Steal Your Bike Week

Training MC
I am informing you from my own personal nightmare that Volusia County will and can take advantage of you for profit.

Bike week has been a tradition of mine since 1979. I also have been going to Biketoberfest since it started in the '90s. This will be the last year I set foot in Volusia County (Daytona Beach, Port Orange, New Smyrna, Ormond Beach).

I left Winter Haven, FL early Thursday morning on March 4th, 2004 to attend the two swap meets at the Volusia County Fairgrounds. Later I hooked up with some friends at the Last Resort in New Smyrna. Parking at the Last Resort was full so I parked next door at an empty lot charging $3.00 to park. Two hours later my friends walked me out to the parking lot to say goodbye. My bike was gone. The parking lot attendant gave me a card from the Volusia County Sherriff's Department. The attendant said the 'task force' walked up to my bike as soon as I walked around the corner. He said they called a towing company and took it.

I was 110 miles away from home, no cell phone, no clothes, none of my medications, no transportation, what to do? Luckily my friends had met me in New Smyrna. I used my friends cell phone to call the number on the card. I was informed yes, they had taken my bike, but I had to talk to the detective involved. Fourty-five minutes later he called back. The detective said my bike was confiscated because the stamp style on my bike's right hand case and frame did not match Harley's style for 1975. I explained how could that be, when I was holding a clean title for the last five years. The State Of Florida is supposed to do a title search on any vehicle that is purchased.

I was informed the numbers on the right hand case and frame had been altered and were contraband, and I could be charged with a felony.

I explained my situation to the detective. He said if I met him at the impound in Daytona Beach I could get my personal possessions.

One of my friends rode his bike back to his house and got his truck. He took me to Daytona impound where I was informed if I came back Sunday, March 7th, 2004 at 8:00 am the detective would perform his investigation. At that time, when they found out what the numbers went to, I had to sign a waiver giving the Volusia County Sherriff's Department possession of my right hand case and frame. This waiver also includes a part that states you will not start litigation against Volusia County. The detective said if I didn't sign the waiver my bike would go to Deland, FL and become evidence in a criminal case. This could take months or longer. I went to Volusia County with a bike and now according to them I have to disassemble it and take parts of it home.

My friend gave me a ride up to St Augustine, which is where I was supposed to stay for the four days I was off. The next morning (Friday, March 5th, 2004) I called a friend of mine who is on the Polk County Sherriff's Department. I explained everything to him and asked him to give this detective a call. Three hours later the detective called back. He said he had performed his investigation. He said the numbers inside matched the numbers outside. He said he had cancelled my title and I had to get an affidavit from him to change the title and get a decal for the frame. He said I could pick up my bike Sunday. I asked why couldn't I get it Saturday and he said Saturday was his busiest day for confiscated bikes, to call him Saturday and maybe he could let me in.

Saturday the detective called at noon. At the impound he handed me the push rods they had cut to do their investigation.

On Tuesday, March 9th, 2004 I went to the bike shop where I get most of my parts so I could order the parts I needed to fix my bike. I hadn't looked really close at my bike since I had gotten it back, so the shop owner and I took a closer look. My floor board bolts were loose. The points, cover and ignition parts had been removed. Cam cover had been removed. Cam taken out. Cam removed and put back in wrong. The rear push rods removed, then put in unadjusted with the covers put back on. The front push rods had the adjusting bolts cut off. The front exhaust push rod clip bent so bad I had to replace it.

Something doesn't seem right about any of this. The detective never asked me for any ID or papers on my bike, even though I had told him on Thursday, March 4th, 2004 that I would call my wife and have her bring everything with her. As a matter of fact, he had said he didn't need them, that he would take my word for it. This is very confusing to me because this is the same man who accused me of having stolen parts or altered numbers on my bike and was going to charge me with a felony a few days prior to this. I think there are some highly suspect practices occurring at the Volusia County Sheriff's Department, and I feel that these practices would warrant some type of investigation, either by the task force supervisor or the Volusia County Internal Affairs Department.

A $102.00 towing bill and a handful of broken parts was my gift to remember 25 years of riding and fun. If it had not been for my friend at the Polk County Sherriff's Department, my friends in New Smyrna and St Augustine, my entire vacation would have been ruined.

Bike Riders Beware!!!

Kim K Howe
Winter Haven, FL

Marla Howe

dyna illo small

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