Route 66 Adventure handbook: High-Octane 5th Edition

Being an explorer is an inherent part of the biker spirit along with the need of freedom. In its heyday Route 66 satisfied these two basic needs for many Americans. Because of the nations desire to grow and prosper the interstate highway system was devised as a way to increase commerce and speed people to their destinations. The problem is that it put the focus on the destination and took the joy of the journey out of the equation. This started the decline of two things, all the small towns along Route 66 and people’s ability to enjoy the journey and not replaced it with the need or instant gratification.

As a child I traveled Route 66 with my family, in fact we lived only a short distance from the famed road. We frequented Springfield and Joplin Missouri and some of the attraction on the route. Now my childhood was at the end on an erra and I am sure much of the glory had already vanished. But I do remember some of the locations and sites that Drew Knowles captures in this book.

Drew provides a treasure map for exploring Route 66 and as with most treasure maps it leads you close to your destination. The problem with the route is constant change, whether it be roads or landmarks. Ask any farmer for directions and he will tell you to go down the road until you come to the brown cow on the right side of the road by the red barn then turn at the next intersection. My luck is the cow just died so I ramble on way to far and end up lost. To help out in this day of technology Drew has provided some GPS coordinates. Along with his excellent directions I have no doubt you can find all the hidden gems of Route 66.

It was a pleasure reading this book and discovering that many of the locations I have been to along the route are still there and I was at the right place. He provides some photos and maps to aid in your journey. I’m including some of my photos of the route and locations I have enjoyed discovering.

My recommendations that this book is a guide for your journeys and allows you to discover a little of the nations history. Get on your bike, stay off the interstate and discover Route 66.


Route 66 Adventure handbook: High-Octane 5th Edition
By Drew Knowles
Santa Monica Press
ISBN-13: 978-1-59580-091-6

— David “Dangerous Dave” Campbell
Earl’s Garage – Motorcycle, Hotrod, and Event Photography

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