Easyriders 2010 Season Kick-off Show


The Cheeky Chap girls!

It’s barely a week since we rang in the New Year, and the annual Easyriders Show came back to the Pomona Fairplex. With the shaky economy and everyone still mending their debts from the holidays, I expected to find an empty venue. But I like to visit my many friends who are builders and vendors, riders, entertainers and writers, and show whatever support we can offer in these lean times. The good news is riding a motorcycle is an economical mode of transportation these days. More good news is that meeting up with friends is absolutely free. Okay parking was a ridiculous $9, and the door was $15. But riding on a perfectly sunny, 75-degree day in January, is about as amazing as it gets.

Me and Carlana arriving at the event.

With the worries that everyone has to face on a daily basis, just getting out in the fresh air and sunshine affords much needed relief. I was glad to see I was not the only one feeling the vibe, and the Easyriders show hosted a great turnout. My friend Carlana joined me on the ride for her first Easyriders show, and even though it’s just a freeway ride away, it skirted snow capped mountains the whole way, and the landscape was fresh and green from recent rains. When I left my yard the Aloe Vera plants were blooming bright orange, and ruby throated hummingbirds were darting from flower to flower. When I arrived at Carlana's, the smell of her orange trees blooming was thick and sweet. My whole family resides in the Midwest fighting the sleet and record low temps. I almost feel guilty that this place of wonder is my back yard.

My best buddy Qian & friends.

Me, Carlana, Christina & Qian.

Cool Top Dead Center chop.

My forever friend Qian and a group of her friends met us. And my friend Christina, who is a recent cancer survivor, rode over with her Orange County crew.My Cheeky Chap girlfriends flew up from San Diego with their sexy apparel, and shamelessly flirted about. And my “Parts Whore Customs” pal was abducted by my Cheeky Chap girlfriends, and I never saw her again!

There were loads of hot bikes, Hooter Girls, Rock and Roll Bands, and of course cool stuff to buy. The word from most of my vendor friends was that there was not much money being spent, but the good news was fantastic sales prices! I bought a really beautiful Indian print wool and leather Easyriders jacket for $40. Weeeeeeee. And found some of the best headbands EVER, called Noginz. Finding the perfect hair bands is a never-ending search, so check out Noginz.com. I want one in every color.


Sinister always does a killer job with dressers.


Mongols were there in full force, and I was scolded for pointing my camera in their direction. Sorry, point taken. Carlana and I tried to go out on the patio to get a bite to eat, but stopped at the cascading steps. In her innocent southern glory she said to the boys behind me, “Would any of you nice Irish boys be so kind as to help me down these stairs?” A group of Vagos scooped her up without hesitation. She enjoyed the ride, and joked around with the boys.

Carlana being carried away!


Denis Manning, of Bubs Exhaust, who displayed the World's Fastest Motorcycle, 365 mph, said, “The action was in the parking lot.”

We also bumped in my pal Gilby Clarke from Guns and Roses fame, and his rockin' musician pals. I also did my own subconscious inventory and scoped out the cutest guy of the event. He looks like a girl, but his name was Jeffrey. It doesn’t get more adorable than that!

Coolest guys – Gilby Clarke & friends.

Cutest boy award goes to Jeffrey!

Here's a classic Panhead chopper.

The Soldiers for Jesus were also present as they are at most events. One of them was the ex- husband of my friend Kathy who was there. I asked how she could let a sweet guy like that go, and boy did I open a can of worms! Apparently he wasn’t always so sweet! An old helmet of mine has a sticker on it that reads, “You have to sin to be saved.” When you walk past the Soldiers' booth, you know they are representing exactly that. It's human nature to appreciate the light more, when have experienced the dark side. The good news: Everyday has an opportunity to start again. Life is a journey.

Soldiers for Jesus member.

Carlana at the Soliders for Jesus booth.


I have been feeling the pinch of the economy, like just about everyone, and worrying about the future, as I pondered what I wanted out of 2010 and the years to come. I have a tendency to think, re-think and over-think everything. I decided if I can’t continue to afford to travel around the world, then I’ll travel around the country. When I can’t afford to travel around the country, I will travel down every off-beat beautiful California road. If I can’t afford to travel around the state, then I will ride my motorcycle on every mountain road around my city. When I can’t afford to do that, then I’ll ride my bike around the block, a lot. If I get desperate, I’ll hike, ride my bicycle, roller skate, and ride horses.

Lookin good girlfriend!

That's fat.

Hardship paves the way to the appreciation of the pleasure of simplicity. The friends I have made in the world of motorcycling are the survivors. I find strength and inspiration in every one of their stories. They have survived hardship and adversity, illness and addiction, sadness and the loss of many friends. But their hearts are still full of love, and hungry for adventure.

Me, Carlana & Qian.

The BoDaddy King.

So, I got to thinking about Easyriders, the magazine, the movie, the events. All of my cool buddies like Peter Fonda, Bandit, and Dave Nichols behind the scenes, and what it means to be Easy…….Riders. Taking life easy, taking it slow, taking it all in, and enjoying the ride of life. We're all seeking and finding pleasure in the simplicity of the day.

This bike was for sale, $55,000.

No butts about it, it was a fun day!



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