

Dirtbags and fluzies – as the newest Bikernet operative I guess some introductions are in order. The name’s Big Truth. I’m transmitting to you from Boston, MA. My mission is to cover local events, profile bike builders, and throw some tech articles in your eyes from time-to-time.


Bandit suggested that I start off with a profile of my company (Choppahead) so that you can get a little familiar with my background and what I do. Choppahead is a greasy, grimy, gritty, hardcore chopper oriented clothing, parts, and mayhem machine company. I got this thing off the ground a year and a half ago and since then it’s grown into a monstrous industrial giant. I’m hell-bent on world domination and everyday I laugh menacingly while rubbing my hands as I watch fleets of trucks ship my evil wares out to the unsuspecting world. Mwoohahaha! POP! (Hear them daydreams shatter back to reality?) Actually, I still operate out of a hidden garage located in a murky Boston alleyway. No storefront. My garage (which three of us share) is my shop and warehouse; my bedroom is my office and multimedia studio. And you thought hi-fashion and chopper building was all glamour?

man with lift

Choppahead designs (whether it be for clothing, parts, or bikes) are rugged and menacing but simple and to the point. Basically, everything we do is a big “Fuck You” to all the bullshit out there. Nothing is watered down. I embrace being part of the dark underbelly of society. The people who rock my products tend to be of the same caliber.

Highbar bike

A word on our bikes. Choppahead builds gritty choppers to ride, not to show. Actually, you can show them, too – the 64 Triumph chopper that’s for sale right now took an honorable mention trophy at last year’s New England Motorcycle Spectacular. “Big deal,” you say, “it’s only honorable mention.” It’s a big deal when this 6k chop is surrounded by 60k and up bikes?! Choppahead aims to build within the means of the average Joe. We don’t build mortgage-priced bikes that you need to be a superstar to afford. I can appreciate the high-end bikes, but I don’t build them.

The other mission of Choppahead is to help preserve, document, and facilitate chopper and biker culture. That ties into what I’ll be doing here at Bikernet. It’s also why I have community features on my website like an active messageboard, news announcements, upcoming events, and a section for builders and riders to send in flicks and spec sheets of their scoots. I want the site to be a place for heads to come in and swap knowledge, stories, and just talk shit. I’m also working on a Choppahead video project that focuses on home-builders and small shops. They are the true essence of the chopper scene, in my opinion.


Check out the site and let me know what you think. I’m still building the company up, and once I have more $$$ and time I’ll have a lot more by way of clothes, parts and complete bikes for sale. So give me a brake for not stamping out new shit every week. For now, I’m still balancing this with my day job (working in health and safety with trades unions – iron workers, laborers, pile drivers, etc.), music, and writing. Yes, I keep busy. If I’m not busy, I’m bored. When I’m bored I get in trouble!

I’m psyched to be part of the Bikernet squad. My fingers are already getting all antsy to start pounding out some articles for the site. If you have any events, builders, tech issues or anything else that you would like me to cover, feel free to drop me a line at: – till next time, keep riding and keep it strong!

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