Digital’s Rigid – Part VII (Continued 2)

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Below are a couple of wiring schematics that detail how the entire system is hooked up. Pretty simple.


In my case, the plug setup was for single plugs, with dual coils. Note that this is a single fire ignition setup.



The initial static timing is pretty easy. Open the timing plug hole(located at the base of the cylinders on the left side of the bike), get the ‘Top Dead Center’ mark intoposition for the front cylinder, and rotate the plate clockwise until the LED on the module goes out. This shouldget us close enough to fire the engine.


The advance curves above show what you can expect for advance when setting the trim pots on the module. For normalstreet use, you’re best off to use a VOES (Vac Switch). Bandit wrote an article some time ago which tells you howto set this. Since I’m not up for re-inventing the wheel, here’s the link

We’ll have to do the real timing when we’re ready to fire this sucker.

Till then – Digital

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