Moonlight Swim

The ponds are shrouded in inky blackness as I make myway slowly down the levies between them. I know youhear me coming, the staccato rumble of the Harley’sengine echoes out across the calm surface of thewater, and my headlight carves an erratic path throughthe darkness as I search for you. I know you workedlate; your truck is parked just inside the gate in theshadows. I guess I shouldn’t be here, but I can’t helpmyself. I miss you.

The equipment is parked in the back, and I ease theHarley to a stop in the deeper shadows near them,hanging my helmet from the mirror as I always do. Thebig V-twin engine starts to make ticking noises as itcools in the warm night air. I sit quietly for severalminutes, listening for any sound that will tell mewhere you are. Frogs and night creatures serenade me,as my eyes grow accustomed to the darkness.

The moonlight flickers across the black surface of thenext pond, and I hear a small splash from the nearcorner. I step away from the bike and toward thesound, my boots crunching in the gravel as I make myway toward you. I kneel at the water’s edge, andseconds later your head breaks the surface near me,your honey blonde hair dripping water, the silkenstrands sticking to your forehead and cheeks.

I thought I might find you here,” I whisper, reachingout to move the flaxen hair away from your eyes with afingertip. I see your eyes shift to the small pile ofclothing on the sandy shore next to me, your shouldersbarely above the water, your skin pearl white in themoonlight. “Don’t be shy with me, girl,” I tell you.”I’ve seen you before, remember?”

I can see the color creep into your cheeks as youremember the tiny pictures that will always becaptured in my memory. “That’s not me,” you whisper.”I’m not that way.” I hope my smile will put you moreat ease. “It’s you, all right,” I assure you. “Just apart of you that you keep hidden because you’reembarrassed. A lovely part of a sensuous lady that fewmen are ever lucky enough to see. I’ m glad thatyou’ve shared that part of you with me.” You reach foryour shirt, your breasts breaking the surface, nippleshard from the cold water, but I move your clothes backout of your reach.

“What are you doing?” you whisper, as I sit back onthe ground, starting to remove my boots and socks.”Nice night for a swim,” I answer. I slip my shirtover my head, and tug my Levi’s and underwear down,and off. I watch your eyes as I step into the water infront of you. I knew you couldn’t help but look. Hopeyou’re not disappointed.

The ripples on the water move out and away as I slipbeneath the cool surface. I can’t see you in thewatery blackness, but I sense your body before me, andI reach out to touch you as my head breaks free. I seeyour face in the light of the sliver of moon, youreyes wide, as I appear before you. I stand and takeyou in my arms and pull you against me, your breastspressed to my chest, nipples like tiny pebbles. Youtry to push me away, but I can tell that the effort ishalf-hearted at best, so I hold you close, feeling thewarmth of your body take the chill of the water fromme.

I bend to take the soft flesh at the curve of yourthroat between my lips, tasting the sweet, salty sweatthat the water has not washed away. You let your headfall back, allowing yourself to enjoy the sensationsas I move my tongue slowly toward your ear. I hear youbreath in suddenly as the tip of my tongue finds yourearlobe, guiding it between my lips, where I suck onit gently, but greedily.

I feel your fingers moving down my stomachtentatively, almost against their will, finallywrapping around my rigid cock, feeling the hardnessyou’ve caused. I pull you tighter against me as yourfingers squeeze me, exploring my length. I reachbehind you to wrap my fingers in your dripping hair,pulling your lips to mine. You try to pull away, but Ihold you firm, and the tip of your tongue comes out todance with mine as our lips press together.

You no longer try to pull away, and I drop my hands tothe swell of your lovely ass, just below the water’ssurface. I cup the firm cheeks in my fingers, pullingyou tighter against my throbbing member, and I canfeel you moving against me, pressing your bodyhungrily to mine. I guide you a step into shallowerwater, and drop to my knees on the muddy bottom. Itake a dripping nipple between my lips, sucking awaythe droplets of water that cling to it, feeling thehardness on my tongue as I squeeze the other nipplegently, rolling it between my thumb and fingers. Ihear you moan softly, and I know your eyes are closed,savoring the sensations of icy water, and warm lips.

I let my tongue drop slowly lower, leaving warm trailsdown your stomach, lingering to circle, then dip intoyour navel before dropping inexorably toward the heartof your sexuality. Before I reach your sweet pussy, Istop, and turn you until you’re facing away from me asI rise to my feet behind you. I wrap my left arm underyours and cup a soft breast in my hand. My right handdrops to the softness on your stomach. Fingerssplayed, my thumb just below your navel, my fingertipsbrush the light stubble where the tawny curls haverecently been shorn.

I pull you to me, my hardness pressed tightly againstyour lovely ass. I feel you grind your hips against meas I drop slowly to my knees again. I press my faceinto the firm globes of your ass, my tongue runningslowly down the cleft until it finds the tight ring ofyour nether orifice. I feel you shudder as it stops tocircle the puckered flesh, probing deeper and deeperinside you. I reach up to press on your back, bendingyou forward, your hands on your knees. I love the wayyou moan softly as my tongue worms its way deeperinside you. You start to press back against my face,urging me deeper as my tongue twists and probes inyour tight little hole. I feel you squeeze my probingtongue with little spasmodic shivers, and I knowyou’ve cum. I love to make you cum this way!

You stand and turn, grabbing me roughly by the hair,and pulling my face tightly against your crotch. Thejuices flow from the depths of you almost as fast as Ican lick them up. I pause to look up at your face. Younever look as sexy as when you’re about to cum. Yourhead thrown back, soft lips slightly parted, I almostcum myself just looking at you, but I won’t let myselfdo that. Tonight, there’s only one place I want mycum.

I bend you over, and enter you from behind, my hardcock slamming all the way into you in one stroke.Locked together, we move in rhythm, the watersplashing around our thighs as I stroke faster intoyour clasping pussy. I can’t help but smile as analmost silent scream escapes your lips. I feel themuscles inside you squeeze me, rippling as your climaxwashes over you. This triggers my own release, and Ifeel my hot, sticky cum pump out inside you, my cockso far in that my load is forced out against yourcervix, bathing your inner walls. I wrap my armstightly around you, holding you until the last dropsof my seed fill you.

After my cock softens, I release you, and kneel behindyou. Once again, I probe your tight anus with mytongue as I splash icy water up, washing away thesticky trails of my cum that trickle down your thighs.When you’re washed clean, I kiss the sweet folds ofyour pussy before I let you pull your clothes on, thematerial sticking to your wet skin.

I dress, and kick the Harley into reluctant life. Idrop the rear pegs, and you slide on behind me,pressing your body tightly against me as you alwaysdo. I reach back with my left hand, stroking your warmpussy through the rough denim of your Levi’s before weroar off into the night.

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