How To Order Motorcycle Cables

Afterour previous blog posts about extending your motorcycle cables and brake lines,and another about measuring for comfortable bars, we thoughtit’s about time to take on the topic of cables all by themselves. 

Harley Throttle

Let’sstart with HD throttle cables. Inthis modern era we use a two-cable system, something that was mandated by thegovernment to preclude sticking throttles. In case the throttle does stick, thetwo-cable system has a positive action when the handgrip is closed, closing thethrottle.

Throughthe decades, we’ve experimented with three types of cables. The first cable wasused on “butterfly” type Keihin carbs that were common on Big Twins from 1976to ’89 and XL’s from 1976 through 1986. The second cable was used on CV-styleKeihin carbs found on Big Twins from 1990 to 1995 and XL’s from 1987 to 1995.The third cable type was used from 1996 to 2008 on all models, and from2009-10, all model except FLT Fly-by-wire systems.

First,a look at the differences: Most cables are measured in outer housing lengthonly.  Something to remember is that what’s standard for one model bikemay be plus-6 for another model. For example, the difference between thebutterfly Keihin cables and the CV Keihin cables is the internal wire length.Later style cables have a longer internal wire. On models up to 1996, bothcables have a threaded portion that screws into the switch housing. Pull cables(throttle) have different thread diameters than Push (idle) cables, so it’spretty difficult to install them incorrectly. Another identifying feature of anidle cable is a quarter-inch-long spring at the bottom of the cable. Thosedating from 1996 and up are no longer threaded and instead use a clip to holdthe cable in place. Wire length and different diameters are the same for models1996 and up.

Whocares, you ask? Why do we even need to know this? A popular modification forbikers these days is to convert to the S&S Carburetor. When this carb wasdesigned, the butterfly Keihin was in use, so the designers at S&S settheir carb up to accept the stock cables of the era. This was fine until 1987on XL’s and until 1990 on Big Twins when the carburetor changed. The cablesused on the CV were not compatible with the S&S. Because of the way thecables screwed into the switch housing, the easiest solution was to retrofitthe stock butterfly Keihin cables to the later model bike. But in 1996, therewere no stock cables that could clip in with the proper wire length to use withthe S&S. But the aftermarket was quick to jump in with special cables forthis application. These special cables worked just fine. Then in 1999, S&Sredesigned the cable bracket on the carburetor to allow for the use of the “CV”type cables.

Nowthere are a ton of carburetors out there that can still work on latermodel bikes if this updated bracket is installed. The S&S (J&P) PartNumber for this bracket is 400-684. To help identify the two brackets,the earlier unit has relatively flat tubes for the cables while the laterbracket has tubes that are raised about an inch.

Harley Clutch

Onceagain, the dimension given for clutch cables is the housing length (with theadjuster fully collapsed). What’s really great news for the consumer is that onBig Twin models from1987 through 2003, the clutch cables interchange betweenmodels. Once you have determined the length of cable you need, look at thevarious models and select the length you need. Since 2004, the FLT series bikesand the XL cables use the same design, so cables in these families interchange.

Metric Cables

Eachmanufacturer has different designs on the various models. While Harley cablesinterchange between models, the metric cables cannot be interchanged. Thismakes things a bit harder, but you metric riders need not despair.  Wehave some previous posts regarding selecting cable length. You can find thathere. Once you have determined the proper length, you can call your friendlyJ&P tech and he can place a special order to get whatever cable length yourequire. A couple of things you must know about special order cables: Measurecarefully! The only way to return a special order cable is if it’s defective,so again, please measure carefully. There are no returns if it’s the wronglength. The second thing you need to know is that it’s going to take four to sixweeks for the cable to arrive. That’s because these cables are custom made toyour dimensions.

Thatconcludes today’s blog post. I hope you have a better understand of how toorder cables. As always, your questions are welcome.

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