Gun Nut Report: The 357 Magnum Revolver

Fig. 1: The quintessential .357 magnum double action revolver, the stainless steel Smith & Wesson 686.

Versatile, simple, reliable…

I’ve been getting this question a lot lately. “Panheadache, I’m concerned about what’s happening in this country right now. I don’t know squat about guns, but I feel I need to get something before Reibamalosi hits, and I prefer a pistol…something I can put in my tour pack or saddlebag. What do you suggest?” Most of the questioners are not and will not become what we think of as “Gun Nuts”, but are just average citizens watching their constitutional rights evaporate before their eyes, and are compelled to act. Let’s take a quick look at pistols and make some hard decisions and pick one that will fill the need of the average Joe.

I’ll just cut to the chase and say I own them all, but I recommend a name-brand mid-to-high quality .357 Magnum double-action revolver. Why?

1. Ammo versatility. When the dems finally do crack down, ammo is going to get scarce and expensive. With a .357 you can shoot 38 S&W, 38 Special, or .357’s in your pistol – you may have problems finding one or the other in the future. That’s a luxury permitted by this caliber – take advantage of it. Also, your wife can practice with the 38 ammo with reduced recoil. And when you need it, 357 with blow the shit out of a zombie, nuff said.

2. Simplicity. Face it, with the cost of ammo and range time, most people today practice very little. Also, most people just have very little enthusiasm for repeated training and practice after the initial zeal has worn off. The weapon is going to sit for a long time without use, and then you are going to need it when the alarm goes off at 2:00 AM and you are half asleep. There will be no time to say, “Please mister burglar, I know you are hopped up on horse tranquilizer and are in a hurry, but can you hold off on raping my wife for a minute or two while I try to figure how to rack the slide and let the safety off? Oops it jammed, excuse me…”

The need here is for stone cold functionality when seconds count. Point-and-shoot capability. With a fully loaded double action revolver, all you have to remember is to pick it up, point it at the asshole’s chest, hold on, and start squeezing and don’t stop until it quits going bang.

3. Reliability. Plastic frame semi-autos are taking over, and they have their place. But, they come with baggage. By baggage, I mean magazines, safeties, hammer drops, slides, ejectors, feed ramps, and so on and so on, that all have to be in working condition in order for the weapon to function. If a round jams because of one breakdown you better know how to clear it or mister burglar is going to rip it out of your hands and beat you over the head with it.

An old-school steel revolver is the king as far as (M)ean (T)ime (B)etween (F)ailures, or MBTF, is concerned. For those not versed in the Reliability profession or don’t give a rats ass, the bottom line is this: Keep it in good condition, clean and lubed and loaded, and there is almost no chance of it not performing it’s mission due to some minor part failure.

So, there you have it. I recommend a double action.357. Others will squawk in favor of more complicated semi-auto pistols. For the average Joe,I recommend the reliability of a revolver. Like I’ve stated before: save that gadget money and put it in ammo for practice.


Fig. 2: Panheadache’s favorite 357: a vintage Dan Wesson 15-2V w/8” barrel

We gotta keep 'em safe.–Bob T.

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