Oil Line Tech

shovel pump
This oilpump photograph shows the vent line behind the oil pump. This is aShovelhead with an S&S pump with the feed inlet on the top plugged.We ran the feed to the bottom like old pumps to clean it up.

The oil lines on a Shovel are straight forward. There are two oilline fittings atop the oil pump cover on late model Shovel engines. Theoutside fitting is the feed oil line from the oil tank to the engine, theinside oil line is the return oil from the engine to the tank.

There isanother oil line fitting threaded into the crankacse just above the oilpump. This is the breather oil line fitting from the engine back to the oiltank. The crankcase breather fitting is located inboard of the pump on thelower curve of the cases and must be vented to the atmosphere.

There isanother threaded hole in the crankcases located on the same machined surfaceof the cases that the oil pump bolts to, this threaded hole is inboard of thepump and hard to see if the pump is already in place. This inboard hole canbe plugged, it was originally used to supply oil to the primary chaincasewhen the factory circulated the engine oil through the primary for chainlubrication. The crankcase vent fitting can be seen in the photo, it is a 45degree fitting with a length of oil line clamped to it, the line is thenrouted back under the bike.

Keep in mind that if you want to run coolers or filters to putthem in line with the main return from the top of the pump.

That’s all folks.

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