Freedom Needs A Voice!

Monday April 28 was Biker Day at the Capitol in Colorado and over 150 bikers attended to make their voices heard. Parked tight the bikes took up a city block and a half. US Defenders, Colorado Confederation of Clubs, and Coalition of Independent Riders (COIR) organized the event, and behind it all was Tiger Chandler. Tiger is the Colorado COIR Commander and a formidable force when it comes to defending the freedoms of bikers in Colorado. This is the fifth year for the event which has grown from a handful of bikers to this year’s number. Each year they have increased the attendance and are thus gaining more attention from the lawmakers. 
“The visual impact of all the leather and bikes is an eye opener to lawmakers” said Tiger.
It was interesting to see all the grade school kids on their field trip to the capitol. Mouths dropped and eyes widened as they took in the leather clad bikers marching on the capitol. I was encouraged to overhear a conversation between an adult and one of the students. He asked with a bit a hesitation, “What are the bikers doing here?”  She calmly explained that we were on hand to voice our opinions and discuss our concerns with the lawmakers and that the capitol was a place for everyone. Not what you might expect to hear but a well informed answer. 
Talking to Tiger before the event she said, “My job is to educate bikers that the capitol is their house and to educate the lawmakers that we vote.” She is at the capitol every week, meeting with lawmakers and attending hearings. Being so visible and speaking on issues she has gained the respect of the politicians and their staff members, and she is consulted on any bill that could affect the bikers. 
She worked to get the original Motorcycle Operator Safety Training (MOST)
 program in place and now has a position on the most road safety boards and also the Colorado Infrastructure advisory board. Recently Tiger had the opportunity to stop a bill in its tracks by talking to the Representative. A bill was being discussed to not allow bike riders under the age of 8. Through her persuasive conversation the Representative did her research and decided the bill had no place being considered and stopped its progress. Having a voice makes a difference. 
Leaders of US Defenders, CORS, COIR, some legislators, and a couple of candidates for Governor spoke to the receptive crowd. Topics covered respect, freedom, limits on government, rights of bikers, and a reminder that the government works for us. A common theme was personal responsibility and the difference we as a biker community can make by getting involved. Through the efforts of Tiger and others we do have a voice and have made a difference.
Of those in attendance 90% were patch holders. This is not a bad thing; in fact it was great to see them all there. However, the event needs to reach more independent riders. They need to understand that their freedoms can be taken away in the count of a vote. Everyone needs to pay attention to what is going around and not just think someone else will watch out for them. Closing remarks were a call for action, “Every year we are growing, next year we need to double the attendance”. 
Get Involved!
Until Next Time – David Campbell
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