204

Contact Name: Love Ride Foundation
Telephone Number: 818-246-5618 x 127


EVO Finned Rocker Covers–As you probably know, we are the originators of finned rocker covers for Evos, just as we originated them for Panheads 30 years ago.

As usual, the copiers have struck again. All we can say is our covers are noted for certain features the imported copies cannot achieve. These features include a guaranteed fit on each and every model, and they are compatible with the very latest breather system (early breathers too). In addition, our covers have adequate clearance for all factory frames. Since we fully machine our finned rocker covers from domes¬tic aircraft grade aluminum alloy billets, they are not subject to warpage and oil seepage as the die cast imported copies. Here is a definite case of getting what you pay for.

We machine the underside of our covers for additional clearance which will accommodate virtually any high lift cam. And finally the finish, be it polished or chromed, is unsurpassed on our covers. Polished stainless button head allen screws and washers are included.

Custom Cycle Engineering
1970 Peacock Boulevard
Oceanside, CA 92056
Phone: 800-472-9253
Fax: 760-941-6489



ROAD TEST FEATURES COMING TO BIKERNET—“Actually it is a factory bike,” said Art Hall, Bikernet International editor.
“I have it for two weeks to do a test ride article for Quick Throttle Magazine and Bikernet.”

Watch for the full-blown article on Bikernet in the next couple of weeks.


D&D EXHAUST ON THE BONNE BELLE–The expanded pieces are for the outlet at the heads.

Here is some exhaust information. Best I could find on the web without writing you a novel.

Be sure and calculate everything from the rpm you plan on running at (If max rpm is 5500 you might want to calculate arouds 4500-4800). Also, take some time optimizing the intake length also (There is alot of power to be found here).

–Aaron J Whitney
Chief Engineer
D&D Performance


ADAM CROFT SEATS ON EBAY–  I am planning to take my family to the AMA Vintage National Flat Track this Sunday in Peoria,Il. These are great shows to go watch and my kids love it.

I have several chopper seats available at this time on my eBay page and welcome you to check’em out.

Please save my page, as I will be adding more seats over the next few months. Also I have sent updates to my web designer for and hope to have that completed this week.

–Adam Croft
Croft Leather

[page break]

FIVE DECADES OF CRASH PHOTOS–  Mr. Leslie Jones captured everything that happened in the city of Boston for five decades and when he died in 1967, his family donated a vast collection of 34,000 prints to the Boston Public Library.

They included these fascinating photos (not ALL of them) of vintage car wrecks from the great motoring boom.
Motor cars became affordable to the masses for the first time in the 1920s. By the end of the decade a Model T Ford cost $298, just a fraction of the $1,200 it cost in 1909.

The introduction of hire purchase also made it much easier for members of the public to buy cars and by 1929, 20 per cent of Americans were on the road.

Ford, Chrysler and General Motors were all competing for the boom in business and by the time the depression hit in 1929, Ford was producing more than one car every minute.
Technology meant these early cars were capable of achieving speeds of up to 50 miles per hour – but safety measures were nowhere near as advanced as they are today.

Add in the fact drivers didn’t need to pass a test before they got behind the wheel, and it’s easy to see why accidents were frequent and often spectacular.

–From Rev CarlR


CLASSIC PAUGHCO WISHBONE AND STRAIGHT LEG CHASSIS FOR SHOVELHEAD AND EVO 4&5 SPEED APPLICATIONS–  Paughco’s Wishbone and Straight Leg Swingarm frames are a mirror image of chassis common to those from the ‘70s and ‘80s and can be ordered in a wide variety of styles. Stock neck, chopper neck, 4-speed, 5-speed, SFT, FXR, chain or belt drive, each has its own specific part number and in most cases are kept in stock. You even have a choice of neck rake.

Of course you can always call Paughco’s tech savvy sales team if you have specific option requirements and Paughco will do it your way. The frames can be combined with a variety of transmission and engine choices including Shovelhead and EVO and come with or without tank mounts for pre-1984 Fat Bob tanks.

These classic style frames are manufactured to Paughco’s legendary standards for quality and precision fit with prices starting at just $1074.95. Swingarm not included. To make sure you get just the model just right for you for call 775-247-5738 and be sure to visit Paughco at


LIVE YOUR DREAM–Getting close to the 50 year mark makes you think a bit. Like the two brothers in law Tom and John from Denmark, while zipping beer (Tuborg or Carlsberg) a late winter evening three years ago, came up with a great idea. Bring their Knuckles to Bonneville and the BUB races which happened to be same week as John’s 50th. As a startup they did the crazy land-racing on ice in Sweden in march. That was Tom’s 50th..

The Knuckles returned to their home country by air, with help from Danes in Reno and some hard work with the bureaucrats, finally the bikes could be taken to Wendover. The spirit of the salt everybody helping each other, and meeting legends like Leinweber inspired Tom and John to go for a record.

Tom’s bike is called T101, (the first Terminator, remember?) and exudes a certain “we-mean-business” attitude with its electronic injection, belt driven turbocharger (intercooled) and state of the art ignition system. John’s heap of Milwaukee metal named “Hammer” is somewhat closer to stock condition.

After rain 10% humidity burning sun, came the moment. Tom managed in two races to pass the magic 150mph for a 1941 knucklehead. After the race, all parts were sealed before inspection. No worries when the motor came apart all the right measures where there, and no Lance Armstrong dopingshit in the gas! We In Scandinavia call fighting spirit among Danes for Danish Dynamite it worked out even in a salt desert. Remember we are never to old to live and do our dreams!!!




UNCLE MONKEY ON TOOLS–I’m fortunate enough to have a fairly well equipped garage. When tools are on sale and of good quality I don’t mind dropping a few dollars on the tools I’ll need.

I have a side lift motorcycle lift for getting my bike up into the air when I need too, and I have a solid wooden workbench with large casters that I use to build my bikes on. The problem I’ve encountered is that while the worktable does what I need, it is very difficult getting bikes on and off of. It’s not bad when building, but now that Snow White is finished and Mrs. Monkey’s bike is next to recieve a hardtail, the inconvenience has raised its ugly head.

Snow White like many builds has small problems that need to be taken care of. I’ve done my best to work from the floor but now that I have to replace the entire wiring harness it would be really nice to have her back on the lift at a reasonable working height. My side lift while useful has worn out and more than twice has left my bike high and dry as the hydraulic no longer had the oomph to rise from the safety locks. Wrestling a several hundred pound custom bike off from mid air without damaging is an exercise that I no longer look forward too.

The second problem is the inefficient design of the lift leaves the bulky hydraulic blocking one side of the bike and restricting access to the bottom of the bike. The third problem is the tie-down anchors are mounted to the base so it is a matter of balancing the bike up into the air before strapping it down.

I’ve had my eye on buying a professional lift for some time. While money is always tight the local wholesalers sells them for $500, so push comes to shove I could eat ramen noodles for several months. The problem is that with the compact size of my garage I’ve become use having the lift on wheels to shove it to and fro as I build, something that the commercial ones are not. It sent me to the drawing board.

A lift is simple enough as I tried to figure out a design that would work best for me. In the meantime the local hardware store offered their side lifts for half price. As I stared at the ad I figured I could join the two lift together and attach them to the underside of my table making use of what I had to get what I wanted. The new lift, plus some new heavy-duty casters and some 1-1/2″ tubing to connect the lifts and I’m in business. Now I’m looking to build a wheel clamp/chock for the front.

It is at this point that I’m looking at the receipts that are piling up. When the smoke clears I’m probably going to be in for almost $500. It is a dilemma that builders like me run into all the time. I built a lift that cost me as much as it would to buy one, maybe even more. The same can be said about Snow White.

Yes, she was built over time but she still cost almost as much as a new bike. So why would any sane person waste the time and effort building something when they could just plop the money on the counter. For me it is a sense of accomplishment, building, creating something with my bare hands, something unique, something that no one has or has different features than everyone else’s. It’s not always the most practical and not always the cheapest but that is the price I have to pay.

-bad Uncle Monkey


Emmy-Winning Stunt Coordinator, Peewee Piemonte Receives 2nd Nomination For Outstanding Stunt Coordination For TNT’s Hit Show “SouthLAnd”– The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced this week that 2011 Emmy Winner, Peewee Piemonte has been nominated for a second time for Outstanding Stunt Coordination for TNT’s hit show, SouthLAnd.

The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced the nominees Thursday morning, presented by Kerry Washington of “Scandal” and Jimmy Kimmel, who is hosting the Emmys in September and received a nomination in the variety series category. The list includes many of last year’s nominees, including “Mad Men,” which has taken the drama series Emmy for four consecutive years, and “Modern Family,” which has won twice for comedy series. Peewee is also Stunt Coordinator for the new show, “The Newsroom”.

Peewee Piemonteis a highly successful stunt coordinator and 2nd Unit Director and is currently the stunt coordinator on TNT’s hit show “SouthLAnd”. As for his current show “SouthLAnd”, Peewee’s thought is: “Great shows are like great recipes, you need ALL the right ingredients: Great producers, innovative writers, trusting directors, amazing crew, talent for days….and a place to serve it up. If Southland was a meal, it would be prime USDA meat…and a glass a great red. My thanks to TNT, John Wells, Chris Chulack, and the ENTIRE cast and crew.”

Academy of Television Arts & Sciences 64th Primetime Emmy Award Nominations announcementwas presented on Thursday morning, July 19 in North Hollywood by Bruce Rosenblum and Jimmy Kimmel.


SEAL BEACH WITH THE SHERIFF–met this ol marine yesterday, yes it was a good day.

–Da Sheriff

Police officers were St. John’s this week for training on investigating motorcycle accidents– Police usually want to prevent accidents, but earlier this week, they were making them happen.

Some of the top RCMP officers in the country were at St. John’s International Airport for tips on investigating motorcycle accidents.

The pointers were coming from one of the world’s leading experts in the field — Neil Robar of the Institute of Police Technology at the University of Florida.

“What does a skid mark tell us, what does a damaged motorcycle tell us, how long has this person been riding, has he got a real powerful bike, or a bike too big for him?” Robar noted.
Sgt. Randy Pack of the RCMP’s Whitbourne detachment was one of the Mounties leading the course.

“Things happen really fast on a motorcycle. If you lock up the front brake you’re going down in about point-four of a second, so it’s really fast,” Pack said.

“If you’re going around a corner and you run over a pop can and you’ve got the front brake on, you’re going to go down pretty quick.”

The instruction — which also involved crashing a few bikes — was staged on a remote runway at the airport.

–from Rogue


THE SHERIFF TESTS A NEW CUSTOMIZED DYNA–  The Street Bob serves as a great starting point for customization, and now along with the 1200 Custom it can be personalized through H-D1 Factory Customization with options selected by the customer using the online Bike Builder on, and installed as the motorcycle is assembled by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. By choosing from different wheels, paint and engine finishes, the customer can dramatically alter the look of the motorcycle. Different combinations of foot-control location, seat choices and handlebar can be selected to adjust the fit of the motorcycle to rider stature.

We will feature this bike shortly on Bikernet. It contained one of the new factory paint processes.

Hard Candy Custom embraces a trend that’s reemerged from garages around the globe. Now the sparkle of Hard Candy Big Red Flake, Hard Candy Lucky Green Flake and Hard Candy Coloma Gold Flake can be ordered as Original Equipment paint and serve as the foundation for personal customization. At least one Hard Candy Custom color will be offered on these Harley-Davidson motorcycle models: Seventy-Two, Street Bob, Blackline, Softail Deluxe, and Forty-Eight. New and recently introduced Genuine Motor Accessory and Harley-Davidson MotorClothes items extend the Hard Candy Custom theme.



Burlington council takes aim at noisy bikers–  A Burlington councillor is proposing a new bylaw capping motorcycle volume at 92 decibels — about the same as a jackhammer or loud lawn mower.–burlington-council-takes-aim-at-noisy-bikers

But most loud exhaust pipes are that way on purpose, says biker. What’s with the growth in vehicular volume? As if our roads weren’t noisy enough, we suffer every summer through the return of car stereos with woofers that shake windows and eardrums, motorcycles with modified exhaust systems to make them louder, and customized cars and trucks with modified engines to make them absurdly powerful, not to mention noxiously noisy.

Granted, most of us don’t live in pastoral settings where relative quiet is the norm, but does that mean we have to put up with this din of excessive noise pollution? If the guy next to you at the intersection with his overpowered stereo turned up ridiculously loud was a factory spewing toxic smoke it wouldn’t be long until he faced charges of some sort. But when it comes to noise pollution, we tend to suffer in silence — except for the muttered curses and the sound of grinding teeth.

Burlington Councillor Marianne Meed Ward isn’t suffering silently, though. She says she’s had enough complaints from her constituents about overly loud motorcycles, and she’s trying to do something about it by proposing a new bylaw capping motorcycle volume at 92 decibels — about the same as a jackhammer or loud lawn mower.

Other jurisdictions, notably Oakville and Caledon, have adopted similar measures.
This is an interesting and well-intentioned idea, but it’s hard to imagine it being practical or making much of a dent in the overall problem of noise pollution. Perhaps in areas where there is a regular concentration of bikes that have been altered to make them louder than 92 decibels, a bylaw might provide leverage to eliminate the problem or at least move it to another area.

But is this sort of bylaw really enforceable?

Presumably to lay a charge, you’d first need a complaint and then to dispatch an officer with a way to measure volume. Or would you implement sound traps in addition to speed traps? The idea has appeal in principle but it doesn’t seem realistic in pragmatic terms.

However, if Burlington does implement a bike volume law, it should be consistent. What about those car stereos, some of which certainly seem to be louder than a lawn mower? What about that tricked-out pickup with two vertical exhaust stacks and a hemi engine providing the horsepower? An overarching vehicle noise bylaw would be equally difficult to effectively enforce, but at least it’s more even-handed. How about a surtax on any piece of vehicular equipment that serves no purpose other than to make excessive noise?

It’s fair to note that some bikers say their loud pipes are in the interest of safety to ensure they are heard by drivers, but that strains credulity and sounds more like an excuse than a justification.

We wish Meed Ward and her council colleagues the best as they pursue a solution to this problem.

— from Rogue


BAKER 6-SPEED DIRECT DRIVE from BIKER’S CHOICE– BAKER’S 6-Speed Direct Drive Builders Kit features full width BAKER ground gears, finished by diamond coated tooling and Helical 4th, 5th and 6th gears for silent operation.

The Chrome trap door has the DD6 logo engraved into it and the 28 tooth compensating sprocket yields 14% more starter system torque. Also included is a longer primary chain. The
Touring application can accept up to 120 foot pounds torque max.

For more information on all Baker products we carry, visit


Happy Riding!


We also heard rumors of a Baker automatic transmission, and other new products. Hang on for more reports.


The RK THING Trike that Ed Roth would be Proud Of–Rafik Kaissi of RK CONCEPTS brought his out-of-the-box custom trike called the RK Thing to the 9th Annual AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building show in Sturgis, WI. Rafik caught his motorcycle bug while growing up in Lebanon and started his adventure as a 13 year old with a Honda 70XL.

By looking at his body of work, you can tell Round Rock, TX builder is a true artist. His designs are organic, fast and very unique. He builds his sleds out of an old 2500sq ft converted barn.

 The heart of the RK Thing is a race-spec Aprilia 1000cc mill linked to a sequential 6 speed transmission. The fully adjustable wheelie bar keeps the frontend down. One of the most unique aspect of the 3-wheeler is the original front and rear stainless steel cable suspension that is fully adjustable for ride height and Ohlins dampers are used for the dampening. The monochromatic plating work was done by Turn Key Coating.

The gas tank is mounted in the 3D styled fairing. The hand grips and exhaust tips are rolled stainless steel cable. Another unique paring was a turbo cold intake from a Subaru WRX was converted into a radiator.

 As with all high-end custom bikes, the more time that you spend and the harder you look, the more of the details that come through.
The front wheel sports a Vee Rubber 120/50/26 tire mounted to a Ride Wright Wheels / 26″ wheel with two RK 10/10 rear wheels mounted to Hoosier 18/11/10 T20 racing rubber. The trike doesn’t run a front brake while the rear sports dual Brembos / dual pistons calipers.

The RK Website is located at

WASHINGTON, Getting There: Training now required for novice motorcyclists–
 By Mike Prager The Spokesman-Review

All new motorcycle license applicants must take a new, more stringent test to earn the required license endorsement. Motorcycle riders with existing endorsements will not have to take the new test. Tests are offered on Wednesdays and Fridays at Westside Motorsports. Shaun Albritton stood on the warm asphalt at Westside Motorsports waiting for instruction.

Albritton, of Spokane, is taking up motorcycle riding and wants to learn the right way.
“There’s nothing like the feeling of going fast on two wheels,” he explained.

He and a man from Ephrata, Wash., were in the middle of a two-day basic training class that would lead to a test for the required motorcycle license endorsement.

Students spend two half-days studying in a classroom at Westside and the other half-days practicing starts, stops, turns and other techniques for safe riding at the Westside training course.
The course begins with instruction on the proper way to mount a motorcycle. It may seem elementary, but the goal is to establish good habits from the start, training coordinator Mandy O’Connell said.
“Learning in a controlled environment is the best way to go,” she said. “Trial and error when you are on two wheels is not the best way to go.”

In August, Washington state turned over motorcycle training and testing responsibilities to private vendors like Westside at 4201 S. Grove Road. Previously, Westside was a training facility but not a test site.

In addition, the state is implementing a more stringent test based on findings from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.

The state subsidizes almost half of the cost of the training course. Washington residents pay $125 for the two-day basic course while the full price for nonresidents is $225. Military personnel get a discounted price of $98.

According to the licensing department, the new test was designed to address issues discovered by studying motorcycle crashes around the country.

Washington officials volunteered to introduce the new test first, said licensing spokesman Brad Benfield. Other states will make the change next year.

“Through analysis of motorcycle crash data it was learned that the majority of riders were injured or killed in accidents that occurred in curves,” Benfield said in a news release.

The new exercise involves driving a motorcycle at about 20 to 25 mph in approaching a curve and then keeping the wheels within a narrow, curving lane marked on the test course.

“It’s a defined curve where you have to stay in your lane,” said Scott Schmidtman, Westside’s owner.

A year ago, Schmidtman built his own test facility at his dealership, which is visible from Interstate 90 near the Geiger Boulevard interchange.
In addition to basic training, the motorcycle facility offers one-day classes aimed at intermediate and experienced riders.

Westside also offers the written examination needed to earn a motorcycle endorsement.
As many as 80 students a week pass through Westside classes at the start of the riding season in the spring.

Motorcycle riding has grown in popularity over the years. Sales are up at Westside, which was busy with customers last week. More women are riding, and motorcycles offer the advantage of less fuel consumption.

One of the students sharing the class with Albritton said he was surprised at how difficult it was to take in all of the instruction and put it to good practice.

“It’s best to have those skills in your back pocket when you need them,” O’Connell said.
Spokane Motorschool, 11630 N. Fairwood Drive, also offers motorcycle training and testing.

–from Rogue

HERE IS THE THURSDAY USED HARLEY BIKE DEAL FROM THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS! A 1972 FLH! Classic 74-INCH 1200cc Shovelhead engine, 4-speed tranny, Electric and kick start, juice brakes front and rear, Drag pipes, S & S carb, LePera seat, Z- Bars. A classic custom for $7250!




MRF RIGHTS ADS–I was reading the latest issue of The MRF Reports and saw several “filler ads” about the organization. As a member—and the editor of a consumer magazine—it occurred to me that perhaps IronWorks might help the MRF.

We occasionally have partial spaces to fill on pages here and there and I’ve contacted organizations such as the Fisher House to provide ads we can run in those spaces. I’d be glad to do the same for the MRF.

If you agree this idea has merit, please forward this email to the person who might provide artwork files. Or let me know your thoughts in this regard.

–Marilyn Stemp

IronWorks Magazine

We do the same for rights organizations and charities on Bikernet. –Bandit




World of Speed SEPTEMBER 8-11
Cooks Shootout SEPTEMBER 15-19
World Finals OCTOBER 3-6

Hauled ass to Bonneville last week on my 97-inch Twin Cam to meet the 5-Ball Racing Team. Seems I rode into Wendover, Utah Saturday the 25th mid-afternoon in a gully washer deluxe. The last 100 miles on I-80 East had the pleasure of driving through three or four light rain spurts with pea size hail storms, arriving in Wendover with my boots full of water. After exiting in Wendover (attempted stopping)….remember the deluge my hot rod hydroplaned down the exit ramp and through the STOP sign at the bottom (with a moving semi to my left). Just like I knew what I was doing gave my trusty Dyna a little gas and re-entered the freeway. Cheated death one more time.

Once on the salt life with the 5-Ball racing Team was amazing.

A first time rider out of the Sims-Garcia camp made two passes on my Dyna in the Run-What-Ya-Brung class. First pass an easy 117.683, the second with a little more gusto exited the timed mile with a speed of 125.592. Not bad for a daily rider with an Eric Bennett built 97-inch Twin Cam.

Today we are preparing the 124 inch turbo charged hot rod at the Beach Racing facility in Morgan Hill, Ca. for the Mojave Mile Sept. 29-30.

Haul Ass!
Ride for your Life!
–Ray c wheeler
Performance Editor

CLEAN-UP OPERATION—For some strange reason I thought post-flats would be smooth, Corona-time sailing, but not so fast kimosabe. The weekend is already booked with clean-up operations and gathering content for next week.

We have a couple of road tests headed your way, a Spitfire feature, and I’m still working on the Excelsior-Henderson run. If I don’t catch up next week, my dogs will bite at my heels, and I can’t have that.

Have a helluva weekend. I have a new plan for the Mudflap girl paint, and I discovered a re-phasing house for XS engines. Hang on for that one.

Ride Forever,

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