The “Code Of The West” vs The Code Of DC_

There is an American wives tale that without the Constitution there would be no America. Which is nonsense. The Constitution is the thing that is going to eradicate America. Something every other nation is going to cheer. They won’t even have to take part in the overthrow. America will overthrow itself. By law and by riot – which two words are synonymous by the way: the law is just rioting in slow motion.

The world loves 6 things; porn, booze, music, drugs, Kelly Ripa, and the Code of the West. The Code of the West came into being ON ITS OWN as a result of the eastern population of the USA trying to escape the increasingly strangling manifestations of the Feds and the States and the cities and the counties, all four American governments governing all Americans in pulverizing relentless increments of steady increase.

Out West there was just….liberty. The Fed’s attitude was, well, if you want to go out there, we are not responsible and you’re pretty much on your own. APPARENTLY, the Feds thought that was a disincentive. TURNS OUT they were wrong.

It also turns out that when you stop fucking with people by ordering them around, and if they were raised in a Christian environment with everyone having their own notion of what to do with their life, had their own teachers and advisors and tutors and employers and their own FIREARMS!!!….voluntary rules everyone considered fair and equitable basically slammed into place almost overnight!

That’s what happened in the American West. It was THE CODE OF THE WEST. It just fucking happened. No votes, no representatives, no newspaper editorials, no news teams, no special sessions of Congress….. just common fucking sense.

This all came to an end once the Constitution made its way across the Rio Grande. APPARENTLY, the Rio Grande’s only justification for existence is to allow passage across for trouble makers.

The Constitution is now in full power in the West, it’s Leading Superstar and future candidate for a fake election to the Presidency being Gavin Newsom, the “governor” of California, who is so far removed from the Code of the West even the Younger Brothers would start a fast gallop to Maine and Vermont just to be away from someone so vile and worthless as a human being.

Let the Code of the West, some salient aspects of which are itemized below, be a guiding light to you when someone tells you without law there is no order. Because if everyone has a gun and there is no law…..order is the First Item on the To-Do list, and it gets taken care of not only pronto, but with full foolproofness, full cooperation and full enthusiasm. No voting on it necessary. Kinda like with the Biden Presidency!! Only, ya know, with no one sniffing the kids.


“A man’s got to have a code, a creed to live by, no matter his job.” — John Wayne.

First chronicled by the famous western writer, Zane Grey, in his 1934 novel The Code of the West, no “written” code ever actually existed. However, the hardy pioneers who lived in the west were bound by these unwritten rules that centered on hospitality, fair play, loyalty, and respect for the land.

Ramon Adams, a Western historian, explained it best in his 1969 book, The Cowman and His Code of Ethics, saying, in part:

“Back in the days when the cowman with his herds made a new frontier, there was no law on the range. Lack of written law made it necessary for him to frame some of his own, thus developing a rule of behavior which became known as the “Code of the West.” These homespun laws, being merely a gentleman’s agreement to certain rules of conduct for survival, were never written into statutes, but were respected everywhere on the range.

Though the cowman might break every law of the territory, state and federal government, he took pride in upholding his own unwritten code. His failure to abide by it did not bring formal punishment, but the man who broke it became, more or less, a social outcast. His friends ‘hazed him into the cutbacks’ and he was subject to the punishment of the very code he had broken.”

Though the Code of the West was always unwritten, here is a “loose” list of some of the guidelines:

Don’t inquire into a person’s past. Take the measure of a man for what he is today.

Never steal another man’s horse. A horse thief pays with his life.

Defend yourself whenever necessary.

Look out for your own.

Remove your guns before sitting at the dining table.

Never order anything weaker than whiskey.

Don’t make a threat without expecting dire consequences.

Never pass anyone on the trail without saying “Howdy”.

When approaching someone from behind, give a loud greeting before you get within shooting range.

Don’t wave at a man on a horse, as it might spook the horse. A nod is the proper greeting.

After you pass someone on the trail, don’t look back at him. It implies you don’t trust him.

Riding another man’s horse without his permission is nearly as bad as making love to his wife. Never even bother another man’s horse.

Always fill your whiskey glass to the brim.

A cowboy doesn’t talk much; he saves his breath for breathing.

No matter how weary and hungry you are after a long day in the saddle, always tend to your horse’s needs before your own, and get your horse some feed before you eat.

Cuss all you want, but only around men, horses, and cows.

–Camp Cook Marfa, TX – Lee Russell, 1939.

Complain about the cooking and you become the cook.

Always drink your whiskey with your gun hand, to show your friendly intentions.

Do not practice ingratitude.

A cowboy is pleasant even when out of sorts. Complaining is what quitters do, and cowboys hate quitters.

Always be courageous. Cowards aren’t tolerated in any outfit worth its salt.

A cowboy always helps someone in need, even a stranger or an enemy.

Never try on another man’s hat.

Be hospitable to strangers. Anyone who wanders in, including an enemy, is welcome at the dinner table. The same was true for riders who joined cowboys on the range.

Give your enemy a fighting chance.

Never wake another man by shaking or touching him, as he might wake suddenly and shoot you.

Real cowboys are modest. A braggart who is “all gurgle and no guts” is not tolerated.

Be there for a friend when he needs you.

Drinking on duty is grounds for instant dismissal and blacklisting.

A cowboy is loyal to his “brand,” to his friends, and those he rides with.

Never shoot an unarmed or unwarned enemy. This was also known as “the rattlesnake code”: always warn before you strike. However, if a man was being stalked, this could be ignored.

Never shoot a woman no matter what.

Consideration for others is central to the code, such as: Don’t stir up dust around the chuckwagon, don’t wake up the wrong man for herd duty, etc.

Respect the land and the environment by not smoking in hazardous fire areas, disfiguring rocks, trees, or other natural areas.

Honesty is absolute – your word is your bond, a handshake is more binding than a contract.

Live by the Golden Rule.

**Historic images from Sam Burns**

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