The Intiminator: Drop-In, Inertia Active Suspension



I was surfin’ the net one evening and I stumbled on the web site for a gadget called the Intiminator. I asked myself, did I read that right, and what is that play on words supposed to mean anyway? Who and/or what is this doo-hickey supposed to intiminate. Finally, what do these things actually do? The more I researched the device the more intrigued I became.

The following day, when I dialed the phone number at the bottom of the home page, I was pleasantly surprised to talk to Don Richardson, the inventor of the Intiminator. He explained that other products, designed to improve the damping abilities of the components in the stock forks, on Harleys and other primitive systems, use a small bleed valve in combination with an adjustable coil spring blow off. Unlike those systems, the Intiminator uses the same type shims you’d find in high-end cartridge systems to deal with low speed compression. The inertia valve helps the bike determine whether the wheel or the chassis is trying to move. That way the Intiminator can adjust for optimum wheel response and at the same time flex for optimum chassis response.

The Intiminator sits on top of your stock damper rod forcing the oil through high-quality deflected discs like those found in top of the line shock absorbers. When the front tire hits a bump the inertia of that bump opens the inertia valve instantly allowing for a faster response.

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Installation is easy. Drain the fork oil, remove the springs, drop in the Intiminators, add oil then drop the springs back in and you’re good-to-go.

When I told Don I wrote for, he wanted to hang up on me. But after speaking with me for a bit, I think he sensed my passion for riding and my curiosity about his invention. He took my info and within a few days my Intiminators arrived.

Mechanic Matt Sanna with his 16’ mobile workshop.

My mechanic, Matt Sanna, owner of, in Corona, CA has a complete workshop in his 16-foot trailer. He rolls right to my garage to work on my Deuce.

When I described the Intiminators to him he chuckled and said, “Is this another one of those inventions you’ve discovered on the internet or in a biker magazine? Man you need to get a life. You’ve got way too much time on your hands.”

As you may have deduced, this wouldn’t be the first time I commissioned him install an after-market device on my Softail.

In Matt’s capable hands the installation went quickly.

Bikernet Exclusive Testing Procedures

I motored on over to a nearby surface street that features the gamut of pavement anomalies. I detected a distinct difference in the way my front end reacted when the front wheel hit a pot hole. The jolt was considerably less noticeable. Over bumps I felt like I had more control. The bone shaking effect was diminished. You know the way a Harley, with a stock suspension pulls and tugs its way over railroad tracks? The Intiminators all but eliminated that sensation. Under hard braking the front end dive I’d expected from a stock suspension was all but nonexistent.

The way the Intiminators helped keep my front wheel on the road, over choppy surface conditions in the canyons, really sold me on their effectiveness. I felt like I could trust my suspension. That meant I could push more speed in the turns. I found myself dragging my pegs with far greater frequency. You better believe that made me a happy camper. I couldn’t refrain from hootin’ and hollarin’ my way through my favorite twisties. Next, I subjected The Deuce to the nastiest ruts I could find. Anyone watching me would have thought I was insane to put life and limb in jeopardy intentionally, but I had to severely test the Intiminators. It's written somewhere in the Bikernet Product Testing Procedures Manual. With the Intiminators installed my Softail was able to negotiate those widow-makers with ease. On the freeway The Deuce felt more stable, yet responsive.

I couldn’t wait to call Don Richardson and rave about his invention. During our conversation he started to tell me a little about his early years as a suspension innovator. It turns out, at the tender age of 19 he developed the Full Floater suspension that enabled Suzuki factory riders to dominate the MX Series. With that in mind, I guess it’s not really all that surprising Mr. Richardson could come up with a device as effective as the Intiminator.

Keep the good stuff comin’ buddy!

Also, check out my review of The Vibranators , which appears in this esteemed virtual publication. They’re another one of Don’s inventions. They mount inside your handlebars and minimize bar buzz.

Harley Davidson 39mm Fork Intiminators:Patented Inertia Active dampening for damper rod front forks. This is the only product on the market that is smart enough to differentiate between the wheel or the chassis moving.

Harley Davidson 41mm Fork Intiminators

Harley Davidson 49mm Fork Intiminators

Sold in Pairs
Price: $298.94

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You can purchase Intiminators from the K&G online store.

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