David Uhl’s characteristic vintage paintings have become icons in the Harley-Davidson world. Admirers have witnessed his uncanny ability in images such as “Ruby” and “A Change in the Weather”. Collectors have come to expect the “bordering on perfection” techniques so prevalent in David’s style of art. Along with the accolades comes a deep sense of responsibility and respect that Mr. Uhl feels toward the subject matter. “Depicting Harley-Davidson motorcycles and staying true to the archival research is something I am very passionate about”, states Mr. Uhl, “It amazes me to consider the rich history and impact that Harley-Davidson has had on virtually every American citizen for the last century. I am very honored to be a small part of this legacy.”
In being selected to paint an official 100th Anniversary work it was obvious that David would be depicting a very early event. This photo-research was fetched from the Rosencrans collection. Mr. Rosencrans was the company’s photographer in its infancy. A striking analogy is apparent in the scene as each individual is wearing a unique style of hat. This correlates with the modern notion that enthusiasts are “separate from the pack.” Lighting is an interesting aspect of the work. David explains the characteristics of painting an indoor scene vs. an outdoor scene: “The difference is huge; outdoor lighting always comes from one source, the sun, and heads in a single direction. Indoors, light refracts through the windows and bounces off every object in the room. Figuring gradations of shadows and the proper light hitting the subject’s faces requires playing up detail in some areas and suppressing detail in other areas. It is quite complicated; like comparing arithmetic to calculus.”
“A Model Champion”, David Uhl’s 100h Anniversary painting, depicts a simpler yet not less enthusiastic era in Harley-Davidson’s history. The expressions on their faces portray a sense of joy and a feeling that great things are in store for Harley-Davidson Motor Company. Truly spectacular art raises more questions than it answers and leads us to the depths of our imaginations. David Uhl is dedicated to the purpose of educating and fascinating enthusiasts and art collectors alike. We look forward with great anticipation to the next 100 years.
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