
The rally is starting next week and at the last minute we are buying a Bikernet Billboard in Sturgis. It’s another project, but what the fuck.

My son, Frank Ball, just flew out after a couple of days scrambling to get shit done around here. He helped a lot and then flew back at the crack of dawn to plant this tattoo on a girl’s leg. Amazing!

Frank and I rode around town. He rode the 5-Ball 2014 Indian and I rode my 1969 Panhead.

I hadn’t ridden it for a while, but it fired right up. I rode down to the Pack Horse gas station, liquor store in Deadwood. By then it warmed up, but the idle was low. I adjusted it and notice some black smoke. I leaned out the low-speed jet and the idle grew.

I devised a seat suspension system using a Harley buddy seat. I was concerned about the strength of the springs until I saw that Excelsior Hendersons used this system as their primary seat suspension. The Pan handled like a new Honda touring bike. I couldn’t get over it.

Before I changed the seat and the old glide to a new round Paughco springer, this puppy handled like crap on torn-up LA Harbor roads. Suddenly, I’m riding down brick roads from the turn of the century and this puppy glides with a rigid frame!


Let’s hit the news:

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

Proposed Transportation Bill Amendment Fails–Late Monday night, three Congressional champions for motorcyclists’ rights asked Congress to add language to a massive spending bill that would help protect motorcyclists from profiling by law enforcement.

The amendment to a Department of Transportation funding bill would have prohibited federal funds being used to “Encourage States to adopt legislation, regulations, policies, directives or guidance to profile motorcycle riders, nor shall such funds be used by States to implement any activity with the primary intent of profiling motorcycle riders.”

The amendment failed, as the House Parliamentarian ruled it “not in order,” citing a prohibition on policies proposals like this being attached to funding bills. Of the nearly 700 amendments submitted, almost 400 other amendments were handed the same fate. Frustratingly, the Rules Committee members were not even allowed to vote on these provisions.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is disappointed that a commonsense concept like the one offered today was blocked by an unelected bureaucrat. Nevertheless, we will remain vigilant in our fight against the profiling of bikers. We thank Representative Tim Walberg (Michigan), Representative Michael Burgess (Texas) and Representative Troy Balderson (Ohio) for drafting the amendment and seeking ways to combat the profiling of bikers in the country.

Additionally, the MRF would like to thank the other members of the House Rules Committee who expressed support for the amendment including Rep. Cole (Oklahoma), Rep. Reschenthaler (Pennsylvania) and Rep. Fischbach (Minnesota).

All bikers should thank their fellow riders from Colorado, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas who lobbied members of the committee to pass this amendment. Rest assured that the MRF will continue to fight in the halls of Congress until lawmakers act on this important issue.

THE BULLSHITTING CODE–How to bullshit like a Pro – according to experts studying bullshit

“Bullshit is so ubiquitous because humans are social by nature, so if they can get social benefits from saying something, even if it’s not true, they will.” says Martin Harry Turpin, a Phd researcher at the department of psychology.

If you tell someone that you research bullshit for a living, they’ll probably think you’re just bullshitting them.

Read full article at:

Bikernet International News Desk

ZZ TOP BROTHER DIES AT 72—What a bummer, to lose such a talented classic of a brother, Dusty Hill, but he passed in his sleep in Houston. He was a member of the Uglies but left the club awhile back. Micah McCloskey said the club has a rule, “Once Ugly always Ugly.”

We will all miss him.


REGARDING CELEBRITIES TELLING YOU HOW TO LIVE— Me and an old girlfriend, Mickey, were emailing about that idiot Sean Penn giving orders to people to get vaccinated. She sent me this:

“When I worked in Malibu, a lot of celebs came in. Larry Hagman used to come in wearing a bathrobe, slippers, and a cowboy hat. What a putz.

So, this one day I was in the express line and there were maybe eight people in line, and one guy towards the back of the line was smoking. I told him that there was no smoking in the store, and he ignored me, so I yelled it out.

He got pissed and threw his smoking cigarette on the floor. Then when it’s his turn, all he buys is a 12-pack of beer. I ID’d him. He got pissed again, but got out his driver’s license. It was Sean Penn. HAHAHA, I didn’t even know it was him, but I’ve always hated him, and I was so pleased with myself for having the opportunity to harass him.”

The best part was the look on his ugly mug. Scowling, rolling his eyes, big, exasperated sighs, etc. It was hilarious.

–Mickey and J.J. Solari

TAT OF THE WEEK FROM THE BALL BRAGADE–Clown girl, the ‘payasa’. Fineline single needle black Grey made at Goodtime Charlie’s tattooland.

–Frank Ball Jr.
President 5-Ball Racing Leathers

NEW FROM THE NATIONAL MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM–1909 Thor X1-03. Founded in 1903 as a manufacturer of bicycles and motorcycles, Thor was a company within Aurora Automatic Machinery Company in Aurora, Illinois. While over time making a wide range of machines and home appliances, they were noted as the company that made the first Hedstrom-designed engines for Indian Motorcycle Company.

Thor gathered steam around 1907. While responsible for building motorcycles under several brand names and over time supplying engines to Indian and frame lugs and cycle parts to many…

Check the whole story on the NMM website

Trying to find positive in this bike, but that profile takes on the dorky side.


BROTHER STEPS UP FOR VETS–My name is Julian Rastrelli and I have been helping veterans with their disability ratings for a few years now. I have never offered this service professionally until now. My focus is on the veterans who have PTSD.

These are the veterans who have the need for help urgently, and I will strive to give them everything I can. That means I will not stop working on the veteran’s file until they receive the desired resolution.

I am new to this in a professional manner, so please bear with me. I have helped 78 veterans increase their service-connected VA disability ratings. My end game is to get a little political and have the policy change for the PTSD outreach and make sure the veterans who have PTSD get the help they need ASAP.

So far as recognition I have been honored at the Ducks Stadium here on long island `during a ceremony that is called “Heroes Of Thee Game.” It is a start to the awareness that I want to bring about of PTSD.

Also, I will be on a radio talk show on 103.9 for a 30 minute segment to do the same. Please understand that I am not doing this for any self-promotion. I am doing this for grant money that is ours as veterans to go to the veterans who need relief and who earned it as soon as possible.

I know that it is going to be a long and bumpy road, but I am prepared to do this. We need a change in policy and no one, I mean no one is doing this. There is a lot of talk but no action.

I am tired of it and I, along with my best friend and VP, plus our families are ready to do whatever it takes to get the changes made.

Thank you for your time. The name is going to be Vets helping Vets USA LLC.


BUILDER’S BREAKFAST AND MORE—Don’t miss the Builder’s Breakfast. A renowned chef will be on board. Strider bikes on display, Mike Lichter exhibit builders will hang out and K. Randall Ball will sign his biker adventure books.

Also including the flyers for the Evo show and my super-exciting women’s day at the chip and bike show! Did I tell you about the class in the show for best 2-up touring bike? A long neglected group of riders: passengers!

–Marilyn Stemp
•Iron Trader News
•Kiwi Indian E-News
•Sturgis Rider Daily

New Bikernet Reader Comment!


RE: Motorcycle dealers in Canada blame rising insurance costs for drop in sales:

I smell what they’re stepping in. Michigan No Fault PIP costs will make your wallet scream, even if you carry your own pre-Medicare health insurance (Highmark BCBS and fee’s deducted from my pension every month) through a negotiated USW contract. SFD – Simply Fucking Deplorable we’ve allowed this Insurance scam/robbery by fountain pen by Michigan elected officials. After all – the other 49 states can’t be wrong, can they?

You find me a politician here in the State of Michigan, that will eliminate Michigan No Fault Insurance on the first day in office, and on day 2, I’ll go buy a New Harley.

— Doug
Buchanan, MI

Workhorse Speed Shop to Reveal Two Very Special Indian FTR Builds

Build Q&A with Brice Hennebert

Brice Hennebert, owner of Workhorse Speed Shop, has not wasted his time during lockdown. After creating Appaloosa V1.0 in 2019 for the Sultans of Sprint then re-working the Indian Scout build into Appaloosa V2.0 for the Baikal Mile Ice Festival, Brice has focused his attention on building two special dream bikes from the Indian FTR.

We caught up with Brice to get an insight into his latest projects, both of which are shaping up to be remarkably interesting, but quite different builds – just as we have come to expect from Workhorse.

It’s been a long time since you came back from Russia after taking Appaloosa V2.0 to the Baikal Mile Ice Speed Festival – that must feel like a dream now, are the memories still strong?

Yes, the memories are strong. With the lockdown, it was some time after coming back from Russia that I saw many of my friends. Every time I reconnect with a friend they always ask about the trip. So, I get to relive the memories regularly and so they are still strongly alive.

And when Appaloosa finally got back to Belgium after the Russian borders reopened, unpacking the bike, and reassembling it meant I got to relive the memories all over again.

Obviously, lockdown has changed the way we all work, but you have still been busy with brand-new builds based on the FTR. What are the concepts behind each project?

The concept for the first build, Black Swan, came a few years ago when I was racing at Wheels & Waves against the Miracle Mike Scout built by The Young Guns. During that time, I had the vision to build a sports bike for road use. But, really sporty, built like a GP bike. It’s deeply inspired by 90’s sports bikes, all made from carbon fibre. That’s what happens when I have total freedom from the commissioners of a project. And I’m even thinking about doing a small series of this bike for sale. It’s pretty unique!

The second FTR project is based on the 80s era AMA SBK race bikes and Rally cars. Black Swan and the FTR AMA project are for two brothers. The brother that commissioned Black Swan asked me to design a second build for his brother. Something colourful but sharp like a war tank. The only restriction was that it should have a Martini Racing livery.

After a little research and brainstorming, the main influence became the Lancia Delta HF. I’ve mixed this with a bit of the early Bol d’Or race bikes and some muscle bike flavour keeping an upright riding position, close to the original FTR which works so well.

With the Appaloosa v1.0 and v2.0 builds, you had some great partners providing advice, components, fabrication, and tuning skills. Who has stepped up for these FTR builds?

All of them and even more. I went to the Akrapovic factory a few days after the Baikal Mile to work on the Black Swan exhaust. I crossed the border to home for a few hours and they decided to close the border. That was tight.

Öhlins have shipped me a full set of custom components for Black Swan, quite impressive I have to say. Beringer Brakes is also in the game on both bikes with their new 4+ system. Super light, super nice.

I’m also working with Vinco Racing in Holland, Tim is taking care of all the CNC parts around both bikes. And there’s many of them.

My buddy Robert Colyns from 13.8 Composite is taking care of the carbon fibre fabrication.

On Black Swan, we will be fitting Rotobox carbon fibre wheels, they really are pieces of art! Liteblox Germany have made a bespoke carbon fibre battery for the bike, Cerakote Nl did all the black ceramic treatment. Jeroen from Silver Machine the seat works. Christophe from Forame design did all the 3D modelling from the Clay scan.

The FTR AMA wheel set is a total eye catcher. I collaborated with Fabio from JoNich Wheels in Italy. The design is based on his Rush wheels but without carbon flanges. They are machined from billet aluminium. And the design made me think about the turbo fans wheels used on the racing Lancia, so that was a perfect choice. They are completed by a Dunlop GP tyre set with this mad 200 section rear tyre.

So, as you can see, I’m not alone on this bike.


Can you believe this nonsense? The bare minimum prize of a $2,500 Gift Card requires a rider to complete One Million Miles in the 2 month’s time – that too while other riders are competing for this useless pseudo prize of a GIFT CARD.

See the link

The grand prize of one Harley-Davidson motorcycle requires Five Million Miles in 2 months while competing against others. Couldn’t anyone buy a H-D Bagger for less than the cost for petrol, servicing, repair, oil, food and stay at various locations, personal safety risk / cost for doing this in 2 months ?

Posted on Blog and Facebook.

QUOTES OF THE WEEK— Don’t expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong.” – Calvin Coolidge

“The Destiny of Man is to unite, not to divide. If you keep on dividing you end up as a collection of monkeys throwing nuts at each other out of separate trees.” – T.H. White

“The world is a hellish place, and bad writing is destroying the quality of our suffering.” – Tom Waits

“Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.”

“The best math you can learn is how to calculate the future cost of current decisions.”

“And I–I have shown him… that a man without hope… is a man without fear.” – The Kingpin, in Daredevil v1 #229

“An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine, American Revolutionary and Freedom Fighter.

Political Department
Bikernet University

NEW FROM SUPPORT GOOD TIMES—They’re having a good time, but not a long time. Their latest 100 percent cotton, pre-shrunk classic T’s.

You can’t go wrong.


HEADLINES OF THE WEEK–this week’s journalistic horror number five oh two.

Journalism rules 101 – if you make it to the New York times as a writer with your own name on your own articles….that means you have failed as a critter having any level of talent, intelligence or human ability on any level. And you will be writing articles like this one……

It’s official: air temperature ignites trees.

–J.J. Solari

COOL SHIT FROM WHEELS THROUGH TIME–This month our raffle special offer includes our brand new Traub Package with a tin sign and lapel pin in addition to your Raffle Tickets, Tee and DVD. This is your chance to take home a piece of the history of one of the most revolutionary motorcycles ever built and, at the same time, get your tickets on the iconic 1948 Harley-Davidson Panhead that will go home with one lucky rider this November 20th!

One of the most asked about and recognized machines in the entire Dale’s Wheels Through Time collection is the incredible Traub motorcycle. Known as “The World’s Rarest Motorcycle,” the Traub is a one-off machine hand-built in 1916 by Richard Traub of Chicago, Illinois.


1948 Harley-Davidson Panhead

This year’s Raffle Bike is the milestone 1948 Harley-Davidson Panhead finished in Brilliant black and chrome. Featuring a 4-speed transmission, along with first-year aluminum heads and “wish-bone” frame. The revolutionary 74 c.i. machine was brought back to life in the Wheels Through Time restoration shop with its future in mind

THIS JUST IN FROM DENNIS KIRK–This week’s LICHTER NOTES goes retro as Michael Lichter recaps the The Cross Country Chase—an endurance race for vintage motorcycles.

You won’t want to miss his awesome tales from the road. This exclusive content is only available at the DK BLOG: THE AFTERMARKET EXPERIENCE.

–John Eastman


[page break]

NEWS FROM THE BIKERNET BLOG EDITOR–The Bad Land custom H-D Softail from Japan has Paughco exhaust – our sponsor.

Custom Harley-Davidson a Mesh of Parts with Old School Look

Like with pretty much all other builds signed by Bad Land, this one too is a remarkable collection of custom parts coming from a variety of shops and made to fit together in an amazing and elegant way.
Harley-Davidson Reports Global Bike Sales Up 24 Percent In 2021 Q2

Pre-Owned Harley-Davidsons Get New Home on Company’s Website


Breaking down the hype and understanding the H-D numbers for profit and sales:
North American sales are up 43 percent year-on-year in Q2, which is the only positive number when broken down by sales region. Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (commonly referred to among some OEMs as “EMEA”) are down by 7 percent for the same period. Asia Pacific sales are down 13 percent, and Latin America sales are down 31 percent.

Harley had some explanations for some of the negative numbers, stressing that they’re all part of its overall strategy. EMEA Q2 retail sales, the Motor Company said, went down because Harley stopped sales of the Street and legacy Sportster models in the region.

Meanwhile, Latin America sales were negatively impacted by a dealer reduction across the region, as well as “pricing actions across the portfolio, which were executed as part of the Rewire strategy.”

The H-D1 Marketplace website will sell uncertified pre-owned motorcycles of the brand as well making it very different from other companies which sell their own pre-owned certified cars, etc.

Meanwhile, have a look at this strange design from Chinese startup- an electric bike.

Ruling Editor
Bikernet Blog™

THE SUFFRAGISTS MEET DUNLUP–Alisa Clickenger and Women’s Motorcycle Tours Partner with Dunlop Motorcycle Tires tor the Suffragists Centennial Motorcycle Ride

Dunlop Tires Sponsors 2021 Summer Events
NORTH CAROLINA, JULY 28, 2021 – Women’s Motorcycle Tours welcomes Dunlop Tires as a sponsor of the Suffragists Centennial Motorcycle Ride, July 31 – August 20, 2021 and the Women’s Motorcycle Festival & Conference, August 19 – 22, 2021. Dunlop Motorcycle Tires will keep the team rolling on great tires before, during, and after the event.

“Dunlop makes great tires, and they are incredibly supportive of women’s events and empowering women riders,” said event producer Alisa Clickenger. “I’ve been using their tires for a long time and one thing you always want is to be able to rely on: great tires. I am thrilled they are working with us on the Suffragists Centennial Motorcycle Ride and at the Women’s Motorcycle Festival & Conference.”

“We are happy to support the Suffragist Centennial Motorcycle Ride. I can’t wait to be a part of the sendoff event in Portland, OR and watch these amazing women start their cross-country journey!” said Dunlop’s Northwest Regional Sales Manager Misty Johnson

The entire Dunlop inventory is available on where you’ll be able to view tires, learn about the technology, search store locations, and more.

The SCMR2021 ends at the Women’s Motorcycle Festival and Conference in Arlington, Virginia on August 19-22, 2021.

FROM THE CLIMATE DOOM FILES–German Emissions From Electricity Rose 25% In First Half Of 2021 Due To The Lack Of Wind Power, Not Willpower…

Is the German renewable energy effort about overcoming guilt?

German emissions from electricity generation increased in the first half of 2021 by one-quarter, or 21 million tons, according to German think tank Agora Energiewende. Gas-fired power plants increased 15%, coal power plants by 36%, and hard coal power plants by 44%.

Experts say it’s because Germany’s economy is growing more in its post-Covid recovery. “Overall, the recovery in demand is by far the main factor behind the increase in fossil fuel generation,” said a German energy analyst.

But the increase was also due to the lack of wind. Wind produced just 46.8 terawatt hours in the first six months of 2021 which is over one-quarter less than the 59.4 TWh they produced in the first half of 2020. Offshore wind generation, too, dropped by 16%, to 11.7 TWh during the period.

It’s true that there was a slight increase in solar power generation, wind was abnormally high in 2020, and things could improve next year. In contrast to 2020, there were no above-average wind and sun conditions in 2021.

But increased electricity from solar was from more solar panels, not more sunlight, and Germany couldn’t install enough of them to make up for the loss of electricity from wind turbines. Sunlight was down in the first half of 2021 even as solar panel installation was up. And the German parliament’s researchers recently concluded that Chinese solar panels were being made under conditions of genocide, which make sanctions, and fewer imports of China-made solar panels, inevitable.

Meanwhile, Germany is closing nuclear plants this year and next, which will result in more use of coal and natural gas, and thus increase carbon emissions. Of the 56% of German electricity that came from carbon-free sources in 2020, 24% overall came from nuclear, hydroelectric dams, and biomass, which are far more reliable than solar and wind.

Analysts say the closure of nuclear plants is directly responsible for higher electricity prices. Germany has the most expensive electricity in Europe and wind-heavy Denmark has the second most expensive. In the first half of 2020, German electricity prices were 43 percent higher than the European average.

As a result, Germany’s renewables experiment is effectively over. By 2025 it will have spent $580 billion to make its electricity nearly twice as expensive and ten times more carbon-intensive than France’s.

Germany’s rising emissions and electricity costs illustrate in dramatic fashion that modern nations cannot rely on weather-dependent energy sources to power their high energy economies. For environmental advocates of low-energy living, the pre-modern character of renewables has long been a feature, not a bug. But the rejection of modern energy by Germany in particular may also stem from its specific ambivalence over whether or not it wants to be a nation.

–Michael Shellenberger


MOTOvational Inc. is a federally registered 501(c)(3) charity that is dedicated to raising funds and awareness for those facing life’s challenges and hardships. As part of Why We Ride, our MOTOfamily is Inspired to Ride, Educate, and Give. This year MOTOvational Inc. and Treasured Lives have joined together to build the first crisis house in South Dakota for survivors of sex trafficking and CSE. THE TREASURED HOUSE

There are no other temporary shelters specializing in victims of sex trafficking in the state and surrounding area. Due to this, Victims are often forced into Domestic Violence shelters who are not equipped to deal with the complex trauma found in sex trafficking. DV shelters often have “recruiters” strategically placed in shelter. Without a safe place to stay, victims are at high risk for returning to their traffickers. It is critical for the wellbeing of victims of sex trafficking and CSE to work with those who have come out of what they have experienced. Often victims have never met another survivor who has come out of the life.

There is shared understanding of each other’s experiences that is healing in and of itself. Our objectives for the Treasured House are 1) To provide a place of safety and hope, thus alleviating the need to return to victimization. 2) To assess strategical placement of victims to receive the best possible long-term care. 3) To begin healing process. 4) To assist in understanding the factors that put some individuals at higher risk than others.

HOW:, Why We Ride and Rod Woodruff will host the 1st Annual Sturgis Rally Wrap Party at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip Event Center to raise funds and awareness. Your ticket fee and all raffle and auction items will be considered a tax deductible charitable donation. If you would like to become a supporter by purchasing a table, please contact us at to hear about all the additional opportunities that are available for you and your brand.

Friday, August 13th at 6:00pm, Register @

Please contact be before August 1st if you would like to become a supporter and purchase a table.

–Bryan H. Carroll
805-630-2951 US mobil

OFF-ROAD EXPO Presented by General Tire at Ontario Convention Center–Tickets are now on sale for the Off-Road Expo presented by General Tire, Saturday, October 9 and Sunday, October 10 at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, Calif.

Save money by purchasing discount tickets online at Adult single-day tickets (ages 13+) are $16 when purchased online and $6 for kids (ages 6-12). Children five & under will be admitted free of charge.


At the gate, Adult single-day tickets (ages 13+) are $20 and $7 for kids (ages 6-12). Children five & under will be admitted free of charge.

Participating O’Reilly Auto Parts locations will also have discount tickets available, starting 30 days prior to the event.

The off-road and sand sports industries come together at the Off-Road Expo presented by General Tire as a full collection of leading companies including parts manufacturers, equipment suppliers, gear producers and industry experts/insiders unite for a full weekend of everything off-road and sand sports related.


 More details on event features will be announced soon. Stay tuned to the Off-Road Expo website and social media channels.

For more information on the Off-Road Expo presented by General Tire and to purchase discount tickets online, visit

DAYTONA NEWS--This is from my ol’ pal who lives in Daytona. What a bunch of Victorian pussies this county became.

The “commission” here voted to prohibit bikini bike washes during special events! WTF ???

–Geno and Friends

BIKER ATTORNEY NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT— Subject: Let’s Make it 5 Years In a ROW! – Wisconsin Law Journal 2021 READER RANKINGS – VOTE NOW

Michael Hupy supported and defended all aspects of the motorcycle industry from club guys, to accident victims, to rights violations for over two decades. He deserves our support.

The Wisconsin Law Journal’s Reader Rankings Poll has arrived! 

Hupy and Abraham has been named BEST PERSONAL INJURY LAW FIRM in this poll since it started in 2017.
This year, the firm has been nominated in 5 categories:
Best Construction Law Firm (Let’s not vote here as this does not apply to our practice)
Best Personal Injury Law Firm
Best Company to Work For
Best Employee Recognition Program
Best Innovative Workplace

This poll is only open through 08/01.
There are just SIX DAYS TO VOTE.

I am asking you to log in once per day – from each of your email addresses 
*Please continue to cast 1 vote PER DAY (set your calendar reminder) in all categories.*
Each login/logout per email address should take about 2 minutes to vote.

Please feel free to share with family, friends and on your social feeds as well!
Thank you in advance for taking the time to vote daily!

Hupy and Abraham s.c.
(414) 223-4800
111 E Kilbourn Avenue, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202

LATEST FROM THE BIKERNET UNIVERSITY, ENGLISH DEPARTMENT–“Fiddle” vs. “Violin”: Are They Different Or In Harmony?

What’s the difference between a fiddle and a violin, anyway? They seem to look exactly the same, so why the different names? Was the fiddler on the roof secretly a violinist? And what exactly was Nero playing?

No fiddlin’ around—just answers to your burning questions about the fiddle and the violin.

Quick summary
The words fiddle and violin are two names for the same stringed instrument—fiddle is just an informal way of referring to the violin. In the context of classical music, it’s typically called a violin. In a bluegrass band, it’s more likely to be called a fiddle.

What is a violin?
A violin is a stringed instrument played with a bow. It has a double curved body and a long, thin neck, somewhat like a guitar. But it’s smaller and it’s held horizontally, with the bottom part tucked between the shoulder and chin and the top of the neck held in the hand. Sound is produced by drawing a bow across the strings.

Violins are known for their especially beautiful and flexible tone. They’re common in string ensembles and orchestras and are an important instrument in many classical music compositions. The violin family of instruments also includes the viola, which is slightly larger than the violin.

What is a fiddle? And is a fiddle a violin?
Technically, the word fiddle can refer to any instrument in the viol family (a family of stringed instruments that preceded the violin family). But most commonly, fiddle is simply used as an informal name for the violin.

The word fiddle is typically used when a person is playing the instrument in an informal context, like during a jig at a party or in a duel with the devil—not in a full symphony orchestra or a formal string quartet. Musicians playing the instrument in a bluegrass band are probably more likely to call themselves fiddlers than violinists due to the nature of the music and the performance. In contrast, saying that world-renowned violinist Itzhak Perlman “plays a good fiddle” would be done jokingly. But that doesn’t mean fiddlers can’t be excellent musicians.


LIFESTYLE CYCLES DEAL OF THE WEEK—’017 Harley-Davidson FXDLS – Low Rider S for $17,995.00

See it here:


ONLY 4480.00 Miles !!!!!

2017 Vivid Black Harley-Davidson DYNA LOW RIDER S

Some of the features/Add-on’s on this bike

* Screaming Eagle 110c.i. motor
* 6-speed trans
* Two into One exhaust
* Big breather intake
* Solo seat
* Fairing

This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 92 point safety and mechanical/structural inspection. Whether your looking to commute to work, ride the coast or take that dream vacation, this bike is ready to go!!!


Fill out an online application and ride today!!!

**Open 7 days a week**


Just $17,995.00 at Lifestyle Cycles (714) 490-0155

Civilizations, empires, nations in recorded history of mankind:
1. The Poor – work and work
2. The Rich – exploit the poor
3. The Soldier – protects both
4. The Tax Payer – pays for all three
5. The Banker – robs all four
6. The Lawyer – misleads all five
7. The Doctor – bills all six
8. The Goons – scare all seven
9. The Politician – lives happily on account of all eight.

Political Studies

The only thing worse than abortions /
is watching Rachel Maddow’s face contortions /
burma shave

CLASSIC SET OF BURT MUNRO POSTERS AVAILABLE—We are still finding stuff in boxes. It’s like buried treasure. I discovered a tube of Burt Munro, New Zealand beach races. It’s a bunch of them. The first person who buys a two-year Cantina membership gets this stash of poster.


BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–Sturgis Shovel Part 1


I bought this bike about 2 years ago. We just got it together and, fuck me, it’s super bad ass! The only thing different I did was put a 3-inch open primary clutch on it. I may put some different wheels on it, haven’t decided yet.

I’m also thinking on selling it, don’t know how much yet, maybe you guys be interested?

— K.C. Wheeler
Kent, WA

What it all represent…….

Club Founder Big John in Blue cameo..President patch on collar, famed sunglasses

Colors-Gold, blood red, Royal blue, silver.
Spartan battle cry to enemies -“molon Labe”-means”…Come and take it…If you can! Coming out of the mouth of the Spartan helmet

American eagle to Honor the 101St Airborne at Bastogne/The bloody bastards of Bastogne.

American Indian snake represents-creative life force and rebirth

Triumph-To honor big john who saved the lives of jack crest and Jose Milan and won the navy cross for bravery.

–Pat Andrews

WE NEVER STOP AND NEVER GIVE UP—We are working with Markus Cuff on a Petersen Museum motorcycle exhibit featuring long distance motorcycles. Some wild bikes.

I wrote a story about a drug deal in the ’70s and the ride into the hills. We somehow ended in Palm Spring in the middle of a sand storm. The story has something to do with velocity stacks. Damn, speaking of velocity stacks, I need to modify the new one I received from S&S.

A Crocker feature is coming. I believe it’s the last one ever built. And Steve Klein is working on a story to explain why we need three cross-country vintage rallies and what makes them different. You’ll read it here first.

Hell, I’m working on the World Report for Cycle Source Magazine, and I’ll sign books for donations to Kid’s Ride at the Builder’s Breakfast coming up next weekend. Come by and get a set of signed books, cheap.

Never a dull moment. Micah called and we discussed the past and how many times we could have ended behind bars. I just spoke to an old friend/well known builder. He stumbled into a bad rental property, the wrong attorney and four years in prison. Just one wrong turn, one bad roll of the dice.

But we never stop or slow down and always fight for the freedom to ride fast and free.


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