Are We Free?


Are we free? If you were to ask someone who lived through the Japanese Internment Camps or survived the hellish concentration camps of the Third Reich or any of the refugees displaced by their governments as wide spread genocide grips their country the answer would be a resounding yes – we are free. It is hard for us to comprehend what those people have lived through, the scars that they care on their souls.

We like to think we are free here in North America. We can move about the country freely, we are free to worship as we please. We can assemble and protest and speak out for change from our government. But are we really free? Millions of people desire to move to the US for better jobs, better standard of living but are turned away at the borders. They are welcome to visit but not to stay. We can protest but once it has been decided that we are a nuisance or if we start gathering in greater numbers the government will quickly step in with the police and/or the military. A strongly worded letter to the government will get you on a dozen or so watch lists and maybe even a visit from Homeland Security and most Muslin will tell you that they cannot freely practice their religion in public.

We fight wars in the name of freedom but the truth is war is fought for only two things – money or religion.

We dispose of dictators in extreme regimes only to replace them with puppet leaders that are more favorable to our own agenda, not the agenda of that country’s people. War means money for a country, It turns on the money press and keeps churning out money. It is of little surprise that many of the regulations, loss of rights and freedoms came after the last world war. The government had gotten a taste of the money machine that war is and declared war on us, the people, when there was no one else to fight. 

Billions and trillions of dollars have been spent on the war on drugs and pollution. People no longer service in government, it is a career choice, it is all about making money. If they succeed at their job, accomplish what their goal is, it means their job is finished, their career is over. It means that they would have to find a job somewhere else. It is not surprising that they don’t what their cash cow to dry up. They keep the cash flowing by being inadequate at their job and by continuously expanding what their agencies goals and missions are so that their job never ends. The war on drugs has had no effect. My friends still do drugs and drugs are not any more difficult to obtain then they were 20-30 years ago. The EPA was able to cut down the smog that was choking out Los Angeles and help curb pollution to a certain extent but for the billions in budget funding and billions more collected in fines against companies and you and me they have not implemented efficient mass public transportation, have not encouraged people to switch to more efficient motorcycles and scooters. They push a green agenda and commend the consumer for purchasing an environmentally friendly electric lawnmower or car. The problem is that energy is not free. They may not see pollution from an exhaust pipe but they also turn a blind eye to the dark plums of smoke pouring out of coal electrical plants or the nuclear waste generated in power plants. The EPA continues to expand their regulations and restrict your rights and freedoms in a game of three card Monte and as you know the dealer always wins.

Should we have a truly free utopia? No. Rules and regulations are a necessary part of society but those rules should not impede us, limited what we can do, what we can accomplish but help to achieve utopia. A traffic law stating that I need to turn a signal light when changing lanes or turning a corner does not slow me, or inhibit me. The act is virtually effortless on my behalf but the results are smoother and safer traffic. Telling me I cannot build a motorcycle or that I can no longer drive a car because it was manufactured before a random date prohibits me and does nothing to improve the lives of anyone else except the people who collect a paycheck for the rule. Don’t litter doesn’t stop me from what I am doing; I simply put it in the garbage when I am done and creates a cleaner, safer world for everyone. Arresting my friend in the park because he is smoking a joint interrupts his life and does nothing to increase other people’s safety or enjoyment of the park but it does ensure that police officers, lawyers, judges, and correction officers still have a job to do tomorrow. Good laws help us and improve our ways of life while stupid ones only generate money for the government. 

What about the bigger laws – do not murder, do not steal. Ironically we don’t need laws for that. As humans we are preprogrammed as to what is right, what is wrong, and what is fair. It is universal. We have laws that say people cannot kill people but we still do. It can’t be stopped but if someone kills a member of my family I should have every right to kill that person. We have laws that say people cannot steal but we still do. But if someone steals from me I should have the right to steal it back from them. Barbaric? Yes. Effective? Yes.

We will never be free, never experience true freedom until we stop the government from being self serving and return to a government of the people, by the people, for the people. To not to seals our fate as other fallen empires. 

—bad Uncle Monkey
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