I had the opportunity to attend the 15th CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE in Orlando Florida put on by The HEARTLAND INSTITUTE

While I have attended a lot of Seminars, Conferences, Legislative Sessions and Hearings over the years I have never attended one on Climate Change. –

 I will say the I was Very Impressed and Learned A lot about the subject. I am still learning as I also came home with a pile of books and other literature, which I am still going through.

 Bandit thought this would educate me more on the subject and it would be something the readers of Bikernet would be interested in. We do realize that there is so much going on in everyone’s lives, about so many subjects it is sometimes hard to get enough good information to understand and make a good decisions on.

After signing up for the Conference, I received a Conference Program in the mail. I started off by reading the Biographies of the speakers. WOW, Impressive and so many different backgrounds and experiences.

There were 2 Conference sessions going on during the same time throughout the day so had to choose carefully what speaker or speakers I thought would be most informative on the subject.


There are so many subjects to choose from. Is there really an abnormal climate change going on (What some want to call Global Warming, Climate Emergency or Climate Doom). Climate Forecasters’ are way above the person on TV telling you what they think the weather might be tomorrow. How is this climate change being recorded, what is used to record it, when and where is the recording being done? And what I was looking for, info about Fossil Fuels.

While TV and the news media has been pushing all kinds of stuff about Climate Change a lot of it just did not make sense. Much of it was coming from the Government and that made me suspicious. It has been my experience monitoring them over the years stuff like this is usually not the full story, or at the very least very one sided and most likely someone involved was making a lot of money from it.

 Logic would be to hear from people with opposing views, see what they had to say and if they had anything to back up their statements.

 There are so many books and other information on this subject. I am never going to be able to go through all of them. I have a few though that I will tackle. They contain a vast amount of information. I will share that and hope it will help those reading this make a decision on what is true and what is not.


 No matter what the subject there will be differences of opinions. Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming is one of the publications I am going through.

Interesting is that it is from NIPCC – Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change and their Second Edition.

In the Preface: A frequent claim in the debate is that there is a “consensus” or even “overwhelming consensuses” of scientists embrace the more alarming end of the spectrum of scientific projections of future climate change. Politicians including President Barack Obama and government agencies including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) claim “97” percent of scientists agree” that climate change is both man-made and dangerous.

This claim is not only false, but its presence in the debate is an insult to science.

As the authors of this book explain, the claim of “scientific consensus” on the causes and consequences of climate control is without merit. There is no survey or study showing ‘consensus” on any of the most important scientific issues in the climate change debate.

It is very interesting to note that NIPCC has no formal attachment to or sponsorship from any government or government agency. It also receives no corporate funding for its activities.

Key Findings

The most important fact about climate science, often overlooked, is that scientist disagree about the environmental impacts of the combustion of fossil fuels on the global climate.

The articles and surveys most commonly cited as showing support for a “scientific consensus” in favor of the catastrophic man -made global warming hypothesis are without exception methodologically flawed and often deliberately misleading.

Okay some big words there, but what it says in Biker and other common people language it is a Big Con and the government is involved up to their neck in it and continue to lie to the American people and the rest of the world.


A Publication that got my attention was Nothing to Fear – A Bright Future for Fossil Fuels by Donn Dears – The story of fossil fuels and climate change.

Usually when someone tells me nothing to worry about or fear I get a feeling that is kind of hard to explain but like maybe a sixth sense that is telling me I should be paying more attention.

Well in this case, the only fear I have is that more people do not know what is going on and that Fossil Fuels are GOOD.

It’s been confirmed, they have been around for a long time, they heat our homes, power our vehicles and are used in so many products we use every day.

Now it seems Mother Nature is causing some issues, because of people using and in many cases abusing things that affect her.

There is a group who is trying to convince us carbon dioxide, which is an invisible harmless gas that is released when fossil fuels are burned is bad and in some way is responsible for our climate emergency.

The fact is, fossil fuels provide the affordable and reliable energy needed to protect people from Mother Nature.

So, why do groups and the media want to get rid of fossil fuel? Well, I can think of a couple of reasons and the first would be money, Yea I hear you HUH?  

Stop and think about it for a minute, People all over the world make Big Money from Fossil Fuels. Just look at what happens at the gas pump and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

 The United States has plenty of Fossil Fuel yet it continues to buy it from other countries at all kinds of weird prices. I am not even going to open that can of worms right now.

If you can’t get in on the big money from fossil fuels, let’s see what we can come up and sell to the masses. Some of the things are:

We need renewable energy, so let’s build some wind farms. Wind is free and we can use it to make electricity. Unfortunately, a lot of Fossil Fuel is used making wind farms, including the oil used to lubricate moving parts. As I ride my motorcycle around our beautiful country, I see a lot of these wind farms. At one time I actually thought they might be an answer, and then I found out more. How often do they not work, parts break, birds killed, massive landfills with mill blades, with no idea how long it is going to take for them to decompose. In the meantime, folks are making money. But while the government forces wind, it causes additional issues. As it turns out, these issues could be worse for Americans, and we are forced to pay for them.

Oh, did I forget to mention the Money folks are making? Plus, wind farms wouldn’t exist without government subsidies.  A subsidy is a direct or indirect payment to individuals or firms, usually in the form of a cash payment from the government.

Makes me think of a Snake Oil Salesman? The government needs Climate Emergencies to force their mandates and money-making programs.

Alex Epstein was one of the speakers. I chose to attend his presentation. I was impressed and even got to talk to him briefly. In The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, He exposes the anti-human, anti-mankind thesis. The primary criteria for evaluating energy should be whether its production and use benefits or harms mankind.

There are many other subjects like the problems and limitations of wind and solar energy. Lack of creditability and proposed legislation from the EPA and so much more.

So how does the Snake Oil Salesman sell his product? Well the advertising industry relies on some fancy wording. When they say no product is better than theirs, it also means there are products just as good, including products that may be lower in price and a better value. They keep repeating this over and over until they get enough people to believe it.

For example, keep telling people there is an issue with Global Warming and try to convince them it is from Fossil Fuels. Then move onto their answer: Wind Farms and Solar power.

Here’s what I learned. We’re jumping from the frying pan into the fire. The alleged cure could be or is worse than the sickness.

Think about all the adds you see about this Medication Cures This Illness and then follows a long list of side effects, way worse than the original sickness.

Once you understand the Solution wasn’t created to solve the problem but the problem was intentionally created for the solution to be rolled out, and then you understand the magnitude of evil in the people behind this.

One of my highlights of attending this conference, was to get to meet and have my photo taken with Gregory Wrightstone. He has numerous degrees and was accepted as an expert reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He is also the author of the bestselling book Inconvenient Facts – the science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know.

I learned a lot, met a lot of very intelligent people who are experts in the field of science, got a vast amount of literature, met a Senator from Arizona named Frank Carroll who worked on the Motorcycle Lane Splitting Bill with my friend Michael Infanzon – ABATE of Arizona, a lawyer, numerous motorcycle riders and others.


OH, MOTORCYCLES AND CLIMATE CHANGE. Yeah, About That. Internal Combustion Engines Are Not The Problem With Climate Change. In the scope of things, they do not amount to a pimple on a gnat’s ass.

Hopefully what I am sharing with you will inspire you to look into this further.


I would like to suggest you start with The HEARTLAND INSTITUTE

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