Anti-Biker Road Rage



I've been coming to your web site for a couple years now, and have enjoyedhow much you keep your readers informed about some of the bullshit thathappens to bikers out here. I've read a couple articles on your site, aboutincidents of road rage against bikers, and have decided to write to youhoping you would do the same with mine.

I'm not a weekend warrior. I'm aBiker and will be till the day I die, but I'm also a Foster Parent for theOregon Youth Authority system, and I was a professional in the technicalfield, until I was fired for missing too much time from work, due to the painI have been put through.

What I'm trying to do is to get as much attentionto this as I possibly can, in the hope of getting a show of support duringthe trial.

My name is Steve Fox, I live in Portland Oregon and I am a Member of SouthEast ABATE. In August of 2006, I was a victim of a road rage asshole in anSUV who tried to kill me, after I passed him, while riding in the fast laneof I-205 here in Oregon, first by trying to ram me a couple times frombehind, getting so close the person behind him thought he was dragging me.Then he came up along my side. On his third try, he pinned andground me up against the freeway wall at 65 MPH. The bike climbedthe side of his SUV, throwing me over my apes, smacking the concrete and sliding at speed with only a tee shirt andLevis on.


I can't tell you how lucky I am to be alive, and I didn't breakany bones, but I was tore up bad. I lost most of the skin on both myhands, the tips of my fingers, a lot of skin off my chest, stomach, elbow,forearms knee and chin. I was immediately admitted to the Trauma center for 4 1/2days, then out of work for three months and recently permanently lost that job, and I’mstill dealing with massive pain and the consequences. It’s been over a year.

The person who tried to kill me, a 57-year-old business man, isbeing brought up on charges, of two counts of assault in the second degree,which are both measure 11 charges here in Oregon, which means ifconvicted he'll do a mandatory time of about 7 1/2 years per charge, butsince he did this to a biker, who knows what will happen.

The trial date isset for November 8th in Oregon City, Oregon. If this is something you areinterested in talking to me about, please feel free to call me or write backanytime.

Thank You
–Steve Fox

Especially an injured bro needs some help in the garage.

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