
Here are the latest stats from The Week Magazine regarding cell phone use. A new study, conducted by observing 151 drivers behind the wheel, has quantified just how risky messing with cells phones is. The most dangerous activity is dialing a number. Experienced drivers are 2.5 times more likely to crash. The crash risk soars to eight times for novice drivers. Researchers at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found experience equates to the ability to multiple-task. And of course they found that texting increases the chance of crashing almost four fold. Dangerous shit.

Be careful out there.

Here’s a major MRF announcement from Jeff Hennie:

Motorcycle fatalities have dropped almost 20% nationwide since 2008, and at the same time we have seen the relaxing of mandatory helmet laws and a steady increase in motorcycle licensing and registrations.
Let’s here it for Freedom and education! 

The Thursday News is sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine.

BAD JOKE LIBRARY IS OPEN EARLY–One Monday morning the UPS man is driving the neighborhood on his usual route. As he approaches one of the homes he noticed that both cars were in the driveway. His wonder was cut short by Bob, the homeowner, coming out with a load of empty beer and liquor bottles.”Wow Bob, looks like you guys had one hell of a party last night,” the UPS man comments.

Bob, in obvious pain, replies “Actually we had it Saturday night. This is the first time I have felt like moving since 4:00 am Sunday morning. We had about fifteen couples from around the neighborhood over for some weekend fun and it got a bit wild.””Hell, we all got so drunk around midnight that we started playing WHO AM I.”?

The UPS man thinks a moment and says, “How do you play WHO AM I?””Well, all the guys go in the bedroom and we come out one at a time with a sheet covering us and with only our ‘privates’ showing through a hole in the sheet. Then the women try to guess who it is.”The UPS man laughs and says, “Damn, I’m sorry I missed that.”?”Probably a good thing you did,” Bob responded. “Your name came up seven times…”

–from Rogue and Jerry

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!– COMPUTER HELL THURSDAY NEWS for January 30,2014

Desert valley hell, I think we need a new continent and a do-over. This world is so screwed up from the politically correct crowd, we may never recover. That being said let me know if ya find that valley. I’m in.

Shane kohler
Longview, Washington

V-TWIN EXPO TESTIMONIALS–The Drag Specialties team recently returned from the 2013 V-Twin Expo feeling optimistic about the upcoming selling season. Saturday our booth was full of dealers asking for new product information and looking for assistance in growing their business. We had many existing dealers, potential new dealers, current and future vendors with new products, stopping at the booth. Drag Specialties has in the past and will in the future support the V-Twin Expo. This show has always been the benchmark for the upcoming selling season for the V-Twin Industry.

– Jim Matchette
Drag Specialties National Sales Manager

This was our first year at the V-Twin Expo. As a premiums company, trade shows don’t always pan out. During the first day of the show, not only did I need to bring in extra help to work our booth, I had to bring in more literature and business cards. It was swamped with quality customers, not tire kickers. But, here’s the real proof of how it worked for us- we signed dozens of new accounts since the show. We will be back in 2014, but in a bigger booth!

– David Branovan
A Branovan Company

BIKERNET UNIVERSITY POLITICAL SCIENCE CLASS–These two, short sentences tell you a lot about our government and our culture:
1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works.

And here’s another one worth considering.
2. Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. How come we never hear about welfare running out of money? What’s interesting is the first group “worked for” their money, but the second didn’t.

–from Bob Clark

MRF LEGISLATIVE UPDATE– Farm Bill Removes Subsidies for Biofuel Blender Pumps.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation reports that the United States House of Representatives has passed a bill that would end a federal subsidy for biofuel blender pumps in rural areas. The measure passed by a vote of 251-166 and costs the U.S. taxpayers $956.4 billion. 

The Senate is expected to vote on the matter next week and there is little that those in support of the subsidies can do to reinstate the money. President Obama is expected to sign the legislation into law. 
Putting an end to these subsides will likely result in less biofuel blender pumps in the market place and therefore less E-15 fuel.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation supports the removal of E-15 from the market until thorough, scientific study is conducted on the effects of the higher blend on the entire power train, not just the tail pipe emissions. 

–Jeff Hennie


TWIN IRON VINTAGE JACKET FROM BIKER’S CHOICE–This retro style jacket provides protection and comfort both on and off the bike. Two front shoulder intake vents and two vertical rear exhaust vents allow maximum airflow.

The removable, insulated, fully-sleeved warm liner has a built-in pocket for most mobile devices. Waist side tabs offer an adjustable waist fit, while zippered placket pocket inside allows easy access to important contents.

• Includes 2-year manufacturer’s warranty

Visit for information.

MRS MONKEY GOES FOR A RIDE–Like many riders on the back of a bike Mrs. Monkey had decided that she wanted to have her own fun on her own bike. It took some searching but we eventually found the right bike for her to learn on.

We bought a Honda CM250C and spent our evenings and weekends teaching her how to ride. She was making good progress, but she struggled with shifting gears. The next year saw me sell my FatBoy to let my back heal and her bike sat in the corner waiting. When Snow White was finished I had hoped she would join me on her bike, but that was not the case.

Flash forward to this year, Snow White was hampered waiting for a rebuilt heart. I rode out the season on a snappy Kawasaki 750, before picking up a Road King to rebuild, so Mrs. Monkey could ride on the back with me.

As I droned on about what I wanted to do to the King, planning to head to Sturgis next year she explained how she liked riding but just couldn’t get a handle on shifting a manual transmission. “If only they made a motorcycle with an automatic transmission…” She was surprised when I said they do, or at least they use too. With that a plan was hatched to sell the CM250 and find a HondaMatic.

The ill fated HondaMatic motorcycle was Honda’s attempt to gain new riders, to push the technology envelope. It was too slow, too boring, and too heavy. Most reviewers and test riders completely missed the model message. Yes, the automatics lagged way behind in performance, but it was never meant to be a canyon carver.

The bike was intended to be a commuter bike lugging it out in stop and go traffic, a step up from a scooter, a step down from a “true” motorcycle. The HondaMatic filled a small part of the market, folks like my wife, who couldn’t get a handle on shifting a manual transmission – how many cars are automatic transmissions compared to manual transmission? It was also for older riders who simply wanted to sit back enjoying the ride.

Sadly the HondaMatic faded away. Today there is a CM400A sitting on my lift waiting for a good cleaning, some new tires and a new breathe of life. Hold on for the next update…

-bad Uncle Monkey


A brilliant boffin — well, everyone attached to Tea Clipper was brilliant in one way or another.

— Tom Clancy, The Cardinal of the Kremlin, 1988

Two years thinking of nothing else. Nobel laureate, balding boffin, government appointee, in the dock, fighting to stay out of jail.

— Ian McEwan, Solar, 2010
We decided to give agent Zebra a new Bikernet title: Boffin in Chief, for his substantial expertise at something we are not yet aware of.
–Renegade, Bikernet assistant to the Boffin

Boffin arose in the early 1940s. Though there are many hypotheses about its etymology, its origin remains unknown.

QUICK,New Bikernet Reader Comment!– 

MOTORCYCLE SURVIVOR PLANS TO CHANGE STATE HELMET — St. Petersburg, Florida — A motorcycle crash survivor has exceeded doctors’ expectations and wants to re-write state helmet laws.


While I respect the 1st Amendment, and your right to state your opinion, I can’t get on board with you trying to shove it down everyone else’s throat. It’s a wonderful thing you survived the crash helmet or no helmet but why in the hell would you feel the need to take the freedoms of others. Hopefully you’ll come to your senses and maybe read some stats on the survival rate of helmets vs. non helmets. This isn’t about you. It’s about freedom to choose and you can take this personally, I hope you fail miserably.

Longwood, FL


THE POPE’S BIKE AUCTIONED–PARIS — A Harley-Davidson motorcycle donated last year to Pope Francis was sold at a Paris auction Thursday to benefit charity.

It’s unknown whether the pontiff ever rode the custom 2013 Dyna Super Glide that was a gift from Willie G. Davidson, a retired Harley-Davidson designer and grandson of the company’s co-founder.

Bonhams auction house in Paris told CBS News the pope’s hog fetched a whopping bid of more than $280,000 — far exceeding the expected sale price.

CBS News

BILLY LANE–Hey. I am very inspired by Billy’s strength and positive attitude. I would imagine prison in Florida is different than here in Colorado.

Please let him know that parole is nothing to mess with. I violated 11 times. Some 20 years of my life down the drain. But it gets better, and he is obviously very smart and extremely talented, and I think as long as he realizes parole can’t be fucked with he will do good.

I was very sad to hear what happened. Not only for Billy, but especially the death of another human. Watching Billy wrench on bikes and live a true biker lifestyle really inspired me to do right and get off paper.

I hope to one day ride through Florida and say hey. Please tell Billy to be well and I can’t wait to see him on Biker Build-off again real soon.

Cheers and much love to Billy………………Johnny


–Richard Kranzler

QUICK, BELT OUT A REPORT–I am finishing your belt first, should be done on Friday then I can start on mine. I am taking photos as I go.

I will take photos of my buckle on your belt also. I am going to Sturgis this year, the owner of the chip has invited me to set up with David Uhl, and about six others in a covered area. Expensive but the exposure will be great.

–Howard Knight

TOP TEN MOST WANTED LIST–National Transportation Safety Board Releases 2014 “Top Ten Most Wanted” list.

Recently the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released its annual list of top ten most wanted safety improvements reports the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF). The most wanted list represents the NTSB’s advocacy priorities. It is designed to increase awareness of and support for the most critical changes needed to reduce transportation accidents and save lives. 

This year’s list contains:

•Address Unique Characteristics of Helicopter Operations
•Advance Passenger Vessel Safety
•Eliminate Distraction in Transportation
•Eliminate Substance-Impaired Driving
•Enhance Pipeline Safety
•Improve Fire Safety in Transportation
•General Aviation: Identify and Communicate Hazardous Weather
•Implement Positive Train Control Systems
•Promote Operational Safety in Rail Mass Transit
•Strengthen Occupant Protection in Transportation

Motorcycles did not make the immediate list, but the NTSB did reference motorcycle helmet law deeper in the text of the explanation of one of the ten bullets.

Under the Strengthen Occupant Protection in Transportation heading, the NTSB recycles some tired old numbers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

According to the NTSB, motorcyclists are considered “occupants,” which is a serious stretch of the definition of the word and a crafty way to address motorcycle safety. The MRF has always urged the NTSB and all other federal agencies that they should focus on accident prevention rather than safer crashing. 

“Using such a singular approach to motorcycle safety is not the best way to save lives,” said Jeff Hennie, MRF Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs. He continued, “The NTSB has just taken a giant step back from their last attempt to address motorcycle safety in 2011, which included both voluntary helmet use and rider education as equal components.”

Motorcycle fatalities have dropped almost 20% nationwide since 2008, and at the same time we have seen the relaxing of mandatory helmet laws and a steady increase in motorcycle licensing and registrations.

The chairman of the NTSB, Debra Hersman, has taken a motorcycle safety class and has not ridden since, to the best of our knowledge. She is the person who originally spearheaded the NTSB’s involvement with motorcycle safety when she planned the two-day motorcycle forum at the NTSB in 2006, in which the MRF participated.

It’s likely that she will continue to use her influence with the agency to keep motorcycling on or near the NTSB top ten list. 

–from the MRF

BANDIT’S CANTINA LOG-IN ISSUES—A couple of readers complained of log-in issues. I was concerned about similar passwords from year to year, and or case sensitive names. I reached out to the Bikernet Fully Accredited, and Certified, Web Master and Chieftain. Here’s how he responded:

We’ll look into the case sensitivity settings to be sure that any entry will work either way.

No matter how fool-proof the login system is there will always be issues like this. One big reason is the browser version.

I’m looking at Genevieve’s traffic report from January and there are 50 different browsers listed with many more not making the list. Some of these are 10-15 years old and were made to be used on a much different internet than we’re on today.

When you get these the first thing you should ask is what browser and version they’re using. (Version is usually under Help -> About Internet
Explorer/Firefox/Google Chrome) Ask them to be sure they’re on the latest version and things will be much happier all around!

–Joe Jorgenson, Vice President, COO – Robin Technologies, Inc.
670 Lakeview Plaza Blvd., Suite J | Worthington, OH 43085
Phone: 614.888.3001 | Fax: 614.888.3002 | Cell: 614.940.3226 |


A public school teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy International airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a compass, a slide-rule and a calculator. At a morning press conference, Attorney General Eric Holder said he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-Gebra movement.

He did not identify the man, who has been charged by the FBI with carrying weapons of math instruction. ‘Al-Gebra is a problem for us’, the Attorney General said. ‘They derive solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in search of absolute values.’

They use secret code names like “X” and “Y” and refer to themselves as “unknowns”. We have determined that they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philosopher Isosceles used to say, “There are 3 sides to every triangle.

“When asked to comment on the arrest, President Obama said, “If God had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given us more fingers and toes.”

White House aides told reporters they could not recall a more intelligent or profound statement by the President. It is believed that another Nobel Prize will follow.

–from Sam Burns


OFFICIAL BIKERNET PHILOSOPHER SPEAKS OF CHALLENGES–Each and every day we are faced with challenges of every different type, some are small that we make much larger than they are, and some monumental such as a life threatening health challenges can scare us greatly.

Challenges can range from financial, to family, to career, to business, to relationship, to health to everything between. Many years ago Richard Carlson wrote a book called “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” and I learned (slowly) that I was putting way to much energy into the small stuff.

As I have said many times Life is choice, we may not have chosen the challenge but we do have a choice of how we are going to handle the challenge. 

Believe me I am not minimizing anything we may be faced with especially family and health issues, what I am saying is we can choose how we are going to handle it and where we plan to place our energy.

I Know that for every minute I give to the problem I lose sixty seconds of being in the solution, we can be part of the problem or part of the solution.

Many years ago I faced my biggest challenge, my young wife was diagnosed with cervical cancer. We had two baby girls, and she was far along in her disease. Although I was scared, I had to have Faith and Trust that she was Perfect Health no matter what the outer signs were. She went into surgery 3 weeks after her diagnosis and had a full recovery. Thank God she is here 31 years later.

And So It Is

Yale Custom Cycles
2003 11 ST SE
Calgary AB
T2G 3G6

BIKERNET TRIKES MISSION STATEMENT—We have always known what a benefit the trike market is to disabled riders. We want to help disabled riders through techs and resources on Bikernet Trikes whenever possible.

This week we are introducing Ransom who is struggling with medical issues: “I have a Pay Pal button on my website, If you could post my business card on your site would be very cool in the news with a few words of wisdom from you to the brotherhood about my mission in life and efforts to better mankind on this ride thru life, while never looking back.”

I think he said it well. Check out his site, and here’s his number.



ARE YOU BORN IN THE CHINESE YEAR OF THE RAT?–The Rat enjoys the Star of Future Prosperity in 2014 making it a wonderful year to start new ventures, form strategic alliances and diversify business sources.

–from Dr. Feng


HOT OFF THE PRESSES, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–Roger Chatelet (Ramjet)

Roger was my father. I had the privilege of meeting him when I was very young, and regrettably, I never had the chance to get to know him. I would appreciate it if someone could contact me through e-mail and maybe answer some of the many questions I have.

— Thomas
Fort Worth

BOREAL TOUCHTEC GLOVES FROM BIKER’S CHOICE–With TouchTec technology, you can text, call, or tweet without ever removing your gloves!

Boreal gloves feature Dry Techno technology to keep water and wind out, and includes TouchTec leather in the palms. Thinsulate thermal insulation traps in and holds body heat, while a hook and loop closure provides a secure fit.

Suggested Retail: $89.95
Includes a 1-year manufacturers warranty.

Visit us online at: or on our Facebook Page:

THE CHEAP PLACE PATCH OF THE WEEK– Large Zombie Sniper Back Patch is embroidered in Green / Black / Red / White. Measures 10×9.6 inches. The patch can be sewn or ironed on. Do not iron on patches to leather or nylon material.

See more of their new patches Here:!page=1&sort=p.date_added-DESC

LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK– This awesome chopper is powered by a 113ci S&S polished motor! It has a custom exhaust, open primary, and is right side drive. It has an “Extreme” body, custom painted frame and body by Alverado, custom 1-off Renegade wheels, 280 rear tire, Bitchin’ Rich seat, Perse lower legs, Franks tubes, internal throttle, Performance machine hand controls, Performance Machine rear brake master cylinder, and so much more I don’t even know where to start.

This bike is a real piece of art, there’s so much detail in the paint it’s ridiculous, you have to come in and see this bike to really appreciate it’s beauty! !ACTUAL MILEAGE UNKNOWN!

Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been thoroughly tested and inspected by a LifeStyle Cycles technician after undergoing a rigorous 38-point motorcycle inspection.

Located in Anaheim, California, LifeStyle Cycles has the West Coast’s largest selection of pre-owned and bank-owned motorcycles. With bikes coming in almost everyday, LifeStyle Cycles is sure to have the bike you are looking for at the price you want. Come see us today!

VICTORY MOTORCYCLES TO UNVEIL NEW BOBBER WITHOUT COMPROMISE–The 2015 GUNNER to be revealed at the Chicago Progressive International Motorcycle Show

Victory Motorcycles is about to reveal the best of two worlds, bringing an intense blend of heavyweight motorcycle with V-twin muscle and an edgy bobber style without compromise. The Victory Gunner is sure to have riders talking, heads turning, and the competition left in the dust after it is finally unveiled to the public this Saturday at noon, at the Progressive International Motorcycle Show in Chicago.

Until now, motorcyclists have had to choose between a powerful, comfortable heavyweight cruiser and a nimble bike for downtown rides. With the Gunner bursting onto the scene, that’s all about to change. The Gunner boasts a powerful 106ci V-twin on a full-size chassis, a lowered seat height, and lean-angle engineering that makes it ride like no other bobber currently on the market.

“Bikers have been asking us to give them a bobber with some real power – and that’s exactly what we’re giving them with this bad boy,” says Steve Menneto, Vice President, Polaris Motorcycles. “The Gunner’s got the muscle of a heavyweight, the handling of a Victory, and it’s an awesome-looking bobber. There’s no other bike like it on the market, and we can’t wait to lift the cover and reveal it this weekend. The Gunner offers a much-needed option for serious riders in the market for a bobber.”

The Victory Gunner will be revealed to the public on Saturday, February 8th, at the Progressive International Motorcycle Show in Chicago. The reveal will take place in the Victory Motorcycle booth at the show at noon. The public will be able to get a close look and a feel for the bike in Chicago; Gunner demo rides will be available in March at Daytona Bike Week.

Information about Victory motorcycles, apparel and accessories is available at

No, they wouldn’t share a teaser shot. You need to hit the show this weekend. Find out what’s up and report back.—Bandit

[page break]

On Jan. 29, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration responded to U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner’s (R-Wis.) Jan. 9 letter to U.S. Dept. of Transportation Sec. Anthony Foxx requesting information regarding a checkpoint program.

As reported by news media, the NHTSA checkpoint program pays private contractors that use state and local law enforcement to conduct checkpoint programs and collect blood samples or mouth swabs from drivers.

One question addressed pertained to motorcycle-only checkpoints. The NHTSA responded that blood and saliva sample tests were not conducted at roadside MOCs.

Sensenbrenner is leading the fight against motorcycle-only checkpoints and is the sponsor of H.R. 1861, Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act.

The American Motorcyclist Association is working aggressively on the MOC issue and expects more positive developments in the near future.

Now more than ever, it is crucial that you and your riding friends become members of the AMA or ATVA to help protect our riding freedoms. More members mean more clout against the opponents of motorcycling and ATV riding. That support will help fight for your rights – on the road, trail, racetrack, and in the halls of government. If you are a motorcycle rider, join the AMA at If you a re an ATV rider, join ATVA at

PPG EXHIBITING AT V-TWIN EXPO– Elite painters, radical bikes and dazzling new products to be featured

PPG Automotive Refinish will give the motorcycle world plenty to look at and enjoy in booth 578 during the 14th annual V-Twin Expo, February 8-9, at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati. The PPG exhibit will feature motorcycle celebrities, custom bikes and new advanced refinish products that can help amateur and professional painters and builders turn imaginative paint schemes into reality.

The trade show, open exclusively to motorcycle retailers and manufacturers, is sponsored by Easyriders, one of the nation’s most popular biking magazines.

All show attendees are invited to the PPG booth where PPG has arranged for two of the custom motorcycle world’s stars, Dave and Jody Perewitz, to greet show visitors. The father-daughter duo will appear at the PPG booth Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to noon signing autographs and talking about the VIBRANCE COLLECTION® custom finishes and DELTRON® products—the PPG lines they use most.

Celebrated as the “King of Flames,” Dave Perewitz is one of America’s top motorcycle customizers and well known as for his signature blazing paint schemes. He consistently produces award-winning bikes at Perewitz Cycle Fabrication, his shop in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, and will have a bike on display at the booth.

Jody Perewitz has her own respected credentials as a builder and is responsible for designing Perewitz brand merchandise. She’s also a record-setting rider and was the first woman to top 200 mph at the Bonneville Salt Flats when she ran a record 203.11 miles per hour in 2011 on a custom American V-Twin bike built by Team J’Witz. She’ll have that bike on hand and be happy to tell visitors all about it.

PPG will also feature its complete line of refinish products with a special emphasis on DITZLER® Hot Rod Black topcoat and the CRYSTALLANCE™ glass flake collection. Ditzler Hot Rod Black topcoat is part of the popular Vibrance Collection product line.

The new topcoat provides a uniform, low gloss and deep-looking black finish designed to replicate the glory days of street rods and muscle cars. The Crystallance line offers six unique pigments—silver, sapphire, jade, garnet, topaz and opal—that create bright finishes with intense sparkle and flare.

Two additional outstanding motorcycles will show what can be achieved with PPG products. From Bill Steele’s Kustoms in Oakdale, Pennsylvania, comes the radical “Honey Bagger” with its one-of-a-kind gleaming gold finish. Steele created the Bagger’s unique look with ENVIROBASE® High Performance waterborne basecoat, ONECHOICE® SX-1071 Etch Prime, ECP15 A-Chromatic Surfacer, ECS25 Sealer and VC5200 Custom Clear from the PPG Vibrance Collection.

Also on display will be a custom blue, white and silver Harley Davidson Road King from Steve’s Restorations & Hot Rods in Frankfort, New York. Steve Hale’s bike showcases a multitude of PPG products beautifully including Crystallance, Ditzler BIG FLAKE™, PRIZMATIQUE pearl, Concept 2002 clearcoat and others. It’s drawing second and third looks wherever it’s seen.

To learn more about Crystallance, Ditzler Hot Rod Black and other popular PPG Automotive Refinish products, come to booth 578, call 800-647-6050 or visit

NEW BOOKS FROM BILL HAYES–Look for my upcoming book, Hell on Wheels: An Illustrated History of Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs due for release in Spring 2014.

Our newest book, Triumphs and Tragedies: A True Story of Wealth and Addiction is available now at

Our IPPY Award winning Hullabaloo! The Life and (Mis)Adventures of L.A. Radio Legend, Dave Hull is available at

All of my other books are available at my eBay store ( ) or on Amazon!

— Bill Hayes
Boozefighters MC


HANG ON FOR WILLIE G. BRACELETS–In the motorcycle world, even if you¹re not a Harley Davidson fan, it is likely you know who Willie G. is. When Willie joined the design team at Harley-Davidson, he helped usher in a new era of bikes and original designs.

One of Willie¹s first designs, the FX Super Glide, made it from the drafting table to production in 1971. This was the bike that brought custom culture to the forefront of Harley-Davidson¹s lineup. Eventually, after nearly five decades and many successful designs, Willie G. retired as the Head of Styling at Harley-Davidson, however, he continues to serve as the Chief Styling Officer Emeritus.

Survival Straps, a company dedicated to helping others and getting bikers out of jams, has released their officially licensed Willie G. Skull bracelets and gear tags in honor of the icon. The All-American made gear is made of spec 550 military-grade para-cord and unravels in a time of need.

Are the Willie G. collection Survival Straps something you would like to learn more about?

–Ashley Rose
Account Executive Asylum PR
O: 480-264-5133 ext. 1
F: 480-659-9802

BEST LAW DEAL OF THE WEEK–Hupy and Abraham, S.C. Gets 13 Times Offer Just Before Statute of Limitations Deadline
During settlement of a client’s case, she mentioned an accident from 1999. The client was just 6 years old and walked across a county highway to get mail when she was struck by a passing motorist.

An attorney her mother hired shortly after the accident investigated the case, received a $5000 offer, and recommended that she accept the offer. When the mother refused to accept the offer, the attorney dropped the case.

Although the statute of limitations on the 1999 accident was going to run out in a less than a month’s time, Attorney Todd Korb offered to help. After deposing the driver, he settled the case for $65,000 — 13 times the original offer!

Awarded: 13 Times Original Offer!

BAD COP FILE NOW OPEN– Connecticut deserves to be sued. They have a history of Bad Arrests.

CONNECTICUT New Haven: A local man is suing the city and state for $20 million after he was charged with murder and spent 17 months in jail awaiting trial before prosecutors dropped the allegations.

Robert Foy’s lawyers told The New Haven Register that they filed the lawsuit against the city of New Haven, New Haven police and the state of Connecticut.

–Florida Today


BAD COP FILES BURSTING AT THE SEAMS– FDLE has a history of BAD Things Happening including but not limited false testimony and officer prejudice towards people they charge with offenses

FDLE crime lab analyst arrested on drug charges

By Brendan Farrington and Melissa Nelson
Associated Press/Florida Today

TALLAHASSEE — A former Florida crime lab analyst was arrested Tuesday and charged with stealing and selling painkillers and other drugs that he was supposed to be testing as evidence in criminal cases, the state law enforcement agency said. Joseph Graves was arrested a day after he resigned from his position at a Florida Department of Law Enforcement lab in Pensacola. The department began an investigation after the Escambia County Sheriff’s discovered drug evidence was missing. A further look found other cases where painkillers were swapped out with non-prescription drugs.

Law enforcement department Commissioner Gerald Baily has said hundreds of drug cases may be compromised. “The actions of Joseph Graves are disgraceful. FDLE is working with State Attorneys’ Offices statewide to ensure he is held accountable for his actions,” Bailey said in a news release.

Graves’ attorney didn’t immediately return a message for comment Graves began working for the department in 2006 and has handled about 2,600 cases, most of which are drug related. The compromised cases could possibly affect 80 agencies in 35 counties.

The department is using agents from each of its offices to review all the cases handled by the chemist and has contacted state attorneys and law enforcement agencies across the state that have pending cases that could be compromised.

Prosecutors and defense attorneys reached Monday agreed that the thefts could create massive problems for courts and law enforcement agencies throughout Florida and could result in some convictions being thrown out and sentences reduced.

The department is reviewing its drug testing program to try to prevent something similar from happening.

–from Rogue


Kansas Breakdown – Repairs for Betsy, Visiting Old Friends and A Small Town in Kansas. By Scooter Tramp Scotty

Click to read


Sturgis Museum Find Indian Model O, also known as the Indian Light Twin.

Photos and Text by Christine Paige Diers,
Executive Director, Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame

Click to read


J&P Cycles–Ultimate Builder Show in Cleveland, Ohio. Results are Here

Click to read


An Interview with Sara Liberte – Accomplished photographer, artist, bike builder, painter and journalist.

Click to read


5-Ball Racing 2014, Chapter 2—The Frame finds a Builder. The Assalt Weapon II Reaches Lucky Devil Metal Works in Houston

Click to read

–Mistress Chris

BAD JOKE LIBRARY OPEN TO ALL READERS–An old cowboy was riding his trusty horse followed by his faithful dog along an unfamiliar road. The cowboy was enjoying the new scenery, when he suddenly remembered dying, and realized the dog beside him had been dead for years, as had his horse. Confused, he wondered what was happening, and where the trail was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall that looked like fine marble.

At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch topped by a golden letter “H” that glowed in the sunlight.

Standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like gold.

He rode toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side. Parched and tired out by his journey, he called out, ‘Excuse me, where are we?’

‘This is Heaven, sir,’ the man answered.

‘Wow! Would you happen to have some water?’ the man asked.

‘Of course, sir. Come right in, and I’ll have some ice water brought right up.’

As the gate began to open, the cowboy asked, ‘Can I bring my partners, too?’

‘I’m sorry, sir, but we don’t accept pets.’

The cowboy thought for a moment, then turned back to the road and continued riding, his dog trotting by his side.

After another long ride, at the top of another hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a ranch gate that looked as if it had never been closed. As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.

‘Excuse me,’ he called to the man. ‘Do you have any water?’

‘Sure, there’s a pump right over there. Help yourself.’

‘How about my friends here?’ the traveler gestured to the dog and his horse.

‘Of course! They look thirsty, too,’ said the man.

The trio went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with buckets beside it. The traveler filled a cup and the buckets with wonderfully cool water and took a long drink, as did his horse and dog.

When they were full, he walked back to the man who was still standing by the tree. ‘What do you call this place?’ the traveler asked.

‘This is Heaven,’ he answered.

‘That’s confusing,’ the traveler said. ‘The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.’

‘Oh, you mean the place with the glitzy, gold street and fake pearly gates? That’s hell.’

‘Doesn’t it make you angry when they use your name like that?’

‘Not at all. Actually, we’re happy they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.’

P.S. : You’re welcome at my watering hole anytime
–from Bob Clark

THIS JUST IN, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–Trikes for Disabled Riders.



— mr gwyn ayers
Redditch, Worcestershire, United Kingdom

DYNACYCLE OIL HIRES V-TWIN MARKETING– Dynacycle Oil, a premium oil manufacturer based out of New Jersey, has hired V-Twin Marketing as their agency of record. Wally Whiting, President and founder of Dynacycle Oil stated, “We chose V-Twin Marketing due to their worldwide press contacts and their ability to deliver messages to the industry as well as their aggressive dealer development programs.”

Dynacycle Oil is premium semi-synthetic 20W-50 motor oil guaranteed to reduce engine temperature up to 30°F over conventional oils and up to 15°F over full synthetic oils, thus extending piston and bearing life. This oil was specifically designed for “air cooled” or oxygenated engines to extend engine life, but also increases oil pressure and horsepower. Dynacycle Oil has one of the best “Wear Ball Test” numbers in the industry with a 0.31 which beats the top 5 selling motorcycle oils on the market today.

Rick Raus, President of V-Twin Marketing stated, “Dynacycle Oil is a biker owned and operated company with a BIG product that I’ve personally tested and was extremely pleased with the results.”

“Dynacycle Oil exceeds all manufacturers’ specs and WILL NOT void manufacturers warranties…We guarantee you will see and feel the difference”, added Wally Whiting, President of Dynacycle Oil.

For further information on Dynacycle Oil, please call 732-605-9003, email them at or visit

V-Twin Marketing is a full service advertising and public relations agency that focuses on the V-Twin market with 30+ years of “hands on” experience. Current clients include Corbin Seats, Roaring Toyz, Ride Wright Wheels, Wire Plus, DesignWraps Brands, Wana-Ryd Motorcycle, American Motorcycle Specialties, Custom Cycle Control Systems, and MGS Customs. Contact V-Twin Marketing at 714-280-8537, email or online at

BIKERNET EXTREME CAR DEALS OF THE WEEK–Just brought my Chevy barn finds down from up north. Selling for best offer.


 Not looking to hold anyone up just a fair price. ’55 has rust at bottom of door skins and ’58 has some rust and previously repaired rust areas in trunk. There is other previously repaired body damage on passengers side of the 58 but looks like it was to the exterior skin. Non stock engines. Great project cars but a lot of work to make perfect.

 Neither cars is running but I was told they were driven into the storage area. Hey, they’re SBCs how tough could it be to get them fired up. I may just do that in the next couple of days.

Oh, both are early hot rods of sorts and the automatic column shifters have been replaced with floor mounts. Bummer but an easy fix. As noted we are selling them for any reasonable offer, but I don’t want to mislead anyone. To fully restore either would be a lot of work. On the other hand they’d make very cool cruisers just the way they are.

Hell, I wouldn’t even wash them. Just drive into your Saturday event or Pomona swap meet and let ’em drool! Also picked up a trailer full of ’58 parts including fenders, doors, glass, seats, lights and bezels, dash with instrument cluster, body trim, etc.

Cars are located in Fullerton, California near Disneyland and any interested party can call either of the numbers below.

Bob 714-349-8440

Sam 714-319-9695


There’s also a ’65 Vette roadster with Hard top and several ‘56-‘57 Chevy post cars but they are still up north. Right now she’s way high on the Vette but may be ready to deal as her husband is not doing well and she needs to liquidate. Additionally she has a number of enclosed car trailers that she must sell.

 How about 1/4 midgets and Sprint cars?

HIGHLIGHT: ALASKA POT FREEDOM– Legal pot closing in on ballot spot. 

By William M. Welch USA TODAY

Alaska could be the next state to reconsider the prohibition on marijuana after legalization votes by Colorado and Washington last year. Alaska elections officials posted data Tuesday showing that a petition for a statewide vote on marijuana legalization has gained enough signatures and met legal thresholds needed to put the issue before voters.

Under Alaska law, the petition, when certified, would appear on the Aug. 19 primary ballot. No formal opposition to the initiative has emerged.

Taylor Bickford, spokesman for an Anchorage-based organization that is behind the ballot drive, said that though petitions still are being counted, the state has reported that 31,593 signatures are qualified, more than the 30,169 needed.

“Based on the Division of Elections numbers, it appears Alaskans will have the opportunity to replace failed policies of marijuana prohibition with a system where marijuana is regulated and taxed like alcohol,” Bickford said.

Mason Tvert, communications director for the Marijuana Policy Project, which is pushing to drop legal bans on marijuana, said Alaska was poised to become the third state to vote to legalize pot. He pointed to independent polling showing that a majority of Alaskans supported making marijuana legal, along with regulating the substance and taxing it.

The Alaska initiative is in line with those approved by voters in Colorado and Washington last year and would make it legal for adults 21 and older to possess up to an ounce of pot and as many as six plants. It would place regulation of sales in the hands of the state alcohol control board or a new marijuana control board, if the Legislature establishes one. Bickford said dropping marijuana prohibition is in line with Alaska voters’ preference for personal freedom.

“Alaskans are watching what’s happening in those states and understanding that the sky is not falling,” he said.

Though the outcome has not been certified, Bickford said there are about 6,000 signatures to be counted. The campaign submitted more than 46,000 signatures on Jan. 8.

“Based on the numbers we’re seeing today we know Alaskans will have the chance to vote on this in August,” he said. 

Contributing: The Associated Press

–from Rogue


SHERIFF’S TECH SHOT OF THE DAY—Keith and Alex, CALLES CHOPPERDELAR installing headcups in Sweden.


ULTIMATE BUILDER SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT–We are doubling the prize money for the US Nationals of the J&P Cycles Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show and awarding a 120R engine to the winner of the MOD Harley Class… CHICAGO – Friday, Feb. 7 –

Bob Kay – 317-312-0380


SERVICE TIP OF THE DAY—If you are riding from the West through Denver on your way to the V-Twin Show in Cincinnati, stop by 2Wheelers for a cup of coffee, to get warm, and buy the coolest shit on the planet. Then we’ll see you in Cincy.

–The frozen few


The Department of Public Safety estimated that roughly one in eight drivers on state roads do not have a valid license.

MISSISSIPPI Gulfport: The Police Department pink-slipped K-9 Fred. Police Chief Leonard Papania said Fred, a drug-sniffing dog, gets distracted.


AND FINALLY, This in from Sarge–

The Middle East Memorial Wall in Illinois

Please take time to view this.
This is incredible! The heart of the American people, represented by a cellular company, Wow!

Middle East Memorial Wall. Had no idea this was in existence.

My hat is off to all the Motorcycle Jockeys that had a hand in bringing this to our attention.

–from Rogue


Your one-of-a-kind CamTech bagger will be similar to the custom baggers shown here, based on a 2014 Harley-Davidson Street Glide, built and autographed by Cameron Jurow, owner of CamTech Custom Baggers.

Dirico Motorcycles USA presents a one of a kind Dirico Flyer motorcycle. Dirico Motorcycles: Seamless. Practical. Functional. Balanced. Paint scheme shown as example only.

Engineered to ride, built to last. Striking an exemplary balance of design, performance and practicality, the smooth-riding Dirico Flyer evokes memories of yesteryear married to the latest technology.

AND SO IT GOES—I established a new code for 2014, which includes making every minute count, and crawling out of the sack at 6:00 a.m. Thursdays at one time were exclusively news days. Recently, I devoted time to my new freelance book keeper, since I knew I would be sequestered at the shop. Now Thursdays are the freelance, hired gun days for painters, carpenters, brick layers, freelance photographers, holy shit. I need to finish the news.

I need to finish Eric Bennett’s Hot Rod Dyna feature, start wrapping up my last Chance book, and go hang out at Chica’s shop and interview him about his Captain Japan bike.

The Triking Viking is working on a disabled trike feature, and a winner custom trike from the Grand National Roadster Show. The Bagger crew are scrambling on techs and features. We’re cooking.

Hang on and Ride Free, Forever,


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