
Here we are smacked into a new year, and the Bikernet crew is flying at projects, tech tips, books and cleaning house.

One of the major exciting factors of the internet includes our ability to share with you anything that moves, from bike builds, to repairs, to work around the Bikernet factory, race bikes, rides, you name it. You even get to see whole works of fiction come together.

This year you will see new events come together, and maybe our own Too Broke for Sturgis event. You’ll see whole books come to life, and Ray’s Bonneville Raycer. We will release secret projects to Cantina members first, then to the public. It’s never a dull moment around the vast Interplanetary Headquarters, and we feel very fortunate to be working with talented artists, photographers, and writers from all over the world.

Let’s hit the news before I spill the beans:


It is difficult to express my feelings in having received your recent grant of “Life Member Outstanding Achievement” award. My experience in working for the MRF and what it stands for was satisfying enough. To receive this award is very much appreciated.

I was satisfied, but the award seems to say that others were satisfied with what I was able to contribute. I had a lot of help in doing what I was able to do. What can I say but thank you for your recognition. MRF remains a very important time in my life.

The people, the dedication, the work, the accomplishments experienced, all made it worth while.

Thank you. May we all ride free.

–Chuc Coulter

THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY IS NOW OPEN–  I was walking down the road and saw my Afghanistan neighbor Abdul standing on his fifth floor apartment balcony shaking a carpet. I shouted up to him, “What’s wrong, Abdul? Won’t it start?” ??

–Art Hall


BIKER INJURED IN SURFING ACCIDENT–As most of you heard Tory DuVarney, owner of Handsome Devil and the back bone of the Chopper Festival~ was in a surfing accident. I have included the details and the Fund me account link. Like most of us, he’s self-employed and uninsured, any amount donated will go towards he upcoming medical bills.

“Christmas Eve Morning Tory DuVarney was in a surfing accident, the tip of his surfboard entered his right eye with such force that the eyeball was popped. They call this a “ruptured globe”. Once we arrived at the Emergency Room and they did a CT scan we were told we would need an emergency surgery to save the eye.

After a very long day we got the news that they did not need to remove the eye and it would be left in gods hands to see how it heals up and what vision could be restored. There will be more doctors appointments, specialists and future surgeries, but we believe Tory’s “Vision Will Be Restored”.

Tory is the founder of Handsome Devil Clothing and is therefore self employed and unfortunately uninsured, the costs we face will be great however we will stop at nothing to make sure he has the best care and the best outcome. Your monetary donation is appreciated and will be used only for medical expenses however we would like to ask you for one more thing; A prayer. We believe with our heart and soul that is even more important than money.

Thank You for every dollar and every prayer.” Christie DuVarney. The fund me link is

Please give photo credit to Eric Narvaez of Falconer Photo if you are using the black and white photo.

Lisa M. Ballard


Ho, Ho, Ho, Sunday Post for December 23, 2012

Hey Bandit

On that Playboy list is the fabulous Debbie from Strokers. That lucky Rick Fairless!!

Happy New Year

— Paul and Molly Aiken
Charlottte, NC


PABLO’S TOOL MAKING CLASS–This is how I celebrate my New Years Eve. Making stuff for myself. My time line with no fucking deadline!!
I’m listening to Don Williams & Waylon Jennings at volume that suits me.

Stuff tools:
Kett electric shear, Whitney punch, hand shears, auto center punch, hand file, custom
deburring tool.

The Whitney punch is one of my favorite hand tools. It dates back to when I worked with Romeo Palamides, almost 30 years ago!

Happy New!!


MESSAGE OF APPRECIATION TO OUR MRF SUSTAINING PARTNERS AND MEMBERS–  As we close our 28th year in operation, let’s take a moment to reflect.

This year we saw the highest participation and the most Congressional Offices visited in a single day by motorcyclists at our national biker lobby day in Washington D.C. during the MRF’s Bikers Inside the Beltway event.

We realized another first during our successful Best of the West Conference as the Southern Nevada Confederation of Clubs hosted the event. Furthering on that theme, the MRF Board of Directors voted unanimously to add a Motorcycle Club representative to our Board in September. A nomination for Still Ray Fitzgerald to fill this new position came out of the Sustaining Motorcycle Club meeting. We expect to seat him during the upcoming January 5th Board meeting. These impactful changes couldn’t occur without the highly valued input and direction from our sustaining partners for which we remain very grateful, as we have through our long history.

ABATE of Georgia (Beast of the East) and the Concerned Bikers Association/ABATE of North Carolina (Meeting of the Minds) significantly contributed to our cause by hosting excellent conferences for the MRF in 2012. And I feel it is necessary to include a genuine nod of appreciation for the HEARTLAND STEAM SMRO’s hosting their 23rd Annual Conference as a fundraiser for the MRF.

The MRF had its highest participation ever by voting State Motorcyclists Rights Organizations at our Legislative Strategy session during our Meeting of the Minds Conference. The voting resulted in a very clear and very strong agenda to unite and direct our work. It can be reviewed on our website at

Additionally, we have seen a significant growth in membership since our Meeting of the Minds Conference. As we know membership is the pipeline to the motorcyclist rights community and the source of roughly half of the MRF’s operating funds.

I would like to take a moment to thank ABATE of WI as they have almost completed their second round of offering and funding 100 new MRF memberships to first time ABATE of WI members. What a perfect way to get motorcyclists involved. We have learned over the years the more involved a motorcyclist is the more effectively they can represent our work.

We have also seen the highest number of non-MOTM donations from State Motorcyclists Rights Organizations come in since we called for donations to fund the Vaughn EPA study in 2002. This is how we can maintain our office in Washington D.C. The office is a few blocks from the United States Capitol and employs two of the finest people we could imagine, n our Office Manager and our Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs.

I would also like to thank ABATE of Indiana for their immediate response to fund a MRF Board member from another state when the opportunity was revealed. It is a good time to again thank all of our partners that fund the travel and expenses of MRF Board members; it would be very difficult to operate without this funding.

A final congratulations to all of our 2012 MRF Award winners and MRF Champions. It is through these efforts, contributions and careers that we can accomplish what we do to protect and enhance motorcycling and our lifestyle in our nation’s capitol. These can also be seen on our MRF website, 2012 MRF Awards.

Lastly, I would like to thank the leadership of our sustaining organizations for communicating the importance and relevance of the work we do in Washington D.C. For the number of highly engaged MRF State Representatives and Assistants that act as our boots on the ground and our membership that goes the extra mile repeatedly.

For me personally, I am extremely appreciative for the diversity, dedication, expertise, and passion that our Board of Directors brings to the table every day.

When adding all this up, it is clear that together we all Ride with the Leaders. The MRF Board of Directors would like to sincerely thank you for your impactful contributions as we close out 2012 and move into what I am sure will prove to be an exciting 2013. I am confident through your demonstrated “engagement through participation”, we are ready for the challenges ahead that are facing our nation of motorcyclists.

–Kirk Willard
MRF President


They are referred to as “homo slackass-erectus” created by natural genetic downward evolution through constant spineless posturing and spasmodic upper limb gestures, which new research has shown to cause shorter legs and an inability to ambulate other than in an awkward shuffling gait.

The “drag-crotch” shape also seems to effect brain function. Expect no eye contact or intelligent verbal communication. Unfortunately most are highly fertile.


HARDCORE WINTER RIDE REPORT– Got to thinking the other night. My old lady had to spend some time with her Mom last spring because her Dad was in the hospital, and I was riding down to see her. I got caught in a nasty thunder storm! I would say that sucks but it wasn’t really that bad, at least I was riding!!

When I called her to tell her I got stopped for a few minutes, I think she even thought I was stupid because she asked if I was riding and when I told her “yes” she asked me, “Why?”

I have drug her cross country in all kinds of weather without a whimper, but when she asked me that I was at a complete loss to try and explain it! I guess for the same reason we ride across Kansas in the summer and get so sunburned we can’t even blink our eyes, for the same reason we try and outrun tornadoes across Colorado, for the same reason we ride 200 miles to get to the “Valley of Fire” spend 3 minutes there and then leave.

We wouldn’t have stayed that long if some young thing in a tank top with big tits hadn’t been there!! It is like trying to explain the relationship between a man and his bike. Everyone I try to explain this stuff to looks at me like I have a turd stuck to my face. How can you explain this stuff, you can’t!! You just shut up and get another beer.

Happy New Year….Let’s Ride!!


FINAL Stat Counter READERSHIP NUMBERS for December 2012–

Bikernet, Bikernet Blog, Bikernet Baggers and Bikernet Trikes:
Impressions: 188,244
Unique Visitors: 105,179

Numbers for Bikernet Blog and Baggers are up from November. Bikernet slipped some over the holidays, and Bikernet Trikes held steady. We are looking for tremendous growth in 2013.

Bikernet Alexa Traffic Rank in the US 136,467
World Wide 453,333


NEWS FROM AMERICAN IRON–Happy New Year and best wishes to you and yours for 2013.

After many years using the email address I am finally switching to

I would appreciate your updating your files to add my new email and delete my old one.

I will be checking my old address occasionally but not for long.

Thanks and best wishes

–Buzz Kanter
American Iron Magazine

THE DIGITAL DISCOVERY OF THE WEEK– I scored this ugly beast the other day for $1400. The challenge, to turn it into something cool for very little money. It is an ‘86 with 17K on the clock. The motor feels good.

I am going to attempt to make some kind of a bobber out if it. I may cut the neck off and use regular wide glide trees and make it more like an FXR. Expect some flat black and pinstriping and sculls. That seems to be the key to selling one these days.

I will take lots of pics and keep you informed on the progress. It has never been registered. I got a Cert of Orgin from Harbour City H-D on PCH. It seems to be no longer in business. I will probably have to jump through some hoops to get a Nevada title on this thing.

Maybe write SOA on it somewhere LOL

Hope you had a great New Year. I think things are going to be better for all of us this year.

I went to Nashville to visit my son and Played an original song in the Bluebird cafe. They liked it so much I got called up to do another one.

Peace Brother



ABATE OF WISCONSIN MEMBERSHIP DRIVE—Hang on for the ABATE of Wisconsin Membership drive on January 5th, at 1p.m. inside B.S.’s Bar, 4054 Shawano Ave.

Take 29 outa Green Bay to FF, go right to the stop sign, then go left, the bar will be down about 1 mi. on the RHS. So bring your phone and your charm and we will see if we can get some new members to join and hopefully resign some old members.

EVERYONE IS WELCOME. Feel free to call me with any questions or concerns. 920.366.8030

Thank you.

Also the State Products Reps will be having an open house. They will have products for purchase. There WILL be some super deals on ABATE swag come and get your ABATE Swag. The more volunteers that help out the easier it will be. Also check BS’s page as Shelia has created an event. For the people who have told me they will join, I will be there to help you with that…… Hope to see everyone there!!!!!!!

“Rick Chouinard”

DONNIE SMITH FEATURED BUILDER AT ULTIMATE BUILDER SHOW IN MN–Durham, NC- Biker Pros, the producer of the J&P Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show, announced today that legendary customizer, Donnie Smith, is participating in the Minneapolis round of the series and will be providing five custom bikes for the showcase on January 11-13, 2013. Donne Smith’s custom sleds will be positioned on the red carpet at the entrance of the hall and the first bikes that will be seen as the enthusiast file in.

“Donnie Smith is known for one-of-a-kind custom-built bikes that have the right stance, raw power and are visually appealing,” explained Bob Kay, Biker Pros Partner. “We are excited to provide our attendees a brace of custom bikes from their native son for their enjoyment.”

The J&P Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show pulls world class builders from across the United States into a series that provides over $91,000 of total prize money and $7,000 at each round. Builders can get into the show by making the jump to

“I’m pleased to be invited to participate in the J&P Ultimate Builder series and to promote the custom bike industry,” said Donnie Smith. “Custom bike fans will want to attend because this is the first time all 5 bikes have been shown together at one time.”

Professional and amateur custom builders of choppers, cruisers, bobbers, baggers, race bikes and sport bikes are invited to enter their bikes into the competition and judge each other’s work. There are 13 individual rounds of the Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show nationwide with the Indy round coming February 15-17.

The 2012-2013 tour cities represent the most motorcycle-dense populations in the United States, reaching 75% of the nation’s motorcycle enthusiasts. Attendees will see the latest trends in custom motorcycles and meet their local two-wheeled heros at the show.

J&P Ultimate Builder Schedule??Professional and amateur custom builders of choppers, cruisers and sport bikes are invited to enter their bikes into the competition and judge each other’s work. There are 13 individual rounds of the Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show nationwide.

•NEW YORK, NY – JAN 18-20
•NOVI, MI – FEB 1-3

BIKER SUMMIT TO BE HELD IN WISCONSIN–  Universally, considered the ultimate motorcycle Freedom Fighter movement in the world, the Wisconsin legacy in the 1970s, 1980s and until now – is unprecedented, unequalled and perhaps unmatchable. Three major movements were being inspired at once. Some individuals led coalitions for all three.

Major revelations will be made on January 12, 2013 at 10:00 AM at the Eagles Club in Marshfield, WI. Major insights from behind the scenes and beneath the media radar screen will be unleashed.

Tony “Pan” SanFelipo, founder of Abate of Wis. (A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments) and me (Dave Zien) will lead discussion. A Biker Summit will evolve from 3-5PM. Major announcements and displays include:
1. Abate of WI and Better Bikers Assoc. (BBA), History and Perspectives.
2. American Freedom Warrior Foundation, Inc.
3. Million Mile Miracle Tribute Park. A motorcyclist’s destination to pay Tribute to those who have survived tragedy”.
4. Two scripted movies seeking production; Legends – The Mystique and Heritage of Harley-Davidson. Homeowners Assoc. Both movies prominently capture small bits of Governor Tommy Thompson’s stellar career.
5. American Motorcyclists Tribute.
6. 157 stone monuments, flags and poles dedicated to Bikers at Wisconsin major Veteran displays.
7. Exceptional Facts & Feats inspired by the Freedom Fighter Biker Movement.

Numerous large-scale rallies started in 1975. The Wisconsin mandatory helmet law was repealed in 1977; then vetoed by the Governor and overridden by both houses of the Legislature. No other state has done this!

Abate of Wisconsin and the BBA spearheaded coalitions of 100’s of clubs and 1000’s of individuals. In September 1977, the largest motorcycle protest rally in the world saw 50,000 at the State Capitol in Madison. Effigies were hung on the Capitol lawn. Bonfires of burning helmets raged in Madison. – A commanding message was sent!

Bikers worldwide are now training themselves “to help others” with advanced First Aid; through a movement called Accident Scene Management (ASMI). Motorcyclists are able to penetrate massive traffic jams by riding the highway shoulders, ditches and medians that police cars and ambulances are unable to get through. Cyclists are instrumental in assisting those in need! In the case of massive natural disasters, chemical, biological, nuclear war or total loss of telecommunications – Bikers could be some of the major heroes of future society.

Expect the unexpected – when the economy is so paralyzed, society not functional, survival of the best prepared will reign supreme.

Starting in the early 1970’s, Vietnam Veteran activists, many of them Bikers, helped pave the way to make Wisconsin the best of all states in providing deserved entitlements for Veterans and their dependents. The Vietnam Veterans Advisory Council (VVAC), Wisconsin Assoc. of Concerned Veterans Assoc. (WACVO), WisVet Outreach and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) paved the way.

Many of them were combat Veterans with a bone to pick or a score to settle and hostility to unleash. “For those who have served, suffered and sacrificed – the sights, sounds and stench of war, are as real as if only yesterday!”

Infected with survivor’s guilt and what we now know as PTSD, they sought retribution and revenge. Obsessed with serving Veterans and their loved ones; they could never do enough in being positive.

At the VFW State Convention in 1984, the Agent Orange Resolution which addresses health concerns of veterans exposed to Agent Orange was brought to Committee by Gary Wetzel (Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient) and me. The resolution demanded action by Congress. The resolution failed because we refused to replace the word demand with Request.

After fierce floor debate, demand stayed in: 6 weeks it later passed on the floor both at the State and National Convention in Los Angeles!
The VFW got out front in making sure Agent Orange, which contains dioxin, the most poisonous substance known to man, was properly recognized. Now, 14 serious health issues are service-connected, with dozens more being studied.

–Dave Zien


COLUMBINE STUDENT’S FATHER 12 YEARS LATER!–Guess our national leaders didn’t expect this. On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado , was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee.

What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful. They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert!

These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness.

The following is a portion of the transcript: “Since the dawn of creation there has been both good & evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers. 

“The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain’s heart. 

“In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA – because I don’t believe that they are responsible for my daughter’s death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel’s murder I would be their strongest opponent 

I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy — it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best. 

Your laws ignore our deepest needs, 
Your words are empty air. 
You’ve stripped away our heritage, 
You’ve outlawed simple prayer. 
Now gunshots fill our classrooms, 
And precious children die. 
You seek for answers everywhere, 
And ask the question “Why?”
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed. 
And yet you fail to understand, 
That God is what we need! 

“Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit.

“When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. Spiritual presences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation’s history. Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historical fact.

“What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine’s tragedy occurs — politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties.

“We do not need more restrictive laws. Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our own hearts. 

“As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America, and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain.

Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given right to communicate with Him. To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA — I give to you a sincere challenge. Dare to examine your own heart before casting the first stone! My daughter’s death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!” – Darrell Scott

MIKUNI CARBURETOR CATALOG ONLINE WITH PDF DOWNLOAD–Mikuni American’s latest Mikuni Carburetor Products Catalog features their complete line of Aftermarket Performance Carburetors, Accessories, Replacement Parts and Tuning Components for Racing, Street Motorcycles, Off-Road Dirt Bike, ATV, Snowmobile and Personal Watercraft applications.

The full-color 36-page Catalog covers Mikuni HSR, HS and RS and Flatslide, TM Flatslide, VM Round Slide, BN and Super BN Watercraft Carburetors and Pulse Fuel Pumps. Included are complete Replacement Parts Lists, Tuning Components and Rebuild Kits of each Carburetor Type with Exploded View Drawings.

The complete Mikuni Carburetor Products Catalog is available for viewing and downloading in PDF and JPG format on the website. Consumers should contact their local dealer to order Mikuni Carburetors and Parts. Dealers can get a copy of the printed Mikuni Catalog by contacting their Mikuni distributor.

Mikuni American Corporation, 8910 Mikuni Avenue, Northridge, CA 91324 /

[page break]

BAD UNCLE MONKEY ON THE NEW YEAR–The calendar has turned to a new page, a new month, a new year. The world didn’t end in a blaze of glory on December 21, 2012 or anytime since so I think we are going to be safe until the next doomsday. A new year means a fresh start, a new leaf.

I’m selling my house so there will be finding a new home and moving, working the bugs out of Snow White and probably put her up for sale to start some new project – I’m thinking a slick bagger but that can change at a moments notice.

The biggest surprise for the New Year is my son has decided to get his motorcycle license. It is a shocking development because he has had no interest in motorcycling or riding. I asked him what kind of bike he wants and he makes me proud saying a Harley.

I’m not sure; though this is a new concept of him riding he has always struck me more as a naked/cafe racer kind of guy -a Ducati, Triumph, maybe old school Norton. Snow White may eventually end up in his garage but he has to prove he can ride before then.

Saskatchewan has finally gone to a graduated motorcycle license so in the mean time he will be learning to ride on Mrs. Monkey’s Honda 250 and taking a riding course. Mrs. Monkey has shown interest in getting back on her bike as well seeing Snow White is for solo rides only. It means I might have to put hard-tailing the Honda on the back burner until they get their full licenses because a stripped down old school chopper isn’t the best bike to show up for a driver’s exam sans brakes, signals, fenders, and with mile high bars.

I look forward to getting out on the road with him. Sharing the road, sharing the experiences that are so dear to Mrs. Monkey and me. Poker runs, bike rallies, maybe even Sturgis when the time is right. It opens a new world to share with my son.

-bad Uncle Monkey



Adrenaline Junky List:
2nd Grandchild, June

*Dry Lakes Racers Australia* D R L A Speed Week Feb. 18-22
*Texas Mile* March 22-24
*Ohio Mile 2013* April 27-28 June 8-9 July 6-7 Sept. 28-29
*Loring Maine* The Maine Event July 12-14
*Bonneville, SCTA* ….228 Days….August 10-16, 2013*
*BUB Speed Trials* August 24-29, 2013*
*Mojave Mile* T B A

Looks like a stellar year in the making. Three sons with healthy, happy families and the ever growing family at Bikernet and we’re only 3 days into 2013!

Survived another amazing year aboard this rotating mass we call Earth, surviving, planning and building, with a lot of help from my friends, one fast street legal/Land Speed, Raycer.

The intentions early last year were to build a Bonneville contender with the drive train combination based on knowledge gathered from my 2004 Dyna. The dedicated to Burt Munro Special rolled over 75,000 miles running a 124 inch Twin Cam built by Randy Torgeson of Hyperformance located in Pleasant Hill, Iowa. Ron Williams, Jeff and Kevin at Hardtailz in San Jose took care of in-between-cross-country-maintanence.

Burt rolled to the S&S Cycle 50th in Wisconsin from San Jose.

Less than 100 miles from J&P Cycle, 2 hours before daylight a pick up truck entered from a side road on my left while I was rollin about 40 or 50 mph in the dark, on a peaceful, twisty, paved country road just as we passed a brightly lit up dairy farm. The pick up trucks bright lights in my mirrors killed my vision and the low life bastard was riding my bumper.

Up jumps the devil in the form of a left hand curve and a bridge, barely missed the protruding guard rail that was closin in fast, veered right to save my life ending on my left side half way down an embankment, less than 20-foot from a deep flowing river. Landed about 30 foot from the road, my soft travel bags on the back saved my left leg from being trapped under the hot rod. I managed to crawl up the embankment to survey the situation, my left foot was fucked up, I was alive and pissed. Crawled back down the hill and retrieved my mag light in an attempt to flag down help. Not a car passed for quite some time while sitting on the guard rail. The one that approached kept on movin’.

WTF, dialed 911, where am I? Good question, across from a dairy farm on a dark road in the ditch. Dispatcher; Leave your phone on and we’ll turn on our sirens, let us know when you can hear us. Just about sunrise an hour or two later the local Sheriff and his partner found me. The older of the two was an avid motorcycle builder/rider. We, the two cops with me hoppin’ on one foot managed to roll Burt up and out to a fairly flat spot.

Barely a scratch on the bike, left mirror out of adjustment. Call the tow truck or do you want me to ride it to my house until your out of the hospital? Burt fired first touch of the button after laying on the primary side for a couple of hours, all 124 inches with a set of RB Racing pipes playin’ a tune. The county cop grinned from ear-to-ear and rode off while his partner in crime delivered me to the local hospital for x-rays and a cast on my left foot.

The towns taxi driver picked me up at the hospital late in the afternoon and dropped me off at the local motel. Sure enough the cop called, came over and made arrangements for a friend to load me and Burt the next morning. Thanks to a fellow rider all ended well. The exact spot where I was run off of the road, 4 or 5 motorcyclist had been killed hitting the guard rail in previous years. Another story in the making.

Looking forward to everyday and every ride like never before, so hang on tight and Ride For your Life!

Your 5-Ball Racing Team is rollin’ to the starting line looking for the green flag.

Haul Ass!
Ride for your Fukin Life!
–Ray C Wheeler
Performance Editor

With a little help from my friends….Thanks, Thanks, Thanks.
All 3 Ex-Wives, My 3 Sons and Families, Aerocharger, All Balls Racing, Kent Rich, Dutch and the Crew@Air Tech Streamlining, Arai Helmets, Keith Ball and the Crew@Bikernet, Bikers Choice, Bred Beach@Beach Racing ,Cometic Gaskets, Dan Thayer@vtwinfuelinjection, Allen Alvarez@Daytona Twin Tech, ERC Race Gas, George The Wild Brush, ET Krankvents (Thanks Ted Shrode, Ph.D—- R. I. P.), Fisher Harmonic Damper, Dan Stern@House of Thunder H-D, Horsepower Inc., Ron Williams, Jeff, Kevin@Hardtailz, Randy, Michelle and the Crew@Hyperformance, Jim’s Machine USA, K&N Air Cleaner, Paul Kittrell@Lyndall Racing Brakes, Marc Susman@Colorado Custom Cycle Wheels, Ray Whitehead@Pegasus, Pingel, Jim @Sharp Eye Transmission, Reggie and Crew@R&R Cycle, Ben Kudon@Rivera Primo, Matthew Wiley@Race Tech Suspension, Rick Tedder@ R/T Performance, Schnitz Racing, Mr. McCahill@Spyke, S&S Cycle, Matthew Negherbon@Thunder Motorcycles in San Jose, Guy Caputo@Tiger Racing, Steve The Turbo Doc, Tsubaki Chains, Vanderbeck Race Cars, Vanson Leathers, Dr. Willie, World Wide Bearings, Duncan Keller, Yankee Engineuity in San Jose, Ca..

ROGUE BAD COP FILES NOW OPEN–State trooper Lisa Steed was honored inside the state police force for busting an extraordinary number of drunk drivers. But some of her convictions were subsequently over-turned, and the trooper was reprimanded and then fired for making false arrests.

Since Steed’s performance and punishment were reported, dozens of people who were convicted have been signing up with lawyers for a class action suit. People convicted of DUI lost money, cars and trailers and even jobs, according to ABC 4 News/Salt Lake City.

One such plaintiff is Thomas Romero who was arrested by Steed in 2011. “I wasn’t drunk … I was not intoxicated. Nothing,” Romero told ABC 4. One of the representing attorneys, Robert Sykes, says he is looking at hundreds of drivers who may have been victimized. Sykes is ambitiously seeking that all DUI arrests by state troopers be over-turned in cases where the trooper was the only witness. How much could plaintiffs get?

Attorneys are hoping to get Romero, for example, at least $20,000 to cover everything he lost, including his truck and his motor home. If you add up all the cases these attorneys think are out there, the lawsuit could potentially cost Steed and the Utah Highway Patrol $20 million. 



Florida Motorcycle Expo & Bike Builder Invitational
January 25-27, 2013

A FEW MORE SPONSORS– Are Still Needed For The Florida Motorcycle Expo
and Bike Builder Invitational
January 25-27, 2013

Cell – 727-919-1743 / Office 813-814-1424
or e-mail


LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK, 1998 ROAD KING—Only $13,995 This is one of the most badass Road Kings out there! All custom built at LifeStyle Cycles. This used to be the boss’s personal bike … and now it can be yours!

It’s got custom Black Cherry and flame paint with skulls, dual Bassani exhaust, 18″ ape hangers, PM wheels and brake calipers, Progressive 430 adjustable rear shocks, LED brake lights and turn signals, chain drive, custom leather solo seat, and much, much, more.

Come see this bike today! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been thoroughly tested and inspected by a LifeStyle Cycles technician after undergoing a rigorous 38-point motorcycle inspection.


CUSTOM BIKE SHOW THIS WEEKEND: WASHINGTON DC– Still time to get your bike into the Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show: DC Edition. We are looking for custom bikes from wild to mild. Paying out $7,000 in prize money and $750 in prizes.

Enter at or call Bob Kay at 817-312-0380. Show runs this Friday afternoon till Sunday at 5PM.

GREEN ENERGY TAX EXPANDS–$4 million for electric motorcycle makers by expanding an existing green-energy tax credit for buyers of plug-in vehicles to include electric motorbikes.

Ride Safe. Ride Free. Ride Smart. Ride Today.

Eric Hampton
ABATE of AZ Board Chairman
MRF Reports Editor


BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER RESEARCH FINDINGS–Is Your Cereal Unhealthy? I’m not a big fan of cereals; I prefer breakfast options that offer some protein and healthy fat to keep blood sugar steady through the morning. But if cereals are part of your routine, you should know that just avoiding the brightly colored boxes of sugarcoated kids’ versions may not be enough to assure the healthiest breakfast option. Sugars, over-processed grains and altered fats can be hidden in many cereals – including those that are marketed as “healthy.” Consider the following when choosing cereals:

•Sugars: Choose unsweetened products or varieties with eight grams of sugar or less per serving. Be aware that cereals with dried fruits provide additional sugar that can quickly add up. Instead of dried fruit (which often has added sugar), add fresh, whole fruit to your cereal.
•Fiber: Aim for at least three grams of fiber per serving. The terms “whole grain” and “whole wheat” are not always good indicators that fiber content will be substantial, especially if they appear as flour on the ingredient panel. Some healthful choices are steel-cut oats, bran and wheat germ cereals, and whole grain cereals with actual bits of grain and no added sugars.
•Fats: Avoid any product that contains hydrogenated fats or trans-fats.

–Dr. Weil



I have been in many places, but I’ve never been in Cahoots. Apparently, you can’t go alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone.
I’ve also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there.
I have, however, been in Sane. They don’t have an airport; you have to be driven there. I have made several trips there, thanks to my children, friends, family and work.
I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I’m not too much on physical activity anymore.
I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often.
I’ve been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm.
Sometimes I’m in Capable, and I go there more often as I’m getting older.

One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart!

—from Dr. Willie


HARLEY-DAVIDSON PLANNING ENTRY LEVEL BIKES IN INDIA–The U.S. motorcycle maker plans to set up a unit in India to manufacture entry level bikes to take on their Japanese and European rivals.

Harley-Davidson, the best known and oldest motorcycle company in the world, has special plans for the Indian market. In 2011, Harley-Davidson’s Indian subsidiary started assembly (CKD) operations at Bawal in Haryana. The facility is the second Harley-Davidson assembly plant outside of the U.S., with the first one being in Brazil.

By setting up a CKD plant in India, Harley-Davidson aims to achieve competitive pricing for its premium products in a market where prices are very important. The company faces strong competition in the premium segment from several global motorcycle players who sell their products at tempting prices. This is why Harley-Davidson wants to manufacture an entry-level motorcycle in India and for India.

According to Zigwheels, Harley-Davidson officials from the United States and India have been visiting Indian vendors with the purpose of setting up a manufacturing unit and a vendor base for a new range of motorcycles that will be launched at the 2014 Auto Expo in New Delhi.

The new Harley-Davidson bike will be a V-twin with a displacement between 400cc and 500cc. Built exclusively for India, the bike will be priced at Rs 3.5 lakh to rival entry level motorcycles such as the Kawasaki Ninja 250R, Hyosung GT250R, KTM 390 Duke and Honda CBR500.


ATK HAS ENTRY LEVEL MOTORCYCLES RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW–ATK Motorcycles who has been USA’s only off-road motorcycle manufacturer since 1984 has recently transitioned from the dirt to the asphalt and has three entry level affordable motorcycles available.

ATK recently formed an alliance with a Asian Manufacturer to supply many of the components for their ATK street bikes.

This manufacturer has also made reliable engines for Suzuki since 1978.

ATK’s are found at select Harley-Davidson dealerships across the country including a few bikes at:

LA Harley Davidson Fullerton
2635 W. Orangethorpe Ave. Fullerton, CA, USA 92833-4209 (714) 871-6563

–Frank White

Polaris is working with Royal Enfield also in India. Exciting times for motorcycling in 2013.–Bandit


QUICK, EVERYONE NEEDS A CALENDAR–Hope everyone had a great holiday! The new year is looking like a good one (knock on wood) and we’ve got some insane new films coming out. Meatball’s newest Classic Bikes and Classic Beauties calendar showed up on our doorstep and we’re shipping them today!

We set up lots of new COMBOS in the store so you can grab your favorite set of DVDs for a better price so please check it out at

Discount Codes
•Military families: ALWAYS save 15% by using the code “military”
•Everyone: Get three items or more and save an ADDITIONAL 5%-15%
Thanks for supporting us and let’s all kick some butt this year.

Stay independent.


WHY GRAMPS CARRIES A GUN–My old grandpa said to me ‘Son, there comes a time in every man’s life when he stops bustin’ knuckles and starts bustin’ caps and usually it’s
when he becomes too old to take a whoopin.’

I don’t carry a gun to kill people.
I carry a gun to keep from being killed.

I don’t carry a gun to scare people.
I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place.

I don’t carry a gun because I’m paranoid.
I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world.

I don’t carry a gun because I’m evil.
I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the

I don’t carry a gun because I hate the government.
I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.

I don’t carry a gun because I’m angry.
I carry a gun so that I don’t have to spend the rest of my life hating
myself for failing to be prepared.

I don’t carry a gun because I want to shoot someone.
I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not
on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.

I don’t carry a gun because I’m a cowboy.
I carry a gun because, when I die and go to heaven, I want to be a

I don’t carry a gun to make me feel like a man.
I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the
ones they love.

I don’t carry a gun because I feel inadequate..
I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am

I don’t carry a gun because I love it.
I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful
to me.

Police protection is an oxymoron.
Free citizens must protect themselves.
Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the
crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.

Personally, I carry a gun because I’m too young to die and too old to take an “ass” whoopin’….

.author unknown (but obviously brilliant)


STRONGSVILLE, Ohio – January 03, 2013?PPG Automotive Refinish has expanded its popular PPG Global Refinish System line with the addition of two new versatile, reduced-gloss clearcoats—D8115 Matte and D8117 Semi-Gloss. The new clearcoats make up the innovative PPG Global Matte Clearcoat System and are formulated to allow a wide range of low gloss finish levels.

“We have been providing the industry with a variety of matte clearcoats for quite some time,” said Jennifer Boros, PPG brand manager, premium solvent-borne brands. “And for the past few years, matte finishes have been increasing in popularity among refinishers and OEMs. We are addressing that increased demand with these two premium-quality PPG products that will give the industry plenty of flexibility to create the exact matte finish desired.”

D8115 Matte and D8117 Semi-Gloss provide an extremely uniform, low-gloss finish. They are suitable for stand-alone use or in combination, with each other or with other PPG products, to match OEM gloss levels as well as to produce striking custom finishes. In addition, they can be used over rigid plastics without the need for additional flex additives.

PPG matte clearcoats have long been recognized by OEMs for delivering quality low-gloss finishes. That excellence continues with PPG’s D8115 Matte and D8117 Semi-Gloss; the two clearcoats have been approved for refinish use by Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, General Motors, Chrysler and others.

To learn more about the Matte Clearcoat System and complete line of PPG Global Refinish System products, call (800) 647-6050 or visit

–Cindy Schauer

VINTAGE FLAT TRACK REPORT–Yo Bandit….its been awhile, hope you are well and had a happy holidays!

Attached are some pics I thought you might like….. of a friend, Roy Chapman’s, racebike build……WR 45 flattie, tank shift roadracer…for AHRMA…..


–Charles Young


Starting in January, motorcycle handlebars will have to be below the height of the rider’s head.
The popular “monkey bars” are not illegal, they just cannot break this new regulation.

And any motorcyclist caught riding a ‘wheelie’ should expect harsher penalties.

“If the motorcycle is driving down the road riding a wheelie and they are exceeding the speed limit, it is a minimum $100 fine. There’s court costs on top of that which can bring the fine amount up to close to $400 in most counties in this area.,” said Illinois State Police Trooper Dustin Pierce.

Police say both of these laws are an effort to help keep motorcyclists and other drivers safer on our roads starting this new year.

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Motorcyclists need to prepare for the law to crack down on the height of their handlebars and doing wheelies.

–from Rogue

1. The beginning of anything. 2. The introductory part of an oration, treatise, etc.

As for your beginning and exordium, I no longer remember it, nor consequently the middle; and as for your conclusion, I will do nothing of the sort.

— Michel de Montaigne, “Of the Education of Children,” Essays

In commencing, with the New Year, a New Volume, we shall be permitted to say a very few words by way of exordium to our usual chapter of Reviews, or, as we should prefer calling them, of Critical Notices.

— Edgar Allan Poe, “Literary Criticism,” The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Vol. 11

Exordium stems from the Latin root ord meaning “to begin.” The prefix ex- in this case means “utterly,” and the suffix -ium which is often found on nouns borrowed from Latin, such as delirium and tedium.

BIKERNET READER REQUEST–  What’s happening with the second Chance Hogan book . I loved the first one and as soon as the second one comes out I will buy it.


Hey Andy,

Thanks much for this. I should have copies of World Run by March.

All the best,



TRASK CHIN SPOILER–Happy New Years from Trask Performance.
The Trask chin spoiler offers clean smooth styling for your raked or stock bagger.

Designed to fit tight against the frame while giving clearance for aftermarket oil coolers. Primered and ready for paint, will look great on any Harley bagger.


NEW YEAR KICK-OFF—Here’s just a taste of what coming to Bikernet, the Bikernet Blog, Bikernet Baggers, and Bikernet Trikes. We are headed to Lyndall Brakes tomorrow, and then to Rivera-Primo. On Monday we roll to Big Bear to interview the new boss, Simon.

Later in the week I will interview Bob Clift about his Indian collection for IronWorks and Bikernet. We are working closely with IronWorks this year and may introduce you to a new event in New Mexico sponsored by the HORSE, IronWorks, and Bikernet. Then I hope to interview the winner of the recent Cannonball, and post another chapter of World Run. Lots of folks are enjoying books by Wilbur Smith. If you enjoy guy books, full of adventure, sex, and violence, he’s your man. For a poor so-so writer like myself, he’s an inspiration.

The content will fly at you this year from all of our Bikernet sites and the blog, plus you can watch the crew clean the shop, repair bikes, and go for a ride, so come back often.

Ride Forever,


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