Autonomous Bikernet Weekly News for January 25th, 2018


I told you life was nuts. I watched a senate hearing last night on C-span about regulation and autonomous vehicles. What an oxymoron. These guys were complaining about regulation ahead of technology, which is sort of impossible. How can you regulate something that hasn’t been developed? They’ll find a way.

So, they want to be free to create anything that will save you and prevent you from driving your own vehicle, but you can bet you will be regulated to death in order to save lives. So, it’s okay to torture the public forever as long as they don’t see a doctor and live longer. What the fuck?

Save the planet and save the people, but kill freedom. I joked to the redhead that next will come autonomous kitchens to insure you eat properly, don’t waist and curb your weight. Who cares what it taste like, you’ll be safer and live longer.

Here’s another brief quote from “The Great Climate Warming Blunder,” by Roy Spencer a NASA Scientist: This situation allows climate alarmists like Mr. Gore to assert that there are no real climate scientists who dispute the scientific consensus. The public is left with a baised impression of the state of the science, because they have never heard about important work that has indeed been published.

And it would take only one research study to cause the global warming house of cards to collapse.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown and, Sturgis Museum. And the Smoke Out.

“Motorcycle Profiling” means using the fact that a person rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle or motorcycle club-related clothing as A FACTOR, without any individualized suspicion of the particular person, in deciding to stop and question, take enforcement action, arrest, or search a person or vehicle, with or without legal basis under the California Constitution or the United States Constitution.

T-SHIRT MANUFACTURER OF THE WEEK– Still one of the cheapest ways to get a thrill.

Authentic SPEED 13 brand.
100% Cotton
Super Soft Feel
Original Design
DTG printed in the USA for superior quality
Vintage Cut*
Unique custom dyed and washed**

*CHECK YOUR SIZE BEFORE BUYING – Sizing chart located in pictures.

**Variations in color and appearance are a part of the custom dyeing process and should be expected. These variations are not considered a quality control issue.

Affiliate and wholesale opportunities available on all SPEED 13 products.
For more information please email

– SPEED 13

TUCKER ROCKY DEALER & BRAND EXPO COMING– We’re 15 days from the Tucker Rocky Dealer & Brand Expo in Frisco, Texas. So, I wanted to give you a few updates to keep you informed.

First, we’re hosting a Press Meeting on Friday, February 9th at 2pm upstairs in the Ranger – Sea Biscuit conference room outside of the Exhibit hall. Eric Cagle, President of Tucker Rocky and Kenan Ikels, Vice President of Sales & Marketing will be in attendance along with possibly a couple of other executives.

Second, we have over 500 dealerships registered with over 1,000 attendees. We also have over 140 brand partners with over 300 attendees registered as well. These brand partners will have booths, new products and specials to announce and offer to the dealers who attend. Again, we would love to have you join us and our partners!

Last, we have a couple of links for you to stay up to date as we get closer. Our Expo website is where we share information regularly at We also have a Facebook Event created to share as well –

–Jim Barker
Tucker Rocky | Biker’s Choice
o: 817-258-9016
m: 972-510-8460


Life is Short. Smile while you still have Teeth.

I was at the pub the other night and overheard three very hefty women talking at the bar. Their accent appeared to be Gaelic, so I approached and asked,”Hello, are you three lassies from Ireland?”

One of them angrily screeched, “It’s Wales, Wales you bloody idiot!”

So I apologized and replied, “I am so sorry. Are you three whales from Ireland?”

And that’s the last thing I remember!

–from Rogue and Sidehack Jerry

Want to win some Motorcycle Cannonball swag? Check this out:

The 2018 Motorcycle Cannonball, the most difficult antique motorcycle endurance run in the world, will embark on another coast-to-coast ride this September and is a proud sponsor of this epic, tough-as-nails run.

Details about the history of the run and the cities they will visit this fall are posted on the new website where Rider profiles, photos from all the runs and other great information can be found. We have a store so you can shop for T-shirts, pennants, the 2016 Cannonball book, the 2018 calendar that includes the overnight stops of the route and other great merchandise at

To celebrate the launch of the new website, we’re offering a gift package of a collectible poster, the 2018 calendar and a few other Cannonball doodads to the first viewer who can correctly answer one of these questions:

Out of all 4 of the prior Motorcycle Cannonball Endurance Runs, what year and marque was the oldest motorcycle ever entered and how many miles did the machine actually make?

Who won the Jeff Decker bronze in 2010 and how many miles did that winner’s bike cover?

One winner for each question all be awarded a Cannonball gift package….Sorry, Cannonball riders (past or present) are not eligible for prizes in this contest.


Why is the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Homeland Security (DHS) allowing a foreign company to use covert automatic license plate readers (ALPR), to spy on American motorists?

ESLAG, a company owned by Italian high-tech giant Leonardo, is selling its surveillance services to U.S. law enforcement for a price. Profit for it, loss of privacy for American motorists.

“Our ALPR systems scan license plates in real time, so your operators receive immediate alerts of any hot or white list matches. Instant data lends your law enforcement the edge on offenders, aiding in your duty to stop crime and promote community safety.”

Did you catch that?

A foreign company is creating hot lists and white lists of American motorists.

ELSAG offers law enforcement six different ways to spy on motorists.
· Mobile Plate Hunter
Fixed Plate Hunter
Plate Hunter Custom Solutions
Enterprise Operations Center
Speed Enforcer Software
Parking Software

One of the more disturbing things ELSAG offers are covert ALPR’s, hidden inside highway construction barrels.

ELSAG boasts about collaborating with partner agencies (police) to design creative ALPR’s to spy on everyone.

“These clever systems read license plates without drawing attention to overt hardware and help identify vehicles connected to auto theft, parking violations, toll evasion, insurance lapses and more.”

ELSAG also claims that law enforcement’s imagination is their limitation.

“If you have a vision for how you’d like to conceal your fixed, mobile or portable ALPR system, we can collaborate with you to build a prototype.”

A U.S. DOT publication titled ‘Mitigating Work Zone Safety and Mobility Challenges through Intelligent Transportation Systems’ reveals how they secretly hide a “smart traffic monitoring system” inside highway construction barrels.

An iCone is a device that beams real-time traffic information over the internet to a central web site for use by government officials, law enforcement and first responders.

ELSAG admits that they have a close working relationship with DHS and law enforcement. They have also created a grant list for law enforcement to use to purchase ALPR’s. According to their website there are six grants law enforcement can use to acquire ALPR’s:
· Block or Formula Grants
· Discretionary Grants
· Federal Grants
· Department of Homeland Security Grants
· Corporate of Foundation Grants

Eventually law enforcement will run out of places to spy on motorists and ELSAG will stop profiting from spying on everyone right?

Wrong, DHS or ELSAG has come up with a disturbing new proposal.

ALPR’s in car washes

Big brother’s appetite for spying on Americans could soon extend to car washes.

ELSAG wants to put ALPR’s in car washes…

“For example, an owner of a car wash could put up an ALPR camera at an automatic washing bay. Every time a car pulls up, the camera reads the license plate and validates a subscription against a white list of subscribers, so the driver can go ahead and use the car wash. Imagine how much more convenient ALPR cameras could make your retail business.”

How long will it take for DHS to offer car washes, gas stations and convenient stores, grants to purchase ALPR’s?

Make no mistake, DHS and law enforcement do not care about our privacy and have no qualms about using private, for-profit corporations to achieve their goal of total surveillance.

— guest writer Joe Cadillic of the

Editor’s Note:
The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the author.

Use this link to share this NMA E-Newsletter with others:


featly [feet-lee]


1.neatly; elegantly.

2.suitably; appropriately.

Foot it featly here and there …

— William Shakespeare, The Tempest, 1623

Featly is an archaic word, used mostly as an adverb and occasionally, since the 19th century, as an adjective. The word derives from the Middle English adverb feetly, fetly “properly, suitably,” from the Old French adjective fait, fet “made (for something),” from the Latin adjective factus “made.” The English suffix -ly is the usual suffix for forming adjectives and adverbs of manner. Featly entered English at the beginning of the 15th century.


Can you help us get the word out that voting is now open for our 6 Female Influencer finalists! Thank you!

Congratulations to our 6 finalists in the Female Influencer Contest, Ronda Brown, This is Jewelz, Shiree Cano, Kelly Vandever, Courtney Lambert and Stephanie Pietz! Please head over and watch the 6 videos and then vote for your favorite at

–Jeanine Stone
Social Media / Public Relations Coordinator
p:602-271-7029 m: 480-710-6649
a:2111 E Highland Ave Ste 420,
Phoenix, AZ 85016 e:

Fort Worth, TX (January 24, 2018) – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Tucker Rocky | Biker’s Choice is kicking off 2018 with the release of the 2018 V-Twin Catalog. Coming in at 2020 pages, the new catalog is filled with old favorites and a wide range of new products, many of which are exclusive to Tucker Rocky | Biker’s Choice.

The new V-Twin Catalog

Making their inaugural appearance in this year’s catalog are several premium brands including Brass Balls Cycles, Lyndall Brakes, Mac Performance, Memphis Shades, Two Brothers Racing, and VP Oils & Racing Fuel.

The print version of the 2018 V-Twin catalog has already been delivered to dealers, ahead of schedule, bigger than ever, and in time for the Tucker Rocky | Biker’s Choice 2018 Dealer & Brand Expo. It is also available online at

Download the PDF: The 2018 V-Twin Catalog Hits the Streets

As most of you know, ABATE of Arizona Southern Arizona Chapter has a ride every year to raise money for the Fisher House. It’s been one of their chapter “take care of the community” things for as long as I know of. Well, I wanted to share a little about the Fisher House in light of recent events in Washington DC.

You have heard that the government shut down due to no compromise on the federal budget. We usually don’t think what that means to us locally except for maybe federal parks and such.

The families of two soldiers killed in a California helicopter accident Saturday will not be getting government death benefits during the shutdown, but the non-profit Fisher House has pledged to step up again to make the payments.

The first part should get you mad as hell, but this goes to show you that what ABATE Southern Arizona Chapter does makes an impact beyond just motorcycle rights.

Pentagon officials made clear before the shutdown began at midnight Friday that death gratuity payments of $100,000 to the families of troops killed in the line of duty would be suspended for the duration of the shutdown.

To get around the suspension of government death benefits, the Fisher House Foundation has again agreed to step up to aid families during the shutdown.

During the last shutdown that lasted 16 days in 2013, Fisher House provided $750,000 in grants to 30 families.

In a statement first reported by Stars & Stripes, Ken Fisher, chairman and CEO of Fisher House, said, “Families like the ones we helped in 2013 are very deserving. They are deeply dedicated to overcoming the challenges they confront.”

He added, “Helping them isn’t charity but rather this nation’s solemn duty. In these very tough situations, they don’t quit. Neither should we.”

On Friday, as the shutdown loomed, Sen. Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia, contacted Fisher House and the non-profit agreed to compensate the families until government reimbursements can be made.

“I applaud Ken and the Fisher House for their dedication to serving our soldiers and their families during their time of need and especially as this senseless shutdown looms,” Manchin said.

So, you may ask, “What does going on a local run really help?” There’s your answer.

See you on February 17th in Tucson for the Run for the Fisher House.

For more info:

–Michael Infanzon
State Designated Lobbyist
ABATE of Arizona
7509 N 12th Street #200
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Cell: 602/456-2453

To schedule appointments/calls/meetings, please use

Pick up any old biker magazine and it is like stepping into a time vault. Each period has its own style, its own look that sets it apart from those before it and those to come.

For the models themselves you see the move to leaner girls, skimpier clothing – as if the last trend wasn’t revealing enough. Whether the girls are tattooed up, bolt on breasts and now butts to real and natural there are those that make you linger a little longer, natural beauty is hard to conceal.

For the bikes the style flows, following or even leading what is in style in pop culture. Eighties bikes dripping in flamboyant colors and graphics, seventies bikes were lacquered up with lace, paint drop splatters and fading layers laid in intricate patterns. The new millennium brought back the choppers and air brushing only to eventual give way to baggers.

As we dip our toes into 2020s the latest bikes on the show circuit look like they rolled out of Blade Runner or some other sci-fi thriller with concealed front wheels resembling pod racers from a galaxy far way. There is a certain industrial look to them. Some people hate them, at least until they catch on enough for them to buy their own.

Some people like them because they are the next step, the next evolution in style. I’m sure I’ll see a fair share of them in Sturgis this year. But behind it all there is a certain familiarity of a past era. Same but different keeps pushing the edges out, smoothing out the wrinkles of the past.

Maybe it is because we’re getting closer to 2020, more likely we’re realizing 2030 is around the corner but fashion, pop culture, motorcycles are shifting to a new modern age, or what we were told the future is going to be.

Movements like #metoo and #blacklivesmatter show that society is changing, evolving. Shifts in attitudes towards climate, the planet, politics and how we interact with each other are everywhere.

Some will dig in their heels insisting the old ways are the only ways. Others will step in stride combining new technologies and thoughts into the tried and true improving the old, creating the next. There was a time when someone had to decide whether to stick with print media or switch to digital. Those that accept change and use it together with tradition will always be the leaders. The time to step up to the plate has always been today.

-bad Uncle Monkey

Our March Issue cover model Hannah Hughes will be in Nashville this Saturday January 27.

Also just announced…The Ives Brothers Harley Stunt Team and Globe of Steel will be attending Nashville and Ohio.

We’ve still got 4 more shows!
Don’t miss out on the Easyriders Bike Show Tour 2018.

Tickets Sales-Adults
Advance: $20
At Door: $25

Ticket Sales-Children (6-12)
Advance or at Door: $10
Children 5 & Younger: Free

Active Military Discount $10 off regular admission with ID (No advance ticket sales)

Bring your I.D to the will call window to redeem your tickets.
Questions?? Call us at 800-962-9857 or email

Show LocationNashville Music City Center
Venue Address – 201 Fifth Ave South Nashville, TN 37203 Halls C & D
Show Date- Saturday Jan.27, 2018
Show Hours 10am-7pm


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DON’T MISS IT, FREE POPCORN– The Wild Ride (1960) Wednesday, January 29th

Film starts at 8pm

Lady Jay’s, 633 Grand St between Manhattan & Leonard, Brooklyn, NY 11211

Free Popcorn, Juke Box Meccanica, $2 Bingo for Prizes, PRIZES!

Be sure to stick around after the flicks for Record Hop Ruble, featuring DJ Greg-Gory spinning Garage, Rockabilly, Surf, R&B, Psychobilly and the tunes of Juke Box Meccanica


“Hi, my name is Ginger, and I’m the woman who leaned on the console that activated the red nuclear alarm button in Hawaii. I’m very sorry.”

–El Waggs

MONGREL MOB PORTRAITS– Jono Rotman: Mongrel Mob Portraits
14 March–14 June 2015

CURATORS Robert Leonard, Aaron Lister

–byAaron Lister, Ranganui Walker

Gangs are a polarising subject. In 2007, Jono Rotman began photographing members of New Zealand’s most notorious street gang, the Mongrel Mob. Over the years, he photographed some 200 men. Applying traditional studio portraiture conventions to these unlikely subjects, Rotman challenges our expectations of gangs and portraiture alike.

In 2013, before the work had been published or exhibited, Rotman received the prestigious Marti Friedlander Photographic Award for it. Making the Award, Friedlander said, ‘The photos of these men moved me to tears. It seems almost as if Rotman has understood something and revealed the person behind the badge without prejudice.’

When the portraits were first exhibited at Auckland’s Gow Langsford Gallery in 2014, they generated controversy. The media focused on the fact that one subject was standing trial for murder. They accused Rotman of glorifying the Mob life. He replied: ‘Is it glorification because they are good photographs? Should it be that these guys should only be shown in bad photographs or in police mugshots?’

Rotman says he neither glamorises nor caricatures his subjects. ‘I hope that viewers are forced to consider each man in person and consider deeply the forces that made him.’

Our show expands on the original Gow Langsford show. In addition to the eight portraits, it includes two Rotman photographs that reproduce Mob members’ own photographs—mostly snapshots. In Denimz’s Collage 3 (2014), a huge collection of images has been arranged for Rotman by Demimz Rogue, the subject of one of Rotman’s portraits. The collection includes scenes of prison life and gravestones.

Our show also features more portraits, including Sean Wellington and Sons (2009)—Rotman’s sweetest and heaviest image. In it, the main subject turns his back to us—we see his patch, but not his face. But, he carries his two sons, who face us. They wear tiny Mob t-shirts.

People see gangs as abhorrent but see children as innocent, and it’s hard to reconcile these assumptions looking at this picture. We realise—if we didn’t know it before—that the Mob is a community generations deep, and people are born into it. While Rotman’s other portraits are mostly about what has happened (he famously refers to his sitters as ‘artefacts’) Sean is about the future. It prompts us to imagine the lives these boys will live.

City Gallery,
Civic Square,
Wellington, New Zealand

LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK– California’s pre-owned Harley Mega-Store with over 200 Pre-Owned Harley-Davidsons in stock!!!


2015 Harley-Davidson FXDB – Dyna Street Bob

Classic bobber style rides into the modern era. With a 6-speed transmission on this 103 twin cam motor not only does it have power but clean riding mobility and classic style. This Street Bob comes with a “Smart” anti-theft security system with key-fob, Brand new tires and a ton of upgrades.

Black powder coated brake and clutch levers, housings, and black turn signals. Fork lowers have been powder coated along with a set of fork boots and black triple trees. 40-spoke rims with powder coated black wheels. Black cam cover, black brake/shifter levers, black battery box with a black powder coated transmission cover. Black shock mount with black powder coated rear shocks. Powder coated horn cover, primary housing cover has been powder coated with a black derby cover. Custom black powder coated push-rod tubes.

This Street Bob has only 14,682 miles!!!


Harley-Davidson solo seat, with black powder coated 12″ T-bar handlebars with internal wiring and a set of contour Avon grips. TBR Stage 1 High-Flow intake system with contrast cut finish. TBR 2-1 exhaust system with a carbon fiber end cap and black powder coated heat shields. Custom satin black and red paint with the Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield logo painted on the sides of the tank. Rear passenger pegs installed. Side mount licence plate frame with light. Black LED “Day Maker” style Matori headlight for a more brighter view.

This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 101 point safety and mechanical inspection. Whether your looking to commute to work, ride the coast or take that dream vacation, this bike is ready to go!!!

This is a Lifestyle Cycles “CERTIFIED” pre-owned motorcycle and comes with a 90-day/1000 mile limited warranty!


Fill out an online application and ride today!!!

**Open 7 days a week**

Only $15,995 at Lifestyle Cycles (714) 490-0155

AVON TYRE LINE-UP FOR 2018– Avon Motorcycle Tyres Adds Four Sizes to its Popular Cobra Tire Line

Power cruisers, customs and tourers can continue to ride in style on four new sizes of Cobra tires from Avon Motorcycle Tyres.

Incorporating sports tire technology for nimble handling and special construction to deal with heavy loads, the ultra-quiet Cobra line includes extra-wide applications for custom bikes.

The new bias belted sizes are: 130/60B21 and 130/60B19 front and 160/70B17 and 180/55B18 rear.

“Riders are understandably impressed with the style and performance behind our popular Cobra line,” said Ken Warner, Vice President of Marketing for Avon Motorcycle Tyres North America. “With the addition of these four new sizes, more riders can experience the smooth ride and handling of Avon’s Cobra tires.”

Cobras are easily recognizable by their distinctive snakeskin effect sidewalls and stylized cobra head on the shoulders. The bias tires offer incredible stability and longevity, perfect for touring applications.

Avon’s Cobra line is available in a wide range of sizes, incorporating fitments for Harley-Davidson V-Rod and V-Twin Baggers, Triumph Rocket III, Honda Gold Wing and Valkyrie, plus sizes for custom bike applications.

Road hazard and 15,000-mile warranties are included.

For more information, go to:

For more information visit

I just watched the cool vid by the Swede on you working on your fab Pan over at World Headquarters.

You refer to a Danny Bobbin/Bovin/Bowin/Bodwin or some name like that as far as the amazing patina paint, but I can’t quite make it out and nothing comes up on Google no matter what put in…

Care to send me the intel on this guy? I’ve been sittin’ on ideas for paint-schemes on several of my helmets (3/4’s and shorties) and really dig that old patina as that was exactly what I was going for but didn’t know where to turn.

Funny thing was that I was gonna call you for suggestion for a go-to guy, and then I stumbled across this vid and thought – Bingo! Sure had me fooled. And your painter guy looks like a God send if one is after that type finish.

That’s a righteous cycle, BTW – congrats!

Ride Forever,


— That’s Deny


SB1279 motorcycle registration; motorcycle license required

With the statistics from MVD and ADOT showing upwards of 40% of motorcyclists in our state ride without the required M endorsement and a majority of the single-vehicle crashes and fatalities are from this group, rider education is imperative. This bill would require a motorcycle endorsement in order to register a motorcycle in Arizona.

It will be heard in the Senate Transportation Committee on Tuesday at 2:00 PM. If you are able to make it down to the capital to show support of this bill, it would be appreciated. We need to have a show of support. If you are not able, go into the RTS system and let them know you support it. We also need to call the committee members to encourage them to vote yes on Tuesday.

Senator Worsley (Chairman) – 602.926.5760
Senator Pratt (Vice-Chairman) – 602.926.5761
Senator Brophy-McGee – 602.926.4486
Senator Otando – 602.926.3002
Senator Peshlakai – 602.926.5160
Senator Kerr – 602.926.5955
Senator Mendez – 602.926.4124

Here is an example of what to say:
I am and I am a motorcyclist and a member of ABATE of Arizona. I am calling to ask for the Senator’s support on SB1279 that will be heard in the Transportation Committee on Tuesday. We believe that this legislation will help reduce motorcycle crashes and fatalities. Thank you.

FACEBOOK TWITTER @lobbyistabateaz

(Friends, Relatives, Neighbors, Casual Acquaintances, etc.)

Ride Free



THE FEAR FACTOR DEPARTMENT–  Time running out on fixing climate change

–by Joyce Wasserman Guest columnist

Climate disasters hit many parts of the country in 2017. Hurricane Harvey drowned Southeast Texas. The 2017 California wildfire season was the most destructive one on record.

In Arizona, planes could not take off because of extreme heat. Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria.

Florida had two major hurricanes in 2017. In Brevard County, Hurricane Irma blew the roof off parts of Cocoa Beach City Hall. For weeks after the storm there was so much rain that underground water pipes broke, causing sewage to pollute the Indian River Lagoon, which we are trying to restore to ecological health.

Soon after the storm, The Guardian reported that the cost of Hurricane Irma could reach over $300 billion. We individually — and as a nation — cannot afford to ignore the costs of these increasingly severe climate-change-induced events.

Kevin Trenberth, a senior scientist at the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research explained: “Although these storms occur naturally, the storm is apt to be more intense, maybe a bit bigger, longer-lasting, and with much heavier rainfalls” because of the warmer waters that climate change produces.

Despite the harm that shifting our atmospheric balance is causing, in 2017 President Donald Trump took actions that will accelerate greenhouse gas emissions. Trump has scrapped the clean power plan and opened oceans and national wildlife areas to gas drilling. He has removed regulations on the coal industry.

In reaction to the USA withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, several Florida cities have set up sustainability committees. Their missions, in part, are to help cities have less of a carbon footprint. Satellite Beach is a model for other Brevard cities in this regard. Orlando has committed to 100 percent green energy city wide by 2050.

Florida groups such as Re-Think Energy are doing a great job helping legislators know we want hydrofracking for natural gas banned in Florida.

But cities and states cannot alone reduce greenhouse gases enough to turn the tide on increasing atmospheric
CO2 levels. Only national and international efforts can do that.


Or is all this fear mongering just meant to make money and control everything? Here’s another “Blunder” book quote:

A variety of dynamics have resulted in an overall lack of scientific objectivity in the climate research community. Everyone in this business has biases on the subject of global warming (although it stopped warming in 2001). The bias starts from the very beginning with congressional funding of scientific research. For those who think government-funded research is impartial, I can tell you from firsthand experience that it is not…

Note that I include myself in this group, since my research is funded entirely by the U.S. government.

Then there are the huge political implications of mankind being in control of the climate system. Political power derives mostly from control over the public purse, so the global warming issue is perfect for those whose careers depend on deciding how our our tax dollars should be spent. And since everything we do requires energy, whoever controls the world’s energy supply controls the world.

–Roy Spencer 




We are promoting a new contest for Hero of the Month, with a $200 donation to the charity of their choice made in their name. At the end of the year, all the monthly winners will be eligible for Hero of the Year and the winner will receive $1000 for their charity and we will fly them to Phoenix to present the check. We hope you will promote it to your following.

Here is a sample post:
Do you know someone that gives tirelessly to the community and deserves to be recognized for it? Be sure to enter them in our Hero of the Month contest so that they get the recognition they deserve!

Enter them here!



We are taking orders for the 2018 Sturgis Bike Rally.

Please call or e-mail to get pricing and begin the booking process.

If you have already called us for pricing and have not yet sent your order back to us, please do so as soon as possible so I can keep your slot saved.

If you will not be attending the Rally this year please let me know and I will remove you from this year’s reminder list, I just don’t want anyone miss out on shipping if they will be attending and need our services.

Hope to hear from you soon and we will be happy to discuss the details and dates with you.

If you have any questions–please call or e-mail.
Have a great day!

Kelly Cecil –
Keyboard Motorcycle Shipping
809 South Park Road
Elizabethtown, KY 42701


ARTIST OF THE WEEK– This guy was a HUGE influence on me and my art when I was a kid. I got to knew him for awhile in my early 20s.

He lived in San Clemente but then moved up to Nor Cal in the ’70s where he ended up getting killed in a motorcycle accident in Petaluma, CA

There’s also a lot of other kool subjects on the right side bar. Check it all out.

– The Selvedge Yard
Rick Griffin– surfer, cartoonist, psychedelic poster artist, legend. Born near Palos Verdes in 1944, Griffin took-up surfing at age 14.

–Jim Waggaman
Airstream Studios

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PARTY COURT RULING– Court crashes ‘bachelor party without a bachelor’

“Peaches” got creamed at the Supreme Court on Monday.
The justices ruled unanimously that District of Columbia police were within their rights to arrest 21 partygoers for trespassing and disorderly conduct in 2008 at a boozy bachelor party hosted by a woman named Peaches.

Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in the opinion that police made an “entirely reasonable inference” that the people at the party, which featured booze, drugs and strippers, knew they shouldn’t be there because the home was vacant and in disarray.

“The living room had been converted into a makeshift strip club,” he wrote. “Strippers in bras and thongs, with cash stuffed in their garter belts, were giving lap dances.

“Upstairs, the officers found a group of men with a single, naked woman on a bare mattress — the only bed in the house — along with multiple open condom wrappers and a used condom.

“Taken together, the condition of the house and the conduct of the partygoers allowed the officers to make several ‘common-sense conclusions about human behavior.’ ” Furthermore, Thomas said, there was the problem of “a bachelor party without a bachelor.”

The case is important in setting a precedent for what police can and cannot do when confronted with similar situations. In this case, a federal jury awarded $680,000 to the partygoers who sued the district after the arrests, and a federal appeals court upheld the verdict.

Though the court’s judgment was unanimous, Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor said it need not have backed the police department’s version of events. “The court’s jurisprudence, I am concerned, sets the balance too heavily in favor of police unaccountability to the detriment of Fourth Amendment protection,” Ginsburg wrote.

When the case was heard during the first week of the court’s 2017 term in October, several justices showed their age. Justice Stephen Breyer, 79, said it’s no longer uncommon for young people to show up for a party
without knowing all the details — as opposed to “the Middle Ages, with which I am more familiar.”

Justice Elena Kagan, 57, recalled parties she was invited to “long, long ago” where “marijuana was maybe present” and people didn’t always know the host.
The details were so tantalizing that after nearly an hour’s debate, Justice Samuel Alito, 67, asked an obvious question: “Just out of curiosity, who is the bachelor at this bachelor party?”

Even that was unclear to many of the people at the party, said their lawyer, Nathaniel Garrett.

“So Peaches is the host at a bachelor party,” Justice Anthony Kennedy, 81, mused.

In his opinion for the court, Thomas cut into Peaches: “When the officers spoke with Peaches, she was nervous, agitated, and evasive,” he wrote. “After initially insisting that she had permission to use the house, she ultimately confessed that this was a lie — a fact that the owner confirmed. Peaches’ lying and evasive behavior gave the officers reason to discredit everything she had told them.”

–Richard Wolf USA TODAY

–from Rogue
Supreme Leader

Bikernet Baggers

KUSTOM TECH, Chopper sprocket brake kit–
Italian parts specialist Kustom Tech is offering this new range of parts for chopper-style sprocket brake set-ups – installing the caliper on the same side as the chain drive allows for a very clean look.

This sprocket brake kit comes with a billet aluminum 2-piston caliper in polished or black, stainless steel bracket, 51-tooth polished stainless steel sprocket, welding tab and all the necessary hardware.
It fits both the left and right side, either with a 3/4” or 1” wheel axle.


Halbert, Robinson and Vanderkooi to Compete on Harley XG750R Race Bikes

The Harley-Davidson® Factory Flat Track Racing Team will combine veteran savvy with youthful potential in a three-rider effort contesting the 2018 American Flat Track (AFT) Twin series. Returning rider Brandon Robinson will be joined by seasoned pro Sammy Halbert and rising star Jared Vanderkooi on the Harley Factory squad for the coming season.

The team was announced to the Harley-Davidson dealer network during meetings held today in Nashville.

The Harley-Davidson Factory Team will engage in flat track battles aboard all-new Harley-Davidson XG750R competition motorcycles on the 19-race AFT Twins series and at the Harley-Davidson Flat Track Racing event at ESPN’s X Games Minneapolis. The racing season opens during Daytona Bike Week at the March 15 AFT Daytona TT on a new, enlarged course constructed inside Daytona International Speedway.

“American Flat Track has new energy behind the sport and fans responded. They’re heading to the track to see the action live and tuning in from around the globe to the catch the racing broadcasts,” said Scott Beck, Harley-Davidson Director of Marketing. “Harley-Davidson made an investment to help build AFT and we are excited to see this growth in a truly all-American motorsport.”

Entering its 65th consecutive season, American Flat Track is the most historic form of American motorcycle racing. Preparing for what promises to be one of the most competitive flat-track seasons ever, Harley-Davidson and its Factory Team partner, Vance & Hines Motorsports, devoted this off-season to extracting more performance from the team’s Harley XG750R race bikes.

The XG750R flat tracker used by the Factory Team is powered by a race-modified, liquid-cooled, fuel-injected 750cc Revolution X™ V-Twin engine, an engine originally engineered for the Harley-Davidson Street® 750, a motorcycle built for maximum urban maneuverability with rebellious Dark Custom™ attitude. The race-modified Revolution X engine and a racing frame for the XG750R were developed in collaboration with Vance & Hines Motorsports. The XG750R flat tracker motorcycle is not a production model.

The Revolution X engine was designed and engineered at the Willie G. Davidson Product Development Center in Wauwatosa, Wis. The 750cc XG Revolution X V-Twin engine is for sale through Harley-Davidson dealers today and can be modified for racing use by aspiring dealers and privateers.

Sammy Halbert brings his veteran experience to the Harley-Davidson Factory Flat Track Racing Team in 2018. Since his first pro season in 2006, Halbert has won 13 times in Grand National competition. Always a tenacious competitor, he placed third in the Twins championship chase in 2015, scored four wins and finished second in the championship in 2012. He had four wins and a third-place finish, in 2011. Halbert was named AMA “Ricky Graham Rookie of the Year” in 2006 and won his first Grand National race at the 2007 Castle Rock TT. Racing for Estenson Logistics in 2017, Halbert placed fourth in AFT Twins points with five podium results and 14 top-10 finishes. Halbert is 30 years old and lives in Graham, Wash.

Brandon Robinson returns for his second season with the Harley-Davidson Factory Flat Track Racing Team. In 2017, Robinson delivered consistent results with nine top-10 finishes and ended the season in seventh place in AFT Twins. Robinson had a break-out season in 2013 with seven top-five finishes and three victories, including a sweep of both Twins races on the Springfield Mile. In 2016, Robinson earned his fourth career victory with a win on the Lima half-mile, notched two additional podium results and finished third in GNC1 points. In 2008, Robinson was the AMA Basic Twins class champion. Robinson is 27 years old and lives in Oxford, Pa.

Jarod Vanderkooi (VAN-der-koy) has been a rising star on the AFT circuit since winning the 2015 “GNC1 Rookie of the Year” Award after scoring four top-10 finishes and placing 12th in the points. The 2014 GNC2 Twins champion, Vanderkooi won his first pro event on the Springfield Mile, his first of two victories at Springfield that season. In 2016, he finished 10th in the standings and scored three top-five finishes. Vanderkooi posted eight top-10 results and finished the 2017 AFT Twins season in ninth place as a member of the Richie Morris Racing Team. Vanderkooi is 20 years old and lives in Mount Gilead, Ohio.

The Harley-Davidson Flat Track Racing Team is proudly partnered with Vance & Hines Motorsports.

About Harley-Davidson Motor Company
Since 1903, Harley-Davidson Motor Company has fulfilled dreams of personal freedom with cruiser, touring and custom motorcycles, riding experiences and events, and a complete line of Harley-Davidson motorcycle parts, accessories, general merchandise, riding gear and apparel. For more information, visit

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–


Fuckin A, Bandit, well said brother.

— Speeddaddy
Emma lake, SK, Canada

This is the picture I saw that started it all. The Panhead chopper that got me into Panheads and Harleys when I was only 15.

–El Waggs

ANOTHER STATE STEPS UP– Vermont governor signs bill that permits recreational use of pot.

Republican Gov. Phil Scott privately signed Vermont’s marijuana bill into law Monday, making the state the first in the country to authorize the recreational use of the substance by an act of a state legislature.

The law, which takes effect July1, allows adults to possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana and two mature and four immature plants. Vermont will become the ninth state, along with Washington, D.C., to OK the recreational use of marijuana.

–from Rogue

Here is the work our team is putting out now. O School has really grown and matured after 17yrs. Take a look at new web site, still working out bugs this week.

–All best CHOP


reverie [rev-uh-ree]

a state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing: lost in reverie.
2.a daydream.


Sometimes I’d lie quite still with my eyes closed for as much as half an hour, letting myself sink slowly into a state of reverie that was almost a trance.

— Christopher Isherwood, The World in the Evening, 1954


Reverie has calmed down from its original meaning of wild emotion, wild behavior, anger, fury (the 14th and 15th centuries). The Middle French nouns reverie and resverie derive from Middle French verbs resver, raver, rever “to be insane, behave deliriously” (in modern French r?ver means only “to dream”). The current English meaning of daydreaming dates from the 15th century.


‘El Dorado’ – 50 state legal exhaust
for M-8 Touring

S&S Cycle’s new ‘El Dorado’ performance exhaust system is a 50-state legal muffler/header package for ‘17-’18 M-8 powered Touring models that is “ready to hit the streets – even in California!” (CARB EO# K-010-1)

S&S Marketing Director David Zemla says that “the ‘El Dorado’ is a complete system that includes headers and a set of 4.5” MK45 mufflers fitted with the latest in S&S designed, high flow cat technology. Much like the automotive industry years back, high flow catalysts have finally made their way to the V-twin market.

“These are the real deal – they combine clean styling and an authoritative note with increased torque and horsepower, without the performance punishment.”
The ‘El Dorado’ is a bolt on installation that does not require tuning, and available in show quality chrome or black ceramic finish with ‘Tracer’ or ‘Thruster’ exhaust tips.


One is restoring rights to people who have completed all of the conditions they were sentenced to for committing a crime.
Florida is one of only 4 states that does not do this automatically.

Current waiting time to get rights re-instated in Florida is about 10 years, OF course if you hire an attorney is said that that time can be less.

It appears Money is involved in this and the Law Should be Changed.


Some questions on ‘Dreamers’ …

Why haven’t the “Dreamers” obtained or applied for citizenship? As for the argument that they cannot be held responsible for the illegal actions committed by their parents; do we or, if not, shouldn’t we offer the same consideration to the offspring of our convicted prisoners in regards to benefits and education?

–Charlie Tompkins, Cape Canaveral

FRRC is going to Tallahassee on January 30th!!


Sign up Deadline is Jan 24th at 5:00 PM!!

We are so excited by the outpouring of support for the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition’s “Day on the Hill” in Tallahassee on January 30th. I am writing to remind you to officially register for the event below by January 24th. ONLY THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE OFFICIALLY REGISTERED BY 5:00 PM ON THE 24TH WILL BE INCLUDED ON THE TRIP.

For those who might not have seen the flyer yet or have some questions, please see the flyer for the day below and a list of commonly asked questions on the registration form. Our time in Tallahassee will be a great opportunity to meet your legislators, get free training, and advocate for safer communities through sensible criminal justice reform. We hope that you will take part. To do so Click Here.

Please know that spots for the January 30th FRRC Day on the Hill are limited and the January 24th deadline is approaching, so sign up now!

If you cannot attend and want to be a virtual advocate or sign an online petition that we will deliver on your behalf, please click HERE.

Lastly, please contact if you want further information. We look forward to seeing you on the 30th!

–Neil Volz
Political Director
Florida Rights Restoration Coalition

Metalsport Inc. Signs Shannon Davidson as their East Coast Distributor–

Metalsport Inc. is proud to announce their new joint partnership with Shannon Davidson of The Chopp Shop for the eastern distribution of Metalsport Wheels and their accessories.

“We are excited to be going forward with this new endeavor as this will now give our customers better access to our product line on the East coast.”

Shannon is fully committed to providing you with exceptional product and service and will have inventory in stock. Additionally, Shannon has scheduled a list of ten events that he will be attending and showcasing Metalsport Wheels & accessories.

The first three shows for 2018 are:
Easyriders Bike Show – Charlotte, NC January 20, 2018

Easyriders Bike Show – Nashville, TN January 27, 2018

Daytona Bike Week – Brigit’s Custom Works on Beach March 9 – 18, 2018
Customers are welcomed to order from Shannon’s The Chopp Shop at (828) 635-1189 or Terry at our California shop at (562) 776-9594.


I noticed on Sunday Post that some veterans had commented on issues with the VA.

The following may help them and others.

After failed attempts to get results on issues through my local VA Clinic I sent a letter to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs at 810 Vermont Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20420.

I also went to the website and clicking I am in the upper left hand corner and clicking on veteran.

You may also be interested in following us on social media.


Department of Veteran Affairs

Veterans Health Administration


Department of Veteran Affairs

Veterans Health Administration

Through continued efforts to solve issues myself and other veterans are having I have received surveys from The Depart of Veterans Affairs through one of their agencies who’s address is c/o lpsos, P.O. Box 806046, Chicago, IL 60680

Hopefully by sharing this information more veterans will contact the VA and it will continue to improve.


Nothing ever stays the same. I’m testing my own ability to adapt. We have major projects on our plate for 2018 and they all are very positive. But there are a couple more trying to slip onto the plate.

I’m looking into moving to Deadwood, South Dakota. But I need to make that a low priority for several reasons. Maybe Uncle Monkey could investigate this topic. As a young man too many guys bounce through the years without much thought of the future. That’s a major problem with homeless. Obviously they didn’t plan well.

But suddenly when you hit my age and you face your mortality. You know you can’t last much longer and you need to take that into serious consideration. Like I’m thinking about turning 70 and maybe making one more major change or adventure. But I’m not sure about making that change this year.

Bonneville is the first major goal of the year. I’m finishing a screenplay and starting another book. And we have a charity effort we’re working on, a bronze sculpture. I’m hoping to touch clay for the first time this weekend.

In about three weeks we will bring you our first in a long time report on the Salt Torpedo, but then it will be report city on that project, once it’s in the Bikernet Headquarters.

Hang on. Life is never dull around here.

Ride Free Forever,


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