THBC Smoke Out V

couples in front of HI
My decision to make the journey to the SMSO V was last moment to say the least, once decided, I was worse then a 6-year-old waiting on his first trip to Disneyland! Is it time to go yet Are we there yet?

two cuties in parking lot

two cuties white tops

bradley and girl

Bradley Da Polisher has represented our great state with honor in previous years, this year he would be joined by myself, Spanky, the lovely Danny (a.k.a.Vanna) and the fine folks from Flyrite Choppers here in Austin, Texas also. People would just look at us and say “You came all the way from Texas for this?” Well Hell Ya!

flyrite group

Flyrite Group

cutie blue eyes

triumph bobber

Having used the F250 road-ark to make our way through the heavy rain from Houston through Alabama, we finally arrived in Salisbury about noon on Thursday and made our way to the hotel. Spanky and Vanna had a premium location on the main parking lot at the Holiday Inn. We caught a couple hours sleep, and then it was off to the liquor store for refreshments and a trip to locate the fair grounds. Thursday night ended sometime about 3 am with the beginning of what was shaping up to be one damn fine weekend.

row of black bikes

selling girls

shovel close

At the very time the rally was to begin on Friday, the skies opened up and Mother Nature began to Piss On My Parade. Slow at first so folks just set out in front of their rooms and continued the party waiting for the break. When the rain only got heavier everyone finally had enough…”Screw the rain ain’t none of us gonna melt! Off to the Smoke Out!”

tattoo cuties

caffeine and cutie

pinstriper - caffeine

Upon our arrival we headed out to locate Caffeine the Pin Striper as Spanky hoped to get some work done. We found Caffeine sharing a spot at the fair grounds with Fabricator Kevin, Buck of Goblin Millworx and a couple of dudes who were yelling a bunch of shit as I walked up. Seeing how I was wearing my Bikernet shirt I thought they might have an attitude and just ignored them. I learned on my return to Caffeine’s tent (my home base) after a cruise through the festivities that these two crotchety dudes were no other than the famous engraver CJ and TBear of Bikernet and Horse fame.

cj n tb

two cuties in hats

fab kevin shovel

As I approached this time Fabricator Kevin had joined these two, I started talking to them and introduced myself as RFR. It was at this point that I learned that TBear had on my first visit informed CJ and the rest that if I came up and said I worked for Bikernet they were kick my ass and take my camera. Geez tough fuckin crowd! Good thing I told them my name first. Oh yea Bandit if you see someone in any of these images that owes you a story, he was not there! I can vouch for that.


tattooed couple

three on bike

TBear from that point on as well as everyone else there extended us the utmost in hospitality. TBear introduced me to all kinds of different folks, he also told the main stage security dude to allow me access to wherever I needed to go! Did not get his name, but he likes Budweiser.

guys working on bike

orange motor closeup

cutie red top

TBear also took a shining to my photography assistant Vanna. Vanna is into photography also, so I gave her my back up camera and sent her to gather images of the ladies and folks in general. Some of the images you may be viewing you can thank Vanna for. Vanna & I headed then headed for the stage to take control of front center. As there was still some time prior to the show I left Vanna for a second when who should take a shinning to Ms. Vanna next? Nick from Choppers Inc; she politely informed him she was with someone and we were no longer allowed to leave Vanna alone. This did not seem to deter Vanna’s new beau when they would cross paths throughout the weekend.

spanky smokin

band - girls on stage

tbear icmfh and girl

The Ice Cream Man From Hell soon arrived with the Hell Maidens to get the crowd in the mood before the band, Crank County Daredevils played. These guys can jam some heavy rock. Pick up their CD when you get the chance on-line.


guy playing guitar

guy singing

After the show we headed back to Bikernet home base where I met Kat out taking pictures and celebrating her graduation. Everyone mingled, drank, checked out bikes, drank, took pictures, did I mention drank?

glowing beer drinker

flamed trike

flathead trike

Saturday morning began to look like a repeat of the day before, cloudy and wet. I guess Ol’ Mother Nature decided to give us a break since the previous days dampness did not deter the fun and the sun began to appear. The 100% humidity and bright sun was just like being back in Texas.

smokin tires

other band guitar player

other band singer

Saturday night’s rally festivities included the Horse Maiden contest and music from the band, Unknown Hanson, different to say the least! We headed back to Bikernet base camp to continue the party. I met some really great folks from all over the east coast this weekend, the Gangster Chopper folks, the crew from and with Choppahead out of New Jersey. These boys party. If you have never seen a F250 4X4 Diesel crew cab truck do a Continuous burnout around the HI parking lot, then you are missing out let me tell you.

cutie red bikini

flamed panhead

goth girl

I also, for a brief moment got to experience Goth Girl play the piano. I have been aware of her talent but had never had the pleasure to hear her play. If this lady happens to be at an event you are attending and there is no piano, Go Find One! Trust Me!! Just remember to return it and leave some money for the glass window (remember it was broke when you got there).


chopped buell


Big Truth From Choppahead

We ended back up in our corner partying with Choppahead folks, one of the young ladies from the Horse Maiden contest and her group from Maryland. I said “girl you sure talk funny” she seemed to think it was the other way around. About this time Bradley Da Polisher came by with someone from Steel City that had a little too much fun. They too joined our party, after what seemed like only a minute someone mentioned that it was already after 5 am. No fuckin way, that caused some to depart for their rooms. Bradley, Vanna and myself refused to accept this fact continued on until 6:30 when the skies opened up on us again. Rain began this weekend and I guess rain signaled the end.

blue shovel motor


born to lose

Being the highly respectable correspondent that y’all have come to trust not to make up too much of my stories, I must also report on the negative issues with SMSO V. First by Saturday morning the 4 portable facilities had been taped shut and could no longer be used. What the hell was up with the pink and blue colors, like we can read?

flamed fender

guy kissing girl

red panhead

The permanent restrooms on the fairgrounds did seem to be capable of handling this development. Second they ran out of Miller Lite on Saturday. Could we have Jack Daniels next year? PLEASE.

big rear tire

blue fh

row of bikes

Finally what I consider to be the biggest and most problematic issue with the The 5th Annual Horse BackStreet Choppers Smoke Out…It Ended!

split rocker cover

split rockers

Till Next Time

Rigid Frame Richard

Are We There Yet?


Rigid Frame Richard

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